ABSTRAK KAJIAN PENGARUH KEBIJAKAN ON-STREET PARKING TERHADAP TINGKAT KEMACETAN DI KOTA MEDAN oleh Ariostar NIM : 250 02 021 Salah satu upaya dalam mengatasi kemacetan lalu lintas di Kota Medan adalah dengan melakukan kebijakan parkir, khususnya untuk parkir yang menggunakan badan jalan (onstreet parking) sebagai lahan parkir. Dengan membuat beberapa alternatif kebijakan penghilangan on-street parking akan dipilih alternatif terbaik yang ditinjau berdasarkan kinerja jaringan jalan di Kota Medan yaitu kapasitas rata-rata, kecepatan rata-rata, volume capacity ratio (VCR) rata-rata dan total transportation cost (TTC). Alternatif kebijakan tersebut adalah kondisi do-nothing (dengan adanya parkir di badan jalan), kondisi ekstrem (dengan tanpa adanya parkir di badan jalan), penghilangan on-street parking di jalan arteri, penghilangan onstreet parking di jalan kolektor, penghilangan on-street parking di jalan lokal, penghilangan onstreet parking di zona pusat kota (CBD), penghilangan on-street parking di zona luar pusat kota (luar CBD) dan penghilangan on-street parking pada VCR tinggi (VCR>0,75). Alat Bantu yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Paket Program SATURN (Simulation and Assignment of Traffic in Urban Road Networks). Dengan menggunakan output dari Program SATURN yaitu travel time (detik), panjang perjalanan (meter) dan arus lalu lintas ( smp/jam) maka dapat dihitung parameter kinerja jaringan jalan yang ditinjau. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, membandingkan seluruh alternatif dengan kondisi do-nothing ( kondisi ekstrem diabaikan), maka skenario kebijakan penghilangan on-street parking di zona pusat kota (CBD) merupakan skenario yang terbaik dan terpilih, dimana berdasarkan hasil analisis kapasitas rata-rata meningkat sebesar 12,65%, dari 2.285 smp/jam menjadi 2.574 smp/jam, kecepatan rata-rata meningkat sebesar 4,25%, dari 41,86 km/jam menjadi 43,64 km/jam, penurunan nilai Volume capacity Ratio (VCR) rata-rata sebesar 12,81% dari 0,47 menjadi 0,41, penurunan total transportation cost sebesar 1,33% dari Rp.,-/jam menjadi Rp.1.007.569.370,-/jam, dimana 84,13% merupakan konstribusi dari biaya nilai waktu dan 15,87% konstribusi dari biaya operasi kendaraan, konstribusi terbesar total transportation cost disumbangkan oleh zona CBD yaitu sebesar 68,87%. Hasil lain yang dapat ditunjukkan dari penelitian ini adalah skenario kebijakan penghilangan on-street parking di zona pusat kota (CBD) lebih efisien dan lebih mudah untuk dilaksanakan dibandingkan dengan skenario lainnnya. Kata Kunci : on-street parking, kemacetan, kapasitas, kecepatan, volume capacity ratio (VCR), nilai waktu (NW), biaya operasi kendaraan (BOK), total transportation cost (FTC) , pendapatan parkir,
ABSTRACT A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF ON-STREET PARKING POLICIES TOWARDS THE TRAFFIC JAMS RATE IN MEDAN CITY By Ariostar NIM: 250 02 021 One of the solutions to overcome the traffic jams in Medan city is through the parking policy, particularly the policy concerning on-street parking. To eliminate the on-street parking, some alternative policies are studied. Among the alternative policies, the best one is chosen on the basis of Medan city's street network performance factors, such as: its average capacity, average speed, volume capacity ratio (VCR), and total transportation cost (TTC). The alternative policies studied are the do-nothing policy in which the on-street parking exists ; the extreme condition in which there is no on-street parking; (c) the elimination of the on-street parking on arteries ; the elimination of on-street parking on the collector roads ; the elimination of on-street parking on the local roads ; the elimination on-street parking on CBD area ; the elimination on-street parking outside CBD area ; and the elimination on-street parking on the areas with high VCR (VCR>0.75). This study uses a packet program called SATURN (Simulated and Assignmnet of Traffic in Urban Road Networks) to determine the best policy. And the outputs resulting from this program, such as: travel time (in seconds), the travel distance (in meters), and traffic flows in pcu/hr are used to measure the parameters of the performance of the road network being analyzed. The analysis results show that among the alternative policies studied, the elimination of onstreet parking in CBD area is the best solution to overcome the traffic jams in Medan City. The analysis results show that the elimination of the on-street parking in CBD area will increase the capacity rate of Medan City's road network performance as much as 12,65%, that is, from 2. 285 pcu/hour to 2.574 pcu/hour. The speed average also increases as much as 4,25% from 41,86 km/hour to 43,64 km/hour. As for its VCR performance, its value will decrease as much as 12,8%, that is, from 0,47 to 0,41. In addition, its TTC performance will drop as much as 1, 33%, that is, from Rp.,-/hour to Rp.1.007.569.370,-/hour where 84,13 % is contributed by the performance of time value cost and 15,87% contributed by the performance of TTC. Among the alternative policies studied, the elimination of the on-street parking in CBD area has the biggest TTC: 68,87%. Another analysis result shows that among the alternative policies studied, the policy on the elimination of the on-street parking in CBD area is the most efficient and easiest to be implemented. Key word : on-street parking, traffic jams, capacity, speed, volume capacity ratio (VCR), time value (NW), vehicle operational cost (BOK), total transportation cost (TTC), parking earnings