Entrepreneurial Marketing untuk memperkuat Brand Image (Studi Kasus Coffe Toffe Radio Dalam) Jefry Leonard Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Retno Dewanti, S.Si., MM Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Menjadi seorang entrepreneur/wirausahawan yang baik, dibutuhkan suatu ilmu entrepreneurial marketing untuk memajukan perusahaannya, salah satu cara nya adalah dengan menciptakan visual merchandising yang berbeda untuk bersaing dengan perusahaan lain. Bidang retailer di Indonesia saat ini sudah mengenal berbagai macam teknik visual merchandising untuk menarik customer dan juga menciptkan customer experience tersendiri pada saat kita berkunjung kesana.Customer akan terhipnotis dengan sendiri nya akibat customer experience yg terbentuk sehingga menimbulkan suatu kegiatan impulse buying. Selain dapat menciptakan impulse buying juga dapat menguatkan brand image dari perusahaan itu sendiri. Awal persaingan di masa sekarang bagaimana seorang entrepreneur dapat menguasai teknik dan ilmu dari entrepreneurial marketing agar dapat membuat suat store yg dapat menarik customer dan juga meningkat brand image perusahaan itu sendiri. Zaman sekarang juga perusahaan rela untuk merogoh kocek nya dalam-dalam untuk menciptakan suatu visual merchandising demi terciptanya customer experience dan menimbulkan impulse buying dari customer dan memperkuat nilai brand image perusahaan.Selain itu, diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan masukan bagi Coffe Toffe Radio Dalam
Kata Kunci : Entrepreneurial Marketing, Visual Merchandising , Customer Experience , Impulse Buying dan Brand Image.
1. Pendahuluan Para entrepreneur sudah membuat sesuatu yang atraktif sejak dari mata memandang dari jarak sejauh mungkin. Pilihan gambar, tulisan, tata letak, ukuran, warna, pencahayaan, dan pernak pernik aspek merchandising ternyata sungguh luar biasa. Semakin dekatdengan store, terlebih lagi setelah masuk store, pengunjung makin terbius dengan segala penampilan produk yang ditata apik, diperagakan secara demonstrative, akhirnya mereka tanpa sadar akan mengeluarkan dompetnya, dan terjadilah transaksi.
Penerapan prinsip prinsip, metode, teknik visual merchandising cocok diterapkan untuk semua jenis produk baik produk otomotif, furniture, rokok, makanan, minuman,computer, fashion, bahkan aneka kerajinan seni kreatif, di merchandise sedemikian rupa sehingga menarik.
Peperangan dalam entrepreneurial marketing menjadi kian seru, apalagi jika dalam setiap pameran pasti ada merek merek pesaing. Semua akan berlomba untuk untuk merayu dengan senjata senjata mutakhir visual merchandising agar pengunjung mau masuk dan membeli.Dalam ajang pertempuran bisnis itulah kemampuan dan profesionalitas para pemasar benar benar diuji dalam menggarap aspek visual merchandising untuk mereknya masing masing.
Sejak pelanggan masuk ke toko, para pemasar merek sudah berpikir untuk menciptakan visual merchandising yang menarik. Berbagai metode display diterapkan antara lain dengan end gondola, floor display, giant display, special display stand untuk menarik pengunjung. Disamping itu tidak ketinggalan para sales promotion girls merayu dan menginformasikan produk baru maupun program promosi agar pelanggan mau membeli.
Jadi tidak salah jika Visual Merchandising merupakan “ Senjata penarik perhatian “ yang paling ampuh yang saat ini masih sering terlupakan dan belum dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan
penjualan dan pangsa pasar.Senjata penarik perhatian tsb dapat menarik pembelian tak terduga (impulse buying) yang ditimbulkan oleh customer experience melalui visul merchanding itu sendiri.
