VOORWOORD Arjan de Boer
De laatste jaren is er veel te doen geweest over “hedge funds”. Maar wat zijn hedge funds eigenlijk? De klassieke definitie van een hedge funds is: “a privately organized, pooled investment vehicle, investing primarily in publicly traded securities and derivatives”. Maar er is niet één manier om een hedge fund te typeren. Het fenomeen hedge funds kan op verschillende manieren uitgelegd worden, al wordt algemeen aangenomen dat een hedgefund een ongereguleerde, agressieve vorm van beleggen is. Eind jaren negentig namen de mogelijkheden voor beleggers meer en meer af. De rendementen op aandelen kwamen onder druk te zitten en investeerders waren op zoek naar iets nieuws. Met de opkomst van hedgefunds leek het antwoord op de slinkende rendementen gevonden: een goede lange termijn belegging welke onafhankelijk rendeerde van een dalende beurskoers. Vooral de institutionele beleggers raakten enthousiast en de groei van hedge funds was daarom ook niet verwonderlijk. In de jaren negentig waren hedge funds nog voornamelijk toegankelijk voor beleggers die veel geld konden investeren, maar met de groei van ‘funds of hedge funds’ zijn er nu ook voor kleinere beleggers legio mogelijkheden om in hedge funds te beleggen. Op het eerste gezicht lijken hedge funds goede alternatieven om te beleggen, of dat werkelijk het geval is, wordt door middel van zeven artikelen toegelicht. In het eerste artikel zal Richard de Jong informatie die data vendors over hedge funds naar buiten brengen onder de loep nemen. Aansluitend zullen Nolke Posthuma en Piete-Jelle van der Sluis hedge funds in het algemeen behandelen. Zij zullen stilstaan bij de betekenis van hedge funds en de variaties erin. De investering in hedge funds is de laatste decennia sterk toegenomen. Dat dit niet altijd goed gaat, bewijst het artikel van Frank van den Berg over Long-Term Capital Management. Daarna worden de verschillende strategiën beschreven door Erik-Jan Goris in zijn artikel “Hedge fund strategies”. Max Berkelder en Matthijs Storm behandelen non-listed real estate funds. Dit zijn niet “echte” hedgefunds maar zoals eerder gezegd, kan je hedge funds vrij breed interpreteren. Real estate funds proberen hoge return te genereren voor exclusieve beleggers (pension funds, wealthy individuals etc). Het heeft wel hetzelfde doel als een hedgefund, want Unlisted property is een vorm van investments wat veel financials gebruiken om de rendementen op te krikken. Het is zeer interessant om te kijken wat er gebeurt met de assets van zo’n fund als de looptijd verstrijkt. Als laatste is een zrtikel van Age Bakker en Vinh Ho gepubliceerd. Zij zullen de noodzaak van toezicht op hedge funds beschrijven.
ABN Amro www.abn.nl
Barclays Capital www.barclays.com
De Nederlandsche Bank www.dnb.nl
Fiducie is het vakspecialistisch magazine van de Financiële Studievereniging Amsterdam
Deloitte www.deloitte.nl
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Fortis www.fortis.nl
(FSA). De FSA is de studievereniging voor studenten die verbonden zijn aan de economische faculteit van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam en de Universiteit van Amsterdam. De artikelen in Fiducie hebben betrekking op de vakgebieden Accountancy, Controlling, Treasury en Beleggingsleer. Redactie & Lay-out Arjan de Boer Bestuur FSA Freek Aalberts
Goldman Sachs www.goldmansachs.com
IMC www.imc.nl
ING Groep www.ing.nl
Kempen & Co www.kempen.nl
KPMG www.kpmg.nl
Lehman Brothers www.lehman.com
Ministerie van Financiën www.minfin.nl
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PricewaterhouseCoopers www.pwc.nl
Rabobank www.rabobank.nl
Research Project Brazil www.researchproject.org
HEDGE FUNDS ONDER DE LOEP GENOMEN Zijn hedge funds echt de heilige graal van beleggers? RICHARD DE JONG
De laatste tijd wordt wereldwijd veel geschreven over hedge funds en met name over de resultaten van hedge funds. Veel beleggers zijn immers hard op zoek naar alternatieven. Aandelenrendementen blijven onzeker, vastgoedfondsen zijn al flink in koers gestegen en obligaties bieden op dit moment ook niet echt een hoog absoluut rendement. Veel instellingen die data verzamelen en deze vervolgens publiceren (data vendors) laten zien dat hedge funds beter presteren dan aandelen en obligaties. Wat zegt deze informatie?
UNVEILING HEDGE FUNDS NOLKE POSTHUMA EN PIETER-JELLE VAN DER SLUIS What are hedge funds? The classic definition of a hedge fund is a privately organized, pooled investment vehicle, investing primarily in publicly traded securities and derivatives. Combinations of short and long positions reduce exposures to general moves in markets, while the focus is on profiting from security selection. This definition of a hedge fund does not span the various trading strategies applied by hedge funds anymore. With the strong performance of stock and bond markets globally in the late nineties, many hedge funds have deviated from the classical definition by taking net positions that have been more than 100% long or, in rarer cases, substantially short. Due to the media attention of some large hedge fund blow-ups, it is often perceived that hedge funds are very volatile, use a lot of leverage, and take large speculative bets. We believe this is not true in general.
LONG-TERM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: COLLAPSE OF A HEDGE FUND “Like the Titanic, the mighty LTCM was supposed to be unsinkable” FRANK W. VAN DEN BERG
Like the Titanic, hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) was not supposed to ever sink. Yet, in the late summer of 1998, the Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan summoned the chief executives of all the major New York money center banks to his office. In this emergency meeting he strongly “encouraged” the persons present to pull their wallets and fork out several billions of dollars to save LTCM. They were kept in a room until 3.00 am the following morning, until they had hammered out an injection of $3.65 billion to keep LTCM alive.
Since the 1990s hedge funds have experienced an explosive growth in both number of funds and assets under management. Although commonly referred to as “hedge fund” and seeking absolute returns, the strategies utilised by these funds to achieve their returns are as manifold as there are funds. This variety and the fact that the hedge fund industry is largely unregulated often makes it hard for investors to obtain insight into the investment focus, risk profile and track record of a particular hedge fund.
FUND OF HEDGE FUNDS JURGEN BOSBOOM Hedge funds hebben zich het afgelopen decennium mogen verheugen op een steeds grotere belangstelling. Volgens cijfers van TASS Research had de hedge fund industrie eind 1993 een omvang van bijna US$50 miljard. Zeven jaar later, eind 2000, was het beheerd vermogen inmiddels gegroeid tot US$217 miljard om in de daarna volgende drie jaren verder toe te nemen tot US$576 miljard. Het aantal fondsen groeide over dezelfde periode van 1277 in 1993 naar ruim 5000 begin 2004. Omdat echter geen enkele hedge fund database compleet is, is het zeer waarschijnlijk dat de totale industrie in werkelijkheid nog aanzienlijk groter is.
“I WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE” MAX BERKELDER EN MATTHIJS STORM Apart from debt and equity, property has become a specific investment category. Pension funds such as ABP and PGGM have invested up to 12% of their total investment portfolio in real estate. Most of the property investments of institutional investors are allocated in non-listed funds, as they are less sensitive to fluctuations on the stock market and suffer from less media scrutiny.
De hedge funds industrie is het afgelopen decennium, zowel in beheerd vermogen als in aantal fondsen, fors gegroeid. Over de periode van 1990-2003 vertwintigvoudigde het beheerde vermogen (van $38 miljard naar ruim $800 miljard) en is het aantal hedge funds toegenomen van ongeveer 2000 tot meer dan 8000.
HEDGE FUNDS ONDER DE LOEP GENOMEN Zijn hedge funds echt de heilige graal van beleggers? De laatste tijd wordt wereldwijd veel geschreven over hedge funds en met name over de resultaten van hedge funds. Veel beleggers zijn immers hard op zoek naar alternatieven. Aandelenrendementen blijven onzeker, vastgoedfondsen zijn al flink in koers gestegen en obligaties bieden op dit moment ook niet echt een hoog absoluut rendement. Veel instellingen die data verzamelen en deze vervolgens publiceren (data vendors) laten zien dat hedge funds beter presteren dan aandelen en obligaties. Wat zegt deze informatie? Zijn hedge funds echt de heilige graal van beleggers of is er toch meer aan de hand? In dit artikel zal ik nader ingaan op het fenomeen hedge fund. Het artikel is met name geschikt voor die lezers die (nog) weinig ervaring hebben met hedge funds. Eerst zal ik een omschrijving geven van wat hedge funds nu eigenlijk zijn en waar zij zich mee bezighouden. Daarna zal ik ingaan op de rendementen en de risico’s van hedge funds. 9
Soorten hedge funds
van een hefboomwerking. Aangezien de
overgewaardeerd is. De investering bedraagt
over/onderwaardering vaak verborgen is door
0 waardoor er geen marktrisico gelopen
Een hedge fund wordt in de literatuur
complexe derivaten is het tevens gebruikelijk
wordt. Deze hedge funds
veelal omschreven als een meestal niet-
om veel derivaten te gebruiken om deze
long/short hedge fund) lijken op een gewoon
over/onderwaardering bloot te leggen. De
beleggingsfonds. Het verschil is echter dat een
(alsmede een
relative value strategieën blijken vooral goed
gewoon beleggingsfonds vaak niet short mag
beleggingsfondsen. Zo kan een hedge fund
te werken in sterk dalende markten. In deze
gaan. Indien de manager van het fonds negatief
in de regel short gaan (het verkopen van
markten is vaak sprake van paniek en ontstaan
is over een bepaald aandeel kan hij hier weinig
effecten zonder deze in bezit te hebben) en
er inefficiënties waar hedge funds op kunnen
mee doen, behalve dan het niet opnemen
kan het gebruik maken van leverage. Tevens
inspelen. Per saldo geldt echter ook voor hedge
van het fonds in de beleggingsportefeuille.
gebruiken hedge funds veelvuldig derivaten.
funds dat zeer veel financiële onrust leidt tot
Doordat een manager van een equity market
In tegenstelling tot de meer traditionele
lagere rendementen.
neutral hedge fund wel short mag gaan, kan
beleggingsfondsen, zijn hedge funds meer
hij besluiten het aandeel te “shorten” en dit
gericht op absoluut dan op relatief rendement.
vervolgens op een lager niveau terug te kopen.
Lastiger is het om aan te geven waarin en
gebruik te maken van de soms aanwezige
Hoewel de hedge fund manager dus dezelfde
op welke wijze een hedge fund investeert.
onderwaardering in converteerbare obligaties.
visie heeft als de manager van het gewone
In principe volgt elk hedge fund namelijk
Men koopt de ondergewaarde converteerbare
beleggingsfonds, kan de hedge fund manager
obligatie en verkoopt het onderliggende
meer rendement behalen uit deze zelfde visie.
worden hedge funds vaak onderverdeeld in 3
aandeel waardoor het marktrisico gehedged
De equity market neutral fondsen laten over
strategieën (zie grafiek 1).
is. Bij fixed income arbitrage proberen hedge
de afgelopen 10 jaar bescheiden, maar stabiele
De relative value strategieën maken veelvuldig
funds gebruik te maken van de mispricings in
rendementen zien.
gebruik van arbitrage. Er wordt gezocht naar
en tussen de verschillende obligatiemarkten.
vormen van inefficiënties in de markt op basis
Een belangrijke strategie binnen de relative
De event driven hedge funds richten zich op
waarvan arbitrage gepleegd wordt. Bij pure
value is de zogenaamde equity market neutral
een bepaalde gebeurtenis (event) en niet
arbitrage is het marktrisico nul. Deze categorie
strategie. In het kort houdt deze strategie in
zozeer op pure arbitrage. Hoewel discutabel is
is in hoge mate marktneutraal, dat wil zeggen
dat een hedge fund bijvoorbeeld Koninklijke
het gebruikelijk merger arbitrage hedge funds
onafhankelijk van marktbewegingen. Doordat
Olie koopt en tegelijkertijd BP verkoopt. De
niet onder de arbitragestrategieën te scharen,
de winstmarges vaak klein zijn, wordt met
gedachte van de manager van een hedge funds
maar onder de event driven strategieën. Bij
name bij deze strategieën gebruik gemaakt
is dat Koninklijke Olie ondergewaardeerd en BP
merger arbitrage worden aandelen van het
Strategieën hedge funds
Relative value
Grafiek 1
Event driven
Market directional
doelwit door het hedge fund gekocht en die
event driven strategieën en ongeveer 21% uit
van 10,41%. Obligaties leverden een totaal
van de overnemende partij verkocht. Het
relative value strategieën. Van de afzonderlijke
rendement op van 102,83%, oftewel een
uitgangspunt is dus dat de aandelen van het
strategieën is de long/short strategie met een
gemiddeld rendement van 6,8% per jaar. Hedge
doelwit nog verder zullen stijgen en die van
marktpercentage van ruim 30% de grootste.
funds realiseerden een totaal rendement
de overnemende partij zullen dalen. De andere
Ter vergelijking, in 1990 bestond ruim 87% van
van 197,70% (een gemiddeld rendement
categorie binnen de event driven strategie zijn
de hedge funds markt uit de market directional
van 10,68% per jaar). Hedge funds hebben
de hedge funds die zich richten op bedrijven
dus over een periode van ruim 10 jaar het
die in grote financiële moeilijkheden verkeren.
strategieën en ongeveer 5% uit relative value
beste rendement laten zien. U zou nu kunnen
Hedge funds speculeren er in dit geval op dat
strategieën. Van de afzonderlijke strategieën
concluderen dat u voortaan maar het beste in
de bedrijven uit de financiële problemen zullen
waren de global macro hedge funds het meest
hedge funds kunt beleggen. Maar onthoudt:
geraken en dat de beurskoers zal herstellen.
vertegenwoordigd met een marktaandeel van
resultaten uit het verleden bieden geen
ruim 71%.
garantie voor de toekomst!! Pas op met het vergelijken van rendementen
De categorie market directional is de meest riskante
Om een goed beeld te krijgen van de
strategie. Rendementen van deze strategieën
toegevoegde waarde van hedge funds voor
zijn voor een groot gedeelte afhankelijk van de
een beleggingsportefeuille, die bestaat uit
Op het eerste gezicht lijkt het dat hedge funds
richting van de aandelen- en obligatiemarkten.
aandelen en/of obligaties, is het raadzaam om
beter hebben gepresteerd dan aandelen en
Hedge funds die zich bezig houden met
in het achterhoofd te houden dat er dus een
obligaties. Hier moeten echter een aantal
macro hedging richten zich op economische
grote diversiteit in hedge funds is en dus ook in
kanttekeningen bij geplaatst worden. De
grootheden als rente en valuta. Hedge funds
rendement, risico en correlatie.
hedge funds indices hebben betrekking op
proberen trends in deze grootheden te ontdekken en trachten hier op in te spelen. Deze strategieën presteerden goed tijdens de bear market van 2001 en 2002. Net als bij een equity market neutral strategie neemt de manager van een long/short strategie tegelijkertijd een long en een short positie in. Het verschil tussen een long/short strategie en een equity market neutral strategie is, dat de eerste geen evenwicht tussen een long en een
de rendementen van hedge funds die nu nog
Om toch tot een maandrendement te komen, gebruiken hedge funds de laatst beschikbare marktprijs of schatten deze prijs zelf
short posities hoeft te hebben. De long/short strategieën presteerden goed tijdens de bull
bestaan. Sommige hedge funds zijn echter door slechte rendementen failliet gegaan. De resultaten van die funds worden niet meer meegenomen in een hedge funds index. De gepubliceerde data zijn hierdoor een overschatting van het werkelijk gemiddelde rendement over een bepaalde periode. De wetenschappers
Ibbotson (1999) kwamen tot de conclusie dat hierdoor het gemiddelde rendement van hedge funds sinds 1994 met bijna 3% per jaar
Vaststellen verschillende indices
market (tot maart 2000), maar presteerden
wordt overschat. Dit zou betekenen dat het jaarlijks rendement over de afgelopen 10 jaar
slecht tijdens de laatste bear market (2001 en
Om een goede rendementsvergelijking te
kunnen maken tussen een belegging in
Short sellers anticiperen op een daling van de
aandelen, obligaties en hedge funds is het van
Bovendien geldt dat veel hedge funds investeren
effectenmarkten door bepaalde effecten te
belang representatieve indices te kiezen. Vaak
in illiquide aandelen/obligaties waarvan geen
verkopen met als doel deze op een lager niveau
kiest men voor aandelen de S&P 500 als index,
recente marktprijzen beschikbaar zijn. Om
terug te kopen. De rendementen hangen
voor obligaties de Lehman Brothers index en
toch tot een maandrendement te komen,
daardoor sterk af van de ontwikkelingen op de
voor hedge funds de Credit Suisse First Boston/
gebruiken hedge funds de laatst beschikbare
verschillende aandelen- en obligatiemarkten.
Tremont index. Deze laatste index bestaat uit
marktprijs of schatten deze prijs zelf. Gevolg
een gewogen gemiddelde van alle hierboven
hiervan is dat een positie een zeer stabiele
De managed future fondsen investeren in
vermelde strategieën. Aangezien de Tremont
waardeontwikkeling laat zien terwijl dit niet het
futures die betrekking hebben op verschillende
index alleen data heeft vanaf 1994 kunnen we
werkelijke illiquiditeitsrisico weerspiegelt.
indices in verschillende financiële markten,
de drie indices dus slechts over de laatste 10
zoals de aandelenmarkt, de obligatiemarkt of
jaar met elkaar vergelijken.
de valutamarkt. Vaak is de strategie gebaseerd op het ontdekken van een trend met behulp
niet 10,68% maar 7,68% bedroeg.
Daarnaast zijn hedge funds niet verplicht hun rendementen openbaar te maken. Het
Hedge funds hebben het hoogste rendement
van technische analyse.
ligt voor de hand dat alleen die fondsen die goede rendementen hebben behaald deze
Vanaf 1 januari 1994 tot eind september 2004
naar buiten zullen brengen. Ook dit maakt dat
Volgens schattingen bestaat ruim 51% van
behaalden aandelen (de S&P 500 index) een
de gepubliceerde data een overschatting van
de hedge funds markt uit de zogenaamde
cumulatief rendement van 189,93%, wat
het werkelijk gemiddelde rendement over een
market directional strategieën, ruim 28% uit
overeenkomt met een jaarlijks rendement
bepaalde periode kunnen inhouden.
Toekomstig rendement
Met risico bedoelt men de beweeglijkheid
aandelenkoersen wordt immers vaak vergezeld
van rendementen, hetgeen gemeten wordt
door hogere spreads, toenemende volatiliteit
Tot slot is het nodig om de toekomstige
door middel van de standaarddeviatie. Hoe
en afnemende liquiditeit. Dit maakt het voor
rendementen en dan met name die van de
beweeglijker het rendement, hoe hoger het
hedge funds moeilijker hun strategieën uit te
arbitrage strategieën kritisch te beschouwen.
risico aangezien de kans op een ongewenste
voeren. Het is daarom van groot belang dat
Want nu er steeds meer hedge funds op de
uitkomst toeneemt. In theorie wordt dus met
een hedge fund een lange geschiedenis heeft,
markt komen die zich bezig houden met
risico ook een hogere uitkomst dan verwacht
zodat beoordeeld kan worden hoe het fonds
arbitrage, maar de arbitrage mogelijkheden
zich in tijden van crises heeft gehouden.
per saldo gelijk blijven, kan dit een negatief
Zoals opgemerkt zijn hedge funds niet normaal
effect hebben op het rendement. Voor de
Laten wij nu eens kijken naar de harde cijfers.
verdeeld. Bij een normaalverdeling heeft de
andere strategieën geldt dit argument minder.
