Persem ba h a n leu Satya Wacana Vocal Consort 3 Ql
Satya Wacana Christian University Jl. Diponegoro 52-60, Salatiga Ph. 0298 - 321212
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Recording, Mixing & Mastering oleh Aryo Seto di ArtSound Studio Jakarta
Asisten Engineer: Yosi Ignatius
Design & Layout: Astrid Prayogo Cover photo: Anton Cahyadi
An septa SWVC Puji syukur kami haturkan ke hadirat Yesus Kristus karena atas kehendakNya saja impian Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana untuk menghasilkan sebuah rekaman koral dapat terwujud] Rekaman yang kami beri tajuk Persembahan ini secara khusus didedikasikan bagi segenap
civitas academica dan alumni Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga yang tersebar dimanapun juga. Rekaman ini juga secara umum kami persembahkan bagi gereja dan seluruh pencinta paduan suara di Indonesia
Bahwa rekaman ini tidak terlepas dari kekurangan-kekurangan yang ada maka kami sangat ,
mengharapkan kritik dan masukan dari Bapak/lbu sekalian Kami sangat berharap bahwa .
seluruh kritik dan masukan tersebut dapat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan performans Satya Wacana Vocal Consort pada rekaman berikutnya. Melalui kesempatan ini kami secara khusus ingin mengucapkan terimakasih secara khusus kepada: 1
Eriyani Tenga Lunga II Ester Erni Lamban II Natalia Christy Lokollo II Nella Evina II Theresia Miyuki E. Tethool II Yuliane Wilhelmina Nenohai II Ester II
Yusica Elbasia II Araini Ebtana Said II Monita Fitria II
Sendy Vedya Matulessy II Septiani Saraswati II Sherly Paulina Shouce II Sulistyaning Dwi Puji Astuti II Kristian Elfal Montolalu II
Messach Iman Agustinus Purwanto II Nehemia Liasina II Richard J. Noya II William Ronaldo Yozen II
Kelompok Vokal Mahasiswa Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga "
Singers: Eleonora Maharani // Elvira Hoesein Radia 111
Deni II Benaya Winandi Prasetyo //
Rektor dan para Pembantu Rektor Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga Pimpinan Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga "Voice of SWCU"
Conductor: Agastya Rama Listya
Samuel Arif Budiman Sulistyo // Poedji Soesila II
Lentera Kasih"
Mas Aryo Seto Mas Yosi Ignasius, Mbak Astrid Prayogo dan rekan-rekan di
Siswanto Tri Utomo //Yudi Novrian Komalig II
ArtSound Studio Kelapa Gading
Sean Sebastian Widodo
Mas Boy Natanael Naffi
Pihak-pihak lain yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu
Pianist: Samuel Kristiawan Tedjawidjaja
Mengakhiri sekapur sirih ini kami ingin mengatakan bahwa tiada gading yang tak retak... ,
Tuhan memberkati pelayanan kita semua
Salatiga 5 Agustus 2011
Officials: Susanti Puji Hastuti II Juanita Theresia Adimurti II Philip Budi Christiawan // Paulus Dwi Hananto
Tim Manajemen Satya Wacana Vocal Consort
Selintas "TentansSatua Wacana Vocal Consort
Precious Lord,
Abide with Me
Take Mt) Hand
we are one in God s love.
Jesus loves me, this I know, '
| Comp. Thomas Dorsey, Arr. Jack Schrader Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, help me stand, j I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; I
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.
ÿThrough the storm, through the night,
with me abide;
lead me on to the light.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, 0 abide with me.
Jesus loves me, this I know,
y Jake my hand, precious Lord,
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens, Lord,
for the Bible tells me so!
lead me home.
, "
When my way grows dread, precious Lord, linger near, When my life is almost gone; Hear my cry, hear my call,
{ hold my hand lest I fall.
