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NAJAAR 2011 - AUTOMNE 2011 - FALL 2011 - NAJAAR 2011 Nieuwe titels
- Nouveautés
- New titles
- Nieuwe titels - Nouveautés
EXHIBITIONS INTERNATIONAL art & illustrated books Kol. Begaultlaan 17 – 3012 Leuven T: 016.296900 – F: 016.296129 E:
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Tectum Publishers Willem Asaert & Steve Deconinck Hardback | 280 x 280 mm | 144p | throughout col.ill. NL ed.: ISBN: 9789461580269 Fr. ed: ISBN: 9789461580276 Sept. 2011 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]
Maison Bru Basistechnieken en geheimen uit Wouts keuken Dit is geen boek voor chefs. Het gaat niet over koken op hoog niveau in de professionele keuken van een sterrenrestaurant. Het is een gebruiksboek voor gewone mensen, die een creatieve en gastronomische maaltijd op tafel willen zetten zonder daarvoor een calvarietocht te moeten ondernemen. Het ontsluiert geheimen achter gerechten die niet alleen bijzonder en verfijnd zijn, maar ook zeer haalbaar voor de gemiddelde kok. Het Vlaamse landschap wordt overspoeld door kookboeken en -programma's. Om een frisse kijk op koken te kunnen bieden, kiest Wout Bru ervoor om niet louter recepten voor te stellen, maar bij de bereiding van elk gerecht telkens het geheim achter een bepaalde techniek prijs te geven. De selectie van recepten is eigenzinnig, gedurfd, streek- en seizoensgebonden. Alles weerspiegelt de persoonlijkheid van Wout Bru, die wil verrassen en verbazen. Belgische sterrenchef Wout Bru runt samen met zijn vrouw Suzy het gerenommeerde restaurant/hotel Maison Bru in de Provence. Hij verscheen ook als jurylid in Masterchef bij vtm, een programma waarin BV's wedijveren om de titel van beste kok.
Maison Bru Techniques de base et secrets culinaires de Wout Bru Cet ouvrage ne s'adresse nullement aux chefs émérites. Il ne reflète pas non plus la cuisine de haut niveau telle qu'elle se pratique dans les restaurants étoilés. Il s'agit d'un guide pratique destiné à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent préparer un repas créatif et gastronomique sans que celui-ci ne se transforme en un véritable calvaire. Maison Bru lève un coin du voile sur des plats à la fois raffinés et très particuliers, mais aussi à la portée de tout cuisinier amateur qui se respecte. De nombreux ouvrages et programmes télévisés mettant la gastronomie à l'honneur se disputent la vedette au sein du paysage flamand. Wout Bru nous offre un regard neuf avec ce livre dévoilant pour chaque plat une technique de préparation particulière. La sélection des différentes recettes se veut à la fois originale et audacieuse, et fait en outre la part belle aux produits régionaux et de saison. Maison Bru reflète résolument la personnalité de Wout Bru : un fin gastronome aimant avant tout étonner et surprendre. C'est en Provence que le chef étoilé belge Wout Bru a décidé d'ouvrir avec son épouse Suzy le prestigieux hôtel-restaurant éponyme Maison Bru. Wout Bru a également fait partie du jury de l'émission Masterchef sur VTM, où diverses personnalités flamandes étaient en lice pour le titre de « Meilleur chef ».
Stichting Kunstboek - Hotelschool Spermalie
Stichting Kunstboek Walter Lanckmans. Photography: Bart Van Leuven Paperback | 230 x 230 mm | 552p | 1000 col.ill. ISBN: 9789058563781 | NL ed. | Aug. 2011 € 29,90 [BE] / € 29,90 [NL] / € 29,90 [INT]
Kookbijbel voor de hobbykok Hotelschool Spermalie Met deze complete kookbijbel voor starters en ervaren hobbykoks wordt iedereen chef! Een greep uit het aanbod van deze kookworkshop van A tot Z: - 130 gerechten van bij ons en uit de wereldkeuken: van hapje, soep en lunch tot dessert - 250 dagdagelijkse en speciale producten in beeld en woord toegelicht - 250 keukentechnieken en basisbereidingen duidelijk geïllustreerd - 90 keukenmaterialen stijlvol gefotografeerd De gerechten worden haarfijn uitgelegd en stap voor stap in beeld gebracht. Ze beginnen basic maar evolueren gaandeweg tot culinaire hoogstandjes die zelfs de meest verwende foodies verbluffen. In deze unieke uitgave met meer dan 1.000 foto's worden alle eerder verschenen boekdelen uit de Spermaliereeks gebundeld.
Food France A journey through the country of taste (Nederlands/ Engelse editie)
Dit is niet zomaar het volgende kookboek! Deze titel in groot formaat staat boordevol kleurenfoto's. Hij presenteert het beste uit de Franse keuken, met hoofdstukken gewijd aan klassieke Franse producten en hun oorsprong op het platteland en in de verschillende regio's, van Normandië tot de Rivièra. Dit wordt aangevuld met boeiende informatie over traditionele recepten en kanttekeningen over geschiedenis, kunst en tradities. Not just a cook book! A large-format book, packed with colour illustrations, presents the best of French food, with sections devoted to classic French products and information on the countryside and the different areas, from Normandy to the Mediterranean sea, where these exceptional products start life. Each chapter of this amazing book is dedicated to one of the regions of France, with characteristic products, classic recipes and a brief photographic article of the area, including notes on history, art and and traditions.
[BE] Tectum Publishers | Marianna Mordenti | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 290 x 250 mm | 464 p | 200 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789079761760 | € 59,95 [BE]
Rock Fort
Culinaire Jamsessions
Over de RAW-food beweging en is het wel zo gezond
Na diverse culinaire omzwervingen kruisten de wegen van Peter Laloo en Hermes Vanliefde elkaar in de keuken van een Brugse brasserie. De jonge collega's werden na drie jaar zakenpartners en sloegen een eigen(zinnige) culinaire richting in. Chef Hermes is een aanhanger van eenvoud. Kunnen proeven wat je aan het eten bent, daar draait het om. Zuivere ingrediënten in licht verteerbare bereidingen, vergeten producten in licht verbazende combinaties. Zo bouwden ze eigenhandig Rock Fort uit .
om alles rauw te eten? We selecteerden 12 chefs uit Vlaanderen en Nederland die speciaal voor "Kook ze!...niet" gaan koken. Met gerechten als smaakbommen tot gevolg. Gerechten assembleren, koud marineren, blenderen, pekelen, drogen, enz... Alles over take-out en delivery food : van chinees to gastronomische menu's, over Streetfood, over conserven: voeding in blik, gastonomisch en alledaags. [BE] Minestrone | Div. auteurs. Photography: Tony Le Duc, a.o.. Design: Kathleen Miller | Hardback | NL ed. | 220 x 180 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789490028275 | € 24,50 [BE]
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Culinary) | Peter Laloo, Hermes Vanliefde. Photography: Diane Hendrikx | Hardback | NL ed. | 230 x 230 mm | 168 p | 150 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789058563880 | € 29.95 [BE] / € 29.95 [INT]
Stichting Kunstboek Hilde Deweer (Composition), Group Van Damme (Photography) Hardback | 120 x 170 mm | 1280p | 1200 col.ill. ISBN: 9789058563774 | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | Oct. 2011 Herziene editie / Second edition, revised and updated / Nouvelle edition revisée € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [INT]
Alle Belgische Bieren - Les Bières Belges - All Belgian Beers Tweede geheel herziene editie (2011) Het Belgische bierlandschap bruist: sedert het verschijnen van de eerste editie van All Belgian Beers - Les Bières belges - Alle Belgische Bieren eind 2007 zijn er maar liefst meer dan 200 nieuwe bieren bijgekomen! Verrassende ontdekkingen die in deze geactualiseerde uitgave allemaal aan bod komen. Deze nieuwe bierbijbel gaat op hetzelfde elan verder en biedt een alfabetisch overzicht van alle bieren met een origineel recept die worden gebrouwen door de erkende Belgische brouwers, brouwerijhuurders en bierfirma's. Alle flesjes en glazen worden in het boek afgebeeld, geflankeerd door de belangrijkste facts and figures: gisting en bierstijl, samenstelling en alcoholvolume, kleur en helderheid, schenkmethode en temperatuur, karakter- en smaakomschrijving door de brouwer. Van de eerste editie gingen wereldwijd meer dan 30.000 exemplaren over de toonbank. Deze geheel herziene en geactualiseerde uitgave is een absolute must voor elke bierliefhebber en het nieuwe referentiewerk voor elke bierproever.
The rich diversity of Belgian beers appeals to people's imagination all over the world. Countless tourists collect crown caps, beer mats, glasses and bottles, taking a little piece of Belgian pride back home. Worldwide, beer lovers come together to swap tips and tasting notes. All Belgian Beers offers an alphabetical overview of the beers brewed by recognized Belgian brewers, for their own assortment or for other beer companies. Since the release of the first edition of All Belgian Beers in December 2007 over 200 new beers were successfully introduced onto the market. All of them have now been included in the revised and updated edition of this bestselling book, featuring over 900 beers, fully described and illustrated with pictures of the glasses and bottles. Both beers from industrial companies, smaller craft breweries, microbreweries and home breweries have been included, as long as they are bottled and sold outside the brewery or local pub. Own-label beers for supermarkets, private- label beers or occasional beers have deliberately not been taken into account. The first edition of the 'beer bible' sold over 30.000 copies worldwide. This new and revised edition is a must have for every beer lover and an indispensable guide to this tremendously diverse part of Belgian cultural heritage
Pandora Voorwoord door Tim Webb, auteur Good Beer Guide Belgium Hardback | 297 x 245 mm | 290p | throughout col.ill. ISBN: 9789053253274 | NL ed. | Oct. 2011 € 39,00 [BE] / € 39,00 [NL] / € 41,50 [INT]
Antwerpen Bierstad
8 eeuwen biercultuur Ondersteund door De Koninck, Het Antwerps Biercollege, Het Genootschap voor Antwerpse Geschiedenis. Een hebbeding voor wie houdt van diepgravend onderzoek naar het verleden. Omdat bier doorheen de eeuwen steeds een wezenlijk onderdeel vormde van onze levenswijze, wordt het boek veel meer dan een bierbijbel. Het is een doorleefde schets van het sociale en economische leven in de stad en de onmiddellijke omgeving.
Tectum Publishers Patrice Farameh Paperback | 220 x 190 mm | 432p | throughout col.ill. ISBN: 9789079761999 | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | Sept. 2011 € 39,95 [BE] / € 39,95 [NL] / € 37,69 [INT]
Toys for Boys Giftbox with Watch De bestseller Toys for Boys van Tectum Publishers is nu beschikbaar in een must have geschenkbox inclusief speciaal Toys for Boys-horloge. Adembenemende accessoires, esthetische elektronica en monsterlijke motoren spelen de hoofdrol in deze 432 pagina's tellende, drietalige publicatie. Van opgedreven superauto's die gebruik maken van gesofistikeerde lucht- en ruimtevaarttechnologieën tot exclusieve horloges, die verbazingwekkende mechanische wonderen op zich zijn - dit boek focust op unieke luxeproducten, exclusief ontworpen voor consumenten die aan status hechten en voor wie geld geen bezwaar vormt. Het zijn ultieme verwennerijen, slechts bereikbaar voor enkelen, maar het voorwerp van dromen en conversaties voor velen. In 750 kleurenfoto's en informatieve teksten worden ruim 200 accessoires en gadgets, auto's, vlieg- en vaartuigen, elektronica, sportartikelen en interieurobjecten aan de lezer voorgesteld. U weet nu al waar naartoe voor het beste kerstcadeau van 2011! Tectum's bestselling book is being relaunched in a compact paperback edition packaged in a festive gift box which includes a very special Toys For Boys wristwatch. Customized fashion accessories, hi-tech electronic gadgets and extraordinary motor vehicles play a leading role in the 432 pages of this tribute to the very best of exclusive top-of-the-range men's gifts. These unique luxury products are especially designed for the style-conscious status-seeking consumer (or aspirant) for whom money is no object. These are the ultimate luxury toys for men, attainable for few but still the object of dreams and conversations for many.
Million Dollar Classics
100 Uitzonderlijke flessen uit 's werelds mooiste wijnkelder
's Werelds duurste droomwagens
Stap binnen in een wereld die de gewone overstijgt. Bewonder Michel-Jack Chasseuils wijnkelder, die door velen beschouwd wordt als de mooiste ter wereld. Als een van 's werelds meest opmerkelijke wijnverzamelaars, heeft Chasseuil er een persoonlijke missie van gemaakt om de grootste flessen te vergaren die ooit geproduceerd werden. Het resultaat is een adembenemende collectie van meer dan 35.000 gegeerde flessen, waarvan de oudste dateren uit de 18e eeuw.
De aantrekkingskracht van mooie en zeldzame auto's is iets van alle tijden. Sinds het aanbreken van het 'automobiele tijdperk', hopen mensen zelf ooit de snelste, coolste of duurste auto te besturen of bezitten. Million Dollar Classics is een rijkelijke fotografische verzameling van de meest gewilde modellen die de laatste jaren onder de hamer gingen. Alle auto's in dit stijlvolle boek werden voor meer dan een miljoen dollar geveild. Het zijn met andere woorden de meest gegeerde wagens ter wereld
[BE] Tectum Publishers | Michael-Jack Chasseuil. Photography: Jacques Caillaut | Hardback | NL ed. | 330 x 250 mm | 252 p | 200 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789079761944 | € 39,95 [BE] | € 37,69 [INT] [not NL, not UK, not US, not F]
[BE] Tectum Publishers | Simon Clay | Hardback | NL ed. | 278 x 250 mm | 192 p | 150 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789079761975 | € 36,95 [BE] | € 34,86 [INT] [not NL, not UK, not US, not F]
100 Vintage Treasures from the world's finest wine cellar
Also available: Eng. ed.: ISBN 9789079761968
Eng. ed.: ISBN 9789079761951 First Price of the Gourmand Award
Objects of Desire
Apple Design
Desire is what leads you through life
Featuring over two hundred examples of designs, this volume compares various approaches to design and casts light on numerous aspects of design history, deepening one's understanding of contemporary industrial design. Following an analysis of the forms and functions of the featured products, the book provides an explanation of the innovative production methods and materials applied.
OBJECTS OF DESIRE showcases the ultimate artisanal, specialty and bespoke objects that elicit desire and those strong emotions that one would never expect an inanimate object to produce. Culled from around the globe, the selection of these t luxurious objects might sometimes be surprising, but most always the ones that are lusted after and adored for their unique design and painstaking craftsmanship based on the highest degree of human focus and ingenuity.
[G] Hatje Cantz | Sabine Schulze & Ina Grätz | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 250 mm | 304 p | 200 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783775730112 | € 39,80 [BE] [only BE]
[G] Farameh Books | Patrice Farameh (Ed) | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 356 x 280 mm | 496 p | throughout col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9780983083115 | € 90,00 [BE] | € 90,00 [NL] [BE, NL]
Rough Luxe Design
Super Yacht Bible
The New Love Of Old
You, the sea and a yacht. A yacht that is so splendid it makes even the most breathtaking sunset look bleak. That is the stuff dreams are made of. And this book. Superyachts is the ultimate photobook for those who know how to appreciate the luxury of traveling by water. It features hundreds of stunning images of the most luxurious yachts against the deepest blue backdrops one could ever imagine. Take a dip into a universe that encompasses exhilarating adventure as well as the purest form of relaxation.
The worn, vintage and unfinished look of 'rough luxe' is more than just the masculine side of shabby chic. It creates the kind of authenticity that is unscripted history in physical form. It reinvents the past by redefining luxury today. Here design rejects minimalism and extravagance and celebrates imperfection. It is the embodiment of real at a time when the unexpected and the surprising is valued higher than pristine and probable. [G] Farameh Books | | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 343 x 248 mm | 352 p | throughout col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9780983083122 | € 55,00 [BE] | € 55,00 [NL] [BE, NL]
[BE] Tectum Publishers | | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 284 x 346 mm | 384 p | throughout col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789079761814 | € 59,95 [BE] | € 56,56 [INT] [not NL, not UK, not US, not F]
Tectum Publishers Philippe De Baeck Paperback with flaps | 245 x 245 mm | 500p | 300 col.ill. ISBN: 9789079761937 | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | Sept. 2011 € 35,00 [BE] / € 33,02 [INT]
More Lofts Tectum Publishers emerged from the love for lofts and that love will never die. 2011 brings a gorgeous new title on the subject. More Lofts covers an immense variety of buildings all over the world, with gathered interiors, mixing classics with new icons or flee market discoveries. 500 pages of lofts, that are special in their use of space, colo or design, in pictures that emphasize the character of the space and its inhabitants. Tectum Publishers ontstond uit de liefde voor lofts, en die liefde zal nooit sterven. In 2011 brengen we dan ook een prachtige nieuwe titel over het onderwerp. More Lofts behandelt een eindeloze variëteit aan gebouwen over de hele wereld, met verschillende interieurs waarin klassiekers worden gecombineerd met nieuwe iconen of ontdekkingen van op de vlooienmarkt. Vijfhonderd pagina's vol lofts die bijzonder zijn door hun gebruik van ruimte, kleur of design. De foto's benadrukken de bijzonderheden van de ruimte en diens inwoners!
Bijzonder wonen: Sotogrande
Bijzonder wonen: Taroudant
Fabienne Vastapane
Fabienne Vastapane
Sotogrande is het meest luxueuze vakantieoord van Spanje. Gelegen aan het zuidoostelijke punt je van het land biedt het fenomenale ui tzichten op Gibral tar en Afrika. Het was de Amerikaan McMicki ng die So togrande in de vroege jaren zestig start te als een privéresort vo or ari stocrat en en banki ers. Hi er konden ze leven in een sfeer van discretie, zonder enige pronkerij. Intussen is het een smeltkroes geworden van jet sets uit vele landen.
In het zuiden van Marokko ligt Taroudant. Met zijn historische stadsmuren, indrukwekkende stadspoorten en prachtige medina is het een van de oudste en mooiste steden van het land. Dit sfeervolle en rijkelijk geïllustreerde fotoboek geeft u toegang tot de meest bijzondere interieurs van Taroudant. Achter de gesloten gevels gaan prachtige juweeltjes schuil!
Dit bo ek l aat u kennismaken met de architecturale hoogstandjes en vari ëteit waarom So togrande bekendstaat. Interieurs in alle mogelijke stijlen: van traditioneel An dalusisch, zeer kleurrijk en zuidelijk tot tijdloos mo dern en de meest originele hedendaagse ontwerpen. Voor het eerst krijgt u t oegang tot tal van unieke interieurs die voorheen gesloten waren. Een prachtig fotoboek om bij weg te dromen! Een must voor elke liefhebber van interieurs.
Living in great style in Taroudant Taroudant is located in the south of Morocco. With its historic city walls, impressive city gates and stunning medina, it is one of the country's oldest and most beautiful cities. This attractive and lavishly illustrated coffee-table book will take you through the most spectacular interiors of Taroudant. Its closed facades really hide some stunning treasures!
L'Art de vivre à Sotogrande Sotogrande est le lieu de villégiature le plus luxueux d'Espagne. Situé à la pointe sud-est du pays, il offre des points de vue phénoménaux sur Gibraltar et l'Afrique. Cet ouvrage vous fait découvrir les prouesses architecturales et toute la diversité remarquable qui font la renommée de Sotogrande. Des intérieurs dans tous les styles imaginables : de l'andalou traditionnel, très haut en couleur et méridional, au moderne intemporel et aux créations contemporaines les plus originales. Pour la toute première fois, vous pouvez pénétrer dans quantité d'intérieurs uniques, qui étaient auparavant fermés. Un superbe livre de photographies, qui vous fera rêver au fil des pages ! Un must pour tous les amateurs d'intérieurs.
iL'Art de Vivre à Taroudant Au sud du Maroc, il y a Taroudant. Avec ses murailles historiques, les impressionnantes portes de ville et la somptueuse médina, c'est l'une des plus anciennes et des plus jolies villes du pays. Ce livre de photographies plein d'ambiance et abondamment illustré vous donne accès aux intérieurs les plus exceptionnels de Taroudant. Derrière les façades fermées, ce sont de superbes joyaux qui se cachent !
[BE] VdH Books - Editions VdH Hardback | NL ed. | 297 x 297 mm | 256 p | 291 col.ill.| Oct. 2011 NL ed.: ISBN 9789088810312 ENG ed.: ISBN 9789088810329 FR ed.: ISBN 9789490979041 € 55,00 [BE] | € 55,00 [NL] | € 55,00 [INT] [not IT, not UK, not S-Eur]
Living in great style in Sotogrande [BE] VdH Books - Editions VdH Hardback | NL ed. | 297 x 297 mm | 256 p | 291 col.ill.| Sept. 2011 NL ed.: ISBN 9789088810282 FR ed.: ISBN 9789490979034 Eng. ed.: ISBN 9789088810299 € 55,00 [BE] | € 55,00 [NL] | € 55,00 [INT] [not IT, not UK, not S-Eur]
Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Barbara & René Stoeltie Hardback | 325 x 245 mm | 208p | 180 col.ill. ISBN: 9789061531173 | French ed. | Nov. 2010 € 39,95 [BE] / € 39,95 [NL] / € 37,69 [INT]
La Magie de New York Intérieurs d'exception Lieu de prédilection des créateurs, des artistes, des artisans, des décorateurs et des architectes et de tous ceux qui puisent dans leur vaste éventail d'idées pour embellir leurs demeures, New York ne cesse pas de nous enchanter par l'étendue de ses endroits exceptionnels. Appartements somptueux aux lambris chatoyants couverts de tableaux de maîtres, nids d'aigle en forme de verrière au sommet d'un gratte-ciel art-déco ou charmantes maisons en brique agrémentés d'un jardin dignes d'un village pittoresque, La Grosse Pomme possède tous les atouts pour nous charmer. Il suffit de vous laisser guider en feuilletant les pages de ce livre et de nous suivre à la découverte de « notre » New York .. (Barbara & René Stoeltie) New York, met zijn talloze uitzonderlijke locaties, is een eindeloze bron van fascinatie voor ontwerpers, kunstenaar, ambachtslui, interieurontwerpers en architecten en vooral diegenen die hier op zoek zijn naar ideeën om hun interieur te verfraaien. Luxueuze appartementen met schitterende lambriseringen behangen met meesterlijke schilderijen, een arendsnest in de vorm van een serre bovenop een wolkenkrabber in art deco, of charmante bakstenen huizen met voortuin die het beeld van een pittoreskdorp oproepen, The Big Apple heeft alle troeven om ons te charmeren. Het volstaat u te laten leiden door de pagina's van dit boek en ons te volgen op ontdekkingstocht doorheen "ons" New York. (Barbara & René Stoeltie)
Barbara en René Stoeltie begonnen hun carrière als kunstenaar en galeriehouder. Sinds 1984 publiceerden ze Barbara Stoeltie als auteur, René Stoeltie als fotograaf - talrijke artikelen en kunstboeken over kunst en design, waaronder in 2010 La magie de Paris, Intérieurs d'exception in dezelfde collectie. Hun teksten en foto's veschenen bij Taschen, Thames & Hudson, La Martinière, Frances Lincoln, Harry N. Abrams en in belangrijke tijdschriften als Vogue, The World of Interiors, AD, Elle, House and Garden, Country Living en House Beautiful.
Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Michèle Goslar Hardback | 325 x 245 mm | 480p | 800 col.ill. ISBN: 9789061533931 | NL ed. | Nov. 2011 Fr. ed: ISBN 9789061534037 NL ed.: ISBN 9789061533931 € 149,95 [BE] / € 149,95 [NL] / € 141,46 [INT]
Victor Horta (1861-1947) Victor Horta is een naam die klinkt als een klok. Hij is niet alleen bekend bij kunsthistorici en architecten, maar ook bij het grote publiek al was het maar omdat zijn portret ooit een bankbiljet sierde. De befaamde Belgische architect drukte zijn stempel op de architectuur van de twintigste eeuw. Het huis dat hij in Brussel voor Emile Tassel bouwde, wordt vaak beschouwd als de eerste woning in art nouveau stijl. Hiermee wees hij de weg naar een eigentijdse architectuur die onder meer gekenmerkt werd door een onstuitbare vernieuwingsdrang. In dit rijk geïllustreerde boek schetst Michèle Goslar een uniek beeld van Victor Horta op basis van zijn ontwerpen en van gegevens over zijn privéleven en werpt zo een nieuw licht op het karakter van de architect waarover tot nog toe weinig bekend was. Hoewel dit boek in de eerste plaats een biografie is, komen ook nieuwe bevindingen op kunsthistorisch en architecturaal vlak aan bod. Het leven en het werk van de geniale architect die Victor Horta was, wordt hier op een chronologische manier benaderd. De tekst wordt verrijkt met achthonderd illustraties die de lezer een uitzonderlijk beeld geven van het leven en het werk van de architect. Deze biografie geeft niet alleen voor het eerst een volledig overzicht van de ontwerpen van Horta, ze schetst ook een totaalbeeld van het leven van de architect, dat tot nog toe alleen fragmentarisch bekend was. Dit voegt een reële meerwaarde toe, omdat het meer inzicht verschaft in de totaliteit van het oeuvre. 'Mijn ster was getaand, maar niet mijn architectuur, denk ik', stelde Horta in 1939, toen hij zijn Memoires schreef, met gemengde gevoelens vast. Zijn architectuur is inderdaad niet gereduceerd tot een voetnoot in de geschiedenis, integendeel. Sinds 2000 worden vier van de door hem ontworpen woningen - Tassel, Solvay, Van Eetvelde en zijn eigen woning - door de Unesco erkend als werelderfgoed. Dit eerbetoon op zich volstaat al om de ster van Horta te doen schijnen. Deze biografie zal haar nog meer glans geven. Victor Horta est un nom qui résonne à nos oreilles. Il est connu non seulement des historiens de l'art et des architectes mais également du grand public, ne fut-ce que parce qu'un billet de banque lui fut consacré. L'architecture du XXe siècle fut marquée par l'empreinte du célèbre architecte belge. La maison qu'il a construite pour Emile Tassel à Bruxelles est souvent considérée comme la première habitation art nouveau. Il ouvrit ainsi la voie à une nouvelle architecture définie, entre autres, par une rénovation irrépressible. A travers cet ouvrage, richement illustré, Michèle Goslar nous livre une image unique de Victor Horta perçu à travers ses constructions et sa vie privée et met ainsi en lumière le caractère peu connu de l'architecte. La publication présentera de façon chronologique la vie et l'oeuvre de ce génie de l'architecture que fut Victor Horta. Huit cent illustrations viendront enrichir le texte et offriront au lecteur une découverte exceptionnelle de son art et de son existence. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une biographie, cet ouvrage traitera aussi de nouvelles données en histoire de l'art et en architecture. Cette biographie ne donne pas seulement, pour la première fois, un aperçu très complet des réalisations d'Horta. Elle offre au lecteur attentif un regard sur sa vie dont seuls des fragments étaient connus jusqu'à présent. Il s'agit d'une plus-value bien réelle car elle conduit à une lecture correcte de son oeuvre. « Mon étoile était pâlie, mais pas mon architecture, je pense », ainsi qu'Horta, de retour à la rédaction de ses Mémoires, en 1939, le constatait avec des sentiments mêlés. Et, dans les faits, son architecture n'est pas du tout réduite à une note en bas de page dans l'histoire, tout au contraire. Depuis l'an 2000, quatre de ses hôtels particuliers - Tassel, Solvay, Van Eetvelde et sa propre maison - ont été inscrits au patrimoine de l'humanité dans la liste de l'Unesco. Cet hommage implique déjà en soi le rallumage de l'étoile Horta au firmament. Cette biographie lui restitue toute sa lumière.
