Használati útmutató ИНСТРУКЦИИ
2 2
15 0
1017 780
800 m /h
min 12/max 20 294 262
12 KG
3 3
Nyílás mérete:/751x262 FORATURA PER INCASSO HOLE SIZES: 751x262
min 12/max 20 294
739 502
600 m /h
800 m /h 3
263 319 294
min 12/max 20 12 KG 4 4
FORATURA PERNyílás INCASSO / HOLE SIZES: 751x262 mérete: 751x262
739 502
15 0
262 Az oldalsó kivezető nyílás csak álmennyezettel használható
10 KG
5 5
FORATURA PER INCASSO HOLE SIZES: 506x262 Nyílás mérete: /506x262
min 12/max 20 294
494 257
600 m /h
10 KG
6 6
150 262
93 Nyílás mérete: 506x262 FORATURA PER INCASSO / HOLE SIZES: 506x262
min 12/max 20 294
494 257
800 m /h
620 mm (min)
1 3 MO
2 5
6 2
Max 20 mm Min 12 mm
7 7
E 2
V1 (x4)
V1 (x4)
V1 (x4)
1 Smontaggio! szétszerelés Disassembly!
ø 12
600 m /h 3
ø 15
800 m /h 3
8 8
I 600 m /h 3
800 m /h 3
3 2
12V 9 9
Biztonsági figyelmeztetések és utasítások Beüzemelésre vonatkozó figyelmeztetések
Műszaki kivitelezésre vonatkozó figyelmeztetések A telepítést képzett és a megfelelő gyakorlattal bíró telepítő személyzet végezheti el az útmutatóban foglalt utasítások és az érvényes előírások betartása mellett.
• Az elszívó beüzemelése előtt ellenőrizzük az összetevő alkatrészek sértetlen állapotát. Amennyiben sérülést, rendellenességet észlelünk, ne folytassuk a beüzemelési eljárást, ehelyett forduljunk a forgalmazóhoz. • NE folytassuk a beüzemelést, ha az elszívón külső, esztétikai jellegű sérülést észlelünk. Helyezzük vissza a készüléket a gyári csomagolásba, majd forduljunk a forgalmazóhoz. A beüzemelést követően esztétikai sérülés miatti bárminemű követelési igény érvényét veszti. • A telepítés során mindig használjunk megfelelő védőfelszerelést (pl. munkavédelmi cipőt), ügyeljünk a tiszta környezetre, munkavégzésre. • A rögzítő készlet elemei (tartozékként járnak az elszívóhoz), melyek a biztonsági lánc rögzítésére szolgálnak, téglafalhoz történő rögzítésre szolgálnak. Eltérő anyagú, szerkezetű fal esetén szerezzünk be megfelelő rögzítőelemeket, figyelembe véve a fal erősségét és az elszívó súlyát (utóbbit lásd az útmutató műszaki adatokat tartalmazó részében). • Ne feledjük, hogy a tartozékként kapott rögzítőelemektől eltérő rögzítőelemekkel történő szerelés elektromos és szerkezeti szigetelési veszélyeket hordoz magában. • Ne módosítsuk a berendezés elektromos, mechanikai és funkcionális rendszereit. • Ne telepítsük a készüléket szabadtérben, ne tegyük ki környezeti hatásoknak (esőnek, szélnek stb.). • Miután a rozsdamentes acél elszívó beüzemelésre került, azonnal távolítsuk a védőfólia után esetleges megmaradó maradékanyagokat, valamint zsír- és olajfoltokat, melyek ha nem kerülnek eltávolításra, visszafordíthatatlanul károsíthatják az elszívó felületét. Ehhez a gyártó külön nedves törlőkendőt ajánl, amely külön megvásárolható.
elektromos bekötésre vonatkozó biztonsági figyelmeztetések
Az elektromos rendszer, melyre az elszívó csatlakoztatásra kerül, meg kell feleljen az érvényes szabályoknak, előírásoknak, valamint a telepítési országban érvényes szabályozásnak megfelelő földeléssel kell rendelkezzen. Emellett az Európai Uniós elektromágneses kompatibilitásra vonatkozó előírásoknak is meg kell feleljen.
• Az elszívó telepítését megelőzően ellenőrizzük, hogy a hálózati áram megfeleljen a készülék belsejében található típustábláján jelölt paraméterekkel. • A csatlakozó aljzat, melyhez a készüléket csatlakoztatjuk, elérhető közelségben legyen: amennyiben ez nem megoldható, megszakítón keresztül csatlakoztassuk a készüléket, melyet lekapcsolva a készülék azonnal áramtalanítható. • Az elektromos hálózatban, az elszívó csatlakoztatása érdekében végrehajtott bárminemű módosítást kizárólag képzett szakember (villanyszerelő) hajthat végre. • A készülék tulajdonságainak módosítása veszélyes. Amennyiben a készülék meghibásodna, ne kíséreljük meg magunk megjavítani, ehelyett forduljunk márkaszervizhez vagy a forgalmazóhoz. • Az elszívó beüzemelésekor húzzuk ki a dugvillát a csatlakozó aljzatból, vagy kapcsoljuk le a megszakítót.
füstgáz kivezetésre vonatkozó biztonsági figyelmeztetések
• A készüléket ne csatlakoztassuk égéstermék kivezetésére szolgáló (pl. bojlertől, kandallótól jövő) füstcsőhöz, kéményhez. • Mielőtt telepítjük az elszívót, ellenőrizzük, hogy a levegő szabadtérbe történő kivezetésére vonatkozó összes előírás betartásra került.
felhasználóra vonatkozó figyelmeztetések Általános figyelmeztetések
Ezen figyelmeztetések a felhasználó és más személyek személyes biztonságának megőrzésére szolgálnak. Nagyon fontos, hogy mielőtt a telepítést megkezdjük, vagy tisztítást hajtunk végre, az útmutatót teljes terjedelmében gondosan olvassuk át. • A gyártó elhárít mindennemű felelősséget, amely a jelen útmutatóban foglalt utasítások, illetve ezen belül is kiemelten a beüzemelésre, használatra, karbantartásra vonatkozó biztonsági figyelmeztetések figyelmen kívül hagyásából eredően, közvetlenül vagy közvetett módon emberben, állatban dologi tárgyban esett kárra vonatkozik. • Fontos, hogy az útmutatót a készülékkel együtt őrizzük meg egy esetleges későbbi tájékozódás céljából. Amennyiben a készülék eladásra, átadásra kerül, gondoskodjunk róla, hogy az útmutató is átadásra kerüljön az új tulajdonos számára, hogy ő is megismerhesse a vonatkozó veszélyeket és a használat módját. • A telepítést kizárólag képzett szakember végezheti, betartva a vonatkozó előírásokat és az útmutatóban foglalt utasításokat. • NE használjuk az elszívót úgy, hogy a tápkábel sérült vagy egyéb alkatrész hibás, károsodott. Áramtalanítsuk a készüléket, majd forduljunk a forgalmazóhoz, márkaszervizhez. Kizárólag eredeti gyári alkatrészeket használjunk. Ne kíséreljük magunk megjavítani a készüléket. A képzetlen személy által végrehajtott beavatkozások kárt tehetnek a készülékben (melyre a gyártói jótállás nem vonatkozik), illetve személyi sérülés következhet be. • Ne módosítsuk a készülék elektromos, mechanikus, funkcionális rendszereit. Az elektromos hálózatban, az elszívó csatlakoztatása érdekében végrehajtott bárminemű módosítást kizárólag képzett szakember (villanyszerelő) hajthat végre.
rendeltetésszerű használat
• A készülék kizárólag a főzés során keletkező szagok, pára elszívására szolgál nem professzionális háztartási jellegű konyhákban: bármilyen ettől eltérő használati mód helytelennek minősül, és emberi személy, háziállat sérüléséhez, anyagi kárhoz vezethet. • A készüléket kizárólag 8 év feletti személyek használhatják, illetve csökkentett szellemi, fizikai, érzékszervi képességekkel bíró személyek mindaddig, amíg a használat egy, az ő biztonságukért felelős személy felügyelete mellett történik vagy a készülék biztonságos használatára és a kapcsolódó veszélyekre vonatkozóan megfelelő utasításokat kaptak. Felügyelet nélkül gyermek tisztítási vagy karbantartási műveletet nem végezhet. 10
tisztításra, használatra vonatkozó figyelmeztetések
• Tisztítást, karbantartási műveletet megelőzően áramtalanítsuk a készüléket a dugvilla fali aljzatból történő kihúzásával vagy a megszakító lekapcsolásával. • Ne használjuk az elszívót nedves kézzel vagy mezítláb. • Mindig ellenőrizzük, hogy amikor a készülék ki van kapcsolva, az összes elektromos elem (ventilátor, lámpák) ki legyenek kapcsolva. • Az elszívóra helyezett vagy akasztott (amennyiben ez lehetséges) tárgy tömege nem haladhatja meg a 1,5 kg-ot. • Bő zsírban, olajban történő sütésnél körültekintően járjunk el: a felforrósított olaj könnyen lángra lobban. • Nyílt lánggal ne főzzünk az elszívó alatt. • Az elszívó alatt ne flambírozzunk. • A fém zsírszűrők nélkül ne használjuk az elszívót: zsír és kosz gyűlik fel enélkül a készülékben, amely meghibásodáshoz vezethet. • A tűzhely használata során az elszívó külső elemei is átforrósodhatnak. • Tisztítási műveletet ne hajtsunk úgy végre, hogy az elszívó egyes elemei még forrók. • A tisztítást kizárólag az útmutatóban foglaltaknak megfelelőn hajtsuk végre, eltérő esetben tűzveszély áll fenn. • Amikor a készülék tartósan használaton kívül lesz, a megszakítót kapcsoljuk le. Amennyiben az elszívóval egyidejűleg gázzal vagy egyéb üzemanyaggal működő készüléket (pl. bojlert, kandallót, kályhát stb. használunk), ügyeljünk, hogy a helyiség, melynek levegője elszívásra kerül, megfelelően szellőzzön (a vonatkozó előírások betartásával).
meghibásodás esetére vonatkozó figyelmeztetések
• Ne használjuk a készüléket úgy, hogy a tápkábel vagy egyéb alkatrész károsodott. Áramtalanítsuk a készüléket, majd forduljunk a forgalmazóhoz, márkaszervizhez. Kizárólag eredeti gyári alkatrészeket használjunk. Ne kíséreljük magunk megjavítani a készüléket. A képzetlen személy által végrehajtott beavatkozások kárt tehetnek a készülékben (melyre a gyártói jótállás nem vonatkozik), illetve személyi sérülés következhet be. A gyártó fenntartja a jogot, hogy külön értesítés nélkül módosításokat eszközöljön a készüléken. Jelen útmutató mind részleges, mind teljes körű nyomtatása, fordítása, többszörösítése a gyártó külön engedélyével történhet. Az útmutatóban szereplő műszaki adatok, grafikus ábrák kizárólag tájékoztató jellegűek. Az útmutató eredetileg olasz nyelven készült. A gyártó átírási, fordítási hibákért felelősséget nem vállal.
Beüzemelés (kizárólag szakképzett személynek szól)
A telepítést megelőzően gondosan olvassuk át az előző oldalon szereplő biztonsági utasításokat.
műszaki adatok
A műszaki adatok a készülék belsejében található típustáblán olvashatók.
A főzésre szolgáló berendezés legmagasabb pontja, illetve az elszívó legalsó pontja közötti minimális távolság a 7. oldalon, az ábrán került feltüntetésre.
Általánosságban gáztűzhely legmagasabb pontja és az elszívó legalacsonyabb pontja közötti ajánlott távolság 65 cm. Azonban a 2002.07.11-én született TC61-es EN60335-2-31szabvány (7.12.1. pont szerint, 15-ös értekezlet 10.11. elem) értelmezése szerint a jelölt mértékig a távolság lecsökkenthető. Amennyiben a gáztűzhely gyártói útmutatója nagyobb távolságot ír elő, akkor az az irányadó. Ne telepítsük a készüléket szabadtérbe, ne tegyük ki környezeti hatásoknak (eső, szél stb.).
Elektromos csatlakoztatás (kizárólag szakképzett személynek szól)
Mielőtt bármilyen műveletet végrehajtanánk a készüléken, áramtalanítsuk azt, csatlakoztassuk le a hálózati áramkörről. Ellenőrizzük, hogy a készülék belsejében a vezetékek nem lazultak-e ki, nem szakadtak-e el, ilyen esetben mindig forduljunk a legközelebbi márkaszervizhez. Az elektromos bekötéseket kizárólag képzett szakember végezheti. A csatlakoztatás kizárólag az érvényes előírások betartása mellett történhet A hálózati áramkörhöz történő csatlakoztatást megelőzően ellenőrizzük az alábbiakat: • a tápfeszültség megfelel-e a készülék belsejében található típustáblán jelölt paraméterekkel, • ellenőrizzük, hogy az elektromos hálózat elbírja a készülék okozta terhelést (a műszaki paramétereket a készülék belsejében lévő típustáblán találjuk)., • csatlakoztatás követően a tápkábel és a dugvilla ne érjen 70° C-nál magasabb hőmérsékletű alkatrészhez, • a hálózati áramkör megfelelően csatlakozik a földelővezetékhez a hatályos előírások szerint, • azon csatlakozó aljzat, melyhez a készüléket csatlakoztatni kívánjuk, elérhető közelségben legyen. Egyes készülékeknél a tápkábelhez nem jár dugasz, itt mindig „szabványos” dugaszt kell alkalmaznunk a következő szempontok figyelembevétele mellett: a sárga és zöld színű vezeték mindig a földelővezeték, a kék vagy fehér színű vezeték a nulla vezeték, a barna vezeték a fázis. A tápkábelre eső terhelésnek megfelelő dugvillát alkalmazzunk, melyet az ehhez való hálózati aljzathoz csatlakoztassunk. Amennyiben a készülékhez nem jár tápkábel és dugvilla, a hálózati áramkörről történő leválasztáshoz olyan megszakító berendezést alkalmazzunk, ahol az érintkezők között rés III-as kategóriájú túlfeszültség esetén is teljes leválasztást biztosítanak, illetve ezen megszakító berendezést az érvényes előírásoknak megfelelően kell a hálózati áramkörbe beiktatni. A sárga/zöld földelővezetéket a megszakító nem bonthatja. A gyártó elhárít minden felelősséget, amely a biztonsági előírások be nem tartásából ered.
