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Harapan Baru Setelatr nenghapusan Anak ]ermal ,New Hope after Jermal Child Eliminating)
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TERIMAKASIH tiada terhingga pada sahabat-sahabat di kantor projectffice ILO-IPEC fishing Sectar Medan, yangtelah banyak berjasa selama proses penerbitan buku ini: I Maman Natawijaya (Project Coordinator)
r Rinaldi (Monitoring Expert) I Yrsriwiati (Monitoring Expert)
r r r
Edy Sunarwan (Monitoring Expert) Edison L Simbolon (Monitoring Expert) Elizabeth Sihite (Admin Secretary) Ucok (Coffee "Expert")
Diterbitkan oleh Eyasan Medan Publications bekerja sama dengan ILO-IPEC Fishing Sector Indonesia
Rnerbitan pertama tahun
Hak cipta dilindungi oleh Protokol 2 dari Konvensi Hak Cipta Dunia (Universal Coplright Convention). Kutipan yang diambil dari buku ini harus mencantumkan sumbernya.
ILO-IPEC Fishing Sector Indonesia Jakarta, 2004, Harapan Baru Setelah Penghayuson Anak Jermal (New Hope after Jermal Child Eliminating)
tanslator: Fitri Designer: Sapto Hadi Cover Illustration: Balga
Dicetak di Indonesia
Daftar Isi
)aminan I(eberlaniutan ltrlindungan Anak PERIALANAN program untuk menghapuskan perburuhan anak di jermat kerjasama ILO-IPEC Fishing Project Indonesia dengan kmerintah Propinsi Sumatera Utara telah bergulir selama hampir lima tahun. Berbagai program pencegahan pun sudah dilaksanakan, seperti monitoring, peningkatan ekonomi, peningkatan keterampilan, peningkatan kesadaran dan pendidikan
alternatif untuk anak-anak. Seluruh program itu melibatkan mitra kerja seperti lembaga pemerintah propinsi/kabupaten, hingga kecamatan, lembaga pendidikan, media dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) yang menjangkau bwuh analg keluarga,
teman sebaya, orang tua, mandor/pemilik jermal dilaksanakan di lima kabupaten di Sumatera Utara (Langkat, Asahan, Deli Serdang, Simalungun dan LabuhanBatu).
Cukup banyak tantangan dan hambatan yang harus dihadapi dalam menjalankan program-program tersebut, baik yang bersifat geografis, kultural, edukatif, hingga hukum dan perundangan.
lbpi syukurlah, lembaga-lembaga yang terlibat langsung dalam programprogram aksi penghapusan buruh anak jermal seperbi LSM, pemerintah propinsi, kabupaten, kecamatan, hingga desa sertapers, telah menunjukkan semangat, kerja keras, dan dalam kebersamaan, dengan satu tujuan: tidak adalagi anak-anak dipekerjakan di jermal.
Dari data monitoring ILO-IPEC pada akhir April 2004, tercatat tinggal 7 orang anakyang ditemukan dijermal. Angkainii menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara program yang sedang dijalankan dengan dampak yang
ditimbulkan. Disadari bahwa dengan waktu yang cukup singkat untuk sebuah proses perubahan, angka anak bekerja di jermal baru pada tahap "penurunan" kuantitas, belum mencapai titik nol. Artinya saat ini jermal belum benarbenarbersih dari buruh anak. Namun, penurunan angka anak yang bekerja di jermal merupakan indikasi I
Guarantee on Child Protection Continuity THE Program of eliminating child labour in Jermal, in co-operation behveen ILO-IPEC Fishing Project and North Sumatra Provincial Government has been going on for almost five years. \Arious programs intended to stop this child labour has been conducted, such as monitoring, improvements
in economic, life skills, awareness and also alternative education for children. The whole programmes that involved co-workers such as provinciaVregency and district government institutions, educational institutions, media and non-government organizationwhich reach the child labourers, their families, playing mates, parents and the foremen/jermal owner were held in five
districts in North Sumatera (Langkat, Asahan, Deli Serdang, Simalungun and Labuhan Batu). The challenges and obstacles that faced in running the programs were quite many concerning the geographical, cultural, educational,
well as law
and legislation issues.
Fbrtunately the institutions which involved directly in the action program of eliminating the Jermal child labour such as NGQ government institutions
in province, regencies, districts, even villages and press, have shown their spirits, hard working, and team work for one purpose that: no more children shall be put to work in Jermal.
Monitoring data of the ILO-IPEC by the end of April 2004 noted that there were only 7 children found in Jermal. This figure shows a significant co-relation between the on-goingprogram and the effectit caused.
reilizedthatachanging process which happens within a short time is resulted only in the phase of quantity "declining" the numbers of has been
children working in Jermal, this has not reached the zero point yet. It means
that until now Jermal has not genuinely clear from child labourers. Howeveq the declining number of children working in Jermal is a positive
indication to the successful ofthe various programs conducted due to the process of eliminating the child labour in Jermal within over the last four
yang positifterhadap keberhasilan berbagai program yang telah dijalankan dalam proses penghapusan buruh anak di jermal dalam kurun waktu empat
tahun lebih ini. Hal itu juga menunjukkan komitmen yang kuat dari Rmerintah hopinsi Sumatera Utarauntuk melindungi anak dari eksploitasi, khususnya di sektor perikanan-jermal.
Belajar dari pengalaman menjalankan program selama empat tahun dengan segalakelebihan dan kekr.rangannya, diperlukan peningkatan kualitas
program yang tepat guna yang berorientasi ke depan dengan kerjasama lintas sektoralyanglebih sistematis dan membangun kepastian hukum untuk
melindungianak. Rmbentukan tim terpadu lintas-sektoral untuk penghapusan buruh anak di jermal selama ini, sudah tentu harus dilihat sebagai produk hukum. Realisasi pembentukan tim terpadu bermakna mobilisasi sumber daya dan
sekaligus mobilisasi tenaga yang melibatkan banyak unsur dalam pemerintahan.
Hal tersebut membutuhkan dasar hukum yang kuat, sehingga proses realisasinya dapat didesakkan. Dasar hukum yang mengikat sebagai legalitas
dan legitimasi memang sangat dibutuhkan agar realisasi tidak mudah dipatahkan oleh sebuah resistensi. Dasar hukum ini juga merupakan jaminan untuk keberlanjutan program-program yang disusun bersama. Dengan modal hukum yang kuat, kita berharap dengan atau tanpa kehadiran ILO-IPEC di propinsi ini, anak-anak akan terlindungi dari segala bentuk eksploitasi yang mengancam masa depannya.
MamanNatawijaya Chief M onitoring E rpert ILO-IPEC (I nternational Labour Orgonization - International Programme Elimination of Child, Labotn) Fishing Sectm Indsnnsig Sub Regiorm,l Px$ect to Combat Child Labour in Jermnl Platforms Indonesia
years. This shows the strong commitment of the North Sumatra provincial government in protecting children from being exploited especially in fishery
sector-jermal. Learning from the four years experience of running the programme and with all its strengths and weaknesses, a quality improvement on the effective
future-oriented programs with more systematically by cross-sector cooperation and building law assurance to protect the children is needed. The establishment of the by cross-sector integrated team to eliminate the child labour in Jermal, should be seen as law product. The realisation of the
integrated team establishment is meant to mobilize the resources
well as
the powe4which involve large number of government elements. Those require stronglawprinciple; therefore, the realization process could be urged. A binding law principle as legality and legitimacy is really needed so
resistance will not easily break the realization. This law principle is
a guarantee for the continuity of the programs that have been arranged
With a sturdy law as a capital, we hope that with or without the present of ILO-IPEC in this province, children will be protected from all kinds of exploitation, which threaten their future.
MamanNatawijaya Chief M onitoring E rpert ILO-IPEC (International Labour Organization - International Programme Eli,mination of Child Labour) Fishing Sectm lrd,onesia, Sub Regtonal Projectto Combat Child Labour in Jermnl Plntforms Indnnesia
di atas laut Bangunon ini didirikan di kedalaman 5 hingga 17 meter dari d,asar lnut, dnn biasanga merryhadnp ke arahtimnr lauL Panjangnya sekitar /t0 hirryga 60 meter danlebar t hingga 12 meteq
ang d,itopang deng an tiang ditanc apk an
da s ar laut.
PADA era tahun 1970 sampai 1980-an,
ada tren baru di pan-
tai timur Sumatera Utara. Tiba-tiba saja, para pengusaha per-
ikanan berlombalombamendirikanbangunan jermal di te-
ngahlaut. Meskipun investasinya sangat besa4 tapi mereka seolah tak peduli.
Seketika, bidang pekerjaan pun mengalami booming di laut. Ribuan unit usaha jermal membutuhkan tenaga kerja baru. Ihk pelak, anak-anak
turut terseret, apalagi memang banyak anak yang putus sekolah. Sebagai gambaran, pada tahun 1999, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Sumatera Utara mencatat angka putus sekolah sekitar 404.053 anak. Meskipun tak semuanya
bekerj4 tapi mereka cenderung mencari pekerjaan dan berisiko terlibat dalam bentuk pekerjaan berbahaya, seperti di jermal.
on the sea This platform is bui.lt in 5 to
meter deep of
seabe$ and it usuallg facing the north aast. is l0 to 60 m,etres long and,9 to 12 metres
wide, which is held, bg pole planted to the
bottomoftlte sea
there was a new trend in North Sumatera east coast. In a sudden, the businessmen in fishery
rushed themselves in competition to build a jermal (fish trap) construction in the middle of the sea. Although the
investmentis in big amount, they seemed to be unconcern.
of work in the seawas booming. Thousands
ofjermal busi-
nesses needed newworkers. Unavoidably children were drawn to this, due to
the situation atthe time inwhich therewas many children dropped out school.
Fbrinformation, in 1999, the North Sumatera Statistic Bureau noted that there were 404,053 children dropped out school. Although not all of them working, they tend to seek for work and have a risk of being involve in danger-
ouswork, such as in jermal. Number of childrenworkingin jermal increased and obviouslyithas raised
Jumlah anak yang bekerja di jermal semakin bertambah dan terang saja menimbulkan persoalan-persoalan kemanusiaan, hubungan kerja, dan hukum.
hda tahun
1993, satu dua lembaga swadaya masyarakat di kota Medan mulai
memberikan perhatian khusus pada nasib anak yang bekerja di jermal ini. Thpi sepanjangitu, benh-rk advokasi dan kampanye penghapusan anakjermal
masih dilakukan secara sporadis dan parsial. Sementa:a, persoalannya sudah
memasuki wilayah yang kompleks karena bersinggungan dengan masalah yang lebih luas, meliputi kemiskinan, pendidikan, kulh:4 dan kebijakan hukum.
Lantas, di penghujung 1999, International Labour Organization (ILO) lewat
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), memasukkan sektor ini dalam kategori salah satu bentuk pekerjaan terburuk untuk anak. Sejak itu, dirancanglah satu bentuk penanganan kolektifdan sinergis yang bersifat segera lewat program empat tahun (2000-2004).
ILO-IPEC dan kampanye gencar sejurnlah LSM yang mendahuluinya, hampir dipastikan setiap jermal mempekerjakan anak. Rkerja anak dalam hal ini merujuk pada pasal I Undang Undang No 23 Sebelum kehadiran
Thhun 2002 tentang Rrlindungan Anak yang isinya, 'l\nak adalah seseorang
yang belum berusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun, termasuk anak yang masih dalam kandungan."
Meskipun I{onvensi ILO memberikan perbedaan antara pekerja anak (di bawah 15 tahun) dan pekerja remaja (di bawah 18 tahun), namun untuk memudahkan kqjian ini, kedua kategori pekerja itu disamakan saja sebagai
pekerjaanak. Sulit sekali memastikan periode mulainya anak-anak ditarik bekerja ke jermal. Masalahnya, tidak ada catatan atau dokumen yang bisa dipakai untuk
menuju sebuah kesimpulan, dan belum ada satu pun penelitian yang mengungkap sejarah keberadaan anak jermal secara mendalam pada periode
itu. Ada beragam pendekatan teori dan kemungkinan untuk menjelaskan masalah ini. I{emungkinan pertama, anak jermal bisa jadi telah ada pada periode 1950-1969 bila didekati dari prinsip ekonomi, di mana tenaga kerja anak-anak lebih memiliki daya tarik karena bersedia dibayar murah. Dari pendekatan ini, potensi keberadaan pekerja anak pada periode awal kehadiran
jermal kemungkinan besar telah ada. 4
problems in humanitywork relation and laru In 1993, one or two NGOs in Medan began to pay special attention to the life of children working in jermal. During the time, advocacies and campaigns on eliminating the child labour in Jermal were done sporadically and partially Meanwhile, the problems have started to be complex issue since it related to broader problems
are povertyeducation, culture and lawpolicy
Accordingly by the end of 1999, the International Labour Organization (ILO) through the International Programme on the Elimination of Chitd Labour (IPEC), categonzed this sector as one of the worst occupation for children. Since then, an immediate form of collective and sinergy handling was designed through four years prograrnme (2000-2004). Before the present of ILO-IPEC and the incessant campaign by numbers of NGOs previouslyit could almost be confirmed that every jermal laboured
the children. Child labourer in this case refer to first arbicle of constitution No 23 year 2002 about child protection which stated that, A child is an individual which has not yet reach the age of 18 (eighteen yeaxs old), including a child in thewomb".
Even though the ILO convention stated the difference between child labourer (under 15 years old) and teenage labourer (under 18 years old), as for easierunderstandingof this studyboth categorieswill just be considered the same as child labour
is hard to determine the exact period of when were the children starbed
to be dragged into working in the jermal. Since, there were no reeords nor
documents could be used into drawing a conclusion, and yet, there has not been a single research revealingthe history of the jermal children existence
profoundly on that period. There are several theoretical approaches and possibilities to explain this problem. First hssibility the Jermal child might have been there in the period of 1950-1969 if this is approached by economic principle, in which the children manpoweris more attuactive since they arewillingto be paid cheaply Fbom this approach, the existence ofchild labour in the early period ofthe jermal operation is potentially happened.
Second possibilitypovertywhich in fact happened in coastal community
live, has stimulated the increase of school dropout. Low education and diffi-
IGmungkinan kedua, fakta kemiskinan di tengah masyarakat pesisir telah mendorong tingginya angka anak putus sekolah. Rendahnya pendidikan dan sulitnya mencari pekerjaan lain selain di lautmemberikan kemungkinanbesar bahwa anak-anak pesisir telah terpaksa atau tergoda bekerja di jermal jauh
sebelumini. IGmungkinan ketiga, faktor tradisi dan pandangan keluarga pesisir dan Indonesia umumnya yang memposisikan anak sebagai aset. Anak yang bekerja bukan hal yang dianggap aneh, malah sebaliknya bisa merupakan kebanggaan
bagi si anak dalam satu sisi, dan menjadi tekanan budaya pada sisi lain.
Justifikasi yang lebih mendekati dan cukup masuk akal adalah rujukan ftkerja jermal hanya bisa pulang
pada karakteristik masa kerja di jermal.
ke rumah setelah beberapa bulan. Dengan masa kerja yang seperti itu,
berat sekali bagi seorang pekerja dewasa, apalagi yang sudah berkeluarga, untuk berpisah dengan anak istrinya. Dengan demikian, anak-anak adalah pekerja yang paling mungkin melakukan tugas berbulan-bulan di jermal.
Di balik kemungkinan-kemungkinan itu, ada sudut pandang lain yang membantah keberadaan anak jermal di bawah tahun 1970. Disebutkan, bangunan jermal pada awalnyalebih kecil dan hanyamempekerjakan sekitar tiga sampai lima orang. Asumsinya, dengan jurnlah tenaga yang lebih sedikit dan cara menarik jaring yang masih mengandalkan kekuatan tangan dan
fisik tubuh, mustahil anak-anak melalokannya. Thpi meskipun demikian, tetap sqja ada kemungkinan anak-anak bisa bekerja
di bagian lain, seperti tukang masak, sorti4 penjemuran ikan dan sebagainya.
Namun satu hal yang pasti, pengusaha jermal punya alasan kuat mempekerjakan buruh anak, yakni karena mereka bisa dibayar murah dan tidak berani melawan. Anak yang bekerja di jermal pada umumnya merasa tak punya pilihan. Atas alasan itu, mereka bersedia kerja di tengah laut, meskipun untuk
mereka harus mengalami masalah perkembangan sosial, mental, kehilangan hak-hak seorang anak, dan bahaya fisik yang selalu mengancarn.
lnvestasidalam 0mbak Secara konseptual, jermal adalah salah satu jenis usaha penangkapan dan
pengolahan ikan lepas pantai yang bersifat statis (tidak berpindah-pindah) dengan membangun pondokan menyerupai rumah pada sekitar 3-9 mil dari 5
culties in findingwork other than the work in the sea give a possibility that the coast children had no choice or they were tempted to work in jermal long before this.
Third possibilitytraditional factor andway of thinkingin most coastfamilies and also Indonesian family positioned their children as assets.
child is not a strange thing, on one hand this is considered to be something a child could be proud of and becoming a cultural pressure on the other hand.
Amore closer justffication and considered to be sensible enough is reference on characteristic of working period in jermal. Jermal worker could only
visit their home after working for several months. With such working period,
it is surely difficult for an adult, especially the marriage men, to separate from the wives and children. In this case, children are the ones who mostly capable of working in jermal for months. Behind those possibilities, there is another point ofview against the exist-
ofjermal child under the year of 1970. Itwas said that earlie4 jermal construction was smaller and employed only three to five people. It was assumed that with only few people working manually to pull the fishnets by relying on the hand and physical strength, itwas impossible for children to ence
do the work.
Despite the above possibility still there was a possibility that children could be working in other section, such as cooking, sorting, fish drying and
others. Howeve4 there is one thing for sure, it is the fact that the jermal orurerhas one shongreason of puttingthe children as labou4they are cheaply paid and unable to fight back.
Most children working in jermal have no choice. Fbr that reason, they are willing to work in the middle of the sea, despite the problems they are about to face such as social development, mental, losing their rights as children and
physical jeopardy thatwill always threaten them.
lnvestnent on the Wave Conceptually jermal is one of the offshore fishery businesses, which is static (not moving) by building a lodge that looks like a house of about 39 miles of the coastline.
It takes
25 to 180 minutes to get there by fishermen
boat with 12 pk (poarde lcracht) this boat is usually called dongfeng. The time
to get there depends on the distance of the jermal eonstruction from the
garis pantai. Rrjalanan menuju ke sana dapat ditempuh selama 25 hingga 180
menit dengan menggunakan kapal motor milik nelayan berkekuatanl?
pk (poardc ktru,cht/tenagalada) yang bias
Larnarrya jarak
tempuh tergantungjauh dan dekatnya bangunanjermal dari tepi pantai. Karena berdiri di atas laut dan selalu dipermainkan ombak, anak-anak jermal menyebutnya "istana goyang". Bahan utama bangunanjermal berupa kayu tiang, kayu balok, papan dan
seng. Tiang berguna sebagai alat pancang atau kaki bangunan yang ditancapkan ke dasar laut. Untuk tiang utama, panjangnya minimal 25 meter dengan diameter 10-50 inci. Kayu sebesar ini hanya bisa diperoleh dengan mendatangkannya dari Propinsi Riau dan Aceh. IGduanya propinsi tetangga yang berbatasan langsung dengan Sumut. Bangunan ini didirikan di kedalaman
meter dari dasar laut, dan
biasanya menghadap ke arah timur laut. Panjangnya sekitar 40 hingga 60
meter dan lebar
t hingga L2 meteU yang ditopang dengan tiang yang
ditancapkan ke dasar laut. Sementara, lantai dan dinding terbuat dari papan. Lantai bagian depan dan
belakang (penjemuran ikan) tidak dipaku ke kayu penyangga. Demikian juga halnya pertautan antarz penyangga dengan seluruh tiang penopang bangunan
jermal. Tiang dan kayu penyangga hanya diikat dengan kawat atau tali nilon. Maksudnya, bila ditiup angin atau dihempas gelombang, jermal dapatlebih
fleksibel mengikuti permukaan laut. Kalau dipaku, papan atau tiang bisa patah.
Bagian depan dan belakang berupa lantai terbuka tak berdinding yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penjemuran dan pengeringan ikan serta tempat untuk alat giling (katrol) yang berfmgsi mengangkat jaring. Luasnya masingmasing sekitar 10 x 15 meter sampai 10 x 20 meter Ada dua jaring bawah
bangunanjermal. Jaring pertama di bagian depan disebut keroncong, untuk menangkap teri, dan satu lagi disebut tangkul, alat untuk menangkap cumicumi.
