EURO nyelvvizsga Gondolkodsz rajta, hogy középfokú nyelvvizsgát tegyél? A következı angol EURO B2 középfokú nyelvvizsga május 14-én lesz (jelentkezési határidı április 15. volt). Felkészültél? Iskolánk intenzív felkészítı-tanfolyamot szervez május 2 - 13. között. Bıvebb információ és jelentkezés irodánkban.
Nyári nyelvtanfolyamok külföldön Elkezdtük szervezni a 2011 nyarára tervezett csoportos tanulmányútjainkat, ahová már lehet jelentkezni. Útcélok és idıpontok: Plymouth, Anglia, 2011. június 19 - július 3. Plymouth, Anglia, 2011. július 3 - 17. Dublin, Írország, 2011. július 17 - 31. Edinburgh, Skócia, 2011. július 31 - augusztus 13. Málta, 2011. augusztus 14 - 28. Látogasd meg a honlapunkat bıvebb információért!
A married couple enjoyed their new fishing boat together, but it was the husband who was behind the wheel operating the boat. He worried about what may happen in an emergency. So one day out on the lake he said to his wife, "Please take the wheel, dear. Pretend that I am having a heart attack. You must get the boat safely to shore and dock it." So she drove the boat to shore. Later that evening, the wife walked into the living room where her husband was watching television. She sat down next to him, switched the TV channel, and said to him, "Please go into the kitchen, dear. Pretend I'm having a heart attack and set the table, cook dinner and wash the dishes."
The Royal Wedding Today live TV or Internet broadcast is showing the wedding of the most famous couple of our times. The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton in Westminster Abbey reminds us for a previous wedding 30 years ago when Prince Charles led Diana Spencer to the altar of St. Paul’s Cathedral on 29 July 1981. The life story of Catherine Elizabeth Middleton started as a simple one. Her great-great grandfathers were miners and the family gained middle-class status only at the start of the 20th century. Kate's father, Michael Francis Middleton, met his future wife, Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith, when he was working as a British Airways air traffic dispatcher. Her mother was a flight attendant but she became a businesswoman. She created a successful company selling party supplies and decorations, Party Pieces, and this business laid the foundations for the family's wealth. Thanks to that, Kate graduated in art history at Scotland's St. Andrew's University, where she was in the same year as Prince William of Wales. Meanwhile the shy teenage brunette, good at various sports, turned into a purposeful woman who today is a fashion icon. With her hats decorated with ribbons, her tight jersey dresses and her tailored suits she has created a style. The Middleton look rivals the elegance of Michelle Obama. The future Princess Catherine is a fan of polo, horse-racing and hunting. She has two harmful passions - smoking and an addiction to shopping. Her prince, who is of the same age - more precisely, six months younger - is a combination of gentleman and naughty kid. William Arthur Philip Louis bears a heavy burden, with many people looking to him to brighten up the pale light of the British monarchy. Princess Diana's calm shyness is mixed in his genes with Prince Charles's love of adventure. After finishing university Prince William went to the Royal Air Force as a helicopter pilot. Otherwise, he is a romantic type. The blue sapphire ring with 17 diamonds which he gave Kate was the one given by Prince Charles to Diana when they were engaged. With this gallant gesture last November, William proposed Kate after their eight-year relationship.
VOCABULARY proposal – lánykérés engaged couple – jegyespár to get engaged – eljegyzi magát fiancée – menyasszony fiancé – vılegény bachelor – agglegény stag party – legénybúcsú hen party – leánybúcsú wedding – esküvı to get married – megházasodni bridesmaid – a menyasszony tanúja best man – a vılegény tanúja bride – menyasszony (az esküvı napján) bridegroom – vılegény (az esküvı napján) registrar – anyakönyvvezetı church – templom priest – pap altar – oltár to lead to the altar – oltárhoz vezet, feleségül vesz vow – fogadalom wedding ring – jegygyőrő bouquet – csokor veil – fátyol wedding ceremony – házasságkötési szertartás wedding reception – esküvıi fogadás, lakodalom wedding guests – násznép honeymoon – nászút marriage – házasság Just married! – Friss házasok! wedding anniversary – házassági évforduló marriage portion – hozomány
GRAMMAR BITS Its and it’s / One and one’s
Its Az „its” (aposztróf nélkül) egy birtokos névmás, olyan, mint például a „my” (az én ...-om) vagy a „his” (az ı ....-ja) és jelentését tekintve a semlegesnemő „it” személyes névmás birtokos alakja. Nagyon lényeges, hogy nincs benne aposztróf: Every country has its own customs and traditions. Minden országnak megvannak a maga szokásai és hagyományai.
It was a Manx cat and its tail was therefore very short. Egy Manx fajta macska volt, ezért volt olyan rövid a farka. Its coat was very thick. A borítója nagyon vastag volt.