2. Pedoman Umum Entrepreneurial Marketing tampak nya sejauh ini sulit untuk dipahami. Dalam Backbro dan Nystrom (2006), Entrepreneurial marketing adalah aspek antara kewirausahaan dan pemasaran,dimana perilaku yang ditunjukkan oleh setiap individu ataupun organisasi yang mencoba untuk membangun dan mempromosikan gagasan pemasaran serta mengembangkan yang baru dalam rangka menciptakan suatu nilai tambah. Bjerke dan Hutltman (2002), Entrepreneurial marketing adalah pemasaran perusahaan retailer yang tumbuh melalui kewirausahaan. Duus (1997), Fitur yang membedakan interprestasi baru yang dasarnya berorientasi dalam luar perspektif,bisa menjadi pengembangan kompentensi spesifik perusahaan dengan kewirausahaan untuk melayani customer dimasa depan dalam memenuhi permintaan produk yang belum ada. Hill dan Wright (2000) Sebuah aliran baru penelitian yang menggambarkan orientasi pemasaran perusahaan retailer yang memanfaatkan ilmu entrepreneurial marketing untuk memasarkan produk nya. Miles dan Darroch (2006),perusahaan harus mengadopsi proses entrepreneurial marketing yang akan terlibat dalam proses pemasaran yang menekan kepada kesempatan penciptaan dan penemuan ide-ide baru. Stokes (2000), konsep entrepreneurial marketing difokuskan pada inovasi dan pengembangan ide-ide sesuai dengan perkembangan pasar. Pemasaran secara luas dianggap sebagai kunci untuk kelangsungan hidup,pengembangan dan keberhasilan usaha kecil atau baru. Menurut Gruber (2004), tantangan utama untuk para entrepreneur muda di permulaan usaha baru adalah kenyataan bahwa usaha dan produk mereka tidak diketahui oleh customer karena
kurangnya teknik pemasaran dalam membangun suatu citra dan kepercayaan customer. Mengenai keharusan dalam membangun suatu kepercayaan customer Witt & Rode (2005) menunjukkan pentingnya perusahaan membangun suatu proses brand image yang mencakup kebudayaan,perilaku,desain dan komunikasi dari store retailing dan ditujukan tidak hanya untuk eksternal tetapi juga dari dalam store berupa visual merchandising.
Kerangka Pikir
Metodologi Hasil penelitian melalui analisis jalur dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 16.0 sebagai tools nya akan menghasilkan output yang sangat berguna bagi perusahaan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara Visual Merchandising,Customer Experience,impulse buying serta brand Image Coffe Toffe Radio Dalam dengan
menggunakan metode Path Analis. Data path analisis didapat dari kuisoner dan juga data sekunder (pendukung penelitian) Dengan begitu perusahaan dapat lebih berfokus kepada indikator yang kuat dalam meningkatkan Visual Merchandising dan Customer Experience yang berpengaruh terhadap impulse buying dan memberikan dampak cukup besar kepada brand Image Coffe Toffe.
Dari hasil pengolahan data melalui SPSS versi 16.0 dapat diketahui semua data dan hasil analisis yang sudah diselesaikan, data tersebut diolah dari hasil kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada pelanggan untuk menilai kinerja masing – masing salesperson
dan data Loyalitas
Konsumen dilakukan analisis pengaruh Promosi dan Brand Image terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan dampaknya terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen. Dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner dan data sekunder, setelah dianalisis, di dapati bahwa : •
Visual Merchandising (X1) berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap Impulse Buying (Y). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Visual Merchandising berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap tinggi rendahnya Impulse Buying. Besarnya kontribusi Visual Merchandising terhadap Impulse Buying adalah sebesar 0,0592 X 100% = 0,34%. Pengaruh ini sangat rendah, hasil dari temuan penelitian ini diperlukan penambahan Visual Merchandising agar lebih diperbahurui seperti penambahan furniture dan desain interior demi menarik mata pelanggan (customer) agar terciptanya Impulse Buying.
