Curriculum Vitae Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Dr. Petra Guasti, M.A., Ph.D.
Maiden Name:
Czech Republic
Date of birth
05 January 1978
Work experience
Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer
December 2004 → Senior Researcher / Department of Political Sociology Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Jilska 1 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer
October 2011 → Researcher / Institute of Political Sciences Institut für Politikwissenschaft Johannes Gutenberg‐Universität Mainz Colonel‐Kleinmann‐Weg 2 D‐55099 Mainz
Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer
November 2008 → September 2011 Researcher / Institute of Political Sciences and Social Research Julius‐Maximilians‐Universität Würzburg Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Sozialforschung Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft und Systemlehre Wittelsbacherplatz 1 97074 Würzburg
Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer
September 2005 – July 2008 Junior Researcher / Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies Jean Monnet Centre for European studies Enrique Schmidt Str. 8 283 59 Bremen Germany
Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer
December 2001 November 2004 Junior Researcher / Department of Political Sociology Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Jilska 1 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer
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July 1999 November 2001 Research Assistant / Department of Political Change Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Jilska 1 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Education and training
Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered
September 2002 June 2007 PhD. in Sociology Specialised in Political Sociology in Joint Programme between Institute of Sociology AS CR and Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University ‐ combining educational and teaching experience with active involvement in numerous domestic and international research projects Doctoral Dissertation: CHARACTER OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN THE CONTEXT OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
September 2005 → PhD. in Political Science
Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Additional Education and Research Visits
Political Science and European Politics PhD project: EUROPEAN CIVIL SOCIETY AND LEGITIMACY OF THE EU POLITY Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany September 2001 August 2002 MA in Political Sociology Concentrated on comparative research in the area of citizenship and participation ‐ Master thesis: CHANGES IN CITIZENSHIP PARTICIPATION PATTERNS: COMPARISON OF POLAND AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC Joint Programme between Centre for Social Research (Warsaw‐ Poland) and Lancaster University (Lancaster‐UK) August 2005 ECPR and DAAD Graduate Summer School Governance and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, Lüneburg, Germany August 2004 University of Essex, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, course: Models for Multi‐Level Voting Behaviour (Prof. Soren R. Thomsen), Colchester, United Kingdom. June 2004 Social Science Research Center Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung), one month research visit – Guest of the President ‐ based on project Participation, Democratization and Citizenship, Berlin, Germany. November – December 2003 Institute of Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Research stay as a part of international exchange, based on research project Civil Society in Central Europe, Bratislava, Slovakia. July – August 2001 Democracy & Diversity Institute, Graduate Faculty, New School University Courses: Sustaining Democracy and Theories of Gender in Culture; Krakow, Poland May – June 2000
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Selected Research Projects
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Institut für Gesellschafts‐ und Sozialpolitik: 5th Intensive Programm: Democratization in Europe: European Union and Enlargement, Linz, Austria Principal Investigator: 20042006 Participation, Democracy and citizenship in the Czech Republic and International Comparison, Awarded by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; 2004 Analysis of Low Number of Women in Political Decisionmaking Functions, Awarded by: Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic; Participation: 2008 – 2009 Citizens and the State in the Czech Republic: The Impact and Legacy of the Prague Spring 19682008, Awarded by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Principal investigator: Dr. Patrick Lyons; 2007 2011 Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON) 6thFP, Head of the National Team: Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldova; 2006 – 2007 Legitimity of the Political System and Inequalities: Development in the Czech Republic in Comparative Perspective, Awarded by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Principal investigator: Dr. Lukas Linek; 2005 2008 Citizenship, Publics and the Constitution for Europe: The Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia and Poland in European Integration (ConstEPS), Awarded by Volkswagen Stiftung, Principal Investigator: Prof. Ulrike Liebert; 20042007 Political and Legal Institutional Framework of the Czech Republic and its Changes in the Context of the Accession to the EU, Awarded by: Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic, Principal Investigator: Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldová; 2003 Methods and Effectiveness of Interest Mediation Between Individuals, Social Groups and the State, Awarded by: Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic, Principal Investigator: Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldová; 20002001 Economic Policy Making and Parliamentary Accountability in Czech Republic, Awarded by: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Head of the Project in the Czech Republic: Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldová; 19971998 The Czech Republic Entry into NATO , Awarded by: Ministry of Forregin Affairs, of the Czech Republic, Principal Investigator Doc. Dr. Lubomír Brokl.