It’s Az „it’s” (aposztróffal) valójában egy személyes névmás és a „be” ige ragozott alakjának összevont formája: it + is = it’s. Az is lehet, hogy az „it’s” az „it” személyes névmás és a „has” (birtokolni) ige összevont formája: it + has = it’s. Természetesen az is lehet, hogy az „it’s” a befejezett jelen összevont alakja: it + has + done = it’s done. What's the time? / It's a quarter to nine. / It's time for you to go to bed! Hány óra van? / Háromnegyed tíz. / Akkor itt az ideje, hogy lefeküdj aludni. (What is the time? / It is quarter... / It is time for...) Who's that over there? I don't believe it! It's Prince William! Ki az ott? Nem hiszem el! Ez William herceg! (Who is that... / It is Prince...) Have you seen my watch? It's disappeared from the bathroom. It's got a bright yellow strap.' Láttad az órámat? A fürdıszobából tőnt el. Világossárga szíja volt. (It has disappeared... / It has got...)
One A „one” szócska (aposztróf nélkül) egy olyan szó, amelynek azon a jelentésén kívül, hogy „egy”, olyan funkciója is van, hogy helyettesít egy korábban már említett fınevet: I have two bon-bons. Would you like the chocolate or the strawberry one? Két bon-bonom van. A csokisat szeretnéd vagy az epreset? Ebben a mondatban a mondatvégi „one” a bon-bon szó helyett áll – nem akarom még egyszer kimondani, elkerülve a szóismétlést.
A „one” ezen kívül bírhat a „valaki” jelentéssel is, általában olyan mondatokban, amelyekben általános igazságokat vagy tényeket közlünk: One can see wild lions in Africa. Vad oroszlánokat Afrikában lehet látni. Az ember Afrikában láthat vad oroszlánokat. (És nem úgy, hogy „People can see wild lions in Africa.”)
One can never know. Sosem lehet tudni. Az ember sosem tudhatja. (És nem úgy, hogy „People can never know.”)
One’s A „one’s” (aposztróffal) gyakorlatilag az elıbbi „one” birtokos alakja, az aposztróf ’s ebben az esetben a birtok jele: A home of one's own is what most people dream of. Egy saját otthon a legtöbb ember álma.
EXERCISES Put in ‘my/our/your/his/her/their/its’. 1 Do you like ………… job? 2 I know Mr Watson but I don't know ....................... wife. 3 Mr and Mrs Baker live in London. ....................... son lives in Australia. 4 We’re going to have a party. We’re going to invite all....................... friends. 5 Ann is going out with ....................... friends this evening. 6 I like tennis. Its....................... favourite sport. 7 'Is that....................... car?' 'No, I haven't got a car.' 8 I want to phone Ann. Do you know ....................... phone number? 9 Do you think most people are happy in ....................... jobs? 10 I'm going to wash ....................... hair before I go out. 11 This is a beautiful tree. ....................... leaves are a beautiful colour. 12 John has a brother and a sister. ............ brother is 25 and ............sister is 21.
Choose the right word. 1 You must take care OF / FROM yourself if you want to be a model. 2 Stop GIVING / MAKING excuses and tell me where you’ve been.
3 I always DO / MAKE my hair before I go to school. 4 A model’s job can be EXHAUSTING / EXHAUSTED. 5 Can you HOLD / KEEP an eye on the baby while I’m out? 6 I’ve decided to take some time OUT OF / OFF work to relax a little. 7 My father is going to TELL / MAKE a speech tomorrow.
Complete the sentences with the correct answer. 1 You must behave .................... while your aunt is here. A you B yourself C good 2 Celeste enjoyed .................... at the party. A her B to dance C herself 3 I go shopping once .................... week. Aa B by C in 4 Did he hurt .................... badly? A herself B yourself C himself 5 She washes her hair .................... . A once a day B one a day C one day
You can find the keys to these exercises at the end of this newsletter on the last page.
Well, that’s all for now. We hope you enjoyed our material and you are eager to receive the new one next week. Have fun and see you again soon!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write to us at
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Best regards, Shetland UK Nyelviskola 1192 Budapest, Kábel utca 10. 281-0822, 280-3123, 06-30-952-1202 www.shetland.hu
Here are the correct answers for the exercises above: Put in ‘my/our/your/his/her/their/its’. 1 your, 2 his, 3 Their, 4 our, 5 her, 6 my, 7 your, 8 her, 9 their, 10 my, 11 Its, 12 his / his
Choose the right word. 1 OF 2 MAKING 3 DO 4 EXHAUSTING 5 KEEP 6 OUT OF 7 MAKE
Complete the sentences with the correct answer. 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a