International Security Pact Organization Justice is Diamond International Security Pact Organization Justice is Diamond is created for establishing world peace, safety, global cooperation for the removal of imperialism and occupation options or other military invasion without rights, abuse of political or military position of some countries and many others. The International Covenant on security is based on ensuring the safety of every person who lives on this planet. securing rights and its function. Creating stability in every country on the planet and cooperation for security responsibility before the general assembly of all the states of the United International Security Pact JD. 1. The Security Pact is freely traceable to the organization Justice is Diamond. Thus, any government of a country can add to the safety pact without giving the country had continuity Organisation Justice is Diamond. 2. Request the country's government for the creation of concurrency and cooperation in international Covenant of Security Justice is Diamond may be the first step for admission to the organization Justice is Diamond. 3. Membership and cooperation with international safety pact JD must first be approved by the main representative of the government of the country. After approval is conducted by Sistema constitution of government land. 4. Every politically legitimized country has a right to creation of a federation in safety pact Federation for cooperation in peace and security, security cooperation and ensure the function of law and justice. 5. Every country on this planet has the right to add to this the International Covenant on safety JD immediately after the General Assembly recognized the
value of the country's government and security Politically legitimate status of a country determined by the General Assembly. 6. If the country's government set up a legal co-operation in the Federation, and is a collaboration serve as a legal form of commitment necessarily a priority for the international community. 7. The General Assembly has the right for expanding military infrastructure but the General Assembly must not endanger or damage any allied country or harm its security. 8. All countries should be FEDERATED effort to respect Justice and the Court rules, the right of countries and international law. FEDERATED countries must resolve all conflicts through the courts. If you can not resolve the conflict through the courts, then it is necessary to convene the General Assembly and decide on the common steps to ensure safety. 9. FEDERATED each country has duty to maintain compliance with human rights and respect them. Care should be taken to international law and threatened to beat addressee, any innocent person or a civilian. 10. None of the federal government can not make the country more extensive military step without joint decision of the General Assembly of the country. None of the Federation country must not be made to any country military threat, invasion or occupation of the territories and damage. 11. All countries in the Federated has an obligation to maintain parallel step in the International Covenant Most safety. 12. Each of the Federative countries have the right to fully utilize assistance from any country of the Federative Pact JD safety. Each of the Federative countries have the right of using common security forces to ensure peace, security, stability and justice, or justice, removal of illegal threats and hazards in your country or in the near abroad. 13. Each of the Federative countries have the right to request cooperation since most countries to create a project that will give the requesting country to balance to the military and security forces assessed by international military quotas and also at the same time the strategy for safety. 14. Federation All countries have an obligation to notify the cell number of the army and security forces for the possibility of creating joint strategies. 15. Each federation country has an obligation to comply with the joint development of the army and develop common strategies and projects for the development of the army by the development that keeps our common army in te world's largest military power at the world safe. 16. for assistance for the payment of military development everyone has FEDERATED country. Financial compensation provide the central bank organization Justice is Diamond. JD therefore has the possibility of financial subsidies and the payment of police, armies, development technoogii or joint missions and training, development of military infrastructure. 17. Organization Justice Diamond is its own central bank. If any weapons manufacturers, military technology or provider of military service, he has crafted corporate headquarters on the territory Organization or JD Pact on Security, then its production is counted in the increase in gross domestic product and therefore JD Organization has the option to pay for technology purchases, own finances.
18. The shared values of the army and finance is divided into common share by number of FEDERATED country or by the value of cooperation of each country separately. 19. The General Assembly has the right to lead a joint research for technology development and for cooperation with companies in a territory JD. 20. Every country has the right federation for the General Assembly session in conjunction with the International Convention for the Safety. The General Assembly is led to the possibility of voting that definitely other joint efforts. These steps must be reaffirmed in General Assembly of Justice is Diamond. 21. The General Assembly of the International Covenant SAFETY JD has the right to decree the policy actions or incidents and to offer or require the cooperation necessary to eliminate the threat and a potential source of conflict. 22. The General Assembly has the duty to immediately sit for the creation of logistic in any danger or conflict. 23. The General Assembly must lead a joint logistics for the prediction of common threats and conflict. 24. The General Assembly has the right to award the penalty, for Osby, associations, governments of countries other legal and natural persons who try to violate security and peace, creating conflicts. These persons must be designated as a terrorist entity and that entity must be constantly misinformed and locked. If a terrorist entity will again causing the terrorist threat, then the entity is legally imprison or destroy follow the right strategy. 25. The General Assembly shall decide the form of voting all countries. The joint decision shall immediately be vetted politically independent commission for law and justice. Commission on Law and Justice has the right to annul the decisions of the General Assembly if the decision is not consistent with the rights. The Commission is entitled to request a new decision. 26. The General Assembly is constantly monitored by the Commission to estimate sufficiently strategy and the Commission's estimate for sufficient response to the situation and end the conflict. 27. The General Assembly may meet the country's military top generals, defense minister and army, government representatives and the president or the Supreme Leader of the country. 28. The General Assembly has the right to form a safety and logistical as Managing department. 29. Each guild movement and the internal or external groups must be recorded in the library and the Secretariat. Every country has the right to maintain privacy in a private matter. 30. The General Assembly has the right to form joint studies of weapons of mass destruction and other technologies. All such research must be conducted under the supervision of safety. If someone fails to observe the rules of safety, then he must be excluded from the research. X- If the organization is Justice Diamond is momentarily unavailable or has no legitimate right, then it is necessary that the General Assembly of the international security Pact has set up an independent group that will replace the main activities of the organization JD. Working on leadership in the Central Bank JD and cooperation, guided by international law, cooperation on military strategy, co-led International Tribunal JD.