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Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s) Self‐assessment
Technical skills and competences
I have actively studied SPSS and STATA programmes in courses at the university as well as further advanced courses at SC&C and Essex University.
I have obtained knowledge of Atlas.ti at the Universities of Bremen and Hanover and knowledge of QCA in Bremen and Würzburg.
Computer skills and competences
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Understanding Listening Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Independ ent user
Reading C2 C2 C2 C1 B1
Proficien t user Proficien t user Proficien t user Proficien t user Indepen dent user
Speaking Spoken interaction C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independ ent user A2
Basic User
Spoken production C2 Proficien t user C2 Proficien t user C1 Proficien t user B2 Indepen dent user A2 Basic User
Writing C2 C1 B2 B1
Proficient user Proficient user Independ ent user Independ ent user
Competent with Microsoft office programmes, SPSS, STATA and Atlas.ti.
Basic User
List of Scientific publications (selection) Books, monographs, studies: Guasti, P. Hronesova, J., Mansfeldova, Z. (eds.). 2011. The Nexus Between Democracy, Collective Identity Fomration, and EU Enlargement. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. ISBN: 978-807330-198-9. Guasti. P. 2011. „Civil Society and the Legitimacy of the EU Polity. Using Network Analysis to Analyse Linkages Among Actors“ in: Mansfeldová, Z., H. Pleines (eds.). Informal Relations from Democratic Representation to Corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe. Stuttgart: ibidem Verlag, pp. 91-124. Guasti, P. 2011. The Europeanisation of Parliaments in Central and Eastern Europe. RECON Online working paper 11/2011, ISSN 1504-6907. Mansfeldová, Z., Rakušanová Guasti, P. 2010. The Quality of Democracy in the Czech Republic. RECON Online working paper 14/2010, ISSN 1504-6907. Mansfeldová, Z., P. Rakušanová Guasti 2010. Kvalita demokracie v České republice (Quality of Democracy in the Czech Republic). Pp. Maříková, H. T. Kostelecký, T.Lebeda, M. Škodová (eds.), Jaká je naše společnost? Otázky, které si často klademe. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON). Rakušanová Guasti, P. 2008. „What does Central European Organized Civil Society Contribute to European Civil Society?“ in U. Liebert and H.-J. Trenz (eds.), Reconstituting Democracy from Below: New Approaches to Civil Society in the New Europe, RECON Report No 5/ ARENA Report No 08/6, Oslo: ARENA. Rakušanová, Petra and Lenka Helšusová-Václavíková, 2007. Odcházení – Političky odcházející z politické scény a jejich zkušenosti. (Departing: Female Politicians Leaving Politics and their Experiences). Praha: Open Society Fund. Rakušanová, Petra 2007. Povaha občanské společnosti v České republice v kontextu střední Evropy. (Character of the Civil society in Central and Eastern Europe) Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR/Edice disertace. Rakušanová, Petra 2006. “The Constitutional Debate - a One Man Show? Václav Klaus and the Constitutional Discourse in the Czech Media”. ConstEPS Working Paper No. 6/2006 Bremen: Bremen University-CEuS. Rakušanová, Petra 2006. Česká politika: Ženy v labyrintu mužů? (Czech Politics: Women in the Labyrinth of Men?) Praha: Forum 50%. Rakušanová, Petra and Blanka Řeháková. 2006. Participace, demokracie a občanství v evropském kontextu (Participation, Democracy and Citizenship in the European Context), Sociologické studie. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. Rakušanová, Petra. 2006. Zastoupení žen v české politice v kontextu voleb do Poslanecké sněmovny 2006: Trendy a výzvy. (Representation of Women in Czech Politics in the Context of 2006 Parliamentary Election: Trends and Challenges) Praha: Forum 50%. Rakušanová, Petra. 2005. Civil Society and Civic Participation in the Czech Republic. Sociologické studie 05:05. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. Mansfeldová Zdenka, Lukáš Linek, and Petra Rakušanová, 2005. „Legislatures and Representation in Central and Eastern Europe“ guest editors of monothematic issue of the Sociologického časopisu/Czech Sociological Review Vol. 41. No. 3. Linek, Lukáš and Petra Rakušanová, 2005. „Why Czech Parliamentary Party Groups Vote Less Unitedly. The Role of Frequent Voting and Big Majorities” in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review Vol. 41. No. 3. pp. 401-422. Mansfeldová, Zdenka, David M. Olson, and Petra Rakušanová (eds.), 2004. Central European Parliaments: First Decade of Democratic Experience and the Future Prospective, Praha: Sociologický ustav AV ČR. Linek, Lukáš and Petra Rakušanová, 2002. Parties in the Parliament. Why, when and how do parties act in unity? Parliamentary Party Groups in the Chamber of Deputies in the years 1998–2002. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, edice Sociologické texty.
