Visiting Indonesia Topic: VISA APPLICATION
Visa application for Israeli citizens is based on Indonesia’s Foreign Policy whereby the approval of visas for Israeli citizens is given by the Indonesian Immigration Office in Jakarta in the form of affidavit through the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore or Bangkok. There are no official guidelines on the issuance of such visas for Israeli citizens. However applications are based on the basic procedure for citizens of specific countries as regulated by the Indonesian Immigration. These countries are:
1. Afghanistan 2. Albania 3. Angola 4. Bangladesh 5. Botswana 6. Burkina Faso 7. Burundi 8. Cameron 9. Chad 10. Cambodia 11. Congo 12. Cuba 13. Djibouti 14. Ethiopia 15. Ghana 16. Iraq 17. Israel 18. Laos 19. Lebanon 20. Liberia
21. Libya 22. Malawi 23. Mali 24. Mongolia 25. Mauritania 26. Mozambique 27. Namibia 28. Nauru 29. Niger 30. Nigeria 31. North Korea 32. Pakistan 33. Somalia 34. Sudan 35. Sri Lanka 36. Tanzania 37. Tonga 38. Uganda 39. Vanuatu 40. Yemen
The EMBASSY’s consultant in Jakarta is the facilitator for the visa application process. In order to obtain a smooth and uninterrupted process the consultant advises Israeli applicants the following procedures:
STEP 1 The Applicant must have a local Indonesian company to act as sponsors for the visa application at the Immigration Office in Jakarta. STEP 2 The local sponsoring company must state in their application the purpose of the visit which in most cases is for business related activities. It is highly recommended that the local company obtain a letter of invitation from an entity in Indonesia for a particular project. STEP 3 If STEP 2 is not available then the local company must obtain a recommendation from KADIN (the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce). STEP 4 Once the above main documents are obtain by the applicant then the EMBASSY’s consultant shall ask the local company to complete the application. STEP 5 When the application is submitted to the Indonesian Immigration Office, it will be reviewed and approved at their weekly (every Tuesday) inter department meeting. STEP 6 After the approval has been made, the Indonesian Immigration Office shall send a telex to the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore or Bangkok (as desired by the applicant) instructing them to issue the visa.
STEP 7 To obtain the visa stamp at the Embassy, the applicant need to fill a set of forms along with 2 (two) colored passport size photographs. In the case of obtaining the final visa in Singapore the consultant has an agent to arrange the submission. The agent’s name is: Mr. William Chua Mobile number : + 65 96506897 He will be pleased to pick up the passport at the applicant’s hotel while in Singapore. . FEE: The fee for the process in Jakarta is only for the administrative charges which is USD 40.00. Whilst in Singapore the fee includes the handling charge which is SGD 175.00.
A visa application Form (to be completed and signed by the local sponsor on a stamp duty) Scan copy of passport (must be valid for at least 12 months) Application Letter from the local sponsoring company mentioning the purpose of visit and signed on a stamp duty. Letter of invitation from any Indonesian institution in Indonesia if visit is for the purpose of a specific project. Letter from the local sponsoring requesting a recommendation from KADIN for the visa application A full set COMPANY BIODATA of the local sponsoring company. These documents are: - Articles of Association - Domicile Statement - Tax Certificate - Operating License - Company Registration - Copy of ID of the President Director (local company)
The above documentation has to be handed over to the EMBASSY’s consultant in Jakarta for further submission to the Immigration Office.
Kepada Yth. Direktur Dokumen Perjalanan Visa dan Faskim UP : KASUBDIT Visa Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, kav. 8 – 9 Kuningan Jakarta Perihal : Permohonan Visa Kunjungan Dengan hormat, Bersama ini kami mengajukan permohonan untuk dapat diberikan visa kunjungan selama 2 (dua) minggu kepada tenaga ahli kami sehubungan dengan akan diadakan……………(give brief description of the purpser of the visit).
Adapun data dari tenaga ahli yang kami undang ke Indonesia adalah sbb : Nama No. Paspor Kewarganegaraan
: : :
Rencana kunjungan tenaga-tenaga ahli kami tersebut diatas adalah dari tanggal ……….. 2007 s/d …….. 2007. Terlampir kami sampaikan kelengkapan data permohonan ini dan apabila disetujui mohon telex dapat disampaikan kepada kantor KEDUTAAN BESAR REPUBLIK INDONESIA di (sebut di Sinapura atau Bangkok).. Besar harapan kami agar permohonan ini dapat dikabulkan. Atas perhatian dan bantuan Bapak kami haturkan ribuan terima kasih.
Hormat Kami,
(name) President Director
B. Letter to KADIN requesting a recommendation Jakarta, 09 Agustus 2007
Kepada Yth. Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) Menara Kadin Indonesia, Lt. 20 Jl. HR Rasuna Said X-5 Kav. 2-3 Jakarta 12950 u.p. : Bapak Didie Soewondho S.E.
Dengan hormat, Bersama ini dengan gembira kami memberitahukan bahwa PT. (name of local company) sedang menjajaki kerja sama dengan (name of Israeli company), sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang…..(state the activities of the local company) Usaha kami ini adalah dalam rangka (state objectives and purpose of the cooperation). Untuk maksud dan tujuan tersebut kami sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari Bapak dan jajaran KADIN agar dapat diberikan rekomendasi untuk memperoleh visa kunjungan kepada : Nama No. Passport
: :
guna membicarakan kerjasama yang dimaksud diatas sekaligus (mention site visit if necessary) Kami siap untuk mentaati peraturan yang berlaku dan membantu KADIN untuk menarik investor asing ke Indonesia. Demikian kami sampaikan dengan harapan agar Bapak dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada Mr. (name of person ). Atas perhatian dan bantuan Bapak kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat kami, PT. (name of local company)
4. IMPORTANT NOTE As P.T. Hati International in its capacity as the business consultant to the Trade and Economic Department of the Israeli Embassy in Singapore, is acting as facilitator for the application process. Any interviews required during the application process must be attended by the Director of the local sponsoring company. The consultant will at all time assist during the whole application process.