Prefab Houses | Prefab huizen Maisons préfabriquées | Fertighäuser De experimentele en niet-specifieke ontwerpen van de geprefabriceerde huizen van enkele jaren geleden hebben plaats gemaakt voor de functionele, uitvoerbare en milieuvriendelijke woningen van vandaag de dag. Met talrijke gebruiksmogelijkheden en toepassingen . La conception de maisons préfabriquées expérimentales, plutôt abstraites, d'il y a quelques années, a donné naissance aux résidences actuelles qui sont fonctionnelles et respectueuses de l'environnement. [BE] booQs | Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 170 x 216 mm | 620 p | throughout col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789460650536 | € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [NL] | € 18,82 [INT] [not NL/UK/US/F]
Apartment Buildings Today
Eco-Friendly Architecture
This collection displays the best in today's residential architecture. A selection of the world's most prestigious architects present their recent creations for apartment buildings, from supremely innovative and avant-garde proposals, to those that attempt to create spaces whose personalities adapt to their contents. Top names in architecture such as Christian de Portzamparc, Herzog & de Meuron, Ten Arquitectos and Philippe Gazeau provide invaluable insight into their work through explanatory texts.
This brilliant collection brings together some of today's most prestigious architects, whose work in sustainable architecture has helped define this fascinating and vital field. Breathtaking creativity combines with maximum efficiency in a host of projects, all accompanied by texts and floor plans from the architects themselves, as well as full color photographs that bring the work to life. Sustainable & Green architecture will surely be an invaluable inspiration to all those interested in this field.
[ES] Links | Carles Broto | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 439 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9788492796847 | € 55,00 [BE] | € 58,50 [NL] [BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC]
[ES] Links | Jacobo Krauel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 430 col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9788492796151 | € 55,00 [BE] | € 58,50 [NL] [BE, NL, G, A, CH, SC]
Le Corbusier & Lucien Hervé
Le Corbusier expose
The Architect & the Photographer: A Dialogue
Architecture moderne: espace pour l'art
Cette publication propose une synthèse des aspects fondamentaux du travail de Le Corbusier théoricien, artiste, architecte - dont les apports ont été déterminants pour la conception des lieux d'exposition au XXe siècle. A travers un parcours chronologique et thématique, le catalogue présente les étapes les plus significatives de la recherche et création d'un nouvel espace architectural, en même temps plastique et sensoriel, lié à la phénoménologie du dynamisme perceptif.
In 1949 the photographer Lucien Hervé took photographs of Unité d'Habitation, an innovative apartment building in Marseille, France. He sent them to the building's architect, Le Corbusier, who immediately realised that after forty years of searching he had finally found a photographer with an 'architect's soul'. Their seminal collaboration is extensively documented in this album of 1200 cardboard sheets of Hervé's carefully edited, sequenced and labelled contact prints.
Expo: 8 /7/2011 - 3/10/2011, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie, Besançon
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Jacques Sbriglio | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 345 mm | 296 p | 224 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780500342725 | € 78,50 [BE] [only BE]
[IT] Silvana | | Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 208 p | July 2011 | ISBN 9788836621057 | € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL] [BE, NL]
Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu De architecten De Vylder, Vinck en Taillieu vormen sinds kort een team. Typisch is hun intuïtieve aan-pak. Fantasierijke ingevingen, beelden die her en der associaties oproepen, zijn voor hen een middelom grenzen te verleggen Het ontwerp- en bouw-proces is een voortgang die op elk moment en ad hoc moet kunnen inspelen op de strikte overheidsreglementering of de grillen van betrokken actoren. De gebouwen van 'Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu' zijn overigens nooit helemaal af: het onaf zijn geeft de gebruiker de vrijheid om te inter-veniëren en stimuleert diens creativiteit. Hun renovaties van eengezinswoningen, hun ingrijpen in het stedelijk weefsel voor de dans-studio's van Les ballets C de la B en hun transformatie van het Schermenhuis van deBourla bleven niet onopgemerkt, nationaal én internationaal. De expositie in deSingel focust op het meest recente werk. Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu This book is the second in a series of three by the Ghent based architects de vylder vinck taillieu. This series is being published following their exhibition at deSingel International Arts Campus in the autumn of 2011. After 1 boek 1, showing drawings and projects by de vylder vinck taillieu, 1 boek 2 will provide text and context. [BE] Mer.paperkunsthalle || Paul Vermeulen (Ed.) Jan De Vylder, Inge Vinck & Jo Taillieu a.o. | Hardback | Eng/ NL. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 112 p | illusterated | Sept. 2011 | 1 boek 2 ISBN 9789490693121 | € 19,00 [BE] | € 19,00 [NL] | € 19,00 [INT ] [W] 1 boek 3 ISBN 9789490693138| € 35 [BE] | € 35 [NL] | € 35 [INT] Boxed set, 3 volumes: ISBN 9789490693268 |€ 79,95 [BE] | € 79,95 [NL] | € 79,95 [INT]
Architectures of Belonging
Rooted in the real
Inhabiting Worlds in Rural West Africa
Architectural Writings by Geert Bekaert (Vlees & Beton # 87)
What is a house? What is dwelling? How can a house be a body? What does "being modern" mean in rural Africa? How are local and global worlds intertwined through material culture? This book reflects on the meanings of housing in West Africa by analysing vernacular architectural traditions and the related ideas and worldviews grounding these building traditions.
Geert Bekaert (1928) is the most influential and most productive architecture critic in the Dutch-speaking area. Since the fifties, he has been involved in every possible theoretical, critical or cultural debate on architecture. In Rooted in the real a broad selection of his writings is for the first time ever presented to an English-speaking audience. The book consists of four divisions.
Expo: 16/5/2011 - 31/12/2012, MAS, Antwerpen
[BE] W Z W Editions & Productions | Geert Bekaert, Christophe Van Gerrewey (editor) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 540 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789077833155 | € 47,00 [BE] | € 47,00 [NL] | € 47,00 [INT] [W]
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | Edited by Ann Cassiman| Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 240 p | Oct.2011 | ISBN 9789085865902 | € 24,95 [BE] | € € 24,95 [INT] [not NL]
Naked Architecture
World Architecture: The Masterworks
Naked Architecture Valerio Paolo Mosco An account of one of the most interesting phenomena of contemporary architecture: the return to the structure and methods with which contemporary constructions are realized. Over the last ten years architecture would seem to have rediscovered engineering. Now that the Postmodern period, in which the structure of buildings was camouflaged by coverings of every kind, has passed, architecture today seems to have undressed, almost as though wishing to show how it is made.
A world of beauty and genius is unveiled in over 350 photographs which take you on an epic journey celebrating the finest examples of architecture from over 2,000 years of civilization. Deftly splitting the history of architecture into two parts at AD1500, World Architecture: The Masterworks contains over 80 buildings, over 40 of which are featured in detailed photo essays. Will Pryce's texts provide an extra dimension of understanding for the contexts, peoples and evolution of architectural history.
[UK] Skira | Valerio Paolo Mosco | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 165 mm | 192 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9788857204727 | € 44,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Will Pryce | | Eng. ed. | 293 x 228 mm | 320 p | 357 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780500342749 | € 36,00 [BE] [only BE]
Stichting Kunstboek Kamagurka Hardback | 170 x 120 mm | 896p | 1000 col & bw ill. NL ed.: ISBN: 9789058563866 | Eng.ed.: ISBN: 9789058563996 Sept. 2011 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [INT]
The Holy Kama ! Multitalent Kamagurka begon zijn carrière als cartoonist bij het Belgische weekblad HUMO. Vandaag publiceert hij in talloze media in verschillende landen zoals Nederland (NRC Handelsblad, HP de tijd), Frankrijk (Charlie Hebdo, Hara Kiri, Le Canard enchaîné), UK (Squib, The Spectator, Deadpan), Duitsland (Titanic, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Zitty, Eulenspiegel), Oostenrijk (Die Presse), USA (The New Yorker, National Lampoon, RAW). De feilloze tekenpen, het messcherpe inzicht en de speelse geest van cartoonist en kunstenaar Kamagurka staan garant voor een vlijmscherpe kijk op de wereld. Het grote publiek kent hem vooral als performer op radio, televisie of in het theater, vaak samen met Herr Seele, zijn levenslange metgezel. Kamagurka heeft meer dan 25 stripboeken op zijn naam, van Bert en Bobje tot Cowboy Henk. Tegenwoordig tekent Kamagurka niet alleen op papier en doek, maar ook op zijn iPad. The Holy Kama! is een 'best of' met meer dan 1000 tekeningen van de meester van het absurdisme. Een onuitputtelijke bijbel voor iedere Kamaliefhebber, voor op iedere hotelkamer en op elk nachtkastje.
All-round artist Kamagurka started his career as a cartoonist for the Belgian magazine HUMO. Soon after, his multi-talent, discernable style, razor-sharp pen and absurdist humor attracted the attention of other media, resulting in a worldwide exposure in newspapers and magazines including NRC Handelsblad, Playboy, Esquire (the Netherlands), Charlie Hebdo, Hara Kiri (France); Squibb, The Spectator, Deadpan (UK), Titanic, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Zitty, Eulenspiegel (Germany), Die Presse (Austria); The New Yorker, National Lampoon, RAW (USA) and many more. Kamagurka wrote and acted in several radio, television and theatre shows, often performing alongside Herr Seele, his lifelong partner in crime. Next to that Kamagurka released more than 25 comic books, from Bert and Bobje to Cowboy Henk. The Holy Kama! is a 'best of', compiling over 1000 cartoons of this master of absurdism. An unholy bible, indispensible on every Kama devotee's bedside table.
The Complete Maus - Art Spiegelman
MetaMaus Art Spiegelman
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the book's first publication, MetaMAUS, prepared by the author, is a vital companion to the classic text and includes never-before-seen sketches, rough and alternate drafts, family and reference photos, notebook and diary entries and the transcript of his interviews with his father Vladek as well as a long interview with Art, in which he discusses the book's extraordinary history and origins. Includes a brand new DVD packed with extra images, video and commentary.
Combined for the first time here are Maus I: A Survivor's Tale and Maus II - the complete story of Vladek Spiegelman and his wife, living and surviving in Hitler's Europe. By addressing the horror of the Holocaust through cartoons, the author captures the everyday reality of fear and is able to explore the guilt, relief and extraordinary sensation of survival and how the children of survivors are in their own way affected by the trials of their parents. A contemporary classic of immeasurable significance. [UK] PENGUIN UK | Art Spiegelman | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 296 p | Oct. 2003 | ISBN 9780141014081 | € 23,95 [BE] [BE, NL]
[UK] PENGUIN UK | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 296 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | Nov. 2011| ISBN 9780670916832 | € 27,95 [BE] [BE, NL]
Tintin. The Complete Companion
The Complete Adventures of Tintin boxed set
This complete guide to the world of Tintin, lavishly illustrated with photographs, illustrations, sketches and maps is the perfect gift for any Tintin fan.
This beautifully designed box set contains every single one of Tintin's adventures from Tintin in the Land of the Soviets to the last, unfinished adventure Tintin and Alph Art.
For many years, author Michael Farr was a reporter like Tintin. He covered many of the same countries, or at least their real-life counterparts. He came to know Hergé, himself, and for this book was given access to his immense archive. The leading British expert on Tintin, Michael has created the ultimate guide to Tintin's world.
With 8 volumes and over 1,500 pages of classic comics stories, this is the ultimate gift for any Tintin fan. [UK] Egmont Publishers | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 225 x 145 mm | 1632 p | throughout col. ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781405262880 | € 120,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Tintin (English editions) | Michael Farr | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 350 x 233 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781405261272 | € 28,95 [BE] [only BE]
Dimensions box: 225mm x145mm x 160mm
+ Reprint +
The World of Smurfs A Celebration of Tiny Blue Proportions
Tintin: Hergé and his creation The little black-and-white cartoon figure of Tintin first appeared in Belgium in 1929 in a Catholic newspaper where his creator, Hergé, worked. Harry Thompson looks at the story of Hergé, of Tintin and his origins, and beyond to when President de Gaulle could call Tintin 'his only rival'.A fascinating and witty account of the life of Tintin, his creator, and the phenomenon that they became.
The World of Smurfs will delve into the history of the series' characters and profile Smurf village residents. It includes a biography of the creator, Peyo, a look back at the popular Hanna-Barbera-produced cartoon, and behind-the-scenes photos from the upcoming movie. Everything will be topped off with seven unique interactive elements, including stickers and an original mini-comic. This will be the first and only book to chronicle Smurf history for fans of all ages.
[UK] Hodder Export | Harry Thompson | Paperback | Eng. ed. |297 x210 mm | 336 p | throughout bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781848546721 | € 13,50 [BE] | [only BE]
[US] Abrams | Matt Murray | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 279 mm | 128 p | 200 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781419700729 | € 23,95 [BE] [only BE]
1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die The Ultimate Guide to Comic Books, Graphic Novels and Manga
The MAD fold-In Collection Al Jaffee's 'Fold-Ins', which have graced the back page of "MAD Magazine" since 1964, have become an icon of American humour, issue after issue, year after year, each fold-in requires the reader to simply fold tab A to tab B to reveal the hidden gag- a simple idea that masks both the undeniable artistic ingenuity and comic-timing at play in Jaffee's work. 'The MAD Fold-In Box' places Jaffee in his rightful place as the reigning clown prince of comic art.
Over the centuries, comic books and their offshoots, have evolved into a phenomenally popular, influential, and unique art form with which we can express our opinions, our fantasies, our nightmares, and our dreams. In short: comics are emphatically no longer just for kids. This diverse, constantly evolving medium is truly coming into its own in the 21st century. , from Hollywood's blockbuster adaptations of super-powered caped crusaders to the global spread of Japan's manga and its spinoffs, and from award-winning graphic novels such as Maus and Persepolis to new forms such as online webcomix.
x | [US] Chronicle | | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 320 x 239 mm | 218 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780811872850 | € 100,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Cassell | Paul Gravett | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781844036981 | € 29,50 [BE] [only BE]
+ 4-volume slipcase +
George Harrison Living in the Material World
Rock Seen by Bob Gruen
Olivia Harrison & Mark Holborn
Introduction by Debbie Harris
Drawing on George Harrison's personal archive of photographs, letters, diaries, and memorabilia, Olivia Harrison reveals the arc of his life, from his guitar-obsessed boyhood in Liverpool, to the astonishment of the Beatles years, to his days as an independent musician and bohemian squire. Here too is the record of Harrison's lifelong commitment to Indian music, and his adventures as a movie producer, Traveling Wilbury, and Formula One racing fan. The book is filled with stories and reminiscences from Harrison's friends, including Eric Clapton, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and many, many others. Among its previously unpublished riches are photographs taken by Harrison himself beginning in the mid-1960s. It is a rich tribute to a man who died far too young, but who touched the lives of millions.
For 40 years, Bob Gruen's name has been synonymous with rock and roll. From taking early photos on tour with Ike and Tina Turner, to capturing the early CBGB/Max's Kansas City scene to covering current stadium rockers such as Green Day, Gruen has always been at the right place at the right time-and he's always gotten the shot. In this lavish monograph, Gruen has curated his favorite photographs from his career, with intimate captions and behind-the-scenes anecdotes. Featuring such illustrious acts as the Clash, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols, Ramones, and more, and including an introduction by the legendary Debbie Harry of Blondie, this collection is a must-have for all fans of rock and roll.
[US] Abrams [US] Abrams
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 254 mm | 288 p | 500 col. & bw ill.| Aug. 2011 € 41,95 [BE] | ISBN 9780810997721 [only BE]
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 273 x 241 mm | 400 p | 260 col.ill.| Sept. 2011 € 39,95 [BE] | ISBN 9781419702204 [only BE]
Crazy in Love
Katy Perry: A Life of Fireworks
The Beyonce Knowles Biography
A revealing biography detailing how Katy Perry made her transformation from demure choir girl to sexy household name and one of the most popular female singers in the world today. Accounts of the conflict Katy had growing up with a deeply religious minister as a father and her penchant for skimpy attention-grabbing outfits and subversive lyrics.
Beyonce Knowles first rose to fame as lead singer of Destiny's Child, one of the most successful girl groups of all time. Since striking out on her own as a solo artist in 2003, with her multi-platinum debut album Dangerously in Love, Knowles' career has gone from strength to strength. This biography tells the full story of a fantastically talented artist.
[UK] Omnibus | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 156 mm 192 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781780380742 | € 14,50 [only BE]
[UK] Omnibus | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 156 mm | 256 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781849388740 | € 18,50 [BE] [only BE]
No Direction Home
Freddie Mercury
The Life and Music of Bob Dylan
The Definitive Biography
Of more than a thousand books published about Bob Dylan it is only this one that has been written with the Dylan s active cooperation. No Direction Home took 20 years to complete and when it was finally published the book received widespread critical acclaim. Two decades on, Dylan s standing is higher than at any time since the 1960s and Shelton s book is new seen as a classic of the genre. New edition, published to coincide with Dylan s 70th birthday on 24th May 2011.
The defintive biography of one of music's greatest legends. Hodder
[UK] Hodder Export | Lesely - Ann Jones | Paperback | Eng. ed. |234 x 156 mm | 400 p | Oct. 2011 ISBN 9781444733686 | € 22,50 [BE]
[UK] Omnibus | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 190 mm | 368 p | throughout bw ill. | April 2011 | ISBN 9781849389112 | € 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [NL] | € 29,50 [INT] [only BE]
Michael Jackson Style Here is a dazzling style exploration of the King of Pop. Every visual aspect of Michael Jackson is shown. The result is a stunning photographic feast spanning nearly half a century. From his makeover as a little boy in the Jackson 5 at Motown, his early TV appearances and Saturday morning cartoon. His album images from Off the Wall to Thriller to Invincible and the outfits from all his record breaking World tours The origins of the crystal glove and the white socks.
The Lady Gaga Style Bible - The unoffical Guide-
Stunning photographs superbly document her unrivaled artistic craft-a perfect modern amalgamation of glam rock inspirations like David Bowie and Freddie Mercury and fashion influences Donatella Versace and Alexander McQueen. The images in this collection vividly capture Lady Gaga's complex persona: undoubtedly riveting, provocative, and disturbing, they show a beauty that comes from power and total confi dence that draws the audience in and an ugliness and hardness that perplexes and fends off foes.
[UK] Omnibus | Stacey Appel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 230 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781849388191 | € 28,50 [BE] [only BE]
Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson
[UK] A & C Black | David Foy | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 276 x 219 mm | 128 p | 125 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781408156636 | € 22,50 [BE] | € 22,50 [NL] [BE]
Man in the Music meticulously tracks Jackson's solo career. With each album, Vogel places the music in its social and historical context, discusses its relation to Jackson's personal life, reveals the singer's fascinating process of artistic creation and analyses each record, from its cover, to its songs, to its aesthetic impact and cultural legacy. Rather than focusing on the surface-level sensationalism, Man in the Music explores and offers insight into the creative process behind Michael Jackson's work. [US] Sterling | Joseph Vogel | Hardback | Eng. ed | 384 p | 384 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781402779381 | € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL]
booQs Paperback | 170 x 216 mm | 620p | throughout col.ill. ISBN: 9789460650550 | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | Sept. 2011 € 19,95 [BE] / € 18,82 [INT]
Retro Mode | Mode Retro Retro Fashion | Retro Mode . De mode wordt steeds opnieuw uitgevonden, wordt gerecycled en laat zich van een andere kant zien, zijn meest Retro-achtige kant. Dit boek dompelt ons onder in de mode en de actueelste trends en biedt suggesties met duidelijke verwijzingen naar de verschillende decennia van de 20ste eeuw Fashion is reinvented and recycled offering us renewed versions of itself, its retro side. With this book we will investigate fashion and the latest trends, showing proposals with clear references to different decades of the 20th century. La mode se réinvente et se recycle pour nous offrir des regards revisités d'elle-même, son côté le plus rétro. Cet ouvrage se livre à une enquête sur la mode et les tendances les plus actuelles, en illustrant des propositions faisant clairement référence à différentes décennies du XXe siècle. Mode reinvented und recycelt, um uns renovierte Visionen ihrer selbst zu bieten, ihre Retro-Seite. Anhand dieses Buchs gehen wir der Mode und ihrer aktuellsten Trends auf die Spur, um Kreationen mit klaren Verweisen auf die unterschiedlichsten Dekaden des 20. Jahrhunderts zu zeigen.
Chanel: A Vocabulary of Style
The Fashion Design Directory
Coco Chanel created a look for her era and beyond. She was, without doubt, the most influential fashion designer of the 20th century, years ahead of her time. Her clothes, cuts and accessories have remained eternally chic. Her influence is honoured here by celebrating the key elements that defined and still define her style for every generation, through inspired pairings of classic and contemporary photographs. Chanel's legendary fashion house continues to exert a powerful influence.
An A - Z of the Worlds Most Influential Designers and Labels
The Fashion Design Directory is the ultimate guide to whos who in the world of fashion design, presenting an enticing panorama of 150 of the key players from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day the people and companies who have shaped the world of fashion as we know it and defined the modern perception of style. Featuring both established design masters, such as Valentino, and rising stars, such as Christopher Kane, and everything from demure Orla Kiely pieces to daring Vivienne Westwood.
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Hardback | Eng. ed. |320 x 240 mm | 304 p | 209 col. & bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780500515815 | € 85,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 165 mm | 352 p | 700 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780500289488 | € 26,95 [BE] |[only BE]
The Fashion Universe of Jean Paul Gaultier
New African Fashion Ever since the late 1960s when Yves Saint Laurent and Paco Rabanne presented African-inspired collections, the textiles, details, and colors of Africa have moved into the realm of high fashion. In the past few years, young designers from the continent itself have emerged as people to watch in the fashion world. As colorful and exciting as the fashions it features, this volume will appeal to anyone interested in following the world's most exciting new fashion development.
From the Street to the Stars
This stunning monograph explores the range of Gaultier's collections: his interpretation of modern Parisian life, play with gender roles, metropolitan style, and streetwear lines dubbed Eurotrash and X-rated. Packed with images of the celebrities who have worn his bold styles, including Madonna, Lady Gaga, Naomi Campbell, Marion Cotillard, and Helen Mirren, this luxurious volume is the perfect homage to a modern master.
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 195 mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783791345796 | € 26,95 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: Sept. 2012-Jan 2013 & Spring/Summer 2013, Foundation Mapre, Madrid & Paris
[US] Abrams | Nathalie Bondil, Suzy Menkes & Florence Müller | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 222 mm | 424 p | 500 col. & bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781419700026 | € 103,50 [BE] [only BE]
Pattern Cutting
Textiles: The Whole Story
An introduction to the basic principles of pattern cutting, this practical book shows students how to interpret the human form and look at clothing through the eyes of a designer rather than a consumer. As well as explaining the proportions of human anatomy, the book introduces key tools and then takes the reader from simple pattern-cutting ideas to more advanced creative methods.
Uses, Meanings, Significance
This vibrantly illustrated book is an original look at the myriad roles played by textiles in all aspects of human life, from ancient weavings to light-sensitive and other 'futuristic' fabrics of our own era. Beverly Gordon discusses how textiles are an integral part of the human life journey from cradle to grave in a multitude of practical, symbolic and spiritual ways. [UK] Thames & Hudson | Beverly Gordon | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 200 mm | 304 p | 318 col.ill.| 62 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780500515662 | € 42,50 [BE] | [only BE]
[UK] Laurence King | Dennic Chunman Lo | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 216 mm | 240 p | 400 col.ill.| 220 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697507 | € 37,50 [BE] | [only BE]
Mafia Stijl en Schijn in de Misdaad The glamour of crime | Le Crime en Habit de Lumière
Boulevard of Broken Hearts Tragic Love Affairs in Film, Music, Literature and History
Fien Meynendonckx
Birgit Krols
Maffia. Gangsters. Jazzclubs, knappe vrouwen, mooie maatpakken, echte mannen. Glitter en glamour. Als we aan maffia denken komen de aantrekkelijke beelden vanzelf. Beelden die we kennen van films en series, reclamecampagnes en posters. De eerste woorden uit Goodfellas illustreren perfect hun aantrekkingskracht: "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster" ("Ik wilde altijd al een gangster zijn, van zo lang ik mij kan herinneren"). Reële gangsters lieten zich inspireren door de weergave van hun (fictieve) kameraden op het witte doek en omgekeerd. Er is een opvallende wederzijdse beïnvloeding tussen kunst en werkelijkheid. In dit boek focussen we op die wisselwerking door de selectie van de mooiste foto's uit de film en de realiteit, aangevuld met boeiende informatie. Door die combinatie wordt de mythe van de luisterrijke gangster opnieuw tot leven gewekt. Ontmoet maffiosi uit Noord-Amerika en de rest van de wereld in al hun glorie. Dompel je onder in de wereld van speakeasies, sigaren, whisky, borsalino's, machtige dons en hechte families.