the fumes and vapours to an external output. Do not connect the equipment to discharge pipes of fumes produced from combust ers, fireplaces, etc) and you are to comply with the regulations in force regarding exte FUMES DISCHARGE (only intended for personnel qualified to assemble hood) The fumesthe outlet pipe must FUMES DISCHARGE intended for personnel qualified to assemble the have: hood) FUMES DISCHARGE (only(only intended for personnel qualified to assemble the hood) pára kivezetés (kizárólag szakképzett személynek szól) a diameter not less than that of the hood fitting; EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) FUMES DISCHARGE (only intended for personnel qualified to assemble the - aVERSION slight slope downwards (drop) inanthe horizontal EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD (SUCTION) külső változat (elszívás) In this version, thekivezetéses kitchen fumesHOOD and vapours are conveyed outside through exhaust pipe.sections to prevent any formation of con EXTERNAL EXHAUST VERSION (SUCTION) back to the hood; In this version, the kitchen fumes and vapours are conveyed outside through an pipe. EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) Ezen változat a from konyhai gőzök és pára egy csövön keresztül a szabadtérbe kerül kivezetésre. The air outlet fitting thatesetén extends the and upper part ofare theconveyed hood must be connected with theexhaust pipe that conducts In this version, the kitchen fumes vapours outside through an exhaust pipe. the minimum required number of bends; The air outlet fitting that extends from the upper part of the hood must be connected with the pipe that conducts In egy this the kitchen and vapours AThe készülék tetején található motor kivezető nyílásához csövet kell csatlakoztatni, amely egyare convey the fumes andairvapours to an external output. outlet fitting that extends from levegő the upper part of the hood must beversion, connected with thefumes pipe that conducts minimum required length (long pipes with various bends can reduce suction performance the fumes and vapours to an external output. The air outlet fitting that extends from part of t külső nyílás felé vezeti a gőzöket, párát. Do not connect theand equipment toandischarge pipes of fumes produced from combustion (for example boil- the upper the fumes vapours to external output. FUMES DISCHARGE (only intended for not personnel qualified to assemble the hood) vibrations of the check valve). Do connect the equipment to discharge pipes of fumes produced from combustion (for example the szolgáló fumes and vapours an(for external Tartsuk beand a levegő külső, szabadtérbe történő kivezetésére előírásokat, illetve neoutput. csatlaers, fireplaces, you to comply the regulations in force regarding external air to discharge. Do notetc) connect theare equipment towith discharge pipes of fumes produced from combustion example boil-boiltheto fumes outletkandallóé pipe passes through cold environments such as attics, etc.,légit is possible ers,pipe fireplaces, etc) you and youIfto are comply the regulations in force regarding external airdischarge discharge. Do not connect the equipment to pipes ofth koztassuk a HOOD készüléket égéstermék (bojleré, stb.) szolgáló kéményhez, EXHAUST VERSION (SUCTION) TheEXTERNAL fumes outlet must ers, fireplaces, etc)have: and are comply withwith the regulations in elvezetésére force regarding external air discharge. forms due to sudden changes in temperature. In this case, you are required to insulate the p The fumes outlet pipe must have: In this version, the kitchen fumes and vapours are conveyed outside through an exhaust pipe. ers, fireplaces, etc) and you are to comply with the reg csatornához. - a diameter lessoutlet than that the hood Thenot fumes pipeofmust have: fitting; 3 The air outlet that extends fromthan the800 upper of the hood must be connected with the pipe that conducts /hthe motor is equipped withany a check valve whose function isfrom tohave: prevent external air exchang The-fitting hood supplied with an mpart a diameter not less that of hood fitting; The fumes outlet pipe must pára kivezetésére szolgáló cső: - a slightAslope downwards (drop) in the horizontal sections to prevent formation of condensation flowing - a and diameter not less than output. that of the hood fitting; the fumes to an external - avapours slight slope the horizontal sections to prevent any formation of condensation from flowing - a any diameter not less than that of the hood fitting; --connect átmérője ne legyen kisebb a(drop) készülék csatlakozó szerelvényének átmérőjénél, Cinon page 7 for assembly. refer todownwards the instructions back the hood; aoperating: slight slope downwards (drop) in the horizontal sections to combustion prevent formation condensation from flowing Doto not the equipment to discharge pipes of fumes produced from (for exampleof boilback to the hood; a slight slope downwards (drop) in the horizontal section a vízszintes szakaszokon enyhén lejtsen lefelé, így a kicsapódó nedvesség nem folyhat vissza a készüWhen the kitchen hood is used simultaneously with other appliances that use gas or other fuels, the room must h - the number bends; back torequired theand hood; ers,minimum fireplaces, etc) you are to of comply with the regulations in force regarding external air discharge. the minimum required number of bends; back to the hood; lék felé, tion, in accordance with regulations in force. The fumes outlet pipe must have: - minimum required length (long pipes with various bends can reduce suction performance of the hood and trigger - the minimum required number of bends; - minimum required length (long pipes with various bends can reduce suction performance ofhood theofhood and trigger - a diameter not less than that oflength the hood fitting; - the minimum requiredofnumber bends; --aminimum legkevesebb ívet, könyököt alkalmazzuk, vibrations oflehető the check valve). required (long pipes with various bends can reduce suction performance the and trigger The active carbon filters in this version are to be removed. Refer to the instructions L on page 9 for removal. - a slight slope downwards (drop) in the horizontal sections to prevent any formation of condensation from flowing vibrations of the check valve). - itminimum required length (long pipes with various bends -vibrations a lehető legrövidebb legyen (a environments számos ívvelsuch rendelkező, hosszú csövek az elszívási teljesítményt rontIf the fumes outlet pipe passes cold as attics, etc., is possible that water condensation of the checkthrough valve). back to the hood; Iffumes the outlet pipe passes through cold environments as attics, etc., it ischeck possible that water condensation vibrations ofisthe the valve). ésfumes aoutlet visszacsapószelep beremeghet) forms to changes in temperature. In cold this case, you arequalified required to insulate pipes. Ifhatják thesudden pipe passes through environments such such asto attics, etc., itthe possible that water condensation DISCHARGE (only intended for personnel assemble hood) - FUMES thedue minimum required number of bends; Deviation for a Germany: when the kitchen hood isát used at(pl. thepadlástéren sameyou timeIfare as appliances are powered bycsapódik energy otherenvironment than forms due to sudden changes inbends temperature. Insuction this case, required tothat insulate thehood pipes. the fumes outlet pipe passes through Amennyiben kivezető hideg légtéren át), előfordulhat, hogy víz a electric motor isrequired equipped with a check valve whose function isfut to prevent external exchange when is not coldki The hood supplied with an 800 m3/h forms due to sudden changes in temperature. In this case, you are required to insulate the the pipes. - minimum length (long pipescső with various can reduce performance ofair the hood and trigger 3 room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10-5 bar). in the /h motor is equipped with a check valve whose function is to prevent external air exchange when the hood The hood supplied with an 800 m 3 forms due toair sudden changes temperature. Innot this case hirtelen hőmérséklet Ez esetben awith csövet szigetelnünk vibrations ofokán. the check EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) /h motor is valve). equipped a check valve whosekell. function is to prevent external exchange wheninthe hood is notis hood supplied withváltozások anC 800 on m page 7 for assembly. operating:The refer to the instructions 3that water condensation If the fumes outlet pipe passes through cold environments such as attics, etc., it is possible /h motor is equipped with a check valve whose function The hood supplied with an 800 m A 800operating: m/ó-s teljesítményű motorral ellátott készülék egy visszacsapószeleppel van ellátva, melynek feladata, hogy megakadályozza In this version, the kitchen fumes and vapours are conveyed outside through an exhaust pipe. C on page 7 for assembly. refer to the instructions HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) When the kitchen hood is used simultaneously with other appliances that use gas or other fuels, the room must have sufficient ventilaCsudden on page 7 for inassembly. operating: refer to the instructions forms amikor due to changes temperature. In this case, you are required to oldalon insulate theapipes. a külső levegő beáramlását, a készülék nem működik: részletesen lásd a 7. ábrán. The air outlet fitting that extends from the upper part of the hood must be connected with the pip When the kitchen hood is used simultaneously with other appliances that use gas or other fuels, the room must have sufficient ventilaCwhen on page 7 filters for assembly. operating: togas theor instructions Infunction this model, airuse passes through the active to be purified andventilais then recycled in tion, in accordance with regulations in force. When kitchen hood used simultaneously with valve other appliances other fuels, thecarbon room must have sufficient motor is equipped with a check whose isthat to refer prevent external air exchange the hood is not The hoodthe supplied with an 800 mis3/h A szabványoknak megfelelően amennyiben a helyiségben egyidejűleg más, gázt vagy egyéb üzemanyagot égető berendezések the fumes and vapours to an external output. tion, in accordance with regulations in force. When the kitchen hood is used simultaneously with other appliances that use gas ment. tion, in accordance with regulations C on page 7 in for force. assembly. operating: refer to the instructions működnek, biztosítani kellversion a megfelelő szellőzést. The active carbon filters in this are to be removed. Refer to the instructions L onthethe page 9regulations for removal.pipes Do that not connect the equipment to discharge ofventilafumes produced from combustion (fo tion, in accordance with in are force. When the kitchen is used simultaneously with other are appliances use gas or other fuels, room must sufficient Check that active carbon filters assembled onto the hood, if not, install them Thehood active carbon filters inversion this version toremoved. be removed. Refer toinstructions the instructions L onhave page for removal. The active carbon filters in this are to be Refer to the L on page 9with for 9removal. ers, fireplaces, etc) and you are to comply the regulations in force regarding external a tion, in accordance with regulations in force. The active carbon filters in this version are to be removed. Refer to the instruction structions Az aktív szénszűrőt a fenti ki kell Lásd a 9. oldalon az L on ábrán. The fumes outlet pipe must have: Deviation for Germany: when the kitchen hood isesetben used at the sameszerelni. time as appliances that are powered bypage energy9.other than electricity, the negative pressure The active for carbon filters inwhen this version are to be removed. Refer to the instructions L on page 9that for removal. Deviation Germany: the kitchen hood is used at the same time as appliances are powered by energy other than electricity, the negative pressure - aa páraelszívóval diameter not lessegyidejűleg than of más, the hood fitting; in the room must not 4 Pawhen (4 x 10-5 bar). Deviation forexceed Germany: the kitchen hood isamennyiben used at the same time as appliances thatthat are powered by energy other thanárammal electricity, the negative pressure Németországra vonatkozó külön előírás: nem elektromos működő berendein the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10-5 bar). If the hood is set up with a filtering version, the check valve must not be assembled: remove Deviation for Germany: when the kitchen hood is used at the same time as appliances that are p - a slightthat slope downwards (drop) the horizontal sections to prevent any formation of condensati in the musta not exceed 4 Paahood (4negatív x 10-5 bar). zés is room üzemel, helyiségben nem haladhatja meg a 4 Pa-t (4x10E-5 bar). Deviation for Germany: when the kitchen is used atnyomás the same time as appliances are powered by energy other in than electricity, the negative pressure HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) in the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10-5 bar). back to the hood; in the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10-5 bar). HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL fitting ofRECIRCULATION the motor (carry out operations described in the instructions C on page 7 in rever (FILTERING) Belső keringtetéses (szűrés) In thisváltozat model, air VERSION passes through carbon filters to benumber purified is then recycled into the kitchen environHOOD WITHthe INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) -active the minimum required ofand bends; In this model, air passes through the active carbon filters to be purified is then recycled intokitchen thehelyiségbe. kitchen environ- (F HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) HOOD VERSION WITH RECIRCULATION EbbenIna this változatnál levegő áthalad az aktív szénszűrőkön, majd visszaforgatásra kerül aINTERNAL konyha ment. model, airapasses through the active carbon filters to be purified and isand then recycled into environ- minimum required length (long pipes with various bends can reduce performance of the h If you wish tois install the filtering version hood, drillthe asuction hole in the wall structure In this model,ment. air passes through the active carbon filters to be purified and then recycled into the kitchen environIn this model, air passes through the active carbon filters to ment. that the hogy Check active az carbon filters areofassembled onto the hood, ifto not, install them as indicated instructure. theainvibrations thebe check valve). Ellenőrizzük, aktív szénszűrők legyenek szerelve az elszívóba, ellenkező esetben 9. oldalon ted, of a suitable size allow purified air to exit the This hole shoul ment. C1 page 6 ment. Check thatactive the active carbon filters are assembled onto the hood, not, such installasthem asetc., indicated the that in- wat Ifszereljük the outlet pipe passes through cold environments attics, is possible szereplő ábra alapján be ezeket. Check that the carbon filters are assembled onto the hood, ifsuitable not,if install as indicated in theinof inhood's air outlet fitting with the itinside the structu L page 9. filters structions Check that theon active carbon arefumes assembled onto the hood, if not, install them asaindicated in pipe the them in-to protect or version with external exhaust (suction): if requiredelszívót by the selected height it of is possible to install the hood using only the trellis (T1) Check that theare active carbon filters arethe assembled on page 9.(H1), forms to sudden in temperature. In this case, you required to insulate pipes. Amennyiben keringtetéses (szűrős) kivitelben telepítjük, a visszacsapószelepre (huzatgátló) residues fatchanges particles. onLpage 9. due structions L onstructions page L 9.belső structionsaz 3 e flue (G). /h motor is equipped with a check valve whose function is to prevent external air exchange when The hood supplied with an 800 m nincs szükség: amennyiben a motor kivezető nyílására felszerelésre került, szereljük ezt le (fordított sorrend9.outlet structions If the hood is set up with a filtering version, the check valve must not be assembled: remove it if itLison onpage the air 1 ) it if it is on the air outlet ch the extension supporting elements (SP) to isthe trellis (T1) using the 8 self-threading screws (V4) through the pre-drilled holes (Fig. If the hood is set up with a filtering version, the check valve must not be assembled: remove Ifoperating: the hood set up with a filtering version, the check valve must not be assembled: remove it if it is on the air outlet ben hajtsuk végre a 7. oldalon a ábrán szereplő utasításokat). C on(Fig. page 7(only forthe assembly. refer instructions Ifthe themotor hoodto is the set up with a filtering version, the check valvefor must notpage be assembled: remove it if it isthe onhood) the air outlet ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS qualified toorder). assemble Cpersonnel on 7 in reverse of (carry out operations in 2keringtetéses k 4 drilling points on the ceilingfitting (also identified on(carry page 3 and 4), described drilldescribed )instructions Put intended ininstructions 4C x on ø (szűrős) 8mm expansion bolts and the in reverse order). fitting of the outmotor in the If the hood isgas set upsecure afuels, filtering the Amennyiben motor aoperations készüléket módban telepítjük, azon részre, ahol ké-check C on page 7with in reverse order). fitting ofmotor the (carry outbelső operations described inpage the7instructions When the kitchen hood is used simultaneously with other appliances that use or other theversion, roomamust havevalv su C on page 7 in reverse order). fitting of the (carry out operations described in the instructions 3 ). egy lyukat a szekrényelembe. A lyuk elég nagy méretű legyen ahnsion supporting elements (SP) to the ceilingszülék by the relative screws (V1) (Fig. telepítésre kerül, fúrjunk tion, If inyou accordance with regulations in force. Before installing the hood, make sure the structure in which it will be fixed can safely support the device: the fitting of the motor (carry out operations described in the wish to install the filtering version hood, drill a hole in the wall structure where it will be mounIf you wish to install the filtering hood,to a hole inceiling: the wallsaid structure it will be be mounWith false ceilings, the extension supporting elements (SP)megtisztított must alwaysversion be bolted the falselépni falsewhere ceiling must reinforced légcsatornával hoz, hogy levegő kidrill tudjon a szekrényből. lyukat megfelelő Ifawish you wish topurified install filtering version hood, drill a hole inAwall the wall structure where itbe will be mounconfigurations, isthe in the technical athole the beginning ofmaterithis booklet. ted, of aaitsuitable suitable size to allow purified air to exit the structure. This should be connected towill the t (suction): if required by the selectedthat height (H1), isvarious possible to install the hood only the trellis (T1) ted, ofactive size to allow airreported tousing exit the structure. This hole should be connected to the If you to install the filtering hood, drill asheets hole in the structure where itfor mounor somehow fitted with a solution can guarantee safely attaching the hood to it,version taking into account the strength of the used The carbon filters in this version are to be removed. Refer to the instructions L onshould page 9abe removal. kössük össze az elszívó levegő kimeneti nyílásával, ezzel megakadályozzuk, hogy szekrény belted, of a suitable size to allow purified air to exit the structure. This hole connected to thehood, If you wish to install the filtering hood's air airted, outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to protect the inside of the structure from humidity and hood's outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to protect the inside of the structure from humidity and of a suitable size to allow purified air to exit the structure. This hole should be connected to version the als and the weight of the hood (reported on page.B2). sejében pára és maradék zsírszemek csapódjanak ki.protect the inside Phase page 7 hood's air outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to of the structure from humidity and residues of fat particles. ted, of a suitable size to allow purified air to e residues of fat particles. 