Satya Wacana Vocal Consort dibentuk secara insidental pada bulan Nopember 2009 dalam rangka merespons permintaan tim manajemen Nusantara Symphony Orchestra Jakarta untuk melakukan konser Natal bersama di Hotel Mulia
Senayan. Keunikan dari Satya Wacana Vocal Consort adalah keterwakilan dari berbagai unsur di UKSW, seperti: staf pengajar, mahasiswa, dan pegawai. Hal ini bukanlah merupakan sesuatu yang baru di UKSW mengingat bahwa sejarah panjang paduan suara UKSW justru mencakup keterwakilan tiga unsur ini. Sayangnya seusai penyelenggaraan konser Natal tersebut, Satya Wacana Vocal Consort menghentikan kegiatannya karena kesibukan dan komitmen dari anggotanya.
Rencana keikutsertaan pada kompetisi paduan suara internasional di Rimini pada tanggal 6-9 Oktober 2011 menjadi momentum penting untuk menghidupkan kembali paduan suara yang sempat terlelap ini. Keanggotaan Satya Wacana Vocal Consort ini juga diperkuat oleh beberapa anggota Paduan Suara Mahasiswa UKSW "Voice of SWCU"
dan Kelompok Vokal Mahasiswa UKSW "Lentera Kasih."
Satya Wacana Vocal Consort bukan hanya bangkit kembali untuk menyemarakkan kompetisi koral di Rimini, namun juga mengemban misi lain yang dianggap penting, yaitu meningkatkan apresiasi jemaat terhadap khazanah lagu koral sakral yang berkualitas dan dapat membangun keimanan jemaat.
ryone s a child of God.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Ev
Comp. Henry Francis Lyte & William H. Monk, Arr. Moses Hogan
I need Thy presence ev'ry passing hour. What but Thy grace can foil the tempter s pow r? Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine,
Little ones to him belong, they are weak! But he is strong.
0 abide with me.
Oh yes, Jesus loves me!
0 Thou who changest not,
Jesus loves me, this I know,
abide with me.
heaven's gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, let his precious child come in.
For the Bible tells me so.
f Take my hand, precious Lord, j lead me home.
Precious Lord, take my hand,
| lead me on, help me stand,
Oh yes, Jesus loves me! Oh yes, Jesus loves me!
In life, in death, 0 Lord abide with me. Amen.
I am tired, I am weak I am worn; ,
I Through the storm, through the night, X Jead me on to the light. f Take my hand, precious Lord,
Oh yes, Jesus loves me! Oh yes, Jesus loves me! Oh yes, Jesus loves me!
Jesus Loves Me
| lead me home. v Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. '
For the Bible tells me so.
Comp. Anna Warner & William Bradbury Arr. Joel Raney
We are all God's children
we are all God s children, '
we are all God s children,
Oh yes, Jesus loves me! Oh yes, Jesus loves me! Oh yes, Jesus loves me! For the Bible tells me so.
I Want Jesus
I got a crown up in a that kingdom that good news I m gonna lay down this world gonna shoulder up a my cross gonna take it home a to my Jesus, ain t that good news
to Walk, with Me
ain t '
Jesus, I
m gonna put on my robe a for my
Two Batavian
Thou Art God
Sore wa sekai ga yume ni somaru yoru, sukoshi mado wo akete yume no iki ni takushitara
Traditional Spiritual, Arr. Roderick Williams
1 m gonna wear my crown a for my
| Comp David Adam and Lionel
I want Jesus to walk with me. I want Jesus to walk with me.
All along my pilgrim journey. Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
I got a robe up in a that kingdom ain t that good news I got a robe up in a that kingdom ain t that good news I m gonna lay down this world, gonna shoulder up a my cross gonna take it home a to my Jesus, ain t that good news ,
1 Got news, 0 Lord 1 got good news
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
| Thou art the peace 0f a|| things calm '
When my head is bowed in sorrow, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
I want Jesus to walk with me.
All along my pilgrim journey Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me, Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.