's Werelds meest meeslepende liefdesgeschiedenissen eindigen niet in 'lang en gelukkig'. Ze eindigen tragisch en worden op die manier onsterfelijk, als constante herinnering aan het feit dat geliefden kunnen sterven, maar liefde eeuwigdurend is. In films, literatuur en het echte leven bestaan er ontelbare voorbeelden van hartverscheurende histories. Romeo en Julia, Heathcliff en Catherine, Paris en Helena, Bogie en Bacall, Ennis en Jack - deze namen staan in gouden letters opgetekend in onze collectieve herinnering, omdat hun verhalen onze overtuiging sterken dat echte liefde het waard is om alles voor op te geven. The world's most compelling love affairs don't end in 'happily ever after'. They end tragically, and by doing so, achieve immortality, reminding us of the fact that even though lovers may die, love itself remains forever. Whether on film, in literature or in real life, there have been many enduring tales of love found and lost. Romeo and Juliet, Sid and Nancy, Heathcliff and Catherine, John and Yoko, Ennis and Jack - their names are etched in golden letters in the history of mankind, as their stories reinforce the belief that true love is worth sacrificing everything.
Mafia. Gangsters. Jazz clubs, hot women, beautiful tailor-made suits, real men. Glitter and glamour. In picturing the mafia, we can't ignore the appealing images. Images we picked up in movies and on television, advertising campaigns and posters. Their attraction is well illustrated in Ray Liotta's first words in Goodfellas: "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster".
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 290 x 245 mm | 224 p | 250 col. & bw ill.|Sept. 2011 € 34,95 [BE] | € 32,97 [INT] | ISBN 9789079761708 [not NL, not UK, not US, not F]
[BE] Tectum Publishers Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 335 x 295 mm | 288 p | 400 col. & bw ill.|Sept. 2011 € 55,00 [BE] | € 51,89 [INT] | ISBN 9789079761791 [not NL, not UK, not US, not F] Hard cover with cloth spine and reading ribbon, die cut
Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Stefan Bollman Hardback | 275 x 210 mm | 160p | 80 col.ill. ISBN: 9789061533337 | NL ed. | Oct. 2011 € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 23,54 [INT]
Vrouwen die lezen zijn vrij Romans lezen, iets voor vrouwen? Alfamannetjes doen graag smalend over die 'boeken van plezier'. Maar voor Stefan Bolmann zijn het precies die romans die van vrouwen het sterke geslacht hebben gemaakt. Bollmann ging op zoek naar portretten van lezende vrouwen in de fotografie en de schilderkunst en merkte dat zij in de voorbije eeuwen vaak als een bedreiging werden gezien. Met elk boek dat vrouwen lazen werden ze gevaarlijker. Ze begonnen zich immers vragen te stellen over de beperkingen van hun eigen wereld. In de portretten van de 15e eeuw tot nu die Bolmann uitkoos voor dit boek, ontmoeten we levenskunstenaressen, leeglopers en verleidsters, maar ook vroom biddende vrouwen. Allen vinden ze in het boek een manier om zich aan de controle van anderen te onttrekken, onneembaar lijkende barrières neer te halen, ziel en geest te laten flaneren. Al lezend bevrijden ze zich van de blikken en van de claims van alle anderen. De portretten zijn van de hand van bekende kunstenaars of van schilders die dringend (her)ontdekt moeten worden: Gustave Caillebotte, Edgar Degas, Edward Hopper, Gwen John, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Tamara de Lempicka, FélixVallotton, Diego Velázquez en vele anderen. Stefan Bollmann (1958) studeerde germanistiek, theaterwetenschappen, geschiedenis en filosofie. Hij promoveerde met een werk over Thomas Mann. Hij werkt als lector, auteur en uitgever in München. In 2005 publiceerde hij Vrouwen die lezen, zijn gevaarlijk, dat eveneens bij het Mercatorfonds verscheen.
I'm so happy its happy hour:
It's lonely in the Modern World
Sinfully Delicious Cocktails for Any Occasion
The Essential Guide to Form, Function, and Ennui from the Creators of Unhappy Hipsters
Anne Taintor lives in a straw bale house in Youngsville, New Mexico in the U.S. Taintor created her first images 25 years ago, cutting and gluing images and captions sitting at her kitchen table.w No she and her daughter apply current, slightly twisted captions to vintage American magazine clippings from the 40s and 50s.
Breaks down what a hipster needs to know to incorporate the sleek design and obligatory ennui of the modern home-dweller. This title features over 100 photos and illustrations. Jenna Talbott is a graphic designer and illustrator. Molly Jane Quinn is a writer and editor. Together, Quinn and Talbott created the enormously popular Web site Unhappyhipsters.com.
[US] Chronicle | by Anne Taintor | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 157 x 157 mm | 96 p | 50 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781452102870 | € 12,95 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Chronicle | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 176 p | 100 col.ill.| 100 bw ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780811879286 | € 16,95 [BE] [only BE]
DIY Furniture
Parisian Chic
A Step-By-Step Guide
A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange
Featuring 30 designs by leading designer-makers from around the world DIY Furniture shows you how to use simple techniques to make stunning designer furniture from scratch. All the projects can be easily assembled using the step-by-step guides from common materials which can be found at the local hardware store. Along with designs for seating and storage, the book also features projects for making your own bed, wardrobe, lighting and garden furniture.
Celebrity model Ines de La Fressange shares the well-kept secrets of how Parisian women maintain effortless glamour and timeless allure. The ultrachic red volume is flexi-bound with a wrapper band and features offset aquarelle paper. Complete with her favorite addresses for finding the ultimate fashion and decorating items, this is a musthave for any woman who wants to add a touch of Paris to her own style. [F] Flammarion (Eng. titles) | Ines de la Fressange & Sophie Gachet | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 237 x 155 mm | 240 p | 300 col.ill. | June 2011 | ISBN 9782080200730 | € 26,95 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Laurence King | Christopher Stuart | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 210 mm | 144 p | 150 col.ill.| 120 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697422 | € 26,95 [BE] [only BE]
Flexibound with ribbon marker -reprint-
Magma Sketchbook: Design & Art Direction
Magma Sketchbook: Fashion Ideally (though not exclusively) suited for stylists, editors, fashion designers, illustrators and anyone working within the creative industries, or studying these disciplines, or simply interested in drawing beautiful clothes. As part of this updating process, this sketchbook has been made entirely out of eco-friendly materials.
Ideally (though not exclusively) suited for designers, graphic designers, illustrators, art directors and anyone working within the creative industries, or studying these disciplines, or simply interested in exploring his or her creativity. As part of this updating process, this sketchbook has been made entirely out of eco-friendly materials.
[UK] Laurence King | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 180 mm | 184 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781856699051 | € 19,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Laurence King | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 180 mm | 184 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781856699044 | € 19,50 [BE] [only BE]
Bags & Purses (new revised edition )
Style Book Fashionable Inspirations
With over 500 color photos, this new, fully revised and expanded edition of Bags & Purses off ers a unique survey of the bag in all its forms: handbags, travel bags, make-up and evening bags, pouches, purses and chatelaines, tie pockets, wallets and letter cases, reticules and more, covering virtually all styles and materials. The book includes a historical section, which explores the history of the bag from the late Middle Ages until today, and a section of current designs are spotlighted.
Some looks come and go, but this collection of 472 imagesastutely edited by a seasoned fashion xpert and grouped into a dozen themes with staying powerwill inspire your personal style. From bold floral patterns to ethnic accents; from menswear and swimwear to one-piece ensembles; with lace and feathers, this book offers endless inspiration from the style setters throughout history who have shirked the slavish dictates of runway trends in favor of a bespoke style drawing on classic themes.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books | Paperback | E/ F/ Nl/ G/ Sp/ It/ Port ed. | 225 x 170mm | 432 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789054961437 | € 25,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Flammarion | Elizabeth Walker | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 200 x 140 mm | 480 p | 472 ill. | Eng. ed. | May 2011 | ISBN 9782080200822 | € 26,95 [only BE]
Typewriter iPad (TM) Case
Typewriter Eco-Journal
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Eng. ed. | 250 x 200 mm | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781452102887 | € 29,95 [BE] [only BE]
by Julia Rothman
Featuring eco-friendly journal format, this title includes hand-drawn illustrations by Indie art darling Julia Rothman.
Padded fabric ipad (TM) case, snap closure, capability, front pocket standing
[US] Chronicle Gifts | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 224 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780811879453 | € 8,95 [BE] [only BE]
Daily Doodle
Sex, Everyday in Every Way
2012 Daily Calendar
2012 Daily Calendar
Doodle something every day with this unique calendar from best-selling and beloved illustrator Taro Gomi. 365 playful prompts and open-ended artwork encourage creativity and creative thinking. Perfect for doodlers, fiddlers, procrastinators, and artists of every kind!
From the saucy editors at Nerve.com, this daily calendar features an inspiring range of the wildest and sexiest entanglements imaginable-guaranteeing another year of naughty fun! [US] Chronicle Gifts | Nerve.com | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 130 x 152 mm | 317 p | throughout col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780811879606 | € 12,95 [BE] | [only BE]
[US] Chronicle | Taro Gomi | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 130 x 152 mm | 366 p | throughout bw ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9780811877770 | € 12,95 [BE] [only BE]
The Simpsons
Sexy Truth or Dare
Daily Planner 2012
For the legions of fans who have made The Simpsons the longest-running comedy on television, a spiral-bound desk diary filled with sardonic lines and cartoon portraits of Homer, Bart, and the rest of the gang.
This racy game of truth or dare features 100 sexy prompts that will heat up any couple s love life in the bedroom and beyond. The red-hot box includes 50 sticks to be pulled one at a time, revealing a dirty truth on one side and a naughty dare on the other.
[US] Abrams | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 178 mm | 128 p | throughout col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780810998575 | € 14,50 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Chronicle Gifts | | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x mm | 50 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781452101736 | € 11,95 [BE] [only BE]
Anna Sui Fashion Idea Book
Takkoda. Famous Faces
A sketchbook that features blank pages for sketching, interspersed with Anna Sui's fashion illustrations, inspiring quotes, and swatches of her iconic textile patterns.
(small ed.)
Based on the line of successful greeting cards, this book of masquerading animals is ideal for all ages. Through the magic of makebelieve a cute puppy morphs into the ultimate diva. And wait, what about the hamster who reminds you of that uncle of yours who has political ambitions? Turn the next page and there is a cat styled as the most popular girl in school! The laughs keep coming as you browse. Which is your favorite? There are so many quirky characters, you'll find it hard to choose.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 129 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781452101446 | € 14,95 [BE] [only BE]
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 190 x 150 mm | 96 p | 45 col.ill. | June 2011 | ISBN 9783832795108 | € 13,90 [BE] | Reprint Oct. 2011 [only BE] Also Available: Large Edition ISBN 9783832795207
Instant Iron-ons
Kokeshi Journal
60 Graphic Iron-Ons Decals by Julia Rothman
Konichiwa! Welcome to the world of Kokeshi. Inspired by traditional Japanese dolls, this delightful universe has sophistication, style, and an up-to-the-minute look that comes to life in these unforgettable characters! Die-cut along its edge to mimic the shape of an adorable Kokeshi doll, this must-have journal features a fresh, hip take on the classic Japanese dolls. Added bonus: the ribbon-page-marker features a mini Kokeshi.
A DIY-like craft - iron-ons - that features illustrated patterns by Indie art darling Julia Rothman. [US] Chronicle Gifts | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 15 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780811879446 | € 12,50 [BE] Matchbook-style book
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Annalore Parot | Eng. ed. Cloth cover| 190 x 127 mm | 144 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781452104959 | € 9,95 [BE] [[only BE]
Kokeshi Notecards
(15 cards & envelopes)
Konichiwa! Welcome to the world of Kokeshi. This title is perfect for invites, thank-yous, and simple hellos, 15 giant die-cut notecards burst with adorable charm and Japanese delicacy. It includes a collection of matching accessory stickers so that each doll can hit the post office in style! It is packaged in paperback case, 15 notecards in descending size (5 designs in 5 sizes repeating 3 times), and 15 envelopes.
Konichiwa! Welcome to the world of the Kokeshi! Inspired by traditional Japanese dolls, this delightful universe has sophistication, style, and an up-to-the-minute look that comes to life in these unforgettable characters! This irresistibly cute book introduces girls to the Kokeshis' fabulous world of pretty kimonos, unique hair-dos, cheerful friends, and more! Complete with sneak-peek flaps, fun die-cuts, and lavish gatefolds, this interactive exploration will delight both girls and adults alike.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 215 x 165 mm | 30 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781452104942 | € 9,95 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Chronicle | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 245 mm | 36 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781452104935 | € 19,50 [BE] [only BE]
Masha and Friends
My Wonderful World of Fashion Postcards
Labels and Stickers
A set of labels and stickers featuring the matryoshka-themed art of Suzy Ultman.
Containing 30 detachable postcards of Nina Chakrabartis beautiful drawings from My Wonderful World of Fashion, this book is perfect for sharing your favourite fashion creations. Colour in and customize the cards and then send them to all your friends.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | | Portfolio | No text | x mm | 30 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781452101613 | € 8.95 [BE]
[UK] Laurence King | Nina Chakrabarti | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 165 x 120 mm | 30 p | Sep. 2011 | ISBN 9781856699068 | € 10,50 [BE] [only BE]
My Even More Wonderful World of Fashion Another Book for Drawing, Creating and Dreaming
A new interactive colouring book for fashionistas of all ages. The book encourages creativity, with illustrations to colour in and designs to finish off, as well as simple ideas for making and doing. the book will appeal to fashion addicts from 8 years upwards. [UK] Laurence King | Nina Chakrabarti | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 289 x 210 mm | 240 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697606 | € 19,50 [BE] [only BE] Also available: My Wonderful World of Fashion Postcards, ISBN 9781856699068
Kicks Japan Japanese Sneaker Culture
This fashionable book features fantastic photography of Tokyo sneaker-related scenes, interviews with famous international artists that have collaborated with Japanese sneaker labels, local graffiti and tattoo artists, designers, and skateboarders. There are also amazing examples of interiors of Japanese sneaker shops: sneakers on sushi conveyor belts, swimming pools filled with bananas, art made of sneakers. [UK] Mark Batty | Manami Okazaki & Geoffrey Johnson | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 190 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9781935613206 | € 25,95 [BE] [only BE]
Emily the Strange 2012 Wall Calendar
Emily the Strange-the world's most mysterious and adventurous thirteen-year-old girl-returns with her posse of black cats for another year of inspired mayhem. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Cosmic Debris | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 304 x 304 mm | 24 p | throughout col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9780811878845 | € 12,95 [BE] [only BE]
Parvenu Teruyoshi Hayashida/ Yvo van Regteren Altena. Vertaald door Mike Hendriks Harcback | NL ed. | 240 x 180 mm | 150 p | 300 col.ill. ISBN: 9789491117022 | | July 2011 € 19,95 [BE] [only BE]
Take Ivy (Nederlandse editie) De eerste editie van Take Ivy werd uitgegeven in 1965 in Japan, en had een explosie van bekakte/ preppy mode als gevolg. Studenten uit de trendy wijk Ginza begonnen zich ineens te kleden als de Amerikaanse preps van de prestigieuze Ivy League universiteiten. In Take Ivy bieden bibliotheken, parken, collegezalen en boothuizen het stijlvolle decor van deze nonchalante kledingstijl. Met een verborgen camera legde de fotograaf de collegegaande studenten vast en vormde zo een prachtig tijdsdocument van de heersende academische mode. Sterker nog: het boek toont de tijdloze elegantie van deze preppy kledingssijl aan. Nog steeds kleden mensen, en dan met name de huidige jeugd, zich op deze manier.Take Ivy is een standaardwerk voor adepten van deze stijl, maar om een eerste druk op de kop te tikken, moet je diep in de buidel tasten. In Japan volgde in 2006 nog een herdruk in kleine oplage, die welhaast onmiddellijk uitverkocht was. Nu een primeur: Parvenu maakt dit klassieke werk in het Nederlands beschikbaar. Dat deze stijl nooit uit het straatbeeld moeg verdwijnen! De fotograaf Teruyoshi Hayashida is geboren en opgegroeid in de trendy wijk Aoyama in Tokyo. Hij was werkzaam als coverfotograaf van Men's Club magazine, en staat vooral bekend om zijn verfijnde levensstijl: altijd onberispelijk gekleed en een fijnproever in de breedste zin van het woord. Geef hem een goede Riesling en je krijgt alles gedaan. Yvo van Regteren Altena is een Nederlandse lifestyle-journalist en auteur van onder meer Man en Pak, Pak op Zak en Oud Geld. Voor onze Nederlandse editie hebben wij Yvo bereid gevonden een passend nawoord te schrijven. Mike Hendriks is eigenaar van Vanità | Modern tailors en heeft de vertaling verzorgd. Met zijn kennis van de herenmode heeft hij de vertaling het juiste textiele randje meegegeven. www.takeivy.nl
Kleine encyclopedie van de elegantie
Een dronkemansrit door het New York van de 'Roaring Twenties'
Als redacteur van Vogue en hoofdredactrice van W magazine, zag Jessica Kerwin Jenkins de nodige aanstellerij voorbij komen. In de Kleine encyclopedie van de elegantie heeft ze op het gebied van mode, kunst, decoreren, reizen, tuinieren en eten het kaf van het koren gescheiden. Verrassend genoeg kan in veel gevallen de beurs gesloten blijven – vaak schuilt elegantie gewoon in het op waarde schatten van de juiste dingen. Met prachtige illustraties van Elizabeth Haidle is de Kleine encyclopedie van de elegantie een ode aan de verfijnde en excentrieke attributten in het leven.
In de roman Parties 'shaken' en 'stirren' de personages cocktail na cocktail om de onnoemelijke verveling van zich af te schudden. In clandestiene bars (speakeasy's) en jazzclubs in Harlem proberen zij de akelige leegte te vullen met cocktails, jazzmuziek, meer cocktails, overdreven aandachttrekkerij, nog meer cocktails, holle frasen, seks en nog veel meer cocktails. [NL] Parvenu | Carl van Vechten. Vertaald door J.M. Visser | Hardback | NL ed. |230 x 155 mm | 271 p| 26 ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789491117008 | € 24,95 [BE]
[NL] Parvenu | Jessica Kerwin Jenkins. Illustrations: Elizabeth Haidle | Hardback| NL ed. | 205 x 165 mm | 312 p | 50 ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789491117053 | € 24,95 [BE]
Losers and Idiots A Tribute to Failure People and stupidity. It is a match well made. Since the earliest days of our existence, mistakes are our trademark: look at Adam or Pandora. For every good decision by man, twenty bad ones were made. Some in plain stupidity, others with the best intentions possible, some to harm only one, others damaging the reputation or fortune of many others. This book is a homage to stupidity, a tribute to failure, in short a celebration of what it is to be human.
Icons of Men's Style -ReprintBehind nearly every item in the modern male wardrobe is a first of its kind the definitive item, often designed by a single company or brand for specialist use, on which all subsequent versions have been based. Icons of Menswear examines, garment by garment, the most important and famous of these products their provenance and history, the stories of their design, the brand/company that started it all and how the item shaped the way men dress today.
[BE] Tectum Publishers | Fien Meynendonckx | Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 216 x 165 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789079761692 | € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [NL] | € 18,82 [INT] [not NL, not UK, not US, not F]
[UK] Laurence King | Josh Sims | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 280 x 197 mm | 192 p | 173 col.ill.| 91 bw ill. | May 2011 | ISBN 9781856697224 | € 31,50 [BE] [only BE]
The Inspirational Moustache The Inspirational MoustacheTheres an old English proverb that goes a man without a moustache is like a cup of tea without sugar. In our low-calorie, minimalist society, our tea has been deliberately sugar-free for many years. Butthe moustache is making a comeback! In fashion, in craft, and on the faces of hipsters, the soup strainer,nose neighbour, lip tickler, face
-reprint Sept. 2011-
foliage, misplaced eyebrow or whatever else you want to call it, is here to stay!
Rude Hand Gestures A Guide to Offending Without Words
[UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Ziggy Hanaor | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 170 x 130 mm |
Whether you're intimating sexual relations, defaming a friend's mother, or telling a perfect stranger to get lost, using hand gesture is arguably the most effective form of expression, this photographic guide demonstrates how to make 50 offensive hand gestures from all around the world.
48 p | 60 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780956205353 | € 8,95 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Chronicle | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 128 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9780811878074 | € 11,00 [BE] | [only BE]
Nocturne A Journey in Search of Moonlight Look up into the night sky and gaze in wonder ... The moon and the light it casts have been a muse for writers, artists, composers and visionaries throughout history. But today, in our increasingly urbanised world, the spread of artificial lighting seems set to rob the moon of its power. Now James Attlee invites us to turn our faces once more toward the night sky and contemplate the moon's many moods. He takes us with him on a journey in search of moonlight and its meanings.
Bicycle Travel Journal On the one hand, the journal is an ode to that long-time travelling companion, his bike. On the other hand, however, it is also, and above all, supposed to encourage others to do the same, cycle and draw (possibly not at the same time). With 20 illustrations, blank pages to write on and 16 envelopes to store mementoes of your journeys.
[UK] PENGUIN UK | James Attlee | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 212 x 134 mm | 309 p | March 2011 | ISBN 9780241144329 | € 26,50 [BE] [BE, NL]
[UK] Laurence King| Nigel Peake| Paperback, 199 x 136 mm| Eng. ed | ISBN 9781856699006 | € 15,00 [BE] [only BE]
Cult Streetwear
Yoshitomo Nara. The Complete Works
Mini Edition
This lavishly produced, two-volume set catalogs Nara's prolific creative output over the span of his career to-date. With nearly 6,000 images of the artist's paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, photographs, and collaborations with other artists, this unique and beautiful reference is the book of record on one of the most important international artists of this
Cult Streetwear tells the stories of the people behindthe brands - from entrepreneurs to graffiti writers, DJs to surfers to sneaker nuts, from LA to NYC, London to Berlin and Tokyo. It explores each brand'scultural resonance, and explains why so many have gained a cult following while continuing to break newground in a market with unlimited scope for innovation. It is the defining book on the subject andthe only one on the market that explores the history of streetwear as well as it's present status.
generation. [UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Ziggy Hanaor | Boxed 2 vol. set | Eng. ed. | 304 x 228 mm | 800 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780956205353 | € 198,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Laurence King | Josh Sims | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 205 x 154 mm | 208 p | 800 col.ill.| 100 bw ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9781856698177 | € 14,95 [BE] | [only BE]
The Art of Todd Bratrud
The Book of Skulls
Seen Unknown
The Book of Skulls presents a cool visual guide to the skull, charting its rebirth through music and street fashion to become todays ultimate anti-establishment icon. This book is the ultimate collection of cool and iconic skull motifs. Drawing together artwork from music, fashion, street art and graphic design The Book of Skulls is a celebration of one of todays most iconic cultural symbols.
Winston Tseng, art director for Enjoi Skateboards, has worked with some of todays most genredefying visual artists and designers whose work extends wellbeyond skateboard culture. From sneaker and apparel design to product packaging, posters, high-profile ad campaigns, and fine art galleries, the work of Seen Unknown artists is often recognizable, though their creators names remain unknown until now. Todd Bratrud si an artist best known for his hundreds of skateboard graphi cs.
[UK] Laurence King | Faye Dowling | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 180 x 140 mm | 160 p | 164 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697002 | € 15,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Mark Batty | Winston Tseng | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 127 mm |96 p | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781935613220 |€ 21,50 [BE] [only BE]
Graffiti 365
Asphalt Renaissance
Graffiti 365 delivers the first real insider's view into the contemporary graffiti and street-art scenes, as well as their antecedents. A fun, wide-ranging survey of the international graffiti movement, this book uses more than 600 rare, previously unpublished, or legendary images to introduce and describe important artists-from Blade to Banksy-and styles-from bubble to wild. Along the way, Graffiti 365 covers different eras, cities, legendary walls, crews, police and public responses.
The Pavement Art and 3-D Illusions of Kurt Wenner
Asphalt Renaissance brilliantly recounts the re-imagining of street painting by innovative artist and Internet sensation Kurt Wenner. Wenner revolutionised this ancient art by creating a technique that produces astounding images in 3-D; they reach out of the pavement toward the viewer and appear perilously deep. Featuring photographs of hundreds of his paintings, this volume spans Wenner's career and captures his thoughts on art and the ephemeral nature of his work. Also includes a DVD and a free poster.