Vanaf 1 januari 1994 tot eind september 2004,
skewness parameter een waarde van 0 en
Daarnaast bleek dat de afgelopen maanden veel
was het risico bij aandelen 15,38%, bij hedge
de kurtosis parameter een waarde van 3. De
hedge funds last hadden van de afgenomen
funds 8,22% en bij obligaties 4,10%. Op het
skewness parameter geeft de scheefheid van
beweeglijkheid op de aandelenbeurzen. Zo
eerste gezicht lijkt het er dus op dat het risico
de verdeling weer. Een negatieve skewness
zakte de beweeglijkheid van de AEX van 23 %
van hedge funds lager is dan dat van aandelen.
betekent dat de kans op een verlies groter
naar 13 %. In dit soort markten hebben hedge
Als we afzien van de hierboven beschreven
is dan de kans op winst. Als de kurtosis een
funds weinig speelruimte. Mijn verwachting is
waarde heeft van groter dan 3, dan betekent
echter dat de beweeglijkheid in de komende
risicoverhouding bij hedge funds er zeer goed
dit dat er tussen de historische rendementen
tijd wel weer zal aantrekken hetgeen de
uit. Echter, ook hier is de werkelijkheid iets
veel grote uitschieters waren (zowel positief
speelruimte voor hedge funds kan vergroten.
anders. De standaarddeviatie die gebruikt
als negatief ). Een risico-averse belegger heeft
wordt om het risico te meten, is niet geschikt
dit liever niet. Uit bovenstaande tabel blijkt dat
Uit onderzoek van Agarwal e.a. (2004) blijkt
voor hedge funds. Brooks en Kat (2002) hebben
aandelen en obligaties normaal verdeeld zijn,
tevens dat er een negatief verband is tussen
aangetoond dat hedge funds rendementen niet
waardoor de standaarddeviatie wel een goede
de omvang van het beheerd vermogen en
normaal verdeeld zijn. De standaarddeviatie
maatstaf voor risico is.
toekomstige resultaten van een hedge fund.
is hierdoor geen geschikte maatstaf om
Een mogelijke verklaring is dat het voor grote
het risico te meten. Hedge funds hebben
Wat opvalt is dat met name Fixed Income
fondsen moeilijker is om voldoende kansen te
namelijk een hoog “event risk”. In “normale”
Arbitrage en Event Driven ver afwijken van een
vinden in de markt.
economische omstandigheden leveren hedge
normaalverdeling (zeer negatieve skewness
funds inderdaad een superieur rendement op
en/of hoge kurtosis). Met name het gebruik
gegeven een bepaalde standaarddeviatie. De
van leverage zorgt voor de hoge kurtosis,
meeste hedge funds zijn echter zeer gevoelig
omdat leverage de kans op een hoog positief
Vaak wordt geschreven dat het risico bij
voor onrust in de financiële markten. Te denken
of negatief rendement verhoogd. Op basis
hedge funds lager is dan bij bijvoorbeeld
valt hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan de crises in Brazilië
van de standaarddeviatie zou men kunnen
aandelen of gelijk is aan dat van obligaties.
en Rusland (1998). Een flinke daling van de
concluderen dat deze twee strategieën niet
Gemiddeld jaar-
lijks rendement
CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index
Convertible arbitrage
Fixed Income Arbitrage
Equity market neutral
Event driven
Macro hedging
Long/short equity
Distressed securities
Short sellers
S&P 500
Lehman Brothers Bond
Managed futures
*De risicovrije rente is op 4% verondersteld **Gemeten vanaf 1 januari 1994 tot 1 januari 2004
Grafiek 2
veel risicovoller zijn dan obligaties. Op basis
Eind september 2004 bedroeg de correlatie
zijn. Blijkbaar wordt er dus wel degelijk een
van de kurtosis en skewness parameters komt
van de CSFB/Tremont hedge fund index
beperkte mate van marktrisico gelopen.
men echter tot een veel minder rooskleurig
met aandelen 0,48. Dit houdt dus in dat als
Long/short strategieën hebben gemiddeld
beeld. Tevens blijkt dat de strategie Distressed
aandelen met 1 % dalen over een bepaalde
een correlatie van 0,58 met de S&P 500 index.
Securities een zeer hoge kurtosis heeft. Dit
periode, hedge funds met 1 % * 0,48 = 0,48 %
Hieruit blijkt dat long/short strategieën per
komt mede doordat de winsten bij succes hoog
dalen. De correlatie van de hedge funds index
saldo vaker een gekochte dan een verkochte
zijn, maar tevens doordat verliezen bij een
met obligaties is negatief. Het toevoegen
verkeerde keuze ook aanzienlijk kunnen zijn.
van hedge funds in een obligatieportefeuille
hierdoor sterk af van de ontwikkelingen op de
vermindert hierdoor het risico van de totale
aandelenmarkten. De correlatie met obligaties
is te verwaarlozen.
Tevens blijkt dat de verschillende strategieën De grootste toegevoegde waarde van hedge
Geconcludeerd kan worden dat op basis van
funds heeft mijns inziens te maken met de
aandelen en obligaties. Short sellers hebben,
correlatie hedge funds en obligaties beter
correlatie van hedge funds met aandelen/
zoals mag worden verwacht, een negatieve
samengaan dan hedge funds en aandelen.
obligaties. Correlatie geeft de samenhang
correlatie met aandelen (-0,76). Het toevoegen
Tevens is vaak sprake van een lage correlatie
tussen rendementen weer. Bij een negatieve
van deze strategie aan de portefeuille verlaagt
tussen de verschillende strategieën onderling.
correlatie tussen twee beleggingen betekent
dus de beweeglijkheid en het risico van de
Brealy e.a. (2001) schatten dat de correlatie
een positief rendement van de ene belegging
portefeuille. Opvallend is dat de equity market
tussen alle afzonderlijke strategieën ongeveer
een negatief rendement van de andere en
neutral strategie wel degelijk een correlatie
0,13 is. Het opnemen van verschillende hedge
vice versa. De correlatie varieert van –1 tot
heeft met aandelen. Volgens de theorie zou
+1. Is de correlatie lager dan +1 dan neemt de
deze strategie echter geen correlatie (ook geen
kopen van een fund of hedge funds) leidt op
beweeglijkheid van de portefeuille af en dus
lage) met de aandelenmarkt moeten hebben.
portefeuilleniveau dus tot een verdere reductie
het risico.
De strategie zou immers marktneutraal moeten
van het risico.
S&P 500
Lehman Brothers
Hedge Fund Index
Bond Index
Convertible arbitrage
Fixed Income Arbitrage
Equity market neutral
Event driven
Macro hedging
Long/short equity
Distressed securities
Short sellers
Managed futures
S&P 500
LB Bond Index -0,12 Gemeten vanaf 1 januari 1994 tot 30 september 2004
CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index
Fund of fund
goede rendement/risico-verhouding. Een ander
hedge Fund Index returns and their Implications
pluspunt van hedge funds is de lage correlatie
for Investors.” The Journal of Alternative
met aandelen en obligaties. Het toevoegen van
Investments, Vol. 5 (2002), pp. 26-44.
verschillende strategieën onderling is een
hedge funds aan de portefeuille vermindert
Brealy, R.A. and E. Kaplanis; “Changes in the
fund of hedge funds een goed alternatief
daardoor de beweeglijkheid en dus het risico
Factor Exposures of Hedge Funds.” Working
voor individuele hedge funds. Daarnaast heeft
van de portefeuille.
Paper London Business School (2001).
Brown, S., W. Goetzmann and R. Ibbotson;
een fund of hedge funds vaak toegang tot hedge funds die voor individuele beleggers
Het grootste nadeel van hedge funds is
“Offshore Hedge Funds: Survival & Performance.”
al gesloten zijn. Vaak hebben deze gesloten
echter dat de rendementen van hedge funds
Journal of Business, Vol.72 (1999), pp. 91-117.
fondsen mooie resultaten behaald in het
niet normaal verdeeld zijn. De portefeuille
Brown, S., W. Goetzmann, R. Ibbotson and S.A.
recente verleden. Nadeel van een fund of
wordt gevoeliger voor extreme situaties op
Ross; “Survivorship Bias in Performance Studies.”
hedge funds is de dubbele fee structuur.
de financiële markten. Echter, hoe langer de
The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 5 (1992),
Agarwal e.a. (2004) komen tot de conclusie dat
financiële markten zich “normaal” gedragen
pp. 553-580.
er bij een fund of hedge funds wel een positieve
zonder extreme volatiliteit, hoe positiever het
Fung, W., D. Hsieh; “The Risk in Hedge Fund
relatie is tussen de grootte van een fund en de
toevoegen van hedge funds voor u kan zijn.
Strategies: Theory and Evidence from trend Followers.” The Review of Financial Studies, Vol.
toekomstige rendementen. Dit in tegenstelling tot individuele hedge funds, waarbij de relatie
drs RH.J. de Jong is vermogensbeheerder bij
14 (2001), pp. 313-341.
negatief is. Een fund of hedge funds lijkt dus te
Van Lieshout & Partners N.V., private bankers.
Gediversificeerde Hedge Fund Portefeuilles.”
profiteren van schaalvoordelen.
VBA Journaal, Vol 3 (2004), pp. 26-33 Geraadpleegde literatuur
Kat, H.M.; “Hedge Fund Mania: Some Words of
Agarwal, V. en N. Naik; “Risk and Portfolio
Caution.” VBA Journaal, Vol 2 (2001), pp. 3-7.
Decisions Involving Hedge Funds.” The Review
Liang, B; “Hedge Funds: The Living and the
of Financial Studies, Vol. 17 (2004), pp. 63-98.
Dead.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative
verschillende strategieën hebben verschillende
Agarwal, V., N.D. Daniel en N. Naik; “Flows,
analysis, (2000).
kenmerken. De arbitragestrategieën zijn het
Performance, and Managerial Incentives in
Ruiter, A.J.C. de; “De plaatsbepaling van hedge
minst afhankelijk van marktbewegingen en
Hedge Fund.” Working Paper London Business
funds in een pensioenfonds portefeuille.” VBA
gebruiken vaak veel hefboomwerking. De
School (2004).
Journaal, Vol 2 (2001), pp. 17-24.
marktafhankelijke strategieën zijn het meest
Amin, G.S., H.M. Kat; “Diversification and Yield
UBS Warburg; “Investing in Hedge Funds: In
afhankelijk van marktbewegingen en hebben
Enhancement with Hedge Funds.” AIRC Working
Search of Alpha.”(2000)
hierdoor ook de grootste schommelingen in
Paper (2002).
hun rendement.
Amin, G.S., H.M. Kat; “Stocks, Bonds and Hedge
Conclusie Hedge
Funds: Not a free Lunch.” AIRC Working Paper Hoewel de gepubliceerde rendementen vaak
te optimistisch zijn, hebben hedge funds een
Brooks, C., H.M. Kat; “The Statistical Properties of
What are hedge funds? The classic definition of a hedge fund is a privately organized, pooled investment vehicle, investing primarily in publicly traded securities and derivatives. Combinations of short and long positions reduce exposures to general moves in markets, while the focus is on profiting from security selection. This definition of a hedge fund does not span the various trading strategies applied by hedge funds anymore. With the strong performance of stock and bond markets globally in the late nineties, many hedge funds have deviated from the classical definition by taking net positions that have been more than 100% long or, in rarer cases, substantially short. Due to the media attention of some large hedge fund blow-ups, it is often perceived that hedge funds are very volatile, use a lot of leverage, and take large speculative bets. We believe this is not true in general. Hedge funds may use speculative instruments such as options and futures, but they mainly do this in a very risk-controlled and conservative way. Hedge fund strategies are often very subtle. The returns of financial assets break down in several risk premiums. If one of these component risk premiums has a high return to risk ratio, a hedge fund can choose to take up only this component risk and hedge out the others. 17
The hedging out of the above component
These controls limit fund leverage, short selling,
managers, hedge funds charge aggressive fees.
risks is often a delicate issue. We will give some
holding shares of other investment companies,
Typical fee structures consist of 2% of assets
examples below where we discuss the hedge
and holding more than 10% of the shares
under management, and 20% of cumulative
fund styles in detail. Due to the fact hedge
of any single company. Hedge funds do not
profits on a yearly basis. The fast growth of the
funds are largely unregulated they can gear
have to comply with the Fulcrum rule, which
hedge fund industry provokes a greater variety
up any of the above component risk premiums.
forbids mutual fund managers to have different
in fee structures. Some performance fees are
Leverage is often needed to make the small risk
fees for gains and losses. Marketing of hedge
calculated on basis of quarterly or even monthly
premiums economically significant.
funds is severely restricted by US law; they are
returns. It is noted that such performance fee is
not allowed to advertise to the general public.
equivalent to giving an in the money option
Nowadays a hedge fund is best defined by
Word of mouth advertising and inclusion in
to the hedge fund manager each quarter or
its organizational structure and regulatory
databases are the most important options left
month. The value of these options increases
status. We will discuss these issues below. Any
to obtain funds. For regulatory purposes, before
with the volatility of the hedge fund, which is
statement about a hedge fund is conditional
1996, hedge funds had to limit the number of
controlled by the hedge fund manager. This
on the investment style of the fund. Therefore
investors to 99 to qualify for exclusion from
may give rise to a misalignment of interests
we will classify hedge funds on basis of their
regulations governing public issuance of
with the investor and the manager. The costs of
styles. We do not consider hedge funds to be
securities, including restrictions on public
the organization could come in addition to the
an asset class on their own. The investment
advertising and solicitation of investors. In 1996,
fees. High watermarks are applied to give hedge
styles are diverse and investing in hedge funds
the National Securities Markets Improvement
fund managers incentives to control risk taking.
is also a bet on active management. Seasoned
Act modified the Investment Company Act
A high watermark determines that excess
fund of funds managers understand that an
by raising the ceiling on the number of U.S.
return fees cannot be paid before earlier losses
external manager’s track record of good past
investors allowed in unregulated funds to 500.
have been compensated. The high watermark
returns is no guarantee for future good returns.
In addition, recent rules by the SEC have further
is an incentive to avoid loss, but when losses
Instead they will focus on sustainability of the
broadened the ability of hedge funds to attract
are made the coin turns, hedge fund managers
return generating process of the manager
individual and institutional money. Hedge funds
have the incentive to take on extra risk in order
and do extensive due diligence on and daily
can accept money from “qualified investors,”
to get above their watermarks, which delivers
monitoring of the funds they invest in.
who have $5 million in capital to invest, and a
them performance fees. Hedge funds often
This paper is nothing more than an introduction
sophisticated understanding of the financial
require advance notice for redemptions of as
to hedge funds. It is not a compendium for
markets. In addition, they can accept money
short as one month, and as long as three years.
asset allocation decisions to hedge funds, nor a
from institutions such as pension funds that
Such notice or lockup periods are designed to
digest for doing hedge fund manager selection.
have at least $25 million in capital. Recently
limit the impact of fund redemptions on the
The characteristics of hedge funds are such
predominantly European governments have
investment strategy, which is often in illiquid
that the latter two key issues are very tough.
released new laws that provide hedge funds
securities. Hedge fund managers often invest
We urge any potential hedge fund investor
with more space for marketing activities.
a substantial amount of their own money in
to seek advice from experienced hedge fund
Generally speaking, European regulations are
their funds. This practice is hoped to have the
similar to those in the US. The extent to which
effect of aligning the interests of the managers
regulators can regulate is limited due to the
with those of the outside investors. However,
existence of many offshore fund structure
the emotional involvement of the manager
possibilities. Additional regulation tends to
might also lead to human deficits. The empirical
drive hedge funds offshore where they are
evidence is as follows. Liang (1999) finds
further out of reach. Note that hedge funds
that average hedge fund returns are related
that invest in other hedge funds (fund of
positively to incentive fees, size of fund assets,
funds) could comply with US rules even when
and the lockup period. In particular, funds with
underlying funds are based offshore. Although
high watermarks outperform those without.
hedge funds are not strictly regulated, they are
Note, in this research the author could only use
regulated by the banks from which give them
reported returns, poor performance might not
credit. The banks themselves are regulated and
be reported by managers and could change
will not deal with anybody who cannot prove
Due to the media attention of some large hedge fund blowups, it is often perceived that hedge funds are very volatile, use a lot of leverage, and take large speculative bets 1.1 Regulatory environment
to have adequate capital or provide adequate
Hedge funds are usually private partnerships
2. Hedge fund industry growth
Hedge funds are commonly viewed as a
common to more traditional investment funds.
1.2 Skill based and fee driven
Hedge funds can be defined by their freedom
Hedge funds are predominantly comprised of a
However, their history is actually considerably
from regulatory controls as described by the
flexible staff to swiftly take advantage of market
longer than that. Unofficial hedge funds have
Investment Company Acts of 1933 and 1940.
opportunities. Compared to traditional asset
been around for centuries. Take for example
rice futures traders in 18th century Japan. The
1960s, many imitator funds started in the 1990s,
into hedge funds. Data-vendors, practitioners
first official hedge fund on record, the Jones
and many funds closed down or liquidated
and academics develop and use different
Hedge Fund, was established by Alfred Winslow
during the liquidity crisis of 1998 and the
classifications. Hedge funds can be classified
Jones in 1949. The fund invested in US stocks,
equity market downturn in 2000. The liquidity
along several dimensions, such as investment
both long, and short in an attempt to reduce
crisis, especially the collapse of Long Term
style, asset class and geographical focus,
market risk, and focus on stock selection.
Capital Management (LTCM) attracted negative
leverage, and incentive structures. The most
Jones generated high returns while managing
general style labels are relative value, directional,
to avoid significant attention from the general
accelerated enormously with the slump in
and event driven. Relative value encompasses
financial community until 1966, when an article
global equity markets combined with the bleak
many trading strategies in equities and capital
in Fortune (Loomis) led to increased interest
outlook. The perceived low correlation and
structure arbitrage. Event driven strategies, are
in hedge funds. Two years later in 1968, the
favorable Sharpe ratios of hedge funds, draw
also often relative value strategies. Relatively
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
many institutional investors into hedge funds.
new capital structure arbitrage strategies, such
estimated that approximately 140 hedge funds
Tremont TASS - one of the leading database
as equity debt arbitrage, are booming with the
were in existence. During the equity market
vendors - estimates the hedge fund industry’s
increase in instruments like equity debt swaps.
downturn of 1969, assets under management
asset base at $870 billion in August 20041. Many
Known relative value opportunities may erode
and the number of funds declined with severely
me-too funds founded by former investment
as many managers apply the same trades.
(70% for the largest registered funds) due
bankers and the vast amount of capital drawn
Market capacities of directional strategies
to losses, withdrawals and closures. Perhaps
in, revitalized Julian Robertson’s issue of market
driven by geo-political circumstances are not
(imitator) hedge funds could not resist the
impact and capacity. Since 2000, hedge funds
easily eroded. Governments and central banks
temptation to be leveraged long during the
have produced lower returns. An extensive and
manipulate interest and exchange rates. This
preceding bull market. As a consequence,
perhaps desperate search for new strategies is
causes short-run inefficiencies in these markets,
hedge funds lost their popularity. Proprietary
conducted. Former investment bankers who
that hedge funds exploit. Below we describe
trading desks of banks were still trading
are now in hedge funds, have experience in
some common style classifications. Notice
hedge fund strategies. Only in the early 1980s
financing and structuring deals. This could be
that some for some strategies, multiple style
did popularity rise again, with investments in
the reason why financing catastrophe bonds,
classifications apply, and some classifications
Julian Robertson’s Tiger fund going up from
mortgage and asset backed securities, credit
include many different strategies. Managers
$8 million to $3 billion. Julian Robertson was
default swaps, complex derivative structures,
choosing their own benchmark might be
unable to run his equity long short strategies
and arbitrage on capital structures has become
tempted to choose the most favorable
anymore without a profound market impact.
increasingly popular. These managers edge
Therefore, he decided to apply new investment
against traditional investment banks is their
strategies. He began speculating on global
freedom to refrain from complying with several
currencies based on macro economic views,
banking regulations and the upcoming liquidity
Relative Value styles try to eliminate
later a style called global macro. Since then,
restricting Basel II. Instead of competing with
market risk and make use of market
growth has continued tremendously in terms
hedge funds, investment banks collect hefty
inefficiencies to obtain performance.
of number of funds, funds under management,
fees for their services and even have their own
Managers who primarily exploit
as well as the number of investment strategies.
embedded hedge fund “hotels”.