1 ) ments (SP) to the trellis (T1) using the 8 self-threading screws (V4) through the pre-drilled holes (Fig. hood's air outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to protect the inside of the structure from humidity and The fixing kit (screws and plugs)Deviation supplied with the hood can behood usedis on masonry walls: should itthe betechnical necessary to install the for Germany: when theonly kitchen used at the same time as appliances that aresheets powered by energy other than electricity, the • Drill the hole intended for recessing (for the size of the hole, see at the beginning of this booklet). residues of fat particles. hood's air outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to 2 gase (also 3 and 4),indrill (Fig. ) Put in 4 x ø 8mm expansion bolts and secure the C1identified page 6 on residues of fat particles. Szerelési útmutató (kizárólag szakképzett személynek szól) hood onto walls in apage different material, assess other fixing systems keeping the wall resistance and weight of the hood in mind (indicated the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10-5 bar). ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (only intended for personnel qualified to assemble the hood) residues of fat particles. Cgyőződjünk page 7Phasemeg Phase 3előtt ).intended olyASSEMBLY the ceiling theINSTRUCTIONS relative screws (V1)(suction): (Fig. C1 page 6hogy on 2).bywith A készülék telepítése arról, szekrényelem, amelybe a készüléket beszereljük, (only forby personnel qualified toaassemble theto hood) forpage version external exhaust if required the selected height (H1), it is possible install the hood using only the trellis (T1) biztonság3 • Only for the external exhaust (suction) version with an 800m /h motor: if wish, install the check va n supporting elements (SP) must always be bolted to the false ceiling: said false ceiling must be reinforced ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (only intended for personnel qualified to assemble the hood) HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION Before the hood, make asure the structure in which itpersonnel willkülönféle be fixed can safely support the(suction): device: of the hood, in galinstalling meg tudja tartani készüléket. Az elszívó változatainak megfelelő össztömegek azyou útmutató d the flue (G). ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (only intended forversion to assemble thethe hood) Only for withqualified external exhaust ifweight required by(FILTERING) the selected height elején (H1), it isfelpossible to in 1 3 (ERM) is installed, remove it (Fig. ), install the check valve (M) as illustrated in the figures (Fig. 2into on that can guarantee safely attaching the hood to it, taking into account the strength of the used materiIn this model, air passes through the active carbon filters to be purified and is then recycled the various configurations, is reported in the technical sheets at the beginning of this booklet. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (only intended for personnel qualified to-asse installing the hood, make sure structure which it8 will be fixed can safely(V4) support thethe device: the weight of the1 hood, in tüntetésre kerültek. ) Attach the Before extension supporting elements (SP) to the trellis (T1) using the(G). self-threading screws through pre-drilled holes (Fig. andin the flue NAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) 6 ).can safely support the device: the weight of the hood, in previously removed fitting (ERM) back inbe (Fig. Before installing theidentified hood, make sure the structure in which it)be will fixed (reported on page. 2). on ment. various configurations, is reported in the technical sheets at the beginning of this booklet. 2 Before installing the hood, make sure the structure in which it will fixed can safely support the device: the weight of the hood, in Mark 4 drilling points the ceiling (also on page 3 and 4), drill (Fig. Put in 4 x ø 8mm expansion bolts and secure the • Attach the extension supporting elements to the trellis (T1) using the 8 self-threading screws (V4) th Phase BOnly page 7 lépés 7.6oldal – page -with for the version with an 800m3/h motor: iftechnical youshould wish, the check valve (M); if(SP) the connection is installed take se Dsupplied various configurations, ison reported in the at the beginning ofthe this booklet. ugs) the hood can only be(for used masonry walls: itinstall bethe necessary toinstalling install Before the hood, the in which be Dofinthe page Phase 3at various configurations, is reported inrelative the7 sheets at beginning of this booklet. ).the extension•supporting elements (SP) to the ceiling by screws (V1) sheets (Fig. Check that the filters aremake assembled onto the4),hood, if(Fig. not, install 2it )will Drill the hole intended for recessing the size the hole, see the technical sheets beginning ofcarbon this(also booklet). • technical Mark 4 drilling points on theactive ceiling identified on sure page 3 structure and drill Putthem infixed 4asx ind øca 1 2 3 4 5 ), install the check valve (M) as illustrated the figures (Fig. ) and put the previously removed connection back wn (Fig. • page Készítsünk egysystems nyílástkeeping a felső •the szekrényelem alján (a méreteket illetően az(Fig. útmutató részében szereplő műszaki adatok között Phase BPhase 7 fixing material, assess wallelements resistance and weight of the hood intounit mind (indicated various configurations, isfalse reported inmust the technical sheets at).the beginning 1to Insert the hood atmust the bottom of the wall ):the theelső springs (MO) open and temporarily support the hoodof ont With falseother ceilings, the extension supporting (SP) always be bolted the false ceiling: said ceiling be reinforced 3 extension supporting elements (SP) ceiling by the relative screws (V1) (Fig. C page 7 structions L on page 9. Phase B page 7 6tájékozódhatunk). RM) (Fig. the ).hole • Drill (for the hole, the 3 technical sheets at the beginning of this booklet). Bintended page 7forarecessing 3guarantee - size ). of thewith /h motor: if youtowish, install thesupporting check valve (M); if the(SP) • Phase Only for the external exhaust that (suction) version ansee 800m or somehow fitted with solution can safely attaching thesee hood it, taking into account theelements strength offitting the used materiWith false ceilings, the extension must always be bolted to the false ceili • Drill the hole intended for recessing (for the size of the hole, the sheets at thethe beginning ofbooklet). this booklet). Phase Btechnical page 7 • page Drill the hole recessing (for the size the hole, see the technical sheets at the beginning Enot page the hood to it, taking into a the best length the flexible (recommended) orinstall rigid pipe the and connect it suitably (Phase 1 ),on 2to- can 3 - connection 4 of the check valve (M) as fumes illustrated in the (Fig.that - 5this ) and put the (ERM) is installed, remove it (Fig. 7weight Phase alsC and thefor ofintended the hoodfor (reported page. 2). orthe somehow fitted with afigures solution guarantee safely attaching 7. oldal – lépés E page 8toofdischarge Phase If hood is set up with a filtering version, the check valve must be assembled: removesheets it if it is • Drill the hole intended for recessing (for the size of the hole, see the technical at ).with previously removed (ERM) back in (Fig. 6the C page 7fitting Phase N (SUCTION) • Only the external (suction) version ancan 800m motor: ifofyou wish,walls: install the check valve (M); if the the fitting The•for fixing kit (screws and supplied with hood be used on masonry should it be– necessary to install C page 7 exhaust Phase als only and3/h the weight the hood (reported on page. 2). 3 plugs) 3 Kizárólag 800 m /ó-s motorral ellátott, külső kivezetéses (elszívásos) változat esetén igény esetén helyezzük be a H page 9), tighten the 4 screws (V1) to open the springs (MO) ( • Open the perimeter suction panel (see instructions C on page 7 in reverse orde fitting of the motor (carry out operations described in the instructions • Only for the external exhaust (suction) version with an 800m /h motor: if you wish, install the check valve (M); if the fitting D page 7 Phase 3 C page 7 Phase 1install 2 the 3 check 4 mind isonto installed, remove itmaterial, (Fig. ), (suction) install the check valve (M)800m askit illustrated inifthe figures (Fig. - the - in - 5 )(indicated and put hood•an walls a different assess other fixing systems the wallmotor: resistance and weight of the hood Only for in the external exhaust version with an /h you wish, install valve (M); ifthe the fitting The fixing (screws and plugs) supplied with hood can only be used on masonry wa sion(ERM) with 800m3/h motor: if you wish, the check valve (M); ifkeeping the connection is3 megtörtént, installed take visszacsapószelepet (M). Amennyiben a csőcsonk (ERM) felszerelése szereljük azt le ( . ábra), helyezzük fel a hood at the bottom of the wall unit (Fig. ).. 1 2 3 • Insert the hood at the bottom of the wall unit (Fig. ): the springs (MO) open and temporarily support the hood on the structure (Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 (ERM) is fitting installed, remove itin(Fig. install the check valve (M) asexternal illustrated in figures theother figures (Fig. ) and put the and VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) • removed Only for the (suction) with 800m motor: if y 6 ).),put previously (ERM) back on page 2).removed 2version (ERM) installed, remove it (Fig. install thepreviously check valve (M)in as illustrated inexhaust the (Fig. - 3 -- 4.ábra). -- 5 an )-and put the hood onto walls aconnection different material, assess fixing systems keeping the wall/h resistance 3 51 )),. and ve (M) as illustrated inisthe figures (Fig. --(Fig. the back - 3 ). previously ábra), majd helyezzük vissza az iméntthe leszerelt (ERM) visszacsapószelepet (M)2( -fitting - - -4 (ERM) If you wish install filteringcsőcsonkot version hood, drill a(the holecheck in thevalve wall structure where 6page removed back in (Fig. ).them 1 (ERM) isto installed, remove itP (Fig. ),10. install (M) as illustrat 6 previously removed fitting (ERM) back in (Fig. ). on page ure that the active carbon filters are assembled onto the hood, if not, install as indicated in the instructions on 2). 7 – 8 lépés Phase D Make sure that the springs (MO) grip the bottom of the wall unit. E page Phase ted, of a suitable size to allow purified air to exit the structure. This hole should be co oldal 6 ). previously removed fitting (ERM) back in (Fig. Dthepage 7 Phase stalled, remove the connection (ERM) and any unit check valve (M) the hood's air temporarily outlet (perform, in reverse order, the opera1 ):page • Insert the hood at bottom the wall (Fig. theinstalled springs (MO) open and support the hood on the structure (Fig. 2of the structure from TERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) D page 7to Avoid using forceon to block the hood: usefitting the provided tool indicated. 2as) pipe E page commended) or rigid pipe discharge the fumes and connect it suitably to the connection (Phase H 9), tighten the 4 screws (V1) tooutlet open the springs (MO) (Fig. and block the • Phase Open the perimeter suctionofpanel (see instructions hood's air fitting with a suitable to protect the inside • Helyezzük a készüléket a konyhaszekrény aljába ( . ábra, a rugók (MO) kinyílnak, és ideiglenesen a szekrényhez rögzítik a(Fig. készü1 • Insert the hood at the bottom of the wall unit (Fig. ): the springs (MO) open and temporarily support the hood on the structure (Fig. Dopen page 7 temporarily Phase - 3D). page 2 2 •inhood Insert the hood at bottom of the unit (Fig. ): residues the springs (MO) and the hood on the structure EXTERNAL HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) D page 6).unitwith described the 3 )..wall at- the bottom of the wall •(Fig. Make sure that the1hood isEXHAUST well secured to the structure and perimeter panel. 6instructions Only for the version an 800m3/h motor: if you wish, install the check valve (M);close if support thethe connection issuction installed take Phase of fat particles. léket ( . ábra). 3 ). 1 the5hood at the bottom of the wall unit (Fig. ): the springs (MO) open and te -1 3), 8install ). 2 • - 63Insert EON page the check valve (M) as illustrated EXHAUST in the figures ( - 4 - for )the andversion put the with previously removedmotor: connection t Phase down (Fig. D - Only an 800m3/h if youback wish, install the check valve EXTERNAL HOOD - G1 -H - Ithe - Lbottom• ofPhase Make sure that the springs (MO) grip the wall unit.VERSION - 3 ).(SUCTION) 8. oldal – lépés LLATION CEILING Phases F E page 8 Phase 6 CIRCULATION (FILTERING) ). n• (ERM) (Fig. 1(only 2 - 3 E page 8 force to ), install the (V1) check valve (M) asqualified illustrated inassemble the figures (Fig. it down 2 page 9), the 4 screws to open the springs (MO) (Fig. ) and block the- 4 - 5 ) and put th Open Phase the perimeter suction panel (see Avoid using block the instructions hood: use INSTRUCTIONS theH provided tooltighten as(Fig. indicated. ASSEMBLY intended for personnel to the hood) F page • Connect the hood’s outlet fitting toEthe external exhaust with a suitable (Phase - in (ERM) -H -ábrán), -L page 8a44screws •at Nyissuk fel athe külső elszívó panelt (lásd 9. oldalon aair húzzuk meg db csavart a rugók kinyitásához (MO) LLATION CEILING WITH CEILING Phases Finstructions Ipage 28).)(block H the (V1) to thepipe springs (MO) and. ábra), block • sure Open perimeter suction (see 6Phase (Fig. ).9), •ON that the hood is suction well secured the structure and close the perimeter suction panel. 3(see P ontighten page re assembled onto the hood, ifFALSE not, install them as indicated inG2 the instructions hood the bottom offlexible the wall unit (Fig.topanel ).. page Find the best length for the (recommended) orainstructions rigid pipe toH discharge fumes and connect it (V1) suitably toopen the (Phase 2 ) and page 9),the tighten the 410. screws (V1) to open theconnection springs (MO) (Fig.E(Fig. the the • Make Open the perimeter panel és a készüléknek a fali szekrényhez történő stabil rögzítéséhez ( . ábra). 3 hood at the bottom of the wall unit (Fig. ).. H page 9), tighten 4 screws • Open the perimeter suction panel (see instructions HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) LLATION ON CEILING WITHOUT EXTENSION (H) AND TRELLIS (T) Phases M N RM) and any check at valve installed on the hood's air outlet (perform, insure reverse the(recommended) opera6). Before installing the hood, make structure in which it will or berigid fixedpipe cantosafely support the device: the weight 3 )..• fitting hood the(M) bottom of the wall unit (Fig. Find the best length forthe flexible discharge the fumes andthe connect it su -theorder, EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) 3 hood at the bottom of the wall unit (Fig. ).. Ellenőrizzük, hogy a rugók (MO) stabilan rögzítsék a szekrényhez a készüléket. Make sure that the springs (MO) grip the bottom of the wall unit. various configurations, is reported in the technical sheets at the beginning of this booklet. 