PoINT tips & tricks door Bert Antenne Inhoud:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Snel erasen van Blu-ray rewritable discs ...................................................................... 1 Kopie discs exporteren / offline database ..................................................................... 2 Kan Google desktop worden gebruikt met een jukebox? ............................................. 2 Kan ik een tweede volumeset aanmaken met dezelfde naam? ..................................... 2 Tijd instellen lade open ( mailslot wachttijd) ................................................................ 2 Manually flushing ......................................................................................................... 3 Database backup ............................................................................................................ 3 Remote support van PoINT ........................................................................................... 3 Update van PoINT ......................................................................................................... 3 Update van PoINT ......................................................................................................... 4 PoINT thumbnails ......................................................................................................... 4 64 bit versie JBM .......................................................................................................... 5 Treshold settings in volumeset ...................................................................................... 5 BD-RE verwijderen uit volumeset ................................................................................ 5 Remote installation ( server/ client) .............................................................................. 6 Remote admin control vanaf client pc .......................................................................... 6 Secure / restricted mode ................................................................................................ 6 Product key / configuration key .................................................................................... 7 RAM cache only ........................................................................................................... 7
1. Snel erasen van Blu-ray rewritable discs Snel erasen van BD-RE discs In overleg met PoINT is hier een tip welke handig kan zijn m.b.t. het snel erasen van de BD-RE Rewritable Blu-ray discs. Gezien de wensen van diverse klanten die ( BD-RE) media willen wissen en het nu redelijk lang kan duren voordat dit klaar is, is de volgende tip interessant. Voor Quick erase: to enable quick erase, please set the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\jbxServer\Parameters DWORD: DbgEraseMinimally = 1 Please restart PoINT Jukebox Manager Service after you have set the registry key Het duurt nu nog geen 10 seconden meer !….Je hoeft ook niet te formatteren als je de disc later toevoegt aan een volumeset.
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2. Kopie discs exporteren / offline database Wanneer je een kopie van een Blu-ray disc maakt of laat maken ( automatic copy when finalized in de setting van de volumeset) kun je deze hierna exporteren uit de Jukebox.Dit kan als enkele disc maar dan wordt dit niet bijgehouden in de offline database van PoINT. ( geldt alleen voor kopie discs) Als je wilt dat de geëxporteerde disc word bijgehouden in de offline database van PoINT dan kun je dit doen middels gebruik van het DISC SmartPack. Deze SmartPacks zijn los te bestellen. Hier passen per Smartpack maximaal 15 blu-ray discs in. Procedure kan als volgt zijn: Een bestaand pack uit de Jukebox exporteren om ruimte te maken, dan leeg SmartPack in de Jukebox importeren en de kopiedisc er naar toe verplaatsen via de slotlist in Jukebox manager of aangeven dat de kopie disc in het Smartpack gemaakt moet worden. Hierna het SmartPack met de kopie exporteren en het Smartpack wat je er eerder uitgehaald hebt om ruimte te maken, weer terugplaatsen. Deze procedure kun je op regelmatige basis uitvoeren ( per dag,week etc.) zodat je altijd een kopie op een veilige plaats hebt. Tevens weet je welke kopieën er zijn en in welk Smartpack ze zitten.
3. Kan Google desktop worden gebruikt met een jukebox? Ja google desktop werkt , alleen uitzetten indexing als je de volumeset wil stoppen>
4. Kan ik een tweede volumeset aanmaken met dezelfde naam? In case of a migration from 50 to 100GB Blu-ray discs or new volumesets: 2e volumeset you can create a second Volume Set with the name "Archief". The new Volume Set will be displayed in the file system as "Archief (1)". After you have copied the data from the original "Archief" Volume Set to the new "Archief (1)", you can reset the name of the new Volume Set from "Archief (1)" to "Archief". This can be done in the Volume Set properties dialog box.
