Angol érettségi vizsga felkészítő tanfolyamok Nyelviskolánk új kezdeményezése az októbertől, a középiskolás diákok számára szervezett, érettségi vizsgafelkészítő nyelvtanfolyam angol nyelvből. A középszintű érettségire felkészítő tanfolyamra hétfőn és szerdán 18.30 – 20.00 időpontban, az emelt szintű érettségire pedig szerdán és pénteken 17.30 – 19.00 időpontban kerül sor. Részletek és jelentkezés az irodánkban!
Német év a Shetlandban Az idei tanév a német nyelv éve lesz a Shetlandban és ennek jegyében minden német nyelvtanfolyam árából 10% kedvezményt adunk diákjainknak.
Középfokú angol társalgási tanfolyam Ha legalább középfokú angol tudással rendelkezel, akkor szívesen látunk a jövő héten induló társalgási tanfolyamunkra! Az órák keddenként 17.30-tól lesznek megtartva. Részletek és jelentkezés az irodánkban.
What do you call someone in the White House who is honest, ethical, intellectual, follows the laws, and truthful? A tourist.
The White House For more than 200 years, the White House has been more than just the home of the Presidents and their families. Throughout the world, it is known as the symbol of the President, the United States and the American people. Its history in December of 1790. President Washington, together with the architect Pierre L’Enfant, chose the place for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. A competition was held to find a builder of the "President’s House." Nine proposals were submitted, and Irish-born architect James Hoban won a gold medal for his practical and handsome design. Construction began in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was in 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions. The White House is, after all, the President’s private home. It is also open to the public, free of charge. The White House has a unique and interesting history. It survived a fire in 1814 when British soldiers set it in fire, and another fire in the West Wing in 1929, while Herbert Hoover was President. The White House has different names in the past: the "President's Palace," the "President's House," and the "Executive Mansion." President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its name in 1901 but we have documents that the public called it the "White House" from 1811. A legend says that during the rebuilding of the house after the 1814 fire, they painted the building with white paint to cover the burn damage and it gave the building its name. Presidents can rebuild or decorate some parts of the house if they wish because the White House is their private house. At the moment, there are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the Residence. With five full-time chefs, the White House kitchen is able to serve dinner to 140 guests and snacks to more than 1,000. For free time activities, the White House has a variety of facilities, including a tennis court, jogging track, swimming pool, movie theatre, and bowling lane. Apart from the many diplomats and politicians, it receives around 5000 public visitors a day.
VOCABULARY state – állam citizen – állampolgár president – elnök prime minister – miniszterelnök ministry – minisztérium parliament – parlament representative – képviselő government – kormány local government – önkormányzat authority – hatalom policy – irányelv candidate – jelölt campaign – kampány party – párt mayor – polgármester to vote – szavazni election – választás to hold an election – választást tartani civil – polgári minority – kisebbség majority – többség
GRAMMAR BITS A ‘Have’ és a ’Have got’
Mind a ’have’, mind a ’have got’ a birtoklást, a tulajdonlást fejezi ki. Két szerkezet, megegyező jelentés. Hogy ki melyik szerkezetet használja, az egyéni döntés, ám nagyon fontos, hogy a kettőt ne keverjük össze – nyelvtani szabályaikat ismerjük.
Kijelentő mondatok I have got a new car. I have a new car. Van egy új autóm. She has got a headache. She has a headache. Fejfájása van. Our house has got a big garden. Our house has a big garden. A házunknak nagy kertje van.
Amennyiben a ’have (got)’ birtoklást fejez ki, nem lehet folyamatos alakba tenni: I am having an old car. – ez NEM helyes! Múlt időben csak a ’have’ használható, a ’have got’ alak nem: She had long hair when she was a child. Hosszú haja volt, amikor gyerek volt. (She had got long hair... – ez NEM helyes!)