Hanya bagian tengah bangunan yang mirip bangunan rumah, lengkap dengan atap dan kamar Bagian tengah ini digunakan untuk berbagai kepentingan, mulai dari tempat istirahat dan tidur buruh, dapuq penyimpanan
alat produksi, tempat pencucian dan perebusan ikan, hingga tempat 6
coastline. Because of standingonthe sea, and always played bywave, jermal
child labour used to call jermal building as "swaying castle". The mainmaterial of the jermal construction iswoodenpoles, logs, boards and iron roofing. Thewooden pillaris functioned as the masts that are planted
to the seabed. As for the main pole, it is 25 m length min with diameter of 10
- 51 inches. The big logs could only brought in from Riau or Aceh. They are neighbour provinces directly border on North Sumatra. This platform is built in 5 to
meter deep of seabed, and it usually facing the North East. It is 40 to 60 metres long and 9 to 12 metres wide, which is held by pole planted to the bottom ofthe sea. 7
On the other hand, the floor and the wall are made of wooden board. The
floor at the front and the back (fish drying) is not being nailed to the wooden pillar It goes the same between the other pillar joint and the entire prop pole of the jermal platform. The
pillar and the prop mast are tied with wire or nylon cord. This is meant to keep the jermal stable against the wind and wave. Ifthey are nailed, the board or the pillar could be broken. The front and the backside are open floorwith no walls function as dryrng and draining the fish and where the pulley is placed that function to lift the wide net up. Each of these nets is
metre to 10 x 20 metres wide. There
are two nets below the jermal. First net placed at the front side is called keroncong, this net is intended to catch smaller fish and the other net ealled
tangkul is intended for catrhing squids. The middle part of the platform is the only part that similar to a house,
with roof and rooms. This part of the building is used for rest, sleeping, and kitchen; store the tools, fish washing and boiling place, and also the temporary storage place for product. Inside the room, usuallythere is
special chamber for the foreman, divans
for the labourers, and an attic for other necessities. Besides that, there is a hole of 2 x 2 metres in the middle of the floor This is function as a way for
lifting the basket up and down, after the fish being taken offthe net. The fish catching method is done by placing the net under the jermal floor
The net with 15 x 10 metres or one to two hours
x 7 metres wide, is then lifted at night
interval, depends
on the season. The trapped fish are pro-
cessed into salty fish after going through sorting, boiling and drying process
l penyimpanan hasil produksi sementara.
Dalam ruangan itu, biasanya, terdapat satu kamar khusus untuk mando4
dipan untuk tempat tidur buruh, dan loteng untuk berbagai kepentingan. Sementara di bagian tengah lantainya, disediakan lubang seluas
x 2 meteq
sebagai tempat naik dan turunnya keranjang, wadah ikan yang dipindahkan
darijaring. Metode penangkapan ikan dilakukan dengan memasang jaring di bawah
lantai bangunan. Jaring yang berukuran sekitar
meter atau
meter itu kemudian diangkat pada malam hari dalam interval waktu antara satu hingga dua jam, tergantung musim laut. Ikan yang terperangkap pada
jaring seterusnya diolah menjadi ikan asin setelah melewati proses sorti4 perebusan dan penjemuran di atas lantai bangunanjermal.
Dari seluruh investasi pembangunan jermal, pengadaan tiang merupakan komponen yang menelan dana paling besar Harga satu tiang plus ongkos pancangnya saatini antara Rp 4juta sampai Rp 5juta, tergantungukurannya.
Untuk satu unit bangunan jermal, dibutuhkan
16 ingga 20
batang tiang utama
dan 30 sampai 40 batang tiang kecil. Bila dihitung secara kasa4 total biaya pembangunan satu unit bangunan jermal bisa mencapai sekitar Rp 600 juta
hingga Rp 700 juta.
Periode Akhir Sebenarnya, periode tahun 1990-an dapat dikatakan sebagai periode akhir
sejarah jermal. Usaha ini makin susut dari tahun ke tahun. Bahkan kecenderungan jumlah jermal yang terus merosot tajam sudah mulai kelihatan sejak 198Gan. Masa keemasan jermal terbilang sekitar tahun 1975, yakni sebelum pukat
atau trawl hadir sebagai kompetitor mereka di laut. Sejak tahun 1975, pertumbuhan jermal mulai mengalami stagnasi. Sayang, tidak ada penjelasan kuantitatifyang valid pada periode antara 1975 hingga tahun 1987. Barulah pada tahun 1988 Dinas hrikanan Propinsi Sumut memiliki catatan resmi jumlah usahajermal di kawasan perairan timur Berdasarkan catatan
tersebut, diketahuijumlah usahajermal pada tahun 1988 tinggal 369 unit, lalu menyusut menjadi 159 unit pada tahun 1999. Tbpi perlu dimaldumi, data Dinas Rrikanan juga tidak bisa dikatakan valid, karena mereka hanya mencatat jumlah jermal yang mengantongi izin, sementara banyak jermal 7
jermal platform floor Fhom the whole jermal platform investment, the biggest expense is pro-
on the
viding the mast eomponents. One pole/mast plus the planting process cost 4 to 5 millions, depends on the size. One jermal unit needs 16 to 20 main poles and 30 to 40 small poles. In rough calculation, total cost of building one jermal unit could reach 300 to 700 millions rupiahs.
FinalPedod In fact, the period of 1990s can be said
the final period ofjermai history
This business started to decrease from year to year Moreove4 this signfficant decrease starUed to be seen since 1980s.
Jermal golden era was said to be happening in 19Tb, that is before the trawling net as their competitor in the sea is used. Since 192b, jermal growth started to come to their stagnancy Unfortunately there is no valid quantitative exlglanation on the period from 1975 to 1987.
Later in 1988 North Sumatera Provincial Fishery Department has offrcial record on the number ofjermal at the east coast are. Based on the records, it is known that there were 369 jermal units in 1900, which then decreased to 159 units in 1999.
It must
be understood that the data from fishery depart-
ment cannot be considered as valid, since they only noted the jermal which has offrcial permit, while in fact, many jermal were down and one
used to make several jermal.
The existence of trawling net turned out to be a big disaster for the j ermal oumer
tawling net come with more modern equipments.
Jermal did not change
On the other hand,
lot from its first existence, except the change ofsize
and small progress here and there.
Indonesian people in fact do not broadly laowjavmlitself. Since, the term
jermalitself represent
fishery business concept that is very specific and
can only be found in east cost of North Sumatera province. Even, the
Sumatera citizen, not fully understand or know about this fish catching method. Jermal can onlybe found in four districts directlyborder on Malacca straits
that lies between North Sumatera on the east part and Malaysia on the South part, that is Asahan, Labuhan Batu, Langkat and Deli Serdang (now called Serdang Bedagai District). Therefore, it is natural, if many people do
yang sudah rubuh, atau satu izin dimanfaatkan untuk membuat beberapa
jermal. IGhadiran trawl menjadi malapetaka besar bagi para pengusaha jermal. tawl hadir dengan peralatan yang jauh lebih modern. Sementara jermal
tidakjauh berubah dari periode kemunculannya, kecuali perubahan ukuran dan kemajuan kecil di sana-sini.
Jermal sendiri sebenarnya tidak begitu luas dikenal masyarakatlndonesia. Soalnya, istilah ini mewakili sebuah konsep usaha perikanan yang sangat
spesifik dan hanya ditemukan di perairan timur Propinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut). Bahkan, masyarakat Sumut sendiri, tidak seluruhnya tahu usaha penangkapan ikan ini.
Jermal hanya terdapat di perairan empat kabupaten yang berbatasan langsung dengan Selat Malaka yang membentang antara Sumut di sebelah
timur dan Malaysia di sebelah selatan, yalmi kabupaten Asahan, Labuhanbatu, Langkat dan Deliserdang (kini Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai). Sebab itu, w4jar sajabanyak yang tidak begitu familiar dengan nama itu. Thpi siapa yang tak kenal teri medan? Tbri telah menjadi oleh-oleh khas
dari Sumut. Rasanya gurih, kadar asinnya pas, dan tentu saja lebih mahal. Tbri medan inilah salah satu produk andalan perusahaan-perusahaan jermal di perairan pantai timur Sumut.
Tidak ada catatan resmi atau perhitungan akurat kapan persisnya usaha
jermal pertamakali dirintis. Informasi masyarakat yang bermukim di pesisiran Langkat, Deliserdang, Asahan dan Labuhanbatu, juga sangat beragam. Beberzpawarga bahkan menduga kuat, keberadaan jermal di pantai
timur memang sudah lama, bahkan sejak tahun 1945.1 Thpi ada satu kesimpulan yang bisa ditarik, jermal tidak hadir secara serentak pada perairan keempat kabupaten yang menjadi pusat kawasan usaha
jermal itu.
Rrairzn pantai timur Sumut memang sanga,t cocok menjadi lokasi pendirian usaha jermal. Selain karena kedalamannya hanya berkisar 0-50 meteu gelombangnya juga relatif tenang, tidak ganas. Dan yang lebih penting, di kawasan itulah hidup dan berkembangnya ikan teri (stel,ophrvrus sp). Selain
itu, ada juga cumi+umi dan beberapa jenis ikan yang kesemuanya itu menjadi alasan utama seseorang mendirikan sebuah jermal. 8
'Majalah lnsani, Jakarta, Maret 2003
not familiar with the name.
But who does not know a small fish called "teri medan"? Tbri has been known as a specific gift from Medan. They taste nice, salty taste is propeq and off course they are more expensive. "Tbri medan" is one of the main top
products of the jermal business in the North Sumatera east territorial waters. There are no offrcial records or accurate calculation of when was this jermal business pioneered. Based on the information stated by the society living along the coastal area in Langkat, Deli Serdang, Asahan, and Labuhan Batu,
are also vary Some citizens strongly assumed that jermal in the east coast havebeen existedlong, even since
Howeve4 there is one conclusion that can be drawn, jermal do not appear all at once on the territorial waters ofthe four districts which are the centre
ofjermal business. North Sumatra East coastterritorialwaters is indeed a suitable location for the jermal business. Despite the depth that is around 0-50 metres, the wave relatively calm, not vast. And the most important thing is, the area is
living plaee of"ikan teri" (stelophorus sp). Besides that, there are squids and other kinds of fish in which this condition has been the main reason of con-
structingjermal This condition is different to the characteristics of the west coastwaters, which has sea depth of 50 metres with wave that is too high, the risk of constructingjermal, considered to be great. Mostly every jermal put 6 to 12 labourers to work. They are foreman as the supervisor and the operational head, vice foreman,
a cook, and
the rest are
workers. Other specific thing about this business is that the labourers must stay in jermal for months. While staying there, they are isolated and do not have social interactionwith bigger society
With business characteristics that require big investment, jermal is no longer competitive to survive longer According to Maman Natawijaya, Na-
tional Project Coordinator ILO-IPEC, jermal could only standwithin the next five years. "Based on ILO-IPEC monitoring per 15 April 20M, number
r Kondisi ini berbeda dengan karakteristik perairan pantai barat yang
memiliki kedalaman laut di atas besa.4 sehingga
50 meter dengan gelombang yang
risiko untuk mendirikan bangunan di tengah laut, terhitung
sangattinggi. Setiap jermal umumnya mempekerjakan sekitar 6 ataul2 orang buruh.
Mereka terdiri dari mandor sebagai pengawas dan pimpinan operasional, wakil mandoq seorang tukang masak, dan selebihnya anak buah. Hal lain yang cukup khas dari usaha penangkapan ini adalah, para buruhnya harus menetap di jermal berbulan-bulan. Selama tinggal di sana, mereka terisolir dan tidak punya pergaulan sosial dengan masyarakat yang lebih luas.
Dengan karakberistik usaha yang membutuhkan investasi besar itu, jermal tidak kompetitif lagi untuk bertahan lebih lama. Menurut Maman Natawijaya,
Nofionnl Project Coord,inntnrILO-IPEC, jermal paling lama berbahan lima tahun lagi. "Berdasarkan monitoring ILO-IPEC per 15 April 2004, jumlah jermal di Sumut tinggal62 unit saj a," katanya.
hrkiraan ini didasarkan pada analisis ekonomi, persaingan dengan alat tangkap modern, sulit dan mahalnya tiang kayu untuk bahan utama pembangunan jermal, serba dibatasinya izin baru oleh Rmerintah Propinsi Sumut. Sedangkan kebanyakan bangunanjermal yang tersisa saat ini sudah sangat tua dan rapuh serta tidak mendapat perbaikan lagi dari pemiliknya.
Jermal-jermal itu tinggal menunggu hantaman ombak yang lebih keras sebelum benar-benar runtuh.
ofjermal in North Sumatra is only
62 units
left," he stated.
This prediction based on the economic analysis, competition with modern catching equipment the erpensive and the difficult factor in finding the wooden pole as the main material in building jermal, and the limitation of new permit
jermal by the government. While most jermal platforms that are left these days are old and not in good shape without being repaired by the owner The jermals are waiting for the big wave to come before they for building
reallyfall down.
butuh banyak tangan Selain keterlibatan pem,erintah dnn LSM, progmm-Wogra?n peng lt apusan anak jug a m,engikutsertakan orangtua anak j ermal tokoh masy arakat, pen d,id,ik dan lingkungan
ang nxem,peng a,ru,hi
pembentukan kepribad,ian anak. Tang an-tang an inilah
diharapkan saling terkait erat d,alam upaAa penA elesaian mengelurult masalnh anak, khususnya anak j ermal.
MEMASUKI Desa hyaBengkuang,IGcamatan Gebang, Langkat, tidak ada yang istimewa sama sekali. Tb-
tapi kalau semakin da-
lam men;rusuri dusun demi dusun, mulailah
tampak potret kemiskinan dan ketimpangan ekonomi antarpenduduk. Menjelang Dusun Bukit Harapan, jalan utama desa sudah hancur Musim hujan, mustahil mobil bisa lolos di sini.
Dusun Bukit Harapan terletak di atas perbukitan kecil yang hanya dihuni beberapa rumah tangga. Mungkin karena letaknya di perbukitan, makanya dusun ini dinamai seperti itu. \4hrga dusun umumnya bertani. Meski banyak
di antaranya yang tidak punya lahan sendiri, mereka masih bisa menyewa atau bagi hasil dengan pemilik sawaMadang. Sebagian lagi mencari na.fkah ke laut dan merantau. Sejak pagi, tidak dijumpai anak berseragam sekolah. Rata-rata anak-anak
Needs Hands Besid,es the goaernment and, NGOs inaolnsement, the
elimination progrunnxes of child labou,r inaolnting the parents of the j ermal chil$ public figures, ed,ucators and enaironment which affecting the child,ren personality Tlt ese are the hands that hoped to be bound togetlrcr in the efforts of com,pleting the child,ren problem entirelyl especi,ally problem on jermal ch,ildren.
ENTERING the hyaBengkuangWlage, Gebang Districts, Langkat regencywe found noth-
ing special. But aswe
walkfirther alongthe smallvillages, the po-
verty and economic limp amongvillagers can be seen. On the way to Bukit Harapan village, the main road is in worst
condition. It is impossible for a car to go through the road in rainy season.
Bukit Harapan (HopingHill)village is sited onthe small hillswhich dwelled by several households. Probably the name of the village is made after the location for its hilly location. The villagers are farmers. Although many of them do not have their own farm, they could still rent or get a crops sharing
with the farm owner Some of the villagers earn
living by becoming fisher-
men or working out of the village. Since morning, no children in school uniform are found. Most of the chil-
di dusun ini memang tak bersekolah atau putus sekolah. Masalah ketiadaan biaya, minat yang rendah, dan prasarana sekolah yang tak mendukung
membuat anak-anak memilih keluar dari sekolah dan mulai bekerja. Thk heran kalau dusun ini kemudian tercatat sebagai salah satu pemasok anak
jermal di perairan Langkat. Dusun seperti ini juga banyak didapati pada desa-desa di lima kabupaten
yang menjadi daerah asal anak jermal lainnya. Kondisi kemiskinan dan rendahnya pendidikan selalu menjadi ciri-ciri utama. Thk berbeda dengan Dusun Bukit Harapan, persoalan kemiskinan dan pendidikan juga tampak kental di beberapa desa di IGcamatan Air Batu, Kabupaten Asahan. Desa di kecamatan itu, seperti Desa Danau Sijabut, SeiAIim Hasak, dan HessaAir Genting, juga banyak memasok anak jermal.
Halyangsama ditemukan di Desa Ujunghdangdan thratak Nagodang, IGcamatan Ujung Padang, Simalungun. Demikian juga sejumlah desa di Serdang Bedagai dan Labuhanbatu. hrsoalan-persoalan yang memicu anak-
anak desa tersebut pergi ke jermal hampir sama. Selain masalah ekonomi dan pendidikan, mereka juga mengalami tekanan budaya dan ketiadaan
perlindungan hukum.
Untuk membongkar akar-akar permasalahan anak jermal ini, tak cukup hanya satu tangan. Program penghapusan anakjermal menuntut adanya
keterlibatan semua pihak. Dalam istilah Hillary Clinton, "it takes a village". Mem bangun l(esepakatan
I(ondisi-kondisi riil dari perburuhan anak di jermal ini kemudian memicu
sejumlah lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) melakukan kampanye penghentian pekerja anak di jermal. Isu anakjermal mencuat setelah terbitnya
berbagai ekspos kondisi kerja jermal dan kasus-kasus yang jelas-jelas
melanggarUU RI, Konvensi ILQ danhakasasi anaksendiri. Anak-anakitu ditemukan menanggung derita fisik dan mental yang dapat mengancarn masa depanmereka.
Rnekanan-penekanan terhadap pemerintahan lokal, yakni para kepala daerah di empat kabupaten tempatjermal berada gubernu4 hingga ke tingkat
presiden terus digagas. Lembagalembaga internasional juga mulai menaruh perhatian terhadap persoalan ini. Salah satunya adalah International Labour
Organization (ILO) International Programme on the Elimination of Child ll
dren in this village do not go to school or drop out school. Financial problem, lack of interest in studying, and unsupportive school infrastructur have made
I t!
the children left school and started to work. No wonder that this village is
known as one of the village which supplying children to work in jermal in Langkat territorial waters. Such villages can also be found in the other five districts where the jermal
children originally come from. The poor condition and low education has always been the prior characteristics. No difference from Bukit Harapan village, poverty and education problems are obviously seen in some villages
Air Batu sub district, Asahan RegencyThe village in the sub-district such as Danau Sijabut village, Sei AIim Asak, and Hessa Air Genting, are also at
providing the j ermal children. The same phenomenon is seen in Ujung Padang village and Thratak Nagodang, Ujung Fadang district, Simalungun. And so do numbers of villages in Serdang Bedagai and Simalungun. Problems that triggered the chil-
dren of the villages for deciding to work in jermal are the similar Besides the economic and education problem, they are also having cultural depressed and the absence of lawprotection.
A hand is not enough to reveal and disclose the problems roots ofthese
jermal children. The eliminating of children labour in jermal demands the involvement of every individual. As Hillary Clinton called it as " It takes a village".
