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Spring | Voorjaar | Printemps 2010 Modern Art ................................................................................................................ Ancient Art ................................................................................................................ Archaeology .............................................................................................................. Contemporary Art ....................................................................................................... African Art & Ethnography ........................................................................................... Art History ................................................................................................................ Antiques & Collectables ............................................................................................. Jewellery ..................................................................................................................
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Architecture................................................................................................................ 31 Style & Interior........................................................................................................... 35 Design....................................................................................................................... 36 Gardens, Landscape Design & Flowerarranging................................................................ 38 Cookery..................................................................................................................... 44 Wine......................................................................................................................... 49 Photography............................................................................................................... 50 Fashion...................................................................................................................... 64 Lifestyle & Glamour..................................................................................................... 73 Cinema...................................................................................................................... 77 Popular Culture........................................................................................................... 79 Graphic Art & Design................................................................................................... 87 Gifts.......................................................................................................................... 95 Comics & Graphic Novels.............................................................................................. 99 Children's Books......................................................................................................... 100 Music........................................................................................................................ 101 Travel....................................................................................................................... 102 Heritage & Local Interest............................................................................................. 103 Magazines.................................................................................................................. 106
Paul Gauguin
Het Symbolisme in België
Vers la Modernité
Michel Draguet
Agnieszka Juszczak, Heather Lemonedes, Belinda Thomson, e.a.
In Het symbolisme in België onderzoekt Michel Draguet, professor aan de ULB, de verschillende tendensen van de laatste grote artistieke stroming van de 19e eeuw. Vanuit zijn indrukwekkende feitenkennis en inzicht schept hij een gedetailleerd panorama van het symbolisme in de Belgische kunst, van Rops tot Spilliaert, over Khnopff, Frederic, Ensor, Minne en vele andere kunstenaars. Hij heeft daarbij oog voor de Europese context en invloeden zoals het wagnerisme en de prerafaëlieten. Het accent ligt op de schilderkunst, maar ook de sculptuur, de sierkunsten en de art nouveau komen aan bod, alsook de primordiale relatie met de symbolistische literatuur.
Exclu, comme la plupart des membres de l'avant-garde, des galeries de l'Exposition universelle de Paris en 1889, Paul Gauguin et ses disciples exposèrent leurs oeuvres dans un café sur le site même de l'événement. Comme son agent Théo Van Gogh le lui avait suggéré, Gauguin présenta un extraordinaire portfolio de onze zincographies sur papier jaune, lesquelles contenaient déjà en germe les principaux motifs de son oeuvre et l'érigèrent en chef de file d'un nouveau style radical, faisant fi de la représentation illustrative pour s'attaquer directement à l'expérience subjective. Cinq spécialistes explorent le contexte de la manifestation officielle en reconstituant les circonstances dans lesquelles Gauguin et ses amis s'installèrent au Café des arts de monsieur Volpini. La suite de zincographies de Gauguin fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée qui la met notamment en regard avec des tableaux, céramiques et sculptures sur bois apparentées. Les contributions de cet ouvrage font le point sur l'évolution de la lithographie dans le Paris de la fin du XIXe siècle, s'attachent en profondeur à l'iconographie de Gauguin et de ses collègues en soumettant les estampes à une analyse technique rigoureuse.
Was het symbolisme de laatste manifestatie van een 'humane' schilderkunst, aan de vooravond van de catastrofe, waarmee dan zowel de Eerste Wereldoorlog als de moderne kunst en in het bijzonder de abstractie bedoeld worden? Of was dit excentrieke samenstel van typisch fin de siècle kunstuitingen juist de voedingsbodem van de kunst van de 20e eeuw, waaruit onder andere het surrealisme zou ontstaan? Tot vandaag werd het symbolisme nooit in al zijn verschillende, ja tegenstrijdige aspecten diepgaand onderzocht en in één publicatie behandeld. Daardoor is er mettertijd een vervormd en vooral eenzijdig beeld van deze beweging gegroeid. De lezer zal door de brede benadering van Michel Draguet ongetwijfeld zijn geijkte visie op het symbolisme herzien.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
Expo: U.S.A., Museum of Art, Cleveland: 04/10/2009 - 17/01/2010 Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam: 19/02/2010 - 06/06/2010.
Expo: 26/3/2010 - 27/6/2010 Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel
Hardback | French ed. | 270 x 245 mm | 248 p | 255 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 39,80 [BE] | € 37,55 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 340 x 260 mm | 336 p | 350 col.ill.| March 2010 € 49,95 [BE] | € 47,12 [INT]
Rights: not NL, not F
Rights: not NL, not F
Gustave Van de Woestyne
Rodin et la Couleur
Robert Hoozee, Cathérine Verleysen et Piet Boyens In 1900 vestigde Gustave Van de Woestyne zich samen met zijn oudere broer, de dichter, prozaïst en kunstcriticus Karel Van de Woestijne, in Sint-Martens-Latem, een landelijk dorp aan de Leie, in de omgeving van Gent. Ze vervoegden er de kunstenaars Valerius De Saedeleer, Albijn Van den Abeele en George Minne. Samen vormden ze de zogeheten eerste groep van Latem. Het was in dit gezelschap dat Van de Woestyne zich zowel intellectueel als artistiek ontwikkelde. Met zijn kunstenaarsvrienden deelde Van de Woestyne een belangstelling voor het rurale leven dat losstond van de industriële maatschappij, een zin voor contemplatie en vroomheid en een bewondering voor de Vlaamse en Italiaanse primitieven. Hij realiseerde tijdens deze Latemse periode onbevangen voorstellingen van het landleven, bijbelse taferelen en gevoelige portretten van dorpsfiguren, familieleden en vrienden. In 1909 verliet Van de Woestyne Sint-Martens-Latem. Dit betekende echter niet dat de kunstenaar Latem volledig achter zich liet. Zowel thematisch als stilistisch bleef de herinnering aan het Leie-dorp zijn invloed uitoefenen. Het was eveneens gedurende deze periode dat hij een veelgevraagde portrettist werd. Tijdens WO I verbleef Van de Woestyne met zijn gezin op verschillende locaties in Groot-Brittannië. Hij schilderde er een aantal monumentale aanklachten tegen het oorlogsgeweld, en was bijzonder actief als portretschilder. Terug in België, vanaf 1919, trachtte de kunstenaar aansluiting te vinden bij het modernisme.
C'est à la fin des années 1890 que Rodin entama une véritable carrière de dessinateur. Aspect méconnu de son oeuvre, le Rodin coloriste nous présente des dessins d'une grande originalité et d'une grande liberté. L'autonomie du dessin par rapport à la sculpture est une donnée essentielle de son oeuvre. Les innombrables dessins au crayon, rehaussés ou non de lavis ou d'aquarelle qu'il réalisa à l'automne de sa vie ne sont pas des projets pour des sculptures mais une oeuvre à part entière, où la couleur prend de plus en plus d'importance. Les aquarelles de Rodin présentées à l'exposition du musée de l'Annonciade, ont été choisies pour montrer le rôle accordé à la couleur. Elles sont reproduites intégralement dans cet ouvrage. Réintroduite par touches, elle finit par envahir la feuille faisant parfois disparaître le trait d'origine et tend à transformer le des-sin en peinture. Le Musée de l'Annonciade, temple de la couleur se devait de présenter l'oeuvre aquarellée de Rodin. Le livre replace ce corpus artistique dans la carrière de l'artiste et montre les liens avec les peintres fauves.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo: 26/3/2010 - 27/9/2010 , Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent
Expo : 27/3/2010 - 21/6/2010, Musée de l'Annonciade, Saint Tropez Hardback | French ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 88 p | 40 col.ill.| April 2010 € 24,00 [BE] | € 25,50 [NL] | € 24,00 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 305 x 260 mm | 256 p | 225 col.ill.| March 2010 € 49,95 [BE] | € 47,12 [INT]
Rights: not NL, not F
Rights: not F
Honderd jaar Abstracte kunst in België Un siècle d'art abstrait en Belgique
Op Bezoek bij Ensor Xavier Tricot, Patrick Florizoone, Norbert Hostyn, Els Vermeersch In 2010 is het 150 jaar geleden dat James Ensor (1860-1949) in Oostende werd geboren. Mu.ZEE laat deze verjaardag niet onopgemerkt voorbijgaan. De uitzonderlijke tentoonstelling 'Bij Ensor op Bezoek' brengt voor de eerste keer alle beeldende kunstenaars, schrijvers, cineasten, museumdirecteurs en verzamelaars samen die bij James Ensor op bezoek gingen. Naast zijn vrienden en stadsgenoten, reisden velen speciaal naar Oostende voor Ensor. In de woonkamer en het atelier van de meester voerden ze gesprekken over politiek, literatuur en kunst. Deze woonkamer, het zogenaamde Blauwe Salon, vormt dan ook het kloppend hart van deze tentoonstelling met James Ensor als flamboyante, ietwat excentrieke gastheer. Het boek bestaat uit 2 delen, een eerste deel volledig in kleur met 3 essays en een tweede deel met een overzicht van alle personen met wie Ensor gedurende zijn leven in contact geweest is, van de huishoudster tot Einstein, Beckman, Kandinsky, Klee .
[BE] Pandora Expo: 13/2/10 - 29/8/10, Mu.Zee, Oostende Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 288 p | 144 col.ill.| 144 bw ill. | April 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 34,00 [NL] | € 32,00 [INT]
9789053253069 Rights: W
Rights: BE
Joan Miró
Rights: BE
Les Couleurs de la Poésie
Felix Krämer The publication of this opulent volume coincides with the first retrospective of the works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938) to be seen in Germany in thirty years and presents masterpieces from large museums and private collections throughout the world. It naturally includes the nudes from his time as a member of the Die Brücke group, paintings depicting big-city life in Berlin, the street scenes reflecting the existential fears prevalent during World War I, and the Swiss mountain scenes from Davos.
Jean-Louis Prat
[G] Hatje Cantz Expo: 23/4/2010 - 25/7/2010, Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 288 p | 200 col.ill. | April 2010 € 39,80 [BE]
[G] Hatje Cantz Expo: 3/7/2010 - 14/11/2010, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden Hardback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 240 p | 120 col.ill.| 40 bw ill. | July 2010 € 29,80 [BE]
The catalogue for the great exhibition at the Frieder Burda Museum in Baden-Baden. A very personal view of this multitalented Catalan artist. Over his long career, the brilliant Catalan artist Joan Miró (1893- 1983) created a fascinating, multi-faceted oeuvre. Inspired at first by the works of Van Gogh, Cézanne, Matisse, and Picasso, he went through an important Surrealist phase and then moved on to develop his own inimitable visual vocabulary.
Renoir in the 20th Century
Rights: BE
Frida Kahlo
Rights: BE
The Painter and her Work
Roger Benjamin, Claudia Einecke, Isabelle Gaëtan
Helga Prignitz-Poda
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) is so heavily associated with Impressionist painting that his last creative period has frequently been ignored. This publication devotes itself to precisely these last three creative and innovative decades, in which Renoir abandoned Impressionism.
In Frida Kahlo, legendary figure-head of new Mexican art, life and art match in an unrivalled way. Her vibrant paintings, mostly self-portraits, are a mesmerizing and unsparing testimony to a dramatic life in a tormented body, to an amazing will to survive, and to an outstanding artistic talent. Our bestselling book, now in a low-price reduced-size edition, juxtaposes the paintings with large-size details revealing the beauty and the abysses of Frida Kahlo's art.
[G] Hatje Cantz Expo: 23/9/09 - 4/1/10, Musée d'Orsay, Paris - LACMAl;a;: 14/2/10-14/5/10 Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 230 mm | 440 p | 213 col.ill.| 107 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 € 58,00 [BE]
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel Paperback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 210 mm | 264 p | 121 col.ill.| 54 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 - New in Paperback. € 35,00 [BE]
Henri Rousseau
Matisse tot Malevich
Pioniers van de moderne kunst uit de Hermitage
Philippe Buttner The catalogue accompanying the exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler.Commemorating the one-hundredth anniversary of the artist's death. It is not only due to his spectacular jungle paintings that Henri Rousseau (1844-1910), known as "Le Douanier" (the customs officer), ranks among the most popular artists of early modernity. With over eighty color illustrations of forty major works, the publication presents the essence of Rousseau's art of depiction. At its core is his fascination with the contradictory qualities of the tamed Western world and untamed, increasingly imaginary nature. Encounters with his works that have never before been presented make it possible to see Rousseau in an entirely new light. Going beyond the cliché of the "great naïve painter," we discover a unique artist who opened up entirely new possibilities for modernity.
A. Kostenevich Voor de tentoonstelling Matisse tot Malevich Pioniers van de moderne kunst uit de Hermitage zijn circa 75 schilderijen geselecteerd uit een van 's werelds mooiste collecties Franse schilderkunst van begin twintigste eeuw: die van de Hermitage in St.-Petersburg. Bijzondere aandacht is er voor Matisse, Picasso en Derain, daarnaast voor fauvisten als Van Dongen en De Vlaminck en hun topstukken in deze collectie. De wortels van de verzameling liggen bij de Moskouse collectioneurs Ivan Morozov en vooral Sergej Sjtsjoekin. Aan hun verzamelbeleid is een apart catalogusartikel gewijd. Evenals aan de beroemde Russische kunstenaars uit dezelfde tijd, Kandinsky en Malevich. Het is voor het eerst dat al deze avant-gardemeesterwerken in Nederland getoond worden. Tentoonstelling en catalogus richten zich op het ontstaan van het modernisme als kunsthistorisch verschijnsel, en evenzeer op de bezieling van de kunstenaars zelf, toen zij aan het begin van de vorige eeuw een revolutie in de kunst ontketenden. Ze zijn te beschouwen als pioniers van de moderne kunst.
[G] Hatje Cantz
[NL] De Nieuwe Kerk - Hermitage Museum Amsterdam
Expo: 7/2/2010 - 9/5/2010, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel.
, Hermitage Museum, Amsterdam Expo: 6/3/2010 - 16/9/2010,
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 274 mm | 120 p | 82 col.ill.| 5 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 € 39,80 [BE]
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill.| March 2010 € 29,95 [BE] | € 29,95 [NL] | € 31,00 [INT]
Rights: BE
Rights: W
Georges Vantongerloo (1886-1965)
Boch & Van Gogh
Charles Brockhaus, Hans Janssen
Ron Dirven
Georges Vantongerloo speelde een belangrijke rol in de ontwikkeling van de geometrisch abstracte kunst in Europa. Zijn rol als beeldhouwer en architect, schilder, tekenaar en fotograaf, als pionier van het modernisme, als constructivist en als wegbereider van de concrete en minimalistische kunst is nooit eerder zo uitgebreid en diepgaand beschreven. Zijn contacten worden in dit boek toegelicht aan de hand van nooit eerder gepubliceerde documenten. Vantongerloo blijkt een leidende figuur te zijn binnen de avantgarde. Hij heeft zich zijn leven lang ingezet voor een 'nieuwe wereld', voor een verlichte, ethisch verantwoorde wereld waarin natuur en wetenschap, politiek en maatschappij als eenheid worden gezien. Georges Vantongerloo heeft gedurende tientallen jaren niet de publieke aandacht gekregen die hij verdient. Met deze uitgave en de tentoonstelling in het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag wordt nu recht gedaan aan een van de leidende kunstenaars van de 20ste eeuw
Anna en Eugène Boch, telgen uit een rijk geslacht van aardewerkfabrikanten (Villeroy & Boch), zijn bekend om hun bijzondere relatie met Van Gogh. Ze raakten bevriend en Vincent schilderde van Eugène een opmerkelijk portret. De artistieke nalatenschap van de Boch's is lang verborgen gebleven. Het Vincent van GoghHuis brengt in deze catalogus van de tentoonstelling Boch & Van Gogh de impressionistische schilderkunst van Anna Boch en een stilleven uit de Borinage van Eugène Boch onder de aandacht.
[NL] d'Jonge Hond
[NL] Scriptum Publishers
Expo: 23/1/2010 - 16/5/2010, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag.
Catalogus tentoonstelling Vincent Van GoghHuis, Zundert
Paperback | NL ed. | 225 x 275 mm | 292 p | Jan. 2010 € 44,50 [BE] | € 44,50 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 175 x 235 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 15,00 [BE] | € 15,95 [INT]
en zijn omgeving van Piet Mondriaan tot Max Bill
Anna & Eugene Boch in relatie tot Vincent van Gogh
Rights: W, not Holland
Rights: W, not Holland
A Picasso Portfolio
Rights: only BE
The Real Van Gogh
Prints from the Museum of Modern Art
Rights: only BE
The Artists and His Letters
Deborah Wye
Nienke Bakker, Leo Jansen & Hans Luijten
Printmaking was fundamental to Pablo Picassos artistic vision. Over his long career, he made well over 2000 printed images, focusing on the intaglio techniques of etching, engraving, drypoint and aquatint, as well as on lithography and linoleum cut. This book explores Picassos creative process in printmaking from the early years of the 20th century and his discovery of Cubism, right up to the last years of his life when he continually expanded the potential of the medium.
Illustrated with works of art and letters that demonstrate Van Gogh's abiding preoccupations, this fascinating catalogue will explore the correspondence as a self-portrait of the artist and the man. The letter-sketches that he used to describe completed works or those in progress are reproduced alongside the paintings or drawings on which they are based, providing a unique insight into his artistic development. [UK] Royal Academy Expo: 23/01/2010 - 18/04/2010, Royal Academy of Arts, London Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 245 mm | 296 p | 150 col.ill. | Jan. 2010 € 59,50 [BE]
[UK] T & H, Distributed lists Expo : 28/3/2010 - 6/9/2010, M.O.M.A., New York Hardback | Eng. ed. | 267 x 229 mm | 192 p | 168 col.ill. | March 2010 € 36,95 [BE]
The Picasso Book
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Rights: [BE] [NL] [not G]
Peace and Freedom
Pablo Ruiz Picasso was the most prolific artist in the history of Western art. Born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, he spent almost all of his productive life in France, dying in Mougins in 1973. In more than seven decades as an artist, Picasso finished two thousand oil paintings alone, along with sculptures, ceramics, collages, prints, photographs, drawings and jewellery designs. This new book, drawing extensively on recent research, will provide an overview of the whole range of Picasso's art and career.
"Picasso: Peace and Freedom" is the first in-depth examination of Picasso as a politically and socially engaged artist, from the 1940s, when he defiantly remained in Paris during the Nazi occupation, throughout the subsequent Cold War period. Rather than treating him as an isolated titan of modern art, this book considers Picasso as a 'History Painter' and will follow the chronology of key works painted between 1944 and his death in 1973: The Charnel House, Massacre in Korea, War and Peace, ...
[UK] Tate Publishing Paperback | Eng. ed. | 246 x 189 mm | 224 p | 80 col.ill. | Feb. 2010 € 24,50 [BE] | € 25,50 [NL] | € 24,06 [INT]
[UK] Tate Publishing Expo: 21/5/2010 - 30/8/2010, Tate Liverpool Paperback | Eng. ed. | 265 x 215 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | May 2010 € 34,50 [BE] | € 35,20 [NL] | € 33,21 [INT]
Edward Hopper
Henry Moore
Carter E. Foster, Carol Troyen, a.o. Illustrated with over 150 oils, watercolours, etchings and drawings with comments on their formal and technical characteristics, this exhibition catalogue offers an updated critical interpretation of Edward Hoppers work and an alternative view to the extensive literature that already exists on this artist. Perfect for casual perusing or serious study, it is certain to find a wide audience.
Henry Spencer Moore (1898-1986) was arguably the most influential British sculptor of the twentieth century. Brought up in Castleford in Yorkshire in humble circumstances, Moore ended his life extremely successful, completing commissions for large-scale public sculptures in countries around the world. The scale of Moore's later success has tended to obscure the radical nature of his achievement. Rejecting the viewpoint of his teachers and influenced by works from other cultures he saw in museums, Moore championed direct carving, evolving abstract forms derived from the human body. This book and the exhibition it accompanies re-examines his legacy, concentrating on the period from the 1920s through to the early 1960s. Moore's life and work are introduced by Chris Stephens, a leading authority on both Moore and the British art scene of the period. Separate essays explore his relationships in the 1930s with both British and international avant-garde figures, including Giacometti, Hepworth, Nicholson, and Picasso; aspects of his work including the influence of psychoanalysis, war, and the emergence of biomorphism; and, his lasting legacy following his death. Uniquely, the book will include statements by living artists on the importance of Moore to their own work, as well as a photoessay and an illustrated chronology. With Moore's reputation once more in the ascendant, this thorough and perceptive reassessment is long overdue.
[UK] Skira
[UK] Tate Publishing
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 280 p | 226 col.ill.| 24 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 € 69,95 [BE]
Expo: 24/2/2010 - 15/8/2010 , Tate Britain, London Paperback | Eng. ed. | 265 x 215 mm | 224 p | 220 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 34,95 [BE] | € 35,50 [NL] | € 32,97 [INT]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH Hardback ed.: ISBN: 9781854378767
Du Greco à Dali
His Life, Art, And Letters
Les grands maîtres espagnols de la collection Perez Simon
Barbara Ehrlich White
Véronique Gerard-Powell, Nicolas Sainte Fare Garnot
During the seventy-eight years of his life, Pierre-Auguste Renoir painted thousands of paintings and made uncounted drawings, watercolors and sketches. Behind this prodigious output, rivaling even Picasso's, is a lifetime of struggle and anguish seldom hinted at in the work of this happy painter. His efforts to find a new art to match his vision of the world created by light and warmth are vividly and intimately chronicled here through his letters and those of his friends and patrons. Barbara Ehrlich White, a renowned Renoir scholar, devoted more than twenty years to searching out unpublished letters and documents that reveal his life as an artist and as a man. First published in 1984, her book was praised for its comprehensive yet intimate history of Renoir's life and work. Now back in print, White's classic book brilliantly contrasts the story of Renoir's personal battle against crippling arthritis - as well as his loss of favor with old patrons, dissatisfied when he developed a new style - with the joyous gratification of the senses that flows from his canvases. She captures both the underlying traditionalism of his training and his audacious breakthrough in style, subject and technique.
Le Musée Jacquemart-André met à l'honneur l'Espagne à l'occasion de l'exposition De Greco à Dali : les grands maîtres espagnols de la collection Pérez Simón. Cette collection exceptionnelle nous offre un éventail remarquable des grands noms de la peinture espagnole du XVIe au XXe siècle : Greco, de Ribera, Murillo, Goya, Sorolla, Picasso, Miro, Dali. Le catalogue permettra de mettre en valeur les différents visages de l'art espagnol à travers les siècles : le ténébrisme de l'art sacré du XVIIe siècle, les portraits de cour, les scènes de la vie quotidienne au XIXème siècle, les bords de mer illuminés de soleil sous le pinceau de Sorolla, mais aussi la représentation de la femme au début du XXème siècle et les grands maîtres modernes à travers les dessins et les peintures de Picasso, Miro, Gris ou Dali. C'est un passionnant voyage esthétique et artistique. La confrontation de ces oeuvres au sein d'un même parcours permet de saisir les continuités et les ruptures qui ont marqué l'évolution de l'art espagnol.
[US] Abrams
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 343 x 260 mm | 312 p | 125 col.ill.| 266 bw ill. | March 2010 € 44,00 [BE]
Expo: 12/3/10 au 1/8/2010, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 208 p | 130 col.ill.| March 2010 € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,34 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT]
Rights: BE
Rights: not F
El Greco
Domenikos Theotokopoulos 1900 El Greco (1541-1614) et son oeuvre sont restés dans l'oubli pendant des siècles. En 1908 toutefois, l'historien de l'art Manuel Bartolomé Cossío la ramène à l'avant-plan de l'actualité artistique. Ce livre donne une reconstruction de l'impressionnante redécouverte du Greco et étudie l'action des principaux personnages impliqués. Par le biais de quelques tableaux marquants, il expose en outre avec passion le développement artistique de l'oeuvre.
[BE] B.A.I. Hardback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 200 p | 120 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 35,00 [INT] € 38,50 [Belles Lettres] (MEV: 2010/03)
9789085865629 Rights: not NL
El Greco
Domenikos Theotokopoulos 1900 Het oeuvre van El Greco (1541-1614) is eeuwenlang in de vergeethoek geraakt. In 1908 plaatste de kunsthistoricus Manuel Bartolomé Cossío hem echter weer helemaal op de voorgrond. Dit boek reconstrueert de indrukwekkende herontdekking van El Greco en bestudeert het aandeel van de belangrijkste hoofdfiguren daarin. Tevens schetst het aan de hand van een keuze van markante schilderijen op meeslepende wijze El Greco's artistieke ontwikkeling. De tentoonstelling biedt een boeiend overzicht van El Greco's artistieke evolutie op basis van een selectie van markante schilderijen, waaronder de De tranen van de heilige Petrus en het verbluffende Christus wordt ontkleed. Orgelpunt van de tentoonstelling vormt de ultieme reeks Apostelen - El Greco's artistieke testament - die door een vrijgevochten vormentaal en opvallend kleurgebruik verrassend modern aandoet.
Expo: 4/2/2010- 09/05/2010, Bozar, Bruxelles
[BE] B.A.I. Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 200 p | 120 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 35,00 [INT]
9789085865636 Rights: not NL
Fra Angelico to Leonardo
Dutch Landscapes of the Golden Age
Italian Renaissance Drawings
Desmond Shawe-Taylor and Jennifer Scot
Hugo Chapman, Marzia Faieti
Holland in the seventeenth century presented artists with the most man-made landscape in Europe, and one which still exerts a timeless fascination on our imaginations today. The human narrative within the painted landscape ranged from peasants working and relaxing in the tradition of Bruegel to an evocation of aristocratic estates. Meanwhile, other Dutch artists were discovering in Italy a range of different subjectmatter, from streetscapes to the Roman campagna. Finally there was the sea, which played a vital role in the Dutch mentality, and which was used to suggest the drama of the nations life and history. This book presents each of these types of landscape, exploring the way they relate to one another, how they stand apart, and how each enables us today to enter the Dutch Golden Age.