Julian Robertson’s Tiger fund closed down in February 2000 after “missing” the tech bubble. In retrospect his view on tech proved to be correct with the dramatic decline of the NASDAQ. Historically hedge fund investors were wealthy individuals and families. The economic expansion, combined with high compensation packages in, for instance, the high-tech, and financial sector, and the success of many familyowned and entrepreneurial business raised the
Relative value
securities are also often labeled as
Note that hedge funds that invest in other hedge funds (fund of funds) could comply with US rules even when underlying funds are based offshore
number of wealthy individuals substantially.
arbitrageurs. •
Equity Most managers classify their fund as Long Short Equity. Long short equity
selection, timing, sector rotation, and alternative equity risk premium strategies.
instance perceive value, small stocks
In the 1990s only a few institutional investors,
3. Classifications of hedge funds
to carry a specific risk premium,
university endowment funds such as Harvard
Hedge funds use various trading strategies,
which could be exploited. Most long
and Yale, took the move to invest in these non-
each of them having specific risk and return
short strategies have an exposure to
institutional vehicles. The stellar performance of
characteristics, and exposures to traditional
the equity market between zero and
major macro funds until 1998 and of leveraged
asset classes (equity for example) that vary
100% of capital. Dedicated Short
long equity funds during 1999 attracted
strongly from negative to positive.
and Equity Market Neutral are other
advantageous market attention. As in the
A level of aggregation makes it easier to probe
equity trading styles, which
major differences are the amount of
target. The bidder offers a price for
number of accredited investors
equity market exposure. A dedicated
the target above the market value.
without formal registration. These
short manager attempts to have a
If the merger succeeds a premium
shares are usually sold at a discount.
negative exposure, while an equity
is collected. This risk premium is
The intention of the legislator is to
market neutral manager attempts
insurance for deal failure.
help distressed firms acquire capital
to eliminate exposure to the equity
Another example of an event driven
and become healthy again. There is
substantial freedom in structuring
yield style. A specific event is a firm
distressed firms, structures include
Investing in equity and fixed income
Financial distress causes institutions
floating rate convertible preferred
such as banks and regulators to
stock, convertible resets, common
could result in returns differing from
impose restrictions. Banks have
stock resets, or structured equity
investing in developed markets.
Market inefficiencies are potentially
non-investment grade compared
Another example of capital structure
larger due to less coverage by
to investment grade loans. Basel II
arbitrage is the Equity Debt Arbitrage
analysts, lower transparency, less
requirements are likely to induce
style. Managers of this style attempt
even more limitations on banks to
to exploit mispricings between the
market structures, and government
supply capital to distressed firms.
firms’ debt and equity. High yield
influence. Emerging Market is the
The regulatory freedom of hedge
and credit default swaps are fixed
hedge fund style that applies to
funds, places managers in a superior
income investments with an equity
managers who attempt to exploit
position to benefit from investing in
risk part. This equity risk part can
these opportunities. Geopolitical
distressed firms.
be hedged and if the fixed income
Emerging market in
risk is the risk for which these hedge funds commonly seek rewards. •
market prices the risk different from •
Capital structure arbitrage
the equity market a premium can be
Capital structure arbitrage funds
Fixed income strategies
exploit arbitrage opportunities in
Fixed income strategies include
securities of the same firm.
bond selection, yield curve timing,
Convertible Arbitrage strategies were
Global Macro
popular during the 90’s. Convertible
The macro economic status and
exploiting liquidity and default
bonds can be decomposed in an
politics of countries and regions
premiums. Especially carry trades,
equity option and a bond. Firms
can have substantial impact on
i.e. buy long-term bonds, and sell
who issue convertibles are often
fixed income, foreign exchange and
short-term bonds, are quite popular
perceived as being more risky than
commodity markets. Global Macro
amongst many hedge funds. Most
the average firm. Issuing straight
managers attempt to exploit macro
money invested in securities is
bonds would be too expensive, and
economic mispricings. A famous
invested in fixed income securities.
issuing equity could be unsuccessful
example of a global macro trader is
These vast markets are influenced
for these firms. The convertible is
George Soros, who made a fortune
by government and central bank
a bond with a relatively low yield,
attacking the British pound, forcing
and equity is only diluted if the
it to devaluate below the European
quo (e.g. Keiretsu system Japan),
firm is successful. Investors who
Monetary System exchange rate
integration within a larger trading
demand a risk premium for these
bound. Global macro traders tend
block (e.g. EU), or the financing of
firms’ convertibles
to take leveraged directional bets.
budget deficits (US) might influence
convertibles cheap relative to the
monetary decisions, which could
two components. Hedge funds are
the popular Asian and gold carry
deliver opportunities.
in an excellent position to profit
trades. Exposure to capital markets
from these arbitrage opportunities,
typically exceeds the capital base,
Event driven
as they have the skills to hedge
which makes these funds quite
The style classification Event Driven
dynamically differences in volatilities
volatile. Global macro traders often
is reserved for managers that
of the bond and equity part. Hedge
use forwards and futures. This style
attempt to benefit from events, such
funds of this convertible arbitrage
exploits geopolitical risks.
as mergers, and changes in capital
trading style make up 60-80% of the
structures. An example is Merger
convertible markets nowadays.
Arbitrage, which managers often
SEC Regulation D allows public firms
sell the bidder and buy the takeover
to sell shares privately to a limited
trade futures. Futures on major
Managed futures managers
simultaneously. Breuer (2000) gives an example
exposures to (lagged) equity markets, volatility,
products, and commodities are
of how a hedge fund manager could layer five
credit spreads, the term spread, and option
highly liquid and easy to trade.
common hedge fund strategies on top of each
trading strategies. Agarwal and Naik (2003) for
other and increase the leverage factor in the
instance used so-called location factors, which
economic) indicators, many traders
process. It is quite possible that the strategies
are buy and hold investments in traditional
use indicators for market sentiment
and the pyramid of strategies are vulnerable
instruments such as equity, and bonds to
and attempt to exploit patterns
to the same factor, which is a liquidity crisis
explain hedge fund returns. They added
in prices and volatilities, which is
in Breuer’s example. Style diversity does not
strategy factors, which are returns of dynamic
called technical analysis. A trader
necessarily protect investors in market turmoil.
trading strategies. It turns out that strategies
could further use a judgmental or a
Due to the new money floating into hedge
such as writing monthly out of the money put
systematic approach. Fundamental
funds and the limited capacity of the field,
options on the S&P 500 explain a large part of
traders often use judgment, while
hedge fund managers seek new opportunities
the variation in hedge fund returns. Fung and
in the more esoteric corners of finance. New
Hsieh (2001) explain returns of trend following
Commodity Trading Advisors) use a
trends include energy and weather derivatives,
hedge funds with lookback straddles The non-
more rigid trading model. Managers
catastrophe bonds, car loan financing, written-
linear relationship with underlying markets and
who apply mixtures of these trading
off credit card debt and movie production
the non-normality of returns has important
styles and select which markets to
implications for performance attribution and
trade on are labeled discretionary.
risk management, see Posthuma and Van der Sluis (2005b). Co-skewness, co-kurtosis with
Fund of funds and structured products Large institutional investors have the resources to obtain knowledge and operations necessary for direct hedge fund investing and are able
Tremont TASS estimates the hedge fund industry’s asset base at $870 billion in August 2004
to construct diversified portfolios
phase locking crash events such as the liquidity crisis in September 1998, see also Lo (2001). The underlying fundamental factor of many strategies is providing insurance and liquidity for risks that other investors fear. We believe that the excess return over investable asset
of hedge funds. Fund of Funds are invented to deliver smaller investors
and between risk premium factors induces
based factors is a measure that gives better 4. Returns and risk
exposure to diversified portfolios of
insight in the capabilities of hedge fund managers than absolute returns.
hedge funds. For their expertise in
Section 4.1 explains the notions of absolute
selecting managers fund of funds
returns, and asset based factors. In section
Style drift and shift
charge fees in excess of the fees paid
4.2 we review some of the risks in hedge fund
The eyes of a predator could be the eyes
to underlying hedge funds, resulting
investing. We focus on the qualitative side of
on the wings of a butterfly. What you see
in higher fees. Many investors are risk
risks. For a more extensive treatment of the risks
is not necessarily what you get. Managers
averse and seek principal protection,
in hedge funds investing we refer to our own
could change investment style or misclassify
or their regulators demand them
study Posthuma and Van der Sluis (2005b) and
themselves, which results in investors being
to have some sort of principal
the references therein.
unaware about the risks that are taken.
protection on their investments.
Asset liability management and portfolio
Several hedge funds capitalized on
4.1 Absolute return and asset based factors
construction based on wrongly perceived
this demand and offer structured
Some hedge fund returns have been quite
risk-return patterns could lead to dangerous
guaranteed products. We observe
high. Due to incentives to create high returns
sub-optimal portfolios. Posthuma and Van
this to be a trend in the retail sector
and the absence of traditional benchmarks,
der Sluis (2005a) show how style shifts can be
as well. Note that the structured
the notion of an absolute return strategy has
detected by means of a Kalman filter and asset
product adds another cost layer on
been introduced. Absolute return is return not
based factors.
top of the fund of funds fees. This
related to benchmarks, but return delivered
is sometimes referred to as “triple
by skill based investing. Several researchers
dipping”. Whether the increasing
have tried to measure `absolute return’ or
Beside market and factor risks, there are several
costs are worth the risk reduction
excess return above certain benchmarks or
other risks that are more difficult to measure.
depends on the preferences and
benchmark strategies. Because Sharpe ratio’s
Many specific risks arise from the typical
alternatives of the investor.
are easily “gamed”, Kat and Amin (2003)
business of a hedge fund. To give an overview
analyzed whether hedge funds returns have
we classify specific risks in four main types:
We conclude that hedge fund strategies and
efficient risk return profiles. They found many
systematic, structure, trading/investment and
their outlooks are diverse. Note that hedge
individual funds to be inefficient, but that add
organizational risks. Some specific risks can be
funds can apply multiple styles or strategies
value on a portfolio level. Researchers found
placed under more than one main type of risk,
Systematic related risk
borrow cannot be found, the short position
in a sub optimal way. A short squeeze can be
Systematic related risks are risks beared by
has to be closed out. And consequently the
especially painful since the theoretical loss is
every fund of a group and are not specific for
offsetting hedge position has to be unwound.
now unlimited.
one fund. The first systematic risk is naturally
Counterparty credit risk is also a risk that is
market risk. Common factor risk arises in
gained by making deals with other parties. If a
taking large positions in certain types of
counterparty fails to close for instance an over
The structure of hedge funds gives rise to
securities, such as stocks in specific industries,
the counter option, the loss can be substantial.
several risks. One risk stems from the freedom
low-grade debt instruments or `deal stocks`.
Specific market opportunities are limited, which
to leverage, leading to credit crunch risk.
An example of positions in `deal stocks’ are
leads to capacity risk. Greater capital inflows will
A tightening of credit facilities might force
merger arbitrage positions, consisting of a
diminish excess return possibilities, and can in
aggressively leveraged funds to liquidate
short position in the acquiring firm and a long
extreme circumstances disrupt markets, which
positions at unfavorable times. The incentive
position in the firm the targeted firm. Even
increase the risk of having to sell illiquid assets
structure and the lockup period give rise to the
if hedge funds construct and apply a market
below fair value (liquidity risk) to settle margin
two other risks. The asymmetric feature of the
neutral strategy by offsetting long and short
calls. Related with the liquidity risk is the
performance fees rewards managers for taking
positions, systematic risk like the risk subject
stale pricing risk. Stale pricing is valuation of
risks, no cost for losses, higher fees of profits. A
to merger and acquisitions transactions as a
positions without recent market trades, which
high watermark has been invented to minimize
group remains. The third systematic related risk
can lead to the use of accounting prices and a
potential misuse of this fee structure. It states
arises from derivative investments. The use of
misspecification of the volatility and correlation
that managers have to recoup losses before
derivatives by hedge funds causes exposure to,
characteristics of the investment. When the
they are entitled to performance fees. High
for example, interest rate and volatility changes.
same opportunities are exploited by multiple
watermarks may result in increased risk-taking,
These risks are often referred to as `Greeks risk`,
managers at the same time, the resulting risk
due to managers wanting to recoup losses fast.
because the changes in the value of derivatives
is called herding risk, see Eichengreen and
A personal investment of the manager in his
due to changes in e.g. interest rate and volatility
Mathieson (2000). Brealey and Kaplanis (2001)
own fund decreases this risk substantially. Liang
are labeled with Greek letters.
studied herding by examining correlations in
(1999) discovers a positive relation between
changes of fund exposures for individual funds.
fund performance and the length of the lockup
They found evidence of correlated changes
period. A short lockup period and redrawings
The possibility to trade assets efficiently is
in fund exposures, but this result can also be
can increase the risk of forced unwinding of a
often taken for granted in academic literature.
explained by a large shift in the independent
profitable long run trading strategy.
However, in the case of hedge funds trading and
variable. Another risk arising from big capital
investment related risks could be substantial.
inflows is the risk that other market participants
An investment related risk is specific security
find out vulnerable positions of a manager and
A study by Capco (2003) on 100 hedge fund
risk, the risk remaining after effects of common
take advantage of this knowledge by revisiting
failures showed that the most common reasons
risk factors have been removed. Even portfolios
their trading strategy (position risk). When
for failure stem from misrepresentation of
with closely matched long and short positions
the large positions of hedge fund Long Term
fund investments, misappropriation of funds
experience risk. Normally this risk is small, but
Capital Management (LTCM) became known,
and unauthorized trading. Only 38% of hedge
the use of leverage can enhance the specific
fund failures were due to investment risk
security risk substantially. Short positions
against it, see Lowenstein (2000). One suddenly
alone. Organizational risks including errors
lead to borrow risk, the risk that the borrowed
worsening position can surprise a manager and
in analyzing, trading, or recording positions
security is called in by the lender. If replacement
force him or her to close down other positions
can be very damaging. If for instance the
Trading and investment related risks
Structure related risk
Organizational risk
portfolio rebalancing of a market neutral fund
example, of regression analysis, which need
database. They eliminated the first 12 months
is incorrectly executed, market exposure results,
funds with a certain number of periods to
of returns, because the hedge funds existed
which could be exacerbated by higher degrees
analyze, which will result in neglect of funds
on average 343 days before they reported
of leverage. Most hedge fund managers have
with small return histories.
to the database. This is called the incubation
specific knowledge about a few or only one expertise area. This fact should lead them
period, i.e. the period from inception till the first Survivorship bias
reporting date. The lasting mean performance
to focus on their area of expertise, and limit
Survivorship bias occurs if only funds
was 1.4% lower over the period 1994-1998.
risks that are not in their field of knowledge.
existing at the end of the sample period are
Posthuma and Van der Sluis (2003) eliminated
Due to diminishing specific opportunities for
considered. Non-surviving funds drop from the
the backfill periods per individual fund in the
excess return in his field of expertise, a hedge
database. Other reasons to stop reporting are
TASS database and found the backfill bias
fund manager can decide to shift style. This is
for instance closure for new investors, mergers,
amount to 4% per annum over the period
potentially catastrophic; because it can cause
the manager to take leveraged bets in a game
policy changes. The survivorship bias is usually
he or she does not understand. Manager
calculated by taking the performance difference
Limited history of hedge fund databases
manipulation of the voluntarily reported
between two portfolios: the surviving and the
Many hedge fund styles are exposed to tail risks
figures to appear favorably to stakeholders and
observable portfolio. Liang (2000) shows that
such as a market crash, a liquidity crisis, credit
potential clients is called managed prices. Fee
poor performance is the main reason for a fund’s
crunch, and political crisis. By definition these
structures and greed increase incentives for
disappearance. The last returns of liquidating
unpredictable events are rare, often a once-
fraud and front running. Fraud is a risk that has
funds are not always reported to database
in-a-generation event. Hedge funds databases
occurred in new small funds as well as in large
providers, as a consequence additional return
have reliable data as of the early 1990s. This
established funds. Prices of small illiquid assets
activity can lead to a liquidation bias. Incentives
means that risk measures solely based on this
can be moved by a relatively small fund. Greedy
to report negative performance to database
history will likely underestimate the risk. For
managers might also be tempted to front run
providers are intuitively low or not present.
example, during the 1974 international banking
their own fund. To minimize the impact of
The amount of money returned to investors
crisis, default spreads in the banking sector
catastrophe risk, such as a fire that destroys
can be monitored through the redemptions.
surged dramatically. This event falls outside the
the office or a virus that ruins the IT system,
Ackermann, McEnally, and Ravenscraft (1999)
time span of the typical hedge fund database.
managers should have proper backup systems.
use information from the HFR database
One way to gain some insight in these risks is
People risk is the risk of losing key people with
providers. They find that terminating funds
to use exposures of hedge funds to location
essential knowledge and not being able to
are returning the money to their investors
and trading strategy factors that have longer
replace them in time.
(redemptions), but can have additional return
histories. Scenario simulation and analysis is
histories. The redemption of the Net Asset Value
key to get a grasp of what could happen.
(NAV), i.e. the value that should be returned, 4.2 Caveats in historical hedge fund data
does not necessarily occur at the end of the
To explain hedge fund returns, it is necessary
month. They find that post-reporting returns
to have reliable data. Knowledge about the
have a negligible impact on their results, and
way the data is gathered gives insight in the
the overall average loss in fund value beyond
potential biases in the data and the limitations
the information contained in the database is
of usage of the data. Voluntarily reporting and
data collection by data-vendors give rise to the variety of biases that are potentially present
The eyes of a predator could be the eyes on the wings of a butterfly. What you see is not necessarily what you get.
Backfill and self-selection bias 4.3 Managing Risk
in hedge fund data. Fung and Hsieh (2000b)
Due to voluntary reporting, funds may
distinguish between natural and spurious
decide not to report or to stop reporting to
Measuring risk is one thing, managing risk
biases. Natural biases arise from the birth,
databases. This is called the self-selection bias.
is another and of crucial importance. Large
growth and death processes of hedge funds,
The backfill or instant history bias appears
sophisticated institutional investors are in the
while spurious biases arise from sampling
when hedge funds with (good) track records
position to enforce transparency, to do extensive
from an unobservable universe of hedge funds
decide to report and data providers backfill
due diligence and manager searches. They have
and the way data vendors collect hedge fund
their files to show this track record. Park (1995)
best practice risk systems and have the scale
information. Natural biases are for example
calls these records, instant histories. Good
to daily monitor and audit their hedge fund
self-selection and survivorship biases. Other
track records in comparison to the hedge fund
investments. Prudent institutional investors
biases originate from the drive of hedge
universe lead to overestimating hedge fund
are very keen on enforcing an alignment of
fund managers to present good performance
performance, while ´bad’ track records are not
interest between the manager and the investor.
combined with the opportunity to influence
backfilled or the funds with ´bad’ track records
Furthermore, large institutional investors have
the return figures. The way research is carried
terminate and never report. Fung and Hsieh
torn apart the major hedge fund databases.
out can also cause biases. One can think, for
(2000b) calculated the backfill bias for the TASS
They are fully aware of the potential
biases that may result from using them. They
machines” really add value?, Journal of Financial
also know that an investment database is a
and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 38, Number
research tool, not a compendium of investment
1 The views expressed in this paper are those
2, pp. 251
opportunities. No investment should be taken
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
Liang, B., 1999, On the Performance of Hedge
principally on the basis of information provided
those of our employer and colleagues
Funds, Financial Analysts Journal, Volume 55,
by the database.