[US] Abrams | Jay "J.Son" Edlin & Andrew "Zephyr" Witten | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 159 x 235 mm | 744 p | 644 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780810997448 | € 29,50 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Sterling | Kurt Wenner | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 304 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781402771262 | € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL] [BE, NL, F]
De Beat Generation
Tattoo World
De Beat Generation. Een graphic novel die u meeneemt door de geschiedenis van de kunststroming uit de jaren '40 en '50 van de vorige eeuw. Voor u geen ellenlange gedichten, even zo saaie roadtrips of gekmakende LSD-trips, maar een helder
Collected here are designs from around the globe, spanning a broad range of styles, including Japanese and East Asian iconography, classic Americana, and photorealism, among others. Featuring the work of tattoo legends alongside pieces by pioneering artists pushing the limits of the medium, this visually arresting survey is the essential reference work for anyone interested in this exploding art form.
verhaal in tekst en beeld. [NL] Parvenu | Harvey Pekar. Vertaald door Gerben Visser. Illustrations: Ed Piskor | Paperback | NL ed. | 230 x 150 mm | 208 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789491117039 | € 14,95 [BE]
[US] Abrams | Marisa Kakoulas | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 219 mm | 384 p | 1000 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780810997899 | € 33,95 [BE] [only BE]
Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed Body art meets popular science in this elegant, mind-blowing collection, written by renowned science writer Carl Zimmer. This fascinating book showcases hundreds of eye-catching tattoos that pay tribute to various scientific disciplines, from evolutionary biology and neuroscience to mathematics and astrophysics and reveals the stories of the individuals who chose to inscribe their obsessions in their skin.
World Piecebook Global Graffiti Drawings
Like the hugely successful volumes it follows, this latest collection mimics that most valuable of graffiti gear - the blackbook. Nearly 200 private drawings by top artists from every corner of the globe are featured in this volume. Mirroring the revolutionary format of their previous books Piecebook and Piecebook Reloaded, Jenkins's and Villorente's World Piecebook presents rare and personal illustrations straight from the collections of artists such as Kas and Resm from Belgium, ...
[US] Sterling | Carl Zimmer | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 304 p | 304 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781402783609 | € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL] [BE, NL, F]
[UK] Prestel | Sacha Jenkins | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 215 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill. | June 2011 | ISBN 9783791344683 | € 26,95 [BE] [only BE]
Stencil 201 In this entirely original collection, stencil maverick Ed Roth presents twenty-five new stencil designs from retro-cool typewriters, phonographs, and roller skates to elegant leaves, birds, and abstract shapes. He also offers more than twenty wildly creative projects. Best of all, the stencils are reusable and can be stored at the reclosable pocket in the back of the book. [US] Chronicle || Paperback | Eng. ed. | 229 x 203 mm | 64 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780811877909 | € 18,95
Sticker Bomb Stickerbomb is the first collectable, fully-peelable sticker book featuring illustration, graffiti, and graphics. It is filled with an amazing collection of over 250 specially commissioned stickers by artists, illustrators, and graffiti writers from around the world. An essential part of the street art movement, inexpensive, and easy to produce, stickers often act as an informal business card for graffiti writers, and a quick and effective promotional tool for many artists and illustrators.
The Disciples James Mollison
[UK] Laurence King | Studio Rarekwai | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 165 x 210 mm | 132 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781856695671 | € 24,50 [BE] [only BE]
Between 2004 and 2007, James Mollison attended pop concerts across Europe and the USA with a mobile photography studio, inviting fans of each music star or band to pose for their portrait outside the gig. He subsequently combined portraits of eight to ten fans for each performer into a single line up, making a single panoramic im age in each case.With a total over 500 individual portraits in 62 panoramic images.
[UK] Thames Distr. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 1 190 x 267mm | 144 p | 62 col.il l. | July 2011 | ISBN 978190571221 |€ 30,00 [BE] [only BE]
Street Style Memory Game 2
Back to the Future
A new edition of the popular Street Stylye Memory Game. It challenges players to find combinations of young people with special characteristics and street-style clothing. These are beautiful photographs of people from all nationalities, photographed in the streets of Amsterdam. For the game, the pictures have been cut in two. Based on their clothing, their attitudes and backgrounds of the people in the photographs, players can join the slightly enlarged faces with the rest of the bodies.
Memory Game
As children, we all stood completely naked on our beds holding nothing but an accordion, but would we be willing to replicate that exact pose a couple of decades later? Wouldn't that be crazy? That's what photographer Irina Werning is doing in her Back to the Future series. [NL] B.I.S. | | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 2 x 30 cards| Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789063692742 | € 15,00 [BE] [only BE]
[NL] B.I.S. | Barbara Iweins | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 2 x 25 cards | Sept 2011 | ISBN 9789063692704 | € 12,00 [BE] [only BE]
Berlin Memory Game In addition to the Amsterdam and London memory games BIS published in the autumn of 2010, the Berlin memory game will be released in spring 2011. Berlin is a city for young people and very popular with those working in the creative industry. Anthony 0 Noel is a photographer who lives in Berlin, taking brand new typical images of the city for this game. The perfect gift for lovers of Berlin. [NL] B.I.S. | Anthony Noel | Boxed | 2 x 25 cards | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789063692612 | € 12,00 [BE] [only BE]
You are what you eat Memory Game Marije Vogelzang, author of the successful Eat Love book, adds a fantastic new game to the BIS list of creative memory games; unsurprisingly, it is all about food. In creating this memory game, she selected food that has a specific and consistent effect on our body. In the You Are What You Eat memory game, the task is to find sets of corresponding cards, and correctly matching a food f to its effect on our body. Examples include spinach and physical strength, garlic and bad breath, pepper and sneezing, ... [NL] B.I.S. | Marije Vogelzang. Design: Studio Klui | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 2 x 25 cards | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789063692728 | € 12,00 [BE] [only BE]
Let's Make Some Great Art
Petite Collage Wall Decals
In this interactive colouring and activity book, Marion Deuchars takes the broad canvas of ART and fills it with drawings and activities that engage with what art can be, how it can be made, what it can mean for you and what it has meant for people through the ages. Aimed at children aged eight and older, the emphasis is on fun and making the creation of art an integral part of the way you express yourself.
Included in this poly-bagged portfolio are two 305 x 305mm wall decals and two 610 x 305mm wall decals--images can be mixed and matched to create a single wall decor scene. Vinyl decals are reuseable, child-safe, and phthalate-free. Lorena Siminovich is a San Francisco-based artist, designer, and illustator. Her company, Petit Collage, has been featured on Websites and in magazines.
[UK] Laurence King | Marion Deuchars | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 289 x 210 mm | 224 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697866 | € 19,50 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Chronicle Gifts | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 304 x 304 mm | 4 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9780811877633 | € 19,95 [BE] [only BE]
Alexander Girard Memory Game
Alexander Girard Eden Giant Floor Puzzle
The newest addition to our growing line of Memory Games features the distinctive designs of Alexander Girard. Thirtysix of Girard's playful yet sophisticated textile designs and colorful illustrations are eatured in this well-designed game for children of all ages and adults. Girard's vintage, and now classic, designs for Herman Miller are a delightful addition to our design-centric toys for kids.
24-piece jigsaw puzzle
Alexander Girard's lovely and abstract design, titled "Eden," graces this giant floor puzzle. At 24 x 36 inches, this jigsaw puzzle is made up of 24 jumbo-sized pieces. This is the latest design in our growing line of educational, fun, and beautifully designed puzzles. Kids ages 3 and up and their design-savvy parents will enjoy this future classic. This 24-piece giant floor puzzle features an abstracted version of the garden of Eden, including flowers, birds, and other creatures.
[US] Ammo Books | | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 190 x 190 mm | 72 p | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781934429761 | € 13,50 [BE] | € 13,50 [NL] [BE, NL]
[US] Ammo Books | | Boxed | No text | 304 x 228 mm | 1 p | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781934429785 | € 16,95 [BE] | € 16,95 [NL] [BE, NL] completed puzzle size: 914 x 609 cm
10 Little Penguins Stuck on the Fridge
Natural Wonders
From bestselling author-illustrator duo Fromental and Jolivet comes a new way to enjoy the playful penguins from "365 Penguins: Magnets"! Create new scenes, combine characters and learn a little about counting and numbers along with the mischievous penguins and their friends. Featuring an original booklet from the authors with ideas for play and explanations of new concepts, as well as dozens of magnets, this is the perfect book-and-toy combination for kids who can't get enough of the penguins.
A Patrick Hruby Coloring Book
NATURAL WONDERS is a beautiful new coloring bookby Patrick Hruby that features forests, fl ora, and fauna. Patrick's colorful and intricate illustrations are gracefully translated here into 32 black-and-white line drawings for young, budding artists to interpret in their own color palettes. As a reference, the back cover shows every one of the 32 images featured in their full-color original versions.
[US] Abrams | Jean-Luc Fromental | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 219 x 159 mm | 12 p | throughout col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781419701375 | € 18,50 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Ammo Books | Patrick Hruby | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 304 x 228 mm | 32 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781934429716 | € 5,95 [BE] | € 5,95 [NL] [BE, NL]
Including 44 magnets and 10 counting games
Baby Animals Nesting Blocks Flip-a-face
Flip-a-Face Nesting Blocks -- With these nesting blocks, the unique artwork of the Flip-a-Face board books is brought to three-dimensional life. Each of the five nesting blocks is die-cut on one side, enabling children to mix and match the faces by turning the inner block so that different faces peek out. The die-cuts make the blocks perfect for little hands to hold, and the sturdy construction makes forhours of playtime fun! [US] Chronicle Gifts | SAMi | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 150 x 150 mm | 5 p | June 2008 | ISBN 9781934706107 | € 15,95 [BE] [only BE]
MoMA Topsy-turvy Stacking Blocks Bouw een schots-en-scheve toren met deze kleurrijke stapeldoosjes. A slant on stacking blocks. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | No text | | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780811877138 | € 15,99 [BE] | [only BE] Ages: 3 to 6
Fresh Box
75 Tools to be creative
Cutting Edge Illustrations 3 Vol. Box Set
Designers use many creative tools: Mind Mapping, Customer Journey, Brainstorming, Reverse Thinking, Six Thinking Hats, Doodling, Talk Streaming, Unfolding and many more. These tools are helpful in different stages of a creative process. It could be a design process, but these tools are also applicable in any situation, guiding any process where new ideas are required. They will structure and encourage creative thinking. This box contains 75 cards, each devoted to one tool.
The FRESH BOX presents all three volumes of FRESH as the ultimate set for all professional illustrators, ar and design-lovers. t [G] DAAB | Slanted | Paperback in box | Eng. ed. | 265 x 200 mm | 1056 p | July 2011 | ISBN 9783942597074 | € 125,00 [BE] | € 125,00 [NL] [BE, NL]
[NL] B.I.S. | Eng. ed. | 75 cards in box | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789063692759 | € 19,90 [BE] [only BE]
BIG Black & Beautiful
How to Design Websites
The Cooper Black Book
There are books on the nuts and bolts of web design and there are books about website aesthetics, showcasing examples of good design. Designing Websites contains the essentials of both, addressing the skillsets required to produce websites that are functional and elegant but from a graphic designers perspective. It demonstrates that you can design a working website in minutes without the need for expensive programs. Chapters include Code, Layout, Text and Typography, and Images and Colour Schemes.
In 1922 ontwierp Oswald Cooper het lettertype Cooper Black, de pokerface onder de lettertypes. Cooper Black is een overlever, hij overleefde de Tweede Wereldoorlog, de eerste stappen op de maan, de Koude Oorlog, alle trends in high en low design, chinese massage salons, goedkope, vieze blaadjes en kebabtenten.Dit boek is een hommage aan de Cooper Black. Het vertelt zijn geschiedenis, maar vooral laat het zien hoe de Cooper Black is gebruikt en misbruikt door designers over de hele wereld.
[UK] Laurence King | Alan Pipes | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 216 mm | 168 p | 200 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697392 | € 29,95 [BE] [only BE]
[NL] B.I.S. | Ward Nicolaas | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 170 x 120 mm | 160 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789063692636 | € 19,00 [BE] [only BE]
Japanese Illustration Now
Print & Pattern 2
This example-packed overview of contemporary Japanese illustration showcases the works of 100 of Japan's most successful and exciting artists and designers. The images embrace a huge range of styles, from traditional to futuristic, from classic ukiyo-e prints to the worlds of manga and anime. Some look towards urban street culture or build their own surreal dreamscapes, while others revisit a r playful world of childhood innocence or explore darker realms of violence and terror.
Patterns are everywhere, an antidote to gloomy economic times, we see them creeping over shop fronts, packaging design, clothes and home accessories. Who wants mass-produced minimalism when you can have patterns with personality? Print & Pattern 2 is the latest book from the cult Print & Pattern website that celebrates all aspects of printed surface pattern. Featuring cute, colourful and contemporary designs on textiles, cards, gift wrap, stationery, wallpaper, tableware, books, illustration, ...
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Cristian Campos | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 249 x 196 mm | 448 p | 800 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780500289709 | € 35,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Laurence King | Bowie Style | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 246 x 172 mm | 304 p | 550 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697927 | € 29,95 [BE] [only BE]
Reading Letters
Sagmeister: Another Book...
This book will not only help type designers create high-legibility typefaces, but also help graphic designers determine the optimal typeface for a given project. Few of us will appreciate whether the typeface we read is legible, but we quickly notice if it is not. Creating type for optimal legibility is therefore an ungrateful task, since readers only register your failures.
about Promotion and Sales Material Showcasing a wide range of work, from a Talking Heads boxed set, to print ads for Levi's, to a wedding invitation for close friends, this book includes exclusive images from the studio archive as well as Sagmeister's commentary on his work, which contains his characteristic wit and insight. The result is a funny, revealing, and intimate look at the cutting-edge work of a graphic design master.
[NL] B.I.S. | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 215 mm | 208 p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789063692711 | € 39,00 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Abrams | Stefan Sagmeister & Chantal Prod'hom | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 241 x 171 mm | 176 p | 135 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781419701399 | € 40,00 [BE] [only BE]
Typography Sketchbooks
Web Design Index 10
Steven Heller and Lita Talarico
The increasingly common use of fast-speed Internet connections over the past few years has considerably increased designers' possibilities to use advanced capabilities, including larger image files. Furthermore, it is clear that web design is reaching its maturity:whereas in the past many designers were hesitant to make the change from print to web, many designers now primarily work in web design.
Selected by the worlds most knowledgeable and well-connected graphic-design commentator, Steven Heller, this survey gets into the minds of designers who create typefaces, word-images and logos through their private sketchbooks. Arranged by designer, this collection of typographic explorations intimately reveals how nearly 120 of the worlds leading designers and typographers continually strive to find new and exciting ways of communicating through letters and words, and provides fascinating insights.
[NL] Pepin Press -Fashion & Art Books | | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 150 mm | 368 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9789057681585 | € 22,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 185 mm | 368 p | 375 col.ill.| 225 bw ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780500241387 | € 44,50 [BE] [only BE]
Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Thomas Horst Hardback | 325 x 245 mm | 400p | 200 col.ill. NL ed.: ISBN: 9789061531241 FR ed.: ISBN 9789061531579 Oct. 2011 | € 69,95 [BE] / € 69,95 [NL] / € 65,99 [INT]
De wereld in kaart Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) De Atlas van Mercator, de beroemdste atlas ter wereld, werd in 1595 in meerdere fascikels gedrukt en was al voor zijn tijdgenoten een sensatie. Gerard Mercator bedacht niet alleen het woord atlas voor een systematische verzameling van kaarten, maar hij ontwierp ook de zogenaamde Mercatorprojectie die vandaag nog altijd wordt gebruikt. Van de Atlas van Mercator zijn nog slechts weinig volledige exemplaren bewaard en daarvan zijn er maar enkele ingekleurd. In dit boek wordt een inleiding gegeven op leven en werk van de grote kosmograaf en worden alle kaarten uit de 'Editio principissima' die in de Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin wordt bewaard, in waarheidsgetrouwe kleuren gereproduceerd. Het werk is een hommage aan de uitvinder van het moderne wereldbeeld wiens vijfhonderste geboortedag in 2012 wordt gevierd. Met kleurenreproducties van alle platen uit de Mercatoratlas van 1595 (2° Kart. B 180 / 3) bewaard in de Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Le monde en cartes Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) A l'occasion du 500ème anniversaire de la naissance de Gérard Mercator, le Fonds Mercator publiera, en coédition avec Faksimile Verlag (Munich), une nouvelle monographie complète sur la vie et l'oeuvre du célèbre cartographe et notamment sur son chef d'oeuvre, L'Atlas de L'Europe de 1595, le premier atlas mondial. Déjà considéré par ses contemporains comme un scientifique remarquable, Gérard Mercator est encore aujourd'hui perçu comme une référence culturelle et historique, étant l'inventeur de la notion d' « atlas » et de la projection qui porte son nom, encore utilisée aujourd'hui, et le premier géographe à avoir conçu une représentation de notre monde. Ses cartes et son Atlas, fondements de la géographie et de la cartographie actuelle, seront rassemblées dans cette publication, et l'Atlas y sera entièrement reproduit. L'ouvrage, richement illustré et complété par plus de 200 pages d'illustrations des cartes de Gérard Mercator, présentera un essai de Thomas Horst, historien de la cartographie renommé, et offrira au lecteur une vision complète de l'histoire de Mercator et de son oeuvre, renouvelée par les découvertes et les avancées scientifiques de ces dernières années.
The World Of Private Islands
A Tribute To Life In The Polar Regions
From the idealism of Moore's Utopia to the ease of Gauguin's Tahiti, islands fuel the imagination. Indeed, who hasn't day-dreamed of an unique slice of paradise? Editor Farhad Vladi presents the many types of private islands in this compelling volume, featuring everything from Canadian lake isles to Pacific atolls. Within its chapters you will discover a world of islands with castles as well as properties owned by celebrities like Johnny Depp and Richard Branson.
Following his stunning photo-safari in Africa and an unprecedented helicopter voyage from Europe to Africa in Eyes over Africa, the award-winning photographer has ventured to the polar regions. Poliza shows polar bears as they frolicked among purple fireweed against the majestic Arctic backdrop,varied and multicoloured icebergs, as well as a number of rare and endangered species. Poliza once again captures the most vulnerable treasures still ensconced in our planet's few pristine s landscapes.
[G] teNeues | Farhad Vladi | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | € | Dec. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795863 | € 49,90 [BE] [only BE]
[G] teNeues | Michael Poliza | Paperback with flap | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 310 x 243 mm | 240 p | 100 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795900 | € 29,90 [BE] [only BE]
-Now in paperback-
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Iconic New York
New York From the Air. A story of Architecture
Christopher Bliss
Few cities spark the imagination like New York. Famed for both its hectic pace and for being a melting pot of cultures and ideas, this is perhaps the world's ultimate metropolis. As a native, Chris Bliss understands the city on many levels. From the New Museum of Contemporary Art to such distinctive sights as the Chrysler Building and the majesty of Central Park in all seasons, each of the city's characteristic moods are captured in the pages of this unique book.
Completely updated with additional photographs andnew text, New York from the Air is a lush, romantic and ultimately hopeful tribute to one of the most thrilling cities in the world. World-renowned bestselling photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand - shooting from vantage points that few humans ever attain - presents the power and beauty of Manhattan's amazing skyscrapers, the bucolic joys of Central Park, the majesty of the Upper West Side's castle-like mansions and much, much more.
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 287 x 223 mm | 128 p | 100 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795764 | € 29,90 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Abrams | Yann Arthus-Bertrand & John Tauranac | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 375 x 267 mm | 216 p | 180 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9780810993846 | € 59,50 [BE] [only BE]
Andreas H. Bitesnich
Michael Poliza
They say India changes lives. More than a country, it is a state of mind. Come on a fascinating journey with Andreas H. Bitesnich as he explores all aspects of Indian existence. With sensitive understanding and unique vision, Bitesnich uncovers the contradictions at the core of the nation's soul. He deftly probes both the subcontinent's ongoing changes and lingering hardships. Bitesnich documents all facets of life, death, and the daily struggle.
Alternating aerial shots with dramatic landscapes, vivid animal studies, and portraits of the proud Maasai people, this stunning book captures the spirit of the place and its inhabitants. This master photographer conveys the adventure and excitement of this unique country. A skilled artist and gifted storyteller, Poliza's one-of-a kind work combines advanced technique and original composition. Each breathtaking image stands on its own as a fascinating piece of art.
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 350 x 262 mm | 256 p | 175 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9783832794804 | € 79,90 [BE] [only BE]
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 370 x 290 mm | 280 p | 115 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795849 | € 75,00 [BE] [only BE]
Baracoa Bakermat van de Cubaanse Cacao Berceau du cacao cubain
Baracoa, bakermat van de Cubaanse cacao, is een noodzakelijk boek. Cacao is immers een autochtoon product waarvan het belang nog niet voldoende wordt benadrukt. Het boek exploreert de kenmerkendie Baracoa onderscheiden als de Cubaanse en misschien zelfs Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caraïbische stad waar cacao de sterkste sporen heeft achtergelaten en waar in vergelijking met andere producerende landen, reeds lang vervlogen tradities werden bewaard. Baracoa, berceau du cacao cubain, est un livre nécessaire. Il l'est parce qu'il aborde un produit autochtone dont l'importance n'a pas encore été assez mise en lumière, et parce qu'il fouille dans les caractéristiques qui distinguent Baracoa comme la ville de Cuba - et peut-être d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes - que l'empreinte du cacao a marquée le plus fortement et où se conservent des traditions disparues dorénavant dans d'autres pays producteurs. Baracoa, capitale du cacao cubain, est un espace culturel complexe et riche où une activité agricole centenaire engendre des traits culturels particuliers qui définissent l'identité de l'endroit. [BE] Stockmans - Devos | | Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 230 x 200 mm | 250 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9789077207239 | € 39,95 [BE] | € 39,95 [NL] | € 45,00 [INT] [W] Eng/ Span. ed: ISBN 9789077207246
Japon éternel
Destination Beijing
Suzanne Held nous fait découvrir dans ce volume un Japon « éternel ». Celui de l'esthétisme poussé à l'extrême, de la délicatesse du geste où le quotidien devient cérémonie, où le respect se transforme en rituel. Il est divisé en cinq grandes sections qui nous conduisent dans les sources profondes des traditions : monde de la contemplation, de la sérénité devant des cônes de sable, monde de la méditation, monde des couleurs, celles des laques orange vif du Shinto, ...
Beijing, one of the four Great Ancient Capitals of China, is a metropolis in every sense of the word. It has a great history and is at the same time on top ofthe 21st century as a hip and happening city. Destination Beijing shows you, in 300 pages of gorgeous photography and quotes, the greatest treasures of the centre of Chinese art and culture. From ancient monuments as the Tiananmen, the Temple of Heaven, Beihai Park, the University and other palaces, temples and gates, to the newest districts.
[IT] Silvana | | Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 260 x 240 mm | 216 p | 100 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9788836621156 | € 32,00 [BE] | € 34,00 [NL] [BE, NL]
[BE] Tectum Publishers | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 185 x 250 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789079761722 | € 25,00 [BE] | € 23,58 [INT] [not NL, not UK, not US, not F]
The World on a Plate
Red City, Spirit of the Lagoon | Cité rouge, esprit du lagon
Ultimate Food Journeys is the essential 'what to eat where' guide for foodies who love to travel and for travellers who love to eat. DK's ultimate gastronomic tour of the globe reveals the origins of the world's most famous dishes and the best places to eat them. From Boeuf Bourgignon in France to Tapas in Spain and soul food in Louisiana to tacos in Mexico, this beautifully illustrated book is arranged continent by continent with clear maps and mouth-watering photography.
À travers ses photographies de Porto-Novo, capitale historique du Bénin, Jean-Dominique Burton nous révèle une cité porteuse d'histoire et porteuse d'avenir : elle est aujourd'hui à la fois apaisée et vibrante, immortelle mais menacée. Cette réalité contemporaine c'est celle d'une ville africaine qui se développe et qui prépare ses lendemains baignée dans une histoire riche de ses contrastes. Dans cent ans, Porto-Novo sera une ville ultra moderne uniquement si son histoire et son identité sont préservée
[UK] D.K. - Eyewitness Travel Guides | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 213 mm | 336 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781405358668 | € 27,95 [BE] [only BE]
| [BE] Fondation Zinsou | Jean-Dominique Burton Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 300 x 300 mm | 120 p | 95 col.ill. | March 2011 | ISBN 9789057791246 | € 38,00 [BE] | € 40,00 [NL] | € 38,00 [INT] [W]
The New York Times Magazine Photographs
New York in Color
Kathy Ryan
Bob Shamis
For over thirty years, the New York Times Magazine has presented the myriad possibilities and applications of photography. Aperture is pleased to present the upcoming publication and exhibition The New York Times Magazine Photographs, which reflects upon and interrogates the very nature of both photography and print magazines at this pivotal moment in their history and evolution. Edited by Kathy Ryan, long-time photo editor of the magazine, and with a preface by former editorial director Gerald Marzorati, this volume presents some of the finest commissioned photographs worldwide in four sections: reportage, portraiture, style, and conceptual photography, including photo illustration. Diverse in content and sensibility, and consistent in virtuosity, the photographs are accompanied by reproduced tear sheets to allow for the examination of sequencing and the interplay between text and image, simultaneously presenting the work while illuminating its distillation to magazine form. This process is explored further through texts offering behind-the-scenes perspective and anecdotes by the many photographers, writers, editors, and other collaborators whose voices have been a part of the magazine over the years. David Campany contributes a critical essay that provides an in-depth history of the magazine's relationship to photography, contextualizing its contributions within the larger world of magazine work. Also addressed are issues of documentary photography in relation to more conceptual photography; the efficacy of story-telling; and what makes an image evidentiary, objective, subjective, truthful, or a tool for advocacy; as well as thoughts on whether these matters are currently moot, or more critical than ever. As such, The New York Times Magazine Photographs aims to serve as a springboard for a rigorous, necessary, and revitalized examination of photography as presented within a modern journalistic context.
New York in Color presents the best color photography of New York over the last century. From its iconic landmarks like Times Square and Coney Island to the visual poetry of its streets and skyline, New York presents an ever-changing visual collage best seen in color. Here, neon lights define the spirit of the night, a young Bob Dylan lingers in the snows of Greenwich Village, subway trains are rolling murals, and New Yorkers of every era become dramatic actors on the world's greatest stage. Presenting work-much of it unknown-by major photographers, including such masters as André Kertész, William Klein, Helen Levitt, and Joel Meyerowitz, New York in Color is destined to be a classic photographic survey of the world's most visually vibrant city.