6). a suitable the active carbon filters are assembled F page 8). onto the hood; if not, install them as instructed L page 9. • Connect the hood’s air outlet fitting to •theCheck externalthat exhaust with pipe (Phase page 6). F page 7 Avoid Make that the springs (MO) grip the bottom ofwall the wall unit. using force block hood: use the provided tool indicated. OOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) Make suretosure that thethe springs (MO) grip the bottom ofasthe unit. • Ifthem installed, the fitting (ERM) any check valve (M) installed on the hood’s air outlet fitting (perform, in re Ne próbáljuk erővel megoldani aremove készülék rögzítését: aand tartozékként járó eszközt használjuk. HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) rt•theMake extension (H) into the flue (G) and secure together with masking tape. Avoid using force to block the hood: use the provided tool as indicated. Phase B page 7 Make sureRECIRCULATION that the springs(FILTERING) (MO) grip the bottom of the wall unit. -the -active - Avoid sure the hood isfilters well secured to the structure andthe close the perimeter suction panel. using force to block theonto hood: use provided tool asINTERNAL indicated. HOOD VERSION WITH es F - G1 Hthat I L P on page 10. when Ensure that carbon are assembled the hood, if not, install them as indicated in the instructions C page 7). ation described in the instructions L page 9. •exhaust Check that the active carbon filters are assembled onto the hood; if not, install them as instructed external (suction) versions, it is possible to insert extension (H) with the slots facing downwards so that they are notatvisible • Make sure thatahood the wellhole secured tostructure the and the perimeter suction panel. •hood Drillisstabilan the intended forastructure recessing (forclose the size of theusing hole, see the technical sheets the the beginning of this Avoid force to block panelt. the hood: use provided toolbooklet). as indicated. • remove Ellenőrizzük, készülék rögzüljön szekrényhez, majd zárjuk be aare külső elszívó Make sure that the is secured tovalve the and the perimeter suction panel. -the - (ERM) - Iwell -and Ifnstallation installed, the connection anycheck check valve installed onhood’s the hood's air outlet fitting (perform, inorder, reverse order, theinstall opera-them as indicated in the •(M)(M) Ensure that the active carbon filters assembled onto the the hood, if not, • •height If installed, remove fitting and any installed onclose the air outlet fitting (perform, in reverse operLSE CEILING Phases Fhogy G2 H(ERM) L(SUCTION) EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION allows it. • Make sure that the hood is well secured to the structure and close the perimeter suctio C page 7 Phase 20 valve (M) installed on the hood's EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) • If installed, remove the connection (ERM) and any check air outlet fittin külső kivezetéses változat (elszívás) C page 7).(SUCTION) ation described inoutlet the instructions D page 6). EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION tion described in the instructions T •EXTENSION (H) AND TRELLIS (T) M 3 F page 8). the hood’s air fitting toPhases the external exhaust with a suitable pipe (Phase -N • Only for the external exhaust (suction) version with an 800m /h motor: if you wish, install the check valve (M G1Connect page• 7A(only for installations on ceiling WITHOUT false ceiling) EXTERNAL EXHAUST HOOD VERSION (SUCTION) megfelelő légcsatornával csatlakoztassuk aexternal készülék levegő kimeneti nyílását a külső légtérbe történő kivezetésre szolgáló idomF page 8). • Connect the hood’s air outlet fitting to the exhaust with a suitable pipe (Phase D page 6). 8). tion described the instructions F page • Connect the hood’s air outlet fitting to the external exhaust with in a 1suitable pipethe (Phase 20 2 3 (ERM) is installed, remove it (Fig. ), install check valve (M) as illustrated in the figures (Fig. - 4 - 5 1 e the assembly (H+G) until it is touching the ceiling (Fig. ). HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) mal (lásd a 8. oldalon az F ábrán). STALLATION ON CEILING Phases G1 HRECIRCULATION I L fitting(FILTERING) • back Connect the 6hood’s fitting to the external exhaust with a suitable pipe (Phase HOOD VERSION WITH INTERNAL previously removed (ERM)them inthe (Fig. ). 2air). outlet ch the assembly (H+G) to theWITH trellis (T) with 4 screws (V3) without tightening all way (Fig. G) and secure them together with masking tape. HOOD VERSION INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) INSTALLATION ON PhasesL Fpage G19. H I L - G2if-not, -install - LCEILING • CheckBelső that the active carbon are assembled onto the them as instructed STALLATION ON CEILING WITH filters FALSE CEILING Phases Fhood; H IHOOD keringtetéses változat (szűrés) WITH INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) LPhases page 9. - order, • toCheck that the active carbon filters are assembled onto the hood; ifVERSION not,not install them as instructed D page 7facing Phase ns, itIfpage isinstalled, possible insert extension (H) with the slots downwards so that they are visible when • remove the fitting (ERM) and any check valve (M) installed on the hood’s air outlet fitting (perform, in reverse - Hthe - I oper- L ábra alapL page 9. • Check that the active carbon filters are assembled onto the hood; if not, install them as instructed G2 7 (only for installations on ceiling WITH false ceiling) • Ellenőrizzük, hogy az aktív szénszűrők be legyenek szerelve az elszívóba. Amennyiben nincsenek, a 9. oldalon szereplő INSTALLATION ON CEILING WITH FALSE CEILING F G2 STALLATION ON CEILING WITHOUT EXTENSION (H) AND TRELLIS (T) Phases M N • If installed, remove fitting (ERM) and any8bottom check valve (M) installed on the hood’s air(MO) outlet fitting (perform, in reverse order, the oper1the •theInsert the hood at the of theinstalled wall uniton (Fig. ): the springs open and temporarily support hood onthem the st •screws Check that active carbon filters are(perform, assembled onto the hood; ifthe not, install as • ján Ifsupporting installed, remove the (SP) fitting (ERM) and any check valve (M) the hood’s air outlet fitting in reverse order, the operthe extension elements to the trellis with self-threading (V4) being sure to press it up against the false ceiling szereljük be ezeket. C page 7). (T) ation described in the instructions INSTALLATION ON WITHOUT AND TRELLIS (T) (M)Phases M -N - 3instructions ). nyílására • (M) IfCEILING installed, remove került, theEXTENSION fitting (ERM)(H) and any check valve installed on the hood’s C page 7). ation described in the ase F page 7 .ns on • A mennyiben a motor kivezető visszacsapószelep felszerelésre szereljük le a csatlakozást (ERM) (fordított ceilingation WITHOUT false in ceiling) described the instructions C page 7). 207 utasításokat). Efalse page 8 a(Fig. Phase nsert the (H) into flue (G) and secure them together masking tape. described in the instructions C page 7). 2 ). with euching the assembly (H+G) until is touching the ceiling sorrendben végre a 7. oldalon ábrán Phase Fszereplő page ation 1hajtsuk theextension ceiling (Fig. ).it the 20 20 With exhaust (suction) versions, it isthem possible to insert extension withinstructions the slots downwards so that they are (V1) not visible when 3 ).with ch theexternal assembly (H+G) towithout the extension supporting elements (SP) with screws (V3) them allthe the (Fig. Insert the4 (H) extension (H)without intofacing the flue (G) secure them together masking 2 ).panel lis (T) with 4 screws (V3) tightening the way•suction (Fig. Htightening page 9),and tighten 4way screws to open the tape. springs (MO) (Fig. 2 • Open the all perimeter (see 20 facing down the installation height allows it. • ofWith external exhaust versions, it is possible to insert extension (H) with the slots 123 (suction) hood at the bottom the wall unit (Fig. ).. H 8 ns page on ceiling WITH false ceiling)
5)or ). height e (Fig. installation allows it. or rigid pipe to discharge the fumes and connect it suitably to the connection (Phase E page the flexible (recommended) n force. The hood is assembled with two different types of filters: metal ones (washable) and active carbon ones (non-washable). The former must be cleaned every 30 hours indicates that they need to be washed), the latter are to be replaced every 3-4 se F pageof5use (for versions with electronic push button control panel, the fixed red light If Ifyou the version hood, drill a hole in the wall structure wh his enhances the depending airflow to convey fumes and vapours towards the suction surface. youwish wishtotoinstall install thefiltering filtering version months, on the use of the hood. For further information, please read the chapter regarding "Maintenance" on page 18.hood, drill a hole in the wall structure w 1 ). surface. air to exit de the extension (H) untiltoitconvey is positioned at the desiredtowards height (Fig. the airflow fumes and vapours the suction This should bebeconnected INTERNAL RECIRCULATION (FILTERING) nhis ofenhances all vapours and odours. If required, by means of thetowards Timer function, it is possible air tomounted, exitthe thestructure. structure. Thishole hole should connectedtotothe thehood’s hood’sairairoutlet outletfitti fit his enhances the airflow to convey fumes and vapours the suction surface. you wish to install the filtering version hood, drill a hole in the wall structure where it will be of a suitable size to allow Amennyiben készüléket keringtetéses módban telepítjük, azon részre, ahol a purified készülék telepítésre kerül, 2 a, draw ollowing what isand indicated inIfFig. a line on the Timer wall that will beitused to position thefrom bracket (L) correctly. n of all vapours odours. required, by means ofbelső function, is(szűrős) possible ture humidity and ofoffatof particles. ture from humidity andresidues residues fat particles. nto ofexit all vapours and odours. If required, by means of the Timer function, it is possible the structure. This hole should be connected to the hood’s air outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to protect the inside the strucIf you wish to install the filtering version hood, drill a hole in the wall structure where it will be mounted, of a suitable size to allow purified P on page 10. erace carbon filters are assembled onto the hood, if not, install them as indicated in the instructions fúrjunk lyukat aPUSH szekrényelembe. A lyuk elég nagy méretű legyen ahhoz, hogy amark megtisztított levegő tudjon USE (L) OFon MECHANICAL CONTROL PANEL the bracket the wallegy by following the line BUTTON drawn on it. With a spirit level, check the horizontal alignment and the filtering 2 drilling points ki If you wish to install the version hood, drilllépa hole in the w re from humidity residues of structure. fatvalve particles. GG page 8 8inaz air to exit This hole should behood's connected to Phase the hood’s air outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to protect the inside of megakathe struche connection any the check installed on the air outlet fitting (perform, reverse order, the operaPhase page niand a szekrényből. A(M) lyukat megfelelő légcsatornával kössük össze elszívó levegő kimeneti nyílásával, ezzel 3 ).and the ends (Fig. (ERM) air to exit the structure. This hole should be connected to the hoo this enhances the airflow to convey fumes and vapours towards the suction surface. •third power the hood with ture from humidity residues of fatconditions, particles. • Electrically Electrically power the(Fig. hood accordance withregulations regulationsininforce. force. dályozzuk, hogy(øisand a6mm) szekrény belsejében pára maradék zsírszemek csapódjanak ki. age 4in).inaccordance eping airD clean, speed used in normal and the rill the8the holes, insert 2the expansion plugs and fasten the bracket (L)éswith the relative screws (V4) page 6).second instructions ture from humidity and residues of fat particles. eping the air clean, second used in normal conditions, and the third on all vapours and If required, by means ofinthe Timer function, is possible lly of power the hood inodours. accordance withis regulations force. If you tospeed install the filtering version hood, aithole in the wall structure where it will be mounted, of a suitable size to allow purified Phase Gthe page 8the 5drill ghten the extension (H) towish bracket (L) using (V5) (Fig. ).and eping the air clean, the second speed is used inscrews normal conditions, the third Phase G page 8 8. oldal – lépés ILING Phases F G1 H I L topower exit the structure. hole should be connectedintoforce. the hood’s air outlet fitting with a suitable pipe to protect the inside of600 the struc• Electrically the hoodwith inThis accordance with regulations ectrically power the air hood in accordance regulations in force. m /h • • AFALSE z érvényes szabályozásnak megfelelően áram alá a készüléket. Electrically power the hood in accordance with regulations in force. ture from humidity and residues of-fat particles. - G2 - H -helyezzük LING WITH CEILING Phases F I L ashable) and active carbon ones (non-washable). The former must be cleaned every 30WHEN hours WHENSHOULD SHOULDTHE THEHOOD HOODBEBESWITCHED SWITCHEDON ONAND ANDOFF? OFF? ashable) andPhase active carbon The in former mustare betocleaned every 30 hours eping the air clean, the second speed used normal conditions, and the third G page 8 (non-washable). ILING WITHOUT EXTENSION (H) AND TRELLIS (T)latter Phases N red light indicates thatones they need to beiswashed), the be M replaced every 3-4 ononthe ashable) and active carbon ones (non-washable). The former must be cleaned every 30 hours használat Switch hood at least one minute before starting totocook: Switch the hood at least one minute before starting cook:this thisenhances enhancesthe theairflow airflowto OULD THE• HOOD BE SWITCHED ON AND OFF? indicates that they need to be washed), the latter are to be replaced every 3-4 red light Electrically power thetohood inon accordance with regulations inevery force. ease read the chapter regarding "Maintenance" page 18. Button 1: Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor red light indicates that they need be washed), the latter are to be replaced 3-4 After cooking, leave the hood operating until complete extraction of all vapours and odours After cooking, leave the hood operating until complete extraction of all vapours and odou he hood atmikor least one minute before starting to cook: airflow to convey javasolt beés kikapcsolnunk azthe elszívót? WHEN SHOULD THE HOOD BEon SWITCHED ON AND OFF? 1 fumes and vapours towards the suction surface. ease read the chapter regarding "Maintenance" page this 18. enhances Light button WHEN SHOULD THE HOOD BE SWITCHED ON AND OFF? at minimum speed ease read the chapter regarding on pagebefore 18.of EN SHOULD THE on HOOD BE "Maintenance" SWITCHED ON AND OFF? to set hood auto switch-off after 15 minutes of operation. to set hood auto switch-off after 15 minutes of operation. ng, leave the hood operating until complete extraction all vapours and odours. If required, by means of the Timer function, it is possible A főzést megelőzően legalább 1 perccel kapcsoljuk be az elszívót: ezzel elérjük, hogy a légáramlás az elszívási felület felé terelje a páSwitch the hood at least one minute starting to cook: this enhances the airflow to convey fumes and vapours towards the suction surface. H) into the flue (G)Press and secure themto together masking tape. thisminute button turnstarting thewith hood light this on (button pressed in) to conveySwitch on the hood attowards least(button one minute tomotor cook: this enhanc ch on the hood at least one before to cook: enhances airflow fumes and vapours the suction surface. ROL PANEL ashable) and active carbon ones (non-washable). The former must be cleaned every 30 hours Button 2: Press thisvisible button in)és toabefore start orstarting set the auto switch-off after 15 minutes ofhood operation. rát, gőzöket. Főzést követően hagyjuk addig athe készüléket, amíg a teljes páramennyiség eltűnik, szagok megszűnnek. After cooking, leave the operating until complete extraction of all vapours and IfSELECTED? required, by means of the Timer function, it is possible tROL (suction) versions, it off is possible to insert extension (H) with működni the slots facing downwards so that they are not when WHICH SPEED ISodours. TO BEBE or (button out) PANEL WHICH IS TO SELECTED? 2IfSPEED After cooking, leave the hood operating until complete extraction of all vap cooking, leave the hood operating until complete extraction of all vapours and odours. required, by means of the Timer function, it is possible dROL red light indicates that they need to be washed), the latter are to be replaced every 3-4 PANEL atismedium speed szükséges, az elektronikus panelen az időzítő gombbal elérhetjük, hogy 15 perces működést követően to set hood auto switch-off after 15 minutes nyomógombos ofON operation. tEED allows it.Amennyiben The first speed aset low consumption energy-saving way ofofof keeping the airairclean, the WHEN SHOULD THE HOOD BE SWITCHED AND OFF? The first speed is a low consumption energy-saving way keeping the clean, thesec se IS TO BE SELECTED? to hood auto switch-off after 15 minutes operation. tease hood auto switch-off after 15"Maintenance" minuteskikapcsoljon. of operation. read the chapter regarding on page 18. aSwitch készülék automatikusan speed is used when there are strong odours and vapours. on the hood at least one minute before starting to cook: this enhances the airflow to convey fumes and vapours towards the suction surface. OFF button Button 3: Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor speed is used when there are strong odours and vapours. peed a low consumption energy-saving way of keeping the air clean, the second speed is used in normal conditions, and the third WHICH SPEED IS TO BE SELECTED? y forisinstallations on ceiling WITHOUT false ceiling) OFF 3 SPEED IS TO BE SELECTED? CHwhen SPEED IS TO BE SELECTED? After cooking, leave theand hood until off complete extraction of allthe vapours and odours. If required, byused means of the Timer function, it isthe possible Press this button to vapours. switch motor at WHICH maximum speed milyen sebességfokozatot 600 ed there are strong odours first speed isceiling a low consumption energy-saving way of keeping air clean, the second speed is inOR normal conditions, and third 1operating H+G) until itThe is touching the (Fig. ). the alkalmazzunk? WHEN SHOULD THE FILTERS BE WASHED WHEN SHOULD THE FILTERS BE WASHED ORREPLACED? REPLACED? TROL PANEL m /h 600 The first speed is a low consumption energy-saving way of keeping the a first speed is a low consumption energy-saving way of keeping the air clean, the second speed is used in normal conditions, and the third körülmények to set hood auto switch-off after 15 minutes of operation. Az első fokozat kis áramfelvételű, energiatakarékos mód a levegő tisztán, frissen tartására, a második fokozat normál speed is used when there are strong odours and vapours. 