This sumptuously illustrated catalogue charts the history of drawing in Italy from 1400, just prior to the emergence in Florence of the classically inspired naturalism of the Renaissance style, to around 1510 when Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian were on the verge of taking the innovations of earlier masters, such as Leonardo and Pollaiuolo, in a new direction. The book highlights the key role played by drawing in artistic teaching and in how artists studied the human body and the natural world. Aspects of regional difference, the development of new drawing techniques and classes of graphic work, such as finished presentation pieces to impress patrons, are also explored. An extended introduction focusing on how and why artists made drawings, with a special emphasis on the pivotal role of Leonardo, is richly illustrated with examples from the two collections that elucidate the technique and function of the works. This is followed by catalogue entries for just over 100 drawings where discussion of their function and significance is supported by comparative illustrations of related works, such as paintings.
[UK] British Museum Press
[UK] Royal Collection
Expo : 22/04-25/07/2010, British Museum, London.
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 210 mm | 176 p | 100 col.ill.| April 2010 € 29,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 289 x 245 mm | 336 p | 330 col.ill.| April 2010 € 65,00 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Also available: Paperback ed.: isbn 9780714126678, € 44,-
Islamic Art from Spain
Antiquités égyptiennes
au Musée royal de Mariemont
Mariam Rosser-Owen "Islamic Art from Spain" tells the fascinating story of the art and design produced in Spain under Islamic rule, and examines the long-lasting influence of Islamic Spain on European decorative arts. This book looks first at patronage during the 'Golden Age' of the Umayyad caliphate, from the mid-tenth to the early eleventh century, before discussing the Nasrid dynasty who ruled from Granada in a territory much reduced by the resurgent Christian monarchs of northern Spain. It also explores the phenomenon of the 'Mudejar', Islamic-influenced arts produced for non-Muslim patrons in the Renaissance and the craze for the 'Alhambresque', a style promoted by European designers such as Owen Jones. Addressing the creation, suppression, rediscovery and influence of Islamic art in Spain from the eighth to the twentieth century, the book is lavishly illustrated with objects drawn from the V&A's collections - from exquisite ivory caskets, marble tombstones and capitals to architectural models, jewellery, textiles and ceramics.
Claire Derriks (Dir.)
[UK] Victoria & Albert Museum
[BE] Musée Royal de Mariemont
Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 216 mm | 160 p | 160 col.ill. | June 2010 € 44,00 [BE]
Hardback | French ed. | 275 x 225 mm | 500 p | throughout col. & bw ill.| Jan. 2010 € 45,00 [BE] | € 45,00 [INT] € 49,50 [Belles Lettres] (MEV: 2010/03)
Cette publication est un catalogue raisonné, mais aussi un très beau livre illustré en couleur. Des photos de détails révèlent la beauté et l'intérêt des objets comme des matières. La collection, qui comprend plus de 250 objets, est approchée de manière thématique. Des chapitres sont consacrés à la sculpture, aux objets cultuels, aux amulettes, aux objets de la vie quotidienne, aux récipients, à l'équipement funéraire, etc. Quelques objets des mondes copte et islamique et d'égyptomanie y sont inclus.
Rights: BE, NL
Rights: W
Ed Templeton
William Kentridge
The Cemetery of Reason
Trace. Prints from The Museum of Modern Art Judith B. Hecker
In a whirlwind of images, Ed Templeton (1972, Orange County, USA) gives his audience a personal perspective on the contemporary human condition. For over fifteen years, he has been building an oeuvre that captures his day-to-day reality through photographs, paintings and drawings. Templeton's work tells the story of the life of a pro skateboarder and his milieu, the relationship between the artist and his muse, his flawed family background, life in the Southern Californian suburbs, and more. His personal chronicle ultimately serves as a mirror for a broader reflection on what it means to be human.
This visually compelling publication highlights The Museum of Modern Arts unparalleled collection of prints and books byWilliam Kentridge nearly fifty works spanning the past three decades. The book also features a succession of artistic interventions made by Kentridge especially for the occasion. Kentridges practice brings together drawing, film animation, books, sculpture and performance. Too little known is the extent to which the artist applies his astonishing draftsmanship to the techniques of printmaking, including etching, screenprinting, lithography and linoleum cut. In fact printmaking has always been essential to his work, from his first forays into visual art in the 1970s to his recent large-scale operas. Kentridges love of the printed image extends to an embrace of books. He often draws and prints on unbound pages from encyclopaedias, ledgers and the like, the readymade support adding nuance and complexity to his work. He has extended these practices in William Kentridge: Trace, using translucent pages interspersed throughout the book to respond to his prints reproduced between them in a visual dialogue between the past and the present. The book also includes an essay, an annotated checklist, a chronology and the text of a lecture by Kentridge on printmaking, illuminating its relevance to his broader practice.
The Cemetery of Reason is the first large monographic museum exhibition devoted to the work of Ed Templeton. Set up as a mid-career retrospective, this exhibition combines and juxtaposes works from the last fifteen years of Templeton's artistic practice with various new works and series. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of Templeton's work. With essays and from Jean-François Chevrier, Carlo McCormick, Arty Nelson, Philippe Van Cauteren, and an interview by Thomas Caron.
[BE] S.M.A.K., Gent
[UK] T & H, Distributed lists
Expo: 2/4/2010 - Aug. 2010, SMAK, Gent
Expo : 24/2/2010 - 17/5/2010, William Kentridge: Five Themes, M.O.M.A., New York - Jeu de Paume, Paris - Albertina, Wien - Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 230 mm | 160 p | 250 col.ill.| April 2010 € 30,00 [BE] | € 31,50 [NL] | € 30,00 [INT] £ 36,00 [UK]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 203 mm | 112 p | 70 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 27,95 [BE]
Rights: [not US]
Rights: only BE
Maryam Najd
ART Brussels 2010
Phantasmagoria Maryam Najd en Marc Ruyters De Iranese schilderes Maryam Najd (°1965) volgde een artistieke opleiding in haar geboortestad Teheran, en kwam in 1992 naar Antwerpen om haar opleiding te vervolmaken. Maryam Najd ontpopte zich sindsdien als een schilderes die emoties en ervaringen verwerkt en sublimeert in autonome doeken, dat het onderscheid tussen figuratie en abstractie overstijgen. Ze gebruikt daarbij vooral beelden uit de digitale media (tv, video, dvd, internet) die gaan over de machts(on)evenwichten tussen Oost en West, de culturele verschillen, de glamour & glitter van een bepaalde westerse beeldcultuur. In het boek 'Phantasmagoria' wordt haar werk van de jongste vijf jaar voorgesteld en toegelicht.
[BE] VdH Books
[BE] Art Brussels Expo: 23/4/2010 - 26/4/2010, Brussels Expo
Hardback | NL ed. | 340 x 240 mm | 80 p | throughout col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 34,99 [BE] | € 36,95 [NL] | € 34,99 [INT]
Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 420 p | full colour col.ill.| April 2010 € 20,00 [BE] | € 21,20 [NL] | € 20,00 [INT]
Rights: [not IT] [not UK] [not S-Eur]
Rights: w
Bruno Vekemans
Paul Van Gysegem
Stilte alom
Patrick Auwelaert, Willem Elias, Jean Ranson Waar andere kunstenaars alles uit de kast halen om de toeschouwer deelgenoot te maken van hun eigen emotie, daar trekt Vekemans als het ware een barrière op. Emotieloos kun je zijn kunst niet noemen, maar felle gevoelens ontbreken geheel. Dit is een gedreven, maar niet een getormenteerd kunstenaar. Ook in zijn landschappen heerst een aparte sfeer. Ook die ademen een sfeer van verlatenheid, en ze zijn van een niet-klassieke, desolate schoonheid. Woont of leeft hier iemand? Stilte alom.
Paul Van Gysegem (1935) studeerde aan de Academie van Gent en aan het Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten (HISK) in Antwerpen. Hij behaalde diploma's in de schilderkunst, de beeldhouwkunst en de grafiek. Van Gysegem ontving voor zijn veelzijdig werk al tal van prijzen en onderscheidingen en zijn werk was reeds te zien op vele (internationale) tentoonstellingen. Heel wat van zijn sculpturen maken deel uit van openbare collecties en zijn op publieke plaatsen te bewonderen. Naast beeldend kunstenaar is Paul Van Gysegem ook een fervent jazzliefhebber en een getalenteerde contrabassist. Naar aanleiding van zijn 75ste verjaardag verschijnt deze luxueuze monografie. Zijn beeldend werk wordt toegelicht door Willem Elias en door Jean Ranson. Op de samenhang en de wisselwerking tussen muziek en beeldende kunst wordt dieper ingegaan door Patrick Auwelaert.
[BE] Stockmans - Devos
Expo: 15/11/2009 - 17/ 1/ 2010, Jacob Smitsmuseum, Mol
Expo: 02/05/2010 - 27/06/2010, Kasteel van Berlare
Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ Sp. ed. | 275 x 215 mm | 120 p | throughout col.ill.| Dec. 2009 € 30,00 [BE] | € 31,50 [NL] | € 30,00 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 275 x 220 mm | 208 p | May 2010 € 30,00 [BE] | € 31,50 [NL] | € 30,00 [INT]
9789461170002 Rights: W
Rights: W
Philippe Van Snick
José. Pol - Rik - Vera. Lowie - Pieter - Robin - Tinus
Marie-Pascale Gildemeyn, Hilde Van Gelder, Liesbeth Decan (red.)
Marie-Pascale Gildemeyn, Hilde Van Gelder, Liesbeth Decan (red.)
Deze monografie is het resultaat van het Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Kunsten van de Associatie Leuven naar het werk van Philippe Van Snick. Philippe Van Snick geldt als een van de belangrijkste vertegenwoordigers van de conceptuele kunst in België. Zijn werk wordt gekenmerkt door uiterste eenvoudige vormen en herhaald gebruik van steeds dezelfde kleuren.
Binnen de familie Vermeersch is er een artistieke lijn terug te vinden van drie generaties, waarbij alle leden, zowel op nationaal als op internationaal niveau, artistiek actief zijn, beginnend met José Vermeersch, zijn drie kinderen Pol, Rik en Vera Vermeersch en zijn vier kleinkinderen Lowie, Pieter, Robin en Tinus Vermeersch.
Deze monografie is niet opgevat als een catalogue raisonné. Wel is het de bedoeling om aan de hand van een weloverwogen en substantiële selectie van beeldmateriaal, een wezenlijk inzicht en overzicht van het werk aan te reiken. Daarnaast lichten verschillende specialsten diverse aspecten van het oeuvre toe.
De tentoonstelling en het boek hebben tot doel dit unicum op een hedendaagse manier te vatten, waarbij enerzijds de nadruk wordt gelegd op de familie als bindend geheeld en anderzijds op de enorme artistieke diversiteit binnen de familie.
Expo: 21/05 - 29/08/2010, Museum M, Leuven
Expo: 25/03 - 10/07/2010, Vlaams Parlement, De Loketten
Hardback | NL ed. | 260 x 210 mm | 400 p | May 2010 € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,00 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 288 p | May 2010 € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,00 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT]
Rights W:
Rights: W
Karin Hanssen
Werner Mannaers
Philippe Van Cauteren, Gregory Salzman, David Broker
Wim Van Mulders, Mark Verminck, Isabelle De Baedts, Luc Derycke, Koen Leemans
The Thrill of it All. 1994-2009. Paintings.
About Flowers & Taxis
Deze publicatie biedt een overzicht van het schilderkunstig oeuvre van de Belgische kunstenares Karin Hanssen (°Antwerpen 1960). Ze behandelt de periode 1994-2009: 1994, als startdatum van haar werk en 2009, het moment waarop Karin Hanssen 15 jaar actief is als kunstenares.
Hoewel kunstenaar Werner Mannaers (°1954) al zo'n dertig jaar actief is als schilder en tekenaar bleef de interesse van de kunstwereld tot voor kort grotendeels achterwege. Met enkele schitterende publicaties en tentoonstellingen komt daar nu in een rotvaart verandering in. Als postmodern schilder weigert hij consequent in een vakje gestopt te worden. Mannaers is bovendien het typevoorbeeld van de kunstenaar waar zijn en leven voelbaar worden in elke vezel van het canvas of papier. Als in een dagboek verwerkt hij de emoties en tribulaties van de dag in zijn tekeningen. Uitgediept en uitgepuurd vinden die dan een weg in zijn schilderijen. Erudiet en doordrongen van een groot kunsthistorisch besef brengt hij verschillende aspecten, stromingen en invloeden uit kunst, literatuur en filosofie samen. De ene keer gebeurt dat harmonieus en ernstig, de andere keer als een ironiserende clash van beelden, maar doorgaans zonder enig onderscheid tussen hoge of lage cultuur.
'The Thrill of it All' is de titel van de screwball comedy (amusementsfilm met in de hoofdrol Doris Day-1963) die bepalend was voor het ontstaan van het werk van Karin Hanssen. In 1994 besliste Karin door toedoen van deze film om haar werk toe te spitsen op het thema van het sociaal determinisme en te werken met de flashback. De kunstenares maakte een significante selectie van haar schilderwerk, waardoor het verhaal van Hanssens' oeuvre visueel verteld wordt. Daarnaast is haar oeuvre in een ruim historisch, nationaal en internationaal kader geplaatst. Door de teksten van drie gerenomeerde specialisten uit de sector krijgt de lezer / toeschouwer een dieper inzicht in de gelaagdheid van haar werk.
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 120 p | 60 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 35,00 [NL] | € 33,02 [INT] £ 46,00 [UK] | $ 78,00 [US]
Expo: 16/1/2010 - 14/3/2010, De Garage - Cultuurcentrum Mechelen Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 165 mm | 128 p | 60 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 29,00 [BE] | € 27,36 [INT] £ 34,00 [UK]
Rights: W
Rights: W
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Andy Warhol, Sylvie Fleury, Robert Longo, Vincent Szarek
Dieter Buchhart, Jean-Louis Prat
Renate Wiehager
American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) quickly became one of art history's most luminescent personalities; his friendships with Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, and Madonna, as well as his tragic death at the age of twenty-seven, are the stuff of legend. This retrospective publication traces the artist's unique career and pinpoints his important position in art history. Basquiat's works are marked by the kind of intensity and energy that also determined the course of his brief life. In just eight years -comparable to the career of Egon Schiele- Basquiat not only managed to create an extensive oeuvre, but also to establish new figurative and expressive elements alongside Conceptual and Minimal Art. At the age of twenty-one, he became the youngest artist ever to be invited to the documenta, while his work also anticipated that of Germany's Junge Wilde movement and the art of the nineties.
Cars presents works from the Daimler Art Collection by artists Andy Warhol, Robert Longo, Sylvie Fleury, and Vincent Szarek. Common to all of them is their examination of the history, the models, or the design of Mercedes-Benz automobiles. The core of the exhibit is the Cars series by Andy Warhol (1928-1987), comprising thirty-five silkscreen paintings that employ selected Mercedes models to document the car's history. Joining this unfinished series are drawings and airbrush paintings by Robert Longo (*1953). Videos by Sylvie Fleury (*1961) blend the myth of the legendary Mercedes-Benz with some of the most contemporary ideas from the worlds of art and fashion. Vincent Szarek (*1973) takes design elements from the Mercedes-Benz SLR as the starting point for his group of sculptures, which with the use of three-dimensional programs were digitally developed as a modern form of drawing.
[G] Hatje Cantz
[G] Hatje Cantz
Expo: 9/5/2010 - 5/9/2010, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel.
Expo: Expo: 21/1/2010 - 16/5/2010, Albertina, Vienna,
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 274 mm | 224 p | 160 col.ill.| 30 bw ill. | May 2010 € 39,80 [BE]
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 280 x 250 mm | 248 p | 105 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 39,80 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
David Lynch
Mel Ramos
Dark Splendor
50 Years of Pop Art
Werner Spies
Klaus Honnef, Daniel J. Schreiber
The name David Lynch initially prompts one to think of Wild at Heart, Blue Velvet,Twin Peaks , or Mulholland Drive, yet the brilliant director actually studied art and, parallel to his film career, has continued to work as a visual artist. For Lynch (*1946 in Missoula, Montana), his photographs, short films, paintings, prints, drawings, and-most recently-musical compositions are both an indispensable part of his oeuvre as well as a source of inspiration for his films. These works also deal with the themes that are typical for Lynch the director-most notably, the abyss behind the idyllic façade of life in the suburbs. Cryptic written messages, the inclusion of organic materials and objects, and the artist's liberating sense of humor are hallmarks of his paintings, executed in dark colors. His photographs often feature sensitively perceived fallow industrial wastelands. This monograph presents Lynch's most important projects, making it a kind of synopsis in the spirit of a Gesamtkunstwerk.
Mel Ramos (*1935 in Sacramento, California), one of the most significant figures of Pop Art, borrows motifs from the mass media and commercial advertisements for his work, just as his contemporaries
[G] Hatje Cantz
[G] Hatje Cantz
Expo: 22/11/2009 -2/3/2010, Max Ernst Museum des LVR, Brühl,
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 210 x 160 mm | 280 p | 240 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 19,80 [BE]
Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein did. To create his paintings, he combines a wide variety of consumer goods with immaculate, self-confident, and frequently naked women. Drawing upon the imagery in pinup magazines of the fifties and sixties and the lifestyle magazines of today, he portrays his female figures wrapped lasciviously around the products with which he pairs them. This publication offers a survey of Ramos's production over the last fifty years, ranging from the first self-portrait he executed in 1959 to his most recent three-dimensional works. On the occasion of the artist's first large-scale museum retrospective in Europe as well as his seventy-fifth birthday, this volume presents several insightful essays and illustrations of around ninety works drawn from the various series Ramos has produced, including his earliest figurative paintings, his depictions of comic-book heroes and heroines, the Fashion and Animal Paintings, his famous pinup girls, his tributes to art history, his landscapes, and his sketches and recent sculptures.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 310 mm | 352 p | 346 col.ill.| May 2010 € 58,00 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
The Andy Goldsworthy Project
Rights: only BE
Another Art Book
Molly Donovan, Tina Fiske
Another Art Book is the last in a series of three collectable books of material drawn from the archives of Another Magazine, one of the world's most influential fashion journals. The book looks back on some of the ambitious projects commissioned for Another Magazine since 2001, gathering work by many of the most exciting names in contemporary art, including Yayoi Kusama, Yoshitomo Nara, Keith Tyson, Urs Fischer and Damien Hirst.
Andy Goldsworthy's beautiful ephemeral artworks have been rendered timeless in numerous photographic records. But over a period of nearly twenty-five years, he has also produced more than 120 permanent installations all over the world in three continents. This is the first significant volume devoted to Goldsworthy's work in nearly twenty years, and the first to underscore the artist's permanent output since 1984.
[G] Steidl Hardback | Eng. ed. | 302 x 233 mm | 320 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | June 2010 € 60,00 [BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson National Gallery of Art, Washington Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 279 mm | 272 p | 260 col.ill.| 40 bw ill. | April 2010 € 56,00 [BE]
Luc Tuymans
Rights: only BE
Antony Gormley
Against the Day
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Modern Artists Series Martin Caiger-Smith
Belgian artist Luc Tuymans is one of the most respected painters of his generation. the exhibition Against the Day, is a series of twenty one paintings which focus on virtual reality, illusions and fantasies. The title Against the Day is adopted from the book with the same title by Thomas Pynchon, who introduced paranoia to American literature. Tuymans convinced that original pictures do not exist, has called his paintings 'authentic forgeries' .
The author sets Gormley's work and career in its historical context, examining the inspirations and influences that have played a part in forming his sensibility. He assesses his relationship to minimalism, arte povera, land and environmental art, and examines his response to the challenge of engaging with figurative sculpture at the beginning of the twenty-first century. [UK] Tate Publishing Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 128 p | 100 col.ill. | March 2010 € 21,00 [BE] | € 21,50 [NL] | € 20,28 [INT]
[G] Steidl Expo: 28/12/2010 - 25/4/2010, Moderna Museet, Stockholm Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 217 mm | 96 p | 20 col.ill. | June 2010 € 42,50 [BE]
-Previously announced-
Rights: only BE
Jackson Pollock
Anish Kapoor
Rights: only BE
Architecture Projects
Ellen G. Landau Written by one of the world's leading authorities on the artist, this engaging book, now available again, explores in vivid detail the life and career of Jackson Pollock. It reproduces more than 100 paintings in full colour, including six foldouts, together with over 170 illustrations in black and white. A wealth of comparative photographs illustrating paintings by artists whom Pollock admired further explains the work of this complex, tragic and immeasurably influential figure.
Anish Kapoor was born in Bombay in 1954. He has lived and worked in London since the early 1970s, rising quickly to prominence in the 1980s. Today, Kapoor is widely regarded as one of the foremost sculptors of his generation. Representing Britain at the Venice Biennale in 1990, Kapoor was awarded the Premio Duemila Prize. In 1991 Kapoor was awarded the Turner Prize [G] Steidl Hardback | Eng. ed. | 243 x 180 mm | 300 p | 500 col.ill. | June 2010 € 65,00 [BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson Hardback | Eng. ed. | 298 x 260 mm | 284 p | 105 col.ill.| 165 bw ill. | April 2010 € 56,00 [BE] Reprint
Chris Ofili
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Barbara Kruger
Rights: only BE
Edited by Judtih Nesbitt
Essays by Alex Alberro, Hal Foster, Martha Gever, Barbara Kruger, Miwon Kwon, Carol Squiers
Ofili's best-known works are complex and highly decorative canvases, built up from layers of paint combined with other materials including sequins, glitter, map pins and images cut from magazines. Their subject matter often refers to his Nigerian heritage and the wider African American and Afro-Caribbean experience, making reference to sources as diverse as Zimbabwean cave paintings, blaxploitation movies, comic books, funk and hip-hop album covers, pornography and the Bible.
A seminal volume celebrating the career of influential American artist Barbara Kruger, made in collaboration with the artist.
[US] Rizzoli Hardback | Eng. ed. | 241 x 298 mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. | April 2010 € 58,95 [BE]
[UK] Tate Publishing Expo: 27/1/2010 - 16/5/2010, Tate Britain, London. Pb with flaps | Eng. ed. | 255 x 210 mm | 176 p | 130 col.ill. | Jan. 2010 € 27,50 [BE] | € 28,00 [NL] | € 26,42 [INT] Also available: hardback ed.: isbn: 978185437811,
Gabriel Orozco
Artistes d'Abomey
Dialogue sur un royaume africain
Edited by Ann Temkin
Sous la direction de Gaëlle Beaujean-Baltzer
Gabriel Orozco was born in Veracruz in Mexico in 1962. Since the early 1990s, his career has been characterised by constant surprise and innovation. He roams freely and fluently between drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, and painting, creating a body of work that resists categorization. Ranging from subtle interventions in the landscape to meticulously executed sculptures and quick snapshots, art intermingles with reality and ideas inseparable from experience. This volume, designed in collaboration with the artist, offers a comprehensive examination of Orozco's career from the late 1980s to the present. Critical essays by Ann Temkin, Briony Fer, and Benjamin H. D. Buchloh provide new approaches to grounding Orozco's work in the larger landscape of contemporary art. They are complemented by a richly illustrated chronology that combines biographical information with focused discussions of selected objects. Each entry pays particular attention to Orozco's material practice and introduces the artist's own reflections on the work he has created. Accompanying a major touring retrospective exhibition, this extensively illustrated survey will be the most thorough examination of Orozco's achievements published to date.
Cette exposition présente, à travers 82 oeuvres et 8 documents graphiques anciens, les artistes du royaume du Danhomè (1600-1894), dans l'actuel Bénin. Elle a pour objet de présenter leurs oeuvres mais aussi d'interroger leur rôle et leur statut au sein de la société danhoméenne, et plus spécifiquement dans la capitale Abomey. En effet les artistes, choisis par le roi, jouissent de grands privilèges tout en étant contraints par leur allégeance.
[UK] Tate Publishing
[BE] Fondation Zinsou
Expo: 10/4/2010 - 10/8/2010, Offlentiche Kunstammlung, Basel
Expo: 10/11/09-10/1/2010, Musée du quai Branly, Paris
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 241 mm | 256 p | Feb. 2010 € 34,50 [BE] | € 35,50 [NL] | € 33,49 [INT]
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 344 p | 80 col.ill.| 100 duotone ill.| € 35,00 [BE] | € 36,95 [NL] | € 35,00 [INT]
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Rights: W
The Art of Benin
Arts de l'Afrique centrale. Correspondances et mutations
Nigel Barley
François Neyt
This is an illustrated introduction to the art and history of the ancient kingdom of Benin from the 14th century to the 20th century, one of the most sophisticated kingdoms in Africa. Benin has a tradition of refined and beautiful representations of animals, figures, commemorative heads of kings and queens, relief plaques and staffs of office. In this revised and updated edition of her 1980 study, Paula Girshick Ben-Amos explains the role played by art in every aspect of Benin life: at court, in private homes, in the urban capital and in the villages. Drawing on oral traditions, archaelogical discoveries, travellers' accounts going back to the 16th century and her own research in Africa she describes how the ancient art of Benin emerged under the patronage of the successive obas (kings). Social, political and religious innovations brought about developments in style, and ideas and motifs from neighbouring African peoples and from Europe were absorbed over time without changing the character of this art tradition.