2 Drs. N. Posthuma, Researcher ABP
no. 4 July/August, pp.72-85.
Lo, A.W., 2001, Risk Management for Hedge
3 Corresponding author: Dr. P.J. van der Sluis,
Funds: Introduction and Overview, Financial
Project Coordinator Research, ABP Investments
Analysts Journal, Volume 57, No. 6.
of funds, and investment styles has been
and Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit
Lowenstein, R., 2000, When genius failed, New
enormous. Fee hungry fund managers exploit
Amsterdam, affiliated to Post-graduate
York: Random House
every alternative risk premium, besides the
Program for Financial and Investment Analysts
Posthuma, N. and Van der Sluis, P. J., 2003,
ones on traditional bonds and stocks. Several
A reality check on hedge fund returns, VU
strategy fields have already been exhaustively
4 source: http://www.tassresearch.com/news_
Research Memorandum 2003-17.
grazed by herds of managers. Capacity limits
Posthuma, N. and Van der Sluis, P.J. 2004, “A
5. Conclusion The growth in hedge fund assets, number
have been met and new pastures are sought
critical examination of historical hedge fund
after. Hedge fund managers continue to
returns”. Chapter 13 in Intelligent Hedge
discover and develop new alternative fields,
Ackermann, C., McEnally, R., and Ravenscraft D.,
Fund Investing: Successfully Avoiding Pitfalls
pushing the financial frontier forwards. Even if
1999. The Performance of Hedge Funds: Risk,
through Better Risk Evaluation. Edited by Barry
returns are not high, most investors will benefit
Return and Incentive, Journal of Finance, 54,
Schachter. Risk Books.
from the diversification benefits of hedge funds
Posthuma, N. and Van der Sluis, P. J., 2005a,
on traditional portfolios.
Agarwal, V. and Naik, N.Y., 2003, Risks and
The free and flexible nature of the hedge fund
Portfolio Decisions involving Hedge Funds,
Posthuma, N. and Van der Sluis, P. J., 2005b, The
industry together with its lockup periods is
Review of Financial Studies.
its key asset, and a challenge for traditional
Brealey, R.A. and Kaplanis E., 2001, Hedge
institutional investors. Lack of transparency,
Funds and Financial Stability: An Analysis of
and freedom to apply virtually every imaginable
their Factor Exposures, Journal of International
trading style, combined with organizational
Finance, Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 161-187.
risks, result in an overall risk-return profile that
Breuer, P. 2000, Measuring Off-Balance-Sheet
is difficult to assess. Asset liability management
Leverage, IMF Working Paper No. 00/202.
and portfolio construction becomes harder if
Capco, 2003, Understanding and Mitigating
managers are able to switch style. Despite these
Operational Risk in Hedge Fund Investments,
difficulties, institutional investors commit vast
by Kundro, C. and Feffer, S.
amounts of money to hedge fund managers.
Eichengreen, B., and Mathieson D.,
Hedge Funds: What Do We Really Know?, We argue that worthwhile alternative risk
Economic Issues No. 19, IMF, September,
premiums next to equities and bonds exist,
and that regulatory freedom of hedge funds
places them in a unique position to obtain
Fung, W., and D.A. Hsieh. 2000, Performance
these premiums. However, expectations of
Characteristics of Hedge Funds and CTA Funds:
hedge fund return-to-risk ratios should be
Natural Versus Spurious Biases, Journal of
managed. Recent research taking into account
Quantitative and Financial Analysis 35 (2000),
biases has shown that in the past returns are
overestimated and volatility is underestimated.
Fung, W., and D.A. Hsieh. 2001, The Risk in Hedge
Not all hedge funds will be able to make up for
Fund Strategies: Theory and Evidence from
the hefty fees and the risks inherent in their
Trend Followers, Review of Financial Studies,
organizations. Therefore manager selection
Volume 14, pp. 313-341
and due diligence are key in the hedge fund
Kat, H. and Amin, G.S., 2003, Hedge fund
performance 1990-2000: Do the “money
hedge fund paradigm. Forthcoming.
LONG-TERM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: COLLAPSE OF A HEDGE FUND “Like the Titanic, the mighty LTCM was supposed to be unsinkable”. Like the Titanic, hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) was not supposed to ever sink. Yet, in the late summer of 1998, the Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan summoned the chief executives of all the major New York money center banks to his office. In this emergency meeting he strongly “encouraged” the persons present to pull their wallets and fork out several billions of dollars to save LTCM. They were kept in a room until 3.00 am the following morning, until they had hammered out an injection of $3.65 billion to keep LTCM alive. This event amounts to one of the biggest financial emergency packages to keep a private financial institution afloat, at least for a while. Later on, it appeared that the rescue mission had been successful, LTCM could unwind its financial positions and the banks recovered their money. More importantly, the feared implosion of the financial markets had not incurred. 27
Of course, the world has also seen the tens of
recovered all their money in the end. The
four months in the fall of 1998 that wealth had
billions injected by the French government in
rescue plan of these institutions required them
the 1990’s to save Crédit Lyonnais and even a
to supply an additional $ 3.65 billion of funds
larger sum to keep the Savings and Loans Banks
to LTCM in exchange for a tight management
Hedge funds in general claim to be investment
in the 1980’s in the USA afloat. Nowadays we
control of funds and a 90% reduction in the
funds with an above-market performance.
witness the special tax and interest treatment
managers’ equity stake. By 2000, the fund
Certainly, LTCM had that ambition and realized
in China and Japan to keep their banks from
had been wound down. The financial crisis
it indeed for a while. The literal meaning of the
toppling over. All these situations can be
Greenspan was concerned about, and rightly
word hedge fund says in fact nothing else than
classified as measures by governments to
so, never occurred. The original investors in
that it “hedges” itself against risk. It builds a
prevent their financial systems from collapsing.
LTCM, of course, lost their money, insofar they
hedge or a fence around itself as protection.
These banks are “too large to fail”. Economists
had not taken out their money before. By late
It differs from common investment funds or
call this situation “moral hazard”. In a market
1997 the net shareholders’ equity of the fund
mutual funds that it does more than just stock
economy these bail-outs are not supposed
stood at some $ 4.3 billion, at least on paper.
picking, whether or not in conjunction with
to happen. For political reasons that may
bonds and/or real estate. Index funds also
be understandable, but there certainly are
The amazing thing of LTCM was that it was only
fall in the category of mutual funds, in that its
negative side effects. One can think for instance
founded four years earlier in 1994 by a handful
share composition mirrors a stock index like the
about a lack of countervailing power for top
of professional financial traders, with an original
S&P 500 or AEX. On average all mutual funds
managers to keep their business under control,
capital of $ 1.3 billion , the largest start-up
underperform vis-à-vis the average market
to manage their businesses prudently. With
ever. LTCM required a minimum investment
return, if only for the fact that managers charge
higher profits their status and incomes rise,
management fees of an average of 1.5 %,
and they don’t have to be concerned that the
out $ 100 million a piece. The fund raising
entrepreneurial risks are irresponsible: “Après
was coordinated at the time by Merrill Lynch,
nous le déluge”. The issue is whether LTCM fell
which lined up a long line of interested financial
In an efficient financial market it is impossible
in this category as well.
parties, including the firm itself and some of its
to consistently outperform the average market
top managers. The track record and prestige
return, any way. That has been demonstrated
In the case of LTCM, it was “only” a very young
of the founders attracted such a large flow
continuously, also in the case of hedge funds,
private institution, where at its peak hardly 200
of funds. The founding partners themselves
although these may show temporarily above-
people worked, albeit very bright, experienced
invested in total $ 146 million. Some of them
market returns. The perception is that hedge
and exceedingly well paid, including even two
even borrowed additional sums to increase
funds are risk-free, that the risks are “hedged”.
Nobel Price winners, Robert Merton and Myron
their investment. This, by itself, created
That, of course, is a misnomer. It is good for
Scholes. They had received the Economics
a lot of confidence with the co-investing
marketing these funds to the public though.
Nobel Price in 1997 for their development of
institutions. The founding partners certainly
Also, managers of hedge funds usually claim
the Option Pricing Model, the so-called Black2-
“put their money, where their mouth was”
for themselves a much higher compensation
$ 10 million. Several participants forked
Scholes formula. The office of LTCM was located
sometimes even higher.
for running the fund, in the form of a 1-2%
in a small but opulent building in the posh
Right from the start, LTCM leveraged its
management fee plus a performance fee, up to
suburb of Greenwich, Connecticut, some 40
holdings up to several billions of dollars, by
some 20-25% of the profits (in the case of LTCM:
miles North of Wall Street. The fund was run by
borrowing from the very same banks, which
a 2% management fee plus a 25% profit fee).
John Meriwether, formerly a well-known trader
rescued it later on. At its height, in the latter half
Not that all hedge funds have let their investors
of bonds and shares at Salomon Brothers.
of 1997, equity went up to close to $ 7 billion, at
down, of course. Indeed, successful and well-
He had assembled a group of high-powered
least on paper. It is estimated that from time to
managed hedge funds do certainly exist.
traders and arbitrageurs, including some 25
time LTCM had total net positions of up to $ 200
However, as we know, historic performance is
with an PhD. Several had been professors. Also
billion. Banks appeared to have been willing
no guarantee for future success.
a highly respected, former vice-chairman of the
to lend at an incredibly generous debt-equity
Federal Reserve System was on board.
ratio of 50:1. Some $ 3 billion of its equity was
Hedge funds work for instance with options
paid back late 1997 to several of its investors.
(writing calls, buying puts), or make use
Those who decided not to participate in this
through arbitrage of price differentials at
equity pay-back were to regret that later on. By
different markets, or make a play on perceived
the middle of 1998 equity stood again at close
“abnormal” exchange rate movements, or -even
to $ 5 billion with a total portfolio of some $ 100
bolder- speculate on the commodities market,
billion in securities and more than $ 1 trillion of
like oil or gold. In the latter case one can not
notional value in derivatives (options, futures,
really speak of hedging. LTCM claimed to use
forwards, swaps). An original investment of
market-neutral strategies. It was aware that
LTCM has now ceased to exist. The 14 financial
$ 1,000 in 1994 was worth more than $ 4,000
e.g. the price of Royal Dutch Petroleum shares,
four years later in early summer 1998; within
traded –at the time- in guilders in Amsterdam,
Banks appeared to have been willing to lend at an incredibly generous debtequity ratio of 50:1 3
which bailed it out in 1998,
was not in line with Shell Transport and Trading
in the forward market or buy yen-futures to pay
The financial markets were already jittery in
shares, traded in pounds in London. The Dutch
back the loan. However, in a perfectly efficient
the aftermath of the Asian currency crisis in
company should represent 60% of the total
market the forward rate will exactly reflect the
1997. In those circumstances the “market”
value of the company and the English company
interest differential, according to the interest
flees in quality, away from corporate bonds
40%. The English firm had historically traded at
rate parity theory. So one can only benefit
and certainly from less creditworthy bonds
an 8 percent or so discount to its Dutch cousin.
through arbitrage trading, if there are small
into high quality Treasury bonds. The spread
There was no good reason for such a large
pricing differentials. With its research team
between corporate bonds and Treasuries rose
price differential, other than that the Dutch
LTCM was after those perceived temporary
therefore in 1998 rather than narrowed as
stock was more liquid and more widely and
anomalies and tried to make use of them.
LTCM had predicted. The result was that LTCM
internationally traded, also in New York. LTCM
occurred huge losses on its positions, eating up
bet some $ 2.3 billion -half of it long on Shell,
The fund also invested in high-yield bonds
its equity position. The paper losses on its bonds
the other half short on Royal Dutch- that the
(junk bonds), as such not a hedging strategy,
play were some $ 14 billion in September 1998.
spread would contract. Indeed, this happened
but a bet that a well diversified portfolio
If LTCM had been forced to unwind its positions
and LTCM made money on this enormous
generates an above market return, even
at that time, there probably would not even
though some junk bond issuing corporations
have been a market. At the very least, it would
default. LTCM was active in so-called paired
have driven down considerably the prices on
LTCM also noted a high interest rate on Italian
shares. BMW and Volkswagen, for instance, list
corporate bonds.
government bonds compared to German,
an ordinary share and a preference share, the
French or Dutch bonds. With the upcoming
latter with superior voting rights. However,
With the benefit of hindsight, it can be said
Euro introduction, the perception was that
their economic claim on the share of profits
that the demise of LTCM was caused by market
this interest yield differential in 1997 and 1998
is identical. Telecom Italia, Louis Vuitton and
risk in the short term and liquidity risk in the
would decline. The common Euro in 1999
Dior have similar arrangements. The price
long term. The fund had a temporary liquidity
should lead to European interest rates on
differentials of these different classes of shares
problem; if it had not leveraged the company
government bonds, which should fall more or
are too big to be explained by the differences
up to the hilt it could have ridden out the
less in line with a common monetary policy.
in legal entitlements. LTCM made a bet by
storm. In the end its positions on the yield
Pricing differentials should only be the result
going long and short at the same time that
difference between corporates and Treasuries
of the credit risk differences between the
the price differences would narrow. Shares
worked out all right. LTCM’s bet on that was
governments and the liquidity in these markets.
traded in fragmented markets also show price
as such correct, but it should not have taken
Some higher Italian rate was to be expected,
differences; arbitrage should narrow these.
such large positions on this play. In the short
not the substantial difference as observed in
Examples are shares of European companies
term LTCM suffered from market risk, because
the mid nineties. LTCM also here went long on
also traded in New York as depository shares,
prices moved away from what it expected. This
Italian bonds and short on other main stream
e.g. Philips, Unilever, Royal Dutch. At the
may have been a temporary movement, but an
European bonds and indeed guessed correctly.
Chinese stock market in ShenZhen A and B
investor should take those adverse fluctuations
shares of the same companies are listed, for
into account.
Similar positions were taken by LTCM in
domestic and foreign investors.
All these
emerging markets. Their models had indicated
financial instruments should have similar prices,
The founding partners lost all the potential
that the spread on interests yields between US
but sometimes don’t. Arbitrage opportunities
value of their equity stake in the company.
Treasuries and Brazilian and Argentinean dollar
exist here, although it is not known whether
However, they had been rewarded handsomely
denominated bonds were too high by historical
LTCM benefited here as well.
in the good years before 1998, they had
standards. They went short on Treasuries and
withdrawn some portion of their equity earlier
long on South American dollar bonds, and
In the end LTCM got in trouble when it thought
on and most of them had bought or built some
indeed made money. LTCM got also involved
that the spread between prices on long-term
lavish estates. No legal steps were undertaken
in “risk arbitrage”, a bet that announced
Treasury bonds and long-term corporate bonds
against them; some Swiss, German, Japanese
acquisitions would actually close. Until the
was too high, at least in light of historic trends.
and Italian banks would have reason to pursue
deal legally closed, the stock often trades at
It bet that this “anomaly” would disappear
that path. Apparently they decided that a legal
a discount. That creates a profit opportunity,
and that the spread would narrow. So, also
battle would reflect badly on themselves as
which LTCM took. Many mergers fall through,
here LTCM went short on Treasuries and long
well. The two Nobel Price professors lost some
on corporate bonds. It so happened that the
face, but did certainly financially a lot better
collapse of the Russian financial system in the
than when they would have continued their
Another ploy was to borrow in yens at low
summer of 1998 caused investors the increase
positions full time at their universities. And
interest rate and to invest in dollars at higher
their assessment of the riskiness of corporate
nobody disputes the brilliance of their Black-
rates. If the yen does not or only a little
securities. The ruble declined some 75% in
Scholes option pricing formula. The founding
appreciate vis-à-vis the yen, this strategy pays
value. The IMF had to put together a rescue
partner John Meriwether happily started again
off. In a risk-neutral strategy one can buy yens
package of $ 23 billion.
in the same hedge fund business with some of
fall of 1998 LTCM was holding illiquid corporate bonds which had fallen in price. Its position was so large that by forced unloading the prices would have dropped even further. However, after markets had calmed down, the price differentials, between corporate and Treasury bonds, narrowed again to more “normal” levels. LTCM could at that time in 1999 and 2000 unwind its positions without overdue losses. So in the end, it can be said that LTCM had been the victim of liquidity risk (clearly at its own making though, because it was too highly leveraged). It misestimated the effects of illiquidity during the global financial crisis in 1998 when markets around the world were falling in unison. LTCM assumed that the markets are efficient and that investors are rational, and that it could make money by making use of temporary imbalances. However it did not take into account that investors panic from to time and that they are not acting rationally anymore. LTCM used value-at-risk (VAR) models, which assume normal probability bell-curves for risk. It did not take the “fat tails” of the normal curves in its models into account, outliers do indeed exist, extreme movements do occur and are represented by the fat tails on either side. As Keynes noted: “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent”. 3) Bail-out by the government: Was it appropriate for the government, or in this case the Federal Reserve System, to bail out LTCM? Should LTCM have been rescued or
Examples of increasing volatility in late 1998 as result of
should in a free market economy the “losers”
the Russian financial crisis.
be allowed to go under? Are we not sending the wrong signal to the markets, in the case of LTCM, that whatever risks business leaders take,
his closest associates of LTCM and raised this
was inappropriate. Some banks clearly had an
time $ 250 million.
overexposure and were willing to do business without receiving full disclosure of all the
The three main issues from a policy point of
trading activities. Union Bank of Switzerland,
view, which are at stake here, are as follows:
which had become an equity partner later on, lost in total $ 678 million on LTCM; likewise
1) Risk management by banks: Banks were
Credit Suisse lost $ 55 million. Sumitomo
apparently willing to lend to LTCM up to a debt-
and Dresdner Bank, original partners, lost
equity ratio of 50:1. Banks assumed too much
respectively $ 100 million and $ 145 million. The
risk here. Many hedge funds are not leveraged
American institutions, which bailed out LTCM in
at all. Studies have shown that LTCM’s leverage
1998 and had lent out tens of billions of dollars
was some two to four times higher than other
before, recovered all their money.
hedge funds. Moreover, LTCM demanded and got the lowest borrowing rates of all funds. The
2) Liquidity risk in the market: In the short run
risk assessment by banks in the case of LTCM
market risk led to the demise of LTCM. In the
their companies will be kept afloat. At least, as long as these are so big that it creates a major crisis. In the situation of LTCM, critics will argue that the free market itself came to the rescue, no public money was indeed at stake. Some scholars and politicians will argue that the Fed intervention increased moral hazard, that it weakened discipline on the market. Fund managers will behave less prudently because future interventions would be expected. Others think that the Fed’s intervention was necessary to prevent a major shock to the financial system. That could have provoked a financial crisis. We never know what would have happened if the Fed would not have stepped in. At the time LTCM was also in discussion with
Warren Buffet, who was prepared to take the
Lowenstein, Roger. 2000. When Genius Failed:
fund over and with his deep pockets could
The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital
have ridden out the temporary imbalance on
Management. New York, NY: Random House.