600 m /h 2 ). H+G) to the trellis (T) with 4 screws (V3) without tightening them all the way (Fig. The hood is assembled with two different types of filters: metal ones (washable) and The hood is assembled with two different types of filters: metal ones (washable) andaca OULD THE FILTERS BE OR REPLACED? speed is used when there are strong odours and vapours. m /h d is used when there areWASHED strong odours vapours. közötti elszívásra szolgál, a and harmadik fokozat erős pára, szagok esetén alkalmazandó. USE OF ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL PANEL cleaned every ofofuse, are totobebemust replaced every WHICH SPEED ISTHE TO types BE SELECTED? cleaned every30 30hours hours use,the thelatter latter are replaced every3-4 3-4months, months,depending dependingo sy assembled with two different of filters: metal ones (washable) and active carbon ones (non-washable). The former be WHEN SHOULD FILTERS BE WASHED OR REPLACED? for installations on ceiling WITH false ceiling) WHEN SHOULD THE FILTERS BEregarding WASHED OR REPLACED? EN SHOULD THE FILTERS WASHED OR REPLACED? mikor tisztítsuk, cseréljük aenergy-saving szűrőket? For information, please read the chapter regarding "Maintenance" on page The first speed isBEaare low consumption way ofmetal keeping the air clean, the second speed isones used in normal conditions, and the third Forfurther further information, please read the chapter "Maintenance" on page23. 23. ery 30 hours of use, the tothis be replaced every 3-4 months, on the use of the hood. The hood is latter assembled with two types of filters: ones (washable) active carbon (non-washable). The former must be pporting elements (SP) to1:the trellis (T)button with 8different self-threading screws (V4) being sure to press itand up against the false ceiling Button Press (button in) to start ordepending set the motor The hood is(non-washable). assembled withThe two different types of filters: metal ones (w 600 hood is assembled with two different types of filters: metal ones (washable) and active carbon ones former must be Az elszívó két eltérő típusú szűrővel van ellátva: fém zsírszűrőkkel (moshatók) és aktív szénszűrőkkel (nem moshatók). Az előzőt 30 1 speed is used when there are strong odours and vapours. Button 1: Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor information, please read the chapter regarding "Maintenance" on page 23. cleaned every 30 hours of use, the latter are to be replaced every 3-4 months, depending on the use of the hood. m /h at minimum speed 1hoursButton 1:tisztítsuk Press this buttonindicates (button in) tothey start or világít, set thewashed), motor every 30 hours use, theutóbbit latter are3-4 to be replaced every 3-4 mont that need to be the are replaced everyof 3-4 months, depending ned every use (the fixed light üzemóránként (a lámpa folyamatosan jelezve, hogy a cleaned szűrők esedékes), az havonta cserélatofminimum speed essed in) 30 further information, please read the regarding "Maintenance" onlatter page betisztítása USE ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL PANEL USEOF OF ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON PANEL 800 2WASHED H+G) until itFor is1touching the2:false ceiling (Fig. ). chapter WHEN SHOULD THE FILTERS BE OR REPLACED? at minimum speed essed in) For further information, please read theCONTROL chapter regarding Button Press this button (button in) tochapter start orregarding set thea motor he use of the hood. For further information, please read the "Maintenance" on page 20. ni kell, az elszívó használatától függően. Részletesen lásd 15. oldalon a Karbantartás szakaszban. m /h"Maintenance" essed 2extension Button 2: Press this button (button to start or set the motor 3 ).ones (non-washable). The former must be H+G)in) to the elements (SP) with in) 4types screws without tightening them all theactive way (Fig. The is supporting assembled with two different of (V3) filters: metal ones (washable) and carbon ELECTRONIC BUTTON CONTROL PANEL at PUSH medium speed 2 hood Button 2: Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor at medium speed EN AND WHY USE THE FUNCTION 2 TOOF cleaned every 301:RECIRCULATION hours of use, the latter are to be replaced every 3-4 months, depending on the use of the hood. USE ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL PANEL Button Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor elektronikus nyomógombos vezérlőpanel használata medium speed 1 at Button 3: Press this button in) of toregarding startairorinset the motor on pageUSE ecirculation can be used to improve the the the home. Forfunction information, please read(button thequality chapter "Maintenance" 23. OF ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL PAN atthat minimum speed 3 further Button 3:already Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor 1 tnessed itthe is near the trellis is attached to the ceiling (Fig. ). at maximum speed Timer/Filters alarm Mode (ON/OFF) 3 Button 3: Press this button (button in) to start or set the motor in) function switched on, the hood recirculates the air in the room through an operating cyclebutton at the 1st speed for 1 hour, followed by 3 atButton maximum speed 3 isare 2:the Press this button (button in)2Ato start orholes set the motor ) on the24 onuntil the hood; shift the hood the sideways and tighten crews, (V5)which that pre-screwed onto the trellis, (T1)is(Fig. Pressing key with the motor active at any speed activates Pressing key switches on (or off ) the hood motor: it starts at at maximum speed s, during time the motor is down. This cycle repeated for hours, timeout. 2 USE OF ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL PANEL 2B at medium speed ). efinitively (V5) (Fig. the hoods Timer installed function:with this function determines auto version. switchthe previously selected speed prior to switching it off (desired OL PANEL function is useful with the external exhaust the (suction) OL off of the hoodthis after 15 minutes of speed function). Should you wish to use a different speed, set 3: Press button (buttonof in)operation. to start or Activation set the motor OL PANEL PANEL3 Button Timer/Filters alarm the function is signalled by a RED flashing light. if by using the + and - keys. Timer/Filters alarm at maximum speed tape that was temporarily holding the flue (G) and extension (H) (Fig. 1 ) Pressing the key active With the Timer function active, the hood can still be switched Pressing the key withthe themotor motor activeatatany anyspeed speedactivates activatesthe theTimer Timerfunction functio mer/Filters alarm Button + with (V3) that attach the extension (H) to the trellis (T) (Fig. 2A ) or, with false ceilings, to the extension supporting elements (SP) UCH BUTTON PANEL OPERATION 800 hood after 1515minutes ofthe Activation ofofthe is issignalled : thefunction: function off bymotor the(Fig. by pressing the screws. key Timer hood after minutes ofoperation. operation. Activation thefunction function signalledbybya essing the key withIdőzítő the active at time any activates the this function determines the auto switch-off of the Timer/Filters /user szűrő figyelmeztetés ROL PANEL By pressing the key, motor speed increases. Speeds 1, 2 and 3atalarm extension (H) downwards ).any Keep thespeed removed (V3) m /h 800 Timer/Filters alarm With Timer active, the hood can still switched off by will beoperation. automatically and the RED light will turn 800 Withthe Timer active, the hood can still be switched bythe theuser userata m /haoff. ood after minutes of Activation of the function is(fokozattól signalled byfüggetlenül): RED light. Pressing the with the motor active atjár any speed activates theflashing Timer function: this function determines the auto of the Nyomjuk meg akkor, amikor a motor az időzítő funkciót beés kikapcsoljuk. Abeswitch-off funkcióval aoff ké3the are displayed by the number of LEDs switched on, excluding 4function sion (H) it is15 possible to connect thekey pipe (F)disabled to the external discharge pipe (with ).function m the /h suction version)(Fig. Pressing the key with the motor active atShould any speed activates the automatically disabled and the RED light will turn off. Should the speed be Should the speed be changed with the Timer function active, automatically disabled and the RED light will turn off. the speed becha ch : the function will be ith the Timer function active, the hood can still be switched off by the user at any time by pressing the key hood after 15 minutes of operation. Activation of the function is signalled by a RED flashing light. szülék 15 perc működés után automatikusan kikapcsol. A funkciót bekapcsolva a piros LED-lámpa villogni kezd. the light and timer LEDs. nnection only once the electric power supply has been cut off. hood after 15 minutes of operation. Activation of the function automatically disabled. the latter will be light automatically disabled. automatically disabled. utomatically disabled and the RED will turn off. Should the speed be changed with the Timer function active, the latter will be Amikor az időzítő funkció aktív, az elszívó még bármikor kikapcsolható a gomb lenyomásával: az időzítő funkció auto: the function will be With the Timer function active, the hood can still be switched off by the user at any time by pressing the key The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an intermittent light: Timer/Filters alarm Mode (ON/OFF) With the Timer function active, the hood can still be switched off On thebutton other hand, ignition of fixed RED indicates a the speedathe 800 24h utomatically disabled. matikusan kikapcsol, és a piros LED-lámpa kialszik. Amennyiben sebességet úgy módosítjuk, hogy az időzítő funkció akautomatically disabled and thethe RED light willlight turn off.activates Should be changed the Timer function the latter will be Mode button (ON/OFF) 4th speed or intensity is timed andactive, after approximately 7 Pressing the key with the at any speed this with function determines the auto of the m /h at the Timer function: automatically activates Pressing the key switches onmotor (or notifies offactive ) the hood motor: it to starts disabled and the REDswitch-off light will turn off. Should th Mode button (ON/OFF) 1 onnection is set up, as well as the discharge connection, raise the extension (H) (Fig. ) and re-attach it tomotor the trellis (T) (Fig. switches grease filter alarm: this alarm that it is time wash tív, az időzítő automatikus elvetésre kerül.motor: automatically disabled. activates Pressing the key switches on (or off ) the hood it starts at minutes the automatically to 3rd speed. To disassemble and assemble the anti-grease metal filters, refer hood after 15 minutes of operation. Activation of the function is signalled by a RED flashing light. To disassemble and assemble the anti-grease metal filters, refertotothe theinsin switchthe previously selected speed prior to switching it off (desired automatically disabled. activates Pressing the key switches on (or off ) the hood motor: it starts at 2B ngs, to the extension supporting elements (SP)(the (Fig. ) by the 4 screws (V3). the metal anti-grease filters alarm isswitching triggered approxswitchthe previously selected speed prior to itafter off (desired : the function will be With the Timer function active, the hood can still be switched off by the user at any time by pressing the key vation of speed function). Should you wish to use a different speed, set Aassemble fém zsírszűrők leszerelését és visszaszerelését lásd a 9. on oldalon az- I on ábrán. Button To disassemble the anti-grease metal filters, referit to the instructions drawing page 9. switchtheand previously selected speed to switching off (desired 3wish the hood screws (V6) (Fig. ).prior imately 30 hours of use). After cleaning the filters, disable the vation of by 2 self-threading speed function). Should you to use a different set the speed be changed with the Timer function active, the latter will be automatically and RED light will turn speed, off.metal Should ifspeed by using the +disabled and - keys. Bythe pressing the key, motor Ispeed reduces. Toreset disassemble and assemble thethe filters, refer to instructions onthe drawing on page 9. Speeds 1, 2 and vation of function). Should you the wish to use a anti-grease different speed, set Mode button (ON/OFF) alarm and the counters by keeping key pressed for 3 Mode button (ON/OFF) ifautomatically by using the +disabled. and - keys. To disassemble and assemble the Mode button (ON/OFF) witched 3 are displayed by the number of LEDs switched on, anti-grease excluding metal filter ILING WITHOUT EXTENSION (H) AND TRELLIS (T) if by using the + and keys. activates Pressing the key switches on (or off ) the hood motor: it starts at seconds. Button + (BE/KI) Mód gomb Pressing the key switches onon(or(oroffoff ) the hood motor: it itstarts witched Pressing the key switches ) the hood motor: startsatatthe thepreviously previouslys ode button (ON/OFF) Button + unction the light and timer LEDs. owitched switchthe previously selected speed prior to switching it off 1,(desired By pressing the key, thebemotor speed increases. Speeds 2 and uch keyboard operation A gombot lenyomva és kikapcsoljuk a készüléket: az előző lekapcsoláskor jellemző sebességen kezd működni a készülék Button + function). Should you wish to use a different speed, set if by using the + unction function). Should you wish to use a different speed, set if by using the +and and- key -k essing the key switches onfunction). (ordisassemble off )key, the hood motor: itto starts atdifferent the previously selected speed prior to switching it off (desired speed To and assemble the anti-grease metal Mode button (ON/OFF) By pressing the the motor increases. Speeds 1, 2filters, and turn off. unction vation oftouch speed Should you wish use speed, set 1Aassemble ).speed the hood by 2 keyboard self-threading (V6) (Fig. Toscrews disassemble and theaanti-grease metal filters, refersebességre. to thefingers instructions on drawing pagesuch 9. as 3By are displayed by the number of és LEDs switched on, excluding Mode Light button hood's isto used bydifferent pressing the screen printed keys with dry, clean fingers: use onlybutton and not(ON/OFF) otherI on objects (kívánt sebesség funkció). + – gombokkal válthatunk másik pressing the key, the motor speed increases. Speeds 1, 2 and turn off. nction). Should you wish use a speed, set if by using the + and keys. Pressing thetokey switches off ) the hood motor: previously selected speed prior to switching it off (desired speed Button + 3the are displayed byand the of LEDs switched on, excluding Button nes, active, G on page 6. it starts at the refer the instructions on drawing turn off. etc. bylight using + -number keys.on (or andthe timer LEDs. Pressing the keyOFF: switches on (or off ) the hood motor: it starts at ON:+light on (lit button) light off cutlery, 3iffunction). are displayed by the switched on, excluding n active, Should younumber wish to of useLEDs a different speed, set if by using By the +pressing and - the keys. pressing key, speed increases. Speeds 1,1,2 2and 3 3are displayed b „+” gomb the light and timer LEDs. By the key,the themotor motor speed increases. are nswitched active, utton + The + key in the with 4tospeeds has glass an intermittent function). Should you wish to useSpeeds a different and speed, setdisplayed if by usin use of a touch keyboard makes it version much easier clean the panel andlight: also guarantees maximum, long-lasting reliability, avoiding any the light and timer LEDs. Button + 1 ds the trellis (Fig. ). and timer LEDs. The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an intermittent light: A gomb megnyomásával növeljük a sebességet. The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an intermittent light: and timer LEDs. The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an intermittent light:the t dicates a Mode button pressing the key, the motor speed increases. Speeds 1,and 2increases. and are displayed by on, excluding the light Button +in the 4th speed intensity is 4timed after approximately 7the number of LEDs switched efunction of mechanical problem. The + key theor(ON/OFF) version with speeds has an3 intermittent light: By pressing key, the motor speed Speeds 1, 2 and dicates a Button + n with the external discharge pipe and the electrical connection, performing the latter after disconnecting the electrical ly 7 minutes the motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. Az 1., 2. és 3. fokozatot a kigyulladó LED-lámpák száma jelzi (kivéve a világítás és az időzítő LED-lámpáit). the 4th speed or intensity is timed and after approximately 7 ly 7 minutes the motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. to wash Pressing the key switches on (or off ) the hood motor: it starts at the previously selected speed prior to switching it off (desired speed dicates a nd timer The +minutes key indisplayed with 4motor speeds anincreases. intermittent or intensity timed and of after approximateturn off.LEDs. pressing theorby key, thenumber speed Speeds 1,the 2 and are displayed by is the number LEDs switched on, excluding the light theversion motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. yto pressure management :the the 4th speed intensity is timed and after approximately 74th3speed 3By are the ofhas LEDs switched on,light: excluding wash By pressing the key, vagyis the motor speed increases. Speeds Négy sebességfokozatú változatoknál ato4.3rd fokozatot jelzi: 7 perc után a motor au- 1, 2 and 3 minutes theLEDs. motor automatically switches speed. 17 fény function). Should you wish to use a different set by using the + and keys. to wash thefinger 7gapproxminutes motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. on active, and timer The + least key in the version with 4speed, speeds hasifvillogó an intermittent light: thesebesség 4th speedidőzített, or intensity is timed and after approximateButton - -a- 4. Button press: pressed on key for at 3 seconds, the function comes on while it is pressed. minutes the motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. the light and timer LEDs. approxButton and timer LEDs. The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an inter 2A crews, (V5) that are pre-screwed onto the trellis, (T1) (Fig. ) on the holes on the hood; shift the hood sideways and tighten tomatikusan visszavált 3. fokozatra. able the approxly 7 minutes thefor motor automatically switches to 3rdcomes speed. ByBypressing the speed reduces. Speeds 1,1,2 2and Button - +on pressing thekey, key, themotor motor speed reduces. Speeds and3to3are aredisplayed displayedbyb rt press: pressed key less than seconds, theanfunction on when the key isthe released. Button utton - (V5)finger The + key inthe the version with 34 speed speedsreduces. has intermittent light: able the By pressing key, the motor Speeds 1, 2 and ly 7 minutes the motor automatically switches 3rd speed. Button 2B ). efinitively (Fig. ed for 3 able thea the key, the dicates and timer LEDs. By pressing the key, the motor speed reduces. 