Group Behavior & Effectiveness Robbins and Judge Organization Behavior 15 Edition
The material used in producing this presentation derived from the book. Several examples added to enrich the student’s understanding Please acknowledge the Authors
Partono - TELKOM University
Session Goals 1.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Memahami definisi kelompok Mengidentifikasi perbedaan kelompok formal dan informal Mengetahui latar belakang individu bergabung dalam kelompok Mengidentifikasi tahapan pembentukan kelompok Faktor utama dalam perilaku kelompok Mempelajari model pengambilan keputusan dalam kelompok
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Goals One - Definition
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Defining and Classifying Groups Group Two or more individuals interacting and
interdependent, come together to achieve particular objectives Group ................................................... Dapat bersifat formal dan informal
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Goals Two – Type of groups
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Defining and Classifying Groups
Formal Group: Informal Group: Partono - TELKOM University
• Memiliki struktur organisasi • Memiliki tugas & pekerjaan yang jelas untuk setiap bagiannya • Perilakunya diarahkan untuk mencapai sasaran organisasi • Ex: Telkom, IndoMU, Team Yamaha, Nissan Club
• Tidak memiliki struktur formal, tidak terorganisir secara resmi • Muncul karena adanya kebutuhan interaksi sosial • Dapat mempengaruhi perilaku individu dan kinerja • Ex: WA Group Mecel, Forum diskusi
Subclassifications of Groups
Formal Groups Command Group A group composed of the
individuals who report directly to a given supervisor/leader Task Group Individual working
together to complete a job or task in an organization but not limited by hierarchical boundaries Partono - TELKOM University
Informal Groups Interest Group Anggota bergabung untuk
mencapai sasaran yang sama Friendship Group Anggota bergabung
dengan latar belakang beberapa karakteristik yang sama
Goals Three – Reason to Join
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Example of Formal Groups
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Reasons Why People Join Groups
Distinctiveness, Status, Uncertainty Reduction, Partono - TELKOM University
• persamaan cenderung memunculkan rasa persatuan
• orang senang dengan sesuatu yang membedakan dari yang lain
• individu senang & bangga mengidentifikasi diri dengan kelompok yang dinilai memiliki prestasi/membanggakan • keanggotaan dalam kelompok memudahkan individu utk memahami diri mereka & posisi mereka di lingkungannya 2/18/2017
Social Identify Theory People have emotional reactions to the failure or success of their
group Tendency to take personal pride or offense for the accomplishments
of a group Think of when your group does well, compare with the mood when goes
Help people reduce uncertainty about who they are and what
they should do. Orang senang mengasosiasikan diri dengan tempat kerja, kota lahir, agama,
profesi, kesenangan, tim favorit, etnis, negara
Identitas sosial membantu individu untuk menentukan posisi
mereka dalam kelompok What are the negative side when attach to a certain group as well.
What is Ingroup Favouritism???? Partono - TELKOM University
Goals Four – Group Development
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The Five Stages of Group Development
Pembentukan - Forming
• Members feel much uncertainty
Pertentangan - Storming
• Lots of conflict between members of the group
Persatuan - Norming
• Members have developed close relationships and cohesiveness
Kinerja - Performing
• The group is finally fully functional
Pengakhiran/pembubaran Adjourning
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• In temporary groups, characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather than performance 2/18/2017
Critique of the Five-Stage Model The assumption used in the 5 stage model is that on every
stage, the groups will become more effective Tidak selalu demikian – group behavior is more complex Certain levels of conflict sometimes needed and might be
conducive to achieve higher performance Prosesnya tidak selalu linier atau satu jalur Beberapa tahap dapat berlangsung bersamaan Groups may regress and back to their initial forming model
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New model - Punctuated Equilibrium
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Punctuated Equilibrium Model A set of phases that temporary groups go through which involves transitions between inertia (static) and activity. Sequence of Actions: Menentukan arah & kerangka kelompok First phase of inertia standstill/locked for sometime Halfway transition, realize the deadline & make necessary changes to perform Major changes, revised or alter direction Second phase of inertia, execute the new plan Accelerated activity
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Goals Four – Faktor utama
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Group Characteristics
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Characteristic 1: Roles
Pola perilaku yang diharapkan dari seseorang yang memegang suatu posisi Individu memiliki berbagai peran yang berbeda, some compatible, other create conflict
Identitas Peran
Sikap dan perilaku tertentu yang konsisten dengan peran yang dijalankan
Persepsi Peran
Cara pandang individu terhadap peran yang dimiliki pada situasi tertentu, dipengaruhi oleh rangsangan eksternal Film, buku, pengalaman pribadi, lingkungan
Suami, ayah, jemaat, anggota tim tennis, anggota Club BMW, ketua RT, Ketua alumni Berapa identitas peran yang bisa dimiliki oleh individu?
