Penilaian Kinerja: Desain dan Implementasi
Penerapan Praktis untuk meningkatkan Produktivitas Kinerja Sumberdaya Manusia
Modul Pelatihan/Pembelajaran
Drs. T. Soemarman, M.S.Ed Surabaya, 6 Maret 2008
Performance Appraisal: Design and Practices A Module for Students & Middle Managers to Improve Employees’ Performance as Practical Learning
T. Soemarman Surabaya, 6 Maret 2008 Faculty of Economics: Study Program of Management – HRM Laboratory University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
PENGANTAR Modul Performance Appraisal: System Design and Practices atau Modul Desain Sistem Penilaian Kinerja ini merupakan rangkuman bahan–bahan pembelajaran yang dipakai untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa dan manajer dalam mempelajari Desain Sistem Penilaian Kinerja beserta latihan-latihan praktisnya. Pengetahuan terapan disajikan dalam modul ini untuk memudahkan peserta dalam mecermati praktek-praktek penilaian kinerja agar orientasi belajar yang diperoleh dari pengalaman lapangan dapat diperkayakan dengan pemikiran kritis-kontekstual. Untuk itu modul desain sistem penilaian kinerja disusun sebagai garis besar pemikiran yang merangkum beberapa sumber acuan pustaka. Kerangka pokok modul ini merupakan modifikasi Bab 19 dari buku Gene E. Burton. 1989. Organizational Behavior: Instructor’s Manual, 2nd Ed. Moorhead/Griffin, Houghton Mifflin Co, Boston-MA. Selanjutnya kerangka pokok tersebut telah dikembangkan dengan berbagai masukan dari pengalaman dan acuan pustaka lain-lain. Maksud Modul Desain Sistem Penilaian Kinerja dan Fokus Spesifik Maksud utama modul ini membantu peserta (mahasiswa dan manajer) dalam mengeksplorasi proses penilaian kinerja yang lazim dipraktekkan di banyak organisasi dan perusahaan. Yang pertama, modul ini mendiskusikan maksud dan pertimbangan organisasi/perusahaan dalam penerapan suatu sistem penilaian kinerja. Alasan-alasan strategis penerapan sistem penilaian kinerja tertentu digali dan dicermati dari praktekpraktek lapangan. Yang kedua, modul ini juga membantu peserta mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan elemen-elemen pokok peniliaan kinerja, antara lain: analisa jabatan, kriteria atau standar penilaian, dan prosedur penilaian kinerja. Yang ketiga, modul ini menyajikan penjelasan tentang metode atau teknik-teknik yang lazim dipakai dalam penilaian kinerja. Akhirnya, modul ini juga mendiskusikan isu-isu penting yang terkait dengan praktik penilaian kinerja dalam konteks nyata di lapangan. Dengan sajian isuisu penting itu diharapkan peserta dapat mencermati kegunaan penilaian kinerja bagi organisasi/perusahaan dan bagi karyawannya. Fokus spesifik modul ini memuat hal-hal penting berikut ini:
Tinjauan tentang nilai-nilai penting dan strategis sistem penilaian kinerja dalam rangka kinerja manajemen organisasi/perusahaan.
Pemaparan Sistem Penilaian Kinerja yang harus menyediakan rincian cermat dan benar tentang apa yang dinilai atau diukur dalam proses penilaian kinerja karyawan serta menyajikan pilihan-pilihan metode/teknik penilaian tertentu.
Eksplorasi tentang Format dan prosedur penilaian kinerja beserta syarat-syarat validitasnya.
Catatan tentang Tatacara memberikan umpan-balik pasca penilaian kinerja untuk meningkatkan kesiapan karyawan dalam menghadapi perubahan dan pengembangan organisasi.