Cet ouvrage met en lumière les interrelations qui unissent la production artistique des groupes humains de l'Afrique centrale. Les correspondances et les mutations des formes présentées mettent en évidence les sources d'inspiration de ces populations s'exprimant dans une langue bantoue. Ces sculptures traduisent à leur manière la présence d'une civilisation unique de la côte atlantique aux abords du lac Tanganyika à l'est. Celle-ci couvre le bassin du fleuve Congo et celui d'Ogooué au Gabon. De nombreuses cartes géographiques ponctuent le passé culturel de ces peuples, leurs migrations et la localisation des sculptures choisies. Les trois thèmes retenus se présentent comme un chemin initiatique soulignant l'émergence et le développement de ces signes culturels étonnants et reconnus mondialement : Le visage en forme de coeur, présent dans des masques et des effigies de la forêt équatoriale, des Kwele aux Lega. - Les reliquaires et les figures d'ancêtres, traversant les deux biotopes forêt/savane, des Mbede, Fang, Tsogho, Kota, Ngbaka, Teke, Kongo, Songye, Kusu, Hemba, Boyo-Bembe et Tabwa. - La représentation féminine, vénérée dans les royaumes de la savane : masques Punu, maternités Kongo ; masques et effigies dans la région du Kwango-Kwilu (Holo, Yaka, Suku, Mbala, Pende), les Chokwe, les Luluwa et les Luba.
[UK] British Museum Press
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Expo: 22/6/2010 - 12/9/2010, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 254 mm | 144 p | 130 col.ill.| March 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
Hardback | French ed. | 297 x 245 mm | 400 p | 400 col.ill.| June 2010 € 60,00 [BE] | € 56,60 [INT]
Rights: only BE
Rights: not NL, not F
The Masters and the Forgers - Secrets
X-ray Authentication of Paintings
Journeys through the Black Atlantic
By Roger H. Marijnissen. With contributions by Ron Spronk, Willem Elias, Guido Van de Voorde, Leopold Kockaert, Roger Van Schoute and Francis Cuigniez.
This major exhibition, inspired by Paul Gilroy's seminal book The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness (1993), identifies a hybrid culture that spans the Atlantic, connecting Africa, North and South America, The Caribbean and Europe. The exhibition is the first to trace in depth the impact of Black Atlantic culture on Modernism and will reveal how black artists and intellectuals have played a central role in the formation of Modernism from the early twentieth century to today. From the influences of African art on the Modernist forms of artists like Picasso, to the work of contemporary artists such as Kara Walker, Ellen Gallagher and Chris Ofili, the exhibition will map out visual and cultural hybridity in modern and contemporary art that has arisen from the journeys made by people of Black African descent. Divided into seven chronological chapters, from early twentieth century avant-garde movements such as the Harlem Renaissance to current debates around 'Post-Black' art, this exhibition opens up an alternative transatlantic reading of Modernism and its impact on contemporary culture for a new generation.
X-radiography is one of the most marvellous ways of studying them. X-rays can reveal critically important aspects of an object s condition and the materials used to create it, as well as providing information about the artist s creative process. With the present advent of a new field of expertise, technical art history, X-radiography is back at the centre of scholars attention. This richly illustrated survey includes over 250 X-rays with notes and commentary, providing scientific information as well as guidance for comparing documents to scholars and collectors. Röntgenstralen verschaffen ons informatie van buitengewoon belang over de bewaringstoestand van het werk, over de gebruikte materialen, het creatieve proces en de atelierpraktijk. Met de komst van een nieuw vakgebied, de technische kunstgeschiedenis, staat de radiografie opnieuw volop in de belangstelling van kunsthistorici. Deze studie omvat ruim 250 röntgenopnames, voorzien van uitgebreide aantekeningen en commentaar. Onder de bestudeerde schilderijen bevinden zich 16de- en 17de-eeuwse meesterwerken als de 'Annunciatie' van Bouts, het 'Meisje met de rode hoed' toegeschreven aan Vermeer, en de 'Madonna met Kind' van Jan van Eyck.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
[UK] Tate Publishing
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 250 mm | 440 p | 250 col. & bw ill.| Dec. 2009 € 125,00 [BE] | € 117,92 [INT]
Expo: 29/1/2010 - 25/4/2010, Tate Liverpool Hardback | Eng. ed. | 258 x 224 mm | 208 p | 100 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 25,95 [BE] | € 26,80 [NL] | € 25,28 [INT]
Rights: not NL, not F
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Miller's Antiques Price Guide 2010
Miller's Collectables Price Guide 2010
Judith Miller
Judith Miller, Mark Hill
If you want to know the value of your antiques - or find out how the antiques market is faring - the world's best-selling fully illustrated antiques price guide is the place to look. Essential reading, whether you're a new or established collector, there's always something new to discover.Every year more than 8,000 items are photographed in full colour to make Miller's Antiques Handbook & Price Guide the most comprehensive and informative price guide available on the market. Whether you're a dealer, collector of auctioneer, this is the book you need to you keep track of what is now a truly international market. From mahogany chairs to oak cupboards, drinking glasses, to Wedgwood and 20th century antiques, Miller's Antiques Handbook & Price Guide reflects the antiques market like no other book available. This indispensible reference source not only gives you the prices, but explains why one item is worth more than another. Whether you visit auctions or fairs, buy and sell on eBay, or just love collecting -- you need this book.
Every year more than 4,000 items are photographed to make "Miller's Collectables Price Guide", the most comprehensive and informative price guide on the market. Whether you're buying or selling, a dealer, collector or auctioneer, this is the book you need to help you keep track of the international market. From cups and saucers to teddy bears, Scandinavian glass to Pez dispensers, "Miller's Collectables Price Guide" reflects the collectibles market like no other book on the market. It not only gives you the prices but explains why one item is worth more than another. Whenever you're buying or selling always take Judith with you.
[UK] Mitchell Beazley
[UK] Mitchell Beazley
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 194 mm | 704 p | June 2010 € 42,50 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 190 mm | 512 p | March 2010 € 27,95 [BE]
Trésors de la couronne d'Espagne
Quilts 1700-2010
Un âge d'or de la tapisserie flamande
Hidden Histories, Untold Stories
Sous la direction de Fernando Checa La tapisserie flamande des XVe et XVIe siècles a fait partie des produits d'exportation les plus prisés de nos régions du nord. D'un raffinement technique inégalé, des panneaux d'une beauté à couper le souffle sont sortis en nombre des ateliers de Bruxelles ou de Tournai. Les dessins de base ou « cartons » étant souvent l'oeuvre de peintres célèbres, tels Raphaël ou Bernard van Orley, c'est tout naturellement que les tapisseries ont relayé le renouveau du langage artistique formel de la Renaissance. Désormais, des éléments architectoniques viennent structurer l'ensemble de la composition, la perspective fait son entrée et les personnages sont représentés de manière de plus en plus vivante. Derrière ces oeuvres d'art se cache tout un monde. Les précieuses tapisseries en fils de soie et de laine, mais aussi d'or et d'argent, convenaient admirablement à la cour itinérante des ducs de Bourgogne, puis à celles de Charles Quint et de son fils Philippe II. Bien entendu, ces « fresques portables », transportées à travers toute l'Europe et généralement commandées dans le cadre d'une série, n'étaient pas uniquement destinées à accroître le confort personnel, le plaisir esthétique ou le prestige social de leur commanditaire. Les compositions variées s'attachant à des thèmes religieux, historiques ou mythologiques constituaient un moyen de propagande
Quilts evoke the past - they stimulate our earliest memories of security and comfort and resonate with historical and cultural references challenging the assumption that stitching is simply 'women's work'. Using stunning new photography, this book explores the personal and social histories which reveal the maker's complex engagement with the wider world. The myths and narratives handed down with each intricately pieced patchwork and stitched whole cloth are as much a part of our heritage as the silks, velvets and cottons which document our textile history. Primary sources, such as inventories, diaries and letters add context to the personal narratives documented by the quilts, exploring responses to marriage, childbirth, love and loss. The book includes contemporary material to show how artists such as Grayson Perry and Tracey Emin respond to the tradition of quilt making.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
[UK] Victoria & Albert Museum
Expo: 14/4/2010 - 4/7/2010, Galerie des Gobelins, Paris
Expo: 20/3/2010 - 4/7/2010, Victoria & Albert Museum, London Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 247 mm | 240 p | 130 col.ill.| March 2010 € 50,00 [BE] | € 52,00 [NL]
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 280 x 250 mm | 256 p | 120 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 39,95 [BE] | € 37,69 [INT]
Rights: not NL, not F (Actes Sud)
Rights: BE, NL
(Réedition du titre: Tapisseries Flamandes),
Jewelry Design handbook
Siegfried De Buck
De tekening is een belangrijk onderdeel van het creatieve proces en is bovendien het nuttigste instrument om een concept of een denkbeeld over te brengen. Dit boek toont een met zorg samengestelde selectie van de werken van de opvallendste moderne sieraadontwerpers door middel van illustraties.
Een overzicht van het werk van zilversmid Siegfried De Buck in drie luiken. Een eerste luik bevat een zestigtal juwelen en een vijtiental zilveren objecten. Het tweede luik heeft als titel 60 ring en vertelt enerzijds het verhaal van de kunstenaar zelf en anderzijds van de sieraden, die ook elk een eigen leven zijn gaan leiden. In een derde luik brengen vrienden, collega's en studenten een hommage aan de mens, de ontwerper en de leraar De Buck. Als hedendaags juweelontwerper en zilversmid speelt Siegfried De Buck een belangrijke rol in de ontwikkeling van de Belgische edelsmeedkunst. Zijn carrière, waarin vakmanschap en elegantie centraal staan, omvat meer dan 30 jaar en getuigt van een grote persoonlijkheid. Door zijn voortdurende drang naar vernieuwing ontstaan binnen zijn vormgeving, verschillende stijlperiodes. Vanuit zijn gevoel voor materialen laat de vormgever edele en niet-edele materialen versmelten tot unicums
Manuel Design de Bijoux | Handboek Juweelontwerp | Schmuckdesign Handbuch
Drawing is an essential part of any creative process and it remains the most efficient tool for communicating a concept or an image. This book features a varied selection of the work of leading jewellery designers, as revealed through their original illustrations and working drawings, plus colour photographs of the finished pieces.
[BE] booQs - Series Practice-
[BE] Medium
Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 187 x 150 mm | 560 p | throughout col.ill.| March 2010 € 14,95 [BE]
Hardback | NL ed. | 245 x 170 mm | 160 p | 70 col.ill.| 50 bw ill. | Nov. 2009 € 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [NL] | € 27,83 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: W
Frank O. Gehry Since 1997
Sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Bruwier et Anne Van Loo Depuis la nuit des temps, Héliopolis évoque une ville mystérieuse de l'Égypte ancienne qui, en Orient comme en Occident, nourrit l'imaginaire collectif. Cette cité d'au moins 4.500 ans, située à la pointe du Delta du Nil, n'est pas seulement le fruit d'un rêve. Lieu de séjour pour les voyageurs de l'Antiquité, lieu de pèlerinage depuis le Moyen-Âge et berceau d'une ville nouvelle créée de toute pièce à l'aube du XXe siècle par le capitaine d'industrie Édouard Empain, Héliopolis fait désormais partie du Caire. Elle tire son originalité et son dynamisme actuels du dialogue entre les cultures dont elle est l'expression et qui la distingue, aujourd'hui encore, comme un des lieux les plus remarquables de cette métropole.
Edited by Germano Gelant
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
[UK] Skira
Hardback | French ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill.| May 2010 € 60,00 [BE] | € 60,00 [INT]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 320 p | 532 col.ill.| June 2010 € 86,95 [BE]
Published in concomitance with the major exhibition curated by Germano Celant at the Triennale di Milano, this volume brings together all the projects realized by Frank O. Gehry since his pivotal stylistic metamorphosis of 1997, embodied by the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, until today. Among the featured works: the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles (1989-2003), the DZ Bank Building in Berlin (1995-2001), the Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Chicago (1999-2004), the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, D.C. (1999-2005), the Experience Music Project in Seattle (1995-2000), the Art Gallery of Ontario (2000-2008), the Interactive Corporation headquarters in New York (2003-2007), the Beekman Street residential complex in New York (2003-2009), and two projects begun in 2005-06 that are still underway, the Atlantis Sentosa resort in Singapore and the Guggenheim Museum in Abu Dhabi.
Also available: Eng. ed : ISBN: 9789061539315
Rights: not NL, not
Rights: BE
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC
Architecture on the Edge: Houses
High Density: Architecture for the Future
Eduard Broto
Carles Broto
A highly practical and instructive sourcebook following each step of the design and construction process of over thirty houses constructed on especially tricky sites. Projects include real "cliffhangers" that seem to hover in thin air, houses set on dramatically sloped plots or tiny, oddlyshaped plots hemmed in on all sides. Particular emphasis is placed on the engineering techniques, construction processes and materials employed to pull off these architectural acrobatics.
Various prestigious architects present their most recent creations for apartment buildings, from the most innovative and avant-garde proposals, to those that attempt to create spaces whose personalities adapt to their contents. Conventional vertical dwellings, buildings for specific groups and residential complexes share a common spirit: rigour, imagination and respect for both the persons who will occupy them and the enviroment in which they are located.
[ES] Links Hardback | Eng. ed. | 242 x 284 mm | 300 p | 348 col.ill.| 183 bw ill. | June 2010 € 55,00 [BE] | € 58,50 [NL] | € 55,00 [INT]
[ES] Links Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 280 mm | 250 p | 290 col.ill.| 145 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL] | € 35,00 [INT]
Wood Houses & Cabins
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC
1000 Details in Architecture
Rights: BE, NL, G, A
Jacobo Krauel These works feature a wide range of different uses of wood in home construction. Each of the projects is clearly explained by the designers themselves. All of the examples selected share the highest degree of architectural quality due to innovative uses of wood as well as the architects' outspoken bid for environmentally sustainable construction. Included in this volume are sophisticated residences, contemporary homes, and small but remarkable wood cabins.
A sourcebook for homeowners, architects, designers, and contractors, this heavily illustrated book looks at the architectural details in building projects. The material has been selected for its capacity to inspire and propose innovative ideas on how to approach the design or construction of different parts of a project. Divided into fifteen thematic chapters, the details included are numbered in the lay-out from 1 to 1000, and are illustrated with close-up photographs or drawings.
[ES] Links Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 260 mm | 240 p | 457 col.ill.| 189 bw ill. | April 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL] | € 35,00 [INT]
[ES] Loft Publications Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 215 mm | 292 p | March 2010 € 34,95 [BE] | € 34,95 [NL] | € 32,97 [INT]
Beach Houses
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC
Small Apartments
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC
Carles Broto
Carles Broto
Large-format glossy photographs, floor plans, technical details and architectural commentary straight from the studios of the designing architects themselves make this an invaluable volume for any design or architecture professional. These are forward-looking projects by internationally renowned architects whose work stands as a landmark to innovation. The reader will find a thorough explanation of the materials and techniques employed in each project.
Living in small apartments is the way of the future, as cities become more crowded and the drive to live in more ecologically friendly ways grows. Small Apartments offers a wide variety of beautifully illustrated case studies of ingeniously designed small spaces. These apartments are streamlined inside and out, with dozens of original solutions in storage plus an array of space-saving furniture and fixtures. Small Apartments proves that good things do come in small packages.
[ES] Links Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 260 mm | 240 p | 451 col.ill.| 179 bw ill. | May 2010 € 34,00 [BE] | € 36,00 [NL] | € 34,00 [INT]
[ES] Links Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 260 mm | 240 p | 455 col.ill.| 182 bw ill. | April 2010 € 34,00 [BE] | € 36,00 [NL] | € 34,00 [INT]
Architectural Photography
Rights: BE, NL, G, A
Eugenie Pons
Rights: BE, NL, G, A
Javier Barba
After creating his own advertising photography studio with a colleague, he decided to go by his own and oriented himself towards his authentic matter of interest: architectural photography. He started collaborating with architecture and design magazines and introduced himself to the most successful architects in Barcelona, which made his first collaborations possible. He now continues collaborating with several international newspapers, magazines and publishers, and has won five LUX awards.
Javier Barba was born in Barcelona to a family of architects. He studied in the city's School of Architecture and after working in his father's firm, he established his own practice, BC Studio. The projects designed by BC Studio are based on the concepts of integrated and Bioclimatic Architecture, respecting nature and its resources. In 1989 their project Semi-buried House was chosen by the commission of the European Community as one of the best examples of bioclimatic construction.
[ES] Loft Publications Hardback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 287 mm | 304 p | throughout col.ill. | April 2010 € 40,00 [BE] | € 40,00 [NL] | € 37,74 [INT]
[ES] Loft Publications Hardback | Eng. ed. | 265 x 203 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | June 2010 € 35,00 [BE] |€ 35,00 [NL] | € 33,02 [INT]
Blue Houses
Rights: BE, NL
Renovated Spaces
Sustainable Homes
Rights: BE, NL, G, A
New life for old homes
This book brings together the best designed, best looking and most functional eco houses in the world. Built to make maximum use of resources, reduce their impact on the environment and improve the quality of life of their occupants, green homes are no longer only an option available to a few environmentalists, they have currently become one of the strongest design tendencies. All the projects are an example of stylish, durable and sustainable architectural solutions.
The originality inherent in spaces that have been reformed and converted into dwellings has meant that renovations have become a popular architectural topic. Any space can be transformed into a dwelling: old water tanks, industrial spaces, old flats... Whether dealing with old homes that need upgrading for a new family, or spaces with a former non-residential use, the renovation plans always take into account the characteristics of the previous construction. [ES] Loft Publications Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 420 p | 580 col.ill.| 225 bw ill. | Dec. 2009 € 29,95 [BE] | € 29,95 [NL] | € 28,25 [INT]
[ES] Loft Publications Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 240 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. | April 2010 € 35,00 [BE] | € 35,00 [NL] | € 33,02 [INT]
Rights: BE, NL, G, A
Mini Loft Bible
Timber up your home
Rights: not NL/ UK/ USA/ IT/ G
This title offers a wide report on contemporary architecture using wood as a raw material, and presents the most famous and significant projects in the world. Organized according to topographic parameters, the book reveals the most fashionable trends in the building trade, without forgetting the fields of architecture and design. This material, which has been used for building since the dawn of man, is blessed with a variety of characteristics which afford its great versality.
As a reader you are treated to an immense variety of lofts in a wide range of building from all over the world. They have been converted with great ingenuity and imagination by a new breed of urban dwellers who have embraced the loft living idyll. Enthusiastically eclectic, importing ideas gathered from travel or reading, and using furniture from modern emporiums of design or found in junk shops, these loft dwellers have left the essential character and texture of their buildings intact.
[ES] Loft Publications Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 235 x 194 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | June 2010 € 29,95 [BE] | € 29,95 [NL] | € 28,25 [INT]
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 172 x 210 mm | 432 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2007, 3rd reprint April 2010. € 19,95 [BE] | € 18,82 [INT]
London Minimum
Morocco Modern
Herbert Ypma
Herbert Ypma
Herbert Ypma, the world-renowned author of style and travel books, created an entirely fresh and innovative approach to interior design in World Design, his series of visual sourcebooks for designers, architects, artists, students and everyone in any way interested in home decoration. Available again, in a reduced format, this hugely sucessful title will attract an entirely new generation. This volume contains outstanding photographs of interiors, exteriors, furniture, found objects, textiles and much more, capturing the essence of London in a truly seductive way, whether a Victorian street in Shepherd's Bush, a former wine warehouse in Bermondsey or a converted pair of classical houses on Royal Avenue in Chelsea.
Herbert Ypma, the world-renowned author of style and travel books, created an entirely fresh and innovative approach to interior design in World Design, his series of visual sourcebooks for designers, architects, artists, students and everyone in any way interested in home decoration. Morocco is at once ultra-modern, yet still deeply traditional, and this is what defines Morocco's decorative arts. Featured here, for example, are a villa in Essaouira, traditional - and contemporary - homes in Marrakech, an Islamic pleasure pavilion, a contemporary mud home in the Palmerai, a Berber mud village, and Majorelle's garden in Marrakech.
[UK] Thames & Hudson
[UK] Thames & Hudson
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 170 mm | 160 p | 176 col.ill.| March 2010 € 13,95 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 170 mm | 160 p | 171 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 13,95 [BE]
(World Design Series)
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Marc Van Hoe
Le Fabuleux Destin du Quotidien
Eigenzinnig Grammaticus van Materiaal- en Beeldtaal
The Fabulous Destiny of the Quotidian
Mireille Houtzager. Jaap Houtzager (Photography) Il existe entre Art et Design un va-et-vient de la pensée qui se découvre des points communs aussi bien que des différences essentielles. Les créateurs actuels mêlent les genres et passent de l'un à l'autre fréquemment, jusqu'à les confondre dans des oeuvres qui ne sont plus définies de manière unilatérale et péremptoire. Cet ouvrage, qui accompagne une exposition présentée au Grand-Hornu en 2010, comprend des contributions d'une dizaine d'auteurs issus de différents horizons (Art et Design) et envisage cette situation à partir de notions historiques, analytiques ou encore poétiques.
Marc Van Hoe is beeldend kunstenaar en ontwerper/vormgever van textiel. Het ene is onlosmakelijk met het andere verbonden. Het complexe netwerk van deze in elkaar vervlochten kluwen vloeit voort uit de persoon Marc Van Hoe, die met de ene hand in dienst van het textielontwerpen en met de andere hand in dienst van autonome beelden handelt, schept en vormgeeft. Het complexe oeuvre dat hieruit is voortgekomen vormt het onderwerp van deze monografie. Een monografie die tevens is op te vatten als een zoektocht naar de bronnen en naar de kern van de persoon achter zijn werk, zijn leven, zijn denken en handelen. Dit boek vormt het negende deel in de reeks van monografieën over Vlaamse kunstenaars en ontwerpers in de toegepaste kunst of design die Stichting Kunstboek samen met Design Vlaanderen jaarlijks publiceert.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
[BE] MAC's Grand Hornu
Paperback | NL ed. | 300 x 245 mm | 80 p | 80 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 15,00 [BE] | € 15,00 [INT]
Expo: 7/02/10 - 23/05/10, MACs Grand Hornu Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 28 x 21 mm | 256 p | 82 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,00 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Rights: W
9781856696432 Rights: only BE
1000 New Designs 2 and Where to Find Them Jennifer Hudson
1000 New Designs 2 and Where to Find Them is a comprehensive roundup of the best in contemporary design, from around the world. It features a huge range of striking new products, chapters include: Tables and chairs; Sofas and beds; Storage; Kitchens and bathrooms; Tableware; Textiles; Lighting; Electronics and more. Works by the leading international designers along with commentaries giving an insight into current developments in design and in-depth studies on selected products. [UK] Laurence King Paperback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 195 mm | 352 p | 1200 col.ill. | March 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
Pieter Stockmans Design
Rights: W
Product Design Now 2
Rights: BE
The Renderings
l'exposition rend compte de la contribution de Stockmans au design industriel. L'exposition est accompagnée d'un catalogue de 186 pages en couleurs qui passe en revue, de façon tout à fait inédite, les dizaines de prototypes et de réalisations de 1963 à aujourd'hui. Il cerne l'évolution du design de Pieter Stockmans entre sa collaboration chez Mosa et la réalité du Studio Pieter Stockmans, atelier personnel basé à Genk depuis 1987, où ce dernier oeuvre aux côtés de Widukind Stockmans et Frank Claesen.
In a market flooded with iPhones, iPods, Palm Pilots, eReaders, Kindles, and an endless aray of cell phones, cameras and personal computers, product designers are faced with the increasingly difficult challenge of designing merchandise that is not only functional and easy to use, but personalized and eye-catching [US] Collins Design Int'l Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 241 mm | 256 p | Aug. 2010 € 37,95 [BE]
[BE] Musée Royal de Mariemont Paperback | French ed. | 285 x 250 mm | Dec. 2009 € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,00 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT]
Bomen in België
Revisited - Roel Jacobs
In deze uitgave wordt vooral aandacht besteed aan de bomen die voor iedereen, zonder enige restrictie, vrij te bezichtigen zijn: in openbare parken, tuinen, arboreta, open landschap, straten of voortuinen. Op die manier kan men praktisch op elk moment van de dag en in ieder jaargetijde zich vergewissen van de schoonheid van deze bomen en ze onder alle omstandigheden bestuderen. Er bestaan inderdaad nog heel wat pareltjes in privétuinen, maar men zou ervan opkijken zijn hoeveel onbekende schatten zich recht voor onze ogen bevinden.
Arbres de Belgique Revisited. Roel Jacobs
Il y a vingt ans, le photographe professionnel international Roel Jacobs a collaboré avec la Société Belge de Dendrologie pour la publication d'un livre qui donne un très bref aperçu historique et la description dendrologique de cent parcs ou collections intéressantes en Belgique. En passant beaucoup de temps près, en-dessous, autour et même dans les arbres, il en a eu un coup de foudre.A présent, il a de nouveau visité les arbres d'antan. Le climat a bien sûr beaucoup changé en vingt ans. Certains arbres ont disparu,de nouvelles collections ont vu le jour, des parcs négligés ont été revalorisés, etc. La photographie, elle aussi a évolué. Analogue est devenu numérique, mais une image reste une image. La photographie de Roel a évolué, parce que de nouveaux handicaps deviennent finalement des defis qui permettent de reculer les bornes de la connaissance.Ce livre est le résultat de ces nouvelles rencontres de Roel Jacobs. Il montre en premier lieu les arbres qui sont accessibles à tous, sans aucune restriction: dans les parcs publics, jardins, arboreta, paysages ouverts, rues. Il est ainsi possible de se rendre compte à tout moment de la journée et en chaque saison de la beauté de ces arbres et de les étudier en toutes circonstances. Il existe effectivement maintes perles dans des jardins privés, mais on s'étonnera du nombre de trésors qui se trouvent droit devant nos yeux.