Original text recorded in the Czech language. Mezinarodni Bezpecnostni Pakt organizace Justice je Diamond je vytvoreny pro zavedeni Svetoveho Miru, bezpeci, svetove spoluprace pro odstraneni imperializmu a moznosti okupace nebo jine vojenske invazi bez prava, zneuzivani politickeho nebo vojenskeho postaveni nekterych zemi a mnoho jineho. Tento Mezinarodni pakt pro bezpecnost je zalozeny pro zajisteni bezpeci kazde osobe ktera zije na teto planete. zajisteni prava a jeho funkci. Vytvoreni stability v kazde zemi na teto planete a spoluprace pro bezpecnostni zodpovednost pred Valnem Shromazdeni vsech zemi spojenych pod Mezinarodnim Bezpecnostnim Paktem JD. 1. Tento Pakt o bezpecnosti je volne navazny na organizaci Justice je Diamond. Proto se jakakoliv Vlada zeme muze pridat k tomuto Paktu bezpecnosti aniz by ta zeme mela navaznost pro Organizaci Justice je Diamond. 2. Zadost Vlady zeme pro vytvoreni soubeznosti a spoluprace pri Mezinarodnim Paktu Bezpecnosti Organizace Justice je Diamond muze byt prvnim krokem pro prijeti ke organizaci Justice je Diamond. 3. Clenstvi a spolupraci se Mezinarodnim Bezpecnostnim Paktem JD musi byt prvni schvalene hlavnim zastupcem Vlady zeme. Potom je schvaleni vedeno podle sistemu konstituce vlady zeme. 4. Kazde politicky legitimovane zeme ma Pravo na vytvoreni federace pri Bezpecnostnim paktu, federace pro spolupraci ve zajisteni Miru a Bezpeci, bezpecnostni spolupraci a zajisteni funkce Prava a Spravedlnosti. 5. Kazde zeme na teto planete ma pravo na pridani se k tomuto Mezinarodnimu Paktu o Bezpecnosti JD ihned po tom co Valne Shromazdeni uzna hodnotu o bezpecnosti Vlady zeme a Politicky legitimni Statut zeme podle rozhodnuti Valneho Shromazdeni. 6. Pokud vlada zeme vytvori Pravni spolupraci ve Federaci, potom je spoluprace brana jako pravni formou nutna cinnost a prioritni zavazek pro mezinarodni spolecenstvi. 7. Valne Shromazdeni ma pravo pro rozsirovani vojenske infrastruktury ale Valne shromazdeni nesmi ohrozit nebo jakkoliv poskodit spojeneckou zemi nebo poskodit jeji bezpecnost. 8. Vsechny federativni zeme musi mit snahu dodrzovat Spravedlnost a Soudni pravidla, prava zemi a mezinarodni prava. Federativni zeme musi resit vsechny konflikty prostrednictvim soudu. Pokud neni mozne vyresit konflikt prostrednictvim soudu, potom je nutne aby se sesla Valne Shromazdeni a rozhodlo o spolecnem kroku pro zajisteni bezpeci.