the financial markets. We don’t know whether
Menkveld, Albert J. 2002. Fragmented Markets:
a deal could have been struck here, but with
Trading and Price Discovery. PhD Thesis,
their back against the wall LTCM would have
Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
probably ceded to Warren Buffet. That would
Saunders, Anthony and Marcia Mellon Cornett.
have been a pure market solution. So, the
2003. Financial Institutions Management: A
debate goes on. The main lesson is that even
Risk Management Approach. New York, NY:
Titanics will not necessarily stay afloat forever,
McGraw-Hill Irwin.
certainly if some banks lose track of their supposed prudence. (Footnotes) 1) Ir. Frank W. van den Berg MBA is (part time) lecturer in Financial Economics at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He also teaches at Webster University in Leiden and at the NIVRANyenrode accountancy program. He is owner of ALYX bv Financial Consultancy. Previously he was for over 25 years active in international business as a banker, energy specialist, investment manager and entrepreneur in the Far East, Amsterdam and New York City (with Chase Manhattan Bank and Bankers Trust). 2
Fisher Black died in 1995. He would certainly
have been awarded the Noble Price as well. 3
Chase Manhattan, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley,
Bankers Trust, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Smith Barney, Union Bank of Switzerland and several other foreign banks. 4
Provided through Merrill Lynch by Paine
Webber, Prudential Life, Bank of Taiwan, Central Bank of Italy, Bank of Bangkok, Sumitomo Bank, Dresdner Bank, Julius Baer, Republic Bank of NY, HK Land & Development Corp., Singapore Investment
Kuwait pension fund, St. John’s University, Yeshiva University, University of Pittsburgh, several Hollywood celebrities, top business executives, McKinsey partners. Bibliography: Allen, Steven. 2003. Financial Risk Management: A Practitioner’s Guide to Managing Market and Credit Risk. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dowd, Kevin. 2002. An Introduction to Market Risk Management. Chichester, UK: John Wiley& Sons, Ltd. Jorion, Philippe. 2001. Value at Risk. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Since the 1990s hedge funds have experienced an explosive growth in both number of funds and assets under management. Although commonly referred to as “hedge fund” and seeking absolute returns, the strategies utilised by these funds to achieve their returns are as manifold as there are funds. This variety and the fact that the hedge fund industry is largely unregulated often makes it hard for investors to obtain insight into the investment focus, risk profile and track record of a particular hedge fund. In this article a general overview is provided of hedge fund strategies and key methods applied as well as a case example of M&A arbitrage. 35
The hedge fund industry has experienced an
from mutual funds and other unregistered
take, but provide them with an increased ability
explosive growth since the 1990s. The amount
investment pools : (i) focus on absolute returns,
to take alternative investment approaches
of assets under management grew from $170
(ii) unregulated, private and specialised, (iii)
when market conditions change.
billion a decade ago to almost $1 trillion today
performance related fees and remuneration,4
with an estimated growth to $2.4 trillion by
(iv) ability to use various (hedging) strategies
To successfully execute an absolute return
2008. Approximately 8,000 hedge funds are
and instruments and (v) predictability of future
approach, many hedge funds tend to be
currently active world-wide. Of these, according
performance independent of the direction of
opportunistic in seeking positive returns.
to an estimate from the United States Securities
equity markets.
The general purpose of most hedge funds
and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2003,
contains broad objectives and authorises
approximately 6,000 to 7,000 were active in
multiple strategies in order to take advantage
the United States alone managing $600 to $650
investment returns, often with less volatility
of changing market conditions. Hedge funds
billion in assets.2
than traditional asset classes such as stocks and
utilise a number of different investment styles
bonds. To achieve this, hedge funds engage
and strategies and invest in a wide variety of
This growth is primarily fuelled by an increased
in a wide variety and complicated, flexible
financial instruments. Many hedge funds also
interest in hedge funds by institutional
investment strategies. To preserve investment
change their strategies over time, based on
investors such as pension funds, endowments,
principal hedge funds frequently use financial
their view of what strategy is most favoured by
trusts and bank trust departments. Stocks have
instruments and techniques to hedge against
current market conditions.
been losing money for the past years and bonds
market risk. As a result, hedge fund investment
are not considered a sensible investment in the
performance can exhibit low correlation to that
Given this variety, investors must be aware of
face of expected interest rate rises. Especially
of traditional investments in equity or fixed-
the particular strategy of hedge funds and the
pension funds are feeling the heat as pension
income markets. Hedge funds can therefore
return, risk and volatility profile of any such
shortfalls widen due to lacking returns. As a
provide investors with valuable portfolio
fund. This includes the assessment whether or
result these investors search for better returns
diversification. However, hedge fund strategies
not a particular hedge fund will add the desired
and seek to diversify their portfolios with
are as manifold as the number of funds. In the
diversification and does not duplicate existing
investments in funds that feature absolute
following paragraphs an overview is provided
investment opportunities. Even among hedge
return strategies. The use of flexible investment
of the main hedge fund strategies.
funds that purport to use the same investment
strategies that pursue positive returns in both
strategy or invest within the same asset class,
declining and rising securities markets and
there is a wide range of investment activities
the protection of investment principal are of
Hedge funds generally employ an absolute
and risk levels. Because the investment
particular interest to these types of investors.
return approach to investing and seek to make
activities of hedge funds are so diverse, hedge
The creation of funds of hedge funds that invest
money in a variety of market environments. In
funds assigned to a particular investment
substantially all of their assets in other hedge
other words: the primary aim of most hedge
category are likely to exhibit less similarity than
funds, further add to the overall growth of
funds is to reduce volatility and risk while
more traditional investment vehicles. Between
hedge funds.
attempting to preserve capital and deliver
the categories hedge fund strategies can vary
positive returns under all market conditions. This
widely in terms of investment returns, volatility
is in contrast to many other funds or investment
and risk.
The term “hedge funds” generally referred to has no precise legal or universally accepted definition
companies that tend to apply a relative return approach. These funds attempt to duplicate
Any classification of hedge funds is unlikely to
or exceed the performance of a selected asset
capture all hedge fund strategies apparent in
class, securities index or other benchmark. In a
the market. Some key categories can however
declining market, such fund may be considered
be discerned and are often utilised to classify
successful even if it loses money as long as it
hedge fund styles and strategies. The following
The term “hedge funds” generally referred to
outperforms its benchmark. In a rising market
classification and description is based on a staff
has no precise legal or universally accepted
such fund may be considered unsuccessful
report to the SEC on the implications of the
definition. The term is used to describe any
if it, though profitable, underperforms the
growth of hedge funds.5
fund that isn’t a conventional investment fund.
benchmark. For these funds downside risk
It usually identifies an entity that holds an
means the risk of failing to perform as well as
Market Trend (Directional/Tactical) Strategies.
investment pool of securities or other assets.
the benchmark. In contrast, for hedge funds
These strategies exploit broad market trends
These investment pools are private in nature
utilising an absolute return strategy downside
in equities, interest rates or commodity prices.
and generally exempted from the prevailing
risk means the risk of failing to make money.
A distinction can be made for macro funds
securities or commodities laws. Investors are
Furthermore, hedge funds generally have more
that may take position in currencies (often
bound by an investment agreement they sign
flexibility to change their investment objectives.
unhedged) based on their opinion of various
with the sponsors of the hedge fund. Basically,
Hedge funds therefore provide investors with
five key distinctions set hedge funds apart
less certainty of the risks the fund manager will
For example, if a country’s economic policies
look inconsistent and its ability to sustain its
company’s convertible bonds, preferred stock,
outperformed their benchmark is often used
exchange rate appears questionable, macro
or warrants that are deemed to be undervalued
to explain the alpha, the return that can’t be
funds may take a position designed to profit
while taking short positions in the company’s
explained by the market’s movements and is
from devaluation, usually by selling the
common stock. With a fixed income arbitrage
assumed to be the result of the skills of the
currency short. Another distinction is for long/
strategy hedge funds seek to provide stable,
fund manager. In addition, we have added the
short funds which include sector and market
positive returns by exploiting the relatively
expected volatility of each particular strategy
neutral/relative value funds. These funds try
small pricing inefficiencies of fixed income
to the latter column of the table.8
to exploit perceived anomalies in the prices
instruments. For example, a newly issued (on
of securities. For example, a hedge fund may
the run) 10-year Treasury bond may trade at a
Despite the declining trend as evident from
buy bonds that it believes to be underpriced
slightly higher price than a similar previously
the 1998 – 2003 period, hedge funds on
and sell short bonds that it believes to be
issued (off-the-run) 10-year Treasury bond.
average continued to deliver better risk-
overpriced. No matter what happens to overall
A hedge fund may seek to profit from this
adjusted returns than many other asset
interest rates, as long as the spread between
disparity by purchasing off-the-run Treasuries
classes. The research performed also showed
the two narrows, the funds profits. Conversely,
and selling on-the-run Treasuries short. Finally
that some types of hedge funds do not add
if spreads widen, gains can quickly turn into
statistical arbitrage can be discerned pursuant
much diversification. This is for example
losses. Long/ short equity is the most frequently
to which funds attempt to profit from pricing
the case with equity non hedge funds as
used strategy among hedge funds.
inefficiencies identified through the use of
these move largely in parallel with the main
existing indexes. In terms of volatility, the
Event-Driven Strategies: These fund strategies
attempts to profit from the likelihood that prices
predictability of future results shows a strong
attempt to profit from corporate events such as
will trend toward a historical norm.
correlation with the volatility of each strategy,
bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions. Funds can also focus on distressed securities. These funds may take long and/or short positions to attempt to profit from pricing anomalies among securities issued by companies going through bankruptcy or a reorganisation. Or they can focus on merger arbitrage and attempt to profit from pending merger transactions. These funds may, for example, take a long position in the stock of the company to be acquired in
Many hedge funds also change their strategies over time, based on their view of what strategy is most favoured by current market conditions.
i.e. the future performance of strategies with high volatility is far less predictable than the future performance of strategies with low to moderate volatility. The results in the table however fail to provide any comfort on the level of risk and volatility a particular fund may experience in achieving its returns. An assessment thereof can only be made by reviewing the purpose of the
a merger, leverage buyout or take-over and
As stated the risk, return and volatility between
particular hedge fund and the track record
simultaneously take a short position in the
and within these categories may vary widely.
of its management. Professional investors,
stock of the acquiring company.
With respect to hedge fund returns, recent
in particular fund of fund managers, start
research has provided insight in the performance
to acknowledge the risk they are taking by
Arbitrage Strategies: These fund strategies
of different hedge fund strategies.6 To measure
investing in hedge funds. They therefore
seek to exploit pricing discrepancies between
and assess this performance, 12 hedge fund
increasingly turn to companies that can assess
closely related securities and are designed to
strategies were compared to separate baskets
the risks associated with a particular hedge
be among the less risky hedge fund strategies.
of index funds relevant for each strategy. The
fund accurately. These companies perform
Arbitrage may also be a significant strategy
results of this research are set out in the table
due diligence on hedge funds and in particular
component for funds in the event-driven and
below which shows the performance of the
assess the risk involved in investing with
long/short categories. A convertible arbitrage
various hedge fund strategies relative to those
certain hedge fund managers. The ability for
strategy involves taking long positions in a
index funds. The degree to which hedge funds
management of a hedge fund to use leverage
1990 – 1997
1998 – 2003
Expected Volatility
Convertible Arbitrage Distressed Securities Event Driven Equity Hedge Equity Market Neutral Equity Non-Hedge Fixed Income Arbitrage Merger Arbitrage Macro Relative Value Arbitrage Short Selling Statistical Arbitrage
2.3% 7.8% 7.6% 8.2% 2.3% 7.5% 8.5% 5.9% 7.4% 7.9% 6.8% 2.0%
6.1% 3.3% 3.3% 3.6% (2.0%) 2.3% 1.9% 3.2% 3.5% 3.9% 4.1% (1.4%)
Low Low/ Moderate Moderate Low Low High Low Moderate Very High Low/ Moderate Very High Low/ Moderate
and short selling as part of its strategy will be
the volume of the trades involved. These funds
short lower-expected-return securities. Hedge
of importance for this assessment. Leverage
will often take more highly leveraged positions
funds may also sell short in connection with
and short selling are quite commonly utilised
than hedge funds that use other investment
arbitrage activities. A risk arbitrage position in
by hedge funds and can have a significant
strategies. Furthermore, the use of leverage
a merger or take-over situation would consist of
influence on a hedge fund’s risk profile. These
by hedge funds is often limited by margin
buying the target company securities coupled
two particular fund strategies will therefore be
or collateral requirements imposed, and the
with simultaneous shorting of the securities of
discussed hereafter.
willingness of lenders or other counterparties
the acquiring company.
to provide the fund with credit. Leverage and short selling
M&A arbitrage
Leverage is an important component of many
The other method often applied by hedge
Event-driven strategies, such as investing in
hedge fund investment strategies. Leverage
funds is short selling. A short sale is the sale
distressed or other special situations reduce
enables the hedge fund to potentially increase
of a security that the seller does not own or
risk by being uncorrelated to equity and bond
the value of an investment or its return without
a sale that is consummated by the delivery of
markets. Hedge funds using these strategies
increasing the amount invested. Historically
a security borrowed by, or for the account of,
may buy interest paying bonds or trade claims
leverage was obtained primarily by purchasing
the seller. In order to deliver the security to the
securities with borrowed money. Nowadays
purchaser, the short seller borrows the security,
futures, options and other derivative contracts
typically from a broker-dealer or an institutional
restructuring. They count on events specific to
are a major source of leverage. The use of
investor. The short seller later closes out the
a company rather than random macro trends to
leverage can have a significant impact on
position by returning the security to the lender,
affect their investment. In case of mergers, take-
investment results because, while it may
typically by purchasing equivalent securities
overs or leveraged buy-outs a hedge fund may
enhance investment gains, it may also magnify
on the open market, or by using an equivalent
simultaneously purchase stock in the company
investment losses. Leverage can in particular
security that it already owns. In general, short
being acquired and sell stock in the acquirer,
increase risk if assets are held that are illiquid or
selling is utilised to profit from an expected
aiming to profit from the spread between the
whose full value cannot be realised in a quick
current market price and the ultimate purchase
sale. In 1998 the risk of using excessive leverage
liquidity in response to unanticipated demand
price of the company. This strategy may also
was demonstrated by the demise of major
or to hedge the risk of a long position in the
involve derivatives to leverage returns and to
hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management.
same or a related security.
hedge out interest rate or market risk.
it failed to repay vast amounts of debt it used
Short selling can provide the market with
A simplified case example in the Dutch market
in pursuing its strategies. Its losses and leverage
important benefits, such as market liquidity
may illustrate hedge fund strategies in M&A
were so vast that the inability to return the
and pricing efficiency. However, it also may be
situations. In the chart below we have set out
amounts borrowed to its lenders threatened
used to manipulate stock prices. For example
a summary of the share price development for
the financial health of large banks world-wide.
if a security is sold short in an effort to drive
VolkerWessels prior to and during the public
down the price of the security by creating an
offer that was made for its shares in 2003.
companies or
undergoing some
This hedge fund basically self destructed after
The use of leverage can have a significant impact on investment results because, while it may enhance investment gains, it may also magnify investment losses
imbalance of sell-side interest. Unrestricted short selling can also exacerbate a declining
VolkerWessels had a broad shareholder base
market in a security by eliminating bids and
and also enjoyed significant interest from
causing a further reduction in the price of
shareholders in the United States, including
a security by creating an appearance that
several international mutual funds and bank
the price is falling for fundamental reasons.
trusts. On the date prior to the public offer the
The use of short selling by hedge funds has
stock closed at EUR 12.34. On 13 March 2003
led to allegations that some hedge funds
the intention was announced to make an all
may be engaging in short selling as part of a
cash offer for the shares in VolkerWessels at a
manipulative scheme. Issuers have alleged that
price of EUR 21.00 cum dividend. In reaction,
hedge funds accumulated bearish positions in
the share price moved to EUR 19.20 on the
The degree to which a hedge fund uses
their stocks and subsequently issued critical
day of the announcement where it varied
leverage largely depends on its investment
reports regarding the issuers in an attempt to
between EUR 18.99 to EUR 19.41 for some
strategy. Macro funds and funds that attempt
drive down their security prices.
time. As the announcement was only an initial
to capitalise on small inefficiencies in relative
announcement and uncertainty remained
values (e.g., fixed income arbitrage and
Many hedge funds regularly engage in short
regarding the launch and completion of the
statistical arbitrage) are more likely to engage
selling as a major component of their investment
offer, the stock traded at a discount to the
in leverage. As the inefficiencies on which
strategy. For example, hedge funds may engage
offer price. Following the announcement on 24
these funds speculate are often very small in
in long/short strategies that consist of buying
March 2003 in which the parties expressed the
dollar terms, this compensated by increasing
higher-expected-return securities and selling
expectation to reach an agreement on the offer,
Volume as % of shares outstanding
Share price (€)
Ex-dividend date
Offer price €21.00 (cum dividend)
6.0% Offer price €19.65 (ex dividend)
Offer launched Agreement reached
2.0% Initial public announcement
0.0% January
VolkerWessels’ share price Note: Trading volume includes open market purchases by offeror; Source: Datastream
the share price of VolkerWessels moved closer
the offer is confirmed, the share price moves
hedge fund bull market is reached. Performance
the offer price.9
closer towards the offer price. Shareholders
for 2004 has been basically flat and a number of
subsequently either tender their shares under
funds have been closed down.11 An explanation
This discount is the terrain for hedge funds
the offer or will await the completion of the
for this poor performance may be the decline
utilising an event driven strategy. The key factor
offer before deciding on tendering their shares
in opportunities as stock market volatility and
for hedge funds seeking to exploit the above
during the grace period. In any case liquidity
interest rates remain at low levels leading to
situation is information on the certainty of
in the stock drops significantly and investors
fewer available arbitrage plays. Additionally, the
completion of the offer and the timing thereof.
shorting the stock will have a hard time
growth in hedge funds has lead to more fund
The discount of c. EUR 1.80 to the proposed offer
meeting their obligations. In such case they
managers chasing fewer profitable potential
price at the same time represents a premium of
may be forced to acquire shares at a premium
trades. This may lead to hedge funds exploring
approximately 9.5% if the offer is completed
to the offer price.
more radical strategies to maintain returns.
and the offer price paid out.10 Assuming that
As M&A volumes declined,
the offer is completed within three months
Others even fear a systematic risk as a result
from the date of the initial announcement, this
company situations that surfaced due to
of the enormous amounts of money currently
implies an annualised yield of approximately
the prolonged downturn in the economy. In
flowing into the hedge fund market. According
38%. This implied yield presents an attractive
the Dutch markets, the years 2003 and 2004
to William Donaldson, chairman of the SEC, this
opportunity for hedge funds to step into M&A
experienced a number of distressed situations
will lead to hedge funds increasingly seeking
situations. Timing is however as important as
involving for example Getronics, Numico,
to exploit the same opportunities, naturally
any delay in completion would decrease the
Laurus, Hagemeyer and Ahold. The ensuing
leading to declining returns.12 Hedge fund
financial restructuring and rescue rights issues
managers come under increasing pressure
hedge funds the
provided ample opportunities for hedge funds.
to keep up returns to justify their steep fees.