Een goede twintig jaar geleden heeft Roel Jacobs, internationaal professioneel fotograaf, heel wat tijd doorgebracht bij, onder, rond of zelfs in de vele bomen van Belgie. Nu, een twintig jaar verder, is het klimaat serieus veranderd, zijn er, vanzelfsprekend, bomen omgekomen door ouderdom of ziekte, zijn kleine, toen nog zeldzame, want nieuwe introducties, groter en dus meer zichtbaar geworden, zijn enkele zelfs van naam veranderd (ook hier staat de wetenschap niet stil!), is de fobie voor vreemde bomen wat geluwd, zijn er nieuwe collecties bij gekomen, zijn verwaarloosde parken geherwaardeerd en zijn in het algemeen de tuinen nog kleiner geworden. Reden te over dus om alle oude en nieuwe bekenden te gaan opzoeken: de kleine, nog zeer jonge bomen en de eeuwenoude reuzen, de superverzorgde beautyqueens op de perfecte locatie in smetteloze tuinen, de stoere helden, massa's onachtzame sporters en baldadige jeugd trotserend, in de stadsparken, de getekende eenzaten in het zeldzame open landschap, de mysterieuzen verborgen in de bossen en natuurlijke sites en de roekelozen langs de rotwegen.
[BE] B.A.I.
[BE] B.A.I.
Hardback | French ed. | 320 x 245 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill.| Dec. 2009 € 49,50 [BE] | € 49,50 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 320 x 245 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill.| Nov. 2009 € 49,50 [BE] | € 49,50 [INT]
Rights: not NL
Rights: not NL
The Art of Landscape Architecture
Bonsai - Noelanders Trophy 10 Years
L'Art de l'Architecture du Paysage e Kunst van Landschapsarchitectuur
Marc Noelanders
Artistic interpretation of the landscape was transformed when artists started working directly in the landscape itself. At the same time, architects explored strategies aimed at integrating humans and habitats within the environment. This book showcases the ways in which designers have created living spaces within the built and natural environments - areas of harmony between man and nature.
Al 10 jaar organiseert de Bonsai Association Belgium een jaarlijkse internationale bonsai tentoonstelling in Heusden-Zolder. Elk jaar werden de tentoongestelde werken gefotografeerd door professionele fotografen, wat resulteerde in een schat aan beeldmateriaal. Ter gelegenheid van de 10e editie van de Noelanders Trophy werden 250 foto's geselecteerd voor publicatie. Het boek Bonsai Noelanders Trophy 10 Years is genoemd naar Marc Noelanders, voorzitter van de Bonsai Association Belgium. Noelanders is een wereldbekende en gerespecteerde bonsai kunstenaar en al meer dan 25 jaar professioneel met bonsai bezig. Deze publicatie bundelt een unieke collectie van topstukken, gemaakt door bonsai specialisten van over de hele wereld.
[BE] booQs - Series Lifestyle -
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art)
Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 216 x 170 mm | 620 p | March 2010 € 19,95 [BE]
Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 232 p | throughout col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 49,00 [BE] | € 49,00 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Flowers in Love 3
Moniek Vanden Berghe
Jasper Conran
Photography: Kurt De Keyzer
In "Country", Jasper Conran uses his own experiences and the landscapes and homes that are familiar to him to portray a seductive way of life. The allure of the countryside has a universal aspiration. How do we achieve the dream? It is not about spending money, or prescribing to a certain style, it is about appreciation, self-expression and getting back to the root of what makes us tick. Moving from one season to the next, from interior to exterior, from detail to landscape, this is life as it is actually lived in the countryside today. It is one man's vision that informs by captivating the senses and the imagination. "Country" is realistic, full of ideas and completely engrossing - a book to spend time with. Beautifully conceived, beautifully photographed and beautifully written, "Country" is a new kind of lifestyle book - it allows you to live the dream.
Na haar opleiding in de schilderkunst, keramiek en beeldhouwwerk, verdiepte Moniek Vanden Berghe zich in de bloemsierkunst. En met succes! Een van haar specialiteiten is bruidswerk, in een hedendaags-moderne stijl. Ze heeft oog voor detail en ontwerpt met de grootste nauwkeurigheid bruidsboeketten, florale handtasjes, corsages, haarspelden en boutonnières. Maar ook het versieren van de bruidstafel, de bruidswagen, de kerk, de bruidskindjes,. doet ze op een heel verfijnde en harmonieuze manier. Na Flowers in Love 1 en 2 pakt Moniek Vanden Berghe opnieuw uit met een uniek boek rond de thema's liefde en huwelijk. Het boek reikt verfrissende en vernieuwende bruidsideeën aan voor floristen, maar is tegelijkertijd een inspiratiebron voor al wie in het huwelijk treedt.
[UK] Conran
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art)
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 260 mm | 304 p | 300 col.ill.| March 2010 € 63,50 [BE]
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 230 x 230 mm | 120 p | 200 col.ill.| May 2010 € 29,90 [BE] | € 29,90 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
International Annual of Floral Art 2010-11
Life 3 - Passionate Emotions Per Benjamin, Max van de Sluis, Tomas De Bruyne
Deze tweejaarlijkse publicatie, die ondertussen een begrip geworden is in de florale wereld, brengt een stand van zaken inzake vernieuwende florale kunst wereldwijd. Stichting Kunstboek beschikt over een internationaal netwerk van florale scholen, master classes en bloemsierkunstenaars, die ook deze keer weer voor honderden inzendingen zorgden. De vierde editie, 2010-11, bundelt opnieuw persoonlijkheden en creaties die het rijke potentieel en de enorme verscheidenheid in de bloemsierkunst van vandaag weergeven.
Na het succes van Emotions, Wedding Emotions en Christmas Emotions, verrassen de floristen van Life3 - Per Benjamin, Tomas De Bruyne en Max van de Sluis - de florale wereld opnieuw met het vierde boek in deze reeks: Passionate Emotions. Bloemen, met hun verbazende diversiteit, kleuren en vormen, zijn de perfecte manier om het hele spectrum van passies uit te drukken. In deze publicatie staan gevoelens van affectie, liefde, tederheid, passie en romantiek centraal. Deze emoties - nu eens dramatisch, dan weer lichthartig - resulteren in levendige en kleurrijke florale ontwerpen. In combinatie met Life3's gave om gevoelens en sfeer op te roepen door het gebruik van schitterende en passende achtergronden bij hun composities, wordt dit boek een echt kunstwerk dat ongetwijfeld eenieders passie en verbeelding zal beroeren.
After the successes of the former International Annual of Floral Art, this 4th edition is bound to be another hit among florists and flower lovers. The aim of this yearbook is to give a state of the art of innovative floral art in the world. Each year, Stichting Kunstboek's internationally renowned network of floristry schools, master classes and floral designers vouches for hundreds of entries. The 10|11 edition assembles personalities and creations that display the rich potential and variety in floristry today. This 'floral annual' has become a household name and is an invaluable source of inspiration!
De drie designers van Life3 geven opnieuw het beste van zichzelf in deze publicatie. Ze blijven trouw aan hun eigen stijl maar zijn tezelfdertijd innoverend en origineel. Ze willen niet alleen inspireren, maar ook hun creativiteit, trendy concepten en ervaringen delen met collega's en liefhebbers van florale kunst over de hele wereld.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art)
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 240 mm | 304 p | 300 col.ill.| June 2010 € 59,90 [BE] | € 59,90 [INT]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 245 mm | 160 p | 150 col.ill.| May 2010 € 59,90 [BE] | € 59,90 [INT]
Rights: not NL, not US, not G
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Zhanna Semenova
Veelkleurig Leven
Zhanna Semenova
Toos Hoeksel & Adri Nuijten
De periodieke publicatie International Floral Art van Stichting Kunstboek biedt niet alleen een platform voor nieuwe en inspirerende florale trends en vaak spectaculaire designs, maar vormt evenzeer een barometer voor de innovatie in de bloemsierkunst binnen elk specifiek land. Met meer dan 50 composities die door de internationale jury goed voor publicatie bevonden werden, was de Russische avant-garde bijzonder goed vertegenwoordigd in de editie 2008-2009.
Symbolisch bloemschikken is een bijzondere tak van de florale kunst, waarbij men zich laat inspireren door een religieus thema of een liturgische tekst. Hoewel de symboliek van het bloemwerk oorspronkelijk gebaseerd is op een bijbelthema, kan het - onafhankelijk van welke (geloofs)overtuiging dan ook - tot contemplatie en reflectie over bredere, universele menselijke thema's zoals liefde, vriendschap, verdriet, aanvaarding, en hoop leiden.
Floral Art
Symbolische Schikkingen
Gecombineerd met ontroerende poëzie en heel diverse persoonlijke getuigenissen, levert 'Symbolische Schikkingen' inspiratie voor het hele religieuze jaar en voor de vele betekenisvolle momenten in het leven, of ze nu smartelijk of net heel vreugdevol zijn
Zhanna Semenova, aan wie de jury de Golden Leaf toekende, is ongetwijfeld een van de meest opgemerkte vertegenwoordigers van deze ambitieuze groep. Haar designs getuigen van een haast onvoorstelbaar vakmanschap, een tomeloze inzet en een wel heel bijzondere persoonlijkheid. Dit jonge Russische talent, dat op schitterende wijze techniek en creativiteit weet te combineren, zal ongetwijfeld uitgroeien tot een van de leading ladies van de florale kunst in het komende decennium. Mocht u daaraan twijfelen, dan is er deze zeer knappe monografie met de even eenvoudige als toepasselijke titel Floral art. Een uitzonderlijke ontdekking.
Veelkleurig Leven is een bundeling van 25 symbolische bloemschikkingen, gecombineerd met ontroerende poëzie en heel diverse persoonlijke getuigenissen van betekenisvolle momenten uit het leven van patiënten, medewerkers, bezoekers en vrijwilligers van het Sint Franciscus Gasthuis te Rotterdam.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art)
Hardback | Eng./ Russ. ed | 330 x 245 mm | 144 p | 200 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 59,90 [BE] | € 59,90 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 225 x 225 mm | 64 p | 250 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 14,90 [BE] | € 14,90 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Muriel Emsens Diane Adriaenssen, Paul Geerts, Yasmine Geukens et Marie-Paule Devil, Thomas d'Ansembourg, Hermann Pirmez, Marie-Pascale Vasseur et Marie-Noëlle Cruysmans, Bien plus qu'un métier, la photographie est pour Muriel Emsens une passion. À travers son objectif, elle cherche à honorer les visages, les paysages, les atmosphères et les petits bonheurs du quotidien. Elle poursuit aussi infatigablement un lent et solitaire travail d'artiste en se faisant archiviste du végétal. Dans ce recueil, elle donne à voir l'émerveillement que lui inspire la nature. Poétiques, géométriques, botaniques, esthétiques. ses macrophotographies, presque abstraites ou hyperréalistes, solitaires ou groupées suivant leur coloris, leur texture ou leur forme, s'offrent à nous comme une immense ode à la vie... tout simplement. En guise d'introduction, différents auteurs conduisent le lecteur sur des chemins de traverse, évoquant la botanique et l'écologie, mais aussi la philosophie du jardinier et le rapport de l'artiste homme à la nature, afin que s'éveille en chacun l'amoureux de la vie, l'artiste inspiré, l'enfant émerveillé, le jardinier passionné ou encore le botaniste épris d'harmonie.
[BE] Tijdsbeeld-Piece Montée Hardback | French ed. | 330 x 330 mm | 132 p | 160 col.ill.| Dec. 2009 € 60,00 [BE] | € 60,00 [NL] | € 60,00 [INT] € 60,00 [Belles Lettres] (MEV: 10/02)
9789080583139 Rights: UK G BE NL Z F
NL ed.: ISBN: 9789080586122
Denk Groenten! Box (deel 1-5)
Kitchen Aid. Het Blender Kookboek
De Vier Seizoenen van Groentekok Frank Fol
24 uur per dag
Marc Declercq. Recepten: Frank Fol. Fotografie: Tony Le Duc. Design: Katleen Miller
Veerle De Pooter. Photography by Tony Le Duc Word wakker met versgemaakte vruchtensmoothies. Mix je eigen groentesoep, romige dip of zelfgemaakt boterhambeleg voor de lunch. En wat dacht je ervan om voor het diner een smeuïge parfait van kippenlevers te mixen, snel de ingrediënten voor glamoureuze kreeftenburgers te mengen, groenten fijn te snijden voor smakelijke veggieburgers of noten fijn te malen voor zoete Griekse gebakjes ? Je kunt met de Blender zelfs ijsblokjes omtoveren tot poedersneeuw voor cocktails om van te watertanden. Dit kookboek met 48 originele recepten biedt je dit alles en nog veel meer, zodat je zeker het beste uit je Blender zult halen, elke dag opnieuw.
'Denk Groenten!' speelt in op een nieuwe trend. Zelf kweken is immers de beste garantie om verse producten te oogsten. Je oogst de hoeveelheid die je zelf wilt op het moment dat je die zelf gaat bereiden. Verse groenten en kruiden hebben meer smaak omdat ze in hun eigen seizoen opgroeien en worden geoogst als ze optimaal gerijpt zijn. 'Denk Groenten!' is een reeks van 5 boeken. Een unieke combinatie van recepten, zaden, productinformatie en tuintips.
Réveillez-vous à la saveur de smoothies fruités fraîchement préparés. Mixez des sauces à tremper crémeuses ou des préparations faites maison pour des sandwiches à déguster au déjeuner. Et le dîner n'est pas en reste, que diriez-vous de mixer un parfait aux foies de poulet à la saveur veloutée ....Ce livre, avec ses 48 recettes exaltantes, vous apportera tout cela et bien plus encore, pour que vous puissiez véritablement profiter de tous les avantages que votre blender/mixeur offre chaque jour de la semaine. (Version Française: KITCHEN AID, Le livre de recettes du Blender Mixeur, ISBN 9789490028145)
[BE] Minestrone Culinaire Uitgeverij
[BE] Minestrone Culinaire Uitgeverij
Hardback | NL ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 96 p | 40 col.ill.| Sept. 2009 € 89,50 [BE] | € 89,50 [NL] | € 89,50 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 200 x 1650 mm | 128 p | throughout col.ill.| March 2010 € 14,50 [BE] | € 14,50 [NL] | € 14,50 [INT] Available in Dutch (NL), French, English and German editions
Rights: W
Rights: W
Gezond & Slank
Heet Sandra Bekkari. Fotografie: Bart Van Leuven Div. auteurs. Photography: Tony Le Duc, a.o.. Design: Kathleen Miller
Gezonde voeding en voldoende beweging zijn cruciale voorwaarden voor een gezond leven. Veel mensen weten echter niet hoe ze gezond (én lekker) kunnen eten. In Gezond en Slank begeleidt voedingsdeskundige Sandra Bekkari je stap voor stap op weg naar een gezond en vitaal leven. In 7 SANA-principes geeft ze je uitgebreide en wetenschappelijk onderbouwde informatie over de gunstige effecten van superfoods en andere waardevolle voedingsmiddelen op je welzijn. Afslanken, een stralende huid, hernieuwde energie., het zijn slechts enkele van de vele positieve gevolgen van het SANA-dieet. Exclusief voor SANA ontwikkelt chef Patrick Devos (Restaurant Patrick Devos, Brugge) lekkere menu's op basis van de SANA-principes. In dit boek schotelt hij je heerlijke en creatieve recepten voor, van een eenvoudige smoothie tot een volwaardige maaltijd. En je hoeft helemaal geen chef te zijn om deze overheerlijke en gezonde gerechten zelf op tafel te toveren!
40 mild pikante tot hete gerechten, waaronder pikante desserts, pikante klassiekers van over de hele wereld en de heetst geserveerde gerechten. Magazine: Waarom kan een thai beter tegen pikant dan wij? Alles over afrodisiaca, een erotisch kortverhaal van Bart Moeyaert en meer...
[BE] Minestrone Culinaire Uitgeverij
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Culinary)
Hardback | NL ed. | 220 x 180 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill.| March 2010 € 24,50 [BE] | € 24,50 [NL] | € 24,50 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | 50 col.ill.| March 2010 € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [INT]
Rights: W
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Reis naar de Sterren
Op je gezondheid
Paul van de Bunt
Vitaya redactie en samengesteld door Nathalie Leblanc
In 'Reis naar de Sterren' gaan Paul en Sandra van de Bunt op bezoek bij alle (!) 54 driesterrenchefs van Europa. Ze mogen er in de potten kijken, ze proeven van de specialiteiten van het huis en hebben een ongedwongen babbel met de chef. Paul, patron-cuisinier van tweesterrenrestaurant De Leuf in Ubachsberg (NL), laat zich door deze culinaire ontdekkingen inspireren en creëert na elk bezoek een schitterend gerecht. De Van den Bunts brengen het vaak verrassende relaas van hun culinaire belevenissen in sappige reisverhalen die geïllustreerd worden met leuke snapshots en anekdotes. Lievelingsadressen kregen een coup de coeur. De nieuwe culinaire creaties van Paul van de Bunt werden prachtig in beeld gebracht en in bevattelijke recepten neergeschreven.
"Gezonder leven. Bij heel wat mensen staat het met stip op nummer één van hun lijstje met goede voornemens. De meesten hebben zelfs een vrij goed idee van wat ze ervoor moeten doen. Meer groenten en fruit eten, meer bewegen, stress onder controle houden en de wereld bekijken door een roze bril. Allemaal dingen die zowel ons hart als ons hoofd ten goede komen. Klinkt simpel. En met dit boek wordt het dat ook. Wil jij ook gezonder gaan leven, zonder al te veel poeha en moeilijkdoenerij, dan is dit boekje op het lijf geschreven. Want dit boek maakt je niet alleen wijzer, het maakt je leven omgooien doodgewoon fijn om te doen. Drie no-nonsense coaches geven je tips en tonen je hoe je met kleine en minder kleine aanpassingen je leven als vanzelf een stuk gezonder maakt. En het beste nieuws is: je merkt snel dat het allemaal niet ingewikkeld of moeilijk hoeft te zijn. Met dit boek kun je vandaag nog aan de slag!"
Restaurant De Leuf
Gezond leven met gezond verstand
Deze nooit eerder geziene culinaire rondreis, een ware tour de force, biedt een unieke kijk op het gastronomische nec plus ultra van Europa.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Culinary)
[BE] B.A.I.
Hardback | NL ed. | 265 x 220 mm | 280 p | 500 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 59,90 [BE] | € 59,90 [INT]
Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill.| Nov. 2009 € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not US, not NL
Rights: not NL
Koken op Kamp
Tafelen op de maan
Toon & Timo
meer dan 100 bijzondere restaurants op bijzondere locaties
Gezond, goedkoop en lekker koken op kamp ! Het mag ook wel eens iets anders zijn dan de traditionele kampfood.
In Nederland en België kan op vele plekken worden gedineerd: in een luchtballon, een oude fabriek, een treinwagon, een vliegtuig, op de boerderij, in een kasteel, in de vrije natuur. Tafelen op de maan biedt een overzicht van deze bijzondere plekken. Plekken die oorspronkelijk niet bedoeld zijn om te dineren, maar door creatieve restauranthouders zijn omgetoverd tot hotspots waar het goed tafelen is. De meer dan honderd restaurants worden in beeld gebracht en beschreven. En voor wie zich aangesproken voelt, is er de nodige praktische informatie om onmiddellijk in actie te komen. Tafelen op de maan is een fantastische gids voor wie op een bijzondere manier uit eten wil en een ode aan de inventiviteit van ondernemers die zelfs op de minst voor de hand liggende plaatsen in staat zijn hun dromen te realiseren.
Deze lekkere en financiëel zéér haalbare gerechten worden gemaakt door 2 ervaren "fouriers" Toon en Timo. Mert ontbijt en brunch Ideeën, Voorgerechten, hoofdgerechten, BBQ, en nagerechten. Een paar voorbeelden: Kip/Kalkoen met rijst, verse ananas en currysaus Risotto met ui, selder en wortel - Tilapia all'aqua pazza met gekookte aardappelen - Taboulé van couscous met merguez gedresseerd op een bladje Romeinse sla - Hamburger/Taco/Pita/Fajita/Dürüm - Chili con carne en veel meer
[BE] Food BAI Food
[NL] d'Jonge Hond
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | throughout col.ill.| April 2010 € 12,50 [BE] | € 12,50 [INT]
Paperback | NL ed. | 122 x 163 mm | 320 p | 200 col. & bw ill.| May 2010 € 14,95 [BE] | € 14,10 [INT]
Kotkitchen: nu aan een speciale prijs ! 9,95 euro (ipv ¿ 14,95) (9789085864110)
Rights: not NL
Rights: W, not Holland
The Food & Cooking of Belgium
Jamie Does
Traditions, Ingredients, Tastes and Techniques in Over 60 Classic Recipes
Jamie Oliver This cookbook will celebrate the vibrant food of six very different countries. Cheap, short-haul flights and long weekend getaways have become increasingly popular and within a few short hours of the UK there are new and exciting worlds of food waiting to be discovered as Jamie finds out. Each chapter will focus on a different city or region: Marrakech, Athens, Venice, Andalucia, Stockholm and the Ardeche region of France. The food in each chapter will be a mixture of classic dishes and new recipes inspired by the things Jamie learns on his travels. Beautiful reportage photography of the faces, places and ingredients will accompany each chapter. Jamie says: 'The food I've embraced on each trip is a mixture of what you could call the cliched star dishes - the tagines of Morocco, the flamboyant paella of Spain and the zingy fresh flavours of a classic Greek salad - and the recipes that I've been inspired to make after walking through the markets and soaking up the vibes of each place. What you'll find in this book is fun, optimistic, escapist food you can actually cook and enjoy in your own home'.
Suzanne Vandyck Strongly influenced by its proximity to southern France, yet retaining rustic, homely traits from its medieval past, Belgian cuisine combines haute cuisine and fine ingredients with comfort food and substantial portions. In this beautiful new book, Suzanne Vandyck explores the fascinating history, rich culture and social traditions of the Belgian people, and the development of their unique cuisine.
[US] Aquamarine
[UK] Penguin UK
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 228 mm | 128 p | 300 col.ill.| Sept. 2008 € 19,95 [BE]
Michael Joseph Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 360 p | throughout col.ill.| April 2010 € 35,95 [BE]
Reprint: April 2010
Rights: BE, NL
La Belgique, Le Vin
Restaurants, bars à vins, sommeliers, cours, amateurs, importateurs, et cavistes René Sépul et Cici Olsson Dans ce guide, le premier du genre à l'échelle du pays, les auteurs, René Sépul et Cici Olsson, partent à la recherche de ceux qui aiment le vin en Belgique et apprécient partager leurs connaissances. Ils apprennent comment se construisent et se sont construites les plus belles cartes des vins du pays. Ils rencontrent les restaurateurs passionnés, les grands sommeliers, les cavistes pointus et les importateurs spécialisés de Flandres, de Bruxelles et de Wallonie. Ils écoutent les conseils de journalistes spécialisés, de professeurs d'onologie et de grands amateurs, souvent propriétaires de caves d'exception. De la Côte belge aux confins de la Gaume, rien de leur univers vinicole vous restera inconnu. Grâce à leurs adresses, vous comprendrez où sont installés les spécialistes des vins de Bourgogne, de Grèce, du Languedoc, du Minervois, de Toscane, du Priorat, d'Allemagne et d'ailleurs. Vous apprendrez où trouver les flacons rares et les bars à vins les plus sympathiques. Vous lirez pourquoi, après les vins d'Espagne et du Portugal, ceux d'Allemagne, d'Autriche ou d'appellations françaises hier méconnues sont aujourd'hui appréciées. Vous entrerez dans les repaires des vins naturels et les celliers les plus prestigieux. Vous découvrirez qui sont les grands vignerons de notre temps. Enfin, au bout du compte, vous aurez envie de prendre un tire-bouchon et partager leur passion pour le vin.
België & Wijn
Restaurants, wijnbars, sommeliers, cursussen, amateurs, invoerders, en wijnkelders [BE] Sh-op Editions Paperback | NL ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill.| Dec. 2009 € 24,00 [BE] | € 25,00 [NL] | € 24,00 [INT]
9789090249575 Rights: W
[BE] Sh-op Editions Paperback | French ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill.| Dec. 2009 € 24,00 [BE] | € 24,00 [INT]
9782960093308 Rights: W
Rights: W
Rights: W
Michel Castermans
Plossu Cinéma
Frontière - Grens
(Côté photo)
(Côté photo)
Textes de Benno Barnard et Francis Dannemark
Bernard Plossu n'appartient à aucune école et à aucune mode.Il développe depuis de nombreuses années une oeuvre singulière au carrefour de la photographie et du cinéma, qui échappe à toute classification. Une attitude photographique sensible à la fois picturale et cinématographique que le noir et blanc transcende. Etudiant, l'artiste séchait ses cours pour s'immerger dans l'incroyable programmation de la Cinémathèque française.
Il existe un endroit hautement symbolique, dont on parle beaucoup mais dont notre cerveau peine à élaborer la moindre image : la frontière linguistique. Par curiosité, par jeu, par défi, par antinomie peut-être, Michel Castermans est parti à la recherche des traces et des marques de cette frontière, parce que ce qui existe doit pouvoir être photographié - à moins que ce ne soit pour en vérifier l'existence même, entre absurde absence et impalpable présence.