Customer Experience (X2) berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap Impulse Buying (Y).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Customer Experience berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap tinggi rendahnya Impulse Buying. Besarnya kontribusi Customer Experience terhadap Impulse Buying adalah sebesar 0,9672 X 100% = 93,5%.Pengaruh ini sangat kuat,namun juga diperlukan upaya untuk menciptakan Customer Experience yang lebih efektif lagi agar dapat menambah nilai Impulse Buying akan dapat mampu mendukung pertumbuhan Impulse Buying sehingga menigkatkan profit agar lebih tercapai. •
Visual Merchandising (X1) berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand Image (Z). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Visual Merchandising berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap tinggi rendahnya Brand Image. Besarnya kontribusi Visual Merchandising terhadap Brand Image secara simultan adalah sebesar 0,0223042 X 100% = 0,49%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh sangat rendah terhadap Brand Image. Hal ini berarti penambahan (peningkatan) Visual Merchandising dapat menimbulkan suatu cerita mengenai Brand Image di mata customer Coffe Toffe.
Customer Experience (X2) berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand Image (Z). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Customer Experience berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap tinggi rendahnya Brand Image. Besarnya kontribusi Customer Experience terhadap Brand Image secara simultan adalah sebesar 0,6132 X 100% = 37,57%.Pengaruh dari temuan termasuk cukup kuat antara customer experience terhadap Brand Image. Customer Experience yang tercipta sudah menunjukkan hal positif terhadap terciptanya Brand Image perusahaan.
Impulse Buying (Y) berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand Image (Z).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Impulse Buying berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap tinggi rendahnya Brand Image. Besarnya kontribusi Impulse Buying terhadap Brand Image adalah sebesar 0,3942 X 100% = 15,23%. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kecil nya pengaruh Impulse Buying terhadap Brand Image perusahaan. Jadi, perusahaan harus membentuk nilai Impulse Buying yang baik terhadap customer seperti; menambah fitur visual merchandising untuk menciptakan impulse buying yang lebih banyak lagi. .
3. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari pembahasan sebelumnya, maka diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian variabel visual merchandising berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap impulse buying,akan tetapi pengaruh sangat rendah. Maka dari itu diperlukan penambahan visual merchandising agar terciptanya Impulse Buying. Impulse Buying memang dipengaruhi oleh visual merchandising yang diciptkan oleh store sehingga menarik minat customer untuk berkunjung ke dalam store. 2. Customer Experience merupakan elemen terpenting atas terjadinya impulse buying yang dilakukan oleh konsumen ini terbukti dari hasil penelitian, bagaimana konsumen selalu mengingat akan pengalaman mereka berbelanja dalam suatu store yang selalu dilayani dengan baik maka customer akan kembali karena keramahan dan pengalaman tsb. 3. Visual merchandising membuat pengaruh kecil atas brand image yang ingin diciptakan oleh pelanggan,oleh karena suatu visual yang bagus ataupun baik dapat menarik pandangan customer yang akan berbelanja di suatu store.
4. Customer experience yang tercipta dapat membuat bagus nya brand image perusahaan, bagaimana pelayanan atas keramahan terhadap pelanggan dapat membuat brand image perusahaan juga naik. 5. Brand image perusahaan juga terbukti dapat signifikan ataupun berhubungan dengan impulse buying ini menunjukkan bahwa elemen impulse buying merupakan elemen penting untuk terciptanya brand image perusahaan.