As is clear from the chart, volume of the stock
As M&A markets are slowly starting to pick
The SEC’s primary concern therefore is fraud.
increased significantly as a result of speculative
up, these funds are likely to again increase
Bearing in mind the effect that Long-Term
investments including those of hedge funds.
their focus on these situations. For hedge
Capital Management’s demise had on the
The hedge funds make their own assessment
funds utilising these strategies both situations
banking sector, the increasing investments
of the chance of completion, but can also
however remain interesting and can provide a
in hedge funds by pension funds may add to
short the stock if they assume that completion
source of returns.
these worries. Currently, according to industry
is or has become unlikely. The shorting of the
watcher PlanSponsor.com, hedge fund leverage
stock by hedge funds or other investors is
Brief outlook
is fairly low and exposure in pension plans
also the possible explanation for the trades
Some market observers recently expressed
limited. However, at the fund of funds level
done at prices exceeding the offer price for
concerns over the growth of the hedge fund
some funds are already borrowing two or three
the shares as shown in the chart above. As
market and suggest that currently a peak in a
times their assets, reasoning that they are
broadly diversified. Yet, if the underlying hedge funds start to increase their leverage as well,
fund style. 7
Numbers are calculated on
this pile of debt will lead to cascading losses if
an average, annual basis. The
things go bad.
outperformance is in comparison to benchmarks for each hedge fund
Concluding A vast number of hedge funds is currently active
category. 8
in the market and the variety of their strategies
mutual funds and hedge funds,
is as considerable. A general classification can therefore never capture the purpose and style
Source: The differences between Magnum, 2004.
After the announcement on 24
of individual funds. This requires investors
March 2003 the share price moved
to carefully review the investment focus, risk
to EUR 20.23 where it varied
profile and management track record of a
between EUR 20.12 and EUR 20.24
particular hedge fund before making their
until the launch of the offer.
investment. Notably, the specific techniques
Based on a share price of EUR 19.20.
applied by hedge funds such as leverage and
Return of the S&P Hedge Fund Index
short selling can considerably add to its risk
for 2004 to the end of October 2004 is
profile. However, these techniques at the same
0.43%. Source: Time to Buy, or Close,
time aid to provide it with the attractive returns
Hedge Funds, Josh Friedlander, IDD,
so coveted by investors. Even with hedge funds therefore – as with all other investments – the
25 October 2004. 12
Source: Will hedge funds take a
risk and return decision for investors remains
dive?, Daniel Kadlec, Time, October
the same.
(Footnotes) 1
Source: Boom or Bust?, The
Source: Implications of the Growth
Economist, October 2004. of Hedge Funds, Staff Report to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, September 2003. 3
Such as venture capital funds, private equity funds and commodity pools.
There are no limits to the fees a hedge fund can charge its investors. Typically a hedge fund manager takes a fee of 1% to 2% of net assets as well as 20% of the annual return. In addition, some funds may have frontend sales charges. Fund manager’s staff remuneration is linked to fund performance and hedge fund staff often invest significant amounts of their own money into the hedge funds that they manage.
Source: see note 2.
Source: Time to hedge on hedge funds?, Anne Tergesen, Business Week, 2004. Research performed by Citigroup that examined 12 indexes published by Hedge Fund Research, each covering a different hedge
Hedge funds hebben zich het afgelopen decennium mogen verheugen op een steeds grotere belangstelling. Volgens cijfers van TASS Research1 had de hedge fund industrie eind 1993 een omvang van bijna US$50 miljard. Zeven jaar later, eind 2000, was het beheerd vermogen inmiddels gegroeid tot US$217 miljard om in de daarna volgende drie jaren verder toe te nemen tot US$576 miljard2. Het aantal fondsen groeide over dezelfde periode van 1277 in 1993 naar ruim 5000 begin 20043. Omdat echter geen enkele hedge fund database compleet is4, is het zeer waarschijnlijk dat de totale industrie in werkelijkheid nog aanzienlijk groter is5. HEDGE FUNDS
Het einde van de aandelen ‘bull market’ in 2000
als voor traditionele beleggingen in aandelen
categorieën fund of hedge funds die door HFR
in combinatie met het bewezen vermogen van
en obligaties geldt ook voor investering in
worden onderscheiden:
een groot aantal hedge fund strategieën om
hedge funds dat spreiding van vermogen leidt
ook onder moeilijke marktomstandigheden
tot reductie van risico10. Op de derde plaats
is investeren in hedge funds een complexe
deze index bevat eenvoudigweg alle
ongetwijfeld een belangrijke reden geweest
en arbeidsintensieve bezigheid. Omdat van
fund of funds die in de HFR database
voor deze spectaculair sterke groei. Ter
standaardisatie vrijwel geen sprake is, is
illustratie: een fictieve investering van Euro
ieder fonds uniek en dient iedere investering
100 in de S&P500DRI6 index op 1 januari 1994
vooraf te worden gegaan door een uitvoerige
uit fund of funds die voornamelijk
bereikte een hoogste waarde van Euro 370 eind
bestudering (due diligence) van het fonds en
augustus 2000, om vervolgens te dalen tot Euro
de organisatie. Door investering in een fund of
strategieën zoals equity market
289 eind september 2004. Eenzelfde investering
hedge funds wordt het benodigde onderzoek
neutral, fixed income arbitrage en
in de HFR FWC7 index had eind augustus 2000
beperkt. Tot slot is de liquiditeit van de meeste
convertible arbitrage of uit fondsen
een waarde van ‘slechts’ Euro 265, maar groeide
fund of hedge funds aanzienlijk beter dan die
die een jaarlijkse standaarddeviatie
in de daarna volgende jaren aan tot Euro
van individuele hedge funds.
hebben lager dan de HFRI Fund of
HFRI Fund of Funds Composite Index:
voorkomen; •
323 eind september 2004. Het gemiddelde
HFRI FOF Conservative Index: bestaat in
Funds Composite Index;
maandrendement op beide beleggingen was
Zoals veel wordt gezegd heeft ieder voordeel
overigens gelijk (+0,93%), de volatiliteit van
zijn nadeel en fund of hedge funds zijn dan
uit fund of funds die in een groot
een hedge fund beleggingen echter aanzienlijk
ook geen uitzondering op deze regel. Twee
aantal verschillende strategieën en
lager (aandelen: 4,44%; hedge funds: 2,10%).
mogelijke nadelen kunnen in ieder geval
managers investeren of uit fondsen
Het zijn dergelijke cijfers – identiek rendement,
worden genoemd. Op de eerste plaats brengen
met een risicoprofiel (rendement,
maar met minder risico en derhalve een hogere
fund of funds kosten in rekening voor hun
eindwaarde – die de belangstelling voor hedge
vergelijkbaar met de HFRI Fund of
funds bij een groot aantal investeerders hebben
meestal te verdelen in een beheervergoeding
(in de regel variërend van 0,5% tot 2,0%) en een
HFRI FOF Diversified Index: bestaat
Funds Composite Index; •
winstdelingsregeling (0% tot 20%). Echter, de
Index: bestaat uit fund of funds
Lange tijd waren het voornamelijk vermogende
onderliggende hedge funds hanteren zelf ook
particulieren (zogenaamde high net worth
hun eigen kostenstructuur (met vergelijkbare
strategieën met een ‘short-bias’ zoals
individuals) die een deel van hun vermogen
percentages als hiervoor vermeld) met als
short selling en managed futures
in hedge funds investeerden. De resultaten
gevolg dat een fund of funds investeerder
of uit fondsen die een negatieve
die door hedge funds werden behaald waren
wordt geconfronteerd met een dubbele laag
correlatie met de S&P500 index
aantrekkelijk, echter hoe deze resultaten
kosten. Zolang de waarde die door een fund
tot stand kwamen was lang niet altijd
of funds manager wordt geboden hoger is dan
duidelijk (black box investing). Dit gebrek
de kosten die in rekening worden gebracht
uit fund of funds die voornamelijk
aan transparantie maakte deze fondsen voor
hoeft dit op zich geen probleem te zijn12. Op de
institutionele investeerders oninteressant. Voor
tweede plaats is een fund of funds investering
strategieën zoals emerging markets
niet vermogende particulieren was investering
minder transparant dan een directe investering
en long/short equity of uit fondsen
onmogelijk als gevolg van de hoge minimum
in hedge funds. Immers, zelfs indien bekend
met een hogere volatiliteit dan
investeringsbedragen die door vrijwel alle
is in welke onderliggende fondsen wordt
de HFRI Fund of Funds Composite
hedge funds werden (en worden) geëist9.
geïnvesteerd is nog lang niet altijd duidelijk hoe
Dit laatste probleem werd echter opgelost
deze fondsen vervolgens hun fondsvermogen
met de introductie van zogenaamde fund
kennen; •
HFRI FOF Strategic Index: bestaat in
Voor de volledigheid wordt nog opgemerkt
of hedge funds (of kortweg fund of funds),
dat alle indices gelijkgewogen zijn. Het maakt
beleggingsfondsen die uitsluitend in andere
Fund of hedge funds resultaten
dus niet uit of een fund of funds een vermogen
hedge funds investeren.
Door de Amerikaanse hedge fund specialist
beheerd van US$10 mln of US$1 miljard, het
Hedge Fund Research (HFR) wordt – gebruik
gewicht in de index is van beide fondsen gelijk
Voor- en nadelen fund of funds
makend van informatie afkomstig uit een eigen
en het behaalde resultaat telt dus even zwaar
De meeste fund of funds hanteren een
database – een aantal fund of hedge fund
aanzienlijk lagere minimum investering dan
indices onderhouden waarvan maandelijks
‘gewone’ hedge funds, hetgeen een eerste
rendementen worden gepubliceerd. Alvorens
Onderstaande tabel toont voor iedere index
voordeel vormt. Op de tweede plaats wordt
een nadere blik te werpen op de resultaten
door een investering in één fund of funds een
van deze indices (of beter: de onderliggende
standaardafwijking en de correlatie met de
(indirecte) participatie in een groot aantal
fondsen) over de afgelopen tien jaar volgt
S&P500DRI Index over de periode januari 1994
onderliggende hedge funds verkregen. Net
tot en met september 2004.
Gem. Stdev. Corr.
Composite 0,59% 1,73% 0,523
Conserv. 0,60% 0,98% 0,498
Diversified 0,54% 1,86% 0,487
Market D. 0,68% 1,61% 0,101
Strategic 0,65% 2,71% 0,584
DRI 0,93% 4,44% 1,000
Het gemiddelde fund of funds behaalde over
hoger gemiddeld rendement. Vergelijkbare
en obligaties als alternatief voor een participatie
de betreffende periode een rendement van
resultaten zijn te vinden in de academische
in een beleggingsfonds. De theoretische
0,59% per maand met een standaardafwijking
literatuur. Zo rapporteert Bing Liang (2003)14
fundering voor deze fondsen wordt gevormd
van 1,73%. De correlatie met Amerikaanse
over de periode 1994-2001 een gemiddeld
door de moderne portefeuilletheorie van Harry
aandelen was met 0,523 relatief laag. Hoewel
maandrendement van 1,16% voor hedge funds
Markowitz20 en door het Capital Asset Pricing
op aandelen een hoger gemiddeld rendement
tegenover een gemiddelde van 0,75% voor
Model (CAPM) van Treynor (1961)21, Sharpe
werd behaald (0,93%) ging dit gepaard
fund of hedge funds, een verschil van 0,41%.
(1964)22 en Lintner (1965)23. Volgens het CAPM
met een aanzienlijk groter risico getuige de
Als mogelijke verklaringen voor dit verschil
is de waardegewogen portefeuille bestaande
standaardafwijking van 4,44%. De volatiliteit
noemt Liang de dubbele kostenstructuur waar
uit alle activa binnen een bepaalde klasse
van de HFRI Fund of Funds Strategic index
fund of hedge fund investeerders mee worden
(bv. aandelen, obligaties) – de zogenaamde
is met 2,71% het hoogst, hetgeen niet
geconfronteerd, maar ook het feit dat een aantal
marktportefeuille – de optimale portefeuille
verwonderlijk is aangezien deze index bestaat
van de best presterende hedge funds reeds
voor iedere investeerder. Uiteraard ligt aan deze
uit fondsen die worden gekenmerkt door
lange tijd is gesloten voor nieuwe en bestaande
theorie een groot aantal veronderstellingen ten
een meer ‘agressieve’ allocatie. De HFRI Fund
investeerders met als gevolg dat fund of funds
grondslag waardoor de praktische toepassing
of Funds Market Defensive index heeft met
niet in deze fondsen kunnen participeren. Voor
wordt beperkt. Echter, de afgelopen decennia
0,101 de laagste correlatie met aandelen, wat
de laatste verklaring wordt verder overigens
is uitvoerig onderzoek verricht naar de vraag
eveneens mag worden verwacht gegeven de
geen bewijs gevonden. Vergelijkbare resultaten
in hoeverre een actief beheerde portefeuille
(indirecte) short bias van deze index.
als die in Liang (2003) zijn te vinden in Kat en Lu
een toegevoegde waarde heeft ten opzichte
(2002)15 en Brown, Goetzman en Liang (2004)16.
van een passieve marktportefeuille en de conclusies van dit onderzoek luidden vrijwel
In de hierna volgende tabel worden nogmaals het maandgemiddelde, de standaardafwijking
Hedge fund indices
zonder uitzondering dat deze toegevoegde
en de correlatie met de S&P500DRI index
Investeren in een fund of funds kent
waarde er niet of nauwelijks is, zeker niet indien
van de HFRI Fund of Funds Composite index
– zoals bovenstaand beschreven – een aantal
rekening wordt gehouden met het feit dat door
weergegeven. Daarnaast worden dezelfde
voordelen boven een directe hedge fund
beleggingsfondsen kosten in rekening worden
statistieken vermeld van de HFRI Fund
investering, maar hier tegenover staat in
Weighted Composite Index. Deze laatste index
ieder geval het nadeel dat additionele kosten
bevat in principe alle fondsen (exclusief fund of
in rekening worden gebracht bovenop de al
Investeerbare hedge fund indices als alternatief
funds) die zijn opgenomen in de HFRI database.
relatief hoge kosten waardoor hedge funds
voor een fund of funds kunnen zoals gezegd
Ook de resultaten van deze index zijn weer een
worden gekenmerkt. Deze kosten lijken in de
in dit zelfde licht worden bezien, zeker gezien
gelijkgewogen gemiddelde van de resultaten
regel niet te worden gecompenseerd door
het feit dat de kosten die door fund of funds in
van de onderliggende hedge funds.
een hoger rendement als gevolg van een
rekening worden gebracht niet lijken te worden
superieure fondsselectiemethode van een
terugverdiend. Echter, het samenstellen van
fund of funds manager. Mede als reactie hierop
een investeerbare hedge fund index is niet zo
gelijkgewogen portefeuille bestaande uit alle
is een aantal organisaties de afgelopen jaren
passief als op het eerste gezicht mag lijken.
bekende hedge funds is per maand 0,34%
zogenaamde investeerbare hedge fund indices
Immers, om een index investeerbaar te maken
hoger dan dat van de fund of funds index.
gaan aanbieden. Als voorbeeld kunnen worden
is het van belang dat de onderliggende fondsen
Tegenover dit negatieve effect staat dat fund
genoemd de Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB)
capaciteit beschikbaar stellen. Dit betekent
of funds een lagere standaardafwijking en een
Investable Index , de HFRX Indices
automatisch dat fondsen die zijn gesloten
lagere correlatie met aandelen hebben dan een
MSCI Hedge Invest Index19.
en de
voor nieuwe of bestaande investeerders niet in aanmerking komen voor opname in een
ongewogen hedge fund portefeuille. Niettemin volgt uit bovenstaande (eenvoudige) analyse
index. Daarnaast wordt de wijze waarop een
dat fund of funds de kosten die in rekening
op het eerste gezicht vergelijkbaar met
index wordt samengesteld in de regel bepaald
worden gebracht voor bewezen diensten niet
de indexfondsen die sinds enkele jaren
door een hiervoor aangesteld comité dat
lijken terug te betalen in de vorm van een
beschikbaar zijn voor investeringen in aandelen
selectiecriteria opstelt en vervolgens gebruik
Gemiddelde Standaardafwijking Correlatie S&P500DRI
HFRI Fund Weighted
Composite Index 0,59% 1,73% 0,523
Composite Index 0,93% 2,10% 0,715
maakt van de diensten van een externe
organisatie teneinde implementatie van de
investering wordt gevormd door belegging in
criteria in de praktijk tot stand te brengen. Deze
(AFM) en bieden hun producten aan zowel
recentelijk geïntroduceerde hedge fund indices.
‘service provider’ brengt uiteraard kosten in
institutionele als particuliere investeerders aan.
Deze indices zijn echter niet zonder meer te
rekening voor de geleverde diensten. Bovendien
De minimum investering bedraagt gemiddeld
vergelijken met de meer bekende (passieve)
bepaalt de toegang die deze dienstverlener
Euro 17.000
zodat de toegankelijkheid voor
indexfondsen die kunnen worden gebruikt als
heeft tot hedge funds mede welke fondsen
particuliere investeerders relatief groot is. Het
vervanging voor investering in een aandelen- of
in een index kunnen worden opgenomen.
overgrote merendeel van de fondsen kent
obligatiefonds. Indexfondsen lijken vooralsnog
Kortom, het onderscheid tussen een fund of
maandliquiditeit, wat betekent dat een positie
veel meer ‘verkapte’ fund of hedge funds met
funds en een investeerbare index is aanzienlijk
éénmaal per maand kan worden verkocht.
eveneens een eigen kostenstructuur.
geval lijkt te zijn, zeker als in ogenschouw
Een vergelijking van de resultaten van de circa
Voor Nederlandse investeerders is inmiddels
wordt genomen dat ook investeerbare indices
25 producten over een langere periode wordt
een groot aantal fund of hedge funds
vrijwel zonder uitzondering kosten in rekening
bemoeilijkt door het feit dat veel fondsen pas in
beschikbaar. Alle fondsen worden gereguleerd
brengen. Het is dan ook om deze redenen dat
de loop van 2003 of 2004 zijn geïntroduceerd.
door de Autoriteit Financiële Markten en
Lars Jaeger (2004)24 investeerbare hedge fund
kennen over het algemeen een relatief lage
indices omschrijft als “…disguised fund of funds
maanden van 2004 bedroeg het gemiddelde
that have discovered the label ‘index’ as very
nettoresultaat 1,68% met een minimum van
useful in their marketing efforts”.
–3,73% tot een maximum van +5,01%. Ter
Een alternatief voor een fund of funds
minder groot dan op het eerste gezicht het
vergelijking: de HFRI Fund of Funds Composite
Volgens John Godden, HFR managing director,
index steeg over de eerste negen maanden
zijn het voornamelijk “first time” hedge
met 1,89%. Het gemiddelde resultaat van
Tremont Capital Management Ltd.
fund investeerders die gebruik maken van
Nederlandse fund of hedge funds bleef hiermee
investeerbare indices. Een andere belangrijke
enigszins achter bij het gemiddelde wereldwijd.
Asset Flows Report”, Second Quarter
groep participanten wordt echter gevormd
Echter, echt zinvolle conclusies kunnen op
door… fund of funds. Deze fondsen maken
basis van slechts negen maandrendementen
gebruik van indices om de weging van hun
uiteraard niet worden getrokken.
portefeuilles voor korte tijd aan te passen. Een aantal hedge fund indices heeft wekelijkse
Tremont Capital Management (2004) “TASS Schattingen volgens Hedge Fund Research Zie onder andere Bing Liang (2000) “Hedge
Funds: The Living and the Dead”, The Journal Conclusie
of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 35, 109-
liquiditeit en is hiertoe derhalve uitermate geschikt.
www.tassresearch.com, onderdeel van
326 Hedge funds hebben zich de afgelopen
groei van de hedge fund markt”, De Veste
Het aantal hedge fund producten dat in
obligaties. Hedge funds zijn echter complexe
Nederland wordt aangeboden is – in lijn met
beleggingsfondsen en een investering vereist
ontwikkelingen wereldwijd – de afgelopen
in de regel een aanzienlijk vermogen. In plaats
Weighted Composite
drie jaar sterk gegroeid. Het merendeel van de
van een directe investering in één of meerdere
nieuwe fondsen betreft fund of hedge funds.
hedge funds kan worden gekozen voor een
van het gemiddelde rendement.