[BE] Editions Yellow Now Paperback | French ed. | 235 x 165 mm | 192 p | Jan. 2010 € 29,00 [BE] | € 30,95 [INT] € 29,00 [Belles Lettres] (MEV: 10/01)
[BE] Editions Yellow Now Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 165 x 235 mm | 96 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | March 2010 € 24,00 [BE] | € 25,50 [INT]
Rights: W
Rights: W
Lucia Radochonska
Jean-Louis Vanesch
(Côté photo-Angles vifs )
(Côté photo-Angles vifs )
suivies d'un entretien avec Lucienne Strivay et Emmanuel d'Autreppe
suivies d'un entretien avec Jean-Michel Sarlet et Emmanuel d'Autreppe
«Mon livre est dédié à mes deux pères: Kazimierz Radochonski et Wardzala Bronislaw (Bronek). L'un m'a donné mon prénom et le goût de la poésie, l'autre m'a élevée et m'a initiée à la photographie. (.)
« Un nouveau travail naît toujours du précédent ; en regardant les images déjà réalisées, de nouvelles pistes s'ouvrent. Il est possible que leur exploration dure deux, trois, cinq ans sans arriver à produire un résultat satisfaisant.Avec le temps, je deviens de plus en plus exigeant vis-à-vis de mon travail, il me faut de plus en plus de temps pour réaliser des images. [.] Je pense que mes photographies sont comme des remarques, elles n'affirment ni ne démontrent rien...
[BE] Editions Yellow Now Paperback | French ed. | 210 x 165 mm | 96 p | throughout bw ill. | April 2010 € 24,00 [BE] | € 24,00 [INT] € 24,00 [Belles Lettres] (MEV: 10/04)
[BE] Editions Yellow Now Paperback | French ed. | 210 x 165 mm | 88 p | throughout bw ill. | April 2010 € 24,00 [BE] | € 24,00 [INT] € 24,00 [Belles Lettres] (MEV: 10/04)
Rights: W
In Questa Tomba Oscura (In This Dark Tomb)
Jean-Luc Mylayne
Spank Moons - Johan Pas
Ralph Rugoff, Terrie Sultan
Met In Questa Tomba Oscura-The Skull Within (pixilation as a strategy of (dis)appearance), koppelt Spank Moons verwijzingen naar actuele fetisjbegrippen als digitale informatie en mobiele communicatie aan eeuwenoude thema's als eros & thanatos. In die zin creëert hij een geactualiseerde, postmoderne versie van het 17de eeuwse vanitasmotief. Dat getuigt van enig lef. De vergankelijkheid van schoonheid en rijkdom, de vluchtigheid van de menselijke verlangens en driften staan haaks op wat de media ons tonen.
French photographer Jean-Luc Mylayne has traveled the world since 1976 in search of birds to photograph. His quest revolves around an encounter secret and furtive - with the bird of the moment.This book, published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon, France, presents a previously unpublished series of 68 photographs taken by Mylayne between 1992 and 2008. [IT] 5 CONTINENTS Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 277 x 277 mm | 120 p | 71 col.ill. | March 2010 € 44,00 [BE]
[BE] ASA Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 240 mm | 184 p | throughout col.ill. | May 2010 € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,00 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT]
New York Minute
Rights: BE
Rights: W, not Holland
Diana Blok. See Through Us
Peter van de Wijngaart
Rights: W
Portraits and life stories of gay women/men and transgender in Turkey
Gedurende een half jaar ging de Amsterdamse fotograaf Peter van de Wijngaart in New York op zoek naar memorabele plekken en momenten. Deze legde hij vast in New York Minutes, foto's van 60 seconden. Een minuut stilte op 11 september, voorbij razende atleten van de New York Marathon en de crisis op Wall Street.
During her visit to Istanbul in 2008 Diana Blok discovered an active gay nightlife more visible and open than expected. She imagined the lesbian world to be totally hidden but found it to be most open in terms of meeting and speaking, even though there is no clear lesbian community. Gay bars for men are more common, but their willingness to share their lives was more hidden. It is better to be a tough woman in Turkey, they said, than a fragile man.
[NL] d'Jonge Hond Hardback | NL ed. | 230 x 280 mm | 136 p | 60 col.ill. | Dec. 2009 € 39,50 [BE] | € 37,26 [INT]
[NL] Diana Blok Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 200 mm | 118 p | throughout col.ill. | Nov. 2009 € 32,50 [BE] | € 32,50 [NL] | € 32,50 [INT] £ 38,00 [UK]
Elif Safak
James Crump
The debate surrounding Turkey's potential membership in the European Union prompted Andreas Herzau (*1962) to take a closer look at this country. Istanbul is situated at the border between Europe and Asia, and it was there that he found a concentrate of the challenges facing Turkey today. Yet the city also displays the opportunities that are open to the country as a whole. Herzau's images capture precisely the many facets of the Turkish port: workers being ferried from one continent to the other, Muslims at prayer, people window shopping and looking at fashion advertising. Working with the genre of street photography, the photographer discovers the city on foot-watching, walking, and waiting until the pictures find him. In this way, the photographer creates spontaneous snapshots of public life. And since people from all walks of life are encountered on the street, the photographs reveal much about present-day conditions and a life between tradition and modernity.
"It is hard to imagine today that the artistic value of color photography was once questioned and controversial, until well into the eighties. William Eggleston's groundbreaking first exhibition at the New York Museum of Modern Art in 1976 was fiercely debated; many of those who viewed his photographs found it difficult to assign the series depicting everyday life in the South the status of an artwork. Early works byStephen Shore and Helen Levitt, for example, also met with similarly adverse reviews. But color photography's triumphal march could not be halted: inspired by such pioneers, Jeff Wall, Rineke Dijkstra, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Nan Goldin, and many others concentrated in succeeding years on illustrating reality, depicting the banal and seemingly ephemeral with great truthfulness, making use of intense colors to express their emotions. Starburst examines the influence of the first great names of artistic color photography in the United States on following generations. With breathtaking "high star density," it portrays the entire range of this phase in the history of photography based on a stimulating selection of unique works.
[G] Hatje Cantz
[G] Hatje Cantz
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 270 x 290 mm | 144 p | 80 col.ill.| April 2010 € 29,80 [BE]
Cincinnati Art Museum
Andreas Herzau
Color Photography in America 1970-1980
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 245 mm | 272 p | 315 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 49,80 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Thomas Struth
The Monograph 1977-2010 With large-format street views, family portraits, his famous Museum Photographs and nature studies entitled New Pictures from Paradise, Thomas Struth has been one of the most acclaimed photo artists since the late 1990s. His new monograph accompanies a travelling exhibition to be shown in Zurich, Düsseldorf, London and Porto. English text. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 285 mm | 282 p | 280 col. & bw ill. | May 2010 € 59,50 [BE]
9783829604659 Rights: BE
Mikaël Falke
Rights: W
Robert Mapplethorpe
Rights: BE
The Black Book
Le titre Abstracts a un double sens : il signifie d'une part l'abstraction visuelle, ces formes épurées sans réel début ni réelle fin et d'autre part, la soustraction, l'isolement d'un élément de l'ensemble dont il fait par-tie. Ce mot résume la démarche photographique illustrée dans ce livre. La plupart des photos ont été prises en Belgique, d'autres ont été prises en Europe et plus loin. Mais, dans le fond, peu importe le lieu d'origine des photos.
The classic and arguably most 'typical' Mapplethorpe, his once shocking and still fascinating homage to the black male body is available again in a special reprint with a poem by Ntozake Shange. English/German text. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel Expo: 6/2/2010 - 15/8/2010, NRW Forum Dusseldorf Paperback with flaps | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 285 x 285 mm | 108 p | 96 duotone ill. | Jan. 2010 € 35,50 [BE]
[BE] L_INK Hardback | Eng/ Fr/ NL ed | 320 x 215 mm | 96 p | Jan. 2010 € 39,00 [BE] | € 39,00 [INT]
Dieux du Stade (Gods of the Stadium)
Elliot Erwitt
Personal Best 50th Anniversary Edition
Tony Duran
Elliott Erwitt
The ancient Greeks thought the gods dwelled on Mount Olympus. We can confidently report that they've moved to the Paris Rugby stadium! Elaborating on the photographs taken for the popular calendar of the same name, these tantalizing images feature players of the international rugby club, the Stade Français Paris, in all their unclothed glory. Tony Duran's work worships the human form, whether in his sexually charged nude studies, his sensual fashion photography, or his inventive celebrity portraiture.
One of the all-time greats, Elliott Erwitt is a master whose photographs have defined the visual history of the 20th century-and the 21st. Although his work spans decades, continents and diverse subjects, it is always instantly recognizable. Spontaneous and original, Erwitt's visions are imbued with true artistry and no trace of artifice. In this definitive collection, the master shares those works he considers his personal best. As you browse this carefully curated retrospective, you'll feel nostalgia, wonder-and a lasting sense of life's rich potential. Comme son titre l'indique ("Le Meilleur de moi-même"), cette exposition s'inspire d'un choix d'Elliott Erwitt parmi ses images préférées, ses coups de coeur. À travers plus de cent trente oeuvres, dont de nombreux tirages d'époque très peu vus, l'exposition retrace l'ensemble de son parcours depuis soixante ans.
[G] Te Neues
[G] Te Neues
Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 365 x 263 mm | 128 p | April 2010 € 49,90 [BE]
Expo: 2/2/10 - 4/4/2010, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 288 x 216 mm | 448 p | Feb. 2010 € 39,90 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
South Africa
Photography !
From its rugged coastlines to its lush vineyards and windswept deserts, South Africa is one of the most remarkable places on Earth. The stunningly diverse landscapes and rich tapestry of humanity are all captured in this latest work from photographic master Michael Poliza. Settling here for seven years after an epic round-the-world trip, Poliza developed a deep affection for this dramatic land and its captivating peoples. Sharing every aspect of its topography, wildlife, cultures, and landmarks, this adventurous photographer creates a fascinating homage to this compelling country.
Het is de oudste én grootste museale fotocollectie van het land, die een compleet overzicht geeft van het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de fotografie; de moeder van de Nederlandse museale fotografiecollecties. Ook het werk van hedendaagse fotografen en 'klassiekers' als Alfred Stieglitz en Diane Arbus ontbreekt niet. In het Fotomuseum Den Haag is deze bijzondere collectie voor het eerst op grote schaal te zien. Ondanks weerstand uit zowel de artistieke als de academische wereld - men verlaagde zich toch niet tot zoiets? - begon professor Hans van de Waal, hoogleraar kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden, reeds in 1953 met het aanleggen van een fotocollectie voor de universiteit. Op een moment waarop Nederlandse musea daar nog niet mee bezig waren. Het was zijn uitdrukkelijke doel dat die verzameling de ontwikkeling van de fotografie in beeld bracht. Er zijn voorbeelden van nagenoeg alle fotografische procedés, zeldzame objecten en artistieke hoogtepunten. Wat te denken van vroege experimenten van fotografische pioniers als William Fox Talbot of de fotocollages van Paul Citroen? Artistieke ambities vinden we in de Nieuwe Fotografie van Piet Zwart en Paul Schuitema en onder meer Emmy Andriesse en Cas Oorthuys vertegenwoordigen de geëngageerde documentairefotografie. Ook het werk van grootheden als Julia Margaret Cameron, Edward Curtis en Richard Avedon ontbreekt niet.
[G] Te Neues
[NL] d'Jonge Hond
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 370 mm | 272 p | 120 col.ill.| May 2010 Hardback: € 69,90 [BE], Paperback: € 29,90 [BE]
Expo: 23/1/2010 - 18/4/2010, Fotomuseum Den Haag
Michael Poliza
A Special collection at Leiden University
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 245 mm | 248 p | 190 col. & bw ill.| Feb. 2010 € 49,50 [BE] | € 49,50 [INT] £ 59,00 [UK]
9783832793906 Hardback
Rights: BE
Rights: W, not Holland
Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin
Rights: BE
Nobuyoshi Araki
Stern Portfolio no. 55
Rights: BE
Stern Portfolio No. 56
Inez van Lamsweerde
Nobuyoshi Araki
Re-shaping the conventions of fashion photography, Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin subvert the status quo to explosive effects. Bringing an underground perspective to exclusive brands and top-shelf celebrities, this provocative duo delight and vex in equal measure. This photographic Dutch "dreamteam" has trail-blazed for the likes of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar or The New York Times Magazine.
This retrospective pays tribute to a truly distinctive photographer. With an academic training in photography and a professional background in advertising, Nobuyoshi Araki's subject matter is wide-ranging and incredibly diverse. Blending the careful composition of traditional Japanese culture with his own frenetic energy, Araki's work is compelling and controversial. Many of his works are erotically charged, yet, with a true artist's sensibility he brings something original to each composition.
[G] Te Neues Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 365 x 280 mm | 96 p | 34 col.ill.| 23 bw ill. | March 2009 € 18,00 [BE]
[G] Te Neues Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 365 x 280 mm | 96 p | 60 col.ill. | June 2009 € 18,00 [BE]
Paolo Pellegrin
Rights: BE
Herb Ritts
Stern Portfolio No. 57
Rights: BE
Stern Portfolio no. 58
Paolo Pellegrin
Herb Ritts
Paolo Pellegrin is a journalistic and fine-art photographer with few equals. As well as becoming a full member of Magnum in 2005, he is a contract photographer for Newsweek. The recipient of many prizes, he has achieved various awards including eight World Press Photo and numerous Photographer of the Year accolades. Taking photographs worldwide, his subjects often include the underprivileged and those caught in political conflicts. Pellegrin's painterly images are both evocative and remarkably original.
This portfolio showcases the legendary Herb Ritts, probably the greatest master of celebrity and beauty photography. Until his death in 2002, this Californian genius created and developed an iconic brand of glamour across the worlds of both editorial and advertising. With an understanding for the architectural quality of true beauty, Ritts conveys its structure, its texture-and its explosive impact. This Stern Fotografie volume features the best-some unpublished-portraits of those whom Ritts immortalized.
[G] Te Neues Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 360 x 270 mm | 96 p | 15 col.ill.| 31 bw ill. | Sept. 2009 € 18,00 [BE]
[G] Te Neues Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 360 x 270 mm | 96 p | 50 col.ill. | Jan.2010 € 18,00 [BE]
Henri Cartier-Bresson
The Great LIFE Photographers
The Modern Century
John Loengard & Gordon Parks
Peter Galassi
This is a volume of living history - the history of our times, as seen by the photographers who captured it. It is the most comprehensive anthology of LIFE photography ever assembled, and illustrates the strengths that made many of these individuals famous - and LIFE great. This book, an enormous international success in hardback, is now available in a new, compact, paperback edition.
Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) is one of the most influential and beloved figures in the history of photography. Released to accompany an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century is the first major publication to make full use of the extensive holdings of the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris - including thousands of prints and a vast resource of documents relating to the photographer's life and work. The heart of the book surveys Cartier-Bresson's career through 300 photographs divided into twelve chapters.While many of his most famous pictures are included, a great number of images will be unfamiliar even to specialists. A wide-ranging essay by Peter Galassi, Chief Curator of Photography at the Museum, offers an entirely new understanding of Cartier-Bresson's extraordinary career and its overlapping contexts of journalism and art. The extensive supporting material - featuring detailed chronologies of the photographer's professional travels and his picture stories as they appeared in magazines - will revolutionize the study of Cartier-Bresson's work.
[UK] Thames & Hudson
[UK] Thames & Hudson
Expo: 11/4/2010 - 28/06/2010, MOMA, N.Y.
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 200 mm | 608 p | 600 col.ill.| Oct. 2009 € 23,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 305 mm | 336 p | 75 col.ill.| May 2010 € 77,00 [BE]
New compact format/ New in paperback
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Reuters photojournalists are continually bearing witness to events as they happen across the globe. They submit some 1,500 photos a day, creating an annual archive of over half a million images. This award-winning work pushes the boundaries of what news photography is and can be: it ranks among the finest photojournalism of our times. OurWorld Now 3 draws upon this unparalleled resource to document a year in the life of our vibrant, troubled, beautiful planet. Sometimes funny, sometimes devastating, always compelling, the images in this book encompass the fantastic diversity of trends, moods and stories that have defined 2009.
Frida Kahlo: Photographs of Myself and Others comprises a cache of rare and never-before-published materials from the Vicente Wolf Collection. Few artists have fully captured the publics imagination with the power of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. As an incomparable artist, political activist, and the wife of celebrated muralist Diego Rivera, Kahlos life played as a piece of multicultural theatre, alternately joyous and tragic, and complete with a cast of flamboyant characters. This astonishing collection brings together formal portraits of Kahlo by such luminaries as Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Tina Modotti, Julien Levy, Carl van Vechten and Lucienne Bloch as well as candid snapshots of Frida and Diego at work and at home. Selections from the collection have been featured in the major exhibition Frida Kahlo, organized by theWalker Art Center and later shown at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. This book presents the most arresting photographs from both the exhibition and the vast treasure trove of previously un-exhibited pieces, and offers a fresh and captivating look at the iconic artist, her exuberant husband and their coterie of famous friends.
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 180 x 180 mm | 352 p | 350 col.ill.| March 2010 € 13,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 228 x 292 mm | 138 p | 4 col.ill.| 159 bw ill. | April 2010 € 56,00 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
With his unique talent for capturing emotions using lenses, colors and words, artist François-Marie Banier inspires both his subjects and viewers to 'conquérir le rêve' (conquer the dream). 'Vive la Vie' is an intimate monograph resulting from a collaboration between Banier and fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg. Based on a series of sessions arranged by von Furstenberg with model Natalia Vodianova, the images are layered with visual and emotional complexity. By combining his various skills--photography, painting and writing--into individual artworks, François-Marie Banier creates narratives that compel both the eye and the mind. Vodianova exposes her true, unmasked self, creating a blank canvas on which raw womanhood is revealed, far from the stereotypes of fashion photography..
This book records Michals's visit with the great Belgian painter of inverse worlds and bizarre hybrid forms. Michals invites the viewer to follow him on the exciting journey to the private sphere of an artist who at the time inspired and intimidated him. The still lifes taken in Magritte's house and the portraits of the inhabitants, Magritte and his wife, are distant and intimate, private and representative, humorous and calm at the same time. They reflect the high respect the man behind the camera felft for the subjects of his pictures.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 205 mm | 80 p | Troughout col.ill.| March 2010 € 40,00 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 205 x 155 mm | 64 p | June 2010 € 21,00 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Helios: Eadweard Muybridge in a Time of Change
Robert Polidori
British-born Edweard Muybridge (1830-1904), who emigrated to the United States in the 1850s, is one of the most influential photographers of all time. Best known for his series "Animal Locomotion", which as a book has never been out of print in some form since its first publication, he was the inventor of the zoopraxiscope, a method of projecting moving images that predated celluloid.
An archaeologist of haunted walls and loaded spaces, Robert Polidori (born 1951) photographs the inside and the outside of private and public dwellings as they transition from one state to another, whether from humble household to horrific disaster zone, or dilapidated grandeur to hygienic modernity. Polidori possesses an amazing ability to suggestively record the accumulation of meanings in any given habitat, and to convey human presence-paradoxically, often in spaces that have been abandoned or are devoid of visible human subjects. A passage from one of Polidori's decisive early reading encounters, Gaston Bachelard's 1957 The Poetics of Space, seems aptly addressed to his photography: "Through the brilliance of an image," writes Bachelard, "the distant past resounds with echoes... In experiencing the reverberation of a poetic image, we find the real measure of its being." Some Points in Between assembles, for the first time, each of Robert Polidori's major photographic series in one affordably priced volume: Beirut (on post-civil-war Lebanon), Versailles (on the restoration of the palace), Havana (on Castro's Cuba), After the Flood (on post-Katrina New Orleans) and Zones of Exclusion (on the nuclear disasters at Pripyat and Chernobyl). Some Points in Between allows us to survey the consistency and clarity of Polidori's themes and concerns across three decades.
[G] Steidl
[G] Steidl
Expo: 15/9/10 - 16/1/2011, Tate Britain, London and other venues
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 250 mm | 192 p | June 2010 € 35,50 [BE]
Some Points in Between... Up Till Now
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 216 mm | 304 p | 215 col.ill.| June 2010 € 65,00 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
The Rape of a Nation
Carl De Keyzer
John Le Carré
Peter De Graeve, Lieven De Cauter
The continuing human tragedy of Congo is not a statistic. It is a continuing human tragedy. It is fourteen hundred and fifty tragedies every day. It is countless more than that if you include the orphaned, the bereaved, the widowed, and all the ripples of truncated lives that spread from a single death. It is you and me and our children and our parents, if we had the bad luck to be born into the world this book portrays. But Congo has one secret that is hard to pass on if you havent learned it at first hand. Look carefully and you will find it in these pages: a gaiety of spirit and a love of life that, even in the worst of times, leave the pampered Westerner moved and humbled beyond words. (Excerpt from the foreword) Marcus Bleasdale has been following the war in Congo in all its horror and grotesqueness for almost a decade a war which has claimed more than four million victims to date. Seven years ago, Bleasdale published his first book on Congo, One Hundred Years of Darkness, which was immediately voted best photo journalistic book of the year by the American Photo District News.
Trinity is a milestone in the work of Magnum photographer Carl de Keyzer. It is a triptych on the theme of the omnipresence of power and violence. The title itself refers not only to the traditional image of the Supreme Power in classical painting, but also, for example, to the code name of the ominous project with which Oppenheimer lead a team of atomic physicists to produce the first atom bomb. Based on three probing themes, De Keyzer grabs contemporary power, its senseless violence and worldwide devastation by air with oppressive images: Tableaux d'Histoire, Tableaux de Guerre, Tableaux Politiques. The first tableaux cast a surprising light on the theatrical that has characterised power since time immemorial and without which it could not exist. The second perspective shows us violence as a timeless, placeless phenomenon. War appears in an aesthetic of the sublime, although subdued and painful, as glorification, heroism and justification are absent. The third part takes us behind the scenes of political power, which should, when all is said and done, actually be the power of the people: the façade, the lobbying, the backrooms, the haggling.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 170 mm | 240 p | 117 duotone ill.| Oct. 2009 € 46,50 [BE]
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 250 x 300 mm | 176 p | 100 col.ill.| Oct. 2009 € 49,50 [BE]
Marcus Bleasdale
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Daido Moriyama
Voyeurism, Surveillance, and the Camera
Edited by Filippo Maggia Provoke is the title of the magazine founded in 1968 by a group of Japanese photographers, graphic designers, poets, critics, and political activists. Moriyama's photography is indeed provocative, both for the form it takes (dirty, blurry, overexposed, or scratched) and for its content. The viewer's experience of the photo-whether it captures a place, a person, a situation, or an atmosphere-is the central thrust in his work, which vividly and directly conveys the artist's emotions.
Have we become a society of voyeurs? The proliferation of cell-phone cameras, YouTube videos, and reality television series would certainly suggest that this is so. If our capacity to look seems increasingly boundless, however, it also threatens to make us a nation under surveillance.Aided and abetted by the camera, voyeurism and surveillance provoke uneasy questions about who is looking at whom. Yet there have been surprisingly few attempts to examine the history of might be called invasive looking. "Exposed" aims to fill this critical void. Recognizing that voyeurism has inspired photographers since the inception of the medium, this book reveals the myriad ways in which artists have probed its fascinations, dangers, and cultural significance. The imagery collected here, ranging from the 1870s to the present day, presents an alternately shocking, illuminating, and witty perspective on subjects both iconic and taboo. From shortly after the invention of photography, hidden cameras in public places and voyeuristic treatments of sexuality raised questions about the new medium's uses that are still rehearsed today. The invasive techniques of paparazzi, amateur shots of disasters from the Hindenburg to 9/11, police surveillance photography and the recent trend of self-documentation of sex, crime and other private acts are all examined and explored by leading critics, alongside the work of some of the leading artists of the past 100 years.
[UK] Skira
[UK] Tate Publishing
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 272 p | 240 col.ill.| 20 bw ill. | May 2010 € 49,95 [BE]
Expo: 28/5/ - 19/9/2010, Tate Modern, London Hardback | Eng. ed. | 298 x 260 mm | 256 p | 225 col.ill.| May 2010 € 41,50 [BE] | € 42,50 [NL] | € 40,09 [INT]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Arthur Danto
Magda Keaney
Internationally acclaimed photographer, videographer, and filmmaker Shirin Neshat first came to prominence in the mid-1990s when she exhibited her series the Women of Allah, an extraordinary body of work exploring women in Islamic culture. Since then, the Iranian-born artist has continued to explore difficult subjects: the boundaries between East and West, men and women, the sacred and the profane, exile and belonging. Her work is marked by its graphic boldness and stirring imagery: photographs of women cloaked in black veils with excerpts of Farsi poetry inscribed across the surface; videos of clans of men and women in barren landscapes chanting or groups of men and women listening to rousing moralistic sermons in a public hall; and, as in her most recent projects, magical realist works in which women fly or plant themselves in gardens to ensure their fertility. Renowned art critic and historian Arthur C. Danto explores the entirety of the artist's rich and varied oeuvre, from the earliest photographs to her latest work, the film Women Without Men. Her first feature film, for which she was awarded the prestigious Silver Lion for Best Director at the Venice Film Festival, is based on the novella of the same name that was banned in Iran; it has taken nearly seven years to complete.
