TESIS MAGISTER Oleh : Viasmudji I.S. Bitticaca 250 00 089
ABSTRAK Kajian Tarif Taksi di Kota Makassar, Viasmudji Bitticaca, Program Magister Teknik Sipil, Bidang Khusus Rekayasa Transportasi, Departemen Teknik Sipil, lnstitut Teknologi Bandung, 2003. Selain Biaya Pokok Produksi (BPP), variabel daya beli masyarakat perlu diketahui dalam penentuan tarif taksi agar kepentingan operator dan pengguna dapat terakomodir. Pendekatan daya beli masyarakat ada 2 metode yaitu kemauan berdasarkan persepsi pengguna ( Willingness to Pay) dan kemampuan berdasarkan alokasi budget untuk transportasi dari total budget yang dianggap layak (Ability to Pay). Hasil survey terhadap perusahaan taksi Lima Muda di Kota Makassar diperoleh BPP sebesar Rp. 1307,86/lan dan tarif rata-rata Rp. 1.863, 62/km. Sasaran survey terhadap 100 sampel adalah pengguna yang telah bekerja dan analisisnya dikategorikan dalam kelompok responden yang memiliki kendaraan pribadi (choice riders) dan yang tidak memiliki kendaraan pribadi (captive riders), dimana diperoleh WTP persatuan kilometer pengguna captive yang dominan ada pads interval 1.680 - 1.939,99 rupiah (24,32%), choice pada interval 1.940 2.199,99 rupiah (33,33%). Berdasarkan ATP, kelas dominan captive 850 - 1.449,99 rupiah (32,43%) dan choice 250 - 849,99 (30,16%). Terhadap tarif, terdapat 45,08% kelompok captive yang bersedia membayar (WTP) lebih dari tarif rata-rata, sedangkan kelompok choice sebesar 47,41%. Berdasarkan kemampuan (ATP), ada 26, 47% untuk captive dan 24,26% untuk choice yang mampu membayar lebih dari tarif rata-rata. Tingkat kepercayaan hasil penelitian terhadap kelompok choice sebesar 86%, sedangkan kelompok choice sebesar 90%. Hasil studi menyatakan bahwa tarif yang berlaku seat ini berada dalam strata wajar dan merekomendasikan bahwa, dalam kebijakan pentarifan, variabel WTP adalah yang signifikan untuk di perhitungkan karena penggunaan taksi lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor utilitas dari pengguna dan penggunaannya bukan kommuter.
ABSTRACT Evaluation of Taxi Fares in Makassar, Viasmudji Bitticaca, Magister Program in Civil Engineering, majoring in Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2003. In setting taxi fares, besides the basic production cost (BPC), the purchasing power of passengers needs to be considered in order to accommodate the interests of both the operator and passengers. There are two approaches to determine this purchasing power, i.e. based on the willingness to pay (WTP), which is based on the perception of passengers of the service offered, and based on the ability to pay (ATP), which is the ability of passengers to pay for the fares from their income. A survey on one taxi company in Makassar, Lima Muda, produced a BPC of Rp. 1,307.86 per kilometer, and fare rate of RP. 1,863.62 per kilometer for an average trip length. A survey on 100 passengers was limited to those who are an having income. For the analysis, passengers were grouped as captive riders, i.e. those who do not have access to private tansport, and choice riders, i.e. those who have access to private transport. The WTP of captive and choice riders are respectively predominantly in the Rp. 1,680 Rp. 1,939.99 (24,32%) and the Rp. 1,940 - Rp. 2,199.99 (33,33%) per kilometer classes, while the ATP are respectively predominantly in the Rp. 850 - Rp. 1,499.99 (32,43%) and Rp. 250 - Rp. 849.99 (30,16%) per kilometer classes. An evaluation based on the prevailing average trip fare shows that 45.08% of captive riders and 47.41% of choice riders are willing to pay more, while in terms of ATP respectively 26.47% and 24.26% can afford to pay a higher fare. Level of confidence on captive riders is 86%, while the choice riders is 90%. The result of research shows that taxi fare is proper, and recommends WTP as the significant factor in taxi fares policy caused by taxi usage from which is mainly determined by utility factors of the users, and the main use of taxi is not for commuter trips.