1, 1, 2 and and timer LEDs. „–” gomb By pressing theby key, the motor increases. Speeds 2 the and 3 are displayed by the number of LEDs switched pressing motor speed Speeds 1, 2 and and 3 areSpeeds displayed of LEDs switched on, excluding the light on, excluding the light the 4th orreduces. intensity is timed after approximately 7 number Button -speed ed for 3 3By are displayed the number ofspeed LEDs switched on, excluding Timer/Filters alarm pressing the key, the motor speed reduces. Speeds 1, 2byand Button - or intensity is timed and after approximateed for 3LEDs. totimer wash 3the are displayed by the number of LEDs switched on, excluding A gomb megnyomásával csökkentjük a sebességet. and timer LEDs. The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an intermittent light: the 4th speed nd minutes the motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. By pressing the key, the motor speed reduces. Speeds 1, 2 and 3 are displayed by the number of LEDs switched excluding the light Light button light andmotor timer LEDs. Pressing the key with the at any of speed function Light on andbutton off: this function determines themotor autoon, switch3 are displayed by active the number LEDsswitches switchedthe on,Timer excluding By pressing the key, the speed reduces. Speeds 1, 2 and 3 a r approxthe light and timer LEDs.automatically Az 1., 2. és 3. fokozatot a kigyulladó LED-lámpák száma jelzi (kivéve a világítás és az időzítő LED-lámpáit). ly 7 minutes the motor switches to 3rd speed. 22 tal filters, and timer LEDs. ON: light on (lit button) OFF: light off ON: LED lightwill on start (litand button) OFF: light offdepending on off of the hood after 15 of operation. When the function is on the relative flashing, red or blue the light timer LEDs. ght button Button -andminutes Light button timer LEDs. tal filters, sable the tallight filters, Light button theon model. Button 6. Világítás gomb N: (lit button) OFF: light off By pressing the key, the motor speed reduces. Speeds 1, 2 and Light button ON: light on (lit button) OFF: light off 3 Light button 6.sed for Light ON: light on OFF: off function active, thethe hood can still be offon, byexcluding the time by pressing thebutton "speed 1" key: the function will By pressing the key, thenumber motor speed reduces. Speeds 1, 2user andat3 any are displayed by the number of LEDs switched on, excluding the light világítás bekapcsolva; KI:light világítás kikapcsolva. 3ON: are displayed by of LEDs switched light on(lit (litbutton) button) OFF: light offswitched 6. With the TimerBE: ON: light on (lit button) OFF: light off ON: light (lit button) OFF:while lightthe off be automatically disabled and the LEDs. relative light will turn off. With some models this also happens when theon speed is changed and timerand LEDs. the light timer USING etal filters, Timer function is running. USINGTHE THERADIO RADIOCONTROL CONTROL(OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL) Light button button távvezérlő használatA (opcionális) Light 17 On the other hand, lights up steady indicating the grease filter alarm: this alarm reports that it is time to wash the metal anti-grease THE RADIO CONTROL (OPTIONAL) 6. ON: light on (lit button) OFF: light off 17távvezérlő ON: light on (litkártya button) bekapcsolása OFF: light off ACTIVATING RECEIVER FOR RADIO ACTIVATING RECEIVER BOARD FOR RADIO CONTROL vevő filters alarmTHE is triggered afterCONTROL approximately (OPTIONAL) 30 hours of use). After cleaning the filters, disableBOARD the alarm and reset CONTROL the counters by 17(the USING RADIO The hood is supplied with a receiving card for the 4-channel remote control: this USING THE RADIO CONTROL (OPTIONAL) The hood is supplied with a receiving card for the 4-channel remote control: thisreceiver receivei Az elszívó a 4 csatornás távvezérlő használatához egy vevő kártyával van ellátva: ez a vevő kártya gyári alapbeállítás szerint ki van kapNG RECEIVER BOARD FOR RADIO CONTROL keeping the key pressed for 3 seconds. gnetic interference between other devices causing hood malfunction. gnetic interference between other devicesfrom from causing hood malfunction. megelőzendő, a készülék és más berendezések között elektromágneses zavar (interferencia) jöjjön létre, és ez az elszís suppliedcsolva, with a receiving card for hogy the 4-channel control: this receiver is disabled by default in order to prevent any electromaACTIVATING RECEIVER BOARD FOR remote RADIO CONTROL To disassemble and assemble theokozzon. anti-grease metal filters, refer to the instructions G (optional) on(optional) page ACTIVATING RECEIVER BOARD FOR RADIO CONTROL If Ifthe remote control you must activate bybyfollowing the remote control ispurchased, purchased, must activate thereceiver receiver followingth vó problémákat beszerzése esetén aktiválnunk kell 6. aisvevő kártyát. Ehhez athe következőket: ference between other devices from hood malfunction. Theműködésében hood is supplied with acausing receiving card forTávvezérlő the 4-channel remote control: this receiver is disabled by default inyou order totegyük prevent any electroma17 USING THE RADIO CONTROL (OPTIONAL) The hood is supplied with a receiving card for the 4-channel remote contr te control (optional) is purchased, you must receiver by hood following the procedure hereunder: gnetic interference between otheractivate devicesthe from causing malfunction. and onondevices the push-button control panel Simultaneously press the and keys keys thehood hood push-button control panelfo Simultaneously press thea gnetic interference between other from causing hood malfunction és gombokat legalább 2 másodperc • Az elszívó nyomógombos paneljén két másodperc hosszan• •egyidejűleg nyomjuk le IfACTIVATING the remote control (optional) is purchased, you must activate the receiver by following the procedure hereunder: RECEIVER BOARD FOR RADIO CONTROL LEDs start flashing LEDs start flashing If the remote (optional) is purchased, hosszan, deand egészen addig, nyomógombos panelen az at összes el nem kezd villogni. keys on theamíg hooda push-button control panel for least 2LED-lámpa seconds, until allcontrol push-button control panel you must activate the receive neously press the hood is supplied with for the control: this receiver isand, disabled default inpress order to any electroma• • Release the keys within 5seconds, key on Release thetwo two keys and, within 5seconds, seconds, press theprevent key onthe thepush-button push-buttoncon co rt flashing •TheSimultaneously andcard keys on4-channel the hood remote push-button control panel for at least 2by until allthe push-button control panel press thea receiving and keys on the2 hood push-button • paneljén Simultaneously press thea gnetic interference between other devices from causing hood malfunction. gombot legalább másod• Engedjük fel a gombokat: öt másodpercen belül az elszívó nyomógombos nyomjuk meg the two keys and, 5 seconds, press the key on the push-button control panel for at least 2 seconds. Correct execution of the LEDswithin start flashing procedure is isconfirmed when allallLEDs have lights, until key LEDsthe start flashing procedure confirmed when LEDs havefixed fixed lights, untilreleasing releasingthe the key the remote (optional) is művelet purchased, you must theonreceiver by following procedure hereunder: hosszan. Amennyiben a sikeres volt, a nyomógombos panel összes LED-lámpája egészen addig folyamatosan •Ifperc Release thecontrol two keys and, within 5 seconds, press theactivate key the push-button control panel for at least 2 seconds. Correct executionvilágít, of the totodisabling the •above-mentioned Release the twoprocedure keys and, also within 5 seconds, press the key on the p required,the theabove-mentioned procedure alsoapplies applies disabling thereceiver. receiver. re is confirmed when all LEDs have fixed lights, until releasing the key If Ifrequired, and keys on the hood push-button control panelUSING for atTHE least 2RADIO seconds, until all push-button control panel •amíg Simultaneously press thea fel nem engedjük WARNINGS CONTROL WARNINGS WHEN THERADIO CONTROL the above-mentioned procedure alsowhen applies to disabling the receiver. procedure is confirmed allgombot. LEDs have fixed lights, until releasing the WHEN key USING LEDs start flashing procedure is confirmed when all LEDs have fixed lights, until releasing Amennyiben szükséges, a fenti eljárással ki is kapcsolhatjuk a vevő kártyát. 18 Place the hood away from sources of electromagnetic waves (e.g. microwave ovens), which Place the hood away from sources of electromagnetic waves (e.g. microwave ovens), whict S WHEN USING THE the RADIO CONTROL procedure also applies to disabling the receiver. If required, above-mentioned • Release the two keys and, within 5 seconds, press the key on the push-button control panel for at least 2 seconds. Correct execution of the If required, the above-mentioned procedure also applies to disabling the rv with the hood operating distance with theinterfere hoodelectronics. electronics. Themaximum maximum operating distanceis is5 5metres; metres;the thedistance distancemay may távvezérlő használatával kapcsolatos figyelmeztetések ood away from sources of electromagnetic (e.g. microwave ovens), which could with the The radio control and, consequently, WARNINGS WHEN USING THEwaves RADIO CONTROL WARNINGS WHEN USING THE RADIO CONTROL ference from other devices. Radio control operated at 433.92MHz. ference from other devices. Radio control operated at 433.92MHz. Az elszívót helyezzük távol más, hullámokat (pl. sütő) kibocsátó berendezésektől, melyek zavart keltod electronics. The operating distance is 5have metres; distance varymikrohullámú according to the presence of electromagnetic Place themaximum hood from sources electromagnetic waves (e.g.may microwave which could interfere with the radiointercontrol and, consequently, procedure isaway confirmed when allofelektromágneses LEDs fixedthe lights, until releasing theovens),Place key the hood away from sources of electromagnetic waves (e.g. microwav hetnek a távvezérlésben, illetve a készülék elektronikus funkcióiban. A maximális hatótávolság 5 méter, ahol a távolság függ az2121 egyéb m other devices. Radio control operated at 433.92MHz. with the hood electronics. The maximum operating distance is 5 metres; the distance may vary according to the presence of electromagnetic interIf required, the above-mentioned procedure also applies to disabling the receiver. with the hood electronics. The maximum operating distance is 5 metres; th eszközök keltette elektromágneses interferenciától. A távvezérlő 433,92 MHz-es frekvencián működik. ference from WHEN other devices. controlCONTROL operated 21 at 433.92MHz. WARNINGS USINGRadio THE RADIO ference from other devices. Radio control operated at 433.92MHz. 21 ovens), which could interfere with the radio control and, consequently, 13 Place the hood away from sources of electromagnetic waves (e.g. microwave 21
11 1
22 2
33 3
3 3 3
3 3 3
távvezérlő összehangolása a the készülékkel WHICH SPEED IS TO BE SELECTED? (timer) key the push-button control panel the hood 2 seconds and, save the new transmission code created hood, press the (timer) key onon the push-button control panel ofof the hood forfor 2 seconds and, ToTo save the new transmission code created inin the hood, press the The first speed is a low consumption way of keeping the air clean, the second speed iscontrol used inwithin normal conditions, the third after the corresponding redLED LEDhas has litupupononthe thepush-button push-button control panel, pressany any keyononthe theradio radio control within1010 seconds. and after the corresponding red litaenergy-saving control panel, press key seconds. Az új kód mentéséhez nyomjuk le gombot az elszívó nyomógombos kezelőpaneljén úgy 2 másodperc hosszan, majd miután speed is used when there are strong odours and vapours. a piros LED-lámpa kigyulladt a panelen, 10 másodpercen belül nyomjunk le bármilyen gombot a távvezérlőn. RESTORE THEDEFAULT DEFAULT CODE (FACTORYDEFAULT DEFAULT CODE) RESTORE THE CODE (FACTORY CODE) WHEN SHOULD THE FILTERS BE WASHED OR REPLACED? Should benecessary necessary restore thedefault default transmission code, disconnect thehood hood fromelectric electricpower power supplyand andsimultaneously simultaneously pressthe • • Should it itbe totorestore the code, disconnect the from supply gyári kód visszaállítása The hood is assembled with two different typestransmission of filters: metal ones (washable) and active carbon ones (non-washable). The former press must bethe •cleaned Amennyiben alapértelmezett kódot vissza kell állítanunk, áramtalanítsuk azrestores elszívót, majd aare távvezérlőn egyszerre nyomjuk meg indicates thatthan they to be washed), the latter to bedefault replaced every 3-4 months, deevery 30az hours of use (the fixed red light (minus) and (plus) keys the radio control more than 5 seconds. This restores the radio control default transmission code factory (minus) and (plus) keys onon the radio control forfor more 5need seconds. This the radio control transmission code factory pending on the use of the hood. For further information, please read the chapter regarding "Maintenance" on page 18. setting: three brief flashes on the display are issued as a confirmation that it has been saved. setting: three brief flashes on the display are issued as a confirmation that it has been saved. és a gombot több mint 5 másodperc hosszan. Ezzel visszaállítjuk a gyári kódot: a visszaállítást a kijelző három rövid fel• Proceed Proceedwith withassociating associatingthe thehood hoodand andradio radiocontrol, control,asasdescribed describedininpoint point2 2. . • villanással jelzi. • Connect Connect thehood hood to the electric power supply. •• Hajtsuk the to the electric power supply. USE OFvégre ELECTRONIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL PANEL a távvezérlő és az elszívó összehangolását ismertető szakaszt. • Csatlakoztassuk az elszívót a hálózati áramkörhöz.
Light Button Világítás gomb Light Button
BE: világítás ég (a kijelzőn ais isdisplayed jel látható) symbol displayed thescreen) screen) ON: lightonon(the (the symbol ononthe ON: light KI: világítás ki (a kijelzőn a jel nem látható) symbolis isnot notdisplayed) displayed) OFF:light lightoffoff(the (the symbol OFF:
Plus button Plusz gomb Plus button
Pressthis thiskey keywith with themotor motor (nosymbol symbolonon thedisplay) display) switch the hoodonon Nyomjuk meg a motor kikapcsolt állapota mellett (a kijelző üres)a készülék Press the offoff(no the totoswitch the hood Timer/Filters alarm with speed1. 1. történő elindításához. első fokozatban with speed Pressing the key with the motor active at any speedAmennyiben theis Timer function: this function determines the auto switch-off of the If themotor motor isrunning, pressing this keyincreases increases themotor motor speed. a running, motor jár, a gomb megnyomásával növeljük a sebességet. Ifactivates the pressing this key the speed. hood after 15 minutes of operation. Activation of Az the function is3,and signalled by a RED flashing light.számaival Speed and44.4are aredisplayed displayed on thescreen screen theirequivalent equivalent symbol 1., 2. és és fokozat ezek megfelelő jelennek megnumber anumber kijelSpeed 1, 1, 2, 2,3,3. on the bybytheir symbol : the function will be With the Timer function active, the hood can still bezőn: switched . off by the user at any time by pressing the key automatically disabled and the RED light will turn off. Should the speed be changed with Timer function active, latterthe will be . The 4thspeed speedor orintensive intensive setting timedand andafter after about7the 7minutes themomo. The setting is istimed about A motor 4.4th fokozatban hét percen átthe üzemel, majd visszavált 3.minutes fokozatra. automatically disabled. automaticallyswitches switchestotothe the3rd 3rdspeed. speed. tortorautomatically On the other hand, ignition of the fixed RED light indicates a grease filter alarm: this alarm notifies that it is time to wash the metal Minus button Mínusz gomb Minus button anti-grease filters (the alarm is triggered after approximately 30 hours of use). After cleaning the filters, disable the alarm and reset the Press this key with the motor (no symbol the display) switch the hood motor meg a the motor kikapcsolt állapota mellett (a kijelző üres)a készüPress this key with motor offoff (no symbol onon the display) toto switch the hood motor counters by keeping the key pressed for 3 seconds. Nyomjuk withspeed speed1 (minimum). 1 (minimum). lék első fokozatban történő elindításához. Amennyiben a motor jár, a gomb ononwith To disassemble and assemble the anti-grease filters,is refer to the instructions on drawing Hthethe onmotor page 6.speed. If themotor motor isrunning, running, pressing keydecreases decreases motorspeed. megnyomásával csökkentjük a this sebességet. If metal the pressing this key Speed and44.4are aredisplayed displayed thescreen screen theirequivalent equivalent symbol Az 1., 2. és és fokozat ezek megfelelő számaival jelennek megnumber anumber kijelSpeed 1, 1, 2, 2,3,3.3,and onon the bybytheir symbol zőn: . Mode button (ON/OFF) Amennyiben a motor 1. fokozatban jár, nyomjuk meg a gombot az elszívó ki. . at the Pressing the key switches on (or off ) the hood motor: it starts previously selected speed prior to switching it off (desired speed If ifthe motor running speed1, 1,pressing pressingthe thekey keyswitches switchesthe thehood hoodmotor motoroff. off. If the motor is is running function). Should you wish to use a different speed, kapcsolásához. set by using the + andat-atspeed keys.