Born in 1917, Irving Penn is one of the most distinguished photographers of the twentieth century. Portraiture has arguably been the most important aspect of his work during his long career. Concentrating specifically on his photographs of major cultural figures of the last seven decades, Irving Penn Portraits is a glorious celebration of his work in this genre. It is the first book to focus solely on Penn's portraits, and includes a broad selection of images from his earliest assignments for Vogue magazine in 1943 to the present day. The range and significance of sitters in Penn's photographs, taken in New York, London and Paris, is extraordinary. Among those included in the book are W.H. Auden, Richard Burton, Truman Capote, Salvador Dalí, Christian Dior, T.S. Eliot, Duke Ellington, Jacob Epstein, Grace Kelly, Willem de Kooning, Jessye Norman, Rudolph Nureyev, Pablo Picasso, Edith Piaf, Harold Pinter, Igor Stravinsky, Spencer Tracy and Tennessee Williams. Furthermore, his two series of portraits from 1947, which used carpet-covered plinths and a corner set, succeeded in breaking with the stylistic conventions of studio photography at that time. Penn's vision was revolutionary and has proved to be one of the most sustained in the history of photography.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 343 x 267 mm | 208 p | 150 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 56,50 [BE] | € 56,50 [INT]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 244 x 305 mm | 272 p | April 2010 € 73,95 [BE]
Rights: BE, G, A, CH, LUX
Rights: only BE
Fashion Illustration: Accessories
Backstage Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Claudius Holzmann
Dit is de titel van een praktische gids voor mode-illustratie met inbegrip van de belangrijkste tekentechnieken. Bestemd voor professionals en modeliefhebbers, legt dit boek tevens uit hoe de belangrijkste weefselstructuren, vormen en esthetica van de hedendaagse mode weergegeven kunnen worden.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin is undeniably a highlight of the fashion calendar. Here, the worlds of art, status and celebrity mingle with thrilling results. Of course, this is also an economic event of supreme importance where not only trends are set and creative limits are shattered, but careers are launched and fortunes made. Leading photographer Claudius Holzmann, who shot at the fashion week from the very beginning, has sifted through approximately 40,000 images to select those that capture the extremes of creativity and passion. Through his eyes, we sneak glimpses of the drama that prevails behind the scenes. Be captivated by the swirling atmosphere as Holzmann chronicles the designers, makeup artists and models that make this a unique spectacle.
Cet ouvrage est un guide pratique de l'illustration de mode qui comprend toutes les techniques clés du dessin. Conçu pour les professionnels et les amoureux de la mode, l'ouvrage explique aussi comment représenter les principales textures, formes et esthétiques de la mode actuelle. The book, which includes more than 300 sketches, is a detailed visual catalogue of trends and styles in the world of fashion accessories. Divided into themed chapters, it is aimed at both fashion followers and professionals in the sector.
[BE] booQs - Series Practice-
[G] Te Neues
Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 160 x 120 mm | 480 p | throughout col. & bw ill.| March 2010 € 14,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 144 p | 120 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 39,90 [BE]
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: BE
Fashion Blogs
From musings on personal taste to style Reports around the globe Modeblogs zijn een onmisbare nieuws- en inspiratiebron voor iedereen die op de hoogte wil blijven van mode. Daarmee concurreren ze zowel visueel als inhoudelijk met de traditionele media. De blogs roepen vele vragen op. Is de fashion blogger de nieuwe trendwatcher? Kunnen we spreken van professionele amateurs? Welke gevolgen heeft blogging voor privacy? Is fashion blogging de ultieme vorm van zelfexpressie? Kirstin Hanssen en Felicia Nitzsche onderzoeken het. De hoofdmoot van het boek vormen vier categorieën: modejournalistiek, street style fotografie, party fotografie en persoonlijke style blogs. Bloggers over de hele wereld worden geïnterviewd en de interviews worden ondersteund door beeldmateriaal van hun blogs. In een aparte index zijn meer dan vijfhonderd URL's van modeblogs opgenomen. Een belangrijk boek over een fenomeen dat de wereld stormenderhand verovert. En tegelijk een visueel spektakel.
Mode en Verbeelding Over Kleding en Kunst
Sinds de jaren zestig lijkt de grens tussen mode en kunst steeds meer te vervagen. De mode, die door de jeugdcultuur van de jaren zestig veel democratischer werd, is vanaf dat moment ook een medium waarmee concepten, ideeën en politieke idealen kunnen worden uitgedrukt.
[NL] d'Jonge Hond Paperback | NL ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 164 p | 225 col.ill.| Nov. 2009 € 39,95 [BE] | € 39,95 [INT] (Eng. ed available. ISBN: 9789089101402, Fashion and Imagination)
[NL] d'Jonge Hond Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 176 p | 500 col.ill.| March 2010 € 22,50 [BE] | € 22,50 [NL] | € 21,23 [INT] £ 27,00 [UK]
9789089101341 Rights: W, not Holland
9789089101525 Rights: W, not Holland
1950s Fashion
Animal Prints & Fake Furs
1950s Fashion contains an amazing selection of photographs of original clothes, fashion plates, and typical textile patterns - emphasizing fashion of the late 1950s. In this period, revolutionary silhouettes, fabrics and textile patterns were introduced by a new generation of fashion designers and haute couture was translated into ready-to-wear fashion available to the general public.
Animal Prints & Fake Furs is about all sorts of fabrics that emulate animal skin. It includes tiger, giraff e, leopard, zebra and many other types of print as well as fake furs, such as mink, fox, panther, cow, etc. in addition, there are fake feathers and plumes. As in all volumes in the PEPIN® series, this book contains indepth texts on the subject matter as well as line drawings of many animal patterns.
PEPIN® is a series of thematic titles on various types of textile and dress including unusual and overlooked styles. Each volume contains introductory text, fashion plates and/or historical images to show the subject in its original context and high-quality photo-graphs and drawings of clothing, patterns, decorative details, etc. A wide selection of these images is saved on the enclosed CDs.
PEPIN® is a series of thematic titles on various types of textile and dress including unusual and overlooked styles. Each volume contains introductory text, fashion plates and/or historical images to show the subject in its original context and high-quality photographs and drawings of clothing, patterns, decorative details, etc. A wide selection of these images is saved on the enclosed CDs.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
Paperback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 305 x 240 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
Paperback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 305 x 240 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill.| May 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
(series Fashion, Textiles & Fashion nr.4) (incl CD)
(series Fashion, Textiles & Fashion nr.6) (incl CD)
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Bags & Purses
European Folk Patterns
With over 500 color photos, this new, fully revised and expanded edition of Bags & Purses off ers a unique survey of the bag in all its forms: handbags, travel bags, make-up and evening bags, pouches, purses and chatelaines, tie pockets, wallets and letter cases, reticules and more, covering virtually all styles and materials. The book includes a historical section, which explores the history of the bag from the late Middle Ages until today, and a section of current designs are spotlighted. Space has been devoted to both exceptional and rare bags, and to the modern classics and bags from major fashion houses and leading designers.
'European Folk Patterns' contains examples of the design of everyday textiles used throughout Europe. Typical elements include checks and stripes, figurative elements, and many, many flowers. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
Paperback | E/ F/ Nl/ G/ Sp/ It/ Port ed. | 225 x 170 mm | 432 p | throughout col.ill.| June 2010 € 25,00 [BE]
Paperback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 305 x 240 mm | 160 p | Feb. 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
(revised & extended edition)
Series Fashion, Textiles & Patterns nr. 3 (incl CD)
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Figure drawing for Men's Fashion
Figure Drawing for Fashion Design has been one of The Pepin Press' most popular bestsellers since it was fi rst published in 2001. To accompany the publication of a new, revised edition of this popular title, The Pepin Press is introducing a new companion title - Figure Drawing for Men's Fashion which focuses on the male form in fashion design. As in the its female counterpart, Figure Drawing for Men's Fashion offers a concise, topic by topic guide to acquiring and perfecting the skills needed to produce realistic and precise fashion plates that accurately reflect a designer's creative vision. The authors, Elizabetta Drudi and Tiziana Paci, have decades of experience in the fashion industry and have created an invaluable resource for designers, illustrators, and artists. The breadth of information and attention to detail make this title ideal for students, professionals, and anyone who enjoys fashion design.
Lace-making and lace-wearing have a long and romantic history, from its beginnings in 15th-century Venice to the present day. There were two fundamental systems of making lace by hand: needlepoint and the bobbin or pillow method. Needlepoint was developed in Venice by the use of the needle alone. The Flemish at the same time invented the bobbin method, worked over a cushion with pins and bobbins. The exquisite handiwork of both these basic types has been successfully duplicated by the modern machine. This book contains an overwhelming range of exquisite lace patterns, as well as many beautiful examples of lace used in garments. In addition, there are texts about the history and technique of lace-making.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 220 mm | 368 p | April 2010 € 22,50 [BE]
Paperback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 305 x 240 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill.| May 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
(series Fashion, Textiles & Fashion nr.5) (incl. CD)
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Technical drawing for fashion design
Face Hunter Yvan Rodic
Technical drawing is an essential skill in the fashion industry. Technical drawings hold information that is essential for designers, buyers, machinists, pattern cutters, and production teams. Technical Drawings for Fashion Design shows the basics of making a technical drawing. First, the standard format and tools are introduced. This is followed by step-by-step instructions on how to draw a number of diff erent types of garments. The book then shows how textiles are rendered and how individual style can be added to the drawings. A large portion of this book, however, is devoted to an extensive collection of high-quality, fi nished technical drawings that are ready to use or to adapt to meet your needs. All of these drawings of women's garments - ranging from underwear to trench coats - are also included on the accompanying CD.
When French Elle ran an article on How to Become Hip in 15 Steps, there was no question about Step 1: have your photograph taken by Face Hunter. Face Hunter is the pseudonym of 32-year-old Swiss-born Yvan Rodic, who began his career with the advertising agencies Saatchi & Saatchi and Leo Burnett before founding one of the most innovative fashion blogs on the internet, which bills itself as eye candy for the style-hungry.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
[UK] Thames & Hudson
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 200 mm | 200 p | April 2010 € 24,50 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 148 mm | 320 p | 326 col.ill.| March 2010 € 20,95 [BE] | € 20,95 [INT]
Rights: BE
Rights: only BE
Fashion since 1900
Contemporary Lingerie Design
Valerie Mendes, Amy de la Haye
Katie Dominy
From Belle Epoque tea gowns to Dior's 1947 'New Look' and fashion blogs in the 2000s, this comprehensive, international survey explores all the significant developments in fashion from 1900 to the present day. Formerly published as the internationally successful 20th Century Fashion, the survey is now brought right up to date with a new chapter that dicusses, among many topics, the impact of the Internet on the fashion industry, the importance of new fashion centres in India and China and how fashion is now pluralistic, multi-cultural and fast moving.
The design of lingerie is often seen as a mystery, even by professionals working in other sectors of the fashion industry. This book aims to explain the processes at work and the many unexpected influences that shape the colour, silhouettes and decoration. The book will document the rise of the deluxe lingerie brand. This interest in luxury labels has led many young designers to chose lingerie as a creative outlet conscious of fashion, but also with a clear view of their own lingerie world. The book features the work of 30 lingerie designers from around the world, bringing out the individuality of each designer and providing a compelling insight into their working methods. Beautifully illustrated throughout, it presents inspirational images from the designers collections alongside their sketches and mood boards.
[UK] Thames & Hudson
[UK] Laurence King
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 312 p | 77 col.ill.| 235 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 € 13,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 197 mm | 192 p | 300 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 35,95 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Vintage Swimwear
Grace Kelly Style
Fashion for Hollywood's Princess
Sarah Kennedy
Kristina Haugland, Jenny Lister, Samantha Erin Safer
Encompassing a century's worth of fashions - including the jet-set resort styles of 1920s Europe, the glamour looks of 1930s Hollywood screen sirens, and carefree Californian beach life in the 1950s and 1960s, the book shows how the swimsuit has undergone transformations in line with our developing obsessions and lifestyle trends. A glorious, glossy guide to the swimsuit in all its incarnations, the book heralds the arrival of this once-practical garment into mainstream fashion.
Hollywood star, royal bride, beloved princess - Grace Kelly lived all three roles with a style all of her own. Renowned for her cool beauty and faultless good taste, the young actress stood apart from the other film sirens of the fifties, with 1000s of women, both in the US and Europe, emulating her classic yet accessible style. Her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956 catapulted Grace Kelly to further fame and cemented her influence on the world of fashion. From the Parisian catwalks to the pages of Vogue, the 'Grace Kelly Look' became the look of the moment. This book, the first to look exclusively at Grace's unique style, accompanies an enchanting exhibition at the V&A opening in April 2010. Sumptuously illustrated, the book introduces Grace's glamorous wardrobe as she transformed herself from actress to bride to princess.
[UK] Carlton
[UK] Victoria & Albert Museum
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 210 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill.| April 2010 € 21,95 [BE]
Expo: April 2010, V&A Museum, London Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 216 mm | 112 p | 80 col.ill.| 40 bw ill. | April 2010 € 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [NL]
Rights: BE, NL
Yves Saint Laurent
(boxed set)
Farid Chenoune
By Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli, designed by Michael Rock and Sung Joong Kim
One of the most distinctive and influential designers of the second half of the twentieth century, Yves Saint Laurent takes his place in the pantheon of French couturiers, alongside Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Jeanne Lanvin. "Yves Saint Laurent", the first comprehensive retrospective of his life's work, will accompany an exhibition of some 250 garments from the collection of the Fondation Pierre Berge-Yves Saint Laurent at the Petit Palais in Paris. From his early days working under Dior and heading the House of Dior after his mentor's death, to the opening of his first pret a porter shop on the Rive Gauche and the debut of the Le Smoking tuxedo, to the muses he adored, Loulou de la Falaise and Catherine Deneuve among them, this volume reveals the breadth and scope of the designer's entire career. With a preface by Pierre Berge, author Faride Chenoune explores the sources of inspiration that drove Saint Laurent's continuous innovation, drawing upon painting, sculpture, theatre, opera, literature, and cinema. The exhibition at the Petit Palais will run March 11-August 29, 2010, and it may also travel to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
The first comprehensive book on Prada, one of the world's most influential fashion houses over the past thirty years, featuring thousands of images documenting fashion design, photography, architecture, and film projects.
[US] Abrams
[US] Abrams
Boxed | Eng. ed. | 298 x 229 mm | 704 p | 4000 col. & bw ill.| Dec. 2009 € 110,00 [BE]
Expo : 11/032010 - 29/08/2010, Petit Palais, Paris Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 276 x 225 mm | 312 p | 200 col.ill.| May 2010 € 44,00 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Maison Martin Margiela
Accidential Inventions that changed our lives Brigit Krols
Formally and conceptually, the book is both a comprehensive visual document of the designers work and an art object in itself. Lavishly illustrated with over 400 sketches, concept renderings and photographs. The design of the book's exterior case and interior layout feature a number of custom printing effects - textured details, varied papers, embroidered and letterpress elements - that link the finished product to the manufactures of small presses.
Did you know that the popsicle was invented by an eleven-year old who had forgotten his soda water mixture on the porch on a cold winter night? Or that LSD was supposed to be a drug to ease the pain of childbirth? This book reveals the fascinating stories behind the world's greatest unplanned inventions, from roller skates, penicillin and dynamite to Coca-Cola, Post-Its and Velcro.
[US] Rizzoli
[BE] Tectum Publishers
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 244 mm | 352 p | 300 col.ill.| April 2010 € 95,00 [BE]
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 245 x 245 mm | 168 p | throughout col.ill.| April 2010 € 25,00 [BE] | € 23,58 [INT]
Rights: only BE
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Remember the 1950s
Remember the 1960s
Objects and moments of a dynamic era
Objects and moments of a dynamic era
Prepare yourself for an amazing journey into the past. Remember the '50s presents products of daily life, innovations in science, technology, and art which have influenced the lifestyle of a generation: do you remember the Petticoats and Cadillacs, Tupperware and Coca-Cola? In this book you will find more than 200 pages full of high quality images and entertaining information, bringing back the memory of this golden era.
Men's hair grew long, women's skirts became short and people dreamed of a world of love, peace and happiness: the call for change was born in the sixties! Everything was possible: a fair society for all races and genders, even humans walking on the moon. Fascinating novelties in fashion, music and deign were the breeding-ground for trends in coming centuries.
[BE] Tectum Publishers
[BE] Tectum Publishers
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 200 x 200 mm | 224 p | April 2010 € 17,95 [BE] | € 16,93 [INT]
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 200 x 200 mm | 224 p | April 2010 € 17,95 [BE] | € 16,93 [INT]
Excitement, freedom and revolution: this title brings back the memories of the glorious Swinging Sixties.
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: only BE
Mini Motorcycle Bible
The motorcycle has come a long way since its inception: originally built as functional, easy transport, it is now an object of beauty, exuding style, sex appeal and impressive power. This luxurious photographic history of the motorcycle takes the aficionado on a breathtaking ride from the 1920s to the present day. Oozing richness, these photos give a true sense of the allure that only motorcycles can create.
Citroën designer Flaminio Bertoni reckoned that cars had to "set trends, not follow them". There is no doubt that the 2CV perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon. With over 5 million cars produced between 1948 and 1991, the 2CV spanned an era that goes from the Second World War to the fall of the Berlin wall, remaining true to its mission. The pared-down utility together with the curved 'egg' shape, made the 2CV a consummate blend of design and technology, timeless and unique in the car industry.
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 172 mm | 384 p | April 2010 € 19,95 [BE] | € 18,82 [INT]
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 125 x 190 mm | 192 p | 260 col.ill. | Nov. 2009 € 9,99 [BE]
Porsche. Icon of Style
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: only BE
Mini Yacht Bible
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
This book is the ultimate photobook for those who know how to appreciate the luxury of travelling by water. This exquisite collection of photographs shares with you a feeling of limitless freedom that can only be experienced in the open sea. Join us on a journey through almost 400 pages filled to the brim with pure images of approximately 90 high end sailing and motor yachts.
Alessandro Sannia Porsche cars are considered among the finest performance vehicles in the world. It's a reputation that's well-deserved. With razor-sharp handling and power aplenty, Porsche vehicles offer a driving experience like no other. It's little wonder that, for many, the marque has come to define the sports car category. As a result, the smallest independent automobile manufacturer in the world, is unquestionably one of the most renowned brands in the world.
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng. ed. | 172 x 210 mm | 384 p | throughout col.ill. | Sept. 2010 € 19,95 [BE] | € 18,82 [INT]
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 125 x 190 mm | 192 p | 260 col.ill. | Nov. 2009 € 9,99 [BE]
Too Young To Die
20th century Icons that moved generations Brigit Krols When death strikes unexpectedly, and unfulfilled potential is nipped in the bud, myths are created. This stunningly illustrated book brings a tribute to the lives and work of more than one hundred 20th century celebrities that passed away so prompt. When a star is dead, a legend is born: all the people in this book inspired entire nations during their lives, and attained immortality by dying too soon.
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 290 x 245 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill.| April 2010 € 29,95 [BE] | € 28,50 [INT]
9789079761319 Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
The Porsche Book Frank Orel This turbo-charged book is an exciting thrill ride for all lovers of the Porsche experience. As you browse, you embark on a nostalgic, image-packed journey through the annals of high-performance motor engineering and design. Captivated from the first glance, you will keep coming back for more! After a while, the book becomes like your own personal road movie as the sights and sounds come to life. Revel in innovative images of all the most famous Porsches-shot in glamorous locales across the globe.
[G] Te Neues Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 370 x 290 mm | 296 p | 200 col.ill.| May 2010 € 98,00 [BE]
9783832793777 Rights: BE
Actors & Extras
Frederico Fellini The Films
Design: Inge Ketelers
Tullio Kezich
Uitgangspunt voor de tentoonstelling vormt de tegenstelling in speelfilm tussen de acteur en de figurant. De scheidslijn tussen beiden is die tussen mondig en onmondig zijn, wetend en onwetend. Een acteur staat voor een proces van belichamen en het vermogen richting te geven aan een activiteit. Een figurant is een stemloze figuur in een achtergrondmassa: lichaam zonder belichaming. De prominentie van het motief van figuratie springt de laatste jaren in de beeldende kunsten in het oog.
This definitive and important contribution on Federico Fellini chronicles the body of work of one of the most influential and revered directors of all time, and one of Italy's most important modern cultural icons.It features the great director's own drawings, sketches, storyboards, notes, and commentary along with behind-the-scenes photographs-both on set and off-and covers each film from the entire span of his career.
[BE] Argos
[US] Rizzoli
Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 168 p | Dec. 2009 € 25,00 [BE] | € 26,50 [NL] | € 25,00 [INT]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 314 mm | 320 p | 220 col.ill.| 210 bw ill. | March 2010 € 66,50 [BE]
Rights: W
Rights: only BE
Akira Kurosawa
Peter Cowie, Donald Richie, Kazuko Kurosawa
by Richard Schickel, Introduction by Clint Eastwood
The most lavishly produced and profusely illustrated volume on Akira Kurosawa ever published, timed for the centennial of his birth. Akira Kurosawa is arguably the greatest of all Japanese film directors and is respected around the world as one of the masters of the art form. This is the first illustrated book to pay tribute to his unmistakable style-with more than two hundred images, many never before published. The filmmaker is also famous for his attention to detail, and fans will delight in seeing annotated script pages, sketches, and storyboards that reveal the meticulous craft behind Kurosawa's genius. Peter Cowie examines how Kurosawa took the samurai genre to its apogee in such films as Yojimbo and Seven Samurai; his literary influences in such films as Throne of Blood [Macbeth] and Ran [King Lear]; and in his take on our relationship to the modern world in such films as High and Low and Dreams.
A richly illustrated retrospective celebrating the life and films of Clint Eastwood - written by renowned film critic, and acclaimed documentary filmmaker, Richard Schickel and with an introduction by the legend himself. Clint Eastwood is a Hollywood - and American - icon: beloved by critics and audiences alike, he has carved out a uniquely successful career that s spanned more than half a century and sixty movies. Acclaimed as both actor and director, as well as for his musical compositions, he s won multiple Oscars for his achievements in front of and behind the camera and has established himself as a true cinematic great. This stunning volume presents a chronological look at his astonishing body of work, from the early spaghetti westerns to his iconic role as Dirty Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry (1971), to the soulful Bird (1988) and the revolutionary western Unforgiven (1992) through to more recent films such as the Academy Award-winning Mystic River (2003) and Million Dollar Baby (2004), and his latest picture, the rousing drama Invictus, starring Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman, which was released in December 2009. Over 300 spectacular images, including dynamic stills from memorable screen performances and revealing behind-the-scenes photographs, are accompanied by Richard Schickel s incisive and illuminating commentary.
[US] Rizzoli
[US] Sterling
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 317 mm | 304 p | 200 col.ill.| March 2010 € 66,50 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 247 mm | 288 p | throughout col. & bw ill.| March 2010 € 34,95 [BE] | € 36,00 [NL]
Master of Cinema
A retrospective
Rights: only BE
Rights: B, NL, F
Graffiti from A to Z
3D Street Art
Graffiti. De A à Z | Graffiti, Van A tot Z | Graffiti: von A bis Z
Brigit Krols 3D anamorphic pavement art, invented in the eighties by Master Street Painter Kurt Wenner, is conquering the world as we speak. These illustionary 2-dimensional images, that appear to become 3-dimensional when viewed from a fixed point through a camera lens, represent a new way of combining the mastery of Renaissance art techniques with the ephemeral qualities of street paintings. This book introduces you to the most important 3D street artists.
Een volledig visueel parcours doorheen de stijlen en tendensen van de hedendaagse stadskunst. 500 kleurenfoto's met kunstwerken uit tientallen steden wereldwijd en in alle mogelijke stijelen: realistisch, 3D, wild style... Une présentation complète de tous les styles et tendances de l'art urbain contemporain. 500 photographies en couleurs d'oeuvres réalisées dans des dizaines de villes du monde entier en de tous les styles: réaliste, 3D, wild style... A comprehensive visual journey through all the styles and trends of modern urban art. 500 full color photographs that show masterpieces in dozens of cities around the world and of many different styles: realistic, 3D, wild style etc.
[BE] booQs - Series Inspiration-
[BE] Tectum Publishers
Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 160 x 210 mm | 480 p | throughout col.ill.| March 2010 € 9,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 245 x 245 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill.| Sept 2010 € 29,95 [BE] | € 28,25 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Vespa -mini-
Art of the Japanese Game Card Remo Camerota
In 2006 was het exact 60 jaar geleden dat Vespa geboren werd. Deze ingenieuze kleine scooter is erin geslaagd uit te groeien tot een van Italiës grootste stijliconen, en blijft een grote favoriet bij verscheidene generaties design- en scooterliefhebbers. Hoewel het ontwerp geëvolueerd is door de jaren heen, heeft men het originele design nooit uit het oog verloren, waardoor Vespa nog net zo herkenbaar is als altijd.
Literally meaning "small object with a face" the game of menko has existed in Japan for over 250 years. Children play it by throwing a card against another in an effort to flip it or knock it out of a ring, victory based on who has the most cards at the end of the game. The earliest figures depicted on menko pieces were ninjas and samurai, later becoming fighter jets and tanks. As outside influences were imposed on Japan menko cards reflected Western culture from baseball to Mickey Mouse and, of course, Japanese popular culture figures. Menko: Art of the Japanese Game Card colorfully documents the graphic history of this traditional pastime, which is still played today and was the inspiration for the wildly popular Pog.
[BE] Tectum Publishers
[UK] Mark Batty
Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 125 x 190 mm | 192 p | 260 col.ill.| Nov. 2009 € 9,99 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 177 x 177 mm | 128 p | June 2010 € 14,50 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: BE
Name Tagging
Poster Boy
Martha Cooper
By Poster Boy
You can't stop graffiti photography legend Martha Cooper from scoping out fresh work from some of the scene's biggest names and most prolific writers, even if it means she has to walk back and forth across the world's greatest cities. In Name Tagging, Cooper presents a dizzying array of "Hello My Name Is" stickers adorned with tags, the origin of graffiti and today's street art cultures. Graffiti mythology credits TAKI 183 as one of the first people to be known for tagging all over New York City. But no one can pinpoint exactly when graffiti writers started using stickers to practice, hone and disseminate their tags. ZEPHYR recalls seeing tags on nametag stickers as early as 1973, though they began to appear with much more regularity in the late 70s and early 80s. What Cooper's introduction, artist interviews and photographs make clear, however, is that no matter when the tradition began, it has spread all over the world, with artists famed and anonymous taking advantage of the accessibility and practicality of nametag stickers. From CLAW MONEY and NECK FACE to TWIST, SURE, FAUST, COSBE and many, many more, Cooper's camera has captured the artistry and audacity of these artists and their distinctive tags.