Guide my feet, Lord, while 1 run this race.,i Thou art my Lord and with me still, Guide my feet, Lord, while 1 run this race. J Thou art my love, keep me from ill, Guide my feet, Lord, while 1 run this race. | Thou art the light, the truth, the way
I got a song up in a that kingdom, that good news I got a song up in a that kingdom, ain t that good news I m gonna lay down this world, gonna shoulder up a my cross gonna sing my song a for my Jesus, ain t that good news
ain t '
Traditional Spiritual, Arr. Moses Hogan
I Got news, 0 Lord I got good news I got a crown up in a that kingdom,
I got a harp up in a that kingdom, that good news I got a harp up in a that kingdom, ain t that good news I m gonna lay down this world, gonna shoulder up a my cross gonna take it home a to my Jesus, ain t that good news ain t
Ain>t That Good News
; Thou art the guest who waits inside, ( ÿ Thou art the stranger at the door, i; Thou art the calling of the poor.
I want Jesus to walk with me oh yeah!
Thou art the heart's eternal spark, Thou art the door that's open wide,
Traditional Spiritual, Arr. John Carter When I'm in trouble, Lord, walk with me. When I'm in trouble, Lord, walk with me.
Cause 1 don't want to run this race
in vain, in vain.
| my ,
Saviour this day,
Hold my hand, Lord, while 1 run this race. Hold my hand, Lord, while 1 run this race. Hold my hand, Lord, while 1 run this race.
Huyu No ibulci
cause 1 don t want to run this race
in vain, in vain.
Stand by me, Lord, while 1 run this race. Stand by me, Lord, while 1 run this race. Stand by me, Lord, while 1 run this race. '
Cause 1 don't want to run this race
in vain.
Cause 1 don't want to run this race
gonna play my harp a for my
| Thou art my Saviour this day, ! thou art my Saviour this very day.
Arr. Agastya Rama Listya
nosereba sore wa shiroi manngekyo. Kangayaku yoru ni mawari dasu. Hora, yokaze ni yurameki, shizuka ni toketyuku, shiroi, yume no toiki.
Dayung sampan mencari ikan, ikan dicari hai nelayan di tengah muara
in vain, in vain.
Heya no akari wo sotto kesite mo ichido, yume wo kitakaze ni nosereba Sore wa shiroi gensokyoku. Huyu no yosei mo, odoridasu. Hora, yozora ni kirameki, shizuka ni kiete yuku shiroi huyu no melodi. Ginno sekai e, yoru no sekai e, kiete yuku. Yume no sekaie, sekai ga ginni somaru yoru ni, Kokoro no tsubasa wo hirongete hoshiburu yorueto, kiete yuku.
Lay lalalalalalay, menjual suara, lay lay lay lay lay Dayung, dayung, dayung sampan Wak wak gung, nasinye nasi jagung Lalapnye lalap putat, sarang goak di pohon hagung Pit ala ipit, anak satu kejepit sipit Maen maenan anak Betawi.
Rame rame maennya di pinggir kali Bulannye timbul gede sekali Cahayenye aduh terang sekali Lan Ian tok bulanye s'gede batok nggak abis buat besok eh nyang jadi musti dipatok Pit a la ipit anak satu kejepit sipit anak satu kejepit sipit
1 If
| Comp. Kentaro Sato
Comp. Eliseo Pajaro
\ Sore wa sekai ga ginni somaru yoru
Manang biday ilukat mo man,
( sukoshi mado wo akete huyu no ibuki kanjitara me wo tojite, t kokoro no tobira wo hiraku.
Ta bentana ikalukbabam
Kalau tuan mencari makan,
cari makan jual suara.
Thou art the light that shines in
Guide My f eet
Thou art the place to hide from harm,
In my trials, Lord, walk with me. In my trials, Lord, walk with me. When my heart is almost breaking,
me wo akete shizuka ni kitakazeni
t that good news
Kitaem toy kinayawam Ay matayakon no dinak kasian