[US] Abrams Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 292 mm | 228 p | 235 col.ill.| Oct. 2011 € 52,50 [BE] ISBN 9781419700613 [only BE]
[US] Aperture Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 241 mm | 448 p | 500 col.ill.| Sept. 2011 € 74,95 [BE] | ISBN 9781597111461 [only BE]
Expo: 16/10/2011 - 12/2/2012, Jeu de Paume, Paris
Diane Arbus. A Chronology This is the closest thing possible to reading a contempora-neous diary by one of the most daring, influential, and controversial artists of the 20th century. Drawn primarily from Arbus's extensive correspondence with friends, family, and colleagues, personal notebooks, and other unpublished writings, this beautifully produced volume exposes the private thoughts and motivations of an artist whose astonishing vision derived from the courage to see things as they are and the grace to permit them simply to be [UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Diane Arbus | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 203 x 165 mm | 192 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781597111799 | € 29,95 [BE] [only BE]
Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph
Diane Arbus
40th Anniversary Edition
Photography's most original artist presents the celebrities of her time in a remarkable collection of portraits. This work reveals the , growth of an artist who saw no artificial boundary between art and the paying job and who succeeded in putting her indelible stamp on the visual imagination.
Magazine Work
When Diane Arbus died in 1971 at the age of forty-eight, she was already a significant ,influenceeven something of a legendamong serious photographers, although only a relatively small number of her most important pictures were widely known at the time. The publication of Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph in 1972 along with the posthumous retrospective at The Museum of Modern Artoffered the general public its first encounter with the breadth and power of her achievements. The response was unprecedented.
[US] Aperture | Diane Arbus & Thomas W. Southall | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 277 x 231 mm | 176 p | throughout bw ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780893812331 | € 23,50 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Aperture | Diane Arbus | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 241 mm | 184 p | 80 duotone ill.| Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781597111744 | € 67,95 [BE] [only BE]
Diane Arbus Untitled
Diane Arbus
Untitled is the third volume of Diane Arbus's work and the only one devoted exclusively to a single project. The photographs were taken at residences for the mentally retarded between 1969 and 1971, in the last years of Arbus's life. Although she considered doing a book on the subject, the vast majority of these pictures remained unpublished prior to this volume. These photographs achieve a lyricism, an emotional purity that sets them apart from all her other accomplishments.
Revelations Her disturbing pictures of so-called freaks and outsiders made Diane Arbus a classic of American photography. 30 years after her death the first comprehensive monograph of her legendary oeuvre is finally available, complete with excerpts from her diaries, letters and lectures, as well as essays on her life and work.The authoritative monograph on legendary photographer Diane Arbus, complete with excerpts from her diaries, letters, and lectures, is now available in a special low-price edition
[UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Diane Arbus | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 356 x 279 mm | 112 p | 51 duotone ill.| Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781597111904 | € 67,95 [BE] [only BE]
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 318 x 248 mm | 336 p | 300 col.ill.| 200 duotone ill.| Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9783829600897 | € 68,00 [BE] [only BE] + Reprint +
An Emergency in Slow Motion The Inner Life of Diane Arbus William Todd Schultz's An Emergency in Slow Motion reveals the creative and personal struggles of Diane Arbus. Schultz veers from traditional biography to interpret Arbus's life through the prism of four central mysteries: her outcast affinity, her sexuality, the secrets she kept and shared, and her suicide. He seeks not to diagnose Arbus, but to discern some of the private motives behind her public works and acts. [UK] Bloomsbury | William Todd Schultz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 256 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781608195190 | € 28,50 [BE] [only BE]
Olaf Otto Becker
615 Jefferson Avenue
Under the Nordic Light, Iceland 1999-2011
by David Armstrong 615 Jefferson Avenue As Manuel Segade writes, the German thinker Walter Benjamin wrote that any product of fashion could be likened to a corpse: its object is a seasonal fruit, ephemeral, with an unavoidable expiration date. In this regard, fashion photography would provoke the highest degree of obsolescence since its object is precisely assigned to an immediate past. David Armstrong's images possess a capacity to fix that apparently trivial quality.
For over ten years now, Olaf Otto Becker (*1959 in Travemünde, Germany) has traveled the high northern spheres, sparing himself no hardship. On a search for the never-before-seen image of primeval landscape, where the eye encounters the boundaries of familiar vision and nature becomes a mirror of the soul, Becker observes distinctive geographic features and waits for the ideal light conditions to manifest.
[IT] Damiani | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 176 p | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9788862081788 | € 30,00 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 10/09/2011 - 06/11/2011, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen
[G] Hatje Cantz | Olaf Otto Becker & Petra Giloy-Hirtz | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 270 x 340 mm | 144 p | 84 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783775731904 | € 58,00 [BE] [only BE]
Naked Beauty
Peter Bialobrzeski The Raw and the Cooked
Sylvie Blum
In his book of photos, The Raw and the Cooked, Peter Bialobrzeski sets forth the essence of his observations from his unique series of photos about the development of Asian mega-cities (Neon Tigers, Lost in Transition) and their slums (Case Study Homes). Starting with the simplest, homemade vernacular architecture, based on human proportions and made with found construction materials, his photos range as far as the exorbitant planned cities of glass, steel, and concrete.
Steeped in photographic tradition, Sylvie Blum has worked with such iconic artists as Helmut Newton, Andreas H. Bitesnich, and Gunter Blum. With exacting attention to lighting she bathes the studio in a gentle glow. Her technique and composition are remarkable, yet her endearing and fun-filled personality sets her subjects at ease. Blum brings not just perfection but passion to her work. Each impeccable image transcends sculptured form to convey the true essence of a beautiful (and confident) woman.
[G] Hatje Cantz | Peter Bialobrzeski & Peter Lindhorst | Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 280 x 340 mm | 160 p | 130 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783775731928 | € 58,00 [BE] [only BE]
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 340 x 270 mm | 220 p | 100 duotone ill.| Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795795 | € 78,00 [BE] [only BE]
Le temps des cerises Photography
La commune photographiée
Volume 1: The Origins 1839-1890
Des photographies de professionnels ou d'amateurs ayant parcouru les ruines de l'est de la France et les fortifications de la banlieue parisienne pour fixer l'image d'une ville dans son insurrection. Portraits de dirigeants de la Commune, actes symboliques et cérémonies forment les thèmes principaux de cet album complété par le rôle du photographe dans la célébration de l'instant.
This history of photography which, marking an ideal continuity with the Art of the 20th century series, will be able to respond to the needs for correct information to a general public and supply more specialized investigation of the medium. The first volume (1839 - 1890) of the History of Photography series considers the years of the invention of photography and those immediately following; extraordinary years from both the point of view of history and of the development of the inventions.
[BE] Pandora | | Hardback | French ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 176 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789053253236 | € 36,00 [BE] | € 38,50 [NL] | € 36,00 [INT] [W]
[UK] Skira | Walter Guadagnini | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 280 mm | 432 p | 400 col. & bw ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9788857207186 | € 59,95 [BE] [only BE]
Rights: BE, NL
Anton Corbijn
Waits / Corbijn '77-'11 Collector's Edition
Inwards and Onwards
Photographs by Anton Corbijn Curiosities by Tom Waits
Anton Corbijn's great work of portrait photography is being celebrated this summer in Amsterdam in an exhibition of new portraits taken during the past eight years. Besides his traditional subject of show business personalities like Iggy Pop, Bruce Springsteen, Tricky or Tom Waits he turns his camera on visual artists and painter friends such as Bernd & Hilla Becher, Peter Blake, Lucian Freud, Anselm Kiefer, Richard Prince, Peter Doig, and many others.
Collector's Edition in a slipcase, limited edition [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Jim Jarmusch and Robert Christgau | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. | 360 x 252 mm | 252 p | 193 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9783829605557 | € 148,00 [BE] [only BE] Limited Edition of 6,000 copies [firm sale only]
Expo: Summer 2011, Foam, Amsterdam [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Francis Hodgson | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 225 x 225 mm | 80 p | 36 duotone ill.| July 2011 | ISBN 9783829605588 | € 35,00 [BE] [only BE]
Cult Of Boys
Gregory Crewdson
Toyin Ibidapo
Beneath the Roses. Works 2003-2007
Each subject is a friend, model and artist collaborate in the creative process. The results are intimate and real. We watch these naive protagonists explore who they are - and who they might become. Although each picture is carefully composed, the mood is uncontrived. The results: delicate portraits with a sincerity often missing from images of the young and beautiful. Coltish and charming, these mesmerizing photographs capture the raw vulnerability of adolescence.
This book contains the complete set of images from r Gregory Crewdson's new series of photographs, made between 2003 and 2007. As in his earlier "Twilight" series, each elaborately choreographed image depicts an emotionally heightened moment in which something very important (although we never quite know what) seems to have happened or is about to happen. Like film stills from unmade movies, these photographs portray mysterious unknowable stories which are reduced to a single, static, highly charged images.
[G] teNeues | Foreword by Tim Walker | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 250 mm | 200 p | 429 col.ill.| 71 bw ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795313 | € 59,90[BE] [only BE]
[US] Abrams | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 406 mm | 140 p | 121 col.ill.| 6 bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9780810993808 | € 45,95 [BE] [only BE]
From Polaroid to Impossible
Erwitt Elliott
Masterpieces of Instant Photography. The Westlicht Collection
Sequentially Yours In this unique book, photographic legend Elliott Erwitt presents a series of vignettes, each showing a sequence of photographs shot just moments apart. The characters portrayed vary widely from infants to the elderly to dogs. The themes range from the buzz of street life to lovers in a casual embrace. True to Erwitt's distinctive style, these images are un-staged, and the subjects' spontaneity shines through-heartbeat by heartbeat. Gifted storyteller that he is, Erwitt gives you a sense of what happens next
The art of Polaroid - the first presentation of the legendary instant film's fascinating range of materials and techniques While the world evaporates into the digital, the anachronistic Polaroid snapshot dominates media and advertising. Beginning in the sixties, Polaroid supplied artists around the world, from Ansel Adams to Andy Warhol, with each one of the imperium's latest products. In return, 4,400 works by 800 photographers found their way into the company's International Collection.
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 315 x 233 mm | 208 p | 280 duotone ill.| Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783832795788 | € 59,90 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 17/6/2011 - 21/08/2011, Westlicht, Vienna [G] Hatje Cantz | Hrsg. Achim Heine, Rebekka Reuter, Ulrike Willingmann | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 245 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill. | June 2011 | ISBN 9783775732215 | € 39,80 [BE] [only BE]
280 tritone photographs
Grassroots upgraded
Koudelka Gypsies
Reflections on Nairobi Eastlands
Voor Grassroots upgraded hebben twintig leden van het collectief 'Slum-TV' de LOMO-camera gekozen als medium om zichzelf voor te stellen. Het project isgeen ontwikkelingsproject, maar bekijkt de wereld van het ontwikkelingswerk veeleer vanuit een ironische invalshoek, een standpunt dat wordt weerspiegeld in de titel van het boek en in de politiek incorrecte naam van het collectief. Terwijl de aanpak conceptueel en politiek gericht is, is de keuze van het medium in de eerste plaats een esthetische.
This book is a revised and enlarged version of the original maquette for Josef Koudelka's book Cikáni (Czech for Gypsies), prepared by Koudelka and graphic designer Milan Kopriva in 1968, and intended for publication in Prague in 1970. However, Koudelka left Czechoslovakia in 1970, and the book was never published in that original form. Koudelka's stark images depict the poverty and clannishness of Gypsy life, but he does not present their situation as a social problem that should somehow be fixed.
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Josef Koudelka | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 240 mm | 192 p | 109 duotone ill.| Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9780500544020 | € 68,50 [BE] [only BE]
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | SLUM-tv | Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 245 x 235 mm | 152 p | 150 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789058563910 | € 39,00 [BE] | € 39,00 [INT] [not UK, not US, not NL]
Including 8 fold-outs
Peter Lindbergh. Untitled 116
The Best of Helmut Newton
Courted by international fashion magazines and loved for his sensitive portraits of women, Lindbergh in his third book presents a collection of his best shots of international movie, pop music, showbiz, and fashion stars. The climax to his earlier books 'Ten Women' (1996) and 'Images of Women' (1997).
Selections from his photographic work (12ed)
The bestselling survey of the entire Helmut newton oeuvre showcasing his finest fashion photos, nudes, and portraits from 50 years of creativity. This publication is the English language edition of Helmut Newton's most successful book. It is an anthology of his best portraits, his most famous fashion photographs and his most provocative nudes.
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 315 x 315 mm | 356 p | 223 col. & bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783829601795 | € 98,00 [BE] | € 98,00 [NL] | € 98,00 [INT] [only BE]
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Noemi Smolik and Urs Stahel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 220 mm | 160 p | 105 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783888146350 | € 29,50 [BE] [only BE] + Reprint+
Yasuzo Nojima
Forever Young
The first English language monograph on one of the most important figures in the history of modern Japanese photography. Nojimas works range from kaiga shugi shashin (pictorial photography) to shinko¯ shashin (new/straight photography) of the early twentieth century. His earliest photographs are characterized by a density and heaviness echoing that of pictorialism, based in his subtle sensitivity and the pigment printing process, the mainstream printing method of that time
Jacques Olivar
[UK] Skira | Filippo Maggia (Editor) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 280 mm | 128 p | 113 duotone ill.| Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9788857204710 | € 44,95 [BE] [only BE]
[G] teNeues | | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 280 x 320 mm | 128 p | 64 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783832796037 | € 59,90 [BE] [only BE]
Casablanca-born Jacques Olivar was a Paris-based advertising photographer and movie director before embracing fashion photography at the age of 46. Adventure and a cinematic sensibility are keys to his unique style. This collection follows a series of stunning young women across the US. Each location-phone booth, gas station, etc.-is a pit stop on the road to better things. Although transients, these beauties leave their mark on the landscape. Where do their journeys lead? Who knows?
Our True Intent Is All For Your Delight
Paolo Roversi
The John Hinde Butlin's Photographs
Now based in Paris for more than thirty years, Roversi is famed for his use of large-format Polaroid film to capture images of ethereal beauty, vulnerability and romanticism. Working in evocative monochrome or carefully articulated colour, he collaborates regularly with the worlds top supermodels and designers, and has shot for many leading fashion magazines and international ad campaigns.
Hinde's postcards of Butlin's in the late 1960s and early 1970s were his brightest, most fantastic creations. [UK] T & H, Distributed lists | John Hinde and Martin Parr | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 241 x 192 mm | 128 p | Jul. 2011 | ISBN 9781905712205 | € 27,00 [BE] | [only BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Gilles de Bure | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 190 x 125 mm | 144 p | 64 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780500411049 | € 14,50 [BE] [only BE]
Erwin Blumenfeld Stern Portfolio no. 65
An essential chapter in the history of 20th-century photography, of interest to both aficionados and scholars Still fresh and original, this body of work remains highly influential German-born photographer Erwin Blumenfeld began his career in the Dadaist circles of Berlin and Paris in the 1930s. Later, he garnered success as a famed fashion photographer for such US magazines as Vogue and Harper's Bazaar and as a pioneer of modern advertising in his commercials for cosmetics. [G] teNeues | | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 360 x 270 mm |96 p | 80 bw ill. |Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783652000062 |€ 18,00 [BE] [only BE]
Edward Weston One Hundred Twenty-Five Photographs
This lavish hardcover book is wrapped in European gold cloth, debossed with Weston's signature, and set inside an elegant clamshell box. This numbered, limited edition book contains 125 of Weston's well-known images and many lesser known gems. Additionally, a detailed introduction, along with reproductions of many unseen photographs and ephemera help round out this ultimate tribute to a legendary photographer. [US] Ammo Books | Steve Crist | Hb with slip case| Eng. ed. | 343 x 343 mm | 262 p | throughout bw ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781934429570 | € 185,00 [BE] | € 185,00 [NL]
Rosas. Violin Phase MoMA's Performance Exhibition Series presents a program of live performance and dance in conjunctionwith the group exhibition On Line: Drawing Throughthe 20th C. The dancing body has long been a subject matter for drawing, as seen in a variety of works included in this exhibition. These documentations show dance in two dimensions, allowing it to be seen in a gallery setting. But if one considers line as the trace of a point in motion-an idea at the core of this project-the very act of dance becomes a drawing, an insertion of line into time and the three-dimensional space of our lived world. Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Violin Phase from Fase: Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich. 1982.
Anne Theresa de Keersmaeker at MoMa
Op 22 en 23 januari 2011 bracht Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker haar solo Violin Phase in het MoMA Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker danste deze choreografie in het zand en zo ontstond in de loop van de performance een groot cirkelvormig motief op de grond van het Marron Atrium. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Catherine de Zeeger & Erin Manning, Max Vadukul (Photography) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 175 x 130 mm | 88 p | 50 bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789061533924 | € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [NL] | € 18,82 [INT] [W, not F]
De Nieuwe Kerk / Hermitage, Amsterdam Expo: 17/9/2011 - 16/3/2012
Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds - Hermitage Museum N. Gritsaj Paperback | 278 x 238 mm | 272p | 115 col.ill. NL ed.: ISBN: 9789061533597 (Belgium), 9789078653264 (Netherlands) Fr. ed.: ISBN: 9789061533542 Eng. ed.: ISBN: 9789078653271 Sept. 2011 | € 39,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 39,95 [INT]
Rubens, van Dyck & Jordaens Vlaamse Schilders uit de Hermitage Dit boek biedt een prachtig overzicht van de Vlaamse kunst uit de Hermitage in St.-Petersburg: 75 schilderijen en 40 tekeningen, waaronder talrijke meesterwerken uit de Antwerpse school. Vele daarvan zijn in de achttiende eeuw verworven door Catharina de Grote, uit excellente verzamelingen als die van Crozat en Brühl, die zij geheel opkocht. Oorspronkelijk hingen veel van de schilderijen in kerken en kloosters in Antwerpen en andere Europese steden. De meeste aandacht krijgen de 'grote drie': Peter Paul Rubens, Anthonie van Dyck en Jacob Jordaens. Rubens was de belangrijkste, begaafdste en meest invloedrijke zeventiende-eeuwse Vlaamse schilder. En een fenomeen in zijn tijd, een homo universalis. De portretten van Van Dyck voor het Engelse hof nemen ook een zeer belangrijke plaats in. Van Jordaens zijn imposante historiestukken opgenomen, in de levenslustige sfeer waarin hij uitblonk. Andere meesters in dit overzicht zijn Frans Snijders met een aantal verrassend dynamische stillevens en David Teniers II met vele delicate genrestukken. Het boek gaat ook in op Antwerpen als kunststad en op de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse kunstcollectie in de Hermitage. Met 17 schilderijen en veel tekeningen krijgt Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) extra veel aandacht in de tentoonstelling. Hij was immers de belangrijkste, begaafdste en meest invloedrijke zeventiende-eeuwse Vlaamse schilder. Bovendien gold hij als een beminnelijk edelman, diplomaat en verzamelaar en was zijn atelier een goed geoliede onderneming. Hij was een fenomeen in zijn tijd, een homo universalis. Zowel zijn religieuze als zijn profane werken illustreren Rubens' ongeëvenaarde talent. Ook zijn invloed en navolging komen in de tentoonstelling ruim aan bod. Zo nemen portretten van Anthonie van Dyck, gemaakt voor het Engelse hof, een zeer belangrijke plaats in. En imposante historiestukken van Jacob Jordaens, stillevens van Frans Snijders en genrestukken van David Teniers de Jongere zijn in volle pracht te zien. Het boek gaat ook in op Antw erpen als kunststad en op de ge schiedenis van de Vlaam se kunstcollectie in de He rmitage.
Rubens, van Dyck & Jordaens Les peintres flamands de l'Ermitage Cet ouvrage offre un magnifique aperçu du fonds d'art flamand du musée de l'Ermitage à Saint-Pétersbourg : 75 peintures et 40 dessins, dont de nombreuses oeuvres de l'école anversoise. Beaucoup ont été acquises au XVIIe siècle par Catherine la Grande et proviennent de remarquables collections, comme celles de Crozat et de Brühl, achetées dans leur totalité par l'impératrice. À l'origine, plusieurs de ces pièces ornaient les églises et les couvents d'Anvers et d'autres villes européennes.
Rubens, van Dyck & Jordaens Flemish Painters from the Hermitage With 75 paintings and about 20 drawings, this definitive survey will include many masterpieces by the three giants of the Antwerp Sc hool, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, and Jacob Jordaens, supplemented by the work of well-known contemporaries. One of the highlights will be Rubens's famous Descent from the Cross. The exhibition will offer a close look at Flemish art and the history and the history of the Flemish art collection at the St. Petersburg Hermitage.
Rubenshuis, Antwerpen Expo: 10/9/2011 - 11/12/2011
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 270 x 210 mm | 176p | 150 col.ill. NL ed.: ISBN: 9789061531142 Fr. ed.: ISBN: 9789061531159 Eng. ed.: ISBN: 9789061531166
Sept. 2011 | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 32,97 [INT]
Palazzo Rubens De Meester als architect Het Rubenshuis toont voor de eerste keer Rubens zijn werk als architect aan het grote publiek. Vanaf 10 september 2011 ontdekt u een onbekend facet van deze veelzijdige kunstenaar. Rubens was een echte architectuurkenner. Dat ziet u op heel wat van zijn schilderijen. Maar Rubens was ook betrokken bij spraakmakende Antwerpse bouwprojecten. Het meest bekende is zijn eigen woonhuis, het Rubenshuis! In 1610 kocht Rubens het huis met extra grond op de Wapper nabij de Meir, de sjiekste straat van de stad. Het werd naar zijn ontwerp grondig verbouwd en uitgebreid met een barokke portiek, een schildersatelier en een tuinpaviljoen. De portiek is tot op vandaag één van de pronkstukken van het museum! In het nieuwe ontwerp toont Rubenszijn artistieke idealen: de klassieke oudheid en de Italiaanse kunst. Het verbouwde huis was een absolute bezienswaardigheid in Antwerpen en Rubens' ingrepen verleenden het de uitstraling van een echt palazzo. Inspiratie voor zijn bezigheden als architect vond Rubens bij de grote schildersarchitecten zoals Michelangelo en Giulio Romano, en in Italiaanse architectuurboeken. Rubens publiceerde zelf ook een boek over architectuur en wilde hiermee moderne voorbeelden aanreiken, zoals hij die zelf in Italië had gezien.Palazzo Rubens. De meester als architect toont een vijftigtal bruiklenen uit belangrijke internationale musea. Veel kunstwerken werden nooit eerder aan een ruim publiek getoond. Naast werken van Michelangelo, Giulio Romano, Van Dyck en Jordaens presenteert het Rubenshuis ook kostbare architectuurboeken uit Rubens' bibliotheek en schilderijen van de meester zelf!
Palazzo Rubens Le maitre et l'architecture À l'automne 2011, la Maison Rubens a le plaisir de présenter une exposition unique autour de Pierre Paul Rubens architecte : un aspect méconnu de cet artiste polyvalent, connaisseur de l'architecture romaine et italienne de son époque. Une première ! Que Rubens fut connaisseur en matière d'architecture s'observe, entre autres, en contemplant ses toiles, mais il était aussi engagé dans d'importants projets anversois, comme l'extension de sa confortable maison atelier.
Palazzo Rubens The master as architect The fact that Rubens was a connoisseur of architecture is clear from his paintings. But he was additionally involved in high-profile Antwerp projects, like the extension of his spacious studio-residence and possibly also the building of the present-day St. Charles Borromeus church, considered by his contemporaries as 'the eighth wonder of the world'. Rubens found inspiration in painter-architects such as Michelangelo and Giulio Romano and in Italian books devoted to architecture.
Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent Expo: 17/9/2011 - 29/1/2012.
Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Marc Evans Hardback | 275 x 240 mm | 124p | 120 col.ill. NL ed.: ISBN: 9789061533573 FR ed.: ISBN 9789061533580 Sept. 2011 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 28,25 [INT]
John Constable Olieverfschetsen uit het Victoria & Albert Museum, Londen John Constable (1776-1837) was de vader van de moderne landschapschilderkunst. Hij vernieuwde de academische stijlen door direct naar de natuur te gaan werken en een directe schildertechniek te ontwikkelen. Zijn invloed reikt tot de Franse impressionisten. Deze tentoonstelling biedt een uniek inzicht in het werkproces van de schilder aan de hand van meesterwerken uit de gerenommeerde Constable collectie van het Victoria and Albert Museum in Londen. De presentatie maakt zowel het historische belang als de blijvende invloed van deze kunstenaar duidelijk. Hoogtepunt van de tentoonstelling zijn twee grote olieverfschetsen die Constable schilderde voor "The Hay Wain" en "The Leaping Horse", twee van zijn bekendste werken. Deze zogenaamde 'full scale' schetsen zijn even groot als de afgewerkte tegenhangers en vormen een unicum in de kunstgeschiedenis. Deze prestigieuze werken uit de collectie van het V&A werden speciaal voor de tentoonstelling gerestaureerd. Ze worden geplaatst tegenover een afgewerkt schilderij van Constable, een bijzondere groep kleinere olieverfschetsen en een prachtige serie van zijn aquarellen en tekeningen uit de V&A collectie.De tentoonstelling is achtereenvolgens te zien in het Kumu Art Museum Tallinn, de Staatsgalerie Stuttgart en het MSK Gent. Vervolgens reist ze door naar de Verenigde Staten.
John Constable
Esquisses à l'huile du Victoria & Albert Museum, Londres Cet ouvrage offre un aperçu exceptionnel sur la méthode de travail de Constable grâce à la collection inégalée d'esquisses à l'huile et de dessins de l'artiste conservés au Victoria and Albert Museum. Il examine le plus grand peintre paysagiste anglais sous l'angle du contexte historique, met en relief son influence durable, et documente l'évolution de l'artiste, de ses ouvres de jeunesse aux peintures à l'huile, qui ont largement contribué à définir notre idée de la campagne anglaise. On y redécouvre deux attractions majeures du Victoria and Albert Museum : les esquisses à l'huile en vraie grandeur pour La Charrette de foin et Le Saut du cheval, reproduites ici pour la première fois depuis leur récent nettoyage. Toutes deux y apparaissent dans leurs éclatantes couleurs originelles, accompagnées d'une sélection spectaculaire de petits croquis à l'huile de l'artiste et d'une délicieuse sélection de ses aquarelles et dessins.