Building A$eemert The real condition of the child labour in jemal is then triggered numbers of NGOs to do the campaign to stop the children from being employed in Jermal. The jermal children issue appear after various expose of jermal children
working condition and other
which clearly against the Indonesian con-
stitutions, ILO convention, and children rights. The childrenwere found to be suffering both physically and mentallywhich threaten their future. Pressures on local governments, which intended towards the regents in
four regencies where the jermal exist, governors and even president are continuously made. International institutions started to pay attention on this matter One of them is the International Labour Organization (ILO) Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), operated forthe
Labour (IPEC/Program Internasional Rnghapusan Buruh Anak) yang pertama sekali hadir di Indonesia pada tahun 1992. I{ondisi pekerjaan di jermalyangmasuk dalam kategori pekerjaan terburuk
bagi anak, akhirnyamembuat ILO-IPEC membukakantornya di Medan. Momentumnya berlangsung pada tahun 1998, ketika badan PBB ini membawa isu buruh anakjermal ke dalam sebuah sidangresmiPBB bersamapemerintah
Indonesia. \trAktuitu, pemerintah diwakili Menteri Tbnaga IGrja Fhhmi Idris. Dalam pertemuan itu, ILO mendesak Indonesia segera melaiokan langkahlangkah konglrretdalam penanganan buruh anak di jermalyangdinilai sebagai
sektor berbahaya. Rmerintah lantas membuat rencana aksi yang seterusnya
diturunkan menjadi aksi di tingkat lokal. ILO-IPEC seterusnya membuka
kantorproyek ILO-IPEC Fishing Sector Ind,onesig Sub Regional Project to Combat Chil.d, Labotn in Jermal Platforms Indonesioyang berkantor di Medan pada Desember 1999 Secara umum, program-program yang dilaksanakan terarah pada tiga hal, (1) membangun satu mekanisme berkelanjutan untuk menarik anak-anak
dari jermal dan mencegah anak-anak lain pergi ke jermal, (2) menguatkan
kapasitas lembaga pelaksana baik tingkat nasional maupun lokal dalan melahirkan inisiatif, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi program, dan (3) melakukan pencegahan anak bekerja dijermal dengan cara meningkatkan pendapatan
keluarga anak jermal, khususnya perempuan, lewat program skema perlindungan sosial. Sejak awal, pihak ILO-IPEC telah menyadari, masalah anak jermal yang kompleks harus ditangani secara sinergis dan koordinatif IGtika program penghapusan anak jermal dimulai pada akhir 1999, langkah pertama yang
dilakukan adalah menggalang kesepakatan kerjasama dengan hmerintah Propinsi Sumut. Rnandatanganan naskah kesepahaman dilakukan pada 17 April2000 di Medan antaraGubernur Sumut HT Rizal Nurdin dan Direktur C Jakarta Iftikhar Ahmed. ILO-IPEC dalam kesepakatan itu, menganggarkan dana sebesar US$ 934,747 dankmerintah Propinsi Sumut sebesar US$ 47,619. Masih dalam kaitan kerjasama tadi, dibentuk tim yang bernama I(omisi hnasihat ILOIPEC, dengan Gubenur Sumut selaku ketua direktorium. Anggotanya berasal dari 18 unsur terkait serta dilengkapi dengan sekretariat komisi.
first time in Indonesia by the year of 1992. Working condition in Jermal that categorized
the worstwork for chil-
dren, has at last made ILO-IPEC to open their offrce in Medan. The momen-
tum happens in 1998, when this UN board took this jermal child labour issue to the UN official meeting together with the government of Republic Indonesia. At the time,
Ministry of Manpowe4 Fhhmi Idris, represented the Indo-
nesian government.
In the meeting, ILO urged the Indonesian government to take concrete steps in handling the child labour in jermal, which regarded as hazardous sector The governmentwas then making action plan and laterput into local action. ILO-IPEC was then opened a project office for
ILO-lPECFishing Labourin Jerynal
Sectar Indnrrcsiq Sub Regiorm) Projectto CombatChild,
Plntforms IndnnesiawithMedan as headquarters in December 1999. In general, the conducted programmes are directed on three things, (1) building a continuous mechanism to draw the children out of the jermal and forbid others from going into the jermal, (2) Strengthen the capacity of the implementer both nationally and locally in initiating, implementing and programme evaluation, and (3) take action in preventing the child from working in jermal by increasing their income, especially the girls, through social
security programme scheme.
In the beginning, the ILO-IPEC has realized that problems
children are complex which should be handled in sinergy and well coordinate. When the programmes of eliminating child labour in jermal started by
the end of 1999, the first step taken is to get an agreement together with the
Government of North sumatra province. Memorandum of Understanding was signed on April
2000 between Norbh Sumatera Governo4
Rizal Nurdin, and ILO-IPEC Director in Jakarta, Mr Iftikar Ahmed.
ILO-IPEC in the MoU drew up a budget of US$ 934,747 and the Norbh Sumatera Provinee Government budgeted US$ 47,619. Still related to the MoU, ateamwas established named ILO-IPEC Advisory Commission,with Governor
the directories chief. The members are 18 related elements as
and also the commission secretariat. The members of the team are Naval Base Commander of the Indonesian National Navy Fbrce
of the
I Belawan, the
Provincial House of Representative, the chair-
Anggotatimterdiri dari Komandan hngkalan UtamaTNIAngkatan Laut I Belawan, IGtua I(omisi V DPRD Sumut, IGtua Bappeda Sumut, program officer ILo Jakarta, National Project Manager ILo Jakarta dan coordinator
Jakarta serta Medan. Anggotatim juga berisi dinas-dinas ftmpropsu yanglintas sektoral, seperti Dinas hrikanan, Sosial, ftndidikan Nasional dan Dinas IGsehatan.
Di dalam tim ini kemudian dilibatkan para bupati dari daerah asal anak jermal, yakni Bupati Deliserdang, Langkat, Asahan, Simalungun dan Labuhanbatu, serta sejumlah LSM. sekretariat komisi penasihat dipimpin IGpala Kanwil Dinas Tbnaga IGrja dan thansmigrasi (Disnakertrans) sumut, dengan anggotaAsisten II Propinsi Sumut, ILO-IPEC Medan, Disnaker Sumut dan Bappeda Sumut. selcretariat difungsikan untuk berperan aktif dalam program penghapusan perburuhan anak, antara lain melaksanakan analisa situasi perburuhan anak
di jermal, serta membuat dan melaksanakan kebijaksanaan program penghapusan buruh anak secara umum, termasuk perlindungan bagi anak yang bekeda di sektor perikanan, khususnyajermal.
IGrjasama sinergis ini me4iadi lebih kuatkarena sebulan sebelumnyaprogram penghapusan pekerjaan terburuk untuk anak mengalami kemajuan lewat diraffikasinya I(onvensi
No 182 tentang hlarangan dan Tindakan Segera Rnghapusan Bentuk-benhrk Rkerjaan Tbrburuk untuk Anak dengan
UU No 1 lbhun 2000. Ratifikasi ini merupakan langkah susuran setelah pemerintah sebelumnya juga telah meratffikasi Konvensi ILO No 1Bg mengenai usia Minimum untuk Diperbolehkan Bekerjamelalui
Thhun 1999.
Duatahun setelah meratifrkasi konvensi ILo No 182, pemerintah Indonesia membentuk satu struktur lembaga untuk membantu rencana aksi penghapusan pekerjaan terburuk untuk anak-anak. Lembaga itu disebut I(omite AI<si Nasional (KAN) knghapusan Bentuk-bentuk Rkerjaan
Tbrburuk untuk Anak. Rmbentukannya didasarkan pada IGppres No. 12 Thhun 2002. Pembentukan KAN itu ditindaklanjuti di Sumut dengan pembentukan I{omiteAksiPropinsi (KAP) pada z okbober2002 melalui Gubernur Sumut.
KAP ini seterusnya mendesain program-progTam penghapusan bentukl3
man of North Sumatera Regional Planning and Development Board, pro-
gram officer ILO Jakarta, National Project Manager and Coordinator of
ILO Jakarta and Medan. The team members are also various by cross-sector departments of North Sumatera provincial government such as regional departments of fisherysocial, education and health.
on, the team also involved regents inwhom the jermal children com-
ing from, they are regents of Deli Serdang, Langkat, Asahan, Simalungun and Labuhan Batu, and also numbers of NGOs. The chief of official
Manpower & tansmigration Regional Department of North Sumatera Chairs the Advisory Commission Secretariat, and the members are Assistance
Norbh Sumatra Province, ILO-IPEC Medan, North Sumatera Man-
power Regional Department, and North Sumatra Regional Planning and Development Board.
The secretariat is functioned to have an active role in the child labour eliminating programme, such as conducting the analysis on jermal child labour condition, making
implementing the policy on child labour
eliminatingprogramme in general, includingprotection forthe childrenworking in the fishery department, especially jermal.
This mutual co-operation become stronger due to the progress shown a month earlier by the ratffication of ILO Convention No 182 on Prohibition and the Immediate Action in Eliminating All Fbrms of \46rst Jobs for Chil-
dren through legislation No I Ear 2000. This ratification is the continuation
ILO Convention No 138 on the minimumworkingage through legislation No 20Ear 1999. Tiuo years after ratificating ILO Convention no 182, Indonesian governof the government previous ratification of the
ment formed a structural institution to supporb the action planning on elimi-
nating the worst jobs for children. The commmittee called The National Action Committee in Eliminating the Vlbrst Jobs for Children. The forming was based on Presidential Decree No 12 l6ar 2002. The forming was then
followed up in North Sumatera by establishing KAP (The Provinsial Action Committee) on October2002 through Nofth Sumatera Governor Decree.
furbhermore, this KAP designed programmes in eliminating the worst Jobs for Children continuously Child labourer Problems in fishery sector especially jermal, is one of the top priority to be solved, besides the problems
t T
bentuk pekerjaan terburuk untuk anak secara berkelanjutan. Rrsoalan pekerja anak di sektor perikanan, terutama jermal, merupakan salah satu
prioritas untuk diselesaikan, selain masalah pekerja anak di sektor perkebunan, perdagangan anak(trafi.ckirry) untuk tujuan seksual, dan anak jalanan.
ILO-IPEC yang pada dasarnya turut mendorong pembentukan KAP Sumut, secara otomatis mensinergikan program-progmnya, terutama pada tahap penghapusan anak jermal. Selain keterlibatan pemerintah dan LSM, prograrn-program penghapusan
anak juga mengikutsertakan orangtua anak jermal, tokoh masyarakat, pendidik dan linglnmgan yang mempengaruhi pembentukan kepribadian anak.
Thngan-tangan inilah yang diharapkan saling terkait erat dalam upaya penyelesaian menyeluruh masalah anak, khususnya anak jermal.
I ofchild labourer in plantation secto4 child trading (trafficking) for sexual purposes and street child.
ILO-IPEC, which basically supporting the establishment of North Sumatera KAB automatically synergizes their programmes, especially in the phase of eliminating the jermal children labourers.
Besides the government and NGOs involvement, the elimination programmes of child labour involving the parents of the jermal child, public figures, educators and environmentwhich affecting the children personality These are the hands that hoped to be bound together in the efforts ofcom-
pleting the children problem entirely especially problem
i I
t I
jermal children.
atas nama keuntungan S elain
merekrut, mereka sekalian membawa anak ke
jermal di mana segala biaya perjalanan akan diganti. Selain itu, atas jasanyg siperekrut jugadi,beriinsentif sekitar Rp 50ribu sampai Rp 100 ribuuntukanakdibawahusia 16 tahun.
Tapi, kalau untuk anah yang sud,ah menj elang dewasg uang jasanya cuma Rp 20 ribu sampui Rp 50 ribu saja.
BAGI para pengusaha jermal, merekrut anak adalah konsekwensi dari
prinsip ekonomi, di mana mereka bisa meminimalkan biaya operrasional usahanya.
Soalnya, anak-anak dapat
diupah lebih murah dan mereka cenderung lebih patuh. Namun yang menjadi suatu pertanyaan besar mengapa anak-anak masih "doyan" bekerja di sana?
Sejumlah lembaga dan perorangan yang meneliti masalah ini, nyaris mengeluarkan pendapat dan hasil penelitianyang sama. Adabeberapa faktor umum penyebab mulusnya eksploitasi tenaga kerja anak di jermal. Fhktor-
faktor tersebut disimpulkan setelah melalui tinjauan ekonomi keluarga, hukum, pendidikan, sosial-budaya atau adat setempat, serta pola rekrutmen anak
ftrsoalan anak jermal tidak semata-mata karena faktor kemiskinan saja.
in the name of profit Besides recruiting, thay also take the child,ren to tlte
jermal,, and all the erpenses utill
reimburse. More-
recruiter will gat an incenti,ue of Rp 50 to 100 thousandsfor child,renunder 16 years old. Butfor recruiting teenagers, their seruices will be patd, only Rp oueq the
20 to 50 tltousards oruly
AS for the Jermal own-
ers, recruiting the children is one of the consequences of economic principles, inwhich they could
minimize the operational
cost of their business. Since, the children could be paid cheaply and they tend to be obedience. Howeveu this fact has drawn a big question mark of why do the children " love" to work there? Numbers of individuals and institutions made research on this matteu they most of them almost come outwith the same result. There are some common factors of smoothing the child labourer's exploitation in jermal. Those factors are drawn after having been seen through some perspectives such as family economical background, lavg education, socio-cultural or
dition, and also child recruitment pattern. Problems on jermal children are not solely caused by poverty
as a
Apalagi, upah pekerja anak di jermal sangat rendah. Dari hasil penelitian Eyasan KKSPpadatahun2000, upah pekerja anakjermal hanyaantara Rp 85 ribu sampai Rp 150 ribu per bulan, tergantung kebijakan masing-masing
jermal. Kalaupun kadang-kadang anak jermal mendapat penghasilan sampingan dengan cara memancing di sela pekerjaan utamanya, itu paling banyak Rp 70 ribu saja.'z
Lagipula, upah yang diperoleh itu tidakbisa dikatakan membantu ekonomi keluarga. Sebab 81,9 persen dari 72 anak jermal yang diteliti di Asahan dan Labuhanbatu mengaku tidak memberikan upahnya pada keluarga. Mereka lebih cenderung menghabiskannya unh.rk kesenangan sendiri seperti membeli rokok, hiburan, makanan-minuman, pakaian, dan lain-lain.
Anak-anak tersebut juga tidak bisa dibilang terpaksa bekerja di jermal karena dorongan kebutuhan penghasilan semata. Bila mau, mereka dapat memilih bekerja di sektor-sektor lain, seperti perkebunan, atau sekbor-sektor
informal di sekitar kampungnya. Rnghasilannya tidak lebih kecil dibanding penghasilan di jermal. Tbpi, meskipun demikian, latar belakang ekonomi keluarga tetap menjadi satu fakbor yang menentukan, temtama bila pertanyaannya adalah'tnengapa
anak-anak mesti bekerja, dan bulran bersekolah?". Data yang ada menyuguhkan realitas bahwa hampir seluruh anak jermal berasal dari keluarga miskin, bersaudara lebih dari empat orang, dan tinggal di desa marginal Masalah pendidikan juga menjadi faktor penentu. Hampir 60 persen anak
jermal tidak menamatkan pendidikan dasar Sedangkan selebihnya tamatan SD, dan hanya beberapa saja yang menarnatkan SLIIP dan sekolah lanjutan atas.
Fbrmuiasi sempitnya lapangan pekerjaan ditambah rendahnya pendidikan
dan keterampilan anak, dapat dipastikan sebagai faktor yang paling menentukan. Mereka merasa tak punya pilihan bekerja di tempat yang enak. Bekerja dengan orang tua jelas tak nyaman, karena hasilnya tidak nampak.
Daripada di bawah kendali orang tua, akhirnya mereka bersedia datang ke
jermal atas keinginan sendiri dan mendapat restu orang tua. Malahan ada orang tua yang menganjurkan.
Di samping faktor umum itu, ada juga sebagian kecil anak yang pergi ke I
: Suilei
Buruh Anak Jemal, Yayasan KKSP: 2000
Nevertheless, the jermal child payment is very low KKSP research showed
that in 2000, a child working in Jermal was paid 85 to 150 thousands per month, depends ontherules of each jermal. Despite the factthattheysometimes could have side earning by fishing during their main job, still the highest payment they could earn is only 70 thousands rupiahs.6 Moreove4 their payment cannot be assumed as helping the family economic. since 81.9 percent of the 72 jermal children observed in Asahan and Labuhan Batu admitthat they do not give their earning to the familyThey tend to spend the money for their own pleasure such as buying cigarettes, funs, food and drink, cloths, and others' The children cannot be said as being forced to work in jermal solely because of the financial needs. They could actually choose to work in other sectors such as plantation, or other informal sectors in the village, if they wanted to. And the amount of money they would probably get is not lessen-
ingfrom those
Howeve4 the family economic background is still considered to be the determine4 especially if the question is "why do they have to work instead of going to school?" The available data shows a reatity that almost all of the children working in
Jermal are from poor familywith more than five brothers and sisters and living in marginal villages. Problems in education are also a determiner factor Almost 60 percents of the children in jermal did not complete their elementary schools. The rest are elementary graduates and only few of them completed their secondary
orjunior high school and high school. The formulation on the limited job vacancies plus the children low educa-
tion and skills is positively the most decisive factor They felt that they do not have other working alternative. \trbrking with parents is obviously inconvenienee, since the result cannot be seen. object to be under their parenf,s control, they finally come to jermal willingly with the parents permit. In fact some parents even suggested this.
Besides the common factors, there are few children coming to jermal because of the accidentally facto4 such had a fight or conflict with the parents or runaway for committed crime and others.
jermal karena faktor insidental, seperti berkonflik dengan orang tua, melarikan diri karena melakukan perbuatan laiminal dan sebagainya. Tingginya arus anak yang pergi bekerja ke jermal ini dipermulus pula oleh berbagai kebiasaan dan pandangan keluarga di Indonesia yang cenderung menganggap anak sebagai aset keluarga.s Anggapan bahwa anak adalah aset sebenarnya dilatari oleh kepentingan
ekonomi keluarga yang serba kekurangan. I(ondisi mayoritas keluarga pesisiran dan pedalaman yang serba kekurangan ini sudah berlangsung terlalu lama, dan a.Irtrirnya pilihan memberdayakan anak menjadi satu budaya umum. Adanya tuntutan bekerja seperbi itu selanjutnya membuat anak-anak harus mencari majikan. Tbkanan budaya pada satu sisi, dan rasa bangga dalam diri anak karena dianggap dewasa setelah bekerja pada sisi lain, menjadi dua sumbu yangiuga cukup memberikan andil terhadap jurnlah anak yang bekerja di jermal. Dan
perlu diketahui, anak-anak umumnya lebih suka bekerja terpisah dari keluarganya. Bahkan, bekerja ke luar (merantau) iauh lebih disukai. Selain dianggap jantan, mereka bisa lepas dari sorotan warga sekampung tentang kondisi pekerjaannya, serta lebih bebas menga,tur keuangamya sendiri tanpa campur tangan orang tua. Masalah penghasilan terkadang hanya menjadi alasan kedua-
Reknftnen Rekrutmen atau pola penarikan anak juga menjadi faktor penting, karena pola rekrutmen inilah yangmenjadi penentu regenerasi anak-anak bekerja
jermal. Meskipun banyak anak yangtak lagi bersedia kembali namun tetap saja ada anak baru yang berhasil ditarik ke laut. di
Bila dicermati, pada periode terakht terjadi pergeseran yang mencolok menyangkut asal anak jermal. Sekitar tahun 1970-an, mereka kebanyakan berasal dari desa-desa pesisi4 tapi setelah tahun 1980-an, kebanyakan anak
jermal berasat dari pedalaman. Masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitar pantai rupanya tidak mengizinkan anaknya kerja di jermal lagi karena sudah mengetahui persis bagaimana bahayanya pekerjaan di sana.
Akhirnya para pengelola jermal mencari anak sampai ke desa-desa pedalaman. Banyak juga anak yang berasal dari luar empat kabupaten yang menjadi sentra jermal. Mereka misalnya berasal dari Dpanuli Selatan, Nias, l'7
rAnak-anak Desa dalam Kerja Upahan, Prisma No.
jermal is also smoothening The Excessive flowof the childrenworkingin tend to regard by other customs and family perspective in Indonesia, which the children as familY assets.T of the A thought that children are family assets is in fact appear because hinterfinancial lack ness of the family The conditions of most coastal and final land families are in poverty and this has been last for long, and the
alternative of empowering the children becomes common habit. The working demand was then force the children into seeking an employe4 The cultural pressure in one hand and the proud feeling ofbeing called adult on the other hand turns out to be hryo fuses, which also made contribuonthe number of childrenworkinginjermal. As information, most chil-
dren prefer to work in
place away from the family
s,brking out of the village is more preferably Beside to be regarded
gentlemen, they could also get away from the observing eyes of the villagers earning freely on their working condition, and they will manage their own
without the interference of the parents. Income sometimes regarded
second reason.
Recruitmeil Recruitment or the pattern in drawing the children is also an important of the factou since this recruitment pattern determines the regeneration to get want not children working in j ermai. Although many of the children do work in the back to work in jermal, new children still successfully drawn to sea.
regarding closely observe, in the last period, there was a significant shift these children the village that the children come from. within 19?0s, most of came from were coming from coastal villages, but after 1980s, most of them not likely villages in hinterland. The society living in the coastal area does the hazardous allow their children to work in jermal anymore after knowing
ofworkingthere. Finally the jermal owners had to find the children further to hinterland four villages. Many of the children are from other villages, not the main Medan' villages. They are from South Thpanuli, Nias, Simalungun, Dairi'
TbbaSamosirNorbhTbpanuli,andevenfromotherprovincesuchas Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Jambi and Riau'
Simalungun, Dairi, Medan, Tbba Samosi4 Thpanuli Utara, bahkan ada yang berasal dari Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Jambi dan Riau.
ftrputaran atau arus keluar masuknya anak ke jermal terhitung sangat tingg. Cukup banyak anak yang hanya bekerja satu kali di jermal, dan kebanyakan cumabekerja selama2 sampai 3 bulan. Alasan keluar danberhenti
dari jermal lebih banyak karena faktor tidak betah. Sebagian besar anakyangpulang dari jermai, tidak bersedialagi kembali.
