By Ikhyandini G. Atristyanti NIM: 19004014
Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung – 2007
By: Ikhyandini G. Atristyanti NIM: 19004014
Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
Validated By
(Utomo Sarjono Putro, Ir, M. Eng. Dr) NIP: 132104494
THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUNCTUALITY OF GOING TO WORK NORM ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM BY USING THE NORM GAME THEORY APPROACH Ikhyandini G. Atristyanti, 19004014 Examination Date: August 14th 2007 Graduation Date: October 27th 2007 Undergraduate Study Program of Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2007
Norms are written and unwritten rules or law to control people to be good in community those who do not obey the Norms usually get penalties depending on the deed. The enforcement of Norms became a complex and difficult problem to overcome, because it involves many players or agents that had heterogeneous characteristics. The difficulties of enforcing norm also happen in PT Petrokimia Gresik, especially in enforcing Norms of employee’s punctual arrival. The research carried out is limited to the system used to enforce a punctual arrival of employees in the Production Department I at PT Petrokimia Gresik (which utilizes a manual clocking device). This analysis requires the examination of several factors or variables which are indicators in the enforcement of work arrival times in accordance with the norm game theory propounded by Axelrod. There are the temptation to the offender (T), the harm to other parties (H), the burden/risk of others who are in a position to report the offense (Ej), the burden or risk for the supervising parties to enforce the sanctions (Ek), and sanctions given to the offender (P). In order to analyze this case and find an appropriate solution to improve the system, it is required to have the accurate data concerning the current condition of the company, the perception of employees on the specifications of enforcing punctuality, and the factors influencing their decision in accordance with the norm game theory propounded by Axelrod (which are explained above). Questioners were used to collect data of employees perceptions regarding each of the indicators. The questioners were issued to 50 employees in Production Department I at PT Petrokimia Gresik as a sample. Based on the observation of the current condition in enforcing punctuality among its worker, PT Petrokimia Gresik needs to improve their current work hour norm enforcement system. To make the improvement,it is required to develop the Axelrod’s model of enforcing norm based on the observation data at PT Petrokimia Gresik. Then, it is also needed to propose several combinations of several factors or variables that are indicators in the enforcement of work arrival times in accordance with the norm game theory propounded by Axelrod (called scenario analysis). Moreover, simulate the scenarios using MATLAB program to find the graph of boldness and vengefulness level.
Finally, based on the simulation results, propose the most effective scenario that could decrease the boldness level and increase the vengefulness level. The implementation of scenarios that are recommended to the management of PT Petrokimia Gresik as an improvement system are explained below: 1) PT Petrokimia Gresik should increase the rule, for instance, if there are more than three times delays or dishonesty in absence a month, there will be punishment by written warning. 2) Change the method of attendance record into finger print method. 3) Increase social sanction among the employees. 4) And make a new rule that will give protection and incentive to all employees and supervisors who report the offender. Key Word: Norm, Promoting Norm, Norm Enforcement, Scenario simulation.
THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUNCTUALITY OF GOING TO WORK NORM ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM BY USING THE NORM GAME THEORY APPROACH Ikhyandini G. Atristyanti, 19004014 Tanggal Sidang: 14 Agustus 2007 Tanggal Wisuda: 27 Oktober 2007 Program Studi Sarjana Menejemen Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2007
ABSTRAK Norma adalah peraturan atau undang-undang, baik tertulis maupun tidak, yang mengatur bagaimana orang berlaku baik di dalam komunitasnya, sedangkan barang siapa yang tidak menaati norma aka mendapat hukuman bergantung apa yang mereka lakukan. Pelaksanaan Norm menjadi masalah yang kompleks dan sulit untuk diatasi, karena melibatkan banyak pemain atau agen yang mempunyai sifat heterogen. Kesukaran menerapkan norma juga terjadi di PT Petrokimia Gresik, khususnya dalam menerapkan norma datang tepat waktu. Penelitian dalam karya akhir ini dibatasi pada penegakan norma kedatangan tepat waktu pegawai di Bagian Produksi 1 di PT Petrokimia Gresik, yang menggunakan mesin absensi manual. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi standar alat ukur penegakan suatu norma adalah sebagai berikut sesuai dengan teori Axelrod yang berjudul Promoting Norm, yaitu keuntungan bagi pelanggar (T), kerugian bagi pihak lain (H), beban/risiko orang lain yang di posisi untuk melaporkan melukai perasaan (Ej), beban/risiko bagi pihak yang mengawasi untuk menerapkan sanksi (Ek), dan sanksi yang diberikan kepada pelanggar (P). Untuk menganalisis kasus ini dan mencari solusi yang tepat untuk memperbaiki sistem saat ini, maka diperlukan data-data yang dapat menjelaskan kondisi perusahaan saat ini dan data-data mengenai persepsi karyawan mengenai kondisi penegakan aturan tersebut serta pengaruh faktor-faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan sebagai alat ukur penegakan aturan/norma sesuai teori norm game dari Axelrod, seperti penjelasan pada paragraf sebelumnya. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam pengumpulan data persepsi karyawan mengenai kondisi saat ini dan pengaruh dari tiap faktor. Penyebaran kuesioner yang ditujukan pada 50 karyawan PT Petrokimia Gresik Departemen Produksi I sebagai sampling. Berdasarkan hasil observasi mengenai penegakan aturan waktu masuk kerja, PT Petrokimia Gresik membutuhkan perbaikan sistem penegakan norma waktu masuk kerja yang telah dijalankan saat ini. Untuk membuat perbaikan dalam sistem, pertama-tama diperlukan pengembangan model simulasi norma dari Axelrod berdasarkan hasil observasi dari penegakan ketepatan waktu datang di PT Petrokimia Gresik saat ini. Kemudian, merekomendasikan beberapa kombinasi dari faktor atau variabel yang menjadi indikator penegakan norma ketepatan waktu masuk kerja berdasarkan teori permainan norma dari Axelrod
yang kemudian disebut sebagai analisis skenario. Setelah membuat beberapa skenario maka dilakukan simulasi menggunakan program MATLAB untuk mengetahui grafik dari tingkat kebeanian untuk melanggar dan tingkat kesanggupan untuk menghukum dari karyawan. Pada akhirnya, berdasarkan pada hasil simulasi, penulis akan merekomendasikan skenario yang paling efektif yaitu yang mampu menurunkan tingkat keberanian karyawan untuk terlambat atau berbuat curang dan meningkatkan kesanggupan karyawan untuk menghukum pelaku. Implementasi dari skenario yang direkomendasikan pada pihak menejemen PT Petrokimia Gesik adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Meningkatkan aturan yaitu jika terjadi ≥3 kali keterlambatan atau pelanggaran absensi dalam sebulan maka dikenakan sanksi teguran tertulis. 2) Mengganti metode pencatatan kehadiran dengan menggunakan metode absensi dengan sidik jari. 3) Meningkatkan sanksi sosial dari sesama karyawan. 4) Dan memberikan perlindungan dan insentif kepada pengawas dan karyawan yang melaporkan pelaku. Kata kunci: Norma, Teori penegakan norma, Penegakan Aturan, Simulasi Skenario.