Het MAS Het verhaal van haar collectie en de scenografie
Leven en dood in Precolombiaans America De Collectie Janssens
The story of the MAS is one long in the telling. It is a story of the city, its river and its connections with the world told through the medium of its various collections. However, it is also the story of creating a museum fo the city and how that museum came into being. These books give a comprehensive explanation of its genesis, one that was not at all without obstacles set in its path. Just as in the history of the city of Antwerp itself, the unfolding story of the MAS involved many chapters and a variety of protagonists. These people allow the story to be understood not only from a literary and artistic perspective but also from the standpoints of urban development, architecture, economics, politics and construction. All of these protagonists contributed superior knowledge and expertise from their own fields. The greatest talents from a wide range of sectors worked together and learned from one another. Whether an alderman or window cleaner, everyone felt just as passionately and looked forward filled with anticipation to the next episode of this improbable tale. The MAS was conceived as a tower of tales. Taking the polyphonic story of the MAS as its example, this book was conceived as a mosaic of voices. It is through these voices that the history of the museum's genesis is explained; however, this is only the first part of the story. Part two will examine the relocation, the collection and the concept underpinning the MAS.
Het MAS toont op zijn 8e verdieping aan de hand van voorwerpen en filmbeelden uit Antwerpen, Azië, Afrika en Amerika hoe sjamanen wereldwijd optreden als bemiddelaars met de voorouders en goden in onzichtbare werelden. Een belangrijke rol is weggelegd voor de collectie van Paul en Dora Janssen-Arts die indringend vertelt over de onlosmakelijke band tussen natuur en bovennatuur in het Amerika van voor Columbus. In het wereldbeeld van deze culturen garandeerden mensenoffers vaak een evenwicht tussen leven en dood en werden bijzondere grafgiften gemaakt voor een leven ná de dood.
Vie et Mort dans l'Amérique précolombienne La Collection Janssen Dans le thème « La Vie et la Mort. A propos des Hommes et des Dieux », le visiteur expérimente la diversité mondiale des sens donnés à la vie, mais également les besoins intenses de percevoir les choses. Le visiteur entreprend un long voyage. Il découvre le rituel funéraire de l'ancienne Égypte et se rend ensuite en Afrique pour découvrir les croyances dans les ancêtres. Il découvre aussi que la mort est porteuse de vie en Mélanésie et qu'elle conduit à la réincarnation chez les hindouistes, les jaïnistes et les bouddhistes. Le périple du visiteur aboutit au royaume de la vie éternelle comme envisagé par les trois « religions du livre ». L'installation met en relief des différences, mais également des conceptions sociales propres à la vie et la mort dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l'islam.
[BE] BAI - MAS Books
Life and death in Pre-Colombian America The Collection Janssen
Hardback | NL ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 176 p | Oct. 2011 NL ed.: ISBN: 9789085866046 Fr. ed.: ISBN: 9789085866053 Eng. ed.ISBN: 9789085866060
€ 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [INT]
[BE] BAI - MAS Books Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill.| Sept. 2011 NL ed.: ISBN: ISBN 9789085865780 Eng. ed.: ISBN: 9789085865797, Fr. ed.: ISBN: 9789085865827 € 24,50 [BE] | € 24,50 [INT] | [not NL]
[not NL]
De wereld van George Minne en Maurice Maeterlinck
Van licht naar kleur
Robert Hoozee, Marian Bisanz-Prakken, Denis Laoureux, Inga Rossi-Schimpf, Fabrice Van de Kerchove, Cathérine Verleysen
Herwig Todts & Johan Desmedt
Rik Wouters en tijdgenoten De traditionele kunstgeschiedenis groepeert kunstenaars en hun werken in stijlen, scholen, stromingen en bewegingen. Deze categorieën zijn nuttig als referentiekader, maar ze kunnen ten onrechte de indruk doen ontstaan dat de beeldende kunst zich overal gelijktijdig op een rechtlijnige manier ontwikkelt. Begrippen als impressionisme, neo-impressionisme en fauvisme zijn ook op de Belgische kunst van toepassing, maar het onderzoek van het licht en de ontdekking van de kleur verliepen hier anders dan in Frankrijk en leidden, door de combinatie van specifieke culturele en maatschappelijke factoren, tot een kunst met een eigen karakter. De auteurs van dit boek, beiden gespecialiseerd in de Belgische kunst van de 19e en de eerste helft van de 20e eeuw, illustreren dit aan de hand van meesterwerken uit de Dexia collectie.
Dit boek belicht het oeuvre van beide kunstenaars die in hun jonge jaren vele raakpunten hadden en die, elk op zijn gebied, een belangrijke invloed hadden op het Europese symbolisme. De belangrijke plaats van Maeterlinck in de kunstgeschiedenis, wordt geïllustreerd met werken van kunstenaars die hij inspireerde - zoals Odilon Redon - of die door zijn ideeën, zijn gedichten of toneelstukken werden beïnvloed - zoals Fernand Khnopff, Léon Spilliaert of Maurice Denis. Ook aan de artistieke evolutie van George Minne in deze context wordt uitgebreid aandacht besteed. In dezelfde periode sculpteerde hij zijn elegante beelden die hem een belangrijke plaats zouden geven in de wereld van de Europese art nouveau. In de tentoonstelling en het boek wordt tevens stil gestaan bij de invloed die hij heeft uitgeoefend op kunstenaars als Gustav Klimt en Oskar Kokoschka.
De la lumière à la couleur Rik Wouters et ses contemporains
L'Univers de George Minne et Maurice Maeterlinck
L'histoire de l'art traditionnelle classe les artistes et leurs oeuvres par styles, écoles, courants et mouvements. Ces catégories sont utiles et servent de référence, mais peuvent donner abusivement l'impression que l'art visuel
Ce livre, richement illustré, se focalisera sur de nombreux aspects de la vie et de l'oeuvre des deux artistes. La relation de Maeterlinck avec les arts plastiques de son temps sera un des thèmes principaux. En effet sa pensée fut active non seulement dans le monde du théâtre et de la musique, mais aussi pour les arts plastiques. avec des oeuvres d'Odilon Redon, Fernand Khnopff, Léon Spilliaert ou Maurice Denis, ... L'évolution artistique de George Minne, dans le même contexte, sera un autre thème marquant développé dans l'ouvrage. A la même période, il créa ses élégantes sculptures qui lui attribuèrent une place importante dans l'univers de l'Art Nouveau européen. L'influence de son art auprès d'artistes, tels Gustav Klimt et Oskar Kokoschka, fera aussi l'objet d'une attention particulière au sein du livre et de l'exposition.
s'est développé partout en même temps. Des notions comme l'impressionnisme, le néo-impressionnisme et le fauvisme s'appliquent aussi à l'art belge. Mais la recherche de la lumière et l'exploration de la palette chromatique n'ont pas connu ici le même cheminement qu'en France et ont donné lieu, par une conjugaison de facteurs culturels et sociaux, à un art à l'identité propre. Sous la plume de deux éminents spécialistes, ce propos trouve ici une illustration particulièrement éloquente grâce aux chefs-d'oeuvre de la Collection Dexia.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Dexia Bank, Brussels
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 260 x 220 mm | 124 p | 75 col.ill.| Oct. 2011 € 24,95 [BE] | € 24,95 [NL] | € 23,54 [INT] | ISBN 9789061534426 [W, not F]
Expo: 22/10/2011 - 19/2/2011, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 260 x 200 mm | 224 p | 140 col.ill.| Oct. 2011 NL ed.: ISBN 9789061531647 Fr. ed.: ISBN 9789061533566 € 34,95 [BE] | € 34,95 [NL] | € 32,97 [INT] | ISBN 9789061531647 [W, not F]
Expo: 25/6/2011 - 11/9/2011, Musée Rops Namur, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon
Expo: 25/6/2011 - 11/9/2011, Musée Félicien Rops, Namur
Grandville d'un autre monde
Images d'autres mondes. Grandville et Cie
Prachtige heruitgave van de publicatie Un Autre Monde van J.J.Grandville (1803-1847) uit 1844, aangevuld met reproducties van meer dan 100 originele tekeningen en brieven van Grandville. Teksten van Ségolène Le Men, professor te Parijs Jan Ceuleers, kunsthistoricus. Luxueuze hardcover uitgave, genaaid, linnen band met goudopdruk in reliëf, goud op de 3 sneden
Catalogue de l'exposition Tentoonstellingscatalogus bij de tentoonstelling J.J. Grandville Un Autre Monde in het Musée Félicien Rops, Namen van juni tot september 2011, de eerste tentoonstelling over Grandville sinds 1986. Spectaculaire lay-out met telkens een dubbele full-page illustratie van moderne en hedendaagse werken (schilderijen, (3D)tekeningen, beeldhouwwerk) van Marcel Broodthaers, Charlie Chaplin, Fred Eerdekens, James Ensor, Jan Fabre, Desmond Morris, Panamarenko, Odilon Redon, Paul Van Hoeydonck, ...
[BE] Pandora | Ségolène Le Men en Jan Ceuleers | Hardback | French ed. | 310 x 220 mm | 240 p | July 2011 | ISBN 9789053253205 | € 48,00 [BE] | € 55,00 [NL] | € 52,00 [INT] [W]
[BE] Pandora | | Paperback | French ed. | 320 x 230 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9789053253229 | € 25,00 [BE] | € 28,50 [NL] | € 26,50 [INT] [W]
Expo: 17/9/2011 - 8/1/2012, Museum Felixart, Drogenbos
Expo: 19/6/2011 - 9/10/2011, Museum D'Hondt-Daenens
Paul Van Hoeydonck
Collectie Tony Herbert
De Abstracten - Oeuvrecatalogus
Jean Brusselmans, Gust De Smet, Constant Permeke, Edgard Tytgat, Frits Van den Berghe, Rik Wouters
3-talige (Ned, Fr en Eng) publicatie over de abstracte werken van de jaren 50 van Paul van Hoeydonck (° Antwerpen 1925) begeleidend bij tentoonstelling in het FelixArt Museum in Drogenbos die opent op 4 september 2011. Paul van Hoeydonck is een Belgisch beeldhouwer, schilder, tekenaar, collagekunstenaar en graficus. In 1941 volgde hij aan de Academie in Antwerpen een avondcursus tekenen en hij werkte later in het tekenatelier van Jos Hendrickx Behaalde graduaat kunstgeschiedenis aan het Kunsthistorisch In
Tony Herbert (1902-1959) stelde de meest consistente verzameling Vlaams Expressionisme samen. Hij legde zich voornamelijk toe op het werk van zes kunstenaars: Jean Brusselmans, Gust De Smet, Constant Permeke, Edgard Tytgat, Frits Van den Berghe en Rik Wouters. Tony Herbert was echter niet alleen een verwoede verzamelaar van hun beste werken, maar ook een invloedrijke promotor van hun kunst. De tentoonstelling brengt de belangrijkste schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken, tekeningen en archiefstukken samen.
[BE] Pandora | Jan Ceuleers | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 285 x 245 mm | 304 p | thoughout col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789053253243 | € 56,00 [BE] | € 56,00 [NL] | € 52,83 [INT] [W]
[BE] Museum d'Hondt-Daenens | | Paperback | NL ed. | 287 x 215 mm | 104 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789076034263 | € 22,00 [BE] | € 23,50 [NL] | € 22,00 [INT] [] Eng. ed: ISBN 9789076034270.
Also available: Eng. ed: 9789085865773 Expo: Opening : 17/5/2011 - 31/12/2012, MAS, Antwerpen
Expo: 19/6/2011 - 20/5/2012, Groninger Museum
Famille Verte
Chinese Porcelain in Green Enamels
Vijf eeuwen beeld in Antwerpen
The exhibition Famille Verte is about a very special kind of Chinese porcelain. Simply put, famille verte (c.1680-1725) wares are extraordinarily fine and beautiful objects. The colourful decorations of flowers, butterflies, mythical animals or Chinese figural scenes are rendered in painstaking detail. In the West, this porcelain with its strange and exotic subjects ranked among the best available and was coveted by the wealthy. More than 120 objects are exhibited.
Een prestigieuze openingstentoonstelling. 'Meesterwerken in het MAS. Vijf eeuwen beeld in Antwerpen' toont, aan de hand van topstukken uit Antwerpse collecties, de evolutie van de beeldcultuur van de middeleeuwen tot nu. Het economische succes van de Antwerpse haven zorgt in de 16de en 17de eeuw voor een belangrijke ommekeer in de kunstwereld. Het zijn niet langer alleen de adel en de geestelijken die werken bestellen. Ook de rijke burgerij wordt opdrachtgever. Met een creatieve hausse tot gevolg.
[BE] BAI | Christiaan J.A. Jorg | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 208 p | July 2011 | ISBN 9789085865896 | € 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [NL] | € 29,50 [INT] [not NL]
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | | Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 240 p | throughout col.ill. | May 2011 | ISBN 9789085865766 | € 34,50 [BE] | € 34,50 [NL] | € 34,50 [INT] [not NL]
Expo: Travelling to the US. Brussels: 10/9/2011 - 8/1/2012, WIELS Contemporary Art Center, Brussels
Alina Szapocznikow: Sculpture Undone, 1955-1972 Interrompue par la mort prématurée de l'artiste en 1973 à l'âge de 47 ans, sa carrière effective ne couvre pas deux décennies ; pourtant, Szapocznikow nous laisse en héritage des objets provocants qui évoquent le surréalisme, le nouveau réalisme et l'art pop. Moulages de fragments de corps en polyester teinté, souvent métamorphosés en objets quotidiens tels des lampes ou cendriers ; formes obtenues à partir de polyuréthane liquide solidifié ; assemblages complexes qui peuvent incorporer des photographies,.. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | | Paperback | French ed. | 270 x 230 mm | 216 p | 192 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789061533290 | € 35,00 [BE] | € 35,00 [NL] | € 33,02 [INT] [W, not F]
Expo: 9/9/2011 - 13/11/2011, Kasteel van Gaasbeek
Sleeping Beauties Sleeping Beauties wil veel meer zijn dan een voorspelbare verzameling slapende schoonheden. Deze tentoonstelling in het Kasteel van Gaasbeek (9 sept. - 13 nov. 2011) neemt de bezoeker mee naar een droomwereld down the rabbit hole. De expo brengt een selectie werken uit de hedendaagse kunst van de laatste dertig jaar die zich specifiek door slaap en droom liet inspireren. Enkele namen: M. Borremans, Sophie Calle, David Claerbout, Desirée Dolron, Lily Dujourie, Ann- V. Janssen, Hans Op de Beeck,
Expo: 20/10/2011 - 22/1/2012, Musée d'Ixelles
Pierre Lahaut Portraits et autoportraits À travers cet essai, Françoise Lalande dresse le portrait de Pierre Lahaut. Véritable dialogue entre l'auteur et l'artiste plasticien, la poésie des textes de Françoise Lalande accompagne les oeuvres de Pierre Lahaut. Si Pierre Lahaut est un peintre qui s'inscrit et qui compte dans l'histoire de l'art de Belgique, il est aussi un électron libre, captant les évolutions de la peinture pour les modeler à son unique volonté.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Ann Geeraerts, Luc Vanackere | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 170 x 240 mm | 128 p | 80 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789058563859 || € 24,95 [BE] | € 24,95 [INT] [not UK, not US, not NL]
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | | Paperback | French ed. | 375 x 290 mm | 224 p | 400 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789061539957 | € 100,00 [BE] | € 100,00 [NL] | € 94.34 [INT] [W, not F]
Expo: MiddelheimmuseumAntwerp, 29/5/2011 25/9/2011, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag: June-Sept. 2011
Expo: 16/10/2011 - 4/3/2012, Groninger Museum, Groningen
Studio job & Groninger Museum
Erwin Wurm
Studio Job (Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel) is one of the most important contemporary design and art collectives working today. This book documents 10 years of their work and is in conjunction with a major survey exhibition at the Groninger Museum, the Netherlands.
Wear me Out Where does fashion stop and art begin? Erwin Wurm and Walter Van Beirendonck explore the border zone This artist's book presents Wurm's latest work: furniture, drawings, outdoor sculptures, and-for the first time-clothing, developed in collaboration with the innovative Belgian fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck.
[BE] BAI | Sue-an van der Zijpp, Mark Wilson | Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. | 297 x 210 mm | 120 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789085866152 | € 19,50 [BE] | € 19,50 [INT] [not NL]
[G] Hatje Cantz | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 200 p | 60 col.ill.| 20 bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783775732185 | € 35,00 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 15/10/2011 - 8/1/2012, S.M.A.K., Gent
Expo. Boekvoorstelling: BePart, Brussel, 3/9/2011, M Museum Leuven
Johan Grimonprez
Hans Demeulenaere
"It' s a poor sort of memory that only works backwords"
Een toren, een kantoor, een galerie, een garage, een villa, een doorGang en twee Paviljoenen. Acht interventies
This reader brings together the most insightful dialogues and critiques on the work of Johan Grimonprez (*1962 in Belgium) and assembles for the very first time, fragments of the film scripts. Including "Kobarweng or Where is Your Helicopter?", "dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y" and "Maybe the Sky is Really Green, and We're Just Colorblind".
"Een belangrijk deel van zijn oeuvre bestaat uit architecturale installaties, gebaseerd op bestaande ruimtes: van een architectenkantoor tot een anonieme doorgangsruimte in een kunstencentrum of de Kortrijkse Broeltoren. Die ruimtes analyseert en meet de kunstenaar eerst meticuleus op om ze op hun mogelijkheden te onderzoeken. Daarna realiseert hij een veranderde, verschoven of geconverteerde reproductie. Gipswanden en houten latten, balken en panelen vormen daarbij zijn voornaamste materiaal."
[G] Hatje Cantz | Johan Grimonprez & Benoit Detalle | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 206 x 140 mm | 352 p | 33 col.ill.| 18 bw ill. | Feb. 2011 | ISBN 9783775731300 | € 29,80 [BE] [only BE]
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | | | NL ed. | 420 x 297 mm | 48 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789490693251 | € 20,00 [BE] | € 20,00 [NL] | € 18,87 [INT] [W]
Expo: Wiels, Brussels, 24/09/2011 31/12/2011, Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin:
Expo: Summer 2011, Zebrastraat , Gent,
15/04/2011 - 19/06/2011,
delenda est belladonna
Mugo Mugo is een prentenmaker met onderliggend sarcastisch en soms scabreuze toespelingen, die zijn verpakt in kleurrijk vibrerende en romantische etsen uit een vroegere eeuw. Zijn werken zijn scherp waargenomen fragmenten van verschillende werelden waarin de kunstenaar heeft vertoefd. Deze uiteenlopende universa waarin Mugo flaneert vormen een onuitputtelijke bron en voedingsbodem voor zijn hedendaagse en eigenzinnige prenten.
Yto Barrada Riffs Yto Barrada (*1971 in Paris) lives and works in Tangiers. The city's special location on the Straits of Gibraltar-the edge of Europe, which, despite its proximity, remains beyond reach for most of Tangiers' inhabitants-has a strong influence on the artist's work. The motifs of her photographs, films, and installations sharpen our consciousness of the transformation this region is undergoing, making us aware of the constantly shifting cultural, economical, and political boundaries.
[BE] Uitgeverij Oogachtend | Met tekst van Pjeroo Roobjee. | Hardback | NL ed. | 297 x 210 mm | 88 p | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9789077549681 | € 29,00 [BE] | € 31,00 [NL] | € 29,00 [INT] [W]
[G] Hatje Cantz | Okwui Enwezor, Friedhelm Hütte, Marie Muracciole | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 280 mm | 144 p | 90 col.ill. | May 2011 | ISBN 9783775730211 | € 35,00 [BE] | [only BE]
Expo: 24/9/2011 - 30/12/2011, Maison de la Culture, Namur
Expo: Expo: 11/5/2011 - 4/9/2011, Africamuseum Tervuren
Pinocchio & Co
Congo Far West Sammy Baloji & Patrick Mudekereza en résidence au Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale
Contes de fées et art contemporain Hedendaagse kunstenaars grijpen graag terug naar magische figuren uit de sprookjeswereld. Draken, elfjes en heksen zijn alomtegenwoordig in de kunst van vandaag. Oude kastelen, diepe grotten, verboden kamers of ondoordringbare wouden duiken met regelmaat op in talrijke installaties, video's, schilderijen of sculpturen. Zich in mindere of meerdere mate bewust van de sociologische of psychologische impact van die oude verhalen, bewegen hedendaagse kunstenaars zich wat graag in deze wonderlijke wereld.
Le Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale de Tervuren s'affiche comme un centre mondial de recherche et de diffusion des connaissances, consacré au passé et au présent des sociétés et de leurs environnements naturels en Afrique afin de stimuler l'intérêt et d'assurer ainsi une meilleure compréhension de cette partie du monde par le grand public et la communauté scientifique. C'est dans esprit qu'a été initié le projet des « résidences d'artistes » . [IT] Silvana | Patrick Mudekereza | Paperback with flaps | Fr ed. (E/NL texts) | 225 x 170 mm | 120 p | 80 col.ill. | June 2011 | ISBN 9788836620241 | € 20,00 [BE] | € 21,20 [NL] [BE, NL]
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Olivier Duquenne | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 230 x 230 mm | 120 p | 70 col. & bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789058563989 | € 34,95 [BE] | € 34,95 [INT] [not UK, not US, not NL]
Léonard de Vinci
Fra Angelico et les Maîtres de la lumière
Peintre à la cour de Milan
Leonardo da Vinci's reputation as an inventor and scientist, and the complexity of his creativity and personality, have sometimes almost overshadowed the importance of his aims and techniques as a painter. Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court Of Milan focuses on a crucial period in the 1480s and '90s when, as a salaried court artist to Duke Ludovico Sforza in the city-state of Milan, freed from the pressures of making a living in the commercially minded Florentine republic, Leonardo produced some of the most celebrated - and influential - work of his career. The Last Supper, his two versions of The Virgin of the Rocks, and the beautiful portrait of Ludovico's mistress, Cecilia Gallerani (The Lady with an Ermine) were paintings that set a new standard for his Milanese contemporaries. Leonardo's style was magnified, through collaboration and imitation, to become the visual language of the regime, and by the time of his return to Florence in 1500, his status was utterly transformed. Works from British, US and European collections represent the diverse range of Leonardo's artistic output, from drawings in chalk, ink or metalpoint to full-scale oil paintings. Together with the authors' meticulous research and detailed analysis, they demonstrate Leonardo's consummate skill and extraordinary ambition as a painter. The Leonardo Exhibition will be at the National Gallery, London 9 November 2011 - 5 February 2012.
Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition « Fra Angelico et les Maîtres de la lumière », ce livre réunit près de vingt-cinq oeuvres du peintre dominicain et autant de panneaux réalisés par les artistes prestigieux qui l'ont côtoyé, comme Lorenzo Monaco, Masolino, Paolo Uccello ou Zanobi Strozzi. Il restitue ainsi l'effervescence culturelle qui régnait à Florence au début du XVe siècle et souligne le rôle central qui fut celui de Fra Angelico sur la scène artistique de son temps. Des ors étincelants du style gothique à la révolution naissante de la perspective, cet ouvrage richement illustré évoque les multiples facettes de Fra Angelico, en revisitant l'oeuvre de cette figure majeure de la première Renaissance florentine et de ses illustres contemporains.
Expo: 23/09/2011 au 16/01/2012, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | French ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 240 p | 160 col.ill.| Sept. 2011 € 45,00 [BE] | € 42,45 [INT] | ISBN 9789061533283 [W, not F]
Expo: 9/11/2011 - 5/2/2012, National Gallery, London
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | French ed. | 320 x 240 mm | 320 p | 190 col.ill.| Nov. 2011 € 59,95 [BE] | € 59,95 [NL] | € 56,56 [INT] | ISBN 9789061531203 [W, not F]
Expo: 26/1/2012 - 15/4/2012, British Museum, London
Leonardo da Vinci
The Art of Hajj
A Léonard de Vinci - figure brillante de la Renaissance italienne, personnalité complexe capable d'exercer pratiquement tous les domaines de l'activité humaine, de la science à l'art, de l'ingénierie à la médecine jusqu'à à la musique - est dédiée cette nouvelle monographie, uniquement sur sa peinture, présentant l'ensemble du corpus des oeuvres authentifiées.
The annual ritual pilgrimage to Makkah was established by the Prophet Muhammad in the last year of his life (AD 632). Over the following centuries the experience and importance of Hajj have been evocatively documented in countless ways. Highlighting the pilgrim's journey across time, the sacred rituals of Hajj, and the city of Makkah itself, this beautiful little book features illuminated manuscripts, wall paintings and photographs, as well as calligraphy, textiles, scientific instruments, ...
[IT] Silvana | sous la direction de Giovanni Villa | Paperback with flaps | French & Eng. eds. | 280 x 240 mm | 240 p | 80 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 Fr. ed: ISBN: 9788836621453 Eng. ed.: ISBN 9788836621446 € 35,00 [BE] | € 37,10 [NL] | € 35,00 [INT] [BE, NL]
[UK] British Museum Press | Venetia Porter | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 190 x 170 mm | 96 p | 70 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780714111797 | € 14,95 [BE] | [only BE]
Expo: 9/7/2011 - 2/10/2011, V.M.F.A., Virginia
Romanes et gothiques Vierges à l'enfant restaurées des Pyrénées Orientales
Faberge Revealed At the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
142 sculptures de Vierges à l'enfant datant du XIIe au XVe siècles sont conservées dans le département des Pyrénées-Orientales. Cette publication propose de renouveler le regard sur les vierges médiévales catalanes sur la base d'une collaboration pluridisciplinaire entre restaurateurs, conservateurs, historiens, historiens de l'art, anthropologues. Elle se focalise sur 22 vierges.