Kérdő és tagadó mondatok Kérdő és tagadó mondatszerkezetben három lehetséges forma van. Van kérdésed? Have you got any questions? Do you have any questions? Have you any questions? (kevésbé használt) Nincs kérdésem. I haven’t got any questions. I don’t have any questions. I haven’t any questions. (kevésbé használt) Van autója? Has she got a car? Does she have a car? Has she a car? (kevésbé használt) Nincs autója. She hasn’t got a car. She doesn’t have a car. She hasn’t a car. (kevésbé használt)
Múlt időben itt is csak a ’did’ kérdőszóval lehet használni a ’have’-et. Did you have a car when you were living in London? Volt autód, amikor Londonban éltél? She didn’t have a watch, so she didn’t know the time. Nem volt órája, így nem tudta az időt.
Kifejezések a ’have’ igével Mint említettük, a ’have’ birtoklást fejez ki, valaminek a tulajdonlását. Az angol nyelvben mégis számtalan olyan szószerkezet van, amely ugyanezt a ’have’ igét nem birtoklás értelemben használja, hanem cselekvések leírására.
to have breakfast / lunch / dinner reggelizni / ebédelni / vacsorázni to have a shower / bath zuhanyozni / fürödni to have an accident balesetet szenvedni to have a baby megszülni egy gyereket to have fun szórakozni, mulatni Ezeket a szóösszetételeket semmiképpen sem lehet a ’have got’ szerkezettel alkalmazni, csak a ’have’-vel. Kérdő és tagadó mondatokban ezért csakis a ’do’ (múlt időben a ’did’) segédigével kell elvégeznünk a szükséges átalakításokat. Did you have an accident two weeks ago? Baleseted volt két héttel ezelőtt?
Végül, ezeket a kifejezéseket lehet folyamatos alakban is mondani: I am having a shower. Épp zuhanyozom. She is having fun. Jól szórakozik.
EXERCISES Complete the questions with ‘have’. Some are present and some are past. 0. Excuse me, ............................ a pen I could borrow? Excuse me, ...have you got... a pen I could borrow? 1. Why are you holding your face? .......................... a toothache? 2. ............................. a lot of toys when you were a child? 3. A: .............................. the time, please? B: Yes, it’s ten past seven. 4. I need a stamp for this letter. ......................... one?
5. When you worked in your last job, ........................ your own office? 6. A: It started to rain very heavily while I was out. B: .......................... an umbrella?
To give some words an opposite meaning, un- is put in front of them, e.g. She was very unhappy. Put un- in front of the following words and then put each word in its correct space below. necessary, healthy, well, punctual, employed, fair, pleasant Vera: You look rather (a) ____. Why don't you see a doctor? Alan: Oh no, that's (b) ____. I've just been working hard. I'm writing a book. Vera: In this room? With the windows closed? And you smoke. That's very (c)____. You’ll be ill. Alan: But if I open the windows, some very (d) ____ smells come in from the chemical factory. Vera: And I hear you've been (e) ____ since you lost your job in the library. Alan: Yes, they said I was (f) ____. But in fact I was only late a few times. It was very (g) ____.
You can find the keys to these exercises at the end of this newsletter on the last page. Well, that’s all for now. We hope you enjoyed our material and you are eager to receive the new one next week. Have fun and see you again soon!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write to us at
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Best regards, Shetland UK Nyelviskola 1192 Budapest, Kábel utca 10. 281-0822, 280-3123, 06-30-952-1202 www.shetland.hu
Here are the correct answers for the exercises above: Complete the questions with ‘have’. Some are present and some are past. 1. Have you got... 2. Did you have... 3. Have you got... 4. Have you got... 5. Did you have... 6. Did you have...
To give some words an opposite meaning, un- is put in front of them, e.g. She was very unhappy. Put un- in front of the following words and then put each word in its correct space below. a unwell, b unnecessary, c unhealthy, d unpleasant, e unemployed, f unpunctual, g unfair