Waren in januari 2001 naar schatting niet meer
participatie in een fund of hedge funds, een
dan vijf fund of hedge funds beschikbaar in
gespecialiseerd fonds dat uitsluitend investeert
meeste landen een vereiste om een niet
Nederland, in september 2004 bestaat het
in hedge funds. Middels één relatief lage
gereguleerd beleggingsfonds – zoals een
aanbod uit bijna 25 fondsen. Naast vrijwel
investering wordt (indirect) een belang in een
hedge fund – te mogen aanbieden.
alle ‘grote’ namen zoals ABN Amro, ING Bank,
groot aantal andere fondsen verkregen, terwijl
MeesPierson (Fortis) en Robeco bevindt zich
het beheer van de portefeuille kan worden
relatief lage correlatie tussen diverse hedge
onder de aanbieders ook een aantal kleinere
overgelaten aan de fund of funds manager.
fund strategieën. Zie onder andere Harry Kat
of minder bekende partijen waaronder Attica,
Uiteraard wordt door een fund of funds kosten
& Sa Lu (2002) “An Excursion into the Statistical
Finles en Wesa Effecten. Ook een aantal
in rekening gebracht. Deze kosten lijken in de
Properties of Hedge Funds”, AIRC Working
regel niet te worden terugverdiend in de vorm
Paper, 16.
– waaronder het Franse Greenway en het
van een hoger rendement. Neemt niet weg
Britse Fairfield – biedt in Nederland producten
dat de overige voordelen (brede spreiding,
plaats, aangezien hedge funds in vergelijking
aan. Het betreft hier meestal zogenaamde
lage investering, geen eigen expertise vereist)
tot aandelen of obligaties zeer illiquide zijn.
feeder funds, waarbij het Nederlandse fonds
onverminderd van kracht blijven. Bovendien
Zo is maandliquiditeit met een opzegtermijn
direct investeert in een in het buitenland
hebben fund of funds de afgelopen jaren een
van 30 dagen of langer eerder regel dan
stabiel resultaat weten te behalen.
Jurgen Bosboom (2004) “Omvang en
Fund of funds in Nederland
Vermogensbeheer B.V. (www.deveste.net) S&P500DRI = S&P500 Dividends ReInvested HFR FWC = Hedge Fund Research Fund Hierna gemeten met de standaardafwijking Een hoge minimum investering is in de
Dit diversificatie effect is het gevolg van een
Misschien is ‘minder slecht’ hier beter op zijn
Uiteraard is ‘waarde’ een subjectief begrip
en zal voornamelijk worden bepaald door de motieven van een investeerder om in een fund of hedge funds te participeren. Bij waarde wordt echter meestal gedacht aan rendement. Zie voor meer informatie hierover Stephen Brown, William Goetzman & Bing Liang (2004) “Fees of Fees in Funds of Funds”, Yale ICF Working Paper, 02-33 13
Meer informatie over de criteria die door
HFR worden gehanteerd bij het samenstellen van de indices kan worden gevonden op www.hedgefundresearch.com. 14
Bing Liang (2003) “On the Performance of
Alternative Investments: CTAs, Hedge Funds, and Funds-of-Funds”, Isenberg School of Management Working Paper 15
Harry Kat & Sa Lu (2002) “An Excursion into
the Statistical Properties of Hedge Funds”, AIRC Working Paper, 16 16
Stephen Brown, William Goetzman & Bing
Liang (2004) “Fees of Fees in Funds of Funds”, Yale ICF Working Paper, 02-33 17
Harry M. Markowitz (1952) “Portfolio
Selection”, Journal of Finance, 7, 77-91 21
Jack Treynor (1961) “Towards a theory of
market value of risky assets”, niet gepubliceerd manuscript 22
William F. Sharpe (1964) “Capital Asset
Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk”, Journal of Finance, 19 (3), 425-442 23
J. Lintner (1965) “The Valuation of Risk
Assets and the Selection of Risky Investments in Stock Portfolios and Capital Budgets”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 47, 13-37 24
Lars Jaeger (2004) “Hedge Fund Indices: A
new way to invest in absolute return strategies? “, AIMA Journal 25
Minimuminvesteringen variëren van Euro
1000 (Robeco) tot Euro 100.000 (Innocap). Bron: De Veste Vermogensbeheer B.V.
“I WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE” Non-listed funds looking for exit
Apart from debt and equity, property has become a specific investment category. Pension funds such as ABP and PGGM have invested up to 12% of their total investment portfolio in real estate. Most of the property investments of institutional investors are allocated in non-listed funds, as they are less sensitive to fluctuations on the stock market and suffer from less media scrutiny. Non-listed property funds virtually always have a limited lifetime, in order for investors to receive a guaranteed repayment of their initial investment and to be assured of some form of liquidity. Following a rapid growth of the non-listed property sector over the past years, funds with a gross asset value of some € 60bn will expire between 2006 and 2011. This article offers insight on the question what will happen with these expiring funds.2 This study was carried out as a cooperative venture between INREV, EPRA and Kempen & Co. The study consisted of a questionnaire filled in by both investors in non-listed vehicles and fund managers of nonlisted vehicles. The results are on a no-names basis. All statements and conclusions in this report are those of Kempen & Co.
The non-listed sector in perspective Structure of the European non-listed sector The European non-listed sector can be divided into three sub sectors, which are listed below: Definitions of sub sectors - Core
Low risk, low returns. Target established property sectors and stabilised income-producing assets. Low or no leverage. Target returns are below 10% and as low as 4-5% in some cases.
- Core Plus (value added)
Medium risk, medium returns. Target established and improving property sectors, some voids, reversionary potential, limited development and refurbishment. Leverage up to 50-60%. Target returns range from around 10% up to high teens.
- Opportunity
High risk, high returns. Target distressed assets, developments and pioneer locations and sectors. Leverage typically 75%, but can rise to 100%. Target returns typically 20% plus.
Source: INREV
Non-listed funds by risk profile Core funds Core-plus funds Opportunity funds German open-end funds Total Source: INREV
GAV2 (€ bn) 41.3 29.9 24.6 91.1 186.9
# of funds 117 96 46 22 281
Average GAV (€ m) 353 311 535 4,141 665
GAV (€ bn) 2.5 93.2 2.4 15.5 47.2 24.0 2.0 186.9
# of funds 12 38 14 24 153 28 12 281
Average GAV (€ m) 208 2,453 171 646 308 857 167 665
Non-listed funds by geographic focus France Germany Italy Netherlands UK US Other Total
Source: INREV Distribution of fund lifetime of non-listed European funds* GAV The non-listed property sector has grown at
a tremendous pace in the past seven to eight years. Demand has come both from institutional investors and mainly German private investors. Because the size of the unlisted sector has increased rapidly and most funds have a predefined lifetime, it is becoming more interesting to take a look at the expiry schedule of the non-listed funds. Research performed by INREV has shown that from 2006 to 2011, non-listed funds with assets of € 60bn (41%) will expire. The volume of € 60bn of gross asset value can be compared with the current asset size of the listed sector of approximately € 170bn (market cap of € 85bn for the European listed sector and
*Of funds totalling €142bn GAV, no expiration dates were available
the assumption that equity to debt ratio is 1:1).
Source: INREV
Options at expiry As a substantial number of listed funds will expire in the short and medium term, the question arises of what will happen when these funds expire. Which route to take? Most
predefined exit nowadays when they enter into a non-listed fund. In practice, this usually means that the various options (restart of the fund, sale of assets and capital repayment or an IPO) are officially put on the agenda of the AGM to vote upon at the moment that the fund’s lifetime is over. Source: Kempen & Co
Without going into too much detail, here is a
deferred capital gains tax) can play a very
exchange because of favourable pricing, while
short round up of the various options:
important role in the decision not to choose a
holding the remainder of the fund.
property-by-property sale but rather to choose
However, not every non-listed fund is in fact a
- Restart of the fund
to sell the shares in the entire fund to a third
suitable candidate for an IPO when it expires.
The rationale for a restart of the fund could
party, thereby effectuating a legal merger and
The conditions most often applied to find out
be that the first four to five years of the fund’s
saving taxes or deferring the liability until the
whether a non-listed fund is suitable for an IPO
existence have been used to build up a
future. Selling the portfolio as a whole could
are as listed on the following page.
portfolio. That means that if the fund expires
lead to a ‘portfolio premium’.
after seven years, the investor would lose
Size, most non-listed funds are too small
part of his investment for which the basis
Our attention in this case is focused on the
We think it is realistic to regard non-listed funds
was already built. This argument is brought
IPO after expiry of the non-listed fund. There
with a minimum free float market cap of at least
up probably more often by the fund initiator
are two possible alternative ways of initiating
€ 200m as possible candidates. Knowing that
than by the investor, because the investor will
an IPO:
the average size of the non-listed sector in GAV
say that the interesting prospects of a portfolio
As a straight IPO or
amounts to € 342m per fund, this implies an
should come back in the form of an interesting
In the form of a sale of assets to a
average market cap of € 170m (assuming 50%
listed fund financed by a share deal
equity and 50% liabilities). Adjusting for free
selling price. - Sale of assets
In both cases the current shareholders of the
float, we arrive at an even lower average market
Sale in parts or as a whole is interesting for
non-listed fund will end up with a stake in a
cap for non-listed funds, which is substantially
the investor as he can reap the rewards of
listed fund. Another option for an IPO is to list
lower than our minimum of € 200m. It can be
his investment and get his money back. The
only parts of the non-listed fund and to leave
concluded that most of the 281 non-listed funds
appetite to receive cash decreases if the number
the remainder of the non-listed fund in place.
are too small in terms of market capitalization
of investment alternatives is small, as is the case
A good example of this is an opportunity fund
to reasonably apply for an IPO status.
at the moment. The tax issue (transfer tax and
that spins off part of its holdings to the stock
Average size of funds expiring between 2004 and 2017
core plus
Source: INREV, Kempen & Co
GAV of € 500m
Conditions for seeking a listing
- Size
Listed companies should have a minimum free float market cap of at least € 200million.
- Guidelines
Institutional investors do not like to lose the strict investment guidelines for their core and core plus funds. Moreover, some investors dislike the day-to-day pricing of listed property stocks. We think that this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that listed property stocks can be acquired on the stock exchange at discounts to NNAV4 during certain phases of the cycle, contrary to non-listed funds, which can only be acquired near or at NNAV.
- Pricing
Pricing should be at or above NNAV.
- Tax efficiency
Pricing is higher for tax-exempt vehicles, which implies that new IPOs have a higher chance of success in REIT countries.
- Liquidity and exit
Liquidity is not an issue for most institutional investors in non-listed funds. A large number of the investors who were interviewed will sell their shares at an IPO for reasons of internal regulations (some investors are not allowed to invest in listed funds) and possible loss of focus once the fund is listed.
Source: INREV
Guidelines for core and core plus funds are
hold their stake for a high cash yield and as a
a straight sale or a property-by-property sale.
long-term investment. They do not care about
Another route is to sell a portfolio to a ‘sleeping’
Investment guidelines are stricter for core and
liquidity and often do not want to be affected
listed company (examples in France) in return
core plus funds than for opportunity funds.
by the sentiment of the stock market. A fund
for shares in that listed vehicle. This might
A fund manager of an opportunity fund is
manager of an opportunity fund ultimately has
serve as a stepping stone towards awaking
therefore more inclined to take a serious look
the decision power to earmark the company’s
the ‘sleeping’ listed vehicle as the opportunity
at spinning off part of his assets to the stock
options at expiry. We therefore think that
fund will probably not be a long-term holder
exchange as long as pricing on the stock
opportunity funds are the most likely players
of the shares i.e. after the lock-up expires the
exchange is above NNAV. These guidelines
to bring the market new listed property
opportunity fund is likely to sell its shares in the
relate to investment decisions about the type
market if it can receive a decent price.
of assets, geography, sector and risk. Besides,
If pricing is better in the non-listed field, the
participants of core and core plus funds often
fund manager of an opportunity fund will go for
Source: INREV, Kempen & Co analysis
Pricing and tax efficiency, REIT structure offers
Nieuwe Steen Investments, Foncière des Regions and Société de la Tour Eiffel, evidence of success
opportunities Nieuwe Steen Investments (NSI), a former non-listed fund founded in 1993 (initial portfolio size of
Only those non-listed funds priced at or above
around € 30m) applied successfully for an IPO status in 1998 after a rapid growth of its portfolio
NNAV are likely candidates for an IPO. If there is
to more than € 300m. Ever since its listed status, the real estate portfolio of NSI has grown
a discount to NNAV, the sale of assets option is
considerably, arriving at over € 1bn in July 2004.
more attractive for the participants. Non-listed funds in countries where REIT structures are in
Foncière des Régions: In 2003, Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund sold its real estate portfolio (market
place are more likely to apply for a listed status.
value of € 846m) in exchange for shares in Foncière des Regions, a French listed property fund. By
Tax efficiency leads to better structural pricing
doing this, MSREF gave FDR the kiss of life. A next move could be that MSREF sells its stake in FDR
of property stocks versus NNAV (as in the case
if it can receive a decent price thereby increasing the free float of the stock.
of French stocks, where the REIT status was
Société de la Tour Eiffel: This company was a sleeping French listed property company, which was
introduced per 1 January 2003, in the chart
held by Osiris for 82% and held only one property. Osiris is held for 85% by Soros Group and 15%
below), which makes the IPO option for a non-
by Awon Group. Société de la Tour Eiffel was transformed into a SIIC after which the Soros Group
listed fund more attractive when it expires.
(the opportunity fund) sold a property portfolio to Société de la Tour Eiffel in return for new shares. Last step was that Société de la Tour Eiffel placed new shares in the market in order to do new
Liquidity and exit, current shareholders want
acquisitions due to which Osiris Group diluted its stake to 41.5%.
exit at IPO It is very important to note that for most institutional investors in non-listed funds
Movement price and NNAV level of French listed property funds*
liquidity is not an issue. The argument that a listed status for the fund increases liquidity does not contribute to the case for an IPO. Most shareholders in non-listed funds have an even more negative opinion of the continuous Rebased to 100
trading in the fund as the price of the fund will be affected by stock market sentiment. We regard this issue as one of the reasons why most of the investors interviewed will sell their shares once the fund will be listed. Besides this, the stricter regulations and loss of focus of the new listed fund were arguments mentioned for not voting in favour of an IPO.
* Companies included: Unibail, Gecina, SFL, SILIC, Bail Investissement, Klépierre, Sophia Source: Kempen & Co
€ 10bn-20bn of assets expected to look for stock listing Non-listed funds with approximately € 10bn-
companies from both private and institutional
20bn gross asset value are expected to consider
investors looking for stability and a high
a listed status in next five years, either directly
dividend stream is high and is expected to
or indirectly through a property-for-shares
stay high.
swap. This percentage could become even larger if one or several German open-end
funds (gross asset value of € 90bn) transform
themselves into transparent, listed vehicles.
Private investors appear to view liquidity (day-
Matthijs Storm is member of the Kempen & Co
to-day trading) as a more important issue than
Property Team
do most institutional investors.
Max Berkelder is Head of Kempen & Co Equity
This article is based on an article that has
appeared in the EPRA journal of December More research needed to pinpoint possible
2004 and has been published as a Kempen & Co
Research report
The number of concrete names, which might
become listed or spin off part of their assets is
as yet unclear. Further research into this field
instruments (at nominal value) – deferred tax
in cooperation with EPRA and INREV could
GAV = Gross Asset Value Market value of assets – debt and financial
make the picture clearer. Demand for listed
De hedge funds industrie is het afgelopen decennium, zowel in beheerd vermogen als in aantal fondsen, fors gegroeid. Over de periode van 1990-2003 vertwintigvoudigde het beheerde vermogen (van $38 miljard naar ruim $800 miljard) en is het aantal hedge funds toegenomen van ongeveer 2000 tot meer dan 80002. Vooral de afgelopen twee/drie jaar is de
zijn met leverage), dan kan dit een significante
populaire onshore bestemmingen geworden
groei in een stroomversnelling gekomen: Een
impact hebben op de financiële stabiliteit. In
voor de hedge funds.
belangrijke verklaring hiervoor vormt de grote
dit artikel zal derhalve de vraag centraal staan
vraag naar beleggingen in hedge funds door
of meer intensief toezicht op hedge funds
In de praktijk vindt het daadwerkelijke
institutionele beleggers. Als gevolg van de
nodig is, gegeven de ‘institutionalisering’ en
beheer van de Europese hedge funds echter
malaise op de aandelenmarkten, een omgeving
‘retailization’ van hedge funds en hun mogelijke
grotendeels (±70%) plaats in het Verenigd
van relatief lage rentes op de kapitaalmarkten
impact op de financiële stabiliteit. Daartoe
Koninkrijk (Londen)4. Dit betekent dat de
en de verwachting dat beleggingsrendementen
zal kort een aantal (voor dit artikel relevante)
managers van deze hedge funds onder toezicht
ook de komende jaren zullen achterblijven ten
karakteristieken van hedge funds worden
staan van de Financial Services Authority
opzichte van het historische gemiddelde, zijn
uitgelicht. Vervolgens wordt nader ingegaan
(FSA). Zij worden hierdoor min of meer ook
deze instellingen op zoek naar hoge absolute
op ontwikkelingen op prime brokerage gebied.
onderworpen aan dezelfde regels, die gelden
rendementen teneinde de vaste nominale
Prime brokers vervullen een centrale rol spelen
voor traditionele (‘long only’) fondsbeheerders.
verplichtingen te kunnen nakomen. Hedge
in de financiële transacties van hedge funds en
Hierbij zij opgemerkt dat de FSA ten aanzien
funds lijken additionele yield te kunnen
kunnen der halve een goed aangrijpingspunt
van managers, die uitsluitend offshore hedge
vormen voor het toezicht. Voorts worden
funds beheren die niet toegankelijk zijn voor
(‘diversificatie’) kunnen ook een rol hebben
mogelijke besmettingskanalen vanuit hedge
het grote publiek, een ‘low risk’ classificatie
gespeeld in hun besluit om hedge funds op
funds naar de financiële stabiliteit besproken.
te nemen. Verder heeft de groei c.q. verdieping
Op basis van deze analyse wordt uiteengezet
van derivatenmarkten een belangrijke bijdrage
of meer intensief toezicht op hedge funds in de
Beheerd vermogen
geleverd aan de snelle groei van hedge funds
praktijk haalbaar is en effectief zal kunnen zijn.
Een bedrag van ruim $ 800 miljard aan beheerd
(en vice versa). Zonder derivaten zouden hedge funds aanzienlijk minder efficiënt hebben kunnen opereren. De ‘laatste’ trend in de hedge
vermogen lijkt, absoluut gezien, een groot 1.
Enkele relevante karakteristieken van
bedrag. Indien dit bedrag echter wordt afgezet
hedge funds.
tegen de ‘totale marktkapitalisatie’ (= aandelen
funds industrie is dat hedge funds niet alleen
+ obligaties + totale activa bij de 1000 grootste
meer exclusief voorbehouden is aan de ‘rich and
Domicilie & beheer
banken), dan is het eigenlijk verwaarloosbaar.
wealthy’ en institutionele beleggers. ‘Gewone’
Hedge funds zijn in juridische zin traditioneel
Volgens JP Morgan bedroeg ultimo 2003 de
particulieren krijgen ook steeds meer toegang
veelal gevestigd in domicilies waar weinig tot
totale marktkapitalisatie circa $126 biljoen,
tot hedge funds (gelieerde) producten, zoals
geen regelgeving geldt en waar meestal een
hetgeen impliceert dat het beheerd vermogen
fund of hedge funds en structured products3.
gunstig belastingregime heerst (‘offshore tax
van hedge funds minder dan 1% van de totale
havens’). De laatste tijd lijken hedge funds ook
marktkapitalisatie omvat5.