Politikus – Rohaniwan – Orangtua – Selebritis – Pengajar - ????? Partono - TELKOM University
Characteristic 1: Roles
Pengharapan Peran
Psychological Contract:
• Harapan dari orang lain terhadap individu yang memegang peran pada situasi tertentu
• An unwritten agreement that sets out mutual expectations of management and employeess’ role
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Konflik Peran • Situasi dimana individu dihadapkan pada peran yang berbeda dan saling bertentangan
Characteristic 2: Norms Standar perilaku yang ditetapkan dalam satu kelompok dan
dipatuhi oleh anggotanya Jenis-jenis norma Performance norms - level of acceptable work Appearance norms - what to wear, how to act Social arrangement norms – friendships, group relations
Allocation of resources norms - distribution and assignments
of jobs and material Examples; korupsi, nepotisme, terbuka, kerahasiaan, tepat
waktu, .................
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Group Property 2: Norms Conformity Gaining acceptance by adjusting one’s behavior to align with
the norms of the group Reference Groups Important groups to which individuals belong or hope to
belong and with whose individuals norms are likely to conform Asch Studies Group norms press us toward conformity because our desire to
be member of one group, therefore avoid being visibly different (agree with other and affraid to stand out differently) Partono - TELKOM University
Deviant Workplace Behavior Antisocial behavior, workplace incivility Definisi Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and, in doing so, threatens the well-being of the organization or its members Ilustrasi kondisi nyata Parto merasa tidak nyaman karena Ike menyebarkan berita
tidak benar dan gosip negatif tentang dirinya. Bunga kesal karena Lena karyawan satu departemen sering melampiaskan amarah dengan cara berteriak Sassy akhirnya keluar dari pekerjaan karena mengalami pelecehan dari atasannya Partono - TELKOM University
Deviant Workplace Behavior
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Group Property 3: Status Definisi Tingkatan/posisi tertentu yang dipahami
bersama dalam suatu kelompok Group will develop roles, rights, and rituals to differentiate its members. Faktor penting yang bisa memotivasi Ketika individu merasakan perbedaan antara apa yang mereka yakini terkait status mereka dengan kenyataan atau anggapan orang lain, maka akibatnya yang bersangkutan berpotensi mengalami tekanan Status Characteristics Theory states that differences in status characteristics create status hierarchies within groups.
Partono - TELKOM University
Group Property 3: Status Faktor Penentu Status • The power a person wields over others. They likely control the group’s resources, people who control the outcomes tend to be perceived as high status. • Person’s ability to contribute to a group’s goals. People whose contributions are critical to the group’s success tend to have high status. • An individual’s personal characteristics. Someone whose personal characteristics are positively valued by the group (good looks, intelligence, money, or a friendly personality) typically has higher status than someone with fewer valued attributes. Partono - TELKOM University
Group Property 3: Status Effect On Norms and Conformity High-status members are less restrained by norms and
pressure to conform Some level of deviance is allowed to higher-status members so long as it doesn’t affect group goal achievement On Group Interaction High-status members are more active Status differences limit diversity of ideas and creativity
On Equity If status is perceived to be inequitable, it will result in various
forms of corrective behavior. Ex: Felt negative treatment, individual will leave Partono - TELKOM University
Group Property 4: Size Social Loafing , the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than alone.