DAFTAR PUSTAKA Backbro,J & Naystrom,H. (2006). Entrepreneurial Marketing: Innovatieve value creation, Jangkoping. Barry Barman,Joel R.Evans. ( 2007). Retail Management A Strategic Approach. Tenth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall Bjerke,B & Hutlman,CM (2002), Entrepreurial Marketing: The Growth of small firms in the new economic era, Gloucestershire,Edward Elgar. Dunne,Luch. (2008). Retailing. Sixth Edition. Thomson Higher Education Gruber,M (2004) “Entreprenurial marketing”,Die Betriebswirtscharft,Vol 64, No.1 pp 78-100 Hamzah, Amir.(2007). Analisis Experiential Marketing,Emotional Brandin,dan Brand Trust Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Mentari. Majalah Usahawan No.06 Tahun XXXVI,pp 22-28 Haryadi,Winda. (2011). SPSS vs LISREL Sebuah pengantar,Aplikasi untuk Riset.Edisi Pertama. Salemba Empat Hill,J & Wright,LT (2000) ‘Defining the scope of entrepreneurial marketing: A qualitative approach’, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 8, No.1,pp 23-46 Kotler,Philip. (2002). Marketing Management. Eleventh Edition. Prentice Hall,New Jersey Kraus,S. Schwarz,EJ and Harms R. (2008) ‘Strategic business planning and success in small firms’. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovatioan Management , Vol 8, No 5 Loudon,David L. (1988). Consumer Behaviour:Concepts & Applications. Third Edition. Mc Graw_Hill,New York Miles,MP and Darroch J. (2006) ‘ Large firms,entrepreneurial marketing processes and the cyle of competitive advantage’,European Journal of Marketing,Vol 40,No 4/5,pp 485-501
Riduwan &Kuncoro,Engkos Achmad. (2011). Cara Menggunakan dan Memakai Path Analysis ( Analisis Jalur). Cetakan Ketiga. ALFABETA Roger Cox,Paul Brittain. (2004). Retailing An Introduction. Fifth Edition. Pearson Education Limited Rudy Jusup Sutiono. (2009). Visual Merchandising Attraction. Cetakan ketiga.PT. Gramedian Pustaka Utama Santoso, Singgih.(2007). Menguasai Statistik di Era Informasi dengan SPSS 15. Elex Komputindo.Jakarta. Sarwono,Jonathan. (2007). Analisis Jalur Untuk Riset Bisnis dengan SPSS.Penerbit Andi. Jakarta Schmitt,Bernd.(1999). Experiential Marketing: How to get customer to sense, feel , think, act,and relate, to your company and brands. The Free Press, New York Schmitt,Bernd.(2002). Managing The Customer Experience. Prentice Hall_Great Britain. Sean Brierley. (2002). The Advertising Handbook. Second Edition. Routledge Stokes,D. (2002) ‘Entrepreneurial marketing: A conceptualization from qualitative research’, Qualitative Market Reseacrh: An International Journal,Vol 3.No 1 pp 47-54
Entrepreneurial Marketing to strengthen the brand image (A Case Study In Coffe Toffe Radio Dalam) Jefry Leonard Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Retno Dewanti, S.Si., MM Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Abstract Being an entrepreneur/entrepreneurs are good, we need a science of marketing to promote entrepreneurial company, one way is by creating a distinct visual merchandising to complete with other company. Field of retailers in Indonesian today are familiar with a wide range of visual merchandising techniques to attract customers and also creating a separate customer experience from which to form an activity giving rise to impulse buying. In addition to creating impulse buying can also strengthen the brand image of the company it self.Cimpetition early in the present how an entrepreneur can masther the technique and science of entrepreneurial marketing in order to make the store divulging who can attract customers and also increase the company’s own brand image. Today the company is also willing to spend her deeply to create a visual merchandising for the creation of customer experience and lead to impulse buying of customer and strengthen the company’s brand image. In addition, it is expected from results of this research can provide input for the Coffe Toffe Radio Dalam Keyword : Entrepreneurial Marketing, Visual Merchandising , Customer Experience , Impulse Buying and Brand Image.
1. Introduction The entrepreneur has to make something that is attractive since the eye could see froma distance as far as possible. Selection of images, text, layout, size, color, lighting, and knick knacks merchandising aspect was truly extraordinary. The closer to the store,even more so after entering the store, visitors are increasingly mesmerized with all the appearance of the product are laid out nicely, exhibited a Demonstrative, eventually theywill unwittingly pulled out his wallet, and there was a transaction.
In entrepreneurial marketing warfare became more
exciting, especially
if in
exhibition there brand brand competitors. All will be vying for the weapon to seduce with visual merchandising advanced weapons so that visitors want to come in and buy. In the event that business fighting ability and professionalism of marketers really tested in working on aspects of visual merchandising for each brand.
not wrong if Visual Merchandising is
mostpowerful that it
still often forgotten and has
an "attention not
getter weapons" the
been optimized
to increase
sales andshare they will be able to attract attention getter unexpected purchase(impulse buying) incurred by the customer experience through visul merchanding itself.
