Dochters gaan naar Utah
Daughters leave for Utah
Iebele Gerrits de Haan, geboren op 6 juni 1808 in Het Meer vlak bij Heerenveen, trouwt 28 mei 1831 met Jantje Evert Haanstra, geboren op 25 oktober 1808 in Bovenknijpe (nu De Knijpe, gemeente Heerenveen). Hij is kleermaker van beroep. Zij krijgen 8 kinderen waarvan er 3 op jonge leeftijd overlijden. Van de overige 5 kinderen zijn 3 dochters (Anke, Gerritje en Iebeltje) en 2 zonen (Gerrit en Evert).
Iebele Gerrits de Haan, born 6 June 6, 1808 in Het Meer near Heerenveen, marries 28 May 28, 1831 to Jantje Evert Haanstra, born October 25, 1808 in Bovenknijpe (now called De Knijpe, municipality Heerenveen). He is a tailor by profession. They have eight children of whom three died at a young age. The remaining five children are, three daughters (Anke, Gerrit and Iebeltje) and two sons (Gerrit and Evert).
Anke de Haan
Gerritje de Haan
Iebeltje de Haan
Rond 1900 vertrekken de nakomelingen van de dochters naar Utah. De zonen lijven in Nederland. Vaak wordt aangenomen dat emigratie een gevolg was van slechte leefomstandigheden en dat de emigranten gingen in de hoop op een beter leven. In dit geval echter was de reden primair een religieuze. De emigranten naar Utah gingen omdat ze waren bekeerd tot de Kerk van Jezus Christus van de Heiligen der Laatste Dagen, ook wel bekend als Mormonen.
Gerrit de Haan
Evert de Haan
Around 1900, the descendants of the daughters leave for Utah. The sons stay in Holland. It is often assumed that emigration was a result of poor living conditions and that the emigrants went in the hope of a better life. However, in this case the reason was primarily religious. The emigrants went to Utah because they were converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons..
Mormonen De Mormonen vinden hun oorsprong in Joseph Smith, die na een aantal visioenen vanaf 1820, het Boek van Mormon schrijft. De meeste aanhangers wonen in Illinois maar vanwege vervolgingen maken zo’n 70.000 mormoonse pioniers tussen 1846 en 1869 de ca. 1.500 kilometer lange tocht naar de Great Salt Lake Valley. Daar vestigt de kerk haar hoofdzetel in Salt Lake City, Utah. In 1861 kwamen de eerste twee zendelingen vanuit Salt Lake City naar Nederland, Anne Wiegers van der Woude en Paul August Schettler. Van der Woude werkte in Amsterdam en in Friesland. Schettler overwegend in Zwitserland. Van bekeerlingen werd verwacht dat zij naar Utah zouden emigreren.
Mormons The Mormons have their origins in Joseph Smith, who wrote after several visions from 1820, the Book of Mormon. Most believers live in Illinois but because of persecutions some 70,000 Mormon pioneers start between 1846 and 1869 the approximately 1,500 kilometer trek to the Great Salt Lake Valley. The church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Tot het begin van de twintigste eeuw werd er negatief in de pers geschreven over de Mormonen. Over de sekte zelf maar ook met name over de doop en de polygamie. .
Until the beginning of the twentieth century the press wrote negatively in about the Mormons. About the sect itself but especially about their baptism and polygamy.
In 1861 the first two missionaries from Salt Lake City came to the Netherlands, Anne Wiegers van der Woude and Paul August Schettler. Van der Woude worked in Amsterdam and Friesland. Schettler predominantly in Switzerland. It was expected that converts would emigrate to Utah.
De Standaard 21 feb 1882
De Telegraaf 14 feb 1899
De Sheboygan Nieuwsbode 21 dec 1852
Nieuwsblad van het Noorden 24 mar 1900
Nieuwsblad van Friesland 6 apr 1901
In het Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad van 8 juni 1897 staat een interview met twee zendelingen.
An interview with two missionaries is published in the Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad dated June 8, 1897.
De Ster De Ster is een halfmaandelijks tijdschrift van de Heiligen der laatste Dagen. De eerste uitgave is op 1 juni 1896. In meerdere nummers komt de familie voor.