5. Tijd instellen lade open ( mailslot wachttijd) Tijd instelen open lade>mailslot To adjust how long the jukebox mailslot should stay opened, please set following registry keys: For import: Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\jbxServer\Parameters Type: DWORD Name: DiscImportTimeout Value: <seconds> For export: Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\jbxServer\Parameters Type: DWORD Name: DiscExportTimeout Value: <seconds> Copyright © DISC Benelux
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6. Manually flushing Wanneer je manueel wilt flushen ( na error of stop) kun je dit doen maar let op dat het 30 seconden duurt voor het scherm dit toont als het gedaan is Flushing manually> refresh van scherm 30 seconden.
7. Database backup Database backup Via de bestanden in de PoINT directory meenemen in de backup van uw eigen backup software. Backup the databases with a backup program We recommend to regularly export the database contents and backup the exported database file instead of the 'Jukebox Manager' databases. However, if you want to backup and restore the 'PoINT Jukebox Manager' databases directly, please carefully read the following description: The following database files must be backed up at the same point of time: database.sys, database.sys.J00, database.sys.J01 in the 'Jukebox Manager' installation directory dirCache.sys, dirCache.sys.J00, dirCache.sys.J01 in the read cache directory If your backup software is able to backup open files and to create a snapshot of these files at the same time, it may backup the files while 'Jukebox Manager' is running. Otherwise the backup software must be configured to temporarily stop the 'PoINT Jukebox Manager' service. Please note that the service will refuse the stop command if it is busy with either an image recording job or flushing write cache data. To ensure it is not flushing write cache data, use the interval condition in the write cache settings dialog. A database backed up this way can only be restored on the same system. Additionally, the 'PoINT Jukebox Manager' installation must be the same which was running when then the databases have been saved. This means, if the software has been re-installed, you must not restore the databases of the previous installation. In this case use the database export/import function. When restoring the databases, make sure that the 'Jukebox Manager' service is not running and that you restore all of the previously listed database files. After restoring the databases, start the 'Jukebox Manager' service and perform a rescan of the whole jukebox. This is necessary to detect whether media have been changed or replaced since backing up the database and to update the directory structure of media which have been modified. If you are using writable Volume Sets, you should perform an Incremental Rescan for these Volume Sets after rescanning the jukebox.
8. Remote support van PoINT Netviewer sessie Attached is the NetViewer client program. They need to unzip it, no installation required. After starting, it will ask for a session number. They get this session number from ( PoINT support)
9. Update van PoINT Normaal draai je de setup.exe en ziet de nieuwe software dat er een oude versie is. Wel backup (export van database en directories) maken voor je de update doet ! Copyright © DISC Benelux
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10. Update van PoINT Feb 2010 * Network time out on client computers The LanManager assumes that a connection to a server is broken if it does not receive an answer within a time out interval. If multiple clients try to access different media, it is possible that the requests cannot be satisfied within the default time out interval. To increase this value on clients computers add or change this registry value of type DWORD: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\ Parameters\SessTimeout The value SessTimeout specifies the time out in seconds. Set this value to at least 300. If you are still experiencing network time out errors you may need to increase this value. After changing this value it is necessary to reboot Windows. According to Screenshot "Probleem260710-1540.png" the problem is caused by a network timeout. To prevent network timeouts, please increase the timeout value on the client computers. This can be done by setting following registry key on the client computers: Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Paramete rs\ Name: SessTimeout Type: DWORD Value: 300 (decimal) The value 300 means 300 seconds. If the problem still appears, please increase this value to 600. Because the copy process was interrupted by the network time out, the time stamp of this file is not correct. The file size is displayed correctly, but the file contents do not match the source file. The file can be overwritten, if the option "Server -> Settings -> File System -> Write Access for Write Once Media" is set to "Append, overwrite (no delete)".