Although his cut and slash mash-ups of subway platform billboards only exist in New York City, Poster Boy's artful and funny appropriations of advertising has gotten him attention the world over. The New York Times dubbed him "a kind of anti-consumerist Zorro with a razor blade, a sense of humor and a talent for collage"; the Guardian UK said of his work, it "is witty, websavvy and economical.and the only materials it requires are chutzpah, imagination and a 50 cent blade." In little more than a year, Poster Boy has taken the street art world by storm, altering more than 200 posters. He exploits the fact that these posters are printed on self-adhesive material that can be cut and then re-applied to a surface, giving posters that everyone takes for granted a new look. Poster Boy tweaks corporate copy, replacing it with incisive and playful puns and turns of phrase rich with innuendo and political punch. Beautiful models turn ghastly and iconic spokespeople become the mouthpieces for Poster Boy's ideas. This book includes an interview with the mysterious figure and documents some of his best pieces.
[UK] Mark Batty
[UK] Mark Batty
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 158 x 158 mm | 96 p | Feb. 2010 € 13,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 177 x 177 mm | 96 p | Feb. 2010 € 21,00 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: only BE
500 Essential Cult Books
500 Essential Cult Movies
Gina McKinnon
Jennifer Eiss
500 Essential Cult Books gathers the finest trade paperbacks, hardbacks, collections, novellas, biographies, poems and graphic novels from around the world into one giant volume that reveals what makes a read not just a success and not just a classic but a cult book. From fiction to non-fiction, poetry to self-help titles, 500 Essential Cult Books covers a huge range of literature and is sorted into thematic genres. Each entry includes a brief plot breakdown, critical review and suggested further reading. Whether youre looking to broaden your literary horizons, reacquaint yourself with old favourites, or find recommendations for other titles you might like, this compendium of cult classics is sure to have something to appeal to your inner bookworm.
There are distinct qualities that make a movie a cult: a devoted and niche following, popularity based on word-of-mouth enthusiasm, and a tendency to remain in fans memories years after release, as well as many other intricacies, often hotly debated by film buffs. 500 Essential Cult Movies sifts through the greatest movies ever made, to bring together a list of the best cult classics that ever graced the cinema screens or didnt, in some cases! From Carpenter to Lucas, Cronenberg to Lynch, Scorsese to Spielberg the big names in cult are all there, as well as the more obscure films that may have sneaked below the radar. Sorted into chapters based on genre, this vast collection includes plot synopses, reviews and further viewing recommendations for each title. 500 Essential Cult Movies is a must-read for all film aficionados and aspiring buffs alike.
[UK] Ilex
[UK] Ilex
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 202 x 152 mm | 384 p | 500 col.ill.| June 2010 € 22,50 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 202 x 152 mm | 384 p | 500 col.ill.| June 2010 € 22,50 [BE]
The Ultimate Guide
The Ultimate Guide
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Graffiti Asia
The Sneaker Colouring Book
(incl. DVD)
Daniel Jarosh, Henrik Klingel
Studio Rarekwai
A colouring book for grown-ups, The Sneaker Colouring Book is a collection of 100 black and white line drawings of popular sneaker designs, shown in side view, to colour, alter or customize. The models featured are 100 of the most popular designs from 1916 to the present day from 18 major brands including Adidas, Converse, New Balance, Nike, Onitsuka Tiger, Puma, Reebok and Vans. Brand, model name, launch date and category are listed for each sneaker. The drawings are printed on high-quality drawing paper and the pages are perforated so that a drawing can be removed once completed. Taking a fun and highly original approach to sneaker culture, the book will appeal to anyone who likes to colour and customize their sneakers, to fashion and footwear designers, illustrators, graphic designers and, above all, to the sneaker fanatics who want to own every book about their favourite subject.
This book is the first to examine the spread of graffiti in Asia, concentrating mainly on Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, as well as China and Hong Kong. Anecdotes and interviews with local artists provide an insight into which paints, tools and techniques are used, and the most popular graffiti locations. The book is divided up into sections covering specific artists, lettering, history, locations, crews and trains, with all material collected at first hand by the authors. A 20-minute documentary gives an insight into the graffiti culture of these Asian countries.
[UK] Laurence King
[UK] Laurence King
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 128 p | 350 col.ill.| May 2010 € 24,95 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 180 x 270 mm | 216 p | 10 col.ill.| 110 bw ill. | May 2010 € 18,95 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Stickerbomb 2
Five Cities Nicolas Sinclair
Studio Rarekwai This all new follow on the from original Stickerbomb book, is filled with a brand new collection of more than 280 specially-commissioned stickers by artists, illustrators and graffiti writers from around the world, many of whom have not been featured in a publication before. It will appeal to a young market of designers, street artists and illustrators, plus street art fans and anyone who collects stickers.
Nicholas Sinclair & Nick Hamlyn
[UK] Laurence King
[UK] Royal Academy
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 165 x 210 mm | 132 p | 280 col.ill.| May 2010 € 22,95 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 280 mm | 80 p | 48 col.ill.| June 2010 € 36,95 [BE]
These images represent five European cities Paris, Istanbul, Palermo, Berlin and Budapest through their surface markings. Exploring the interaction between a city and its citizens as recorded by graffiti and advertising, Sinclairs photographs occupy a place between documentary and abstraction a scrawled word or the scrap of a fly-poster are at once physical scars on a wall and marks hovering graphically on the picture plane. In this beautifully produced book, the second in a trilogy by Sinclair examining the surfaces of European cities, we are invited to look at graffiti and other unofficial interventions anew: not as aggressive intrusions, but rather as part of an ongoing collaborative project to interpret the modern city.
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Body Type 2
More Typographical Tattoos
Jeffrey Jeffrey
Ina Saltz Since the release of "Body Type: Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh", Ina Saltz has continued to collect images of typographical tattoos to include in this follow-up volume. She is contacted daily by tattooed people all over the globe who seek to be in this collection. The tattoos are organised by themes, including literary passages, song lyrics, declarations of love, self-empowerment, homage, belief systems and more.
This monograph is the first to explore the work of the street artist Swoon, drawing readers into her imaginative world and showcasing the full range of her artistic practices, from street art to studio work and junkyard boats to spontaneous street parties. Arranged around a loose chronology, the book focuses first on her street art: life-size prints and paper cutouts of figures that take on a new life as natural elements slowly erode and destroy the paper.
[US] Abrams
[US] Abrams
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 178 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill.| March 2010 € 17,50 [BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 267 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill.| May 2010 € 32,50 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
We Are Paper Toys: Print-Cut-Fold-Glue-Fun
T-shirts from the Underground Cesar Padilla, Lydia Lunch, Thurston Moore, Betsey Johnson
Arranged by artists, We Are Paper Toys! is the most creative book of its kind available. From paper toy sketches and templates to final design layouts and finished products, each paper toy design features step-by-step instructions on how to create and personalize it. Toy designers and artists reveal why paper toys are so fun to create, how they have personalized their designs, and what suggestions they have for new toy makers. Best of all, design templates for each toy can be easily downloaded from the artists' websites so readers can print, cut, and fold their paper toys together themselves.
Ripped is the first book to document the shirts of the post-punk and indie period, after the submission of 1960s rock 'n' roll to mass popularity and before the onset of ironic consumerism. Introduced by Lydia Lunch, the book includes recollections and ruminations from musicians, fashion designers, and pop culture personalities on the enigmatic and enduring appeal of the rock band T-shirt.
[US] Collins Design Int'l
[US] Rizzoli
Vinyl cover | Eng. ed. | 247 x 190 mm | 209 p | Aug. 2010 € 23,50 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 234 mm | 208 p | 180 col.ill.| March 2010 € 27,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: only BE
This is Advertising
Ideas That Matter
a decade of campaigns in Europe.
Eliza Williams
Sappi Europe SA - Marketing and Communication
This is Advertising addresses the changes that are occurring within advertising, from the perspective of key figures within the industry. It will provide a useful, informative guide to some of the latest developments within advertising. The book will be a combination of commentary from leading industry figures accompanied by a rich selection of visuals to explain what is being discussed. The book will be split into five chapters, which deal with the main themes relevant to the advertising industry today: Digital, Branded, Ambient, Integrated and Self-Initiated. Each chapter will contain a series of case studies which will be presented through a short text, illustrations and captions. An overall introduction to the book and to each section will offer an overview of the subject by the author.
A decade ago, Sappi launched 'Ideas That Matter', the industry's only grant programme aimed at helping designers contribute their talents to the charitable activities that they care about most. Sappi believes that the creative ideas of designers can have an impact beyond the aesthetic and that those ideas can be a powerful force for social good. To date, Ideas that Matter has awarded grants to over 100 campaigns supporting causes that range from environmental issues and health care awareness.
[UK] Laurence King
[BE] B.A.I.
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 224 p | 596 col.ill.| March 2010 € 36,95 [BE]
Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 456 p | throughout col.ill.| Oct. 2009 € 42,50 [BE] | € 42,50 [INT] £ 53,00 [UK]
Rights: only BE
Rights: not NL
Rights: only BE
Chinese Graphic Design In The Twentieth Century
Decorative Lettering in the Digital Age Steven Heller, Gail Anderson
Scott Minick, Jiao Ping
New Ornamental Type presents a dazzling kaleidoscope of highly animated text and type samples across a broad spectrum of styles and effects. Psychedelia, Hip-Hop, Gothic, flowers, smoke, hair, electricity and monuments are just a few of the creative allusions in the hundreds of dramatic and intricate examples inspired by nature, history and just about anything that is visually expressive.
From posters and advertisements to book covers and magazines, this volume presents a dazzling panoply of graphics, brilliantly uncovered by the authors from long-forgotten sources, mostly in China itself, after surviving innumerable upheavals: natural catastrophes, war and revolution. Beginning with the basic traditions of Chinese graphics, the authors show how the writer and artist Lu Xun became the centre of cultural revival in the new China.
[UK] Thames & Hudson Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 250 mm | 192 p | 272 col.ill.| 88 bw ill. | Feb. 2010 € 34,95 [BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson Paperback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 220 mm | 160 p | 150 col.ill.| 135 bw ill. | May 2010 € 17,95 [BE]
Rights: only BE
New Ornamental Type
Rights: BE
New Dutch Design
100 manieren om grids toe te passen
Rights: BE
New Dutch graphic, branding and communication design
Beth Tondreau
After publishing 10 editions of the biannual 'Dutch Design' books over the last 20 years it is time for a new beginning, which we simply named 'New Dutch Design', because that is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. 'New Dutch Design' documents through short analyses and a wealth of images the best new design projects from The Netherlands in the fields of graphic, branding and communication design.
The first one-stop reference and resource for building and using grids in all design projects. Grids are the basis for all design projects, and learning how to work with them is fundamental for all graphic designers. From working with one column to multicolumn formats using images, type, color and more. Grids provides the best information on how to achieve great design with 100 strategies and examples.
[NL] B.I.S. Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 400 p | April 2010 € 49,00 [BE] | € 49,00 [INT]
[NL] B.I.S. Hardback | NL ed. | 250 x 215 mm | 208 p | Nov. 2009 € 29,90 [BE] | € 29,90 [INT]
Rights: W
Rights: BE
'Proeven is koopen'
Art Deco
Mienke Simon Thomas, Wilma van Giersbergen, Roosmarijn Hompe, Jack Otsen, Dingenus van de Vrie
Art Déco embraced architecture, furniture, fabrics, stage design, and fashion - even painting. Like its forerunner, Art Nouveau, Art Déco was an eclectic style. It drew inspiration from many sources. Designers borrowed from the pictorial inventions of contemporary avant-garde artists. This updated and expanded collection of Art Déco Designs shows a style that is equally adaptable and as enjoyable now as when it was first created.
Jac. Jongert, 1883-1942
(series Historical Styles) (incl. CD)
Jacob Jongert (1883-1942) is een van de eerste reclamevormgevers in Nederland. Zijn carrière neemt een vlucht als hij in 1919 een opdracht krijgt van de thee-, koffie- en tabakfabrieken van de Wed. J. Van Nelle. Het is de start van een reeks van duizenden ontwerpen voor de firma, voor wie Jongert een herkenbaar gezicht ontwerpt met strakke vormen en primaire kleuren.
[NL] Pepin Press -Agile Rabbit Editions Paperback | Eng/ Fr./ G./ It./ Jap./ Port. ed | 220 x 220 mm | 112 p | Nov. 2009 € 17,50 [BE]
[NL] Boijmans van Beuningen Hardback | NL ed. | 250 x 200 mm | 192 p | 350 col. & bw ill. | Dec. 2009 € 32,50 [BE] | € 32,50 [NL] | € 30,66 [INT] Expo: 19/12/09 - 18/04/2010
Rights: BE
Basic Packaging
Structural Package Design Series
Rights: BE
(incl. CD)
(incl CD)
This is a new series of packaging books (all with CDs), jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates, ready for immediate use and illustrated with a photograph and 3-D drawings. The CDs also include a demo version of packaging so - ware which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.
Frames contains some 500 high-quality line drawings of frames in many shapes and styles, that can be used for a multitude of applications. [NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books Paperback | E/ F/ Nl/ G/ Sp/ It/ Port ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 144 p | 200 bw ill. | April 2010 € 17,50 [BE]
The 1st volume contains 300 designs, including all major international packaging standards - very important for communication between designers, clients and manufacturers. [NL] Pepin Press -Agile Rabbit Editions Paperback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 225 x 170 mm | 400 p | March 2010 € 24,50 [BE]
Free Font Index 02
Web Design Index 9
Hans Lijklema
Günter Beer
This second volume in the highly successful series of Free Font Index books contains over 500 fonts from type foundries around the world. A number of the fonts in the book include special character sets such as Central/Eastern European, Cyrillic and Greek. In addition to comprehensive letterproofs of all fonts, the book includes interviews with renowned typeface designers like Donald Beekman, Ray Larabie, and Jakob Fischer (a.k.a. pizzadude). All fonts contained in the book are included on the accompanying CD, can be used on both Mac and PCs, and are licensed for personal and commercial use.
The increasingly common use of fast-speed Internet connections over the past few years has considerably increased designers' possibilities to use advanced capabilities, including larger image files. Furthermore, it is clear that web design is reaching its maturity: whereas in the past many designers were hesitant to make the change from print to web, many designers now primarily work in web design. The results of these developments can be seen in this year's edition of our best-selling Web Design Index: as ever, the most accurate overview of the state of the art in web design.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 900 x 675 mm | 320 p | throughout col. & bw ill.| May 2010 € 24,50 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 150 mm | 368 p | throughout col. & bw ill.| April 2010 € 22,50 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Web Design Index by Content 05
Research for the Creative Industries
(incl CD)
Hilary Collins
Would you like an overview of the state of the art in web design in a specifi c fi eld? Web Design Index By Content.05 provides exactly that: every year, 500 new designs are selected and grouped in more than 20 categories, such as architecture, art, fashion, food, IT, music, photography, product catalogues, etc. Two pages from each site are included: an opening page and a page representative of the nature of the site. The accompanying CD-ROM allows you to view the designs on screen and to access the entire sites online.
'Research for the Creative Industries' assesses how research methodologies must be adapted to suit the creative industries, and offers a guide to the process of undertaking a research project in this context. In the creative industries, a visual approach to research is often more appropriate, but this must be underpinned with systematic and rigorous techniques.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books
Paperback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 225 x 170 mm | 528 p | throughout col.ill.| May 2010 € 22,50 [BE]
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 300 x 220 mm | 208 p | April 2010 € 41,00 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: only BE
For Love and Money
Print & Pattern
New Illustration
Bowie Style
Liz Farrelly, Olivia Triggs
Pattern is everywhere. Years of minimalism have been superseded by a riot of colour and shape, whether on walls, fabrics, clothes or signage. "Print & Pattern" is a visual celebration of contemporary surface design. Compiled by the creator of the cult blog of the same name (http://printpattern.blogspot.com/), this book documents the work of the best surface designers from around the world and features products that have been embellished with a surface print or pattern including graphics, cards, gift wrap, stationery, textiles, ceramics, badges, stickers and wallpaper. As well as succesful commercial designs, the book also showcases previously unseen pattern designs from designers' portfolios. Accessible but with a cool edge, the book will appeal to surface designers, graphic designers, designer-makers and craftspeople, illustrators and fashion and textile designers. Bowie Style is a surface designer and the creator of the successful blog Print & Pattern. Her work has featured in numerous magazines and newspaper articles.
Over the past decade there has been a creative rebirth in the practice of illustration. Boosted by the art worlds acceptance of graffiti and street art, the ubiquitous nature of foolproof vector programs, the re-adoption of illustration by avant-garde fashion labels, the proliferation of character design in two- and three-dimensions, and the technical capabilities of digital delivery, contemporary illustration has more applications, methodologies and fans than ever before. With modes of production ranging from the reimagined traditions of drawing, painting and collage, to the wide range of computer-based applications, and a myriad of unique combinations of both hand and digital means, todays illustrators are breaking the mould in terms of production. This book will investigate these myriad ways of working and creating, by featuring portfolios of images from a diverse range of more than 80 contemporary practitioners, some of whom have never before been featured in a book. Drawn from around the world, each portfolio will be accompanied by analysis and an interview with the illustrator. Building into a collection that showcases new talent and focuses on current trends, this book will offer a definitive guide to illustration in the new millennium.
[UK] Laurence King
[UK] Laurence King
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 328 p | 417 col.ill.| Feb. 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 246 x 172 mm | 304 p | 750 col.ill.| March 2010 € 29,50 [BE]
Rights: only BE
Rights: only BE
Retro Fonts
V&A Pattern Limited edition box-set
(incl. CD)
William Morris, The Fifties, Indian Florals & Digital Pioneers
Gregor Stawinski Retro Fonts is a fantastic compilation of over 400 of the best retro fonts from 1830 to the end of the 20th century. The fonts are presented in the style of old specimen books as alphabets with sample words/phrases, shown opposite classic examples of the fonts in use in their historical context. Arranged chronologically into eight sections representing different stylistic areas, each with an introduction discussing the typography of that era, the fonts range from Art Deco, Bauhaus and Swiss through to Sixties, Disco and Punk. Featuring both familiar fonts and lesser-known examples ripe for rediscovery, this is a unique source of inspiration for all graphic designers and typographers. The accompanying CD contains 222 copyright-free fonts.
This box set contains the second set of four titles in a this series of patterns books and presents the range of the V&A's appeal. Beautifully designed, accessible and informative, the box set is a respository of ideas for designers of all kinds but also a collectable object in itself. Commercial designers looking to license patterns canuse these books as a starting point for research. Each book includes a CD of all the images contained within to be redrawn or reworked. The four titles contained in this box set are 'Kimonos', 'Garden Florals', 'Owen Jones' and 'Novelty Patterns'. Carefully branded to draw on the Victoria and Albert Museum's pre-eminent status, the series will encourage you to collect the entire range. The V&A is the world's greatest museum of art and design. For the past 150 years its collection has been an inspiring resource for designers, reflecting a breadth and depth that represents over 3,000 years of artefacts from all over the world.
[UK] Laurence King
[UK] Victoria & Albert Museum
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 170 mm | 560 p | 130 col.ill.| 270 bw ill. | May 2010 € 51,80 [BE]
Boxed | Eng. ed. | 178 x 129 mm | 320 p | 140 col.ill.| June 2010 € 43,95 [BE] | € 45,00 [NL]
Rights: only BE
Rights: BE, NL
Rights: BE
Never Leave the House Naked
Rights: BE
The Medium is the Message
And 50 other Ridiculous Fashion Rules
And 50 other Ridiculous Advertising Rules
Anneloes van Gaalen
Anneloes van Gaalen Rules tend to have a life of their own: over time their meaning changes or the rule is adopted by a whole new group of followers. This evolution is reflected in this book by the chronologically placed quotes that accompany each rule and that are courtesy of designers, architects, fashion designers, typographers and other creatives. All rules are also accompanied by an image that either negates or supports the rule.
[NL] B.I.S. Hardback | Eng. ed. | 170 x 120 mm | 160 p | Nov. 2009 € 15,00 [BE]
[NL] B.I.S. Hardback | Eng. ed. | 170 x 120 mm | 160 p | Nov. 2009 € 15,00 [BE]
Rights: BE
Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces
Never Use Pop Up Windows
Anneloes van Gaalen
Anneloes van Gaalen
[NL] B.I.S. Hardback | Eng. ed. | 170 x 120 mm | 160 p | March 2010 € 15,00 [BE]
[NL] B.I.S. Hardback | Eng. ed. | 170 x 120 mm | 160 p | March 2010 € 15,00 [BE]
And 50 other Ridiculous Typography Rules
And 50 other Ridiculous Web Design Rules
Rights: BE
Art of McSweeney's
Designer's Notebook Andrew Schapiro, Brad Mead
Art of McSweeney's -- A novel with each cover hand-illustrated by the author. Literary journals bound by magnets, or designed to look like junk mail. The sharp wit, gorgeous design, and playful why not invention of independent literary publisher McSweeney's have earned it a large and loyal following and made its journals, books, The Believer magazine, and Wholphin DVDs collectible favorites of readers and graphic designers alike. Created by the McSweeney's staff to commemorate their 11th (or 12th) anniversary, this book showcases their award-winning art and design across all the company's activities. It features hundreds of images, interviews with collaborators such as Chris Ware and Michael Chabon, and dozens of insights into McSweeney's quirky creative process and the visual experience of reading.
Designer's Notebook -- This functional and imminently accessible notebook is the perfect place for graphic designers and creative types of all stripes to capture ideas, sketch out visuals, and develop projects. Straightforward questions walk users through the design process while still allowing plenty of room for imagination and creativity to run wild. Perfect for design students, aspirants, recent grads and current practitioners, the notebook is loaded with useful bells and whistles-including tracing paper, organizational stickers, and a removable ruler-as well as a handy resource section in back that provides essential facts, measurements, and frequently referenced charts.
[US] Chronicle
[US] Chronicle
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 228 mm | 264 p | June 2010 € 39,95 [BE]
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 209 x 149 mm | 176 p | June 2010 € 20,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Anne Taintor 2011 Wall Calendar
2011 Wall Calendar Porn for Women
Anne Taintor
Susan Anderson
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | July 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | 12 col.ill. | July 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Floriography Journal
I Dare You
30 Sealed Seductions
Clare Rojas
Susie Bright
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 160 p | 9 col.ill. | May 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | 95 x 135 mm | 30 p | Feb. 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Joyful Noise Journal
Cath Kidston 3 Mini Journals
Grady McFerrin [US] Chronicle Gifts Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 181 x 127 mm | 192 p | May 2010 € 8,95 [BE]
Cath Kidston
[US] Chronicle Gifts Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 140 x 102 mm | 96 p | April 2010 € 11,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Land, Air, Water
Listography 2011 Weekly Calendar
Susie Ghahremani
Lisa Nola
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | 140 x 102 mm | 96 p | May 2010 € 12,50 [BE]
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 159 mm | 128 p | 54 col.ill. | July 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
Triptych Journal Collection
Your Year in Lists
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Reprodepot Notepad Set
Stencil 101 Journal
Djerba Goldfinger
Ed Roth
[US] Chronicle Gifts Paperback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 121 mm | 96 p | April 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
[US] Chronicle Gifts Wire-o binding | Eng. ed. | 181 x 127 mm | 192 p | April 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
9780811872461 Rights: BE
Stencil 101 Stationery Ed Roth [US] Chronicle Gifts | | x mm | p | April 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Friends Listography
One Sketch A Day
Our Lives in Lists
A Visual Journal
Lisa Nola, Maria Forde
[US] Chronicle Hardback | Eng. ed. | 181 x 127 mm | 192 p | May 2010 € 14,50 [BE]
[US] Chronicle Hardback | Eng. ed. | 241 x 178 mm | 144 p | 4 col.ill. | May 2010 € 14,50 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Scribble It!
Floral A5 Notebook
30 Postcards [UK] Quadrille Hardback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 146 mm | 128 p | Sept. 2009 € 12,50 [BE]
Taro Gomi [US] Chronicle Paperback | Eng. ed. | 165 x 121 mm | 30 p | 5 col.ill. | June 2010 € 8,95 [BE]
Daily Doodle 2011 Daily Calendar Taro Gomi
[US] Chronicle | Eng. ed. | 130 x 152 mm | 366 p | July 2010 € 12,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
The Simpsons Futurama
500 Manga Villains and Heroes
Crossover Crisis Hayden Scott-Baron Matt Groening, Bill Morrison
500 Manga Heroes and Villains is the biggest collection of clip art of this genre ever collected on one disc. Stunning artwork can be created quickly and easily using its vast collection of images. The book accompanying the disc teaches how to use professional coloring techniques, add figures to backgrounds, combine them into a text document and even create original manga stories. An enormous range of characters is included here, from dramatic and historical heroes and villains to daredevil and comedic ones, making this the perfect resource for manga students looking to create amazing artwork without painstakingly learning to draw. All illustrations are royalty free and are also supplied as black outlines, offering endless coloring possibilities. The book also includes a complete illustrated listing of all the images on the CD featuring detailed information on the characters poses, settings, moods, expressions, characteristics, and costumes.