De Ster “De Ster” [The Star] is a fortnightly magazine of the Latter-day Saints. The first issue is June 1, 1896. In several numbers the family is mentioned.
Jan Emond Jan Emond, geboren 4 december 1856 in Stoutenburg, trouwde op 7 maart 1888 te Amsterdam, met Meintje de Haan. Meintje was een dochter van Anke de Haan, geboren op 29 september 1857 in Bovenknijpe. Bij het huwelijk was Jan marinier en Meintje dienstbode. De eerste vermelding vinden we in De Ster, van 1 december 1896, na het overlijden van hun zoon Jan Willem Dirk Emond, ruim 5 maanden oud.
Jan Emond Jan Emond, born December 4, 1856 in Stoutenburg, married on March 7, 1888 in Amsterdam, Meintje de Haan. Meintje was a daughter of Anke de Haan, born on September 29, 1857 in Bovenknijpe. At the wedding Jan was a marine by profession and Meintje was a maid. The first mention we find in De Ster, from December 1, 1896, after the death of their son Jan Willem Dirk Emond, just over 5 months old.
Het overlijden van Jan Emond staat in De Ster van 15 december 1900. Daarin wordt vermeld dat hij is gedoopt door ouderling B. Heertjes in Amsterdam op 4 januari 1890.
The passing away of Jan Emond is written in De Ster, December 15, 1900. It is stated that he was baptized by Elder B. Heertjes in Amsterdam on January 4, 1890.
Jan Emond overlijdt 1 december 1900 in Arnhem, waarheen het gezin op 28 november 1899 verhuisde. De aangifte van het overlijden wordt gedaan door Jan Meibos, 28 jaar, en George Weiler, 23 jaar, beide zendeling.
Jan Emond passes away December 1, 1900 in Arnhem, where the family moved on November 28, 1899. The declaration of death is done by Jan Meibos , aged 28, and George Weiler, aged 23, both missionary.
Jan Meibos is Jan Hendriks Meibos
Jan Meibos is Jan Hendriks Meibos
De Ster van 15 mei 1899 vermeldt het overlijden van ouderling B. Heertjes. Blijkbaar heeft de schrijver over de fout heen gelezen van het geboortejaar. Beins werd namelijk geboren in 1856 (Geboorteakte Ursem 1856 akte 3). Opmerkelijk is wel dat Beins ook in Heerenveen heeft gewoond, vlak bij De Knijpe.
De Ster of May 15, 1899 mentions the passing away of Elder B. Heertjes. Apparently the author did not notice the error in the birth date. Beins was born in 1856 (Birth Ursem 1856 deed 3). It is remarkable that Beins also lived near De Knijpe in Heerenveen
2x Jan Meibos We zagen al dat Jan Hendriks Meibos in december 1900 zendeling was in de overlijdensakte van Jan Emond. De naam Meibos komt het eerst voor in De Ster van 15 augustus 1900. Daarin worden vermeld “J. Meibos Hzn” en “J. Meibos Kzn” als afgevaardigden van de Rotterdamse Conferentie naar de Arnhemse Conferentie die op 22 juli 1900 werd gehouden in “het gewone lokaal, Walstraat 6, Arnhem”.
2x Jan Meibos We have seen that in the death certificate of Jan Emond of December 1900 that Jan Hendriks Meibos was a missionary. The Meibos name appears for the first time in De Ster of August 15, 1900. It indicates "J. Meibos Hzn "and" J. Meibos Kzn "as representatives of the Rotterdam Convention at the Arnhem Conference, held on July 22, 1900 in "the usual place, Walstraat 6, Arnhem".
J. Meibos Hzn is Jan Hendriks Meibos, geboren Oudeschoot 14 februari 1872, zoon van Hendrik Jans Meibos en Iebeltje de Haan. J. Meibos Kzn is Jan Kerst Meibos, geboren Bovenknijpe 8 februari 1878, zoon van Kerst Jans Meibos en Gerritje Iebeles de Haan. Hun vaders waren broers en hun moeders zusters, hun trouwdag was ook nog eens op dezelfde dag, 21 mei 1871.