Button + Timer Időzítő Timer By pressing the key, the motor speed increases. Speeds 1, 2 and 3key are displayed by the number of LEDs switched on, excluding the light Pressing the key withthe the motor active any speed switches the Timerfunction function Nyomjuk meg akkor, amikor aactive motor jár (fokozattól függetlenül): az időzítő Pressing the with motor atatany speed switches the Timer onon and timer LEDs. and off: this function determines the auto switch-off the hood after minutes funkciót beés kikapcsoljuk. Athe funkcióval a készülék 15 percafter működés után and off: this function determines auto switch-off ofof the hood 1515 minutes The + key in the version with 4 speeds has an intermittent light: the 4th speed or intensity is timed and after approximately 7 minutes the (homokóra) jel muautomatikusan kikapcsol. Athis funkció bekapcsolását athe (Hourglass) operation. Activation function signalled symbol (Hourglass) ofof operation. Activation ofof this function is is signalled byby the symbol motor automatically switches to 3rd speed. tatja a display. kijelzőn. Amikor az időzítő funkció az elszívó még bármikor kithe display.With With theTimer Timer function active,aktív, thehood hood canstill still switched by ononthe the function active, the can bebeswitched offoffby Button kapcsolható a displayed sebesség gombbal történő egészen adBy pressing the key, the motor speed reduces. Speeds 1, user 2 user andatat 3any are by the the number ofwith LEDs switched on, excluding the switchlight the any time reducing the speed with thecsökkentésével key until the motor switchthe time byby reducing speed the key until the motor dig, amíg a motor kikapcsol: az időzítő funkció automatikusan kikapcsol, és a and timer LEDs. (Hourglass) off:the thefunction function willbebeautomatically automaticallydisabled disabledand andthe thesymbol symbol (Hourglass) esesoff: will jel eltűnik a kijelzőről. Light button willdisappear disappearfrom fromthe thedisplay. display. will ON: light on (lit button) OFF: light off
The range hood is equipped with efficiency, low consumption LED spotlights with extremely longhasználat duration under A készülék nagy hatásfokú, kishigh áramfelvételű LED spotlámpával van ellátva, amely normál estén Therange range hoodis isequipped equippedwith withhigh highefficiency, efficiency,low lowconsumption consumptionLED LEDspotlights spotlightswith withextremely extremelylong longduration durationunder under normal use hood conditions. The rendkívül hosszú élettartammal bír. normal use conditions. normal use conditions. Should the LED spotlight need to be replaced, proceed as shown in the figure L on page 6. Amennyiben mégis cserélnünk a spotlámpát, a as 9. oldalon található ábra szerint page Shouldthe theLED LED spotlight needtotobekell bereplaced, replaced, proceedas shown thefigure figure MMonon page 9.9. járjunk el. Should spotlight need proceed shown ininthe 17
2222 14
Phase F page 5 1 ). OFOFMALFUNCTION •RADIO Slide theCONTROL extension (H) until it is positioned at the desired height (Fig. RADIO CONTROL CODE CHANGE (TO USED ONLY CASE MALFUNCTION DUE INTERFERENCE) CODE CHANGE (TO BEBE USED ONLY ININ CASE DUE TOTO INTERFERENCE) • Following what is indicated in Fig. 2 , draw a line on the wall that will be used to position the bracket (L) correctly. távvezérlő kódjának módosítása (kizárólag okozta, nem megfelelő működés esetén) default transmission code factory installedand andstored, stored, which required transmit controls from theradio radiocontrol control thehood. hood. transmission code is is factory installed which tototransmit controls from the toto the •A Adefault Place the bracket (L) on the wall by following the line drawn on isit.isrequired With ainterferencia spirit level, check the horizontal alignment and mark the 2 drilling points Az alapértelmezett jelátviteli kód gyárilag beállításra és mentésre kerül: ez a kód szükséges a vezérlőparancsok eljuttatásához a távShould electromagnetic interferencewith withother otherdevices devicescause causea aradio radiocontrol controlmalfunction, malfunction,a anew newtransmission transmissioncode codecan canbebecreated createdbybyfollowing following Should at theelectromagnetic ends (Fig. 3 ). interference vezérlőtől a készülékig. Amennyiben az egyéb eszközökkel fellépő elektromágneses interferencia miatt a távvezérlő nem működne 1 2 and . the procedure indicated in points 2 6mm) procedure indicated points 1plugs and (ø . •theDrill the holes, insert 2 in expansion and fasten the bracket (L) with the relative screws (V4) (Fig. 4 ). megfelelően, új kódot hozhatunk létre (L) az using ésscrews pontokban műveletsor végrahajtásával. • Tighten the extension (H) to the bracket (V5) (Fig. 5szereplő ). 1 CREATINGA ANEW NEW TRANSMISSIONCODE CODE 1 CREATING TRANSMISSION • •Electrically power the hood in accordance with regulations in force. új kód létrehozása Disconnect thehood hoodfrom fromthe theelectrical electricalmains mainspower powersupply supplybybyunplugging unpluggingit itororbybyturning turningoffoffthe themain mainswitch. switch. • Disconnect the • Áramtalanítsuk a készüléket a dugvilla kihúzásával vagy a megszakító lekapcsolásával. (light)and and (timer)keys keysononthe theradio radiocontrol controluntil untilthe thedisplay displaystarts starts accessthe the"code "codechange" change"mode, mode,simultaneously simultaneouslypress pressthe the (light) (timer) • • ToToaccess flashing slowly (approximately 4/5seconds). seconds). és gombokat a távvezérlőn egészen addig, amíg a kijelző • „Kód csere” módba történő belépéshez nyomjuk le egyszerre a flashing slowly (approximately 4/5 villogni nem kezd (lassan, kb. 4/5 másodperces gyakorisággal). (minus) key pressed, a random transmission code created and within 5 seconds from when the display starts flashing the radio control (minus) key is is pressed, a random transmission code is is created and • • If, If, within 5 seconds when the display starts flashing the radio control WHEN SHOULD THE from HOOD BE SWITCHED ON AND OFF? gombot egy új kód létrehozásához éstowards elmentéséhez: a mentést •Switch A saved: villogás kezdetét követő másodpercen belül nyomjuk leThe anew saved: saving confirmed three brief flashes the display. new code cancels and replaces the previous factory default transmission code. is is confirmed by5by three brief flashes ofof the display. The code and replaces the previous factory default transmission code. onsaving the hood at least one minute before starting to cook: this enhances thecancels airflow to convey fumes and vapours the suction surface. három rövid felvillanással jelzi. Az új kód felülírja aof korábbi gyári kódot. Reconnect thehood hood tothe the electricpower power supply, making sure that thelights lights and motor areoff. off. by means of the Timer function, it is possible • a• kijelző Reconnect the to electric supply, making sure that the and motor After cooking, leave the hood operating until complete extraction all vapours and odours. Ifare required, •toC set satlakoztassuk az elszívót a hálózati áramkörhöz, ügyelve, hogy a világítás és a motor kikapcsolva legyen. hood auto switch-off after CONTROL 15CONTROL minutesWITH ofWITH operation. ASSOCIATING THERADIO RADIO THEHOOD HOOD 2 2ASSOCIATING THE THE
NING karbantartás
e paid to the metal anti-grease filters and activeDo carbon filters. fact, water frequent cleaning thebutton filters and their panel supports not use tooIn much next to the of push control and lighting devices in order to prevent hum s accumulated on the hood, which is dangerous and can cause fires. ing electronic parts. You must not use detergents containing abrasive, acid or corrosive substances or abrasiv consequence of not complying with these warnings will result in irreversible deterioration of the hood's surfac It is possible to remove the external suction panel completely in order to facilitate its cleaning (refer to the instructions
MAINTENANCE the external surfacesB the hood attisztítás least once 15 days toművelet prevent oily substances and grease from sticking toathem. of árminemű és every karbantartási végrehajtása előtt áramtalanítsuk készüléket a dugvilla kihúzásával MAINTENANCE NTENANCE vagy a megszakító lekapcsolásával. Before cleaning recommends or carrying out maintenance operations, disconnect thebe equipment by removing ainless steel hood, the Manufacturer using "Magic Steel" wipes. Alternatively, it can cleaned using a damp the plug or switching off the
CLEANING OF INTERNAL PARTS A rendszeres karbantartás megfelelő működést hosszú biztosít a készülék számára. main switch. d with neutral, liquid detergent or denatured alcohol. offdisconnect cleaning byés rinsing wellélettartamot and by drying with soft cloths. Before cleaning or carrying carrying out Finish maintenance operations, disconnect the equipment by removing removing the plug plug or switching switching off off the the Before cleaning orBefore carrying out maintenance operations, the equipment removing the plug or switching off the cleaning or out maintenance operations, disconnect the equipment by or Külön ügyeljünk a fém zsírszűrőkre és az aktív szénszűrőkre. Ezek rendszeres tisztítása elősegíti, hogy zsírthe ne tudjon felgyűlni a készüRegular maintenance guarantees proper operation and good performance over time. o much water nextmain to the push button control panel and lighting devices in order to prevent humidity from reachmain switch. main switch. switch. It is forbidden to clean electrical parts, or parts related to the motor inside the hood, with liquids or solvents. lékben (amely Special is to be paidjelenthet.) to the metal anti-grease and active carbon filters. Intime. fact, frequent cleaning of the filters and their supports parts. You mustattention not usetűzveszélyt detergents containing abrasive, acidfilters or and corrosive substances or abrasive Regular maintenance guarantees proper operation and good performance over Regular maintenance guarantees proper operation good performance over time. Doand not useoperation abrasive products. Regular maintenance guarantees proper good performance over time. cloths: a direct ensures that no grease is accumulated on these the hood, which is are dangerous and can cause fires. of not complying with these warnings will result in irreversible deterioration of the hood's surface. Special attention is to be paid to the metal anti-grease filters and active carbon filters. In fact,of frequent cleaning ofequipment the filters and and their supports tention is Special to be paid to the metal anti-grease filters and active carbon filters. In fact, frequent cleaning the filters and the their supports All operations to be carried out after having disconnected from thesupports electrical mains p attention is to be paid to the metal anti-grease filters and active carbon filters. In fact, frequent cleaning of the filters their külső tisztítás ensures that no grease is accumulated on the hood, which is dangerous and can cause fires. hat no grease is accumulated on the hood, which is dangerous and can cause fires. ensures that no grease is accumulated on the hood, which is dangerous and can cause fires. remove the externalhogy suction panel completely in ordertisztítsuk to facilitate its cleaning (refer to the instructions H on page 9). hogy a lerakódó zsír, olaj kárt teJavasolt, kéthetente (15 naponta) meg a készülék külső felületét, így megelőzhetjük,
EXTERNAL CLEANING gyen a külső felületben. METAL ANTI-GREASE FILTERS EXTERNAL CLEANING NAL CLEANING EXTERNAL CLEANING A szálkorcolt acél surfaces felület tisztításához aleast gyártó aevery „Magic törlőkendőket ajánlja.and Ennek hiányában egytonedves You are advisedrozsdamentes to clean the external of the hood once 15 Steel” days prevent oily substances grease from sticking them. Theatmetal anti-grease filters aretothere to contain suspended grease particles: deposited on the filters, (semleges, folyékony mosószerrel vagy denaturált szesszel megnedvesített) kendővel töröljük át a felületet. Ezt követően sima vízzel NTERNAL PARTS You are clean the the hood at once every oily 15 days to prevent oily substances andand grease from sticking them. of air, thu dvised to clean theadvised externaltosurfaces of external the hoodsurfaces at leastof once every 15least days to prevent substances andunpleasant grease fromodours, sticking to them. flames released when cooking, generate compromise thetopassage
You are advised to clean the external surfaces the hoodazt at least 15 "Magic days toSteel" prevent oily Alternatively, substances and grease from sticking To clean the stainless steel theofManufacturer recommends using wipes. it can be cleaned usingtoa them. damp öblítsük át abrushed felületet, majd puhahood, ruhával szárítsuk meg.once every performance of the hood. cloth, slightly moistened with neutral, liquid detergent or denatured alcohol. Finish offberendezések cleaning by rinsing well and drying with soft cloths. to electrical parts, or parts related to the motor inside the hood, with liquids or solvents. To clean the brushed stainless steel hood, the Manufacturer recommends using "Magic Steel" wipes. Alternatively, it can be cleaned using a damp heclean brushed stainless steel hood, the Manufacturer recommends using "Magic Steel" wipes. Alternatively, it can be cleaned using a damp N e használjunk túl sok vizet a nyomógombos panel és a világító tisztításakor, nehogy nedvesség érje az To clean the brushed stainless steel hood, the Manufacturer recommends using "Magic Steel" wipes. Alternatively, it can(at beleast cleaned using a damp Forbutton this reason, it ispanel advised tolighting frequently wash the metal filters once a month) leaving them Do not use toodetergent much water next to the push control and devices in order to prevent humidity from reachrasive products. htly moistened neutral, liquid or liquid denatured alcohol. Finish off cleaning by rinsing well and drying with soft cloths. cloth,with slightly moistened with neutral, liquid detergent or denatured alcohol. Finish off cleaning bydisconnect rinsing well and drying with with softremoving cloths. elektronikus alkatrészeket. cloth, slightly moistened with neutral, detergent denatured alcohol. Finish off cleaning by rinsing well and drying soft cloths. Before cleaning oror carrying out maintenance operations, the equipment by the plug or or swi water and dish washing liquid for 1 hour, taking care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid a ing electronic parts. You must not use detergents containing abrasive, acid or corrosive substances orreachabrasive cloths: direct ations are to carried out after having disconnected the equipment from the electrical mains supply. Do not use tooto much water next to the push button control panel and lighting devices in order to tofigyelmen prevent humidity fromareachreachDo not use toobemuch next the push button control panel and lighting devices in order topower prevent humidity from Newater használjunk savas, súroló hatású, maró jellegű anyagokat, kendőket: ezt az utasítást kívül hagyva a kéDo not use too much water next to the push button control panel and lighting devices in order prevent humidity from main switch. Rinse themwill wellresult and wait for them todeterioration be completelyof dry before reassembling them. consequence of not complying with these warnings in irreversible the hood's surface. ing electronic parts. YouRegular must not use detergents detergents containing abrasive, acid or corrosive corrosive substances or abrasive cloths: cloths: aa direct direct ng electronic parts. You must not use detergents containing abrasive, acid or corrosive substances or abrasive cloths: a abrasive direct szülék felülete súlyosan károsodhat. ing electronic parts. You must not use containing abrasive, acid or or maintenance guarantees proper operation and good performance over time. Washing in a dishwasher is permitted, however, itsubstances may cause the filter material to darken: to reduce th consequence of not complying with these warnings will result in irreversible deterioration of the hood's surface. consequence of not complying with these warnings will result in irreversible deterioration of the hood's surface. EASE FILTERS consequence of not complying with these warnings will result in irreversible deterioration of the hood's surface. It is possible to remove the external suction panel completely in order to facilitate its cleaning (refer to the instructions H on page 9). Special attention is to be paid to thea metal anti-greaseuse filters and active carbon filters. In fact, frequent cleaning of the filters and A gyártó nem vállal felelősséget olyan károkért, melyek fenti utasítások be nem tartásából erednek. problem from happening, low-temperature washes (55°C max.). ensuresthe that no grease is accumulated on thein hood, which is dangerous and can cause fires. It is possible to remove external suction panel completely order to facilitate its cleaning (refer to the instructions H on on page page 9). 9). t is possible to remove the external suction panel completely in order to facilitate its cleaning (refer to the instructions H on page 9). is possible to remove external suction panel completely in order toon facilitate itsanti-grease cleaning (refer the(lásd instructions AIttisztítás tétele érdekében a külső elszívó panelek teljes mértékben levehetőek a 9.instructions oldalon a H on ábrán). Open the external suction paneldeposited to remove the filters (refer to the page 9), then o The metal anti-grease filtershatékonyabbá are there to the contain suspended grease particles: themetal filters, these feed on to any flames released when cooking, generate unpleasant odours, and compromise the passage of air, thus reducing suction (referCLEANING to the instructions I on page 9). Carry out operations in reverse order to insert them. CLEANING PARTS EXTERNAL performance of the hood.OF INTERNAL NING CLEANING OF INTERNAL PARTS ING OFreason, INTERNAL PARTS For this it It isalkatrészek advised toINTERNAL frequently wash the filters (at least aofmonth) leaving them toevery soak in15boiling CLEANING OF PARTS belső tisztítása is forbidden to You clean parts, or the parts related toonce the motor the hood, with liquids ordays solvents. areelectrical advised tometal clean external surfaces theinside hood at least once to prevent oily substances and grease from st ACTIVE CARBON FILTERS water and dish washing liquid for 1 hour, taking care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid or alkaline detergents. Do not use abrasive products. t is forbidden to clean electrical parts, or parts related to the motor inside the hood, with liquids or solvents. forbidden toTo clean electrical parts, or partsreassembling related to the the motor inside therecommends hood, with with liquids or solvents. isiszwait elektronikus alkatrészeket, a or motor alkatrészeit hígítóval, folyadékkal neliquids tisztítsuk. ItItA forbidden to clean electrical parts, parts related to motor inside the hood, solvents. the brushed stainless steel hood, the Manufacturer usingor "Magic Steel" wipes. Alternatively, it can be cleaned Rinse them well and foroperations them toclean beare completely dry before them. Active carbon filters have thethe function of retaining in the air flow passing through them. The air, p All these to be carried outmaró after having disconnected equipment from odours the electrical mains power supply. Do not use abrasive products. DoWashing not useinabrasive products. Ne használjunk savas, súroló hatású, jellegű anyagokat. Do not use abrasive products. cloth, slightly moistened with neutral, liquid detergent or denatured alcohol. Finish off cleaning by rinsing well and drying with soft a dishwasher is permitted, however, it may cause the filter material to darken: to reduce the possibility of this manyhaving times through the from filter, is recirculated into the kitchen. All these operations are to be carried out after disconnected the equipment from the electrical mains power supply. Allproblem these operations are to be carried out after having disconnected the equipment the electrical mains power supply. Ezen műveleteket csak úgy végezzük, hogy a készülék áramtalanítva van: húzzuk ki a dugvillát az aljzatból, vagy meg- humidit All theseuse operations are Do to be carried out after having disconnected equipment supply. not use too much water next to the pushthe button control from panelthe andelectrical lighting mains devicespower in order toaprevent from happening, low-temperature washes (55°C max.). Active carbon filters cannot be washed and are to be immediately replaced every 3-4 months (dep kapcsoljukFILTERS electronic parts. METAL szakítót ANTI-GREASE You must not use detergents containing abrasive, acid or corrosive substances or abrasive c of use of H theon hood). nal suction panel to remove the metal anti-grease filters (refer toquency the instructions page 9), then operate the handle consequence of not complying with these warnings will result in irreversible deterioration of the hood's surface. METAL ANTI-GREASE ANTI-GREASE FILTERS L ANTI-GREASE FILTERS The metal METAL FILTERS Dispose of the activesuspended carbon filters in compliance with the regulations in force theon country anti-grease filters are there to contain grease particles: deposited on the filters, theseinfeed any of use. on page 9). Carry out operations in reverse order to insert them. ructions Ifém zsírszűrők tisztítása It is possible to remove the external suction panel completely in order to facilitate its cleaning (refer to the instructions Ho flames released when cooking, generate unpleasant odours, and compromise the passage ofon air, thus reducing The metal anti-grease filters are there to contain contain suspended grease particles: deposited on the filters, these feed on any The metal anti-grease filters are there to contain suspended grease particles: deposited on felgyűlve theopen filters, these feed any A zsírszűrők a levegőben szálló zsír-részecskéket kötik le, melyek a főzés közben esetlegesen keletTo replace the active carbon filters, the external suction panel (refersuction toany the instructio The metal anti-grease filters are there to suspended grease particles: deposited on the filters, these feed on performance of the hood. flames released whenunpleasant cooking,kellemetlen generate unpleasant odours, and compromise thetopassage passage ofsuction air, thus thus reducing suction cooking, generate odours, and compromise the passage of korlátozzák air, thus reducing kező lángokat táplálhatják, szagokat kelthetnek, illetve levegő áthaladását, flames released when cooking, generate unpleasant odours, and compromise the of air, suction N FILTERS flames released when I reducing on pageinezzel 9) anda follow the remove filters (refer the ainstructions For this reason, is teljesítményét advised washthe themetal metalanti-grease filters (at least once a month) leaving them to soak boiling performance of thekészülék hood. performance ofitthe the hood. to frequently elszívási csökkentik. performance of hood. page 9. care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid or alkaline detergents. water and washing formetal 1 hour, taking CLEANING OF INTERNAL PARTS For this reason, advised to frequently wash the metal metal filters (at least once month) leaving them toéssoak soak in boiling boiling this reason, it is Ezen advised to dish frequently wash the filters (at least once aThe month) leaving toáztassuk soak in boiling Active carbon For filters have the function ofokból retaining inliquid the air flow passing through them. air, purified bythem running a zsírszűrőket rendszeresen, legalább havonta átleast kell mosnunk: forró vízto mosogatóFor this reason, ititodours isis advised to frequently wash the filters (at once aa month) leaving them in Rinse them well and wait for them to be completely dry before reassembling them. water and dish washing liquid for 1 hour, taking care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid or alkaline detergents. water and liquid for 1 hour, taking care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid or alkaline detergents. many times through the dish filter,washing is recirculated into the kitchen. szer elegyében 1 órán át, ügyelve, hogy közben ne hajlítsuk meg a szűrőket. Ne használjuk maró hatású, sawater and dish washing liquid for 1 hour, taking care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid or alkaline detergents. Washing in dishwasher permitted, however, itUSEFUL may cause thereassembling filter material to to reduce the possibility of this It isawell forbidden toisfor clean electrical parts, or parts related to the motor inside the with liquids or solvents. well wait for them to be completely dry before reassembling them. Rinse them and wait them to be completely drymonths before them. Active carbon Rinse filters them cannot beand washed and are to bewait immediately replaced every 3-4 (depending on thedarken: fre- hood, vas vagy alkáli tisztítószereket. DISPOSAL AFTER END OF LIFE Rinse them well and for them to be completely dry before reassembling them. problem from happening, use low-temperature washes (55°C max.). Doa not use products. Washing in dishwasher permitted, however, may cause the filter to material to darken: to reduce reduce the possibility possibility of this this in a dishwasher is permitted, however, it may the filter material tothe darken: reduce the possibility ofathis quency of useWashing of the hood). Mosogatógépben isabrasive moshatjuk acause szűrőket, azonban előfordulhat, hogy to ennek hatására szűrők elsötétednek: Washing in a dishwasher isis permitted, however, itit may cause filter material darken: to the of All these operations are to be carried out after having disconnected the equipment from the electrical mains pow problem from happening, use low-temperature washes (55°C max.). fromexternal happening, use low-temperature washes (55°C max.). Dispose of theproblem active filtersezt in compliance with the regulations in force in the country of use. elkerülendő kis hőmérsékletű (max. 55°C). Opencarbon the suction panel to remove the metal anti-grease filters (refer to the instructions H on page 9), then operate the handle problem from happening, usebin low-temperature (55°C max.). The crossed-out wheeled symbol on thewashes appliance means that the product is WEEE, i.e. "waste electrical and electronic equi Open lyfilters, itIthe must not be thrown with unsorted waste (i.e. with waste"), but itthen must be disposed ofazok separately so Open the external suction panel tothe remove theaout metal anti-grease filters (refer to the the instructions Hoperate on page 9),handle then operate the handle handle pen the external panel to remove metal anti-grease filters (refer to the instructions H on page 9),on then the on page 9). Carry out operations in reverse order to insert them. (refer the instructions To replace theto active carbon open external suction panel (refer to the instructions Hhousehold 9),page Asuction zsírszűrők levételéhez először nyissuk le külső elszívó paneleket (lásd a"mixed 9. oldalon apage ábrán). Ezután aoperate zsírszűrőket Open the external suction panel to remove the metal anti-grease filters (refer to instructions on 9), the METAL FILTERS specificANTI-GREASE operations for its re-use, or aábrán). specificVisszahelyezésükhöz treatment, to remove and safely dispose of anyhajtsuk substances thatazmay be harmful t fogantyúinál fogva vehetjük ki (lásd a 9. oldalon a fordított sorrendben végre ábrán I on page 9). Carry out operations in reverse order to insert them. (refer to the instructions I on page 9). Carry out operations in reverse order to insert them. efer to theremove instructions oninbe page 9) order and follow thethem. instructions L oncontributes to saving precious resources the metal filters (referthe toraw thematerials instructions on page 9). Carry out operations reverse to insert (refer to theanti-grease instructions and remove thatIcan recycled. Correct disposal of this product and utasításokat. ACTIVE CARBON FILTERS page 9.szereplő The metal anti-grease filters are there to contain suspended grease particles: waste deposited on the the negative effects on human health and the environment, which could be caused by inappropriate disposal. Youfilters, are kindl your local authorities for further information the designated wasteodours, collection nearest to Penalties forthus improp flames released when regarding cooking, generate unpleasant andpoints compromise theyou. passage of air, re E CARBON FILTERS ACTIVE CARBON FILTERS FILTERS ACTIVE CARBON aktív szénszűrők tisztítása Active carbon have the function ofofretaining odours in the air flow passing through them. The air, purified by running waste can filters be applied in compliance with regulations. performance the national hood. Ahogy a levegő áthalad az function aktív szénszűrőkön, apassing kellemetlen szagokat elemeket a szűrő visszatartja, maAFTER END Active OF USEFUL LIFE many times through the filter, is recirculated into the kitchen. Active carbon filters have the ofEUROPEAN retaining odours in the the air flow flow passing through them. The air, purified by running running carbon filters haveINFORMATION the function ofhave retaining odours in the flow through them. Theokozó air, purified by running Forfunction this reason, it isair advised to frequently wash the metal filters (at least once a month) leaving them to Active carbon filters the of retaining odours in air passing through them. The air, purified by ON DISPOSAL IN UNION COUNTRIES tartja. Miután a levegő többször isinto áthalad aimmediately szűrőn, visszajuttásra kerül amonths konyhába. Active carbon filters cannot be washed and are to be replaced every 3-4 (depending on the fremany times through the filter, is recirculated the kitchen. many times throughgában the filter, is recirculated into the kitchen. water and dish washing liquid for 1 hour, taking care not to bend them. Do not use corrosive, acid or alkali many times through the filter, is recirculated into the kitchen. The EU WEEE Directive was implemented differently in each country, accordingly, if you wish to dispose of this appliance we s Az aktív szénszűrők nem moshatók ki ésare 3-4 havonta cserélendő (a (depending készülék használatának gyakoriságától quency oflocal use of theiscannot hood). Active carbon filters be washed and to be immediately replaced every 3-4 months (depending on the frecarbon filters cannot be washed and are to be immediately replaced every 3-4 months on the freRinse them well and wait for them to be completely dry before reassembling them. d bin symbol onActive the appliance means that the product WEEE, i.e. "waste electrical and electronic equipment", accordingyour authorities or dealer to find out what the correct method of disposal is. Active carbon filters cannot be washed and are to be immediately replaced every 3-4 months (depending on the frefüggően). Dispose of the of active carbon filters in acompliance with the regulations initforce in cause the country of use. quency of use the hood).of n out with unsorted waste (i.e.ofwith "mixed household but it must be disposed separately so that undergo quency of use thewaste"), hood). Washing in dishwasher isofpermitted, however, itcan may the filter material to darken: to reduce the po quency use of the hood). INFORMATION ON DISPOSAL INazNON-EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES aktív szénszűrők selejtezésekor adott országban érvényes előírásoknak megfelelően el. s re-use, or a specific treatment, to Az remove and safely dispose of any substances that may be harmful to the environment Dispose of the active carbon filters in compliance with the regulations in force in the country of use. járjunk Dispose of the active carbon filters in compliance with the regulations in force in the country of use. problem from happening, usethe low-temperature washes (55°C max.). To replace active carbon filters, openwith the external suction panel to thetoinstructions H on page 9),in other cou Dispose of the activethe carbon filters in compliance regulations inUnion: force inif(refer the country of use. The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is only valid in the European you wish dispose of this appliance terials that can be recycled. Correct disposal of this product contributes to saving precious resources and avoiding potential contacting your local authorities or dealer to find out what the correct method of disposal is. A z aktív szénszűrők kivételéhez először nyissuk le a külső elszívó panelt (lásd a 9. oldalon a ábrán), veTo replace the active carbon filters, open the external suction panel (refer to the instructions H on page 9), To replace the active carbon filters, open the external suction panel (refer to the instructions H on page 9), Open the external suction panel to remove the metal anti-grease filters (refer to the instructions H on page 9), then oper I on page 9) and follow the instructions L on remove the metal anti-grease filters (refer to the instructions man health and the environment, which could be caused inappropriate wasteopen disposal. are kindly asked to (refer contact To replace thebyactive carbon filters, the You external suction panel to the instructions on page 9), gyük ki a zsírszűrőket (lásd a 9. oldalon a ábrán), majd kövessük a 9. oldalon a ábrát. further information regarding the designated waste collection points nearest to you. Penalties for improper disposal of such page 9. on page page 9) and follow follow the instructions L on on remove thefilters metal(refer anti-grease filters (refer to the instructions I on page 9) and follow the instructions L the on instructions remove the metal remove anti-grease to instructions I onthepage 9).(refer Carry to out operations in reverse order to and insert them. (refer to the instructions I on 9) metal anti-grease filters the instructions compliance with national regulations. page 9. 9. page 9. page SPOSAL IN EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES ACTIVE CARBON FILTERS DISPOSAL AFTER END OF USEFUL LIFE was implemented differently in each country, accordingly, if you wish to dispose of this appliance we suggest contacting DISPOSAL AFTER END OF USEFUL USEFUL LIFE SPOSAL OF USEFUL LIFE dealer to findAFTER out whatEND the correct methodEND of disposal is. DISPOSAL AFTER OF 23 ActiveLIFE carbon filters have the function of retaining odours in the air flow passing through them. The air, puri The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the appliance means that the product is WEEE, i.e. "waste and electronic equipment", accordingmany times through the végén filter, is recirculated intoelectrical the kitchen. SPOSAL IN NON-EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES élettartamának készülék selejtezése ly it must not bewheeled thrown out withUnion: unsorted waste (i.e. with household waste"), but itand mustare bewe disposed separately so that it can undergo ed bin symbol isbin only valid in ifthat you wish to dispose offilters this appliance inwashed other countries, suggest The crossed-out bin symbol on the the appliance means that the product is WEEE, i.e. "waste electrical andofelectronic electronic equipment", accordinged-out wheeled symbol onthe theEuropean appliance means the product is"mixed WEEE, "waste electrical and electronic equipment", accordingActive carbon cannot be to be immediately replaced every 3-4 months (depend A keresztben áthúzott szeméttároló jelzi, hogy ameans készülékre ai.e. WEEE kategóriába tartozik, azaz elektronikus és elektromos készüléThe crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on appliance that the product is WEEE, i.e. "waste electrical and equipment", accordingspecific operations for its re-use, or a specific treatment, to remove and safely dispose of any substances that may be harmful to the environment not be thrown out with unsorted waste (i.e. with "mixed household waste"), but it must be disposed of separately so that it can undergo thorities or tonot find what the correct method of disposal is. of"mixed ly dealer it must must not beout thrown out with unsorted waste (i.e. with with "mixed household waste"),szeméttel but itit must mustegyütt be disposed disposed of separately so so that that ithanem can undergo undergo quency use of the hood). kek azon kategóriájába, mely alá tartozó készülékeket közönséges háztartási nem selejtezhetünk le, olyan ly it be thrown out with unsorted waste (i.e. household waste"), but be of separately it can and the materials thatorcan be recycled. Correct disposal ofany this product contributes to precious resources andtoavoiding potential specific operations for its re-use, re-use, specific treatment, todispose remove and safely dispose ofcompliance any substances that may be harmful harmful the environment perations specific for itsremove re-use, or araw specific treatment, remove and safely of substances that may besaving harmful to the environment operations for its or aa to specific treatment, to remove and safely dispose of any substances may be to the environment Dispose of the active carbon filters in withthat the regulations inkindly force in the country of use. speciális gyűjtőkonténerben, gyűjtőtelepen kell leadnunk, ahol speciális kezelés céljából továbbítják majd a készüléket. Ezen specinegative effects on human health and the environment, which could be caused by inappropriate waste disposal. You are asked to contact and remove thecan rawbe materials that can be be recycled. Correct disposal of this this product product contributes to saving savingand precious resources and avoiding avoiding potential potential ve the rawand materials that recycled.that Correct disposal of this product contributes to saving precious resources avoiding potential remove the raw materials can recycled. Correct disposal of contributes to precious resources and ális kezelés a készülék újból használható állapotba történő hozatalát jelentheti, vagy a környezetre káros anyagok biztonságos megyour local authorities for further information regarding the designated waste collection points nearest to you. Penalties for improper disposal of such To by replace thecaused active carbon filters,You open external suction panelasked (referto tocontact the instructions H negative effectsand on the human health and andwhich the environment, environment, which could be caused by inappropriate waste disposal. You are kindly kindly asked to contact effects on negative human health environment, could be caused inappropriate waste disposal. are the kindly askedYou to are contact on human health the which could be by inappropriate waste disposal. waste caneffects beinformation applied in compliance national regulations. semmisítését, valamint az újrahasznosítható anyagok kinyerését. Ezzel azto értékes nyersanyagokat takarítunk meg, illetve megelőzyour local authorities for further information regarding thecollection designated waste collection points nearest to you.the Penalties forofimproper improper disposal of such such authorities for local further regarding thewith designated waste points nearest you. Penalties for to improper disposal such your authorities for further information regarding the designated waste collection points nearest you. Penalties for disposal of I on page 9) and follow the inst remove the metal anti-grease filters (refer to instructions zünk egészségünk és környezetünk Kérjük a felhasználókat, hogy a közelükben elérhető gyűjtőtelepekkel kapcsolaton be applied in compliance withDISPOSAL national regulations. waste can be be applied applied in compliance withkárosodását. nationalUNION regulations. INFORMATION ON IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES waste can in compliance with national regulations. page 9. san forduljanak a helyi illetékes hatóságokhoz. A megfelelő selejtezésre büntetéseket a helyi,we nemzeti 23 differently The EU WEEEIN Directive was implemented in nem each country, accordingly, if youvonatkozó wish to dispose of this appliance suggestrendelkezécontacting INFORMATION ON DISPOSAL DISPOSAL IN EUROPEAN EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES ATION ONINFORMATION DISPOSAL EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES ON IN UNION COUNTRIES sek írják elő. your local authorities or dealer to find out what the correct method of disposal is. EEE Directive was implemented differently in each country, accordingly, if you wish to dispose of this appliance we suggest contacting The EU EU WEEE WEEE Directive Directive was was implemented implemented differently differently in in each each country, country, accordingly, accordingly, ifif you you wish wish to to dispose dispose of of this this appliance appliance we we suggest suggest contacting contacting The your local authorities authorities orwhat dealer tocorrect find out what the the correct method of disposal disposal is. LIFE authorities or dealer to findON outDISPOSAL theto method of disposal is. COUNTRIES DISPOSAL AFTER END OF USEFUL INFORMATION IN NON-EUROPEAN UNION your local or dealer find out what correct method of is. Európai uniós országokban történő selejtezés The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is onlyCOUNTRIES valid in the European Union: if you wish to dispose of this appliance in other countries, we suggest INFORMATION ON DISPOSAL IN NON-EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES ATION ONINFORMATION DISPOSAL IN NON-EUROPEAN UNION Az EU WEEE direktívája eltérőIN kerül megvalósításra az egyes országokban, esetén a helyi illetékes hatóságokhoz ON DISPOSAL NON-EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES contacting your local authorities ormódon dealer to find out what thewish correct method disposal is. ígyinkérdés The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is only valid in the European Union: you wish to dispose of this countries, appliance in"waste other countries, we suggest suggest equipme ed-out wheeled bin symbol is only valid in the European Union: if you to dispose ofofmeans this appliance other we suggest wheeled symbol on the appliance that the product is WEEE, i.e. electrical and electronic The crossed-out wheeled The bin crossed-out symbol is only valid inbin the European Union: ifif you wish to dispose of this appliance in other countries, we érdemes fordulni. g your local authorities or dealer to find outor correct method ofunsorted disposal is. contacting your local authorities authorities orwhat dealer to find out out what the correct method method of with disposal is. household waste"), but it must be disposed of separately so that ly it must not the beto thrown out with waste (i.e. "mixed contacting your local dealer find what the correct of disposal is. specific operations for its re-use, or a specific treatment, to remove and safely dispose of any substances that may be harmful to th and remove the raw materials that can be recycled. Correct disposal of this product contributes to saving precious resources and avo negative effects on human health and the environment, which could be caused by inappropriate waste disposal. You are kindly as your local authorities for further information regarding the designated waste collection points nearest to you. Penalties for improper d 15 regulations. 23 waste can be applied in compliance with national
FALMEC S.p.A. 31029 VITTORIO VENETO (Treviso) - ITALY - Zona Industriale - Via dell’Artigianato, 42
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