ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 93-98
The Analysis of English Loanwords in Political Articles and their Adaptation into Indonesian Found in Kompas Gramedia Newspapers I Wayan Arimbawa1*, I Nyoman udayana2, Ni Made Ayuwidiastuti3 [123] English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 1 [
[email protected]] 2[
[email protected]] 3 [
[email protected]] *Corresponding Author Abstrak Studi ini berjudul “The Analysis of English Loanword in Political Articles and Their Adaptation Found in Kompas Gramedia Newspapers. Tujuan dari studi ini untuk mencari jenis-jenis kata pinjaman dan adaptasinya secara fonologi dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia khususnya dalam istilah politik. Teori yang digunakan diambil dari seorang profesor linguistik bernama Charles F. Hockett (1958) berdasarkan pada bukunya yang berjudul “A Course of Modern Linguistics” yang menyatakan bahwa ada tiga jenis kata pinjaman atau serapan yaitu: loanwords, loan blends dan loan shifts. Data dalam studi ini dianalis menggunakan metode deskripsi kualitatif. Data diambil dari koran Kompas Gramedia yang diterbitkan pada 1 Februari 2016 dalam kolom Politik dan Hukum. Untuk mendukung analisis diperlukan tiga kamus sebagai referensi seperti kamus Indonesia-Inggris, yang ditulis oleh Alan M. Steven, A. Ed. Schmidgall-Tellings, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) dan Kamus Oxford Advanced Learner’s. Temuan dari studi ini menunjukkan jika kata pinjaman dari Bahasa Inggris yang diadaptasi ke dalam istilah Bahasa Indonesia melalui proses secara fonologi dan kata tersebut kemungkinan dapat berubah secara makna seperti perluasan dan penyempitan makna. Keywords:kata pinjaman, fonologi, adaptasi, arti
1. Background of the Study Language is an essential part in the society that allows people to work, interact, and identify themselves to others. Likely to human being, language evolves from time to time. Abdul Chaer (1994) stated that “There is a relationship between language and human being. In lined with Crystal (2003) declared that “Language can be static only if humans and their social lives are also static.” By the cultural view (also in development of Indonesian culture), one language of a country is possibly related with other countries. Language contact may also cause of this cultural 93
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 93-98
relation. Under language contact situation, it is possible to borrow for a certain language in some particular words from another language. A lexical item (a word) which has been ‘borrowed’ from another language, a word which originally was not part of the vocabulary of the recipient language but was adopted from some other language and made part of the borrowing language’s vocabulary is named loanwords” (Champbell:1998).
2. Problems Based on the background and focus of the study, the problems are presented specifically. In order to discuss them which addressed in this study, the research focuses on two following questions: a. What types of English loanwords and what are the changes of meaning found in the articles written in column “Politik dan Hukum” published in Kompas Gramedia Newspapers? b. What is the phonological adaptation process of English loanwords into Indonesian?
3. Aims a. Identify the English loanwords and describing the change of meaning found in the articles written in column “Politik dan Hukum” published in Kompas Gramedia Newspapers. b. Analyse the process of phonological adaptation of English loanwords into Indonesian.
4. Research Method The method of this study is qualitative method because in this research the data is analysed in the form of words. It is described the corpus of English lexical politics which are borrowed by Indonesian language and the data collected from the articles in Kompas Gramedia Newspapers at columns of “Politik dan Hukum” printed on February 1, 2016. In order to concluded this research, the technique used in this study was
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 93-98
applying the main theory introduced by a professor of linguistics named Charles F. Hockett (1958) from his book entitled “A Course of Modern Linguistics”.
5. Result and Discussion In this chapter it is concerned to analyze the Indonesian political terminologies which are borrowed from English language, those terminologies are taken from six articles in Kompas Gramedia Newspapers at column “Politik dan Hukum”. Further, this analysis is also divided into two kinds of meaning. The first borrowing without change of meaning and the second is borrowing word with change of meaning. A. Borrowing Words without Change of Meaning 1.
Aktivis Example in sentence:
Kekhawatiran akan terganggunya kinerja KPK setelah kejaksaan melimpahkan kasus Novel Baswedan kepengadilan juga diungkapkan oleh aktivis antikorupsi yang juga manta Wakil Ketua Badan Pekerja Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Luky D Djani. (Kompas, February 1, 2016 page 4). Comparison the usage of word “activist” in English.
Human rights activists have warned that recent statements made by public officials and religious leaders who want to limit the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
discrimination. ( Monday, March 21 2016 | 09:36 pm) Lexical meanings (based on dictionary): a.