J. Meibos Hzn is Jan Hendriks Meibos, born Oudeschoot February 14, 1872, son of Hendrik Jans Meibos and Iebeltje de Haan. J. Meibos Kzn is Jan Kerst Meibos, born Bovenknijpe February 8, 1878, son of Kerst Jans Meibos and Gerritje Iebeles de Haan. Their fathers were brothers and their mothers were sisters, their weddings were on the same day, May 21, 1871.
Ook waren beide broers op de Rotterdamsche Conferentie die op 9 dember 1900 werd gehouden (De Ster 15 december 1900), daar worden ze genoemd ‘reizende zendelingen’. In De Ster van 1 september 1901 vinden we Jan Hendriks Meibos op een vergadering in Dordrecht, waar hij ‘ouderling’ wordt genoemd. En in hetzelfde nummer dat Jan Kerst Meibos ene Pieter Johannes Klop op 28 januari 1901 in Rotterdam had ingezegend.
Also, both brothers were at the Rotterdam Conference held on 9 Dember 1900 (De Ster December 15, 1900), they are called "traveling missionaries”. In De Ster of September 1, 1901 we find Jan Hendriks Meibos at a meeting in Dordrecht, where he is called 'elder'. And in the same issue is written that Jan Kerst Meibos had blessed a certain Pieter Johannes Klop on January 28, 1901 in Rotterdam
In De Ster van 15 september 1901 lezen we dan het bericht dat Jan Kerst Meibos met een gezelschap op reis is naar Utah.
In De Ster of September 15, 1901 we read the message that Jan Kerst Meibos is traveling with a group to Utah.
Jan Kerst Meibos is op 18 januari 1907 op de zendings-conferentie in Rotterdam, waar hij getuigenis aflegt van zijn geloof. De Ster van 15 januari 1907 vermeld dat hij in Nederland tot geloof is gekomen. Met ‘het volk Gods in Zion’ bedoeld hij zijn geloofsgenoten in Utah.
On January 18, 1907 Jan Kerst Meibos is at the missionary conference in Rotterdam, where he gives evidence of his faith. De Ster of January 15, 1907 stated that he came to faith in the Netherlands. With 'the people of God in Zion "he meant his fellow believers in Utah.
Op 9 februari en op 20 september 1908 is Jan Kerst Meibos conferentie president tijdens de Groninger Conferentie (De Ster 1 maart en 1 oktober 1908)
On February 9 and September 20, 1908, Jan Kerst Meibos is the conference president during the Groningen Conference (De Ster March 1 and October 1, 1908)
Jan Kerst Meibos overlijdt op 8 mei 1951 in Salt Lake City. Zijn zoon Robert Bruce Meibos is van juni 1950 tot december 1952 in Nederland als zendeling. De Ster van juli 1951 zegt daarvan het volgende:
Jan Kerst Meibos passes away on May 8, 1951 in Salt Lake City. His son Robert Bruce Meibos is in the Netherlands from June 1950 to December 1952 as a missionary. De Ster in July 1951 states the following:
Robert Bruce Meibos (1929-)
Jan de Haan aka John E Meibos In De Ster 15 mei 1936 staat het overlijden van John E. Meibos. Bedoeld wordt Jan de Haan, zoon van Iebele de Haan en Froukje van der Tuin.
Jan de Haan aka John E Meibos In De Ster of May 15, 1936 the death of John E. Meibos is mentioned. Meant is Jan de Haan, son of Iebele de Haan and Froukje van der Tuin.
Iebele de Haan noemt zich Klaas bij zijn immigratie in de USA en verandert zijn achternaam in Meibos. Iebele de Haan is de zoon van Gerritje Iebeles de Haan. De mededeling noemt zijn grootmoeder als zijn moeder.
Iebele de Haan calls himself Klaas at his immigration to the USA and changed his name in Meibos. Iebele de Haan is the son of Gerritje Iebeles de Haan. It incorrectly identifies his grandmother as his mother.
Van deze John E. Meibos is nog een levensbeschrijving bewaard gebleven.
Of this John E. Meibos, a biography is preserved.