Vanuit een financieel stabiliteitsperspectief
te kiezen voor een vestiging op onshore locaties.
bezien, is het de vraag of de forse groei van
Dit doen zij om beter in te kunnen spelen op de
Met betrekking tot het beheerd vermogen
hedge funds ook meer systeemrisico met zich
behoeften van beleggers, maar ook vanwege
per hedge fund bestaat soms de misvatting
meebrengt. Indien hedge funds in een situatie
de (nog) lichte aanpak van een aantal onshore
dat zij vele miljarden onder beheer hebben. In
terecht komen, waarin zij noodgedwongen
regelgevers. In Europa zijn met name Duitsland,
de praktijk geldt dit slechts voor een beperkt
posities moeten afbouwen (die veelal aangezet
Ierland, Luxemburg en Zwitserland de meer
aantal hedge funds (ca. 3%). Ruim tweederde
van de hedge funds heeft minder dan $ 100
handelspositie aanzetten met leverage is
geavanceerde risicobeheersystemen, waardoor
miljoen onder beheer (waarvan een groot deel
meer risicovol dan een handelspositie, die
zij de handelsactiviteiten van hun hedge funds
zelfs minder dan $ 25 miljoen) en een kleine
zowel geleveraged als gehedged is. Omdat de
cliënten beter kunnen monitoren. Zo worden
eenderde beheert tussen de $ 100 miljoen en
hedge funds weinig transparant zijn over hun
VAR en stress testen gebruikt om krediet- en
$ 1 miljard6.
handelsactiviteiten is het voor buitenstaanders
marktrisico’s op hedge funds in te schatten.
uiterst moeilijk om harde uitspraken te doen
Verder is ten aanzien van effectenhuizen, die
over de toepassing van leverage door hedge
tevens prime brokerage diensten aanbieden,
Omdat de hedge funds industrie de laatste
momenteel een toename van de eigen
jaren een forse groei heeft doorgemaakt, ligt
handelsactiviteiten (‘proprietary trading’) waar
het voor de hand te concluderen dat sprake is
Tot slot zij opgemerkt dat de leverage bij fund
te nemen. Dit doen zij enerzijds om hun beste
van meer leverage in het financiële systeem.
of hedge funds (FOHF’s) eveneens een punt
traders te kunnen behouden en anderzijds
De mate van leverage kan echter op twee
van aandacht is. Het is niet ongewoon dat
omdat handel voor eigen rekening thans meer
manieren worden geïnterpreteerd: op absoluut
FOHF’s zelf ook leverage toepassen om hun
inkomsten genereert dan andere activiteiten
niveau en op relatief niveau. Absoluut gezien
investering in individuele hedge funds aan te
(zoals emissies en M&A’s). Tot slot kan gewezen
bestaat nauwelijks twijfel dat de leverage is
zetten. Hierdoor kan er sprake zijn van ‘leverage
worden op de trend dat prime brokers ook
toegenomen. Het beheerde vermogen en het
hedge funds aan het overnemen zijn om deze
aantal hedge funds nemen jaarlijks immers
deze producten steeds meer aan gewone
vervolgens samen te voegen met hun eigen
nog steeds aanzienlijk toe. Relatief bezien is
particulieren worden gesleten, is het maar de
vermogensbeheeractiviteiten (bij voorbeeld JP
echter de algemene opvatting dat er thans
vraag of zij hiervan op de hoogte zijn.
Morgan & Highbridge Capital Management;
sprake is van minder leverage (‘per $ of assets’) in het financiële systeem. Dit kan onder meer
Lehman Brothers & GLG Partners). 2.
Ontwikkelingen bij de prime brokers.
worden toegeschreven aan het feit dat hedge
Implicaties voor financiële stabiliteit
funds in de loop der jaren meer sophisticated
Prime brokers vervullen een belangrijke rol
te werk zijn gegaan. Daarnaast speelt een rol
in de hedge funds industrie, omdat zij veel
Hedge funds kunnen de financiële stabiliteit
in hoeverre hedge funds door institutionele
cruciale diensten verlenen aan hedge funds,
via twee kanalen beïnvloeden. Allereerst
beleggers en banken, die hen fondsen
zoals clearing & settlement, financiering en
kunnen hedge funds met hun opportunistische
toevertrouwen, in staat worden gesteld om de
klantenwerving. Zonder de prime brokers
handelsgedrag de financiële markten op
leverage op te voeren.
zodanige wijze ontregelen dat er gevolgen
efficiënt en effectief kunnen functioneren.
kunnen zijn voor de financiële stabiliteit.
Omdat lucratieve inkomsten met deze business
Daarnaast kunnen hedge funds de financiële
kunnen worden behaald, is momenteel sprake
stabiliteit beïnvloeden door hun relatie met
van een hevige concurrentiestrijd tussen prime
financiële instellingen (prime brokers).
Volgens een aantal marktpartijen schuwen prime brokers er niet voor om hun ‘credit controls’ voor hedge funds te laten vieren om marktaandeel van elkaar te veroveren
brokers. Volgens een aantal marktpartijen schuwen prime brokers er niet voor om hun
‘credit controls’ voor hedge funds te laten vieren
Hedge funds spelen een belangrijke rol bij
om marktaandeel van elkaar te veroveren.
het verschaffen van liquiditeit aan financiële
Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan het hanteren
markten9. Vooral de optiemarkten en de markt
van lagere of geen haircuts (‘afslag’) voor het
voor kredietderivaten hebben de laatste jaren
aangeleverde onderpand of aan meer gunstige
geprofiteerd van de betrokkenheid van hedge
financieringsvoorwaarden8. Uit data van TASS
funds10. Daarnaast dragen hedge funds ook bij
Uit onderzoek van Van Hedge Fund Advisors
blijkt dat Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns en
aan een efficiënte prijsvorming, omdat ze zich
kwam naar voren dat 27% van de hedge
Goldman Sachs momenteel circa 70% (!) van
voor een deel richten op arbitragestrategieën,
funds aangegeven hebben geen leverage te
de prime brokerage markt in handen hebben.
gebruiken, 45% een leverage van minder dan
Met betrekking tot de dienstverlening aan
1:2 en 28% een leverage van meer dan 1:27.
Europese hedge funds hebben Morgan Stanley
Gemiddeld genomen zal de mate van leverage
en Goldman Sachs samen circa 40% van de
Naast deze positieve effecten kunnen hedge
bij hedge funds ongeveer rond 1:2 liggen. Ter
markt in handen.
funds ook marktverstorend optreden. Dit is
vergelijking, banken kennen over het algemeen
voornamelijk het geval in markten die minder
een leverage van 1:15. Het argument dat hedge
ontwikkeld en relatief klein van omvang zijn. Zo
funds ‘zwaar geleveraged’ zijn, is dus enigszins
voorwaarden lijken te hebben versoepeld voor
heeft onlangs Mohamed El-Erian, manager van
overtrokken, al zijn er wel uitzonderingen.
hedge funds, bestaat toch wel de indruk dat de
het grootste emerging markets obligatiefonds
Belangrijker dan de mate van leverage is vooral
‘level of control’ bij prime brokers aanzienlijk
(PIMCO), effectenhuizen (c.q. prime brokers) en
de vraag voor welke doeleinden de leverage
hoger ligt dan ten tijde van de LTCM-crisis het
hedge funds ervan beschuldigd dat zij met hun
wordt aangewend. Een outright directional
geval was. Prime brokers beschikken thans over
‘korte termijn denken’ schade toebrengen aan
de ontwikkeling van opkomende markten. Ook
komt door zijn exposure op hedge funds
zullen geven ten koste van de eigen hedge fund
in ontwikkelde markten kunnen hedge funds
kan dit een significant effect hebben op de
cliënten. De handelingen van prime brokers in
zorgen voor significante volatiliteit. Hoewel zij
financiële stabiliteit, aangezien sprake kan
tijden van stress kunnen derhalve een goede
relatief weinig vermogen onder beheer hebben
zijn van domino-effecten. Bij de gebrekkige
indicator zijn van hoe de zaken ervoor staan.
ten opzichte van de totale marktkapitalisatie,
transparantie vanuit zowel hedge funds als
prime brokers is het echter vrij moeilijk om een
dagelijkse handel dan traditionele beleggers.
goede inschatting te maken van de directe en
Volgens marktpartijen kunnen hedge funds
indirecte exposure van financiële instellingen
verantwoordelijk zijn voor eenderde van de
op hedge funds.
Haalbaarheid en effectiviteit van toezicht op hedge funds
De forse groei van de hedge funds industrie en
handelsvolumes in financiële deelmarkten (of
de mogelijke impact op de financiële stabiliteit
zelfs de volledige handel in bepaalde activa
Tijden van stress
behoeft nog niet te impliceren dat hedge
domineren). Al met al moet de dreiging vanuit
De grootste uitdaging voor de financiële
funds een ‘gevaar’ zijn en derhalve onder meer
hedge funds voor de financiële stabiliteit hier
stabiliteit is hoe hedge funds zich zullen
intensief toezicht van toezichthouders moeten
vooral gezien worden in het licht van het
houden in tijden van stress, bij voorbeeld als
worden geplaatst. Het voornaamste doel van
(tijdelijk) verstoren van de marktwerking en
gevolg van een liquiditeitscrisis. Het is alweer
toezichthouders is het beter begrijpen van
het eventueel besmetten van andere markten
ongeveer zes jaar geleden dat LTCM over de
de activiteiten van hedge funds en van de
kop ging en sindsdien zijn hedge funds niet
potentiële impact op de financiële stabiliteit,
echt meer negatief in het nieuws gekomen.
en niet zozeer het reguleren van hedge funds
Ook in ontwikkelde markten genoeg middelen beschikken om periodes van kunnen hedge funds zorgen stress te kunnen doorstaan. voor significante volatiliteit
zelf. Ook al zou gehoor worden gegeven aan de
De grote vraag is thans of hedge funds over
ondervangen door ‘lock-up’ periodes en vaste
soms gehoorde roep om meer intensief toezicht op hedge funds - om zo de financiële stabiliteit en beleggers te beschermen - dan nog is het in de praktijk maar de vraag of dit haalbaar is en effectief zal blijken te zijn.
Financiële instellingen
‘redemption profiles’ voor hun eindbeleggers
Naast de doorwerking op de financiële
te hanteren, maar ook door liquiditeitreserves
Het is nu niet of nauwelijks afdwingbaar om
markten kunnen hedge funds de financiële
aan te houden of door gebruik te maken
hedge funds gedetailleerde informatie over
stabiliteit ook beïnvloeden door hun relatie
van kredietlijnen bij prime brokers. Hiermee
hun posities te laten rapporteren. Vanuit
met financiële instellingen (c.q. prime brokers).
wordt voorkomen dat zij onmiddellijk moeten
het perspectief van de hedge funds is het
Deze financiële instellingen hebben veelal
overgaan tot de liquidatie van hun posities.
begrijpelijk dat zij deze waardevolle informatie
significante directe exposures op hedge funds,
Alhoewel de lock-up periodes en redemption
omdat zij onder meer margin loans verstrekken,
profiles de hedge funds in eerste instantie
toezichthouders dit via intensieve regulering
garanties verschaffen en trading exposures
trachten te forceren, dan zullen hedge funds
hebben uitstaan op hedge funds. De directe
stabiliteit van belang om te weten op welke
hoogstwaarschijnlijk weer ‘veilige oorden’ gaan
exposures zijn overigens wel meestal afgedekt
tijdstippen eindbeleggers in de gelegenheid
opzoeken en naar de offshore locaties afreizen14.
met onderpand. Thans lijkt kredietrisico bij
worden gesteld om hun middelen uit hedge
Hierdoor zal het toezichtvraagstuk weer van
prime brokers ondergeschikt te zijn aan (maar
funds te onttrekken13. Indien deze tijdstippen
voor af aan beginnen. Met andere woorden,
wel afhankelijk van) de inkomsten uit de hedge
ongelukkig samenvallen, kan er sprake zijn
intensieve regulering van hedge funds zal
funds business.
van een significante impact op de financiële
in de praktijk naar alle waarschijnlijkheid
markten. Verder zal het lot van de hedge funds
niet haalbaar zijn. Daarnaast is het eigenlijk
Een ander punt is dat de winsten van de
in zulke tijden in belangrijke mate afhangen
ook niet nodig om alle hedge funds onder
vermogensbeheertak van financiële instellingen
van wat prime brokers zullen gaan doen. Tijden
intensieve regulering te plaatsen. Zoals eerder
verder kunnen worden uitgehold als de hedge
van stress hebben zich, na LTCM, nog niet
uiteengezet, is het percentage ‘omvangrijke’
voorgedaan, waardoor de relatie tussen prime
hedge funds klein. Het is veel effectiever om
brokers en hedge funds nog niet echt op de
regulering dan grotendeels te concentreren op
zijn effectenhuizen tegenwoordig voor een
proef is gesteld. In dergelijke omstandigheden
de omvangrijke hedge funds15.
significant deel afhankelijk van de inkomsten
zal de uiteindelijke beslissing bij de prime
uit de prime brokerage business. Indien zich
broker liggen om posities van hedge funds te
De effectiviteit van een eventuele intensievere
verzadigingverschijnselen zouden voortdoen,
liquideren (‘ongeacht de gemaakte afspraken’).
regulering zal afhangen van de bruikbaarheid
kunnen dalende inkomsten uit deze business
Tot slot, in tijden van stress kunnen zich
van de gerapporteerde data. Hedge funds zijn
de winstgevendheid (c.q. kredietwaardigheid)
dynamisch van aard. De gegevens, die hedge
voordoen. Met het oog op de proprietary
funds achteraf zouden moeten rapporteren,
trading activiteiten van prime brokers zelf zou
kunnen hierdoor al snel gedateerd raken.
het kunnen voorkomen dat zij zichzelf voorrang
Verouderde data bieden de toezichthouders
wel meer inzicht in de activiteiten van hedge
hedge funds wel degelijk effectief zijn. Tot slot
toegenomen tot 15-16% (selling/buying).
funds, maar behoeven niet indicatief te zijn
een waarschuwing: de ‘gewone’ particulieren
voor de actuele positionering van hedge funds,
genieten bij dit indirecte toezicht vooralsnog
ondervangen door zelf hedge funds over te
met name niet ten aanzien van de belangrijke
‘minimale’ bescherming van toezichthouders.
nemen om deze vervolgens samen te voegen
variabele ‘leverage’. Ook de kwaliteit van de
Beleggingen in hedge funds zijn dan ook echt
met hun eigen vermogensbeheeractiviteiten.
data zal een issue worden aangezien hedge
‘voor eigen risico’.
funds relatief vaak actief zijn in complexe
Dit risico proberen prime brokers echter te
Tevens kan gewezen worden op het feit
dat de laatste jaren veel talent vertrokken is
instrumenten, die niet altijd even eenvoudig
bij de effectenhuizen om bij hedge funds te
objectief kunnen worden gewaardeerd. Omdat
bij voorbeeld OTC derivaten ongereguleerd
Prof. dr. A.F.P. Bakker is directeur van de Divisie
te gaan zetten. Deze leegloop van kwaliteit
zijn, impliceert dit dat hedge funds een eigen
Financiële Markten bij de Nederlandsche
kan desbetreffende effectenhuizen minder
Bank en hoogleraar Monetaire en Bancaire
slagvaardig maken.
geven omtrent deze posities.
De grootste uitdaging voor de financiële stabiliteit is hoe hedge funds zich zullen houden in tijden van stress 5.
m.b.t. hun beleggingen in single hedge funds
eisen, zou tot een verzwakking van dergelijke
vastrentende waarden bij de afdeling Asset
verdedigingsmechanismen kunnen leiden.
Management van de Divisie Financiële Markten.
Dit artikel is op persoonlijke titel geschreven en
toezicht op één niveau te realiseren is. Europa
weerspiegelt niet noodzakelijk de visie van De
kent geen uniforme regelgeving inzake hedge
Nederlandsche Bank.
Bron: HFR, Van Hedge Fund Advisors.
Er is echter nog wel sprake van grote
Amerikaanse congres een wet aangenomen
De voornaamste reden hiervoor is dat Londen
In de VS is na het debacle met LTCM door het
(“Hedge Fund Disclosure Act”), dat ‘grote’ hedge funds verplicht om opening van zaken te geven
het financiële centrum van Europa is, waardoor
over een aantal variabelen.
intensief toezicht op hedge funds niet echt
hedge funds kunnen beschikken over relatief
haalbaar zal zijn. Hedge funds zijn beweeglijk
goed opgeleide mensen. Daarnaast is er
genoeg om uit te wijken, indien de regels
sprake van een competitieve infrastructuur
Practices for Banks’ Interactions with Highly
aanzienlijk aangescherpt worden. Verder zal
en dienstverlening (Bron: PWC (2003), “The
Leveraged Institutions”, January.
de effectiviteit van het eventuele toezicht te
regulation and distribution of hedge funds in
kampen hebben met ‘onzuivere’ data, hetgeen
Europe”, May).
de analyse van hedge funds minder optimaal
maakt. Toezichthouders kunnen de financiële
market opportunities”, October.
stabiliteit dan ook beter waarborgen door zich
Bron: TASS, Van Hedge Fund Advisors.
te concentreren op de poortwachters van de
Het onderzoek is van eind 2002. Naar schatting
hedge funds industrie: de prime brokers. Deze
zal de mate van leverage bij hedge funds
instellingen zijn aanzienlijk beter in staat om
sindsdien niet veel veranderd zijn. Dit beeld
de activiteiten van hedge funds te monitoren
wordt ook bevestigd door gegevens van TASS.
(al hebben ze vaak niet een totaaloverzicht,
gegeven het feit dat hedge funds zaken doen
voorzien van een credit rating. De kwaliteit
met meerdere prime brokers) en kunnen
van deze credit rating bepaalt de op te
derhalve als aangrijpingspunt voor het toezicht
leggen credit controls (o.a. haircut, mate van
fungeren. Aangezien de prime brokerage
leverage). Gegeven de hevige concurrentie
markt thans vrij geconcentreerd is, maakt het
kan het daardoor voorkomen dat hedge funds
de zaak ‘eenvoudiger’ voor toezichthouders.
hoger worden ingeschaald dan op objectieve
Door de operationele activiteiten, en met
gronden mag worden verwacht.
name het risicobeheer, van de grootste prime
brokers te toetsen aan ‘best practices’ kunnen
‘illiquide’ activa kopen (lange termijn horizon)
en ‘liquide’ activa verkopen (korte termijn
identificeren en daar waar nodig aandringen op
horizon) en hiermee per saldo liquiditeit
verbeteringen16. Indien het toezicht op prime
verschaffen aan de markt.
brokers aldus door de relevante nationale
toezichthouders wordt aangescherpt kan de
het aandeel van hedge funds in de markt
huidige situatie van indirect toezicht op
voor kredietderivaten bijvoorbeeld inmiddels
In Europa is het maar de vraag of eventuele
geografische variatie.
De opkomst van FOHF’s, die flexibiliteit
Amsterdam. Drs. V. Ho RBA is werkzaam
gaan werken en of hun eigen hedge funds op
Voor ‘best practices’, zie o.a. Basle Committee Banking
J.P. Morgan (2004), “Have hedge funds eroded
Hedge funds worden bij de prime brokers
‘Typisch’ aan hedge funds is dat zij veelal
Volgens de British Bankers Association is