Untuk menggantikan tenaga mereka, pengelola jermal kadang mengharuskan mereka mencari pengganti baru. Kalau tidak, upahnya selama bekerja bisa ditahan alias tidak dibayar
Adatiga kelompok yangpaling dominan berperan dalam perelarrtan anak jermal, yakni buruh jermal dewasa maupun anak-anak, masyarakat pantai seperti tekong dan nelayan, serta masyarakat di desa asal anak. Selain merelcmt, mereka sekalianmembawa anakke jermal, di mana segala biaya perjalanan akan diganti. Selain itu, atas jasanya, si perelaut juga diberi
insentif sekitar Rp 50 ribu sampai Rp 100 ribu untuk anak di bawah usia 16 tahun. Thpi kalau untuk anak yang sudah menjelang dewasa, uangjasanya cuma Rp20 ribu sampai Rp 50ribu saja.
hla perekrutan ini, misalnya,
dialami Adi Amri dan Budianto. Mereka
datang dari Desa thnjung Beringin, Simpang Sima4jorang Sidikalang, karena
Lancan Manullang (15), kawan sekampung yang telah lebih dahulu bekerja di sana, mengajak mereka.
"Kami ditawari pekerjaan dengan gaji lumayan. Kata dia, kerjanya hanya menangkap ikan dan mancing," ujar Adi yang mau ikut untuk meringankan beban orangtua setelah putus sekolah kelas
Budianto pun ikut karena alasan serupa. Ketika duduk di kelas
tanaman kol milik keluarga terserang hama. Dia berhenti sekolah dan jadi
buruh pembersihkebun di Dusun II, dekatrumahAmri. Di sanapertemuan dengan Lancan berlangsung. Lancan terpaksa menjebak kedua temannya sebab separuh gajinya setelah tiga bulan bekerja, tidak akan diberikan sebelum berhasil membawa anak lain sebagai pengganti.
Anak-anak yang belum punya pengalaman bekerja di jermal sering tergoda pada ajakan teman atau orang dewasa, karena biasanya mereka dijanjikan
hal-hal yang menyenangkan. hin-poin yang diceritakan sebagai daya l8
The circulation of the jermal children coming and going out of the jermal is considerably high. Quiet many children work in jermal for one time only and most of them only work for 2 to 3 months. The reason for quitting the job is the inconvenience.
Some of the children, who went back home, do not wish to get back to the
jermal. As
replacementto the childrenwho quit, the jermal owners require
them to fine the new replacement. Otherwise, the children's last paSrment
will not
be given.
There are three dominant groups that have an important role in the recruitment process, they are adult labour or children, coastal people such as tekong and fishermen, and also the people where the children come from. Besides recruiting, they also take the children to the jermal, and all the expenses will be reimburse. Moreove4 the
recruiterwill get an incentive of
Rp 50 to 100 thousands for children under 16 years old. But for recruiting teenagers, their services will be paid only Rp 20 to 50 thousands only This recruitment pattern is experienced by Adi Amri and Budianto. They
came from Tbnjung Beringin village, Simpang Marjaronjang district, Sidikalang, since their friend Lancan Manullang (15) who has already worked there, asked them to join him. "\trb were offered to work with quiet good salary He told us that all we have to do is catching fish and fishing," said Adi who decided to take the job to
help his parents after he dropped out his second year ofsenior high school.
Budianto also worked there for the same reason. When he was in the second year ofjunior high school. The family cabbages had bug attacked. He then quitted school and became a labour in a plantation at Dusun II, near Amri's house. It was there that he met Lancan. Lancan had to trapped his friends into followinghim since hewould notgethis three months paymentif he couldn't bring other children as his replaeement.
Children without experience working in jermal, often tempted by other children's or adult's inducement, since theywere promised to have all the firn and enjoyment. Some of the things that being told are big salarywithout mentioning the exact numbeq easy work, lodging, food, the cigarettes will be given, could eat fish as they wish, and could visit their family every once a month.
t antara lain, gqji yang besar kendati tidak menyebut jumlah, pekerjaan ringan, penginapan, makanan, rokok ditanggung, makan ikan sepuasnya, dan boleh pulang tiap bulan.
Motil Penguuha hngusaha jermal memang sangat membutuhkan tenaga kerja anak-anak. Ada beberapa faktor yang mendorong mereka lebih menyukai pekerja di bawah umuq tapi faktor yang lebih dominan adalah pemenuhan prinsip ekonomi. Anak-anak bisa diberi upah yang lebih murah ketimbang orang dewasa. Sehingga, dari biaya tenaga kerja, mereka sudah bisa menghemat
pengeluaran hingga 50 persen.
Seorangmandormendapatbayaran antara Rp 700 ribu hingga800 ribu per bulan. Rkerja dewasa harus dibayar antara Rp 100 ribu sampai Rp 200 ribu
per bulan, tergantung pada sistem pengupahan masing-masing jermal. Bandingkan dengan upah anakjermal yanghanyaberkisar antara Rp 85 ribu sampai Rp 150 ribu per bulan. Fhktor lain, anak-anak lebih mudah diatur dan tidak banyak membantah. Sehingga, dengan pemakaian tenaga anak, potensi konflik antara mandor dengan pekerjamaupun konflik sesama pekerja di jermal tidakbegitu besar
Lagipula, sejak dulu, para pengelola jermal sebenarnya sangat kesulitan mencari pekerja dewasa, terlebih yang sudah berkeluarga. Mereka umumnya
tidak rela berpisah dengan anak istrinya terlalu lama, apalagi sampai berbulan-bulan. Umumnya, parapemilikjermal yangkebanyakan adalah etnis Cina, tidak
terlibat langsung dalam perelcutan anak jermal ini. Mereka cukup menyuruh mandor atau wakil mandornya menangani hal itu, dan komunikasi antara pemilik dan mandor sebagai penanggung jawab lapangan dilakukan lewat
handAtalk(HT). Eng lebih unik lagi, kebanyakan para pemilik jermal jarang sekali mengunjungi atau sekadar melihat jermalnya secara langsung. Mereka tinggal di kota dan memiliki usaha lain. hra pemilik jermal itu pun sering berganti-ganti atau berbambah dengan cara berkongsi. Para pemilik itu mengakses informasi dan memonitor usaha
lewat HT Melalui alat komunikasi yang hampir dimiliki seluruh mandor itu, para pemilik menerima berbagai persoalan yang muncul dan menyampaikan 19
The Businesmen Motives The jermal's owners are in desperate needs of the children workers. There are several supporbing factors which make these owner prefer the under age
worke4 but the dominant factor is fulfilling the economic principles. Children could be paid cheaper than adult. Hence, from the manpower cost, they could save expenses up to 50 percents.
A foreman will be paid Rp 700 to 800 thousands per month. The adult labourer should be paid Rp f00 to 200 thousands per month, depends on the payment system of each jermal. Compare to the children salarywhich range between Rp 85 to 150 thousands per month. Other facto4 children are easier to manage and do not argue much. Therefore, by using children worke4 the potention for a conflict to happen behveen the foreman and the worker or conflict among the workers themselves is not
big. Besides, since along time ago, the jermal ownerwas difEcult to find adult worke4 especially those who have family Generally these adult worker do not want to be separated from the family for too long, not to mention months.
In general, most of the jermal owners are Chinese, they do no involve themselves directly on the recruitment of this jermal children. All they have to do is ordering the foreman or the foreman vice to be in charge in the recruitment, the owner and the foreman use handy talk (HT) as their means of communication.
Other unique thing, most of the jermal owners rarelyvisiting or see the jermal directly They live in the city and have other business. The jermal owners often change or added in partnership. The owners access their information and monitoring the jermal business
through handy talk. Through this communication tools which owned by all of the foreman, the owner receive information on all of the problem happens in the field and also giving instructions. The authority given to the foreman is an
effectiveway of avoidingthemselves from problems of child labour as well as lawsuits. No wonder that when these jermal children appeau the jermal owners are untouchable.
Latelyespecially since trawls are used in the
sea, the
jermai owners started
to neglect or ignore their business. Their income lessen, moreoveq the crime
threatens increase. Often, the yields, which are ready to market, were robbed
instruksi-instruksi. Rmberian wewenang terhadap para mandor di lapangan ini sekaligus menjadi kiatmereka untukberkelit daripersoalan buruh anak atau tuntutantuntutan hukum. Tidak heran, ketika persoalan anak jermal muncul, para pemilik jermal juga sulit tersentuh. Belakangan ini, terutama sejak pukat atau trawl beroperasi di laut, para pemilik jermal makin tidak mempedulikan usahanya lagi. Rndapatan mereka makin menyusut, bahkan ancaman kejahatan pun kian meningkat. Tidak jarang, hasil-hasil jermal yang sudah siap dijual, seketika dijarah perampok hinggaludes. Akibat penghasilan yang makin menipis, mau tidak mau, para pemilik harus berpikir untuk memperkecil biaya operasional. Dari hasil penelitian KKSP pada pertengahan tahun 2000, biaya operasionaljermal per bulan hanya
juta hingga Rp 4 juta, tergantung besar kecilnya jermal tersebut. Sementara hasil jual produksi mereka per bulan mencapai Rp berkisar Rp
27.400.000 sampai Rp M.800.000. Biaya lain yang harus dibayar pemilik
antara lain, uang keamanan, setoran ke instansi pemerintah terkait, dan pungli-
punglilain. Bagi pengusaha jermal, solusi dari masalah ini adalah dengan tidak menaikkan upah buruh, dan terutama mempekerjakan anak-anak. Kalangan pekerja anak tidak perlu diberikan hak-hak seorang pekerja dan tak mesti memakai peraturan hubungan kerja. Mereka tak menuntut jaminan kesehatan atau jaminan keselamatan kerja, hak cuti dan lainJain.
HakAnak Sebagai pekerja, anak-anakiermal tidak mendapatkan hak-hak sebagaimana
yang diatur dalam UU IGtenagakerjaan RI. Dengan porsi kerja yang sama dengan orang dewasa, mereka misalnya tak mendapatkan upah sebesar upah
minimum yang ditetapkan propinsi. Mereka juga tak mendapatkan jaminan kesehatan, batasan jam kerja, dan hak-hak lain yang sifatnya mengikat. Jam kerja anak, misalnya, tidak terikat pada waktu siang atau malam, tetapi pada musim dan cuaca. IGtika musim pasang besa4 mereka bisa bekerja sampai siang dan malam. Karena jam kerja yang tergantung musim dan
jermal sering harus bekerja pada malam hari. Bahkan, pada musim pasangbesa.q anak jermal bisabekerja semalaman dan nyaris tanpa cuaca, anak
till there was nothing left. Because of the income decreasing, like it or not, the owners have to
about reducing the operational expenses. KKSP study shows that in 2000, the j ermal operational cost was only Rp 1 to 4 millions per month depends on
the size of the jermal. Whereas, the income earned from the selling could reach the amount of Rp 27,400,000 to Rp 54,800,000 per month. Other expenses that must be paid by the owner are security money the legal taxes, and other "illegal taxes".
jermal owne4 solution to this problem is by not raising the labour wage, and especially by put children to work. The owners do not have to give the Tb
children their rights as usually given to the adultworkers and they do not have to use manpower regulation on children. The children do not ask for health security safeties, day offand many more.
Ghildrcn's Rigltb As workers, the jermal children do not get their rights as arranged in manpower legislation of Republic Indonesia. With the work portion of an adult, the children do not get the regional minimum wage (as regulated by the provincial government). They do not get health security limit of working hou4 and other binding rights. As forworking hou4 the children do not have clear arrangement ofworking hour whether day or night, but their working hour depends on season and weather During high tide, they could work day and night. Since the working hour depend on season andweathe4 the jermal children often have towork at
night. Not to mention high tide, where they could work all night almost without rest. The sleepy condition in doing their work is often resulted in working accident, since the children are unable to concentrate themselves in
theirwork. Since there is neither health insurance nor separation pay the children
Ifthey cannot stand it any longe4 they would be sent home and the medical expenses basically become the family burden. Meanwhile, the separation pay that supposed to be given as the consequences for quittingthe workingrelation between the worker and the employer is not given, since they work in jermal without any attachment or who had an accident could do nothing.
binding working agreement.
istirahat. Kondisi ngantuk dalam pekerjaan yang penuh bahaya ini sering memicu kecelakaan, karena para pekeda anak itu tidak dapat berkonsenha^si penuh pada pekedaan yang dilatrut
Lantas, karena tiadanya asuransi kesehatan dan pesangon, anak yang mengalami kecelakaan hanya bisa gigit jari. Kalau tak tahan lagi, mereka akan dipulangkan dan biaya perobatan pada dasarnya ditanggung keluarga
si anak sendiri. Sementara, pesangon sebagai konsekwensi pemutusan hubungan kerja tidak akan diperoleh, karena mereka bekerja di jermal tanpa
ikatan atau kesepakatan kerja.
antaraburuh anak jermal dengan majikan. Rekrutmen dan sistem kerja sepenuhnya di Seeara hukum, tidak ada hubungan langsungyangmengikat
bawah kendali mandor selaku pelaksana lapangan. Makanya, bila terjadi kecelakaan atau persoalan pekerja, para pemilik (pengusaha) jermal akan mudah melepas tanggung jawab. Anak jermal sendiri tidak mengetahui apa hak-haknya sebagai pekerja. Apa yang diberitahukan pada mereka ketika pertama kaii tiba di jermal adalah kewajiban dan tugas-tugas mereka. Sebagian anak malah tidak tahu berapa upah yang akan diterimanya pertama kali. Rnyerahan upah itu pun tanpa pemberian bu}ti adminsitrasi semacam kwitansi. Fadahal. menurut UU lbnaga Kerja No 13 Thhun 2003, harus diatur
hubungan kerja yang jelas dengan tenaga kerja anak, ada izin atau pemberitahuan tertulis dari orang tua, perjanjian kerja antara pengusaha dengan orangtuaArali, jaminan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, penetapan
upah sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku, serta jam kerja yang maksimal tiga
Di jermal, jangankan kesepakatan kerja, sistem pengupahan yang diterapkan juga sangat amburadul. Gqji buruh yang lama dengan yang baru sering disamakan begitu saja. Kalaupun ada kenaikan, itu lebih disebabkan
faktor subjektif dari mandor dengan persetujuan pengusaha.
IsolasiSosial Masalah-masalah nyata yang dialami anak ketika direlaut ke jermal adalah kasus-kasus kekerasan, serta tingginya resiko kerja. Namun semua itu nyaris
tidak memberikan konsekuensi hukum kepada para pemilik jermal. hling, keluarga si anak diberi sejumlah uang oleh pengusahajermal sebagai tanda 2l
Legallythere is no direct binding agreement between the jermal child labourer and the owner Recruitment and working system is entirely under supervision of the foreman as a field man. Therefore, when accident or problems atwork happen, the owner (the bubinessman) would easily get away
with it. The children working in jermal themselves do not know their rights as workers. Theywere told only about their responsibilities the first time they came to jermal. Some of the children do nbt even know how much salary they were about to get the first month. The payment is also given without admin-
istrative proofsuch
Actually according to the manpower legislation No 18 Ear 2008, a clear working relationships between employer and child worker must be amanged, there must be letter of permit from the parents, working agreement between the parents and the employe4 health and safety securitywage should refer to the government rules, and maximum working hour for children are three hours. In jermal, not to mention the working agreement, even the payday system is unwell-ar"ranged. The payment for those who work longer often similar to the new ones. Ifthere is a raise, the raise is more because ofthe subjective factor of the foreman other than agreementwith the owner
Social lsolation ltrrreal problems experienced
by the children when they were recruited
are violencl cases, and the working high risk. But all of those problems almost do not give any law consequences to the jermal owner The least thing
they could do is giving sums of money to the family of the ehildren without any griefexpression or condolences ifa child died at hisjermal. Howeve4 the real cases seen above have not described more serious prob.lems in the live ofjermal child. other complex thing is related to the building of
their social life, mental, spiritual and also future development
of the children. Obviouslyjermal characteristic is far from normal life, the children do not get a chance for formal or informal education.
The children mental development is really obstructed, since in the age of
transition phase, they are scolded and yelled at almost everyday and treated badlyWhile in realitychildren of their age should growup in an environment
turutberduka, kalaupun seoranganak jermal meninggal dunia di jermalnya. Namun kasus-kasus nyata seperti itu belum menggambarkan persoalan yang lebih serius dari kehidupan anak jermal. Hal lain yang lebih kompleks adalah menyangkut pembentukan kehidupan sosial, perkembangan mental,
spritual dan ma.sa depan anak. Eng jelas, dengan karakteristik jermal yang jauh dari kehidupan normal, mereka tidak punya kesempatan mendapatkan pendidikan formal maupun informal.
ftrkembangan mental anak sangat terganggu, sebab pada usia yang masih dalam tahap pancaroba, mereka hampir selalu dibentak, dimaki dan diperlalokan secara kasar Padahal, orang seusia mereka seharusnya tumbuh dalam kasih sayang dan perhatian penuh dari orang tua. Akibatnya, anak jermal pun seringtumbuh menjadi anak-anak yangkasar dan tidak tanggap Iingkungan sosial. Dengan pembentukan mental dan fisik yang seperti itu, anak-anak jermal dengan sendirinya membentuk sekelompok generzsi yang suram masa depan.
Mereka hanya meneruskan lingkaran setan keterbelakangan lingkungan asalnya. Bahkan, mereka bisa lebih mundur dari generasi sebelumnya.
hrmasalahan mendasar menyangkut keberadaan anak jermal adalah adanya dua pandangan yangberbeda tajam antara masyarakat lokal dengan
peraturan nasional maupun internasional. Bagi masyarakat setempat, anak yang bekerja di jermal sudah dianggap sebagai sub kultur keluarga miskin.
Bagi mereka, kehidupan anak jermal bukan sesuatu yang luar biasa. Dan mereka merzsa berhak untuk melakoniny4 karena sebenarnya mereka tidak mengalami penderitaan sebagaimana yang dibayangkan orang lain terhadap mereka.
hndangan ini tentunya didominasi oleh kultur besarmasyarakat miskin pesisir dan pedalaman. Anak sendiri cenderung hanya pasif dalam pembentukan kultur itu. Dengan kata lain, mereka adalah korban lingkaran budaya orang dewasa.
Bila mengabaikan realitas ini, maka peraturan atau program apapun namanya akan mengalami tantangan dalam penerapannya. lbrbukti, intervensi
peraturan yang dilakukan langsung pada anak jermal akhirnya memicu semacam tarik menarik dua kekuatan yang saling mempengaruhi anak.
Dalam kaitannya dengan kasus anak jermal, "saling betot" terjadi antara 22
surounded by love and parents affection. The negative effect
is the children grow up to be rude and do not have sensitive response toward their social surroundings.
With the mental and physical development like mentioned above, iermal children unconsciously form their own gloom future generation. They are only continuing the vicious circle of their backwardness environment. They might even more backward than theirprevious generation. The basic problems regarding the existence of jermal child is the two different points ofview between the local society and the nation or international regulation. As for the local people, children working in jermal considered as sub culture of the poor family Tb them, the life ofjermal children is not something that has to be regarded as extra ordinaryAnd they feel that they deserve and have all the right to live with it, since they themselves never objected to it nor feel suffer as others had imagine that they do. This view positively dominated by the big culture of the poor society in the coastal or hinterland village. The children themselves tend to be passive in the culture. In other words, children are the victims of the grown- ups cur-
tural circle. If this realityis ignored, then the regulation orwhat everthe name of the programmes is will face challenge in its implementation. Proven, the regulation interference which applied directly to these children turns out to be apulling activities between two powertrl thingswhich affecting the child. In relationship with the jermal child case, ',snatching each other ,, happens between the government monitoring officials in one hand and the curture of the society on the other In this case, surely the children are closer to the culture that had raised them. As for that, intervention prograrnmes toward
family and children environment are needed. Justification culture towards the children workingin jermal is formed by itself and it is the crystallisation of various big problems, which circle the victim societyln this case includes the problems of povertyeducation, political and development that tens to ignore the coastal and hinterland
and also upholding the existence of law that is considered too weak. The crystallis2fion and the combination of problems in the end form a sturdy and strong culture, this is
tough work that has to resolve through an integrated
tim monitoring aparat pemerintah di satu sisi, dan kultur masyarakat di pihak lain. Dalam hal ini, anak tentunya lebih dekat pada kultur yang telah membesarkannya. Untuk itulah perlu program intervensi pada keluarga dan lingkungan anak.