This history was found in papers left by Gladys Davis, John’s daughter. It was written as if he wrote it himself, but was dated Jan 10, 1959, he died in 1936. Debra Wessman, his granddaughter typed the history for the computer. I was born October 23, 1893 in Oudeschoot, Friesland, Netherlands to Froukje Vandertuin and Klaas De Haan. My mother had five daughters Gerritje (Gertie), Akke, Loltje (Lottie), Jantje (Jennie), and a baby girl who died in child birth with my mother, and three sons Linze (Lynn), Jan (John-me) and Keimpe. I attended school in the Netherlands until I came to America in 1904 with my oldest sister, Gertie and my youngest sister, Jennie to live with my Grandmother, Gerritje De Haan Meibos and Grandfather Kerst J. Meibos in Salt Lake City, Utah. My future wife’s sister Nell watched out for Gertie, Jennie and I on the boat while coming to America. Mrs. Stuurman, my wife’s mother saw us leaving for America alone and told her daughter Nell, , to take care of us too. Nell was coming to be with her sister Katherine. We lived in Salt Lake City on 9th South between Main and State Street by the original Salt Palace. We lived there for several years. I attended Sumner Grade School and was a member of the Third Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My father and my brother Keimpe were the last of my family to come to America. When Keimpe came to America he changed his name from De Haan to Meibos which was his mother’s wish, as her name was now Gerritje De Haan Meibos. Thus we all (the entire family) changed our names legally to Meibos. My father married my Aunt Jennie Meibos Smith’s girlfriend, Antonia Rennes. My father Klaas died May 29, 1913. His wife Antonia was killed in an automobile accident soon after my father’s death. Although my father was not a member of the church, he saw to it that his children attended to their church duties regularly. My father was a carpenter and built one of the most beautiful homes in Salt Lake at that time on Windsor Street and about 2250 South. Our family was highly respected by all that knew us. Aunt Jennie lived with us after Antonia’s death.
I worked on Market Row on 1st South between Main and West Temple when a young boy, for Burt Bowring, whom I later went into business with. I was a picture framer by trade. I worked for Horton’s book store, 27 E. Broadway and then the Whitehouse Furniture and Drapery on South Main until they went broke and we lost everything as we owned stock in the company. I married Elizabeth Stuurman on April 21, 1913. We had three lovely daughters; Florence, Helen Daniera and Gladys Leona whom I was very proud of and tried to bring them up in the paths of righteousness. We lived at 123 S. 9th E. when first married. Later we moved to the corner of 21st S. and 9th East. Then to 2023 Lincoln St. We had a garden, at this time, across the street at 2005 S. 9th East. Later we moved to 724 and 726 So. State Street. Last we moved to 2785 S. 13th East where we were living at my death. After losing everything we owned, when the Whitehouse Furniture and Drapery went broke, I worked as a candy salesman for a while. Then we borrowed money on a piece of property we owned at approximately 2600 S. 9th E to go into business with Burt Bowring, my former employer. We opened the first open air fruit and vegetable market in Salt Lake City, which I built. It rolled in and out on tracks. This partnership dissolved when Mr. Bowring tried to claim ownership of everything. We borrowed on our Insurance and opened another open air market of fruit, vegetables, groceries and meat at 724 S. Stake Street from 1924 to 1936. During this time we did very well and made many wonderful friendships. While the new store was being built at 726 S. State my wife Elizabeth and I travelled to California leaving the girls with Grandma Stuurman. John died March 20, 1936. His funeral was held in Highland Park Ward. His burial was in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. John was a very likeable man. He was a friend of poor as well as wealthy. He was a shrewd businessman. He died from a heart attack brought on from shoveling snow off the roof at their cabin and helping a car get out of the snow.
Gerritje Meibos-de Haan Over haar aankomst in de USA staat een artikel in De Ster van 15 december 1900.
Gerritje Meibos-de Haan In De Ster of December 15,1900, there is an article on her arrival in the USA.
Gerritje overlijdt op 22 november 1910 in Salt Lake City. Uit het bericht over haar overlijden blijkt dat zij gedoopt werd rond 1891. Haar man, Kerst Jans Meibos komt om bij een ongeluk op 28 juli 1909.
Gerritje passes away on November 22, 1910 in Salt Lake City. From the obituary it shows she was baptized around 1891. Her husband, Jan Kerst Meibos deceased in an accident on July 28, 1909.