Brokl Lubomír, Seidlová, Adéla, Bečvář J., Rakušanová, Petra., 2001. Postoje československých občanů k demokracii v roce 1968, (Attitudes of Czechoslovak Citizen Towards Democracy in 1968) Prague: Institute of Sociology, Working Papers, 99:8.
Articles and chapters: Guasti, P. 2011. Raging the Streets Waking up to Reality. Global Street Process or a Sign of Legitimacy Crisis? RECON Policy Paper 12/2011. 6 Guasti. P. 2011. „Civil Society and the Legitimacy of the EU Polity. Using Network Analysis to Analyse Linkages Among Actors“ in: Mansfeldová, Z., H. Pleines (eds.). Informal Relations from Democratic Representation to Corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe. Stuttgart: ibidem Verlag, pp. 91-124 Mansfeldová, Z., P. Rakušanová Guasti 2010. Kvalita demokracie v České repeublice. Pp. Maříková, H. T. Kostelecký, T.Lebeda, M. Škodová (eds.), Jaká je naše společnost? Otázky, které si často klademe. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON). Mansfeldová, Z., P. Rakušanová 2008. „Legislative Budgeting in the Czech Republic“. Pp. 279-291 in R. Stapenhurst, R. Pelizzo, D. M. Olson , L. Trapp, von (eds.), Legislative Oversight and Budgeting. A World Perspective. Washington D.C.: The World Bank Rakušanová, Petra. 2007. „Women’s Representation in Czech Politics in the Context of the Parliamentary Elections of 2006: Trends and Challenges“, Pp. 171 – 187 in Šaradín, P., E. Bradová (eds.) 2007. Visegrad votes: parliamentary elections 2005-2006. Olomouc: Palacký Univeristy. Rakušanová, Petra 2007. „The Constitutional Debate: A One Man Show? Václav Klaus and the Constitutional Discourse in the Czech Media“ In. Europe in Contention: Debating the Constitutional Treaty PEPS special issue Vol. 8, no. 3, 2007. Rakušanová, Petra 2006. „Srovnání vlivu procesu evropeizace na národní legislativu v zemích střední a východní Evropy“ (Comparing Impact of the Process of Europeanisation on the National Legislatures in the Central and Eastern Europe) in Parlamenty a jejich funkce v 21. stoleti. Sborník příspěvků k 10. výročí ustavení Senátu Parlamentu ČR. Uspořádal Jan Kysela, Praha: Eurolex Bohemia. Rakušanová, Petra and Lenka Helšusová-Václavíková, 2006. „Ženy v mužské politice“ (Women in the Male Politics) in Hašková, H., Křížková, A., Linková, M. (eds.) 2006. Mnohohlasem. Mapování pro-žensky orientovaných aktivit po roce 1989. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. Rakušanová, Petra, 2005. „Třetí sektor a občanská participace v České republice“ (Third Sector and Civil Participation in the Czech Republic), in Mansfeldová, Z., Kroupa, A. (eds.) Participace a zájmové organizace v České republice, Praha: SLON. Rakušanová, Petra. 2004. „Volby do Evropského parlamentu z pohledu genderu.“ (Elections to the European Parliament from the Gender Perspective) Pp. in Petra Šaradín (ed.). Volby do Evropského parlamentu 2004. Olomouc: Meritum. Rakušanová, Petra, 2004. „Srovnání porozumění a významu demokracie v České republice a v Německu“ (Comparing Understanding and Meaning of Democracy in the Czech Republic and Germany). in Trützschler v. Falkenstein, E., Voráček, E. Politische Kultur/ Politická kultura. Praha: Nakladatelství Eva Milan Nevole. Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Jindřiška Syllová, Petra Rakušanová, Petr Kolář, 2002. „Committees of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.“Pp. 69-89. In New and Established Parliaments, edited by D.M. Olson, W. Crowther, Athens: Ohio University Press. Rakušanová, Petra. 2002. “Establishment of the Party System and the Party-Voter Linkages: the Case Study of the Czech Republic.“ Pp. 209-220 in Contemporary Questions of Central European Politics, Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk. Rakušanová, Petra. 2001. „The Role and Position of Committees of the House of Deputies of the Czech Republic in the Period of Transformation“, Central European Political Science Review, 2/2001. Expert studies and miscellaneous: Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2010. Strategic Governance Indicators Czech Republic 2008-2010. Expert study for Bertelsmann Foundation.