11. PoINT thumbnails Off line thumbnails laten zien:
By default, PoINT Jukebox Manager reports the "off-line" attribute for files that are stored on disc. On the other hand, Windows does not create thumbnail previews for files that are marked as offline. Copyright © DISC Benelux
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If your user wants to see the previews, please set the option "Use 'Off-line' Attribute" to "False" in the "Server -> Settings -> Advanced -> General Settings" dialog box in PoINT Jukebox Manager Admin Tool. Please note that this setting may interfere with other requirements, e.g. when the application that writes data to the PoINT Jukebox Manager Filesystem depends that the "off-line" attribute is reported. 12. 64 bit versie JBM In addition to Michael's answer please note that Window Server 2008 R2 will be supported with PJBM 7.0 which is already announced and will be released beginning of January. JBM60 64 bit support win 2008
13. Treshold settings in volumeset Depending on the media type and recording method there are several actions that can be performed after the threshold has been reached. We recommend to use the "Finalize disc" setting for Volume Set media that have been recorded as incremental and sequential UDF, or in case of single media with Dynamic Image or Mirroring to enable "Discard and allocate new disc". If this is not applicable we recommend to use the "Notification" feature to send the system administrator an eMail via SMTP or a message via Windows "Messenger" service. Please note that the "Messenger" service is disabled by default and needs to be enabled on the PJBM server and the PC that receives the messages.
14. BD-RE verwijderen uit volumeset BDRE Verwijderen van volumeset The procedure is as follows: - Deactivate the "old" Volume Set. - Indentify the media you do not need in the "old" Volume Set. - Select the slots, right-click and select "Set Slot contents -> Mark as "BD-RE (unknown)". - Delete the volumes from the "Offline" folder, this is important. - Add the media to the "new" Volume Set (do not rescan them), or erase the media (this will take a long time). Copyright © DISC Benelux
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- Rescan the "old" Volume Set - Activate the "old" Volume Set. PJBM will ask you if you want to remove the missing media from this Volume Set permanently. Select "Yes". Please note: It is crucial that the media you remove from the "old" Volume Set are not rescanned before you add them to the "new" Volume Set or erase them. Otherwise, PJBM will recognize them as parts of the "old" Volume Set. In Addition, please make sure that at least one blank media is available for the "old" Volume Set that can be automatically added (according to the Volume Set settings).
15. Remote installation ( server/ client) Of course it it possible to perform a "remote installation". It is only necessary that the installation package is located directly on the server. Full log : server settings>advanced> logs Write cache samen met read cache en image spool apart If you are using Windows Remote Desktop tool, you have the possibility to share the drives of your (local) workplace computer to the (remote) server. These settings are hidden in the "Options -> Local Resources -> Local Devices" dialog of Remote Desktop Connection. Then you can copy the contents of the installation media to folders located on the server. After that simply follow the installation wizards of PJBM and PA.
16. Remote admin control vanaf client pc For remote administration the Administration Tool can also be installed on a network client. This capability allows authorised users to administer PoINT Jukebox Manager and the configured devices from any system in the network. Fur-thermore PoINT Jukebox Manager provides a user manage-ment which allows to grant detailed access rights to any user in the network. Run original setup.exe van de CD of download. Please use the Configuration Key that was provided for the server installation also for the client installation.After entering the Configuration Key, you can choose whether to install the server or the client components.
17. Secure / restricted mode Secure/ restricted mode the directory name, i.e. the name under that the volume set appears in the file system differs from the volume label that was used to create the volume set. We assume that the directory name has been changed in the volume set properties, or the user renamed the directory in Windows Explorer. To
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correct this, please set the directory name to the volume name. Please also check the volume name and the directory name of the already existing volume set "HiRes". The screenshot shows that the write cache is not flushed completely. To manually flush the data, please go to "File System" view, select the volume and execute "Flush Write Cache" from the context menu. Restricted mode> secure mode> geen verandering naam mogelijk
18. Product key / configuration key Productkey generated by the mac adres of the pc SCSI controller kan veranderd worden Bij upgrade blijft de productkey meestal gelijk. Server change> license renewal Configuration key via point ( deze genereert het serienummer) Productkey JBM en ARV is gelijk op zelfde server
19. RAM cache only RAM cache only" means that PoINT Jukebox Manager reserves 20 MB of main memory per drive for caching purposes. The data you are writing is first collected in the RAM cache and the flushed to the optical media in one chunk. This speeds up writing performance compared to the "Write Through" method. You can change the caching method of a Volume Set if the Volume Set is deactivated. You can change the recording method at any time, but please note that existing volumes of a Volume Set will be written with the previously selected method and the new selection applies only for new allocated media. For DVD recording we recommend using Dynamic Image Recording with RAM cache only.
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