Salt Lake Herald 30 jul 1909 Deseret Evening News 26 nov 1910
Conclusie Gezien de verslagen was dit deel van de familie overtuigd Mormoon. Pas ruim 10 jaar na hun bekering is de familie geëmigreerd naar Utah, terwijl het, in die tijd, gebruikelijk was dat men na zijn doop naar Utah afreisde om zich daar te vestigen.
Conclusion Given the reports, this part of the family became convinced Mormon. Only after more than 10 years after their conversion, the family emigrated to Utah. While in those days it was customary, that one would travel to Utah to settle there after their baptism.
Kerst Jans Meibos zal het financieel zeker niet gemakkelijk hebben gehad. Hij heeft meerdere ambachten beoefend in meerdere plaatsen. Zo was hij arbeider in Mildam bij Heerenveen, daarna arbeider in NieuwAmsterdam bij Emmen, daarna weer arbeider in Mildam, in Amsterdam was hij concierge en in Salt Lake City timmerman.
Kerst Jans Meibos certainly did not have an easy time financially. He practiced several crafts in several places. He was laborer in Mildam near Heerenveen, then laborer New Amsterdam near Emmen, then again in Mildam laborer, while in Amsterdam he was a caretaker and in Salt Lake City he became a carpenter.
Desondanks lijkt de emigratie naar de USA toch meer ingegeven door de geloofsovertuiging dan door de noodzaak van levensonderhoud.
Nevertheless, it seems the emigration to the USA was yet more motivated by religion than by the need for sustenance.
Gedeeltelijk overzicht van nakomelingen
Partial Descendancy Chart
1-Iebele Gerrits de Haan (1808-1847) x 1831 Jantje Everts Haanstra (1808-1872) | | | | |
2-Anke Iebeles de Haan (1832-1896) | 3-Meintje de Haan (1857-1932) x 1888 Jan Emond (1856-1900) | 3-Nicolaas de Haan (1862-1863) 2-Anke Iebeles de Haan (1832-1896) x 1867 Dirk Kulcker (1833-1913) | 3-Anna Johanna Kulcker (1867-1942)
2-Meintje Ybeles de Haan (1835-1843)
| | |
2-Gerritje Iebeles de Haan (1838-1910) | 3-Iebele de Haan (Meibos) (1859-1913) x(1) 1888 Froukje van der Tuin (1860-1901) | 3-Iebele de Haan (Meibos) (1859-1913) x(2) 1904 Antonia Renes (1855-1913)
| | | | |
2-Gerritje Iebeles de Haan (1838-1910) x 1871 Kerst Jans Meibos (1836-1909) | 3-Foekje Meibos (1872-1875) | 3-Jantje Meibos (1874-1953) x 1928 Silas Thomas Smith (1857-1945) | 3-Jan Kerst Meibos (1878-1951) x 1905 Emeline Julia Michelsen (1884-1955) | 3-Foekje Meibos (1880-1881)
2-Gerrit Iebeles de Haan (1840-1840)
2-Gerrit Iebeles de Haan (1841-1908) x 1868 Wiebigje Heines Herder (1841-1928)
2-Evert Iebeles de Haan (1843-1844)
2-Evert de Haan (1845-1932) x 1875 Fokje Egberts van der Wal (1852-1941)
| | | | | | |
2-Iebeltje de Haan (1848- 1917) x(1) 1871 Hendrik Jans Meibos (1840-1875) | 3-Jan Meibos (1872-1936) x 1902 Harmina Geertruid Bekker (1883-1971) | 3-Jansje Meibos (1874- 1955) x 1903 Jacob Tjerks Opheikens (1872-1946) 2-Iebeltje de Haan (1848- 1917) x(2) 1880 Hendrik Brugts Idsinga (1841-1893) | 3-Brugt Idsinga (1881-1902) | 3-Iebele Edsinga (1884-1962) x 1905 Johanna Hermiena van Leeuwen (1884-1958) | 3-Sietske Idsinga (1892-1981) x 1916 William Marinus Masters (1890-1960) in 1900 naar Utah to Utah in 1900
in Nederland gebleven stayed in Holland
eerder of later naar Utah earlier or later to Utah
overleden in 1900 passed away before 1900