Guasti, P.. 2009. „Role poslance a její percepce“ (The Role of an MP and its Perceptions. Pp. 122-133 in Z. Mansfeldová, L. Linek (eds.), Český parlament ve druhé dekádě demokratického vývoje. Sociologické studie/Sociological Studies 09:08. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. Mansfeldová, Z., P. R. Guasti. 2009. „Úvod“ (Introduction). Pp. 11-23 in Z. Mansfeldová, L. Linek (eds.), Český parlament ve druhé dekádě demokratického vývoje. Sociologické studie/Sociological Studies 09:08. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR . Mansfeldová, Z., P. R. Guasti. 2009. „Závěrečné shrnutí“(Conclusions). in Z. Mansfeldová, L. Linek (eds.), Český parlament ve druhé dekádě demokratického vývoje. Sociologické studie/Sociological Studies 09:08. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR . Rakušanová, P. 2008. „Organizovaná občanská společnost v České republice po vstupu do Evropské unie“ (Oragnized Civil Society in the Czech Republic after the EU Accession). Pp. 97-120 in Mansfeldová Z., A. Kroupa (eds.), Proměny reprezentace zájmů po vstupu do Evropské unie. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2007. Bertelsmann Reform Index Czech Republic 2007. Expert study for Bertelsmann Stiftung. Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2007. Bertelsmann Transformation Index Czech Republic 2007. Expert study for Bertelsmann Stiftung. Rakušanová, P. 2007. Sdružení Hasičů Čech Moravy a Slezska jako vitální součást občanské společnosti: První výsledky výzkumu SH ČMS. (Association of the Voluntary Fireman of the Bohemia, Moravi and Silesia as a Vital part of Civil Society: First Results of the Survey on AVF). Praha, analýza pro potřeby SH ČMS. Rakušanová, P.2007. Trends and Challenges in Women’s Representation in Czech politics in the Context of 2006 Parliamentary Elections. Prague: Forum 50%. Rakušanová, Petra and Lenka Veselá 2007. Analýza výzkumu poslankyň Parlamentu ČR. (Analysis of the Research on Female Deputies in the CzechP) Praha: Forum 50%. Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Wolfgang, Merkel, and Petra Rakušanová, 2005. Bertelsmann Transformation Index Czech Republic 2006. Expert study for Bertelsmann Stiftung. Rakušanová, Petra. 2006. Ženy v politickém a veřejném životě. (Women in Political and Public Life) Expert study for project „ Gender v managementu“ registrační číslo: 1J046/05-DP1 z tématického projektu TP-5 „Moderní společnost a její proměny“. Rakušanová, Petra. 2006. „Občanská společnost“ (Civil Society) Pp. 213-214 in Situační zpráva 2006 připravovaná na základě bodu II/2 Usnesení vlády č. 1242/2004 ke Strategii udržitelného rozvoje ČR. Praha: Rada vlády pro trvale udržitelný rozvoj. Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2004. „Legislative Budgeting in the Czech Republic.” Expert study pro OECD. Rakušanová, Petra, 2003. „Ženy na kandidátkách vybraných politických stran a srovnání se zahraničím.“ (Women on the Ballots of Selected Political Parties and Comparison with Abroad) Pp. 36-43 in: Volby do Poslanecké sněmovny 2002. Edice Setkávání, edited by L. Linek, L. Mrklas, A. Seidlová, Petra Sokol. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.