Aktivis/ak·ti·vis/ n 1 orang (terutama anggota organisasi politik, sosial, buruh, petani, pemuda, mahasiswa, wanita) yang bekerja aktif mendorong pelaksanaan sesuatu atau berbagai kegiatan dalam organisasinya; 2 Pol seseorang yang menggerakkan (demonstrasi dan sebagainya). (KBBI:31) Activist/ˈæktɪvɪst/a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change: Campaigning to bring about political or social change. (Oxford Dictionaries:13)
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 93-98
Meaning Analysis The word “aktivis” is categorized as loan blend type, it is purely taken from the word “activist” in English without borrowing from other foreign language. The English word “activist” is adapted phonologically and morphologically into Indonesian. Morphologically, spelling of the word “aktivis” has been appropriate with the Standard Indonesian Spelling System or EYD, where: letter –c, after vowels (a) or (o) or (u) or the consonant directly changed into (k); letter –t in word “activist” that is derived in Indonesian these sound is voiceless; in the consonant sound the word “activist” in Indonesia, the /s/ sound is more dominant. In other hand Indonesian originally does not apply double consonant in form of a word. It proved with Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI: 31) applied the loanword “activist” into “aktivis” not “aktivist” or “aktivit”. Therefore, the letter –t is not used in the term of this word. The combination of two processes of foreign language and native language has different in pronunciation different and spelling. In context of meaning based on oxford dictionary it means “a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change: Campaigning to bring about political or social change”. Based on the meaning above in the two sentences, itis concluded that there is no change of meaning of these two words. The original word and the Indonesian word applied the same meaning. B. Borrowing Words with Change of Meaning 1.
Korupsi (Kompas, February, 1, 2016 page 4) Example in sentence:
Dewan perwakilan Rakyat, Senin ini mulai membahas draf revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Comparison the usage of word “corruption” in English.
In 2013 after a corruption scandal emerged; former youth and sports minister Andi Mallarangeng and former Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum are among those who have been found guilty in the case. ( Tuesday, May 3 2016 | 01:57 pm) 96
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 93-98
Lexical meanings (based on dictionary): a.
Korupsi/ko·rup·si/ n penyelewengan
(perusahaan, organisasi, yayasan, dsb) untuk keuntungan pribadi atau orang lain: (KBBI:736) b.
Corruption/ kəˈrʌpʃ(ə)n/ dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery: The process by which a word or expression is changed from its original state to one regarded as erroneous or debased. (Oxford Dictionaries:267)
Meaning Analysis The word “korupsi” in Indonesian political term categorized as loan shift, it derived from word Latin “corruptio”. In English morphologically formed into“corruption”.The word “corruption” has been adapted into Indonesian and become “korupsi”. The change is followed the Indonesian rules both in phonology and morphology. Morphologically, spelling of the word “korupsi” has been appropriate with the Standard Indonesian Spelling System or EYD, where: letter –c in front of vowel (a), (o), (u) or the consonant cluster is changed into (k). Letter –r is deleted because Indonesian does not exist with double consonant and the suffix (ion) definitely change into (-si). Therefore, the loanword “corruption” when adopt in Indonesia based on Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia becomes “korupsi” (KBBI: 736). In pronunciation and spelling both of word English word “corruption” and “korupsi” in Indonesian take different in meaning. The lexical meaning of corruption based of dictionary is “dishonest, illegal, or immoral behaviour, especially from someone with power”. When it is borrowed in Indonesian political term, the meaning of it becomes more specific belong to “someone who misappropriation or misuse of state funds” based on Indonesian dictionary. This process is called by specialization or narrowing.
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 93-98
6. Conclusion Based on the findings research analysis, it concluded that the English borrowing word in media, especially newspaper is frequently occurred to describe the idea that cannot be expressed with the existing word in Bahasa Indonesia. The English loanword that explained by Charles F. Hockett (1958) based on his book entitled “A course in modern linguistic” can divided into three types depending on phonological and semantics characteristic those are loanwords, loan blends and loan shifts. In borrowing, the phonological adaptation as the process showed the simplification process toward the derived kind of word formation results some change in sound both of consonants and vowels substitution, substitution of native element like the double characters in English term turn into single character in Indonesia, addition, and deletion. The sound changes definitely happen through vowel and consonant.
7. Bibliography Chaer, Abdul and Agustina, Leoni.2007. Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT Renika Cipta. Champbell, Lyle. 1998. Historical Linguistic: An Introduction. Eidinburg: Eidinburg University. Crystal, David. 2003. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hockett, Charles F. (1958). A course in modern linguistic. New York: The Mc Milan Company. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi Keempat, 2008, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Kompas. 2016. Kasus Novel Baswedan, Kinerja KPK Dikhawatirkan Terganggu. Edition: February, 1st 2016. Oxford Dictionary. 2007. Oxford: Oxford University Press.