Kultur pembenarun terhadap pekerja anak jermal ini sendiri tentu dibentuk dan merupakan kristalisasi dari berbagai persoalan besar yang melingkari
masyarakat korban. Dalam hal ini, termasuklah di antaranya masalah kemiskinan, problematika pendidikan, persoalan politik dan pembangunan yang cenderung mengabaikan kawasan pesisir dan pedalaman, serta penegakan hukum yang lemah. Kristalisasi dan gabungan macam-macam persoalan ini akhirnya membentuk kultur yang kokoh, dan inilah tugas berat
yang harus dipecah kembali lewat satu program terpadu bertahap dan lintas
sektoral. Kultur yang membeku sekian lama itu tidak hanya menampakkan wqjudnya pada realitas anak jermal saja, tetapi juga muncul dalam penampakanpenampakan lain seperti pelacuran anak, pekerja perkebunan, atau anak
jalanan. Bahkan, di sektor perikananlkelautan saja, persoalan anakjermal hanya satu bagian kecil. Jenis-jenis pekerjaan laut ini dikhawatirkan akan menjadi pelarian anak
jermal dan anak-anak anak lain, sehingga persoalan hanya berpindah. Kalaupun dilakukan razia ketat itu belum mampu mengatasi persoalan secara komprehensif, karena sebenarnya akar persoalan anak bukan di laut, tapi di
lingkungan asalnya. Dalam hal ini, program yang berkelanjutan sangat dibutuhkan.
programmes gradually and by cross-sector The culture that has been frozen for a long time do not focus itself on showing the reality of the jermal children, but other reality are also seen such as children prostitution, plantation labour or street children. Thejermal children are only one of the small parts.
is a wonrying thing that this kinds of fishery work might be considered as
jermal children and other children as a runawaywhich will only shifted the problem. Even if tight raid applied, this still could not an alternative of the
solve the problems comprehensively since the problem root is not in the sea
but the environment where the children come. In this case, continuous prograJnmes are required.
tidak gampang menarik mereka "Saya disuruh toke untuk mengaku berumur d,i atas 18 tahun, supayatid,ak ditangkap," kata Her.mnnto.
proyek ILO-IPEC fase pertama dimulai di Sumut, dalzrn dntnhase teriden-
tifikasi adanya
jermal. Jumlah ini dipe-
roleh dari hasil survei dasar yang diselenggarakan oleh dua lembaga
swadaya masyarakat
(LSM). byasan Pusat Rndidikan dan Informasi Hak Anak (KKSP) melakukan survei diwilayah perairan Kabupaten Asahan dan Labuhanbatu, sedangkan Eyasan Pusat Kqiian dan hrlindungan Anak (pKpA) melakukan survei di Langkat dan Deliserdang. survei ini juga menemukan adanya 14b anak yang bekerja di seluruh jermal, dengan daerah asal yang tersebar di sejumlah kota atau kabupaten di sumut. Bahkan beberapa anak berasal dari Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, sumatera
Barat dan Riau. Data ini sebenarnya sudah relatif berkurang dibanding data Dinas Rrikanan
sumut pada
1988 yang menyebutkan adanya 86g anak
bekerja dijermal.
Rngurangan jumlah anak ini tak terlepas dari semakin aktifnyapemerintah
not easy to draw them "I
'tDas asked,
by the boss to confess that
am ouer 18 years oldo so I worttbe caru,ght," said Hermanta
WHEN the ILOIPEC phase one started in North Sumatra,
there are 131 units of jermal being identffied
in the database. This number is the outcome ofthe basic survey conducted by two NGOs. The Education and In-
formation Centre on Children Rights Fbundation (KKSP) has conducted survey in Asahan and Labuhan Batu Regencywaters Tbrritoriai. While The
Children Protection and Study Centre Fbundation (PKPA) conducted the survey in Langkat and Deli Serdang regency The surveys also found that there are 145 children working in the jermal, that most of them are coming from cities and regencies in North Sumatra. Some of them are even coming from Nanggroe Aceh Darusslam, West
Sumatraand Riau. This data has relatively decline compare with the data from North Sumatra
fishery Regional Department in 1988, which stated that 369 children were working in jermal. The declining number of children working in j ermal can-
propinsi melakukan tindakan penghentian pekerja anak di jermal lewat pembentukan tim monitoring terpadu. Tim ini terdiri dari perwakilan Biro ftmbinaan Sosial Setda Propinsi Sumut, Dinas Tbnaga Kerja dan lbansmigrasi Sumut, pemerintah dari lima kabupaten terkait, serta melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut, staf ILO-IPEC, dan sejumlah LSM. Hasil dari razia ini, sebagai contoh, Rmerintah Propinsi sumut pada April 1999, melakukan nazia terhadap 16 jermal di Langkat, dan berhasil membawa
pulangSl anak ke daratJ Thpi memang bukanlah persoalan gampang untuk menarik seorang anak
keluar dari jermal. Kesulitan utama sudah terjadi mulai dari proses identifikasi nama dan usia. Banyak anak-anak yang tidak memiliki surat keterangan yang menunjukkan identitasnya. Data yang diperoleh hanya berdasarkan pengakuan sang anak sqia. Thpi mereka sering berbohong soal usianya.
hda saatitu, upayaproses penyadaran
kepada anak dilaksanakan dengan
memberikan gambaran tentang dampak buruk bekerja di jermal. Mereka juga diberikan informasi tentang adanya aturan-aturan yang merarang anakanak bekerja di jermal. hra mandor jermal juga mendapat penjelasan yang sama agar mereka tidak lagi merekrut anak-anak di bawah umur untuk
Thpi, pasca gencarnya kampanye antiperburuhan anakjermal, seluruh
pemilik jermal menginstruksikan kepada para pekerjanya yang berusia di bawah 18 tahun agar mengaku sudah berusia 18 tahun jika tim monitoring datang.
Hermantoyangberasal dari lGcamatan sei Rampah, Kabupaten serdang Bedagai, saat pendataan tahun 1993 di Jermal Bintang Laut milik Aseng, mengaku, ia lahir tanggal 31 Desemben 1984 (19 tahun). Tbtapi setelah diiemput dari jermal oleh keluarganya bersama ILO-IPEC, Hermanto mengaku lahir pada 28 April 1987 atau masih berusia 16 tahun.
"saya disuruh toke untuk mengaku berumur di atas ditangkap," kata Hermanto.
tahun, supaya tidak
Kasus-kasus seperti Hermanto selalu terjadi. Ini merupakan salah satu siasat para pemilik jermal unh:k mempertahankan buruh anak IGndati sudah
diberi peringatan, tetap saja ada yang bandel. hda bulan per"tama misalnya, 25
. Hariatr Sinar Indonesia
t7 April
not be separated from action of eliminating the children working in jermal
through the establishment of the integrated monitoring team. The team consist of representatives Social Counselling bureau from Regional secretariat office of Norbtr Sumatra province, The manpower and transmigration Regional Department of Nor*r Sumatra Province, officials from five related regencies, and also involve the Navy force, ILO-IPEC staJf, and numbers of NGOs. The result of the raid, for example, North Sumatera Provincial government in April 1999, has conducted raid toward
jermals in Langkat and the
were able to take 31 children back to the land.8
Surely this is not an easy problem to take a child out of the jermal. The main difficulties had happened started from the identification on name and
their identity The data gained are only from the children themselves. But they often lied age process. Many of the children do not have papers to show
about their real age.
At the time, the efforts of making them aware were done by giving them some picture aboutthe dangerworkingin jermal. Theywere also given some information regarding the rules that prohibit the children working in jermal. The foremenwere also given an explanation about the same thing so theywill not recruiting children under age to work in jermal an)rmore. Howeveq after the excessive campaigns against the jermal child labour The jermal owner instructed their labour under 18 to confess that they are
lSwhenthe monitoringteam do the raid. Hermanto, from Sei Rampah district, Serdang Bedagai regency during the processing of data collection, in 1993 at Bintang Laut Jermal belongs to
Seng, said that he was born on 31 Deeember 1984 (19). But after he was fetched by his family together with ILO-IPEC admitted that he was born on 28
1987 or 16 years old.
"I was asked by the boss to confess that I am over
years old, so I won't
be caught," said Hermanto. Cases such as Hermanto's always happen. This is one of the jermal owner
tricks to keep their child labourer Although warned, they remained unmoved. Fbr example, the frrst month, no children was found, but when the monitoringteam paid avisit on thethirdmonth, therewere children injermal.
tidak ditemukan seorang anak pun, namun pada kunjungan bulan ketiga, ternyata masih ada. Sebagian pemilik jermal malah berusaha mengakali para petugas.
mengetahui tim monitoring datang, anak-anak jermal diperintahkan bersembunyi, masuk ke dalam tongplastik.lbngbaru dibuka kembali setelah petugas pergi. Akhirrryamonitoring sengqja dilakukan seearatidak terjad\ryat.
Kalau terjadwal, pemilik jermal bisa sqja memulangkan buruh anak di darat
untuk sementarawaktu, dan ditarik kembali setelah petugas selesai. IGtakutan para pemilik jermal terhadap tim monitoring merupakan buah produk legislasiyang dibuat Gubernur sumut seperti suratEdar"an Gubernur Sumut No. 560/15980 tanggal 10 Desember 1998 yang isinya menyatakan akan memberikan sanksi berupa pencabutan izin usaha perikanan apabila pengusaha jermal masih mempekerjakan anak-anak. Proses selaqjutnya, Gubernur Sumut mengeluarkan Surat IGputusan No. 560.05/661/X/1999 tanggal 7 Mei 1999 tentang pencanangan batas waktu
Juli 1999 untuk penghapusan dan penanganan buruh anak dijermal, dengan sanksi pencabutan izin usaha setiap pengusaha yang melanggar instruksi tersebut.
Percuasit Proses penarikan anak umumnya dilakukan dengan pendekatan personal yang kadangbutuhwakbu lebih dari satu kali perUemuan intensif, Masalahnya
tawaran-tawaran anggota tim tentang kehidupan yang lebih baik setelah keluar dari jermal, tidak serta-merta dipercaya anaak-anak itu. IGndati anak jermal mengakui bahwa pekerjaan yang dljalaninya tergolong buruk dan keras, namun kondisi itu dianggap lebih baik dibanding tidak bekerja sama sekali. Lagipula mereka harus mengirim uang guna membantu beban hidup orangtuanya. Proses penyadaran ini membutuhkanwaktu yangpanjang karena pada
prinsipnya program ini menginginkan penarikan anak dilakukan seeara persuasif dan tanpa paksaan. lbpi ada banyak masalah dalam diri anak, termasuk ketakutan terhadap mandor atau pemilik jermal karena mereka sudah diancam sebelumnya.
Ada sejumlah anak yang dengan sukarela ikut dengan tim monitoring setelah dibujukbeberapakali, tapi sebagianlagiterpaksamenggunakan telimik 26
Some of the jermal owners were even tried to
trick the officers. After
hearing that the monitoring was coming, the children were ordered to hide themselves in
plastic drum. The drum will then be opened once the moni-
toring team gone. Finallythe monitoring team decided to come to the jermal unscheduled. If the monitoring teamvisited the jermal by schedule the jermal owner could have sent the children to the land for drawn afterwards, as soon as
while and they would be the monitoring team finish their job. a
The owner fierce of the monitoring team is the result of the legislation made by the Governo4 such as North Sumatera Governor issued Letter No 560/15980 on 10 December 1998, which stated that sanction ofrevocation the
fishery business licence ifjermal entrepreneur still have children to work in
jermal. The next process, Governor issued a decree No 560.0V661/)V1999 on 7 May
limit up to July 1"t 1999 in eliminating and handling the ermal child labouq with sanction of revocation the business licence of every
1999 about the time j
entrepreneur who break the instruction.
PercuasiYe The process of drawing the under age children was generally done by way of personal approach which sometimes takes longer than one intensive meet
ing. The problem is, the promises or assurance given by the team about the
better life the children would have once they were out or the jermal, not instantly believed by the children. Although the j ermal children admit that the j ob that they had are bad and tough, they regard this condition is better than not working at all. Besides, they have to send some money to lighten the family burden. The awareness process requires longertime since basicallythe programme of drawing the children out ofjermal is done persuasively no enforcement.
But there are many problems in the children itself, including their fear towards the foreman or jermal owner since theyhave been threaten before. There are some ehildrenwho voluntarily go with the monitoringteam after
being persuaded several times, but some of the children must use more complicated persuasive techniques. After a child being data and having known
the exact address, ILO-IPEC team alongwith the monitoringteam of the regent would then visit the parents' house or family of the jermal child. That
I l
percuasif yang lebih rumit. Setelah seorang anak didata dan diketahui alamat jelasnya, maka tim ILO-IPEC bersama tim monitoring di tingkat kabupaten akan mendatangi rumah orang tua atau famili anak jermal bersangkutan. Saat itulah diambil kesepakatan dari mereka untuk tidak mengizinkan lagi
anak-anaknya bekerja di jermal. hnjemputan anak seterusnya dilakukan dengan menyertakan orangtua atau famili, dan biasanya terbukti manjur Usaha model terakhir adalah penarikan tanpa disertai kesukarelaan pekerja anak jermal sendiri. Hal ini dapat dilakukan tim, sebab lembaga kunci dari
tim ini adalah para pengawas tenaga kerja Dinas lbnaga IGrja yang mempunyai wewenang memerintahkan seorang pekerja untuk berhenti bekerja, serta Dinas Sosial yang berwenang untuk menarik anak di bawah usia
tahun dari pekerjaan yang berbahaya bagi anak. Tindakan akhir ini terpaksa dilakukan karena memang terdapat sejumlah anakyang gagal ditarik ke darat, atau beberapa anak ternyata pulang kembali ke
jermal setelah sebelumnya ikut dibawa tim razia.
fase pertama pelaksanaan program, yakni Desember 199g hingga
Maret 2003, sebanyak 260 dani424 anakyang teridenffikasi bekerja
pada periode itu, bisa ditarik.
Penampungan Sementara Anak-anak yang ditarik dari jermal selanjutnya ditempatkan pada tempat penampungan sementara seperti di Rsantren Al Kautsar Medan dan Balai
Latihan IGrja Industri (BLKI) di Medan. Di tempatini, merekamendapat pakaian dan peralatan-peralatan yang diberikan langsung sesampainya di tempat penampungan. Program penempatan sementara ini dimaksudkan
untuk memberikan tempat sementara, sebelum orangtua mereka diidenffikasi dan mengikuti prograrn lanjutan berupa pelatihan keterampilan. Tbntu saja tidak ada pemaksaan agar anak-anak yang baru ditarik dari
jermal untuk tinggal di sana. Jika memang mereka akhirnya memilih tinggat di pesantren itu, maka diupayakan agar anak-anak itu merasa bahwa tinggal di tempat itu bukanlah hukuman.
bekas anak jermal itu hanya tinggal di tempat penampungan antara
dua minggu hingga satu bulan. Selama masa itu, mereka menerima uang saku Rp 4.000 per hari yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan-kebutuhan dasar Jumlah uang yang mereka terima ini disesuaikan dengan penghasilan yang 27
is the time that the parents are asked not to allow
their children to work in jermal. The fetching of the children is then done togetherwith the parents or familyand this works. The last model on the effort of drawing the children is without waiting for the children to voluntarily quit themselves from the work. This could be done by the team, since the team main institutions is the superintendents of manpower regional depar"tment who have the authority to order a worker to
quitthe job, and also from social Regional Departmentwho have the authority to draw a child under 18 years old from working in hazardous area. This last action had to be done since there are some children failed to be drawn to the land, or some children turn out to be coming back to jermal not long after they were taken in the raid before.
on the first phase of implementing the programme, that was in March 2003, there were 260 oluit of 424 children were identified as working in the jermal could be drawn back to the shore.
Temporary Shelter The children that have been taken back to shore from jermalwere then placed in the temporary shelter for ins t ance inpesantren (rslamicschool
I(oranic studies for children and young people) Al Kautsar Medan, and rhe Industrial \46rkshop and thaining center (BLKI) in Medan. In this plaee,
theywere given food and equipments once they arrive in the shelter The sheltering programme was meant to give them a temporary place to stay before the parents are identified and following the continuation programme of lifeskills training.
of course, there is no compulsion for the children drawn from jermal to stay there. If they finally decided to stay in the pesantren, it will then arrange that staying in the pesantren is not a punishment forthem. The ex- jermal children stay at the temporary sherter for about two weeks a month. During the time, they will receive Rp 4,000 as pocket money per daywhich they use for their daily needs. The money they received is adjusted to the paymentthey receivedwhen theywork in jermal.
Besides that, a doctoris assigned to do general checkup every once aweek.
other form of services are taking the children for recreation and giving them guidanee on the alternative of conducting the social securityleadership train-
mereka t€rima saatbekerja di jermal.
selain itu, seorang dokter ditugaskan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan mereka setiap satu minggu sekali. Bentuk pelayanan lainnya adalah memberikan kesempatan relaeasi dan meyampaikan panduan tentang
alternatif kegiatan perlindungan sosial, pelatihan kepemimpinan, dan konseling. Masa penempatan sementara merupakan masa yang surit bagi bekas anak
jermal. Mereka umumnya kesulitan dalam bersosiarisasi. Itulah sebabnya anak yang baru ditarik selalu diberikan akses konsering saat berada di penampungan maupun pada saat mengikuti pelatihan keterampilan. selain itu, mereka juga juga dibekali informasi mengenai isu-isu tentang pekerja anak dan hak-hak anak.
Untuk menumbuhkan kembali rasa percaya diri anak jermal, diadakan semacam kegiatan diskusi dan berbagi cerita. Lewat program yang dilaksanakan'l6yasan KKSP ini, bekas anak jermal diajak mengungkapkan
persoalan-persoalan dan kebutuhan-kebutuhannya. sedangkan bentuk rekreasi yang dilaksanakan antara lain bermain musik, teate4 melukis, olahraga, pertandingan dan lainlain. Dalam tahapan proses ini, masalahmasalah psikologi bekas anak jermal juga diidenffikasi. setelah anak jermal sampai di penampungan sementara, satu langkah sudah dilakukan, tapi masih banyak yang harus dikerjakan.
ing and counselling. The days in temporary shelter are the most dfficult days forthe ex-jermal children. They commonly have problems in socielizing. That is why the newly
drawn children are given access to counsellingwhen they stay at the shelter orwhen they join the life skills training. Moreove4 they are also given information on child labour and Rights issues. Tb
stimulate their self-confidence, various activities such as discussion and
sharing stories are held. Through the programme conducted by KKSP foundation, the ex -jermal children are asked to tell their problems and necessities. While the recreation activity held are playing music instrument, theatre, paintings, sports, competition and many more. In this phase, the psychological problems of the children are also identified.
After the ex-jermal children arrive in the temporary shelteq one step has already done, still there are many to do.
beternak ternyata lebih enak Ke d,ua
audara lnnd,ung ini meng aku mulai
menemn kan j alan hidupny
a. Bukan semnta-mala karena perkembangon ternak kam,bing d,an aya,mu tapi juga karena
mereka telah mem,peroleh bekal kema.m,pt an beternak
kambing dari pelatihan yang dii,kutiny a.