At last! It's the meeting of two mind-boggling comedy creations from Matt Groening! They said it couldn't be done. But we don't listen to naysayers, refuseniks, and non-believers. So here it is, folks! The epic story that you've been waiting for ...a story so big, so ambitious, so sweeping that it can only be told in a 208-page, large format, slipcased edition, complete with new material, supplemental stories, preliminary sketches, character designs, and a pin-up gallery featuring the talents of comics industry luminaries. What would happen if the Planet Express crew and the citizens of New York City in the 31st century met the Simpsons and the citizens of Springfield ...and how is it even possible?
[US] Abrams
[US] Collins Design Int'l
Boxed | Eng. ed. | 279 x 191 mm | 208 p | 200 col.ill.| April 2010 € 22,95 [BE]
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 202 x 152 mm | 528 p | 550 col.ill.| June 2010 € 15,95 [BE]
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
De rode verfstreken van Henri Matisse
teken en schilderboek
Anne Herbauts
C. De Bie Meet Monday. He's a penguin who likes to stay warm. His best friends are Yesterday and Tomorrow. They like playing the piano together and they like spring, summer and autumn. But when winter comes, Monday's house is blown away in a snowstorm. You can feel the snowflakes on the page, and, as the pages grow thinner, poor Monday starts to disappear. What will happen when the snow stops? "Monday" is an endearing, magical tale for young and old alike from one of Europe's foremost illustrators. Anne Herbauts is the author and illustrator of over 20 children's books. Born in Belgium in 1976 and a graduate of the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts, her distinctive work won her the prestigious Grand Prix de l'Illustration award in 2009. She now divides her time between Belgium and France.
Dit kinderboek gaat over Henri Matisse, een wereldberoemde Franse schilder uit de twintigste eeuw. Matisse staat bekend als de schilder van de kleur. Op een dag komt zijn dochter Marguerite langs op het atelier. Matisse zit mokkend in een stoel hij weet niet hoe hij verder moet met een schilderij. 'Dan neem je toch gewoon rode verf, dat is toch je favoriete kleur?' grapt zijn dochter. Matisse antwoordt dat de zaak niet zo eenvoudig ligt en ze raken in gesprek. Lees mee en leer van alles over Henri Matisse en zijn tijdgenoten. Wat is jouw lievelingskleur? Dit boek staat vol met opdrachten om zelf met teken- en schildersmateriaal aan de slag te gaan. Ceciel de Bie schrijft en illustreert sinds 1998 kunstboeken voor kinderen, ondermeer voor het Van Gogh Museum, het Getty Museum en het Museum of Modern Art in New York. Voor het boek Rembrandt doeboek voor kinderen ontving zij een zilveren griffel in 2000.
[NL] De Nieuwe Kerk - Hermitage A'dam
[UK] Tate Publishing
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 210 mm | 72 p | 140 col.ill.| March 2010 € 21,50 [BE] | € 19,95 [NL] | € 21,50 [INT]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 230 mm | 40 p | Feb. 2010 € 18,00 [BE] | € 18,30 [NL] | € 17,26 [INT]
9789078653196 Rights:
Rights: BE, NL, G, A, CH
Petit Pays Guy-Ernest Kaho - Karine Maincent « C'est en 2059, un pays. Un petit pays. Un tout petit-petit pays. Petit-pays est entouré de partout par Mère-Eau .
La légende raconte que si Petit-pays est si petit, c'est parce que Mère-Eau, furieuse contre son fi ls, l'Homme, l'avait envahi pour lui donner une leçon. Mais l'Homme ne s'est pas corrigé. Et Mère-Eau, tenant toujours à lui faire entendre raison,
[BE] Fondation Zinsou
monte, monte et monte. »
ISBN 9789057791147 100
Hardback | French ed. | 220x180 mm, col.ill.| Nov.2010, € 14,00 | € 14,00 [INT]
How to draw Animals Step by Step
De Vlaamse Show-Encyclopedie
Comment dessiner des animaux étape par étape | Stap voor stap dieren tekenen
Marcel Dickmans - Marc Bungeneers Dit boek benadert de showwereld in zijn geheel (populaire zangers, kleinkunstenaars, cabaretiers, volksmuziekbezetenen en woordkunstenaars) en geeft aan de hand van alfabetisch opgesomde curricula vitae annex discografieën en een unieke trefwoordelijst het antwoord op diverse vragen. Neem deze bundel show uit Vlaanderen door en je kent de Vlaamse showbizz als je broekzak.
Dit gedetailleerde boek leert je stap voor stap 50 verschillende dinosauriërs te tekenen, van beginschets tot volledig afgewerkte kleurenafbeelding. Het bevat zowel tips omtrent schaduwen, volumes, kleuren en anatomie, als trucs en advies voor amateurs en professionals. Learn to draw 50 different dinosaurs step-by-step with this detailed book, from the preliminary sketch to the final piece of art in full color. Including tips on shadows, volume, color and anatomy and also tricks and advice for fans and professionals alike.
[BE] booQs - Series Practice-
[BE] Pandora
Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 187 x 150 mm | 560 p | Sept. 2010 € 17,95 [BE]
Flexi (Pb luxe) | NL ed. | 245 x 165 mm | 800 p | throughout bw ill.| Dec. 2009 € 22,50 [BE] | € 25,50 [NL] | € 24,00 [INT]
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Rights: W
Destination London
Rights: not UK, not NL, not US, not F
Cool Barcelona
A Guide to Barcelona's coolest Restaurants, Cafés, Clubs, Bars, Lounges, Shops, Highlights and more.
Our 'Destination' series has a new member. In this passionate collection of dynamic images, we see London in all its cosmopolitan variety. The city's hip spots, shops, galleries and theatres are revealed in all their glorious technicolor. The beating heart of London is captured in 300 pages of spectacular photography and interesting quotes.
Barcelona's got it all-stunning beaches, dramatic vistas, and a cavalcade of cutting-edge architecture. There's a non-stop array of places to go, things to do, and people to see. This coolest of travel guides presents everything that's anything in BCN. With insider knowledge from supermodel Eva Padberg and fashion photographer Russell James you'll have your finger right on the pulse. Included is a comprehensive service section and handy map of the city.
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 185 mm | 300 p | April 2010 € 25,00 [BE] | € 23,58 [INT]
[G] Te Neues Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng/ Fr/ Germ/ Span. ed. | 190 x 150 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | Nov. 2009 € 19,90 [BE]
Ecological Hotels
Rights: BE
Rights: BE
Dive in Style
Rights: only BE
Chill Snorkel Dive
When we travel, hotels function as our home away from home. In these temporary abodes, we seek many of the qualities most valued in our own dwellings: comfort, style and-especially nowadays-sustainability. This inspiring volume offers a compendium of stylish yet ecological accommodations across the world, each a distinct example of what it means to be green. Careful consideration in the design, construction and maintenance of these properties ensure they protect the planet.
Tim Simond Here is a new, paperback edition of this hugely popular title that spans the globe from Australia to Tanzania, the Mediterranean to the Maldives, featuring 26 destinations - including four amazing boats. The photographs allow you to get up close and personal with ancient sea turtles and gliding manta rays, multi-coloured fish and brilliantly adaptive octopuses. In this new edition six resorts are included for the first time.
[G] Te Neues Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 350 col.ill. | March 2010 € 49,90 [BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 225 mm | 288 p | 758 col.ill. | May 2010 € 27,95 [BE]
Hip to be Square
Onder het Sint-Pietersplein
Met literaire bijdragen van Annelies Verbeke en Caroline Lamarche Gelegen in de historische wijk van de Kunstberg, is SQUARE een schitterend nieuw oriëntatiepunt in het centrum van Brussel. Er waren een nieuwe visie, koppigheid en jaren hard werk voor nodig om het massieve, uitgeleefde Congrespaleis om te vormen tot een geïnspireerd internationaal ontmoetingscentrum voor de 21e eeuw. SQUARE is gehuisvest in een elegant en architecturaal interessant gebouw dat werd opgetrokken naar aanleiding van Expo 58. Meerdere oorspronkelijke elementen, zoals indrukwekkende muurschilderingen van de Belgische meesters Paul Delvaux, René Magritte en Louis van Lint werden zorgvuldige gerestaureerd en gaan nu hand in hand met hedendaags design ontworpen door een team van invloedrijke Europese ontwerpers. De afwerking en aankleding getuigen van een trefzeker understatement, een bewuste keuze voor functionaliteit gecombineerd met krachtige vormen. Het nieuwe ontmoetingscentrum ligt op het hoogste punt van de Kunstberg en biedt een verreikend en inspirerend uitzicht over de daken van het historisch centrum. Aan de hand van 150 spectaculaire foto's en literaire impressies van Caroline Lamarche, Annelies Verbeke en Christophe Deborsu, vertelt het boek het verhaal van de ingrijpende renovatie van het complex. En het verhaal van hoe een in het verleden geworteld stadsgedeelte mee de toekomst van Brussel en van de wijdere wereld vorm zal geven.
Parkeren in een boeiend stuk Gentse geschiedenis. Onder het Sint-Pietersplein. Van hoogadellijke begraafplaats tot parking licht het onderzoek toe over zeven "luxe" graven die in de middeleeuwse monnikenkerk van Sint-Pieters werden teruggevonden. Maar wie kreeg er een laatste rustplaats en waarom werden de overledenen in de kerk begraven en niet in het uitgestrekte atrium voor de kerk ? Uitgangspunt van het verhaal vormt het archeologische onderzoek, een onderdeel van de grootschalige opgravingen op het Sint-Pietersplein die van juli 2002 tot mei 2006 plaatsvonden en geleid werden door de Dienst Stadsarcheologie van de Stad Gent. In een volgende stap werden natuurwetenschappelijke skeletten door het VIOEen dateren van beenderen met de radiokoolstofmethode door het KIK. Verdere interpretatiemogelijkheden werden toevertrouwd aan historici VUB/ULB die verder op zoek gingen in geschreven bronnen.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Paleis der Congressen, Brussels
Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 144 p | 300 col. & bw ill.| Feb. 2010 € 24,00 [BE] | € 25,50 [NL] | € 24,00 [INT]
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed (NL/ F summ.) | 365 x 280 mm | 208 p | 170 col.ill.| Jan. 2010 € 50,00 [BE] | € 47,17 [INT]
Rights: not NL, not F
Rights: not F
Rights: not NL
Rights: not NL
Musea Antwerpen (box 10 museum gidsen)
en andere heiligenbeelden in de Antwerpse binnenstad
Deze box bevat 10 boekjes over Antwerpse musea. Ieder boekje bespreekt de belangrijkste kunstwerken van het museum. Tegelijkertijd geeft het ook informatie over de geselecteerde werken en kadert ze in de kunstgeschiedenis en bespreekt het de gebruikte technieken. Enkele inleidende pagina's geven algemene informatie over het museum zelf.
In het recente verleden werden we ons als Antwerpenaren opnieuw meer bewust van deze uitzonderlijke rijkdom. Enkele jaren geleden verscheen onder impuls van de stedelijke erfgoedcel, in samenwerking met de vereniging 'Voor Kruis en Beeld', een overzichtswerk over beelden van Maria in de Antwerpse binnenstad. Dit werk ondersteunde de gevoeligheid voor dit kwetsbaar patrimonium en was zowel een retrospectief bilan als een meer proactieve impuls voor de toekomst.
[BE] B.A.I. Boxed | NL ed. | 225 x 132 mm | 360 p | throughout col.ill. | 2009 € 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [INT]
[BE] B.A.I. Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 240 x 160 mm | 192 p | March 2010 € 17,50 [BE] | € 17,50 [INT]
Also available: Eng. ed: isbn 9789085865391
Flawless Inside the largest Diamond Heist in History Scott Andrew Selby, Greg Campbell On February 15, 2003, a group of thieves broke into an allegedly airtight vault in the international diamond capital of Antwerp, Belgium and made off with over $108 million dollars worth of diamonds and other valuables. They did so without tripping an alarm or injuring a single guard in the process. Although the crime was perfect, the getaway was not. The police zeroed in on a band of professional thieves fronted by Leonardo Notarbartolo, a dapper Italian who had rented an office in the Diamond Center.
9781402766510 Rights: B, NL, F
[US] Sterling Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 336 p | Feb. 2010 € 24,95 [BE]
Rights: W
Op wandel in Antwerpen met P. Benoit
De Antwerpse Stouwer Johan de Roey, Hugo Rosiers
Ten years of René Magritte Museum is a turning point. This catalogue shows us the past, the present and the future of the museum. The past as Magritte lived it in his house for 24 years and what he accomplished there (1930-1954). The present with the evolution of the museum during its ten years of existance (1999-2009). And the future with the museum's extension project in the upcoming years.
Patrick Verhoeven
[BE] Pandora Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | x mm | p | May 2010 € 10,00 [BE] | € 11,50 [NL] | € 11,00 [INT]
[BE] Pandora € 49,00 [BE] | € 55,00 [NL] | € 52,00 [INT]
Schoten in Beeld
Rights: W
Rights: W
Zoo nooit gezien
Rights: W
Kunst in de Antwerpse Zoo
Schoten in beeld is geen wetenschappelijk naslagwerk maar een luchtig en rijkelijk boek waarin het prettig lezen en bladeren is. De gemeente Schoten wordt gekaderd in een historische context, maar dit nieuwe boek zal ook inzoomen op de gemeentelijke diensten, Schotense natuurpracht, monumentale gebouwen, sterke bedrijven, vele scholen en verenigingen, kunstenaars, sportlui en evenementen. Veel Schotenaren, van vroeger en nu, krijgen een belangrijke rol in het boek.
Met teksten van Paul Verbraeken en Desmond Morris. Voorwoord: Rudy van Eysendeyk, directeur KMDA Een prachtig kijkboek dat leert zien, dat doet ontdekken wat al lang niet meer wordt opgemerkt in onze zo vertrouwde ZOO: de architectuur, de beeldhouwwerken, allerlei details, de omgeving die toch mee ons zoo-beeld bepaalt. Kortom: een zeer verassende combinatie van wetenswaardigheden en spectaculaire opnames, met een inleidende tekst van de wereldberoemde antropoloog, zoöloog en kunstenaar DESMOND MORRIS, auteur van meer dan 60 boeken, vertaald in 40 talen, o.a. De naakte aap.
[BE] Pandora € 44,00 [BE] | € 49,50 [NL] | € 46,70 [INT]
[BE] Pandora € 59,00 [BE] | € 66,50 [NL] | € 63,00 [INT]
MARK # 24
TL magazine n° 5
Mark #24! This issue covers Viewpoints with South African firm Noero Wolff who builds for both the priviledged and the dwellers of the townships.
[BE] TL Magazine Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. | 285 x 230 mm | 128 p | Feb. 2010 (quarterly) € 9,50 [BE]
Furthermore, a theatre by REX and OMA in Dallas, a house by Hideyuki Nakayama in Kyoto, which contains an empty core, a house built out of 60 pe cent recycled materials, by 2012 Architects in Enschede, a holiday house by Studio Bow-wow in The Diggins, amongst many other projects.
Available: F/ E edition and E/NL edition
[NL] Frame magazines Paperback | Eng. ed. |297 x 230 mm | 224 p | Feb. 2010 (bimonthly) € 19,95 [BE]
Elephant #02
Direct, sincere and multi-disciplinary, Elephant looks for its ethos in the time before the 'art world' and the 'creative industries' took over, a time when artists didn't value their work according to the auction prices, but by the reaction of their peers to their ideas. With over 200 pages of visual content, Elephant aims to have more depth and breadth than any other visual art magazine. It digs deeper, ceaselessly asking and enquiring into creative trends and art movements and innovative techniques.
In this issue, we brush up on culture. From Steven Holl Architects' hyper-tactile Heart Museum in Denmark, to Nenad Katic, Ivan Kucina and Vladimir Macura's 'very successful failure' of a museum in Serbia, we paid a visit to some of the world's most intriguing new cultural spaces. Along the way wel took in a new office by Clive Wilkinson, a Singapore studio by Ministry Of Design, Tomas Saraceno's web-like installations, residences by Sou Fujimoto and Boyd Cody, and the current state of branding design.
The Sensual World
[NL] Frame magazines Paperback | Eng. ed. | 297 x 230 mm | 204 p | March 2010 (quaterly) € 14,99 [BE]
[NL] Frame magazines Paperback | Eng. ed. | 297 x 230 mm | 240 p | Jan. 2010 (bimonthly) € 19,95 [BE]
1000 details, p. 32 1000 new designs, p. 37 1950s , p. 74 1950s, p. 66 1960s, p. 74 2CV, p. 75 3D Street Art, p. 79 500 Essential, p. 82
Eastwood, p. 78 Ecological hotels, p. 102 Egypt, p. 15 Elephant, p. 106 Ensor, p. 6 Erwitt, p. 54 European Folk, p. 67 Exposed, p. 62
Abomey, p. 25 Abstarcte Kunst, p. 6 Accidental invent., p. 73 Actors & Extras, p. 77 Advertising, p. 87 Afro Modern, p. 27 Animal Prints, p. 66 Another Art book, p. 23 Antiquités Egypt., p. 15 Antwerpen, p. 104, 105 Antwerpse Zoo, p. 105 Araki, p. 56 Arbres de Belg., p. 38 Archaeology, p. 103 Architect. Photogr, p. 33 Architecture, p. 31 Architecture, p. 32 Art Brussels, p. 17 Art Deco, p. 89 Art of Landscape, p. 39
Fabuleux destin, p. 36 Face Hunter, p. 69 Falke, p. 53 Fashion and Imagination, p. 65 Fashion Blogs, p. 65 Fashion illustr., p. 64 Fashion since, p. 70 Fashion, p. 59 Fashion, p. 64 Fellini, p. 77 Figure Drawing, p. 68 Five Cities, p. 84 Flawless, p. 104 Fleury, p. 21 Floral Art, p. 42 Flowers in Love, p. 40 Fonts, p. 88, 90, 93 Food & Cooking, p. 48 For Love and, p. 92 Fra Angelico, p. 14 Frame, p. 106 Frames, p. 89 Free font index, p. 90
Backstage, p. 64 Bags, p. 67 Banier, p. 59 Barcelona, p. 102 Basic Packaging, p. 89 Basquiat, p. 21 Beach Houses, p. 33 België, p. 48, 49 Belgique, p. 48, 49 Belgium, p. 48, 49 Benin, p. 26 Blender, p. 44 Blok, p. 51 Blue Houses, p. 34 Boch, p. 9 Body Type, p. 85 Bomen in België, p. 38 Bonsai, p. 39 Botanica, p. 43 Brussels, p. 103 Cars, p. 21 Cartier-Bresson, p. 57 Chinese Graphic, p. 88 Clint, p. 78 Comics, p. 99 Congo, p. 26 Congo, p. 61 Cookery, p. 44 Cool Barcelona, p. 102 Cooper, p. 81 Castermans, p. 50 Country, p. 40 Cult Books, p. 82 Cult Movies, p. 82 Dali, p. 12 De Buck, p. 30 De Keyzer, p. 61 Denk Groenten, p. 44 Design, p. 36 Dieux de Stade, p. 54 Dive in Style, p; 102 Dutch landscapes, p. 14
Gauguin, p. 4 Gezond & Slank, p. 45 Gifts, p. 96-98 Goldsworthy, p. 23 Gormley, p. 23 Grace Kelly Style, p. 71 Graffiti Asia, p. 83 Graffiti, p. 79 Graphic Novel, p. 99 Great Life Photographers, p. 57 Gredo, p. 12, 13 Green architect., p. 33 Grids, p. 88
Lace, p. 68 Leiden University, p. 55 Leonardo, p. 14 Life 3, p. 41 Lingerie, p. 70 Loft Bible, p. 34 London, p. 102 London, p. 35 Longo, p. 21 Lynch, p. 22 Madonna, p. 104 Magazines, p. 106 Magritte, p. 59 Maison Margiela, p. 73 Malevich, p. 8 Manga, p. 99 Mannaers, p. 20 Mapplethorpe, p. 53 Margiela, p. 73 Mark, p. 106 Masters’ and.., p. 27 Matisse, p. 100 Matisse, p. 8 Menko, p. 80 McSweeney’s, p. 95 Michals, p. 59 Miller’s, p. 28 Miro, p. 7 Mode en Verbeelding, p. 65 Modern art, p. 4 Monday, p. 100 Moons, p. 51 Moore, p. 11 Moriyama, p. 62 Morocco, p. 35 Motorcycle Bilble, p. 75 Musea Antwerp., p. 104 Muybridge, p. 60 Mylayne, p. 51 Najd, p. 17 Name Tagging, p. 81 Neshat, p. 63 New Dutch Design, p.88 New Ornamental, p. 88 New York Minute, p. 51 Notebooks, p. 95-98
Hanssen, p. 20 Heliopolis, p. 31 Helios, p. 60 Herbauts, p; 100 Herzau, p. 52 High Density, p. 32 Hip to be Square, p. 103 Hopper, p. 11 How to draw, p. 101
O’Gehry, p. 31 Ofili, p. 24 Onder het SintPietersplein, p. 103 Op je Gezondheid, p. 46 Op wandel in Antwerpen, p. 105 Orozco, p. 25 Our world now, p. 58
Ideas that Matter, p. 87 Internat. annual, p. 41 Islamic Arts, p. 15 Istanbul, p. 52 Jewelry Design, p. 30 Jongert, p; 89
Passionate Emotions, p.41 Pellegrin, p. 56 Penn, p, 63 Photography, p. 55 Picasso, p. 10 Plossu, p. 50 Polidori, p. 60 Pollock, p. 24 Porsch, p. 75, 76 Poster Boy, p. 81 Prada, p. 72 Print & Pattern, p. 92 Product Design, p. 37
Kahlo, p. 58 Kahlo, p. 7 Kapoor, p. 24 Kentridge, p. 16 Kirchner, p. 7 Kitchen Aid, p. 44 Koken op Kamp, p. 47 Kook ze!, p. 45 Krüger, p. 24 Kurosawa, p. 78
Quilts, p. 29 Radochonska, p. 50 Ramos, p. 22
Rape of a Nation, p. 61 Reis naar de, p. 46 Remember the, p. 74 Renoir, p. 7, 12 Renovated, p. 34 Research, p. 91 Retro Fonts, p. 93 Reuters, p. 58 Ridiculous, p. 94 Ripped, p. 86 Ritts, p. 56 Rode verfstreken, p.100 Rodin, p. 5 Rousseau, p. 8 Saint Laurent, p; 72 Schoten in beeld, p. 105 See through us, p. 51 Semenova, p. 42 Sint-Pietersplein, p. 103 Small Apartem., p. 33 Sneaker, p. 83 South Africa, p. 55 Spain, p.15 Starburst, p. 52 Stickerbomb, p. 84 Stockmans, p. 37 Street Art, p. 79 Structural, p. 89 Struth, p. 53 Style & Interior, p. 35 Swimwear, p. 71 Swoon, p. 85 Symbolisme, p. 4 Szarek, p. 21 Taalgrens, p. 50 Tafelen op de maan, p. 47 Technical Drawing, p. 69 Templeton, p. 16 This is advertising, p. 87 TL, p. 106 Too young to die, p. 76 Trésors de la, p. 29 Tuymans, p. 23 V&A Pattern, p. 93 Van de Wijngaert, p. 51 Van de Woestyne, p. 5 Van Gogh, p. 9, 10 Van Gysegem, p. 18 Van Hoe, p. 36 Van Lamsweerde, p. 56 Van Snick, p. 19 Vanesch, p. 50 Vantongerloo, p. 9 Veelkleurig Leven, p. 42 Vekemans, p. 18 Vermeersch, p. 19 Vespa, p. 80 Vintage Swimwear, p.71 Vlaamse Show Encyclopedie, p. 101 Von Furstenberg, p. 59 Warhol, p. 21 We are paper toys, p.86 Web Design, p. 90, 91 Wine, p. 49 Wood, p. 32, 34 Yacht Bible, p. 75 Zoo nooit gezien, p. 105
DISTRIBUTED PUBLISHERS BELGIUM BAI booQs Ed. Françoise Blouard Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Homarus Minestrone Culinaire Uitgeverij Snoeck Publishers Stichting Kunstboek Tectum VdH Books A&S Books Base Publishers Berger & Montag Publishers Facteur Humain La Lettre Volée MER.paperkusthalle vzw Mateos uitgeverij M&L Prisme Editions Oogachtend Pandora SH-Op Tijdsbeeld-Pièce Montée VAI Yellow Now Museums Africamuseum Tervuren CIVA Europalia FOMU, Fotomuseum Antwerp Mac’s Grand Hornu SMAK MOMU, Modemuseum, Antwerp MuHKA, Antwerp M. M van Museum van Leuven Musée Royal de Mariemont Openluchtmuseum Middelheim
SPAIN Links Loft publications ITALY Skira (English) FRANCE Editions du Désastre THE NETHERLANDS BIS De Jonge Hond Frame HvD Publishing Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Nieuwe Kerk / Hermitage Museum Van Gogh Museum Scriptum Schilt Publishing GERMANY Braun Hatje/ Cantz Schirmer/ Mosel Steidl TeNeues SOUTH AFRICA Quivertree SWITSERLAND Fondation Gianadda
U.K. Tate Publishing V&A Royal Academy British Museum Press National Portrait Gallery Thames & Hudson Laurence King Omnibus Booth-Clibborn Chris Boot Contrasto Scriptum Ava Ilex Carlton Dorling Kindersley Mitchell Beazley Cassell illustrated Penguin Quadrille Rough Guide U.S. Abrams Chronicle Collins Design International Rizzoli Sterling & SEVERAL GALERIES, MUSEUMS & OCC. PUBLISHERS
and several Galleries
For the complete list please check our website: www.exhibitionsinternational.be
EXHIBITIONS INTERNATIONAL art & illustrated books Kol. Begaultlaan 17 | B-3012 Leuven | BELGIUM T: +32.16.296900 | F: +32.16.296129 E: [email protected]