• Productivity of a group is not equal with the sum of the productivity of the individuals in it. • Does team spirit drive individual effort and enhance the group’s overall productivity?
In 1920s, German psychologist Max Ringelmann compared the results of individual and group performance on a rope-pulling task.
• Individual effort exerted an average of 63 kilograms of force. • Group of 5 drop per-person exert to 53 kilograms • Group of 8 drop to only 31 kilograms per person.
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Group Property 4: Size Factor affecting Social Loafing Belief that others in the group are not carrying their fair share. Dpemerataan tanggung jawab. Individuals may then be
tempted to become free riders and coast on the group’s efforts. The implications for OB When using collective work situations, manager should also
be able to identify individual efforts.
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Group Property 4: Size
Preventing Social Loafing Set group goals, so the group has a common purpose to strive toward;
Increase intergroup competition, which again focuses on the shared outcome;
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Engage in peer evaluation so each person evaluates each other person’s contribution;
Select members who have high motivation and prefer to work in groups,
Base group rewards in part on each member’s unique contributions.
Group Property 4: Size
Kel Kecil
Kel Besar
Kinerja individu Penyelesaian masalah Keragaman input Pencarian fakta Kinerja keseluruhan
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Group Property 5: Cohesiveness Suatu tingkatan yang menggambarkan bagaimana atau sekuat
apa interaksi antar anggota dalam suatu kelompok dan sejauh mana mereka tetap ingin berada dalam kelompok tersebut Faktor yang mempengaruhi;
A great deal of time together, Small size High interaction, External threats have brought members close together.
Cohesiveness affects productivity. Try explain what happen when: Cohesiveness is high and performance norms are low, Cohesiveness is low and performance norms are high
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Group Property 5: Cohesiveness
How to encourage the Cohesiveness • • • •
Make the group smaller Encourage agreement with group goals Increase the time members spend together Increase the group’s status and the perceived difficulty of attaining membership • Stimulate competition with other groups • Give rewards to the group rather than to individual members • Physically isolate the group. Partono - TELKOM University
Group Property 6: Diversity The degree to which members of the group are similar to,
or different from, one another. What type of diversity influences group performance?
Diversity appears to increase group conflict, especially in
the early stages of a group’s development Surface-level diversity - observable characteristics such as
national origin, race, and gender Deep-level diversity - underlying attitudes, values, and opinions.
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Goals Five – Pengambilan keputusan
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Group Decision Making Group Strengths: • Complete & comprehensive information and knowledge • Diversity of views and greater creativity • Increased acceptance of decisions • Accuracy Partono - TELKOM University
Group Weaknesses: • Time-consuming • Conformity pressures in the group • Few members domination • Ambiguous responsibility
Factor Affecting Group Performance Groupthink, relates to norms. Situations in which group pressures for conformity deter the
group from critically appraising unusual, minority, or unpopular views. Groupthink is a disease that attacks many groups and can dramatically hinder their performance. Groupshift, Tend to exaggerate the initial positions they hold when
discussing a given set of alternatives and arriving at a solution. In some situations, caution dominates and there is a conservative shift, while in other situations groups tend toward a risky shift. What can a manager do to minize groupthink &
grupshift??? Partono - TELKOM University
Group Decision Making Technique Interacting groups . • Meet face to face and rely on both verbal and nonverbal interaction to communicate.
Brainstorming • An idea-generating process designed to overcome pressure for conformity
Nominal Group Technique (NGT) • Works by restricting discussion during the decision-making process • Members are physically present but operate independently
Electronic Meeting • Uses computers to hold large meetings of up to 50 people Partono - TELKOM University
Group Dec Making Technique
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End of Chapter Group assignment on the student behavior when working
together as a team Conduct the survey, analyze the result, present in report and
presentation mode Submit on the day of the mid test (this is your pass to take mid test)
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