SYAMSUL Bahri dan Imam Syafii cukup beruntung. thm-
paknya dua saudara kandung yang samasama bekas anak
mal ini sudah mulai bisa menggambarkan
seperti apa masa depannya kelak. Sepulang dari jermal beberapa bulan sebelumnya, mereka sudah bertekad tak kembali lagi ke penjara
laut itu. IGduanya tinggal di Dusun I Belidaan, Desa Cempedak Lobang, sebuah desamiskin di rGcamatan Sei Rampah, Kabupaten serdangBedagai. syamsur
Bahri belakangan ini makin sibuk karena ternak kambingnya sudah berkembangbiak menjadi sembilan ekor dari empat ekor semula. Rrsis di belakang rumahnya yang terbuat dari bahan tepas dan tampak mulai miring terdapat sebuah kandansl
animal husbandry turns out to be enioyable The two brothers ad,mit that tlt ey begin to find
their way of life. This is not solely because of their animalhusbandrg butthey haae also gained this skill in breeding front the training th,ey
SYAMSUL Bahri and Imam Syafii are quite luckylooks like the two brothers who
were ex-jermal started to get clear picture of what kind of future they are about tohave. Cominghome
from jermal several months earlie4 they kept in their heart that they did not wish to come back to the sea-prison. They both stay in Dusun I Belidaan, Cempedak Lobang Village, and a poor village in Sei Rampah district, Serdang Bedagai regency Syamsul Bahri busied himself in his goatbreedingwhich develop to become nine goats from four goats before. Just behind his house made of bamboo wickerwork and look sloppy there was a goat cage with four separated spaces. Each small space occupied by goats.
Setiap ruang berisi kambing-kambing gemuk. Syamsul yang sempat lima bulan bekerja di jermal Yr Hok, thnjung Tiram, Asahan, mengikuti program peternakan kambing yang dirancang
pada fase perbama. Bahkan ia sudah menjual kambingnya beberapa kali.
Di samping kandang kambing, ada kandang ayam milik Imam Syafii, abangnya yang paling tua. Syafii yang mendapat bantuan modal bibit 50 ekor
hda hari luang, dia juga menangkap ikan dengan bubu, sejenis alat penangkap ikan di sungaisungai dekat rumahnya. Sementara, di belakang rumah ada tanaman palawija anak ayam, memanfaatkan telur dan daging untuk dijual.
yangjuga untuk dijual ke pasar IGdua saudara kandung ini mengaku mulai menemukan jalan hidupnya. Bukan semata-mata karena perkembangan ternak kambing dan ayam, tapi juga karena merekatelah memperoleh bekal kemampuan beternak kambing
dari pelatihan yang diikutinya. Program pelatihan dan pemberian modal ternak ini merupakan program yang dilaksanakan Eyasan lGkar Indonesia
ILO-IPEC untuk mencegah sasaran kembali ke jermal. Saat bekerja di jermal, baik Syafii maupun Syamsul mengaku tidak mempunyai banyak waktu untuk istirahat. Sementara penghasilan yang dengan dukungan
diperoleh juga tidak terlalu banyak. Mereka tejebak di jermal setelah seorang
kerabat datang memberi tawaran.
"Kami ditawaripekerjaan dengan gaji lumayan," ujar Syafiiyangmau ikut dengan maksud meringankan beban orangtuanya yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap. Beberapa minggu setelah Syafii bekerja di jermal, giliran Syamsul Bahri datang. Mereka berdua bertemu di jermal Yr Hok. Namun hanya bertahan lima bulan.
hda awal-awal tahun
2001, mereka
memutuskan pulang karena tidak tahan bekerja di sana. Eyasan IGkar yang
mengetahui status mereka kemudian menawarkan ikut serta dalam program pemberdayaan ekonomi tadi.
"Sekarang kami sudah bisa membeli sepeda motor bekas dari hasil menabung," kata Syamsul sambil menunjuk sepeda motor Honda warna hitam. IGndaraan itu dibeli seharga Rp 4,5 juta. Bagi Syamsul, bekerja di jermal sudah menjadi sejarah buram, di mana dering panjang jam weker setiap pukul sembilan malam jadi sangat menakutkan, saat mereka harus mulai menarik jaring. Rrtama, menurun30
Syamsul has experience of working in Yr Hok 's jermal in Thnjung Tiram, Asahan for five month, he was then joined the goat breeding training held by
ILO-IPEC on the first phase. He even has sold his goat for several times already Near the goat cage, there is
chicken cage belong to Syamsul older brother
Syafii. Syafii got a capital of50 baby chicken, he breed these chickens to get the eggs and meat to be sold. In his leisure time, he catches some fish with a plaited rattan fish trap called bubu not far from his house. While at the back
yard there are crops plants to be sold to the market. The hvo brothers admit that they begin to find their way of life. This is not solely because of their animal husbandrybut they have also gained this skill
in breeding from the training they joined. The training programme and the capital given to the participants is the prograrnme conducted by Indonesian
IGkar Fbundation supporbed by ILO-IPEC to forbid the children from going back to jermal.
While working in jermal, both Syafii and Syamsul admit that they did not have time to rest. Not to mention the payment they received are small. They were trapped in Jermal after
"Ilb were offered a job with
relative come to offer the job.
good salart'' said Syafii which then accepted
the job with the intention oflighten the parents burden since their parents did not have a regular j ob. Several weeks after he worked in j ermal, it was his
brothe4 Syamsul Bahri turn to come. Both of them met in Yr Hok's jermal. Howeve4 they could only stand there five months. In the early 2001, they decide to come back home. IGkar Fbundation knew about their condition and
then asked them to participate in the economic empowerment programme. "Nouiwe were able to buy used motor cycle from our savings," said Syamsul
pointing at the Black Honda motorcycle which he bought that for Rp 4,5 millions. As for Syamsul, working in jermal was
black historywhere the alarming
of the waker every night at nine o'clock was a a
frightening moment, that was
time for them to pull the net. Firstly they have to bring down the big drum
to get the sea water as a place for the caught fish. When the dum has filled
with wate4 they started to turn he pulley Pulled the first net, could be at the back or front side, depends on which net trapped the most fish.
kan tong besar untuk mengambil air laut sebagai wadah tempat ikan. Setelah wadah air penuh, segera memutar katrol. Lalu menarik jaring pertama, bisa di bagtan depan atau belakang, tergantung jaring mana yang mendapat ikan
lebih banyak. Setelalr jaring
ditarib ikan diambil dengan galah panjang berujwryserckatt jaring,lalu dimasukkan ke wadah airtadi. Jikaiaringtersangkut kayu, buruh anak harus menyelam, tak peduli pukul tiga dinihari. Setelah itu kembali menurunkan jaring untuk mengumpulkan ikan selama satu jam ke depan. Di sela menunggu satu jam berikutnya, anak usia sekolah tersebut memilah ikan teri dan ikan non-teri. Tbrus begitu hingga pagi datang. Siang hingga sore hari ikan direbus dan dijemur Setelah kering, ikan dimasukkan ke kotak
untuk dibawa ke Medan dan selanjutnya dikirim ke Jakarta Bandung, bahkan
diekspor ke Malaysia dan Singapura.lbri inilah yang disebut sebagai teri medan yang populer itu.
IGndati anak-anak jermal tampak tegap berisi, mereka umumnya terlihat kurang nutrisi dan seringmengalami gangguan saluran pencernaarr karena kurang serat. IGbanyakan makan ikan dan jarang mendapat pasokan sayur Bisa dipastikan, para anak jermal selalu diserangpenyakit gatal-gatal karena
mandi dan mencuci pakaian dengan air laut. Mandi air tawar hanya jika hujan turun. Air tawar jadi barang mahal.
hujan hasil tadahan hanya untuk memasak, mencuci muka dan gosok gigi di pagr hari. Selebihnya menggunakan air laut. Karena mandi air laut, sabun jadipercuma.
Syamsul dan Syafii hanyalah dua orang dari 1.400 anakjermal sasaran prograrn ILO-IPEC yang pernah mengalami berbagai pengalaman buuk di
laut. Mereka tidak mendapatkan pelatihan kerja yang memadai. Bahkan banyak di antaranya yang tak mengenal jermal sebelumnya dan tidak bisa berenang, namun akhirnya bisa sendiri setelah terpaksa melakukan pekerjaan
yangdiperintahkan. Tidak adanya keterampilan, plus tenaga anak yang masih belum sempurna sebagaimana orang dewasa, membuat anakjermal rentan terhadap berbagai
jenis kecelakaan kerja. Beberapa kasus yang seringterjadi adalahjatuh ke laut, terhempas badai, berbentur gilingan, tergelincir dan jatuh di lantai, tertusuk duri ikan, digrgrt 3l
After the net was pulled, the fish were taken by using long bamboo pole with net at the tip of the pole. then the fish was put into the drum firll of water If the net happened to be stuck by some wood, then they have to jump into the water to dive, despite the fact that it was 3 o'clock in the morning. After that they have to roll the net down to collect the fish for the next one hour While waiting for the next one hou4 the school-age students should sort the fish to choose "ikan teri". This continues until the next morning. Fhom
daytill eveningtime the fishwere boiled and dried-out. When the fish drained, the fish was put in a box and taken to Medan, which then sent to Jakarta, Bandung, and even exporbed to Malaysia and Singapore. This is called
medan", which is very popular
Although the jermal children looked strong and healthy they usually lack ofnutrition and often had digested problems because lack offibre. These children eat too much fish and rarely given vegetables. hsitively most of these jermal children suffer from skin
irritation since they use seawater for
bath and washing cloths. They bath with freshwater only if the rainfall. Flesh water is an expensive
thing for them. The reservoir of rainwater they have is used only cooking, washing face and brush their teeth in the morning. The rest they are using seawater Since they bath with seawate4 bathing soap is useless. Syamsul and Syafii are only two out of 1,400 jermal children that are the programme target of ILO-IPEC who had bad experienced in the sea. They did not get proper work training. There were even some of them had never known jermal and could not swim, buttheywere then able to swim since they were forced to do the job as theywere told.
The unskilled, plus the unready strength that the jermal children had, caused the jermal children to be fragile of working accident. Some accident that often happen are fall into the sea, tossed by the storm,
hit the grind, slipped and fall to the floo4 pricked by the fish torn, bitten by snake, hooked by a fish hook, etc. among them, only few are taken to hospital
for intensive care. While most of them are given light first aid, and some others are ignored.
The accident would be taken seriously when the children really suffer from hard accident. Such as, losing one ofthe parts ofthe body limp or the
tertusuk mata kail, dan sebagainya. Di antara mereka, hanya sedikit yang mendapat perawatan sampai di rumah sakit. Sebagian besar diberi ula.4
pertolongan pengobatan dasag dan sebagian lainnya tak diacuhkan sama sekali.
IGcelakaan barulah dianggap serius apabila anak benar-benar sudah mengalami penderitaan berat. Misalny4 ia kehilangan anggota tubuh, bagian tubuhnya tak bisa difungsikan dan sakit yang mengancam jiwa. Kalau hanya karena keseleo, demam, terluka, dan sebagainya, biasanya dibiarkan begitu
saja, atau diberikan istirahat beberapa lama hingga ia sembuh dengan sendirinya. Suniman (20), mantan anak jermal yang kini bekerja sebagai juru las di Medan, warga Desa Dolok Sagala, IGcamatan Dolok Masihul, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai ini menceritakan, waktu dia masih berusia 14 tahun, tapi ia sudah harus bekeda selama hampir 24 jam dengan masa istirahat sekitar 1 -
jam. Saat baru dua minggu bekerja, dia mengalami kecelakaan pertama, terjatuh ketika mengangkatjaring yang berat. Beruntung dia tersangkut di atas papan yang terletak di bawah jermal, jika tidak, alamat hanyut ditelan 4
Akibat kejadian itu, badannya sempat sulit digerakkan, tetapi dia tetap diperintahkan bekerja seperti biasa. Minggu-minggu berikutnya, kecelakaan lain meland4 dan benturan di kepala berikut lukanya harus dibiarkan sembuh dengan sendirinya karena tidak ada obat-obatan yang tersedia.
Beberapa anak tercatat mati tenggelam, baik karena terjatuh ke laut saat
bekerjatengah malam, maupun ditelan ombak karenaberusaha melarikan diri. sebutlah misalnya Dewin Thmba, 15 tahun. Dia dinyatakan tewas setelah melompat dari jermal Kim Liong, Labuhan Batu, dalam usahanya melarikan diri. Mayatnya tidak ditemukan. Korban lainnya adalah lbmy hnggabean. Ia meninggal di jermal pada
November 1998 setelah sakit selama dua bulan. Miswan tenggelam saat berusaha menolong temanny4 Jumadi, yangjatuh ke laut. Thhaoge, IE tahun,
ditemukan tak bernyawa dan di lehernya ada bekas jeratan tali dan tengkuknya memar Diduga kuat bekas penyiksaan.
Rrcoalan tak berhenti pada tingginya risiko kerja saja. Buruh anak jermal pun rentan tindak kekerasan seperti pemukulan, penganiayaan, bahkan kasus 32
sickness that threaten the life.
If they are sprinkled, feve4 wounded, etc,
they are usually ignored or given
rest for several days until they get well by
themselves. Suniman (20), ex-jermal childwho nowworkas blacksmith in Medan, from
Dolok Sagala village, district of Dolok Masihul, Serdang Bedagai regency told his experience thatwhen hewas
years old, he had to
hours a
day with the rest time of 14 hours. After working for two weeks, he had his first accident, he fell when he lifted a heavy net. Lucky for him he for he did not fall to the sea but hooked on the board below the jermal, if not, he might
drown it sea. Because of the accident, he could hardly move his bodybut he still ordered to work as usual. The next weeks, other accidents happened, the bump on the
head as well as the wound was left to heal itself since there was no medicine available. Some children are recorded died because of drowning, whether they
while working at night or drown when they tried to escape. Say Dewin thmba, 15 years old. He was killed after jumped out of Kim Liong's
into the
jermal, Labuhan Batu, in his effort to escape. The boywas never found. Other victim is Tbmy Fanggabean. He died in jermal on November 1998 after being sick for two months. Miswan was drown and died when he tried to save his friend, Jumadi who fell into the sea. Thhaoge, 15 yea:s old, found dead
with rope marked on his neck and bruises on his nape. It was strongly assumed that he was physically tortured. The problems do not stop only on the high work risk. Jermal child labourers
are susceptible to beaten, tortured, and even sodomyA child named Husni 12 years old) now has profession as writer in Medan, is a victim witness who had to jump to the sea and escape from j ermal
Hasibuan (at the time he was
with a
plank of board as his only tool to escape. He was asked to work there by
foreman who still considered as his uncle. But after staying there for a few
days, he wanted to go home, but he was ignored. It was Ramadhan month
(fasting month for Moslems) and he was not allowed to home before three months or before he could find his replacement.
Finally Husni and one of his friends, Amin, brave themselves to jump in to the sea while the other was sleeping. They swam all night through the sea,
sodomi. Seorang anak bernama Husni Hasibuan (waktu itu masih berusia 12
tahun), kini berprofesi sebagai penulis di Medan, menjadi saksi korban yang
terpaksa melompat ke laut dan lari dari jermal hanya dengan pertolongan sehelai papan. Ia diajak mandor yang masih tergolong kerabat pamannya. Thpi baru beberapa hari bekerja di jermal, ia minta pulang, tapi tidak dihiraukan. Saat itu, sedang bulan Ramadhan, dan ia belum boleh pulang sebelum tiga bulan atau mencari penggantinya.
Akhirnya Husni dan seorang temannya, Amin, nekat melompat ke laut ketika semua penghuni jermal sedang tidur Mereka berenang semalaman di laut hingga akhirnya ditemukan nelayan dan berhasil selamat. Menurut pengakuan Husni, ia tak tahan lagi menerima perlakuan kasar para mandor di jermal tempatnya bekerja.
Anak jermai yangingin lari darijermal tidak selalu karena fakborpekerjaan,
tapi juga karena kekerasan yang bersumber dari orang dewasa, berupa pemukulan dengan benda atau tangan, dicubit, ditampa4 ditendang, dan dipaksa bekerja dengan jam yang panjang. Selain itu ada kekerasan psikis berupa makian, ancarnan dan sebagainya. IGkerasan lain yang cukup Lrusial ditengah kehidupan anakjermal adalah kekerasan seksual. Rrilaku seksual yang menyimpang kadang terjadi pada
mandor atau buruh dewasa. Sebagai pelepasan hasrat seksualnya yang tertahan, anak-anak menjadi korban. Anak-anak itu disodomi, dipermainkan alat kelaminnya, dipaksa tela4jang dan disuruh onani, dan dipaksa memegang
alat kelamin orang dewasa. Sedangkan kekerzsan sosial yang diterima anakjermal adalah keterisoliran
darilingkungan keluarg4 masyarakat danteman-temannya di darat Mereka
jugatidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar secara layak sebagai hak penting dari anak-anak, kendati mereka berkeinginan untuk itu.
which then found and saved by a fisherman. Husni said that he could not stand the bad treatment he received from the foreman of the jermalwhere he worked.
Jermal child who wish to escape, not always because of the job, but because of the violence
treatment they got from the adult, such
the beating using
something or being slapped, pinched, kicked and force to work over time. Others are physicistviolence such as mockerythreats, etc.
Other violence, which regarded crucial in the jermal child life, is sexual harassment. The abnormal sexual behaviour sometimes shown by foreman or adult labourer Children are the victims of their sexual desire. Children are being sodomy molested, force to take off their cloths and masturbate, and also force to do things with the adult sexual organ.
While the social violence received by the jermal child is being isolated from
their family society and friends
on shore. They do not have a chance to
proper education which is one of the children important rights, though they wish to have that chance.
membangun benteng, merintis ialan Bukan hanya sekad,arterhindar dari jermal, anak seorang jand,a ini pun sudnh mulai bisa membantu tiga orang ad,iknya y ang masih sekolah. Dalnm hal pendid,ikatr4
Sulaiman hmxAa rnenxpuny ai selembar ij azah Paket B. I a berharap bisa ikut pend,id,ikan paket C.
BENGKEL itu memang tidak terlalu besar
Ukurannya hanya sekitar5x4meterSiang ihr, RahmadKurniatampak masih berlepotan oli
karena ia sedang ber-
kutat menghadapi tiga sepeda motor rusak.
"Untunglah saya ikut program pelatihan mekanik di BLKI Medan. Kalau tidak, ya bakal ke jermal juga," tuturnya riang.
Pria asal Desa Air Hitam, IGcamatan Gebang, Langkat, ini adarah salah seorang dari 2.108 anak yang berhasil dicegah bekerja ke jermal. Rahmad
diikutkan dalam program keterampilan mekanik sebagai upaya mencegahnyabekerja di jermal. Lelaki kelahiran tahun 1985 ini memang berpotensi ditarik bekerja di jermal, karena abangnya Bakhtiarjuga bekerja dijermal Kuara serapuh, Langkat. Rahmad menuturkan, pada tahun 1998 dia sempat ditawari ke sana, namun ia menolak. 34
buildi^g fortification, pioneering the first road Nof onlyto getawayfromjermalo thismnnu whosemotheris a single parent startedto help his three brotlters that are
in schooL ln educationo Suluiman only ltas a certift,cate of B package. He is hoping that he coulil jointhe Pa.ckage C ed,ucatiunprom.mme.
THE workshop too big.
is not
is 5 x 4 me-
tres wide. That afternoon, Rahmad Kurnia
looked mess and covered with lubricating oil
for he was busy fixing
three broken motorcycle.
"Thank God that I joined the mechanical trainingprogramme in would probablywork in jermal
BLKI Medan. Otherwise, I
well," he said gladly
The man who originally from Air Hitam village, Gebang district, Langkat, is one of 2,108 children thatwas preventedfromworkingin jermal. Rahmad was listed to join the mechanical training programme as preventive efforts.
The man who was born in 1985 has potential of working in jermal, since his big brother Bakhtiar also worked in IfuaIa Serzpuh jermal, Langkat. Rahmad said that in 1988 he was once asked to work there, but he refused.
"Some friends had asked me to work in jermal right after I dropped out
"sejumlah kawan sempat mengajak ke jermal setelah saya putus sekorah saat duduk di kelas II STM, tapi saya tidak mau," tukas Rahmad yang kini membuka bengkel sepeda motor sendiri bersama Jafar dan sularso di Jalan Abdullah Lubis Medan. Bengkelyang didirikan dengan bantuan modal ILO-IPEC itu berum terlalu ramai. Mereka hanya melayani perbaikan 4 hingga 11 sepeda motor per hari. Uang hasil bengkel itu kemudian ditabung dan dipergunakan untuk membayar sewa tempat bengkel sebesar Rp 300 ribu per bulan. Di bengkel ini, Jafar dan
sularso juga termasuk dua orang yang ikut program pemberdayaan ekonomi untuk mencegah mereka bekerja di jermal.