2. General Guidelines Entrepreneurial Marketing it seemed so far difficult to grasp. In Backbro and Nystrom (2006), Entrepreneurial marketing is the aspect of entrepreneurship and marketing, where the behavior exhibited by any individual or organization that tries to build and promote the idea of marketing as well as develop new ones in order to create an added value. Bjerke and Hutltman (2002), Entrepreneurial marketing is a marketing company that grows through the entrepreneurial retailer. Duus (1997), features that distinguish the new interpretation is essentially oriented in the outside perspective, it could be the development of an entrepreneurial company with a specific competence to serve the customer in meeting future demand for products that do not exist Hill and Wright (2000) A new stream of research that describes the marketing orientation of retail companies that utilize science of entrepreneurial marketing to market its products. Miles and Darroch (2006), companies must adopt an entrepreneurial marketing processes that will be involved in the marketing process that suppresses the opportunity of creation and discovery of new ideas. Stokes (2000), the concept of entrepreneurial marketing is focused on innovation and development of ideas in accordance with market developments. Marketing is widely regarded as the key to survival, development and success of small businesses or new.According to Gruber (2004), the main challenge for the young entrepreneur at the beginning of the new venture is the fact that businesses and their products are not known by the customer due to lack of marketing techniques in building an image and customer confidence. Regarding the necessity of building a customer trust Witt & Rode (2005) demonstrated the importance of the process the company built a brand image that includes culture, behavior, design and communication of store retailing and is intended not only to external but also of visual merchandising in a store.
2.1 Research Framework
Methodology Research results through path analysis using SPSS version 16.0 as hit tools will produce output that is very useful for companies to determine the effect of visual merchandising,customer experience,impulse buying and brand image for Coffe Toffe Radio Dalam using method of Path analysis. Data obtained from questionnaires path analysis and secondary data (research support) That way the company can better focus on a strong indicator of the increasing visual merchandising and customer experience that in influence impulse buying and give a big enough impact to brand image Coffe Toffe.
2.3. Analysis and Implications From the results of data processing through the SPSS version 16.0 can be seen all the data and the results of the analysis is completed, the data is processed from the results of questionnaires distributed to customers to assess their performance - each salesperson and the data analyzed the influence of Consumer Loyalty and Brand Image Promotion of the Purchase Decision and its impact on consumer loyalty. From the results of questionnaires and secondary data, when analyzed, the found that: • Visual Merchandising (X1) and a significant positive contribution to the Impulse Buying (Y). The results showed that the Visual Merchandising contribute positively and significantly to the level of Impulse Buying. The amount of contribution to the Visual Merchandising Impulse Buying is at 0.0592 X 100% = 0.34%. This influence is very low, the result of the findings of this study required the addition of Visual Merchandising for more diperbahurui
such as the addition of furniture and interior design to attract the eyes of the customer (customer) to the creation of Impulse Buying. • Customer Experience (X2) and a significant positive contribution to the Impulse Buying (Y). The results showed that the Customer Experience to contribute positively and significantly to the level of Impulse Buying. The amount of contribution to the Impulse Buying Customer Experience is of 0.9672 x 100% = 93.5%. Influence is very strong, but it also takes effort to create a more effective Customer Experience more in order to add value to Impulse Buying will be able to support the growth of Impulse Buying so much accomplished in order to boost profits. • Visual Merchandising (X1) contribute to a positive and significant impact on Brand Image (Z). The results showed that the Visual Merchandising contribute positively and significantly to the high and low brand image. The amount contributed to the Brand Image Visual Merchandising simultaneously amounts to 0.0223042 x 100% = 0.49%. The results showed a very low impact on Brand Image. This means the addition of (increased) Visual Merchandising can lead to a story about the brand image in the eyes of customers Coffe Toffe. • Customer Experience (X2) contribute to a positive and significant impact on Brand Image (Z). The results showed that the Customer Experience to contribute positively and significantly to the high and low brand image. The amount of contributions Customer Experience to Brand Image simultaneously amounts to 0.6132 X 100% = 37.57%. Effect of findings including the customer experience is strong enough to Brand Image.Customer Experience has shown that creating
• Impulse Buying (Y) contributes to a positive and significant impact on Brand Image (Z). The results showed that the Impulse Buying contribute positively and significantly to the high and low brand image. The amount contributed to the Brand Image Impulse Buying is at 0.3942 X 100% = 15.23%. From the results of this study showed little effect of its Brand Image Impulse Buying of the company. Thus, companies must establish Impulse Buying good value to customers such as adding features to create visual merchandising impulse buying even more.