9. Kazde federativni zeme ma povinost dodrzovat soulad se lidskymi pravy a respektovat je. Je nutne dbat na mezinarodni prava a aby nebila ohrozena jakakoliv nevina osoba nebo civilista. 10. Zadna ze federativnich vlad zemi nesmi provest rozsahlejsi Armadni krok bez spolecneho rozhodnuti ve Valnem Shromazdeni zemi. Zadna z federacnich zemi nesmi provest na jakoukoliv zemi vojenske ohrozeni, invazi nebo okupaci a poskozeni teritoria. 11. Veskere federativni zeme ma povinnost pro udrzeni soubezneho kroku pri Mezinarodni vetsine Bezpecnostniho paktu. 12. Kazde federativni zeme maji pravo na plne vyuziti pomoci od vsech federativnich zemi pro pakt bezpecnosti JD. Kazde federativni zeme maji pravo vyuzit spolecne bezpecnostni sily pro zajisteni Miru, bezpeci, stability a prava nebo spravedlnosti, odstraneni ilegalni hrozby a nebezpeci ve svoji zemi nebo v blizkem zahranici. 13. Kazde federativni zeme maji prava pro vyzadani spoluprace od vetsiny zemi pro vytvoreni projektu ktere daji zadatelske zemi vyrovnane stavy armady a bezpecnostnich sil podle vymerenych Mezinarodnich armadnich kvot a taky soucasne podle strategie pro bezpecnost. 14. Vsechny Federacni zeme maji povinnost oznamit cely pocet Armady a bezpecnostnich sil pro moznost vytvareni spolecnych strategii. 15. Kazde federacni zeme ma povinnost pro dodrzeni spolecneho rozvoje armad a vytvoreni spolecnych strategii a projektu pro rozvoj armady podle rozvoj ktery udrzuje nasi spolecnou armadu ve te nejvetsi svetove vojenske velmoci urcene pro svetove bezpeci. 16. pro Pomoc pro vyplaceni Armadniho rozvoje ma kazda federativni zeme. Financni nahradu zprostredkuje Centralni Banka organizace Justice je Diamond. JD ma proto moznost poskytovat financni dotace a vyplaty policii, armadam, rozvoj technoogii nebo spolecne mise a trenink, rozvoj vojenske infrastruktury. 17. Organizace Justice je Diamond vlastni centralni banku. Pokud jakykoliv vyrobce zbrani, armadnich technologii nebo poskytovatel armadnich sluzeb, on ma vytvorene Firemni sidlo na uzemi Organizace JD nebo Paktu pro bezpecnost, potom je jeho vyroba zapocitana do narustu Hrubeho Domaciho produktu JD a proto Organizace ma moznost zaplatit nakup technologii vlastnimi financemi. 18. Spolecna hodnota armady a finance se rozdeluji na spolecny podil podle poctu federativnich zemi a nebo podle hodnoty spoluprace kazde ze zemi zvlast. 19. Valne Shromazdeni ma pravo na vedeni spolecnych vyzkumu pro technologie a rozvoj pri spolupraci se obchodnimi spolecnostmi na uzemi JD. 20. Kazde federacni zeme ma prava pro zasedani ve Valnem Shromazdeni spojene pod Mezinarodnim Paktem pro Bezpecnost. Valne Shromazdeni je vedene pro moznost spolecneho hlasovani ktere rozhodnou dalsi spolecne kroky. Tyhle kroky musi byt znovu potvrzene ve Valnem Shromazdeni Organizace Justice je Diamond. 21. Valne Shromazdeni Mezinarodniho Paktu Bezpecnosti JD ma pravo na usouzeni o politickych krocich nebo incidentech a nabyzet nebo pozadovat nutnou spolupraci pro odstraneni hrozby a moznosti pro vznik konfliktu.
22. Valne shromazdeni ma povinost okamzite zasedat pro vytvoreni logistiky pri jakemkoliv ohrozeni nebo konfliktu. 23. Valne Shromazdeni spolecne musi vest spolecnou logistiku pro predpoved spolecnych hrozeb a konfliktu. 24. Valne shromazdeni ma pravo na udeleni Sankci pro osby, spolky, Vlady zemi, jine pravni a fyzicke osoby ktere se snazi porusovat bezpeci a mir, vytvaret konflikty. Tyto osoby musi byt oznaceny jako teroristicky subjekt a tento subjekt musi byt neustale dezinformovany a zablokovany. Pokud teroristicky subjekt bude znovu pusobit teroristickou hrozbou, potom je legalni tento subjekt uveznit nebo znicit podle spravnych strategii. 25. Valne shromazdeni rozhoduje formou spolecneho hlasovani vsech zemi. Spolecne rozhodnuti musi byt ihned proverene politicky nezavislou komisi pro prava a spravedlnost. Komise pro Prava a Spravedlnost ma pravo zrusit rozhodnuti Valneho Shromazdeni pokud je rozhodnuti bez souladu se pravem. Komise ma pravo pozadovat nove rozhodnuti. 26. Valne Shromazdeni je neustale monitorovane komisi pro odhad dostatecne strategie a komisi pro odhad dostatecne reakce pro ukonceni vuci situaci a konfliktu. 27. Ve valnem shromazdeni může zasedat nejvyssi generalove armady zeme, Ministri obrany a armady, Zastupce Vlady a Prezident nebo nejvyssi predstavitel zeme. 28. Valne Shromazdeni ma pravo na zakladani bezpecnostniho a logistickych nebo vykoneho utvaru. 29. Kazdy spolek a hnuti vnitrni nebo zahranicni skupin musi byt zaznamenan v knihovne a sekretariatu. Kazda zeme ma pravo na udrzeni soukromi ve soukromich zalezitostech. 30. Valne Shromazdeni ma pravo na vytvareni spolecnych vyzkumu zbrani hromadneho niceni a jinych technologii. Veskere tyto vyzkumy musi byt vedeny pod bezpecnostnim dohledem. Pokud nekdo nedodrzi pro pravidla o bezpecnosti, potom on musi byt vyloucen ze vyzkumu
X-Pokud Organizace Justice je Diamond neni momentalne funkcni a nebo nema legitimni prava, potom je nutne aby Valne Shromazdeni Mezinarodniho Bezpecnostniho Paktu musi zalozit nezavisle skupiny ktere nahradi hlavni cinnost organizace JD. Spoluprace na vedeni Centralni Banky, Spoluprace pro vedeni Mezinarodniho Prava, Spoluprace na Armadni Strategii, Spoluprace na vedeni Mezinarodniho Tribunalu JD.