IGberhasilan pencegahan anakkembali ke jermal lewat pelatihan bengkel
juga dialami Sulaiman. Remaja yang sempat bekerja di jermal perairan Langkat ini sekarang berlanggungjawab atas sebuah bengkel sepeda moto4 hasil partisipasi masyarakat yang simpati terhadap eks buruh anak jermal, di Jalan Brigien Katamso, Medan. Ia mengelola bengkel itu bersama beberapa
rekannya dari kabupaten lain yangpernah sama-sama mendapatkan pelatihan
keterampilan dasar perbengkelan sepeda motor Bukan hanya sekadar terhindar darijermal, anak seorangjanda ini pun sudah mulai bisa membantu tiga orang adiknya yang masih sekorah. Dalam hal pendidikan, Sulaiman hanya mempunyai selembar ijazahpaket B. Ia berharap bisa ikut pendidikan
Dalam program ILO-IPEC, upaya pencegahan memang dianggap sama pentingnya dengan penarikan anak dari jermal. Rlatihan dan pemberian modal usaha bengkel hanya satu bentuk dariprogram-program peneegahan lain yang dilaksanakan
ILO-IPEC lewatim,pkmnnting
ogen cg-nya. Program pencegahan juga dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk lain. Misarnya
dengan menciptakan usaha alternatif bagi bekas anakjermar dan keluarganya
Dengan tergambarnya alternatif usaha baru, berikut bantuan modal, diharapkan orangtua dapat mencegah anaknya bekerja di jermal. Benh.rk pencegahan lain dilakukan ler,lat kampanye peningkatan kesadaran terhadap isu-isu burtrh anak kepada siswasispi sekolah dasar dan sekorah
tingkat pe,tama Karnpanye lainnya adatah benh:k pemasangan jingle di rzdio.
Bahkan, untuk memberikan pemahaman yang sama tentang kondisi perburuhan anak, para pegawai tingkat kelurahan atau desa serta pejabat 35
from the second grade of mechanical school, but I said no,,, he said. Rahmad has his own motorcycle workshop now togetherwith his friend Jafar and sularso on Jalan Abdullah Lubis Medan. The workshop which was built with the capital assisted by ILO-IpEC has not been very crowded yet. They fix 4 to 1 1 motorcycles everyday The money they earned is saved to pay the rent of the prace that is Rp. 800 thousands per month. In this workshop, Jafar and sularso are listed as the participants
the economic empowerment, which meant to prevent them from working in
sulaiman also experienced the successful of preventing the children from going back to jermal through mechanical training program. This teenager who everworked in jermal at Langkatwaters is nowresponsible on amotorcycleworkshop, thatwas builtbythe societywho sympathize on ex- jermar lab our It is located on Jalan Brigjend Katamso, Medan. He runs the workshop together with his other friends from another districts. They all had parbicipated in basic mechanical skills training.
Not only to get away from jermal, this man, whose mother is a single parent started to help his three brothers that are still in school. In education, sulaiman onlyhas a cerbificate of B package. He is hopingthathe could join the hckage C educationprorrunme.
In ILO-IPEC programme, the prevention efforts considered to be as imporhant as drawing the children from jermal. taining and giving the capital for opening a motor cycle shop is only one form of the prevention programmesheld by ILO-IPEC through its implementing agency The prevention programmes are also conducted in other forms.
such as
creating an alternative business for the ex-jermal children and their family By having new picture of the new business, as welr as the capitar, it is hoped that the parents could prevent their chitdren from working in jermal.
otherprevention is byway of doing campaigns to increase peopre awareness on children labour issues. This campaign is for students of elementary to
junior high school. other campaigns are making jingles in radios.
Not only that, in order to get better understanding on child labour eondition, the officials from sub districts or villages and also high functionaries from regencies are also involved in some workshops.
III di tingkat
kabupaten, disertakan dalam beberapa kali work-
Pembedayaan hda tahapan lebih lanjut, anak dan lingkungannya diberdayakan melalui serangkaian program bidang pendidikan, keterampilan dan kewirausahaan yang bertujuan memandirikan anak, baik denganpolaMobitn Truinirq unit
(MTU) maupun Balai Latihan IGrja (BLK). Beberapa lembagapelaksana terlibat dalam prograrn ini sesuai kelompok sasarannya masing-masing, seperti )hyasan Belatani, Eyasan Kolektifl Eyasan Thnah RaJryat, Eyasan IGkuatan Ekonomi Ralryat (IGkar), hkrnas
Mandiri, organisasi Masyarakat Desa Danau siiabut, Eyasan Fbrum Media Swara, serta pemerintah kelima kabupaten.
organisasi Masyarakat Desa Danau sijabut di IGcamatan Air Batu, Kabupaten Asahan, melaksanakan program pelatihan peternakan ayam. Program pelatihan juga dilaksanakan Departemen Tbnaga lGrja propinsi Sumut di Medan datam bidangpertukangan, ras karbit, perbengkelan sepeda moto4 mobil dan elektronik. Pilihan latihan bergantung pada minat anak.
selain itu, ILO-IPEC juga bekerja sama dengan Balai Rngembangan IGgiatan Belajar (BPKB) Sumut di Medan dalam penyediaan pendidikan nonformal, yakni sebuah program akselarasi untuk
B atau setara
Program ini dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan dan mendesain sebuah program akselarasi untuk para bekas anak jermal yang tidak tidak sempat menamatkan pendidikan SL[P-nya karena bekerja di jermal. ftndidikan yang sama diberikan kepada adik kandung buruh jermal. dan penyelenggarzan pelatihan kepada guu-gut unfuk meningkatkan kesadaran mereka terhadap isu buruh anak dan bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan terburuk bagi anak.
Rngembangan keterampilan lain dilaksanakan Eyasan Belatani di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, yakni budidayajamur merang dan peternakan ikan air tawar Lokasi pertanian dan kolam yang dibutuhkan untuk kedua kegiatan itu dibangun berdasarkan parbisipasi orangtua bekas anakjermal dan di bawah penga\Masan Eyasan Belatani lewat para stafnya yang memang
memiliki pengalaman dalam kegiatan sejenis. selain mengarahkan pelatihan pada anak jermar, )6yasan Beratani juga 36
Empowement on the next step, children and their environment are empowered through sequence of programmes in education,life skills and entrepreneurships that meant to make the children independent,by Mobitn Training pattern or BLK.
some organizing institutions involve in this prograrnme due to their target goup, such as Eyasan Belatani, Eyasan Kolektif , Eyasan Dnah Rakyat, )ayasan lGkuatan Ekonomi Rakyat (Kekar), hkmas Mandiri, organisasi Masyarakat Desa Danau siiabut, )hyasan Fbrum Media swara, and also the government ofthe five regencies.
community organization of Danau sijabut in Air Batu district, Asahan regencyhas conducted chicken breedingworkshop programme. The Manpower Regional Depar"tment of North sumatera province in Medan also holds the same activity The workshop is in the machanicar field, werding, garage for motorcycle, car and electronics. The workshop depends on the child interest. Besides that, ILO-IPE c is also co-operated with rhe Learning Activity Development centre (BPKB) in Medan to provide the non-formal education
that is an acceleration programme for B package or equals to junior high school in public school. This programme is meant to provide and design an
acceleration programme for the ex-jermal child who did not have a chance to complete their school in junior high school because they have to work in
jermal. The similar education is also given to the brother of the jermal child labour And a trainig is also held for teachers to increase their awareness on child labour issues and other forms of the worst job for children. other developing skills are also conducted in Labuhan Batu regency that is the planting of an edible mushroom called "jamur merang" and the fresh-
water fish farming. The planting and pond location needed for both activities was built through the participation of the jermal child parents and under supervision of Belatani Fbundation through its staffthat indeed experience in the similaractivity Besides guiding the workshop to jernal child, Belatani Fbundation is also giving financial guideline and market access for their product. Before the
memberikan pembekalan manajemen keuangan serta akses pasar untuk hasilhasil produksi mereka. Selama usahanya belum menghasilkan, anak jermal
yang ikut dalam program ini mendapat bantuan per hari Rp 4.000 untuk kebutuhan-kebuhan dasar mereka. Jumlah uang harian ini disesuaikan besarnya dengan gaji harian mereka saat bekerja di jermal. ILO-IPEC menanggung uang harian itu selama dua bulan. Tbpi setelah itu, mereka dibayar berdasarkan hasil produksi jamur dan ikan air tawar yang mereka kelola sendiri.
Program yang hampir serupa dilaksanakan byasan Thnah Rakyat di Kabupaten simalungun. Bekas anak jermal diberikan pelatihan keterampilan dalam peternakan ikan belut, burung puyuh dan lele dumbo.
Syasan Kekar Indonesia di Deliserdang melakukan pengembangan keterampilan untuk bekas anak jermal melalui ternak burung puyuh dan bebek. Sebagaimana pola yang ditetapkan dalam pola budidaya jamur dan ikan tawa4 bangunan peternakan juga didirikan secara bersama oleh bekas anak jermal dan keluarganya.
Kemudian, bekerjasama dengan Eyasan I(olektif Medan, ILO-IPEC mendanai pembuatan bengkel sepeda motor dan bengkel pengelasan bagi bekas anak jermal yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan di Balai Latihan Kerja
Industri (BLKI). Bengkel ini menjadi wadah sarana berlatih kerja dan mengembangkan kemampuan serta keahlian mereka. Sebagian besar di antara mereka juga mengikuti program pemagangan pada perusahaanperusahaan atau bengkel.
ILO-IPEC juga mendukungbyasan hkmas Mandiri dalam program pendirian kredit milcro untuk keluarga anak jermal di IGcamatan Air Batu, Kabupaten Asahan. Bantuan pinjaman modal diberikan kepada kaum ibu. hda tahun pertama, bantuan diberikan kepada keluarga miskin yang anakanaknya sudah pernah dan masih berada di jermal. Selanjutnya bantuan itu bergulir menganut replika Grameen Bank atau Bank Desa yang didirikan Prof Muhammadlhnus di Bangladesh. sebelum mendapatkan pinjaman modal, kaum ibu ini diberikan peratihan keterampilan dan kemampuan wirausaha, sehingga dapat memaksimarkan pemanfaatan bantuan. ftngembalian piqjaman dilakukan dengan sistem cicil
kepadakelompok. 37
business yields, jermal children who join the programme will get fund of Rp 4,000 per day for their basic needs. The amount of money given is adiusted to
the payment they got during theirwork in jermar. ILO-IPEC responsible for the pocket money in two months. But afterwards, they will be paid based
their mushroom product and the freshwater fish theyrun. Almost similarprogramme is also conducted byEyasan Thnah Rakyat (community Land Fbundation) in simalungunregencyThe exjermal chilon
dren are given life skills trainingin eel farming, quail breeding, and foeshwater catfish farming.
byasan IGkar Indonesia (IGkar Indonesia Fbundation) in Deliserdang holds life skills development for ex-jermal children through quail and duck breeding. similar to the training pattern in of mushroom planting and freshwater fish farming, the place for the breeding practice was also built to-
gether by the ex-jermal children and their parents. Next, in co-operation with Eyasan I{olektif (corective Fbundation) Medan, ILO-IPEC funded the building of motorcycre workshop/gangeandwelding garage for the ex-jermal children who have participated in the training at
BLKI. The workshop
is then becoming a place to practice and developing the children skills. some of them are also participate in internship or job training in some companies orworkshops.
ILO-IPEC is also supportingEyasan hkmas Mandiri (hlanas Mandiri Fbundation) in establishing micro credit programme for the ex-jermal children family in Air Batu district, Asahan. The capital loans are given to the mothers. In the first yea4 the loan is given to the poor family whose children are still working or had ever worked in jerm al. Latelthe loan is given in turns following the Grameen Replica system or the village banking, which pioneered, by Prof Muhammad Yrnus in Bangladesh. Before getting the loan, the women are given some training for their skills and entrepreneur ability; therefore they could ma>rimize the assistance. The
payment on the given loan is in retailing system in the group. Providing the micro credit is done based on the idea that the children
working in jermal mostly coming from poor family The poverty happens since they do not have capital to run micro business, which will be able to increase the family income.
Rngadaan kredit mikro dilakukan berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa anakanak bekerja di jermal umumnya karena keluarga mereka miskin. Hal itu antara lain karena mereka tidak memiliki modal menjalankan usaha mikro yang seharusnya dapat meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga.
Anak dan keluarganya yang dilibatkan dalam program ini dilatih untuk dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja dan meningkatkan tarafpenghidupan mereka lewat berwirausaha di bidang pertenakan, koperasi, dan pertanian. Dengan demikian mereka tidak lagimengizinkan anaknyapergi ke jermal, sebab taraf penghidupan sudah meningkat. Program-program ini juga menyiapkan alternatif modal kepada keluarga anak jermal.
The children and the family involve in the programme with the purpose that they could create job vacancies and will be able to increase their live standard by having business in breeding, cooperation and farming. Therefore, they will not permit their children to work in jermal, since their live has improved. These programmes are also preparing the alternative capital for the j ermal children family
kunci terakhir, menunggu kelahiran perda Dalam kerangka desentralisasi, d,aerah, di mana pemerintah kabupaten/kota memiliki ruang yang luas untuk melahirkan kebij akan d,i tingkat da,eral4 maka pamerintah di tingkat kabupaten/ kota perlu untuk melaltirkon kebijakan publik gang lebih spesifik
SELURUH penanganan masalah anak jermal di Sumatera Utara tidak akan lengkap sebelum dikunci dengan satu produk hukum berupa peraturan
daerah (perda). Dalam hal ini, ILO-
IPEC Medan telah turut mendukung pembidanan sebuah draft ranperda tentang pelarangan bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan berbahaya bagi anak, sampai
pada tahap upaya menggolkannya menjadi sebuah perda.
Progres Ranperda tentang Penghapusan dan hncegahan hkerjaan
Tbrburuk bagi Anak itu kini sudah masuk pada pembahasan di tingkat hripurna DPRD, dan diperkirakan selesai pembahasannyapada Juli2004 bersamaan dengan Ranperda Rnghapusan hrdagangan Rrempuan dan 39
finalk ywaitingfor the government regulation in
regional d,ecentralizationframe, in which
regencies has wider spaces to prod,uce polici,es
the gouernment
for the tarritory there-
fore, the regency's goaernment need, to prod,uce nzore specific public policy suitable to the condition of ea,ch, territory
ALL of the efforts of solving the jermal children problems in North Sumatera will not be completed, until they are locked with one law product in the form of government regulation.
this case, ILO-IPEC Medan has supported to fund a draft of government regulation about the prohibition for all kinds ofdangerous work for children, up to the effort of making this to become a government regulation. The progress on governmentregula-
tion draft on the elimination and prevention ofthe \4brstjob for children is now has come to the plenary discussion
in Regional House of Representative, and it is assumed that this will be completed in July 2004 along with the government regulation draft on the
Anak (traficking).
ftraturan daerah ini dibutuhkan untuk mengeleminir berbagai persoalan anak yang terjadi di Sumut dan diharapkan menjadi kunci keberhasilan penghapusan pekerja anak pada pekerjaan terburuk secara umum, dan anak
jermal secara khusus. Rntingnya kehadiran pemturut da€rah ini didasari pemikiran bahwa semua
ahlan hukum perundang-undangan maupun keputusan-keputusan yang ada sebelumnya tidak cukup, karena secara substansial, perundang-undangan tersebut hanya mengatur garis-garis besar saja, seperti aturan tentang
sanksi, pengertian, dan kewajiban untuk menjabarkan dalam bentuk peraturan Pelaksana. Selain itu, dalam kerangka desentralisasi daerah, di mana pemerintah kabupatenlkota memiliki ruang yang luas untuk melahirkan kebijakan di
tingkat daerah, maka pemerintah di tingkat kabupaten/kota perlu untuk melahirkan kebijakan publik yang lebih spesifik sesuai kondisi daerahnya masing-masing. Sejak Indonesia meratifikasi I(onvensi ILO hingga sekarang,
hmerintah Propinsi Sumut belum memiliki peraturan daerah yang menjadi petunjuk teknis dan sanksi tegas terhadap persoalan buruh anak di sektor perikanan.
Meskipun Indonesia sebenarnya sudah memiliki UU No. 1 Tbhun 1951 tentang hkerja Anak, tapi UU itu tak pernah efektif dijalankan. Tindakan hukum yang dilalflkan dalam benfuk razia selama ini pun hanya memberikan
efek ketakutan pada anak jermal, bukan pada pemilik jermal. Alhasil, perburuhan anak di jermal tetap berlangsung dengan cara sembunyisembunyi. Selain itu, benarbahwa berbagai instrumen hukum telah banyak dilahirkan.
Sebut saja Surat Edaran Gubsu No. 171W8W1997 dan Surat Keputusan
Gubernur Sumatera Utara No. 065/1999. Tbtapi, tetap saja aturan itu tidak memberikan jaminan bahwa jermal akan steril dari pekeda anak. Asumsi ini dapat dibuktikan secara yuridis, bahwa tidak ada sanksi yang tegas dan komprehensif bagi para pengusaha dan pihak-pihak yang menyebabkan anak dipekerjakan dijermal akan mendapatkan tindakan hukum dan administrasi.
Rrsoalan lain dari sisi ini adalah ketidaksepahaman para pejabat pengadilantentang aspek pelanggaran hak asasi anak dalam kasus anak 40
Elimination of \{bman and Children tade (trafficking). The government regulation is needed to eliminate various child probrems in Nor"th sumatra and it is hoped that wilt be a key to success on eliminating child labourer in the worst kinds ofjob in general, and jermal children in specific.
The importance of the government regulation is based on the idea that all law legislation and decrees that has been issued before are not enough, since
substantiallythe legislations are only stating arrange outlines, such as rules on sanction, understanding and responsibility to be described in the implementation regulation. Besides that, in the regional decentralization frame, in which the government in regencies has wider spaces to produce policies for the territory
therefore, the regency's government need to produce more specific pubric policy suitable to the condition of each territory since Indonesia ratffication the ILo convention until noryThe North sumatera provincial government has not have government regulation that could be used as technical gridance and firm sanction on child labour problems in fishery
Even though Indonesia has legislation No
1g51 about child labouq
still the legislation never effectively used. The law enforcement in the form of police raid all this time had only frightened the jermal child, not the jermar owner It turns out that the children labour in jermal still quiefly operates. Moreove4 it is true that several of law instruments are produced. such as
North Sumatera Governor issued Letter No 12./ 1VI/BW199Z and the Governor Decree No 065/1999. Still, the rule did not give any assurance that jermai will be sterile from child labourer This assumption can be proved juridical, that there was no strict and comprehensive sanction for the businessmen and others that theywill get administrative sanction or lawsuit for putting the children to work in Jermal. Other problem, whieh appears from this side, is the argument within court officials on the aspects that violate the children rights in jermal children case. The law institution sees the child labour in jermal more as a problems between aworker and the employer Even, the death ofjermal child is sorved by only giving sum of money as the expression of condolences. The un-strict
law regarding the jermal child has made the number of children working in
jermal. Lembaga penegakan hukum lebih melihat masalah anak jermal sebagai hubungan kerja antara buruh dengan majikan. Bahkan, kasus kematian anak di jermal pun hanya diselesaikan dengan cara pemberian uang duka. Tidak tegasnya hukum menyangkut pekerja anak jermal membuat arus anak yang bekerja ke jermal selama era 198Gan sarnpai 199Gan mengalir
tanpa hambatan, dan bisa menjadi ancaman terhadap program ini di masa mendatang, terutama pada bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan terburuk lainnya.