PREFACE Having firm faith in the Mercy and Grace of Allah & having tremendous belief in His Guidance, this final project finished well in meeting the academic requirement of undergraduate program at the School of Business and Management - Institut Teknologi Bandung. In this opportunity, the writer thanks: 1. Dr. Ir. Utomo Sarjono Putro,M.Eng, as a conselor who guide the writer in completing this final project. 2. The management and the staff of PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero), Tbk, who gave the opportunity to carry out the research and gave the help that were needed to complete this final project. 3. The management and the staff of PT Petrokimia Gresik (persero), Tbk in the Personnel Department and Production Department I on their willingness in helping the process of data collecting. 4. The Director of the SBM-ITB Undergraduate Program and all the lectures along with the administration staff who helped in completing this program. 5. All undergraduate students, especially class of 2007, of School of Business and Management-ITB. 6. My parent and my sister who always gives me their loves and supports in completing this study program. 7. Mbak Santi, Pak Manahan and Mas Danang who gave the help in completing this final project 8. And last but not least, special for Gilang Amaldi who always supports and loves me. Finally, the writer realizes that this final project has many weaknesses. Therefore, with all modesty, the writer hopes for criticism and suggestion to improve it. And hopefully all the efforts and the power that the writer poured could give more benefit for all the readers and especially for the development of PT Petrokimia Gresik in the future. Bandung, July 2007 Writer
LIST OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT...............................................................................................i PREFACE……………………………………………….…….………....v LIST OF CONTENTS ….………………………………………………vi LIST OF FIGURES …..……..………………………………………...viii LIST OF TABLES ….…………………………………………………..ix LIST OF APPENDIXES..……………………………………………..... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION I.1 Background..……………………………………………………….1 I.2 Problem Formulation ……..……………………………………….3 I.3 Objective…………………………………………………………...4 I.4 Scope of Problem…..………………………………………………5 I.5 Expected Contribution…..…………………………………………5 I.6 Report Structure…..………………………………………………..6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FOUNDATION II.1 Game Theory……………………………………………..………..9 II.1 .1 Prisoner Dilemma………………………………………….10 II.2 An Evolutionary Approach to Norm II.2.1 The Evolutionary Approach………………………………...14 II.2.2 Norm Game………………………………………………....15 II.3 Agent Based Model…...…………………...……………...………17 II.3.1 History……………………………………………………....17 II.3.2 Theory………………………………………………………18 II.4 MATLAB Program…………….…………………………………19 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY III.1 Define the Problem……………………………………………..21 III.2 Define the Objectives and Boundaries of the research.………...22 III.3 Data collection and Analyze current norm enforcement of working hour...................................................................................22 III.4 Create new model simulation…………………………………...23 III.5 Simulation: Developing and finding scenario that could repair current implementation of Norm......……………………………..23 III.6 Discussion and Recommendation..................…………………..24
CHAPTER IV DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS IV.1 Company Profile……………….……………………………….25 IV.2 Data Collection…………………………..……………………..25 IV.2.1 Current Norm System in PT Petrokimia Gresik………..25 IV.2.2 Current Enforcement System for Punctuality....…..........28 IV.2.3 Collection of Data on the Perception of Employees Regarding the Indicators…………..…………………....29 IV.2.3.1 Processing of Questionnaires…………………29 IV.2.3.2 Normalization of the Questionnaires’ Ordinal Data……………………………………….......31 IV.2.4 Secondary Data…………………………………………32 IV.3 Problem Analysis IV.3.1 Analysis of the Correlation between Relevant Agents....33 IV.3.2 Developing a Simulation Model......................................34 IV.4 Simulation....................................................................................36 IV.4.1 Scenario Analysis............................................................37 IV.4.1.1 Analyzing the Simulation Graph……………..41 CHAPTER V RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION V.1 Comparison between the Current Norm Enforcement System and Scenario that Recommended…………………………................45 V.1.1 Recommendation.............................................................47 V.2 Conclusion.....................................................................................48 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………....49
LIST OF FIGURES Figure I.1. Record Data of attendance since 2003 until 2006.................2 Figure II.1 Norms Game of Axelrod............................................15 & 34 Figure III.1 Methodology......................................................................21 Figure III.2. New Model Simulation adjusted with current condition of company…………………………………..…………………….23 & 35 Figure IV.1. Controlling System Channel (Sayuti, SH. Kepala Bagian Personalia. Private Interview. (27/04/2007).........................................29 Figure IV.2. Relation between agent....................................................34 Figure IV.5. Basic scenario...................................................................37 Figure IV.6. Graph of Scenario 1......................................................... 41 Figure IV.6. Graph of Scenario 2..........................................................42 Figure IV.6. Graph of scenario 3..........................................................42 Figure IV.6. Graph of Scenario 4......................................................... 43
LIST OF TABLES Table IV.1 Table of Questioner Result Data………………………….30 Table IV.2. Formula for Normalization Data………………………...32 Table IV.3. Normalization of questioner result data………………….32 Table V.1. Comparison between the Current Norm Enforcement System and Scenario recommended………………………………….44
LIST OF APPENDIXS Appendix A. Company Profile Appendix B. Peraturan Karyawan PT Perokimia Gresik Appendix C. Kuesioner Appendix D. Data Hasil Kuesioner dan Normalisasi Appendix E. Data pencatatan Kehadiran Karyawan 2003-2006