The exquisite objects created by goldsmith and jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé and his studio in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for the aristocracy and nobility of imperial Russia are considered to be some of the most refined examples of the jeweler's art of any age. Of greatest fascination are the extraordinary Easter eggs created as special commissions for the Russian imperial family and other notable patrons - works that remain unparalleled in their ingenuity of construction and sheer beauty.
[IT] Silvana | Sous la direction de Jean-Bernard Mathon | Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 240 p | 500 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9788836620883 | € 30,00 [BE] | € 31,80 [NL] [BE, NL]
[US] Rizzoli | Geza Von Habsburg, Contribution by Carol Aiken, Christel Ludewig McCanless, e.o. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 285 x 241 mm | 454 p | 595 col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9780847837380 | € 67,50 [BE] | € 67,50 [NL] [only BE]
Kunst- en Antiekveiling 36
Miller's Antiques Handbook & Price Guide 2012-2013
De succesvolle reeks Kunst- en Antiekveiling bestaat al drie decennia. Voor de liefhebbers en verzamelaars van kunst en antiek is prijsinformatie essentieel. Kunst- en Antiekveiling verschaft die informatie in combinatie met adequate beschrijvingen en afbeeldingen van de voorwerpen. Dit jaaroverzicht, inmiddels het 36ste deel, bevat maar liefst 3500 voorwerpen die zijn verkocht op de kunst- en antiekveilingen in Nederland en België.
Every year more than 8,000 items are photographed to make Miller's Antiques Handbook the most comprehensive and informative price guide on the market. Whether you're buying or selling, a dealer, collector or auctioneer, this is the book you need to help you keep track of the international market. Whenever you're buying or selling always take Judith with you. [UK] Mitchell Beazley | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 266 x 206 mm | 648 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781845336363 | € 39,95 [BE] [only BE]
[NL] Scriptum Publishers | Reinold Stuurman en Janny Stuurman | Hardback | NL ed. | 345 x 245 mm | 320 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789055947904 | € 59,95 [BE] | € 63,50 [INT] [W, not NL]
Expo: 04/09/2011 - 22/01/2012, Kunstmuseum Basel
Expo: 2/10/2011 - 29/1/2012, Fondation Beyeler, Basel / Riehen
Max Beckmann
Dalí, Ernst, Miró
Surrealism in Paris
Max Beckmann is one of the titans of modern art, although he considered himself the last of the Old Masters. This publication examines the artist's landscape paintings, which are not characterized by layers of allegorical meaning, as are his works in other genres, and their splendid painterly qualities are instantly perceptible. One of the foundations for these landscapes is the potent experience of nature.
Profoundly marked by the senseless experiences of World War I, the Surrealists, under the leadership of André Breton, took off "on a passionate search for freedom in all of its forms." By incorporating the subconscious into the creative process, they developed completely new forms of expression. Simultaneously, they invented radically new ways of exhibiting their art. Featuring exemplary works by prominent Surrealists-from Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, and Joan Miró to René Magritte, Yves Tanguy, and Oppenheim
[G] Hatje Cantz | Bernhard Mendes Bürgi, Nina Peter | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 245 mm | 208 p | 115 col.ill.| 20 bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783775731478 | € 49,80 [BE] [only BE]
[G] Hatje Cantz | Philippe Büttner & Julia Drost | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 250 mm | 272 p | 200 col.ill.| 20 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783775731614 | € 49,80 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 17/9/2011 - 18/12/2011, Royal Academy, London
Degas and the Ballet
Expo: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: 9/10/11 5/2/2012 and 13/3/12 - 1/7/12, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Picturing Movement Edgar Degas (1834-1917) is best known for his luminous studies of dancers.He captured his young female subjects warming up, practising at the bar ormid-performance with a stunning immediacy and accuracy, on canvas, paper and in bronze.
Degas and the Nude With essays by leading critics, the book aims to provide a new interpretation of Degas's evolving conception of the nude and to situate it in the subject's broader context among his peers in 19th-century France. Among the scores of reproductions is one of the most important of Degas's early paintings, Scene of War in the Middle Ages, which exerted a lifelong influence on the artist's treatment of the female nude and includes poses poses repeated throughout his career.
[UK] Royal Academy | Jill Devonyar and Richard Kendall | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 288 p | 150 col.ill. | Sep. 2011 | ISBN 9781905711680 | € 60,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson | George T.M. Shackelford & Xavier Rey | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 273 x 247 mm | 336 p | 226 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780500093627 | € 59,95 [BE] | [only BE]
Expo: 5/10/2011 - 1/1/2012, Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, CA, USA
Rodin and America
Expo: 23/09/2011 - 16/01/2012, Museum Ludwig, Köln
Influence and Adaptation 1876-1936 The volume's primary focus is upon works by American sculptors such as Malvina Hoffman and Lorado Taft, as well as by American artists working in two dimensions, such as the photographer Edward Steichen and the painter Georgia O'Keeffe, who most clearly exemplify Rodin's influence and its eventual decline as other modernist fashions eclipsed him. At nearly 400 pages, Rodin in America thoroughly excavates a hidden strain in American art and provides a long overdue reminder of Rodin's prodigious gifts.
MeMyselfAndI The Faces of Picasso Brilliant portraits or staged mythologizing scenarios: world-famous photographers see Picasso. A grand series of images comprised of around two hundred photos taken over a period of five decades. Almost all of the great twentieth-century portraitists photographed Pablo Picasso, including Cecil Beaton, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Man Ray, Irving Penn, and Lee Miller.
[IT] Silvana | edited by Bernard Barryte, Roberta K. Tarbell | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 384 p | 200 col.ill.| 40 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9788836620005 | € 45,00 [BE] | € 47,80 [NL] [BE, NL]
[G] Hatje Cantz | Kerstin Stremmel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 215 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783775731997 | € 29,80 [BE] | [only BE]
Expo: 6/10/2011 - 8/1/2012, Tate Modern, London
Gerhard Richter Panorama Spanning nearly five decades, and coinciding with the artist's 80th birthday, Gerhard Richter: Panorama is a major chronological retrospective that groups together significant moments of this remarkable painter's career. It includes portraits based on photographs such as the famous Betty 1988, abstractions, subtle landscapes, colour charts, works on paper, mirrors and three important glass constructions. [UK] Tate Publishing | Nicholas Serota and Mark (eds) | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 245 mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781854379450 | € 35,50 [BE] | € 36,50 [NL] | € 34,43 [INT] [BE, NL, G, A, CH] Hardback edition available: ISBN 9781854379443.
Gerhard Richter
Gerhard Richter
The encyclopaedic range of Atlas can be read as a reflection of recent German history, from the 'unpaintable' photographs of the concentration camps to images from the Baader Meinhof years to a commission to inaugurate the new Reichstag.
Gerhard Richter (*1932 in Dresden) has always dealt with the landscape. No other motif has fascinated him as much or kept him so occupied over the years: black-and-white landscapes based on images from magazines and amateur photos; views of mountains and parks painted in thick impasto; softly hued, transparent, illusionist lake scenes. Containing outstanding illustrations and insightful texts, this volume examines Richter's landscapes from the early sixties to the present.
[UK] Thames & Hudson | Helmut Friedel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 215 x 165 mm | 864 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9780500970171 | € 46,50 [BE] | € 46,50 [NL] | € 46,50 [INT] [only BE]
[G] Hatje Cantz | Dietmar Elger | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 305 mm | 192 p | 70 col.ill. | March 2011 | ISBN 9783775726399 | € 39,80 [BE] | € 39,80 [NL] | € 39,80 [INT] [only BE]
Gerhard Richter 100 Pictures A compact overview of Gerhard Richter's work from 1993 to 1996. Designed by the artist himself, this book is a long-time best-seller from Hatje Cantz. After a short introduction to his early work, featuring pictures which the artist has kept in his studio, this publication sums up Gerhard Richter's paintings from an intensive period of work in 1995-1996.
Gerhard Richter Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 1. 1962-1968 Gerhard Richter's oeuvre embraces in excess of three thousand individual works. Over a period of five decades he has created a stylistically heterogeneous, complex body of work that testifies to his status as the most important living artist of our time. This long-awaited first volume of the catalogue raisonné is being released on the occasion of the artist's eightieth birthday in February 2012. The first volume encompasses the works Gerhard Richter assigned numbers 1 to 198.
[G] Hatje Cantz | Edited by Hans Ulrich Obrist. texts by Birgit Pelzer, Guy Tosatto | Hardback | French ed. | 222 x 177 mm | 156 p | 103 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9783775732444 | € 25,00 [BE] | € 25,00 57 [NL] | € 25,00 [INT] [only BE]
Gerhard Richter
[G] Hatje Cantz | Dietmar Elger | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 290 x 250 mm | 600 p | 460 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783775719780 | € 248,00 [BE] | € 248,00 [NL] | € 248,00 [INT] [only BE]
Red Yellow Blue Startling colours, soft grays, undulating lines and large canvases are the hallmark of Richter's abstract period. Like all of Richter's painting, these works defy categorization, reflecting the artist's own journey towards understanding the world around him, a journey he invites his viewers to share with him. Three of his seminal works of this period: Red, Yellow, and Blue, are given particular attention and are presented here in luxurious foldout spreads. [UK] Prestel | Helmut Friedel & Robert Storr | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 240 x 195 mm | 128 p | 99 col.ill.| 15 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783791346090 | € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [NL] | € 19,95 [INT] [only BE]
Expo: 03/09/2011 - 08/01/2012, Fondation Beyeler, Basel/Riehen
Louise Bourgeois The Secret of the Cells In her work, Bourgeois used materials ranging from rubber, wood, fabric, and metal to glass, paper, cement and marble, through which the stories of her own life resonated with the lives of others. This generously illustrated book presents the complete cycle of 'Cell' installations from the 1990s until a short time before Bourgeois' death in 2010. In these contained environments Bourgeois reflected on the human tendency toward isolation and her own memories.
Louise Bourgeois Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010) was born on December 25, 1911. This book, which is devoted to the central themes of the late artist's oeuvre, is being published on the occasion of her one-hundredth birthday. It examines her life, her exploration of the works of other artists, and the transformation of her emotions into works of art. [G] Hatje Cantz | Ulf Küster | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 190 x 120 mm | 128 p | 15 col.ill.| 6 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783775732277 | € 16,80 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Prestel | Rainer Crone & Petrus Graf Schaesberg | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 240 x 195 mm | 192 p | 77 col.ill.| 176 bw ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783791345628 | € 19,95 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 18/6/2011 - 9/1/2011, MOMA, N.Y.
Expo: 21/1/2012 - 9/4/2012, Royal Academy, London
De Kooning A Retrospective
David Hockney
Published in conjunction with the large-scale, all-medium, posthumous retrospective of Willem de Koonings career at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), this book offers an unparalleled opportunity to appreciate the development of the artists work as it unfolds over nearly seven decades. This volume is the most complete account of de Koonings career ever published.
A Bigger Picture In January 2012 the Royal Academy of Arts will showcase the first major exhibition of new landscape works by David Hockney RA. Featuring vivid paintings inspired by the East Yorkshire landscape, these large-scale works have been created especially for the galleries at the Royal Academy of Arts. 'David Hockney: A Bigger Picture' will span a 50 year period to demonstrate Hockney's long exploration and fascination with the depiction of landscape.
[UK] Thames & Hudson | John Elderfield | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 240 mm | 488 p | 500 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780500093634 | € 68,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Thames & Hudson | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 304 p | Jan. 2012 | ISBN 9780500093665 | € 85,00 [BE] | € 85,00 [NL] | € 85,00 [INT] [only BE]
Lucian Freud
Lucian Freud Painting People
This accessible guide features a selection of portraits by Lucian Freud, regarded by many as one of the world's greatest realist painters. The book includes some of the finest examples of Freud's work from across seven decades. The portraits are complemented by a chronology illustrated with documentary images and some previously unpublished informal photographs, and introductory texts by Martin Gayford and David Hockney.
Lucian Freud was one of the world's greatest realist painters. This new, authoritative survey of Freud's portraits and figure paintings explores his work across seven decades, from the early 1940s to his death in 2011. The book features over 130 paintings, drawings and etchings selected in close collaboration with the artist. [UK] National Portrait Gallery | Sarah Howgate & Michael Auping | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 295 x 227 mm | 256 p | 150 col.ill. | Feb. 2012 | ISBN 9781855144415 | € 44,50 [BE] | € 43,50 [INT] [BE, G, A, CH, LUX, not NL]
[UK] National Portrait Gallery | Introduction by Martin Gayford. Appreciation by David Hockney | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 168 mm | 96 p | 85 col.ill. | Feb. 2012 | ISBN 9781855144545 | € 14,50 [BE] | € 14,50 [INT] [BE, G, A, CH, LUX, not NL]
Expo: 4/11/2011 - 22/1/2012, Guggenheim Museum, New York
Expo: 11/10/2011 - 9/4/2012, Tate Modern, London
Maurizio Cattelan
Tacita Dean
Unilever Series
Hailed simultaneously as a provocateur, prankster and tragic poet of our times, Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan has created some of the most unforgettable images in recent contemporary art - most notoriously with The Ninth Hour', his 1999 sculpture of Pope John Paul II struck by a meteorite. Cattelan's subjects range widely, being derived from popular culture, history and organized religion, while bold and irreverent, the work is also deadly serious in its scathing cultural critique.
Tacita Dean is a British artist now based in Berlin, best known for her use of film. Dean's films act as portraits or depictions rather than conventional cinematic storytelling, capturing fleeting natural light or subtle shifts in movement. Her static camera positions and long takes allow events to unfold unhurriedly. Other works have attempted to reconstruct events from memory, such as an infamous thwarted attempt to circumnavigate the world. [UK] Tate Publishing | Eng. ed. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781849769993 price and details not available yet [BE, NL, G, A, CH]
[UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Maurizio Cattelan | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 241 x 159 mm | 256 p | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780892074167 | € 44,50 [BE] [only BE]
Anselm Kiefer
Anish Kapoor Art Monographs
Salt of the Earth
One of the most highly acclaimed sculptors working today, Anish Kapoor enjoys immense popularity and has represented Britain at the Paris and Venice Biennales. His first solo exhibition in Paris in 1980 was followed by numerous others around the world, including Sky Mirror installed at Rockefeller Center in 2006. Kapoor is the fourth artist to create an original work for the immense Grand Palais in Paris.
An excellent overview of Anselm Kiefer's long career. Over the past four decades, Anselm Kiefer has produced a diverse body of work in painting, sculpture and installation that has made him among the most important artists of his generation. His subject-matter ranges over sources as diverse as Teutonic mythology and history, alchemy and the nature of belief, all depicted in a bewildering variety of materials, including oil paint, dirt, lead, models, photographs, woodcuts, sand, straw...
[F] Flammarion (Eng. titles) | Homi Bhabha, Jean de Loisy | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 384 p | 180 col.ill. | August 2011 | ISBN 9782080200839 | € 59,95 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Skira | Germano Celant | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 304 p | 280 col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9788857211152 | € 74,50 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 07/10/2011 - 22/01/2012, Haus der Kunst, Munich
Expo: Fall 2011 - Spring 2012, Staatl. Graphische Sammlung, München Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek - Metropolitan Museum
Ellsworth Kelly
Ellsworth Kelly
The paintings by Ellsworth Kelly (*1923 in Newburgh, New York) stand out due to their masterly interplay of form, color, and space. Unlike the works of most of his American contemporaries, who postulated a radical rejection of traditional European art history, Kelly's monochromatic paintings evolved out of his study of European Modernism.
Black & White
Plantdrawings Alongside his geometrical paintings, Ellsworth Kelly, one of the most important living American painters, is famous for his drawings of plants, flowers, and leaves. His works demonstrate unassuming techniques that emphasize the simplicity of form, frequently enhanced by bright colors.
[G] Hatje Cantz | Haus der Kunst | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 265 x 220 mm | 200 p | 70 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783775732178 | € 39,80 [BE] [only BE]
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Michael Semff und Marla Prather | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 340 x 245 mm | 160 p | 72 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783829605755 | € 79,95 [BE] [only BE]
Expo: 8/2/2012 - 20/5/2012, Tate Modern, London
Expo: Tate Modern, London Traveling exhibition: Madrid, Paris, New York
Yayoi Kusama
Infinite Yet
Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama (b. 1929) is arguably Japan's most famous living artist. Her originality, innovation and powerful desire to communicate have propelled her through a career that has spanned six decades. During this time, Kusama has explored painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, collage, film and video, performance and installation, as well as product design. From the late 1950s to the early 1970s Kusama lived in New York and was at the forefront of many artistic innovations in the city.
The Autobiography of Yayoi Kusama
[UK] Tate Publishing | Francis Morris | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 230 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | Jan. 2012 | ISBN 9781854379399 | € 37,50 [BE] | € 38,50 [NL] | € 36,32 [INT] [BE, NL, G, A, CH]
[UK] Tate Publishing | Yayoi Kusama & Ralph McCarthy | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 156 mm | 256 p | 45 ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781854379658 | € 21,50 [BE] | € 21,95 [NL] | € 20,71 [INT] [BE, NL, G A, CH]
Yayoi Kusama is one of the most significant contemporary artists at work today. This engaging autobiography tells the story of her life and extraordinary career in her own inimitable style, revealing her as a fascinating figure and maverick artist who channels her obsessive neuroses into an art that transcends cultural barriers. Kusama describes the decade she spent in New York, first as a poverty-stricken artist and later as the doyenne of an alternative counter-cultural scene.
Expo: opening February 2012, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Cindy Sherman
Expo: 30/06/2011 - 02/10/2011, Royal Academy of Arts, London
The Early Works 1975-1977 Catalogue Raisonne For more than thirty years now, Cindy Sherman (*1954, New Jersey) has been visualizing a whole gamut of role models and female identities. Even as a teenager, the artist loved to dress up. Contrary to popular belief, the famous Untitled Film Stills (1978-80) are not her earliest works, but rather those photographs she took as a student in Buffalo between 1975 and 1977. Using a variety of wigs, make-up, mimicry, gestures, expressions, and costumes, Sherman reveals different social identities.
Eyewitness Brassaï, Capa, Kertész, Moholy-Nagy, Munkácsi With essays by leading authorities in the field, this stunning book examines the way in which the extraordinary activity of these fivemen established Hungary as the centre of art photography at the time, and the influence that they have had on succeeding generations of photographers. Illustrated with all of their major works in many cases using archive prints from Hungarian collections, allowing the reader to experience their original textures and tones the book is a landmark in the study of photography.
[G] Hatje Cantz | Gabriele Schor | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 230 mm | 256 p | 48 col.ill.| 240 bw ill. | Feb. 2012 | ISBN 9783775729819 | € 39,80 [BE] | € 39,80 [NL] | € 39,80 [INT] [only BE]
[UK] Royal Academy | Péter Baki, Colin Ford & George Szirtes | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 248 p | 200 col.ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9781905711765 | € 59,95 [BE] | € 59,95 [NL] | € 59,95 [INT] [only BE]
Expo: November 2011 and travelling to the Guggenheim N.Y., San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Francesca Woodman In the thirty years since her death, Francesca Woodman's work has retained an undeniable immediacy and continues to inspire a cult-like following of admirers.Woodman began photographing at the age of thirteen. By the time she enrolled at the Rhode Island School of Design in 1975, she was already an accomplished photographer with a remarkably mature and focused approach to her work. At the age of twenty-two, she committed suicide. [UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Corey Keller | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 273 x 254 mm | 224 p | 13 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781935202660 | € 51,50 [BE] | € 51,50 [NL] | € 51,50 [INT] [only BE]
Edge Of Arabia This is the first book to explore the extraordinary contemporary arts culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This book centres around the Edge of Arabia project, which has shed new light on a group of pioneering and relatively unknown artists practicing at the center of the Islamic world. Showing the work of 12 pioneering artists and milestone Edge of Arabia exhibitions in London, Venice, Berlin, Istanbul and Dubai, this book offers an inspiring window into the contemporary life of a Kingdom in transition
Abdulnasser Gharem Art of Survival To understand any society look first to the outsiders...This monograph will tell the story of one of Saudi Arabia's most talked about contemporary artists. Abdulnasser Gharem stands apart in so many ways. He is a soldier and an artist. He is widely regarded as a pioneer in the region for his firebrand intellectual courage and innovative use of materials.
[UK] Booth-Clibborn Editions | Fady Jameel, Venetia Porter & Geoffrey King | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 300 mm | 300 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781861543233 | € 52,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Booth-Clibborn Editions | Henry Hemming | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 200 p | throughout col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9781861543240 | € 44,95 [BE] [only BE]
Microworlds This book reveals how all kinds of visual artists are using miniatures and miniaturized worlds in order to create startling situations and memorable images. The small people and small worlds depicted in this book give us a new sense of perspective, transporting us to a new dimension, an enchanted new city where people can take lifts on the back of a slug at rush hour, put up wall-sized polaroid posters, or shoot down bumblebees at the weekend. , [UK] Laurence King | Margherita Dessanay and Marc Valli | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 200 x 200 mm | 144 p | 200 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697873 | € 22,50 [BE] [only BE]
Art in Public 500 Masterpieces from the Ancient World to the PresentWorks of art make a substantial contribution to cultural identification. When they are placed in a public place, this function is enhanced. However the artwork also acknowledges other tasks: it figuratively announces content in the traditional role, standing as the image of a ruler or at least serves as decoration, while in the Modern period they become increasingly space defining or shaping. [G] Braun | Chris Van Uffelen | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 272 p | 550 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783037680988 | € 52,95 [BE] [only BE] Previously announced in a small size. Will be published in large format: 285x210
Ronny Delrue. Het onbewaakte moment De gecontroleerde ongecontroleerdheid bij het tekenen Het boek Het onbewaakte moment. De gecontroleerde ongecontroleerdheid bestaat uit een reeks gesprekken die beeldend kunstenaar Ronny Delrue had met zes hedendaagse Vlaamse beeldende kunstenaars om een antwoord te zoeken op de vraag: is de tekening vandaag, in onze hoogtechnologische wereld, een ideaal middel om het kantelmoment tussen ongecontroleerdheid en controle in beeld te brengen? In welke mate is ze bepalend bij het tot stand komen van een beeld(taal)? Expo: 10/11/2011 - 19/2/2012, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk - Raveelmuseum
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | NL ed. | 260 x 210 mm | 320 p 240 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789061532378 | € 39,95 [BE] | € 39,95 [NL] | € 37,69 [INT] [W, not F]
Raoul De Keyser: Terminus Drawings (1979-1982) and Recent Paintings This book documents the artist's 2009 exhibition at David Zwirner in New York. Featured are 50 works, which make up two complementary bodies of work: recent paintings (most from 2008 to 2009) and drawings (created from 1979 to 1982 made on different types of paper and in diverse media, including pencil, ink, watercolour, acrylic, and oil chalk). Modest in size, his spare works have a special intimacy that derives from the physical characteristics of the medium itself, as well as the tension created between [G] Steidl - To be confirmed | Robert Storr | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 298 x 236 mm | 144 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783869300542 | € 61,50 [BE] [only BE]
Alice in Wonderland
100 New Artists
For the first time, this book examines a wide range of the art that has been inspired by the Alice stories, including Lewis Carroll's original illustrations, Tenniel's iconic characterisations, Victorian games based on Alice, Surrealist paintings, sculpture, artist's books, film, psychedelia, comics, photography and installation. The authors bring fresh insights to Carroll's biography and the times in which he lived and the book includes a new fairy tale specially written by Carol Mavor.
This book brings together the artists that are creating the aesthetics of the next decade. All the artists in the book were born after 1970. These are artists who have passed the post-art school no mans land and are making waves in the contemporary art world. This is a vital new wave of art post conceptualism, post-minimalism, post pop. Not only a snapshot of art at this moment, 100 New Artists is a place to discover the people who will define our aesthetic future. [UK] Laurence King | Francesca Gavin | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 290 x 190 mm | 336 p | 500 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781856697347 | € 39,50 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Tate Publishing | Edited by Gavin delahunty and Christoph Schulz | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 215 mm | 192 p | 120 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9781854379917 | € 35,50 [BE] | € 36,50 [NL] | € 34,43 [INT] [BE, NL, G, A, CH]
1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
The Face of Jesus The most iconic face in art over the past 2,000 years has been that of Jesus. As the central figure in Christianity, he has been a source of comfort and support to followers around the world. In The Face of Jesus, art historian Edward Lucie-Smith traces Jesus's life through famous works of art, both ancient and modern, by such artists as Piero della Francesca, Leonardo da Vinci, El Greco, Rembrandt, Georges Rouault, and Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Revised and Updated From ancient Egyptian wallpaintings to contemporary Western canvases, this book is truly comprehensive in scope and beautiful to leaf through. Within its pages you will see displayed 1001 of the most memorable, haunting, powerful, important, controversial and visually arresting paintings that have ever been created. Updated and revised edition. [UK] Cassell | Stephen Farthing | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 217 x 170 mm | 960 p | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9781844037049 | € 29,50 [BE] [only BE]
[US] Abrams | Edward Lucie-Smith | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 191 x 146 mm | 320 p | 350 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9781419700804 | € 19,50 [BE] [only BE]
Salvador Dalí
Edward Hopper
The Reality of Dreams
Portraits of America
Concise yet comprehensive, this elegant volume follows Dali's artistic development from the 1920s to his death in 1989. Accompanied by brilliant reproductions and the artist's own words, it offers detailed analyses of his most important paintings based on the theories of two men who deeply influenced his thinking: Sigmund Freud and his protege, Otto Rank.
From his images of deserted small towns and solitary figures in empty offices to his cheerfully tranquil New England landscapes, Hopper's most famous compositions can be seen as products of a life spent observing human nature. Hopper's images evoke an enigmatic uncertainty, which speaks to the heart of the American experience. Hopper's talent for depicting multiple aspects of the post-war experience is the focus of this generously illustrated and engaging volume.