Draft peraturan daerah yang merupakan bagian dari program ILO-IPEC tentang penghapusan pekerja anak di sektor berbahaya ini, prosesnya juga berlangsung alot dan butuh waktu lama. Rnyusunan draft oleh byasan Pusaka Indonesia berlangsung sejak 15 Juli 2001 sampai 15 Desember 2001. Setelah final, kemudian dilimpahkan ke
ftmprop Sumut untuk kemudian
dibahas lebih lanjut. Baru pada 19 Fbbruari 2004, draft itu diserahkan oleh
gubernur kepada DPRD Sumut.
hnitia Khusus DPRD yang dibentuk untuk membahas Ranperda ini, lantas melakukan studi banding ke Sulawesi Utara, karena memang baru daerah
itu yangtelah memiliki peraturan daerah tentangpelarangan pekerja anak di sektor berbahaya,selain Jawa Timur DPRD Sumut sendiri, dalam Ranperda itu membuat rekomendasi tentang diperlukannya gugus tugas pada tiaptiap daerah untuk memantau berbagai kasus ini, dan pembiayaan gugus tugas ini sepenuhnya ditanggungAPBD
masing-masing daerah. Jika akhirnya Ranperda itu disahkan jadi Rrda, maka di sana ada kemenangan anak Indonesiayangterlepas dari pekerjaan
terburuk dalam satu aspek, yaknijermal.
jermal still happen uncontrollably from
1g80s to 19g0s, and this could be a threat to the programme in the future, especially on other kinds ofworst job. The government regulation draft is part of the ILO-IpEC programme on
elipninating child labour in dangerous this secto4 the process are also complicated and takes longer time. The arrangement of the draft byEyasan Pusaka Indonesia last from lb July 2001 to 15 December 2001. After finished,
the draftwas then given to the North sumaetra provincial government to be discussed further It was then on 1g Fbbruary 2004, the draft was handed to the Regional House of Representative (DpRD) bythe Governor DPRD special committee which was formed to discuss the Government
regulation plan, next they did a comparative study to North sulawesi, since that is the only province which has regulation on prohibiting the child labour in dangerous sectoq besides East Java. DPRD in Norbh sumatera itself, in the government reguration plan make recommendation on the necessity to have job cluster in each regions to observe the case, and the expense on running this programme is charged to the
Regional Budget Planning (APBD) of each region. If the government regulation plan is legally used, then there we could say that it is the Indonesian child who win since they will be free from the worst job in one aspect, that is
menakar keberhasilan Program penghnpusan
an ak
j ermal hendaknya j angan
dilihat dari ad,aatautidnknya ILO-IPEC di Suruu,t.
HAMPIR lima tahun sudah ILO-IPEC melaksanakan serangkaian pro-
gram kerja yang bersifat hulu ke hilir di Sumatera
Utara. Mulai dari iden-
tifikasi keberadaan jermal, anak usia di bavah 18
tahun yang bekerja di sana, penarikan dari jermal, monitoring, pelatihan keterampilan, mendorong lahirnya kebijakan di
tingkat lokal untuk penghapusan anakjermal, dan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat. ftlal<sanaan program yang menghabiskan anggarzn sebesar US$ 1,929,301
yang terdiri dari US$ 1.834,063 budget ILO-IPEC dan USg 9b,238 dari Rmerintah Propinsi Sumut, telah berhasil menarik 309 anak dari pekerjaan
Hasil monitoringterakhir ILO-IPEC pada Juni2004, hanyatersisa
s{ayangmasih bekerja
jermal, yakni 3 anak di Kabupaten Deliserdang dan4 aruk di Kabupaten Asahan. Angkainitentu sangat sedikit dibandingkan saat program ILO-IPEC mulai dilaksanakan. Namun begitu, upaya penarikan di
the success progranxrle in eliminating jermal child is not just to fromthe existence of ILO-IPEC in North Sumatera.
be seen
has been almost five
years for ILO-IPEC to do
various working programme, which has the character
ofconducting it from upper
course to downstream in North Sumatera. Started from identifying the existence ofjermal, the children
of below 18 years old who workthere, childrenwithdrawal from jermal, monitoring,life skills training, initiating the making of policy in local area to eliminate the child labour in jermal and the increasing of eommunity awareness. The conducting programme has spent US$ 1,929,301 which is US$ 1,&34,063
ILO-IPEC budgetand US$95P38fromthe Governmentof North Sumatera Province, the programme has suceessfully drawing 309 children from the worst job in jermal. is
The result of the final monitoring of ILO-IPEC in June 2004, there were
only 7 children left that still work in jermal, they are 3 children from Deliserdang and 4 children from Asahan. The numbers is of course small compare to the first time the ILO-IPEC programme starbed. Howeveq the
mereka masih terus dilaksanakan melalui lembagalembaga partner yang bekerjasama dengan ILO-IPEC maupun tim monitoring. Di samping anak-anak yang sudah pernah terjun ke jermal, sebanyak 1.299 anak yang dianggap berpotensi, juga berhasil dicegah bekerja di jermal. Dengan demikian, total sasaran langsung program ini sebanyak 2.10g anak. Mereka telah mendapat pelayanan langsung dari program-program ILO-
IPEC selama dua fase kerjasamanya dengan Rmerintah propinsi sumut. secara kuantitati$ program inijelas sudah mencapai targetnya. Thk urung Gubernur Rizal Nurdin juga menyampaikan rasa gembiranya dengan penurunan jumlah anak jermal yang sangat drastis itu. "Kalau hilang sama sekali mungkin belum untuk sementara ini. Tbtapi penurunan itu terjadi, dan ini menggembirakan,,, kataRtzatNurdin. hndangan serupa juga disampaikan Iskandag bendahara pada Eyasan Kolektif Namun dia memberi catatan pada penanganan pasca penarikan anak dari jermal.
Sebaliknya, pihak ILO-IPEC atas nama PBB juga juga menyampaikan penghargaan pada hmerintah Propinsi Sumatera utara karena daerah ini
dinilai sebagai daerah pertama yang secara konkrit melakukan kegiatan penghapusan pekerja anak di sektor terburuk. Direktur ILO-IPEC
Rrwakilan Jakarta, Allan Boulton, dalam penandatanganan kerjasama program penghapusan anakjermal tahap II di Kantor Gubsu tahun 2008 lalu, menyatakan, pihaknya juga gembira karena Sumut merupakan daerah pertama di Indonesia yang memberi respon terhadap pembentukan komite aksi tingkat propinsi untuk penghapusan bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan terburuk bagianak. Rncapaian di atas tentunya tidak terlepas dari kerja keras pada program fase pertama" Berdasarkan evaluasi eksternal yang dilakukan pada Desember 2001, diambil kesimpulan,
Med,an, pemerintah
tingkat atas d,an
I ) I tr { I
nen0hargannpubl;ikdnnbantrmntnlnhtpriantin Sejumtnhinisiailifuntuk nxenxberantas buruh anak secara unl,unl, d,ipicu oleh propinsi d,an r"u,*atenm,elnluikm,baga ekseltu,tif dnnlegistntif pemcrintahgang lnhir sebwaisuntukesatunndnnd,id,ukung
olnhberbagaitnpisanmnsyarakal,. hranskatpentinguntuk meraih pencapaian itu adalah adanya perubahan .it u, dan tingkah laku padatingkatmasyarakatmelalui program peningkatan
effort of drawing them is still conducted continuously through partner institutions co-operated with ILO -IPE C and the monitoring team. Besidesthe childrenwho had everworked in jermal, there are 1,799 children who were considered to be potential to work there, have been successfully prevented from working in jermal. Therefore, the total number of the
targeted children in this programme is 2,108 children. They have received direct services from the ILO-IPEC programme for two phase of its of its cooperationwith the Government of North Sumatera Province. Quantitatively it is obvious that the programme has reached its target. Surely Governor Rizal Nurdin expressed his happiness on the dramatically declining of the jermal child. "Tb totally eliminated, that might not yet happen for time being. But the
declining happens and this is happy news," said Rizal Nurdin. The similar perspective is also express Iskandaq the treasurer of Eyasan
I(olektif But he could a not
on the after- drawing children on
ILO-IPEC on the other hand is also expresses their appreciation to the government of Norbh Sumatera province since this region is considered as the first region which concretely conducting the activity of eliminating child labour in worst sector The ILO-IPEC Director of Jakafta Representative,
Allan Boulton, in signingthe Mou programme on eliminatingjermal child face to at governor offrce in 2003 said that, his institution was also happy since
first region in Indonesia who responds to the forming of action committee in the provincial level to eliminate all kinds ofworst job Nolth sumatera
is the
for children. The above achievement surely because on the first phase programme' Based on the external evaluationwhiehwas done in December2001, aconclu-
"In Medan, the plenary government and the public assistance and appreciation are guaranteed. Some initiatives to eliminate child sion was drawn.
labour are generally trigged by province and regency through government executive and legislative institution which appear as
unity and supported
by every community element." The important tools to get into the achievement are the changing of atti-
tude and behaviour in the society through the awareness-increasing programme. The awareness stage is raised through group discussion be-
-kesadaran. Tingkat kesadaran itu dibangun dari diskusi fokus kelompok dengan pimpinan formal dan informal di tingkat desa serta para orangtua dari anak-anakyangbekerja dan berisiko untuk dipekerjakan di jermal.
IGberhasilan fase pertama itu kemudian menjadi alasan utama dilanjutkannya kerjasama fase kedua. Nota kesepahaman ditandatangani Gubernur Rizal Nurdin dan Direktur ILO-IPEC hrwakilan JakartaAlan Boulton pada 14 April 2003 di Medan. Pada fase kedua ini, ILO-IPEC menyediakan budget sebesar US$ 899,316, sementara Rmerintah Propinsi Sumut sebesar US$ 47,619. hda fase kedua ini, program pendidikan, keterampilan dan pemberdayaan ekonomi yang telah dilakukan pada fase pertama tetap dilanjutkan. Sejurnlah evaluasi program pada fase satu dijadikan acuan untuk perbaikan pada fase kedua.
Menurut Direktur Eksekutif byasan IGka.U N Sihanouk, pelajaran berharga yang bisa diambil pada fase pertama adalah bagaimana memaksimalkan program dengan pelibatan orangtua atau keluarga bekas
anakjermal. "Sebenarnya pada fase pertama, orangtua anak memang sudah dilibatkan,
tetapi pada fase kedua semakin diintensifkan dan hasilnya memang menggembirakan," kata Sihanouk. IGndati program ini dianggap berhasil, tapibukan berarti tidak adatingkat kegagalan. Dian Saputa, seorang anak asal Desa Simpang Empat lGcamatan Sei Rampah, Serdang Bedaga,i, sempat kembali ke jermal selama dua minggu.
Namun akhirnya ia kembali melanjutkan program di desanya. Rupanya kepulangannya kembali ke jermal lebih bersifat melepas rindu, yakni ingin melihat kondisi jermal setelah ditinggalkan sekian lama. Dan harus diakui bahwa tidak semua pihak sepakat mengata}an program
penghapusan anak jermal sepenuhnya telah selesai. "Misalnya, dalam program keterampilan bengkel yang berkerjasama dengan Eyasan I(olektif, Setelah bekas anak jermal ikut pelatihan mekanik dan telah dimagangkan,
mereka tidak tahu mau kemana. Memang ada yang disediakan bengkel, misalnya di Medan, tapi itu tidak bisa menampung semua anak yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan itu," kata Iskandar dari Eyasan Kolektifl Kondisi ini memang dipahami sebagai sebuah persoalan dari kelaqjutan 44 .i,
tween the formal and informal chief in village level and the parents of the
childrenwhowork and has potentially being asked towork
The successful of the first phase is then become the main reason to eontinue the cooperation in the second phase. Governor Rizal Nurdin and ILO-
IPEC Director in Jakarba Allan Boulton signed the MoU on 14 April
Medan. In this second phase ILO-IPEC provide the budget of USg 899,816, while the Government of North Sumatera Provinee provide a budget US$ 47,619. On this second phase, the education,life skills and economic empowerment prograrnme, which have been done in the firstphase, will be continue. Some
programme evaluation on the first phase will be use as reference for improvement on the second phase.
According to the Executive Director of Dyasan IGka4 N Sihanouk, the priceless lessons that could be taken from the first phase is how to maximize the programme by involving the parents or the family of the ex-jermal child. 'Actually on the first phase, the parents were involved, but however in this second phase, their involvement become more intensive and the outcome is good," said Sihanouk.
Althouh the programme considered to be successful, it doen'tmean that there is no failure. Dian Saputra, a boy from Simpang Empat village, Sei Rampah district, Serdang Bedagai, happens to be going back to jerm al for 2 weeks. But then he was going back to continue his progamme in the village.
turned out that his going back to jermal is more likely to let out his deep longing to the jermal, that is to see the jermal condition after being left behind for a longtime. And it must be admitted that not all of the institutions agreed that the elimination of jermal child completed. "Fbr example in workshop skilful prograrnme help to get the with Eyasan I(olelrtif. After the ex-jermal child joined in the mechanical training and has been on the job training, they did not know where to go. There is workshop available in Medan, but it cannot hold all of the children that has joined the prograrnme," said Iskandar from
byasan I(olektif This condition is understood as a problem of the continued programme. But according to Maman Natawijaya, Not ional Project Comd;inntmlLO-
program. Namun menurut Maman Natawijaya, National project coord,i_ natorrLo-rPEC, apa yang dikerjakan lembaga ini pada prinsipnya adalah memberikan alternatif bagi bekas anak jermal, memberi mereka jalan keluar
untuk berwirausaha setelah keluar dari perbudakan dijermal. Thhapan setelah itu justru sebenarnya menuntutperan pemerintah daerah maupun lembaga partner untuk menindaklanjutinya, sebab
ILO-IpEC sendiri
hanyalah lembaga pendukung.
Maman selar{utnya mengingatkan, progl.am penghapusan anak jermal
ILO-IPEC di Sumut. ,,program ILO-IPEC sudah selesai dalam masalah jermal, tetapi upaya untuk hendaknya jangan dilihat dari ada atau tidaknya
melakukan tindakan pencegahan harus tetap dilakukan. Jangan sampai ada anak-anak di sumut yang terjebak dalam bentuk-bentuk terburuk bagi anak, seperti bekerja di jermal," katanya.
tangkah Berihil Setelah rampungnya program ILO-IPE
Fishing Sector In d,on esi.q Sub Regional Project to Combat Child Labour in JerrnnJ Platforms Ind,onesiq ILO-IPEC masih menurunkan program kerja lainnya melalui Support C
Projectfor Off Shore Fishing i,n North Sumatera yang akan difokuskan pada sekborperikanan lepas pantai atau laut dalam.
Proyek ini sendiri sejalan dengan Rencana Aksi nasional (RAN) knghapusan Bentuk-Bentuk Tbrburuk &kerjaan untuk Arrak yang ditetapkan melalui IGputusan Presiden No. 5g tahun 2002). Sebagaimana diketahui, Keppres itu mengidentifikasi lima sektor paling mendesak untuk ditangani dalam ]ima tahun ke depan. IGlima sektor ini adalah anak-anak yang dilibatkan dalam produksi dan penjualan obat-obat terlarang, anak-anak yang, diperjualbelikan untuk tujuan seksual, anak-anak di sektor pembuatan alas kaki, anak-anak di sektor perbambffigffi, dan anak-
It, BE
anak di sektor perikanan lepas pantai.
,ung dipekerjakan di sektor perikanan lepas pantai (off shore). Dalam pelat<sanaannya, akan dilakukan dua strategi pokok. Bagian pertama akan
memfokuskanpadakegiatan-kegiatanyangberhubungandenganperubatran kebfiakan. Sedang bagian kedua adalah melalui intervensi langsung kepada kelompok sasaran di lima sektor yang teridentifikasi dalam RAN tersebut.
IPEC, what was then by this institution is basically gives alternative to exjermal child, give the way out to open a business after escape from slavery in jermal. The next phase is actually demand the regional government and partners' institution to participate in taking further action, since ILO-IPEC itself
Fl-rther more, Maman reminds that programme in eliminating jermal child is not just to be seen from the existence of ILO-IPEC in North sumatera. ,,The ILO-IPEC programme in jermal matter has finished, but the affords
to do prevention must still be conducted. Don't let the children on North sumateratrapped into theworstjob forchildren such as jermal," he said.
t{ext SteP After the completion of ILo-IPEC Fishing Sector Indonesiao sub Regiona| Project to combat ch.i\d, Labour i,n Jermal Platforms Indonesiao ILO-IPEC is still implementits otherworking programme throughSzppod Projectforoffshore Fishing inNorthsumatrawhichwill be focus on off shore and deep sea fishery sector
The project itself is suitable with the RAN (National Action Plan) the elimination of the worst kind of job for children which was confirmed through the Presidential Decree No. 59 year 2002).
As has been known, the decree identifies five sectors that are urgently needed to be handle within the next five years. These five sectors are: the children involved in producing and selling drugs, the child trading for sexual, children in the footwear production secto4 children in the mining, and chil-
drenworkingin the off shore fishery sector In North Sumatera, the support projectwill be aimed at eliminating the children employed in off shore fishery In each implementation, there will be main strategies. The
be focus on the activities related to the chang-
ing of policy while the second by way of direct intervention to the target group in five sectors which was identified in the RAN. similar to the conducted pattern in jermal child elimination programme, programme approach by support project to the children is through the afford of growing them from dangerous workingface and do prevention through the provision ofeducational assistance and others services. Besides thatthe
familywill be participated in social economic programme.
Seperti halnya pola yang dilaksanakan dalam program penghapusan buruh jermal, pendekatan program yang akan dilakuk an support projectkepada anak-anak adalah melalui upaya penarikan mereka dari tempat kerja yang
berbahaya serta melakukan pencegahan melalui penyediaan bantuan pendidikan dan pelayanan lainnya. Selain itu keluarganya juga akan diikutseftakan dalam program sosial ekonomi. Pada implementasinya, suppott, projacl ini merupakan perwujudan dari upaya ILO dalam mendukung Rencana Aksi Propinsi Sumut untuk Rnghapusan Bentuk-Bentuk Tbrburuk Rkerjaan untukAnak di seluruh wilayah Sumut. Fada fase pertama ini (lima tahun ke depan), Rmerintah Propinsi Sumut sendiri telah mengidenffikasi 4 sektor yang dianggap paling berbahaya bagi anak-anak untuk terlibat, yaitu sektor perkebunan, sektor perikanan lepas pantai, anakjalanan, serta anak-anak yang diperdagangkan untuk tujuan seksual (ch,ild traficking).
IPEC,whatwas then bythis institution
is basicallygives alternative to ex-
jermal child, give the way out to open a business after escape from slavery in jermal. The next phase is actually demand the regional government and partners, institution to participate in taking further action, since ILO-IPEC
a supporting
Fbrther more, Maman reminds that programme in eliminating jermal child is not just to be seen from the existence of ILo-IPE C in North Sumatera. ,,The ILO-IPEC programme in jermal matter has finished, butthe affords
to do prevention must still be conducted. Don't let the children on North sumatera trapped into the worst job for children such as jermal," he said.
ilext SteP After the completion of ILo-IPEC Fishing sector Ind,onesian sub Regional Project to combat cttild Labour in Jermal Platforms Ind,onesig ILO-IPEC is still implement its other working programme through szppot t Proj ect for off shore Fishing in N orth sumatrawhich will be focus on offshore and deep sea fishery sector The project itself is suitable with the RAN (National Action Plan) the elimination of theworst kind ofjob for childrenwhichwas confirmedthrough the Presidential Decree No.59 year2002).
As has been known, the decree identifies five sectors that are urgently needed to be handle within the next five years. These five sectors are: the children involved in producing and selling drugs, the child trading for sexual, children in the footwear production sectou children in the mining, and children working in the off shore fishery sector
In North Sumatera, the supporb project will be aimed at eliminating the children employed in off shore fishery In each implementation, therewill be main strategies. The
be focus on the activities related to the chang-
ing of policy while the second by way of direct intervention to the target group in five sectors which was identified in the RAN. similar to the conducted pattern in jermal child elimination programme, programme approach by support project to the children is through the afford of growingthem from dangerousworkingface and do preventionthrough the provision ofeducational assistance and others services. Besides that the I I
t l l I
familywill be participated in social economic programme'
penghapusan buruh seperti haJnya pola yang dilaksanakan dalam program jermal, pendekatan program yang akan dilakukan sr,cpp ort projectkepada kerja yang anak-anak adalah melalui upaya penarikan mereka dari tempat
berbahaya serta melakukan pencegahan melalui penyediaan bantuan pendidikan dan pelayanan lainnya. selain itu keluarganya juga akan diikutsertakan dalam program sosial ekonomi. pada implementasinya, support projecl ini merupakan perwujudan dari
upaya ILO dalam mendukung Rencana Aksi Propinsi sumut untuk Rnghapusan Bentuk-Bentuk Tbrburuk ftkerjaan untuk Anak di seluruh wilayah sumut. Fada fase pertama ini (lima tahun ke depan), Rmerintah propinsi sumut sendiri telah mengidenffikasi 4 sektor yang dianggap paling berbahaya bagi anak-anak untuk terlibat, yaitu sektor perkebunan, sektor perikanan lepas pantai, anakjalanan, serta anak-anak yang diperdagangkan
untuk tujuan seksual (child, trafi,cking).
In its implementation, support project is the realizationof ILO afford in supportingthe action planning of North sumatera Province. Tb eliminate the worst kind ofjob for children in the entire territory of North Sumatera Province. on this phase (next five years), the government of North sumatera Province itself has identified four sectors considered the most dangerous phase for children to get involved, they are plantation secto4 offshore fish-
ery secto4 street children and the children that are traded for sexual purposes (child
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