3. Conclusion Based on the results of the previous discussion, the conclusion is obtained as follows: 1. Based
results of research, visual merchandising variables contribute
to a
positive and significant impact on impulse buying, but the effect is very low. Therefore required the addition of visual merchandising for the creation of Impulse Buying. ImpulseBuying is influenced by visual merchandising been created by the store to attract customers to visit the store. 2. Customer Experience is the most important element for the occurrence of impulse buying by consumers is
evident from the
of the
study, how
the consumer willalways remember their experience shopping in a store that is always served with both the customer will return for hospitality and they will experience. 3. Visual merchandising makes little impact on brand
image created by
customers who
want, for a nice visual outlook or both can attract customers who will shop in a store. 4.
Customer experience is
created to make it a
good brand
of customer service can create a brand image is also rising.
image, how the friendliness
5. Brand
image is
also shown
to be significantly associated with impulse
buying or
indicate that the element of impulse buying is an important element for the creation of corporate brand image.
References Backbro,J & Naystrom,H. (2006). Entrepreneurial Marketing: Innovatieve value creation, Jangkoping. Barry Barman,Joel R.Evans. ( 2007). Retail Management A Strategic Approach. Tenth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall Bjerke,B & Hutlman,CM (2002), Entrepreurial Marketing: The Growth of small firms in the new economic era, Gloucestershire,Edward Elgar. Dunne,Luch. (2008). Retailing. Sixth Edition. Thomson Higher Education Gruber,M (2004) “Entreprenurial marketing”,Die Betriebswirtscharft,Vol 64, No.1 pp 78-100 Hamzah, Amir.(2007). Analisis Experiential Marketing,Emotional Brandin,dan Brand Trust Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Mentari. Majalah Usahawan No.06 Tahun XXXVI,pp 22-28 Haryadi,Winda. (2011). SPSS vs LISREL Sebuah pengantar,Aplikasi untuk Riset.Edisi Pertama. Salemba Empat Hill,J & Wright,LT (2000) ‘Defining the scope of entrepreneurial marketing: A qualitative approach’, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 8, No.1,pp 23-46 Kotler,Philip. (2002). Marketing Management. Eleventh Edition. Prentice Hall,New Jersey Kraus,S. Schwarz,EJ and Harms R. (2008) ‘Strategic business planning and success in small firms’. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovatioan Management , Vol 8, No 5 Loudon,David L. (1988). Consumer Behaviour:Concepts & Applications. Third Edition. Mc Graw_Hill,New York Miles,MP and Darroch J. (2006) ‘ Large firms,entrepreneurial marketing processes and the cyle of competitive advantage’,European Journal of Marketing,Vol 40,No 4/5,pp 485-501
Riduwan &Kuncoro,Engkos Achmad. (2011). Cara Menggunakan dan Memakai Path Analysis ( Analisis Jalur). Cetakan Ketiga. ALFABETA Roger Cox,Paul Brittain. (2004). Retailing An Introduction. Fifth Edition. Pearson Education Limited Rudy Jusup Sutiono. (2009). Visual Merchandising Attraction. Cetakan ketiga.PT. Gramedian Pustaka Utama Santoso, Singgih.(2007). Menguasai Statistik di Era Informasi dengan SPSS 15. Elex Komputindo.Jakarta. Sarwono,Jonathan. (2007). Analisis Jalur Untuk Riset Bisnis dengan SPSS.Penerbit Andi. Jakarta Schmitt,Bernd.(1999). Experiential Marketing: How to get customer to sense, feel , think, act,and relate, to your company and brands. The Free Press, New York Schmitt,Bernd.(2002). Managing The Customer Experience. Prentice Hall_Great Britain. Sean Brierley. (2002). The Advertising Handbook. Second Edition. Routledge Stokes,D. (2002) ‘Entrepreneurial marketing: A conceptualization from qualitative research’, Qualitative Market Reseacrh: An International Journal,Vol 3.No 1 pp 47-54 , Chaps. 7, 14.