[UK] Prestel | Ralf Schiebler | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 270 x 185 mm | 128 p | 100 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783791346120 | € 13,50 [BE] | € 13,50 [NL] | € 13,50 [INT] [only BE]
[UK] Prestel | Wieland Schmied | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 270 x 185 mm | 128 p | 27 col.ill.| 18 bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9783791346137 | € 13,50 [BE] [only BE]
In the World of Hundertwasser
Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec:
The Art of the Green Path
The Human Comedy
Friedensreich Hundertwasser was an artist, environmentalist, philosopher, humanist, architect, and graphic designer, whose unique style appeals to a wide audience. An essay in words and pictures, this publication takes the reader on a journey in thirteen stages through Hundertwasser's life and work. It explores his native city Vienna in the post-war era, his studio, his travels across Europe, Japan, and the Pacific Rim, as well as his famously unconventional speeches some of which he delivered in the nude.
Best-known for his depictions of young women performing the can-can, Toulouse-Lautrec was a shrewd observer of contemporary French life. Focusing on his prints, this generously illustrated book offers a thematic re-consideration of the artist's oeuvre. In sections such as 'The Human Comedy', Actors of the Scene', 'The Metropolis' and 'Circus' the book highlights Toulouse-Lautrec's keenly perceptive gaze as he explored a variety of settings and subjects of both genders and all classes in his work.
[UK] Prestel | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 20 mm | 224 p | 170 col.ill. | Aug. 2011 | ISBN 9783791351568 | € 30,00 [BE] [only BE]
[UK] Prestel | | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 176 p | 150 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9783791351445 | € 47,50 [BE] [only BE]
Prestel Norbert Wolf Hardback | 375 x 260 mm | 304p | 241 col.ill. ISBN: 9783791345420 | Eng. ed. | Oct. 2011 € 65,00 [BE]
[only BE]
Art Nouveau This sumptuous volume explores key aspects of Art Nouveau- decorative arts, architecture, fashion, dance, advertising, and more-with an in-depth approach and stunning illustrations. The Art Nouveau movement became an international phenomenon at the beginning of the twentieth century that ushered in the era of modernity in almost every aspect of cultural life. For decades critics have argued that Art Nouveau was not an artistic period in its own right, but an amalgam of artists and styles that served as a bridge between neoclassicism and modernism. In this comprehensive, authoritative, and copiously illustrated book, art historian Norbert Wolf explores Art Nouveau as a logical outgrowth of the historic forces in which it arose. This book focuses on the movement's wide variety of applications and reclaims its prominence in the pantheon of modern art history. Chapters on aesthetics, spirituality, and the cult of beauty offer luminous examples of works by Mucha, Gaudi, Hoffman, Klimt, Horta, Munch, and Tiffany, among many others. Wolf's text is both informed and accessible, providing an exciting narrative that brings the Art Nouveau movement into clear focus. Beautifully produced to appeal to a wide range of readers, this new volume gives one of the world's most popular styles the serious consideration it deserves.
Annie van Gemert./ ism vzw de wintertuin
Fotografie: Annie van Gemert, Tekst: Daan van Speybroeck Portfolio | 335 x 275 mm | 30p ISBN: 9789080695801 | NL ed. | Oct. 2011 € 49,50 [BE] / € 49,50 [INT]
Opvoeden in schoonheid Instituut van de Ursulinen in Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver Bijzondere publicatie met foto's van de interieurs van het Instituut van de Ursulinen in Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver. De indrukwekkende interieurs in art-nouveaustijl uit de periode 1900-1925 heriineren aan de tijd dat dit omvangrijke schoolgebouw dienst deed als meisjeskostschool.Van 1841 tot 1989 brachten vele generaties binnen en buitenlandse meisjes uit gegoede milieus hun kostschooltijd door in deze ideale school. Deze map bevat een bundeling van 30 foto-kaarten op groot formaat van 27,5 x 33,5 cm De publicatie "Opvoeden in schoonheid" heeft een mooi verzorgde vormgeving, prachtig drukwerk en is daardoor bijzonder en exclusief. De kleurenfoto's geven een indruk van de interieurs van het instituut van De Ursulinen zoals: de wintertuin, gangen, pianogalerij, refters,kapel en de eretrap. Meer informatie over de publicatie en foto's vindt u op : www.olvwaver.be
In 1900 bouwde het instituut een prachtige wintertuin in art nouveau. Het was een waardige ontvangstruimte voor de vooraanstaande bezoekers van honderden inwonende meisjes. Nog altijd wordt men bij eeen bezoek aan de wintertuin verrast door het feeërieke licht- en kleurenspel van de indrukwekkende koepel. Ook de meubels, vloeren, wanden en zijgalerijen dragen bij tot de schitterende harmonie van de wintertuin.Naast de wintertuin kregen heel wat andere ruimten erkenning, waaronder de Ursulazaal, de pianogalerij, de Alpenzaal en de feestrefter. Ook de kloosterkerk in zandsteen en neogotisch ornaat is een indrukwekkend monument.
Missing Images Eugeen van Mieghem and the Jewish Immigrants of the Red Star Line Van de massele Europese emigratie tussen 1850 en 1940 naar de Nieuwe Wereld zijn bijna geen beelden bewaard gebleven. Van de Joodse emigranten zijn er wel de foto's van het leven voor het vertrek (Roman Vishniac in de shetls in Oost-Europa) en bij aankomst (Jacob Riis in de Lower East Side - New York). Beelden uit de vertrekhavens vindt men enkel bij de Antwerpse kunstenaar Eugeen Van Mieghem (18751930) die rond 1900 beklijvende kunstwerken maakte van de ca. 2,5 miljoen landverhuizers. [BE] BAI - MAS Books | Erwin Joos | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | Sept. 2011 | ISBN 9789085866145 | € 24,95 [BE] | € 24,95 [INT] [not NL]
, Collectie Antwerpen
Over handel en scheepvaart
Portret van een Stad
Waar water en land elkaar tegenkomen, ontstaan havens. Het zijn kruispunten en ontmoetingsplekken. Mensen van over de hele wereld varen er af en aan. Ze verhandelen er goederen, komen in een andere wereld, doen er nieuwe indrukken, dromen en ideeën op. Antwerpen heeft veel aan zijn Scheldehaven te danken. Dit boek vertelt het verhaal van de haven van Antwerpen zoals het in het MAS wordt gepresenteerd op de verdieping Wereldhaven.
Hoe maak je een stad? Je neemt enkele tienduizenden huizen, voegt daar enige monumentale gebouwen aan toe en schikt het geheel op een bedje van straten en pleinen. Nog een toefje groen en klaar! Zou het? Als u wilt weten waarvan een stad echt gemaakt is, dan ligt er binnenkort een boek voor u klaar dat alle keukengeheimen prijsgeeft. Niet van de stad, maar van het stad: Antwerpen, gemaakt van mensen, gedachten, herinneringen, verhalen, tradities en ja . ontelbare dingen.
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | | Hardback | NL ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9789085866107 | € 25,00 [BE] | € 25,00 [INT] [not NL]
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | | Hardback | NL ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill. | Dec. 2011 | ISBN 9789085866138 | € 24,50 [BE] | € 24,50 [INT] [not NL] ,
Van Gedempte Zuiderdokken naar Kunstdokken Zuid
Beeldig Schilde ' s Gravenwezel Mooie, rijk geïllustreerde luxeuse publicatie, waarbij de verscheidenheid van Schilde - ' s Gravenwezel aan bod komt: de evolutie in de natuur en het landschap, het Ancien Régime, de recente geschiedenis, de werking van de gemeentediensten, het economisch, politiek en maarschappelijk leven, het patrimonium en onderwijs, cultuur, sport en verenigingsleven.
De heropening van de historische Zuiderdokken staat in feite op de agenda sinds de demping ervan in 1968 en is sindsdien herhaaldelijk aangekondigd. In het boek worden de argumenten voor de heropening samengevat en wordt een concreet inrichtingsplan ontvouwd. Het plan Kunstdokken Zuid beoogt de historische identiteit van het Zuid als haven- en kunstwijk een hedendaagse interpretatie te geven, waarin watererfgoed, hedendaagse kunst & cultuur en een gevarieerde stadsbeleving samengaan.
[BE] Pandora | | Hardback | NL ed. | 297 x 245 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9789053253262 | € 39,00 [BE] | € 41,50 [NL] | € 39,00 [INT] [W]
[BE] Pandora | | Paperback | NL ed. | 215 x 297 mm | 176 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | 2011 | ISBN 9789053253304 | € 22,00 [BE] | € 24,95 [NL] | € 23,50 [INT] [W]
Edmond Sacré Portret van een Stad De Gentse fotograaf Edmond Sacré (1851-1921) liet een zeer divers oeuvre na met (groeps)portretten, landschappen, straatbeelden en opnames van gebouwen en evenementen. Zijn foto's tonen de grondige transformatie van Gent rond de vorige eeuwwisseling. In het centrum werden hele huizenblokken gesloopt voor de aanleg van nieuwe straten en pleinen en het vrijmaken van de historische monumenten. De stadsrand verloor zijn landelijk karakter door de oprukkende verstedelijking. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Bruno Notteboom & Dirk Lauwaert | Hardback | NL ed. (E/ F summ) | 325 x 245 mm | 256 p | 185 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9789061533559 | € 39,95 [BE] | € 39,95 [NL] | € 37,69 [INT] [W, not F]
Charleroi Plossu
L'Autre Royaume Het Andere Koninkrijk
De Franse fotograaf Bernard Plossu wist Charleroi altijd al te appreciëren. Een stad "met karakter", "met de sfeer van films" en met "Amerikaanse accenten", door haar eindeloze voorsteden en gemengde bevolking. Een stad die verandert ook, door de talrijke werken die maanden geleden gestart of aangekondigd werden. Om deze stad in volle verandering te vereeuwigen, ging het fotografiemuseum aankloppen bij Plossu. Een maand lang fotografeerde hij de stad als een bezetene.
Met de opening van Mayaland, eind juni, maken ook de jongste bezoekers van Plopsaland De Panne kennis met dat waarmee het park ooit zo bekend voor was: de bijen. Dit jaar is het alweer 11 jaar geleden dat de bijen van Meli Park plaats maakten voor figuren als Kabouter Plop en Samson & Gert, en er een nieuwe pagina werd geschreven in het dikke geschiedenisboek. In de tentoonstelling staat de rijke geschiedenis van 'de meli' centraal.
[BE] Musée de la Photographie | Textes Xavier Canonne et Anne Soumoy | Hardback | French ed. | 287 x 193 mm | 90 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9782871830641 | € 30,00 [BE] | € 31,80 [NL] | € 30,00 [INT] [W]
[BE] Musée de la Photographie | | Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 173 x 217 mm | 98 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | July 2011 | ISBN 9782871830658 | € 28,00 [BE] | € 29,50 [NL] | € 28,00 [INT] [W]
Mange Bruxelles Un peu plus qu'un livre de cuisine Ce livre présente une vingtaine de restaurants de Bruxelles. Ces restaurants sont différents les uns des autres : certains sont étoilés (Comme Chez soi, Bon Bon, Senza Nome), d'autres ne le sont pas et ne veulent pas l'être (Vini Divini, Coin des Artistes, Viva M'Boma). Certains sont tenus par de très jeunes chefs (Jaloa, La Buvette), d'autres par de plus anciens (Notos - Chou). Chaque chef est présenté par des habitués, un portrait du chef, et une présentation des recettes les mieux adaptées à son style. [BE] Sh-op Editions | René Sépul. Cici Olsson (photography) | Hardback | French ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | June 2011 | ISBN 9782960093315 | € 29,50 [BE] | € 29,50 [NL] | € 27,83 [INT] [W]
Yuji Kobayashi Tokyo Flowers
Moniek Vanden Berghe Monografie / Monography Moniek Vanden Berghe louter als floraal ontwerpster bestempelen zou haar veelzijdige talent oneer aandoen. Na een opleiding in de schilder- en beeldhouwkunst, keramiek en grafische vormgeving vond Moniek haar ware passie in de florale kunst. Haar natuurlijke gevoel voor vorm en kleur, contrast, textuur en structuur, resulteerde dan ook in een hoogstpersoonlijke, elegante en eigentijdse schikstijl.
Trouw aan hun drie basispricipes - schoonheid, puurheid en kwaliteit - bracht het Japanese YouKa En van een relatief klein, onbekend bedrijf tot één van de belangrijke , spelers op het vlak van inventief en creatief floraal werk. Zonder twijfel ligt schoonheid verborgen in elke bloem, maar het is de taak van de ontwerper om die inherente schoonheid te overstijgen en een object te maken dat het beste van natuur en verbeelding verenigt, een creatie die puur, verfijnd en gracieus is.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art) | Moniek Vanden Berghe | Hardback | Eng./Fr / NL ed. | 330 x 245 mm | 96 p | 100 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 |ISBN 9789058563408 | € 39,90 [BE] | € 39,90| € 39,90 [INT] [not UK, not US, not NL]
, [BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art) | Yuji Kobayasji. Photography: Tetsuzo Fujita | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 280 mm | 144 p | 85 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9789058563927 | € 49,90 [BE] | € 49,90 [INT] [not UK, not US, not NL]
Je eigen groentetuin op, één vierkante meter
The Curious Gardener
Groene vingers maar weinig tijd en ruimte? Geen nood, een moestuin ligt vanaf nu ook binnen uw handbereik. 'Square Foot Gardening' is een systeem van efficiënt, biologisch en ecologisch moestuinieren op één vierkante meter. De vierkante meter tuin is een droom voor wie enkel over een dakterras, een stadskoertje of een verloren hoekje in de siertuin beschikt en een verademing voor de doorwinterde tuinier die kleinschaliger wil werken of het eindeloos wieden, harken en schoffelen moe is.
In "The Curious Gardener", Anna Pavord brings together in 12 chapters - one from each month of the year - 72 pieces on all aspects of gardening. From what to do in each month and how to get the best from flowers, plants, herbs, fruit and vegetables, through reflections on the weather, soil, the English landscape and favourite old gardening clothes, to office greenery, spring n New York, waterfalls, Derek Jarman and garden design, Anna Pavord always has something interesting to say .
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek (Floral art) | Anne-Marie Nageleisen | Hardback | NL ed. | 220 x 170 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill. | April 2011 | ISBN 9789058563828 | € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [INT] [not UK, not US, not NL]
[UK] Bloomsbury | Anna Pavord | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 320 p | Nov. 2010 | ISBN 9781408810064 | € 30,00 [BE] | € 30,00 [NL] | € 30,00 [INT] [BE, NL]
The Garden Source
Spirit: Garden Inspiration
A Year in the Garden
Inspirational Design Ideas for Gardens and Landscapes
In this unique book influential garden designer Dan Pearson, weekly columnist for The Observer, discloses his personal inspirations. Dan uses his own distinctive photographs as reference points giving the reader a direct and intimate insight into where and what he draws upon when working on his own projects. This book expands the genre inviting us to see gardening in a different light through the ,eyes of one of its most talented practitioners.
This is a must-have sourcebook for anyone with a garden looking for design ideas. Hundreds of colour illustrations by leading photographer, Andrea Jones, are cleverly arranged to offer the reader thousands of possible design solutions. Gardens from all parts of the world are included America, France, Sweden, Germany, Holland, England by some of the very best garden designers. [UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Andrea Jones | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 250 mm | 320 p | 800 col.ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9780955432279 | € 36,95 [BE] , [only BE]
[UK] T & H, Distributed lists | Dan Pearson and Beth Chatto | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 210 mm | 208 p | 400 col.ill. | Sep. 2011 | ISBN 9780956356291 | € 30,00 [BE] | [only BE]
Belgium New Architecture n°5 Ces architectures explorant les possibilités d'environnements naturels font réfléchir : les projets sont signés de Jean Nouvel, Christian de Portzamparc,Dominique Perrault, OMA, Weiss/Manfredi, Grumbach, Vincent Callebaut, Jacques Ferrier ... Et surtout : à découvrir, ± 60 réalisations d'architectes belges ayant vu le jour récemment, reprises dans ce volume. [BE] Prisme Editions | Ouvrage collectif architectures | Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 288 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | Nov. 2011 | ISBN 9782930451092 | € 49,50 [BE] | € 49,50 [NL] | € 49,50 [INT] [only BE]
Nicolae Grigorescu. The Age of Impressionism in Romania L'Age de l'Impressionisme en Roumanie | De Tijd van het Impressionisme in Roemenië (1838-1907) Premier peintre de « plein air » de son pays et fondateur de la peinture moderne roumaine, Nicolae Grigorescu réussit une synthèse remarquable entre l'assimilation des avantgardes rencontrées lors de ses voyages à travers l'Europe et les particularismes locaux. Ses origines paysannes, ses débuts comme peintre de scènes religieuses dans les monastères ne préfiguraient en rien l'envergure de son parcours d'artiste résolument européen, en phase avec les avancées picturales extraordinaires. Expo: 3/10/2011 - 15/1/2012, Stadhuis, Brussel/ Hotel de Ville, Bruxelles [IT] Silvana | | Paperback with flaps | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 168 p | 130 col.ill. | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9788836621644 | € 28,00 [BE] | € 29,95 [NL] | € 28,00 [INT] [BE, NL]
Straight in the light Michel Mazzoni
Michel Mazzoni a recours à la photographie, à l'installation vidéo, au texte, afin d'explorer des notions telles que celles du temps et de l'espace. Il montre, expose, installe ses territoires. Ses choix sont souvent rugueux, tant il questionne l'abandon, la désolation, tant il cherche la beauté au-delà de l'apparence. [BE] Arp Editions | Textes de Anne-Françoise Lesuisse. Design: Dojo Design | Paperback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 255 x 160 mm | p | Oct. 2011 | ISBN 9782930115177 | € 28,00 [BE] | € 29,95 [NL] | € 28,00 [INT] [W]
INDEX 10 little Penguins, p. 33 100 New Artists, p. 61 100 places, p. 38 100 Uitzonderlijke, p. 9 100 Vintage Treasures, p. 9 1001 Comics, p. 17 1001 Paintings, p. 62 75 tools, p. 34 Alice in Wonderland, p; 61 All Belgian Beers, p. 6 Alle Belgische Bieren, p. 6 Sui Anna, p. 26 Antarctic, p. 37 Antwerpen Bierstad, p. 7 Apartment Buidlings, p. 14 Apple Design, p. 9 Arbus, p. 40 Architecten Taillieu, p. 14 Architectures of Belonging, p. 14 Armstrong, p. 41 Art in Public, p. 61 Art Nouveau, p. 63, 64 Art of the Hajj, p. 55 Arthus-Bertrand, p. 37 Asphalt, p. 30 Baby Animals, p. 33 Back to the future, p. 32 Bags, p. 25 Baracoa, p. 38 Barrada, p. 53 Beat Generation, p. 31 Becker, p. 42 Beckmann, p. 56 Beelddenken, p. 51 Beijing, p. 38 Berlin, p. 33 Beyonce, p. 19 Bialobrzeski, p. 41 Bicycle, p. 29 Bières belges, p. 6 Big Black, p. 34 Bitesnich, p. 37 Blum, p. 41 Blumenfeld, p. 44 Book of Skulls, p. 30 Boulevard, p. 22 Bourgeois, p. 58 Brassaï, Capa, p. 60 Bratrud Todd, p. 30 Bru Wout, p. 3 Butlin, p. 44 Calendars, p. 25 -27 Cattelan, p. 59 Chanel, p. 21 Charleroi, p. 66 Christmas, p. 67 Collectie Herbert, p. 51 Commune, p. 41 Congo, p. 53 Constable, p. 48 Corbijn, p. 42 Crafted Christmas, p. 67 Crewdson, p. 42 Cuba, p. 38 Culinary, p. 3-7, 38 Cult of Boys, p. 42 Cult Streetware, p. 30 Curious Gardener, p. 67 Da Vinci, p. 54, 55 Daily Doodle, p. 25
Kook ze!, p. 4 Kookbijbel, p.3 Koudelka, p. 43 Krafwerk, p. 60 Kunst- en Antiek, p. 55 Kusama, p. 60 Lady Gaga, p. 19 Lahaut, p. 52 Le Corbusier, p. 14 Let’s make, p. 32 Leven en Dood, p. 49 Licht naar kleur, p. 50 Lindbergh, p. 43 Losers and Idots, p. 29 Mad, p. 17 Maeterlinck, p. 50 Mafia, p. 22 Magie de New York, p. 12 Magma Sketchbook, p. 24 Maison Bru, p. 3 Mange Bruxelles, p. 66 MAS, p. 49, 51, 65 Masha and friends, p. 27 MeandMeandMe, p. 56 Meli, p. 66 Memory Games, p. 32 Mercator, p. 36 Mercury, p. 19 MetaMaus, p. 17 Microworlds, p. 61 Miller’s, p. 55 Million Dollar Classics, p. 9 Minne, p. 50 Missing images, p. 65 Mollison, p. 31 MoMa Topsy-turvy, p. 33 Monde en cartes, p. 36 More Lofts, p. 10 Mugo, p. 53 Music, p. 19, 60 My wonderful world, p. 27 Naked Architecture, p. 15 Naked Beauty, p. 41 Nara, p. 30 Natural Wonders, p. 33 Neue National Gallery, p. 15 New African Fashion, p. 21 New York in color, p. 39 New York Times, p. 39 New York, p. 37, 39 Newton, p. 43 Nocturne, p. 29 Nojima, p. 43 Notecards, p. 26 - 27 Objects of Desire, p. 9 Olivar, p. 43 Opvoeden in Schoonheid, p. 64 Our true intent, p. 44 Palazzo Rubens, p. 47 Parisian Chic, p. 24 Parties, p. 29 Pattern Cutting, p. 21 Perry Katy, p. 19 Petite Collage, p. 32 Photography, p. 31 Photography, p. 40-44 Picasso, p. 56 Pinocchio, p. 53 Polaroid, p. 42 Poliza, p. 37 Popular Culture, p. 30, 32 Porto-Novo, p. 38 Prefab Houses, p. 15
Dali, p. 56, 62 De Keyser, p. 61 De Kooning, p. 58 Dean, p. 59 Degas, p. 56 Delrue, p. 61 Demeulenaere, p, 53 Destination, p. 38 Disciples, p. 31 DIY, p. 24 Drinks, p. 6, 24 Dylan, p. 19 Eco-Friendly, p. 14 Edge of Arabia, p. 61 Elliott, p. 42 Emily the Strange, p. 27 Eyewitness, p. 60 Fabergé, p. 55 Face of Jesus, p. 62 Famille Verte, p. 51 Famous Faces, p. 26 Fashion Design, p. 21 Fashion Style, p. 25 Fashion, p. 20, 21, 24, 25, 32 Food France, p.4 Forever Young, p. 43 Fra Angelico, p. 54 Fresh box, p, 34 Freud, p. 58 Garden Source, p. 67 Gaultier, p. 21 Gedempte Zuiderdokken, p. 65 Gent, p. 66 Gharem, p. 61 Girard, p. 33 Graffiti, p. 30 Grandville, p. 51 Graphic art, p. 34-35 Grassroots, p. 43 Grimonprez, p. 53 Harrison, p. 18 Herbert, p. 51 Hervé, p. 14 Hockney, p. 58 Holy Kama, p. 16 Hopper, p. 62 Horta, p. 13 How to design, p. 34 Hundertwasser, p. 62 I’m so happy, p. 24 Ibidago, p. 42 Iconic NY, p. 37 Icons of Men’s, p. 29 India, p. 37 Inspirational, p. 29 Instant iron-ons, p. 26 Ipad, p. 25 It’s lonely, p. 24 Jackson, p. 19 Janssen, p. 49 Japanese Illustration, p. 34 Japon éternel, p. 38 Je eigen, p. 67 Jordaens, p. 46 Journals, p. 25-27 Kamagurka, p. 16 Kapoor, p. 59 Kelly, p. 59 Kenya, p. 37 Kicks Japan, p. 27 Kiefer, p. 59 Kleine encyclopedie, p. 29 Kokeshi, p. 26
Print & Pattern, p. 34 Puzzle, p. 33 Reading Letters, p. 35 Retro Fashion, p. 20 Richter, p. 57 Rock Fort, p.4 Rock Seen, p. 18 Rodin, p. 56 Romanes, p. 55 Rooted in the Real, p. 15 Rosas, p. 44 Rough Luxe Design, p. 9 Roversi, p. 44 Rubens, p. 46, 47 Rude Hand, p. 29 Sagmeister, p. 35 Schilde, p. 65 Science ink, p. 31 Sex, p. 25 Sexy Truth, p. 25 Sherman, p. 60 Simpsons, p. 25 Sleeping Beauties, p. 52 Smurfs, p. 17 Sneakers, p. 27 Sotogrande, p. 11 Spermalie, p. 3 Spiegelman, p. 17 Spirit, p. 67 STAM Gent, p. 66 Stencil 201, p. 31 Sticker Bomb, p. 31 Street Style, p. 32 Studio Job, p. 52 Super Yacht Bible, p. 9 Szapocnikow, p. 52 Taintor, p. 24 Take Ivy, p. 28 Taroudant, p. 11 Tattoo World, p. 31 Teens, p. 26 Temps des Cerises, p. 41 Textiles, p. 21 Tintin, p. 17 Toulouse-Lautrec, p. 62 Toys for Boys, p. 8 Toys, p. 33 Typewriter, p. 25 Typography, p. 34-35 Van der Rohe, p. 15 Van Dyck, p. 46 Van Gemert, p. 64 Van Hoeckdonck, p. 51 Van Mieghem, p. 65 Vrouwen die lezen, p. 23 Waits, p . 42 Web Design, p. 34, 35 Wereld in kaart, p. 36 Wereldhaven, p. 65 Westlicht Collection, p. 42 Weston, p. 44 Wintertuin, p. 64 Woodman, p. 60 World Architecture, p. 15 World of Private, p. 37 World of Smurfs, p. 17 World on a plate, p. 38 World Piecebook, p. 31 Wouters, p. 50 Wurm, p. 52 You are what you, p. 32
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