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
Metode/teknik pembelajaran Fokus spesifik tersebut di atas menjadi acuan inti yang memandu proses belajar peserta dalam memanfaatkan modul ini. Untuk menunjang maksimalisasi proses belajar tersebut, metode belajar yang bervariasi diterapkan di sini. Pilihan metodenya mengutamakan metode serta teknik pembelajaran yang mendukung pembelajaran aktif dan partisipatoris secara maksimal. Oleh karena itu, pusat kegiatan belajar adalah peserta atau student centered-learning. Dengan pilihan pembelajaran aktif partisipatoris itu, maka modul ini mengharapkan peserta dapat mencerna fokus belajar yang spesifik tersebut di atas dengan mudah, antara lain melalui berbagai metode atau teknik pembelajaran seperti: Lecturing and Power Point Presentation, Discussion Forum, Peer-Based Learning, Project Based Learning, and Reciprocal Learning Learning Objectives in general – Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum Dengan belajar tentang sistem penilaian kinerja sebagaimana difasilitasi oleh modul ini, maka peserta diharapkan dapat: 1. menentukan suatu sistem penilaian kinerja yang spesifik dan mendiskusikan maksud serta manfaat penilaian kinerja menurut konteks kepentingan strategis organisasi/perusahaan, 2. mengenali dan memaparkan elemen-elemen pokok penilaian kinerja, 3. menguraikan metode atau teknik-teknik penting penilaian kinerja dan mencermati kekuatan serta kelemahan masing-masing metode atau teknikteknik tersebut, 4. mendiskusikan dan memastikan “who appraises whom” and “how and for what purposes to use performance appraisal information.” 5. berlatih merancang sistem penilaian kinerja yang layak diterapkan untuk sebuah organisasi/perusahaan sebagai latihan aplikatif penilaian kinerja menurut konteks kegiatan sehari-hari. Expected Learning Outcomes – Hasil belajar yang diharapkan Dalam belajar dengan menggunakan modul ini, peserta akan mencapai beberapa ketrampilan khusus, antara lain:
cakap atau trampil menyajikan identifikasi masalah-masalah pekerjaan yang terkait penilaian kinerja karyawan dan menentukan kebutuhan perbaikannya,
mampu menemukan aspek-aspek penting manfaat sistem penilaian kinerja sebagai alat atau sarana untuk menghargai pentingnya perbaikan kinerja karyawan,
mampu mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi penggunaan penilaian kinerja dikaitkan dengan kegiatan lain-lain dibidang manajemen sumberdaya manusia dan manajemen kinerja organisasi/perusahaan pada umumnya,
mampu menunjukkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan kesalahan dalam praktek dan prosedur penerapan sistem penilaian kinerja tertentu serta mampu
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
merekomendasikan solusi perbaikan yang relevan, sehingga prosedur penilaian kinerja memenuhi syarat validitas. Tujuan dan hasil pembelajaran tentang sistem penilaian kinerja tersebut di atas amat spesifik, karena proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan di situ didasarkan pada cara pandang utuh terhadap realitas perusahaan/organisasi di lapangan. Di situ peserta mempelajari desain sistem penilaian kinerja sama seperti pihak manajemen organisasi/perusahaan belajar menerapkan perbaikan kinerja melalui sistem penilaian kinerja karyawannya. Di situ peserta dipandu dengan kajian-kajian konseptual yang lebih kritis terhadap permasalahan pekerjaan yang terkait sistem penilaian kinerja. Sehingga, modul ini menyarankan agar peserta senantiasa cermat melakukan observasi dan mengeksplorasi bagaimana proses penilaian kinerja dilaksanakan di organisasi/perusahaan. Kajian-kajian konseptual yang ada di situ diterapkan menurut konteks praktek penilaian kinerja di lapangan. Syarat sarana-prasarana Pembelajaran Mahasiswa atau manajer yang belajar manajemen sumberdaya manusia (SDM) dengan menggunakan modul ini akan mencapai hasil maksimal jika dalam proses belajarnya didukung oleh kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana dibawah ini: •
Mempunyai alamat email dan akses internet untuk digunakan sebagai sarana komunikasi dengan fasilitator maupun sebagai sarana berbagi pengetahuan atau pengalaman dengan sesama mahasiswa/manajer yang belajar modul ini juga,
Memiliki akses untuk melakukan observasi penerapan sistem penilaian kinerja di unit-unit kerja organisasi/perusahaan tertentu,
Telah menguasai pemahaman atau ingin memperbaiki pengetahuan/ pemahaman tentang teori organisasi, khususnya konsep-konsep rancangbangun pekerjaan/jabatan (job design), struktur organisasi, goal setting, dan lain-lain.
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
PENDAHULUAN Definisi, cakupan, dan maksud. Penilaian Kinerja atau Performance Appraisal (PA) merupakan proses evaluasi kinerja karyawan. Dalam proses PA tersebut hasil evaluasi kinerja karyawan didokumentasikan, diolah, dan disajikan untuk memberi umpan-balik kepada karyawan dalam rangka perbaikan dan pengembangan kinerja mereka (Mathis, 2004: p 277; Burton, 1989: p 287). Proses PA fokus kepada evaluasi kinerja masing-masing individu karyawan. Tetapi, pengelolaan proses PA menjadi bagian terpadu dari perbaikan manajemen kinerja organisasi/perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Hal itu dilakukan, karena sukses kinerja masing-masing karyawan diyakini akan memberikan dukungan bagi pencapaian kinerja/tujuan organisasi/perusahaan. Bersama dengan peningkatan produktivitas organisasi dan peningkatan kualitas kehidupan kerja, maka PA menjamin kepastian bahwa kontribusi karyawan kepada pencapaian kinerja dan tujuan organisasi/perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan caracara spesifik (Dessler, 1997: p 343 and Wherter, 1996: p 341), antara lain:
Proses evaluasi untuk kinerja masing-masing karyawan melibatkan penilaian tentang kinerja masalalu dan kinerja saat ini.
Penilaian yang dilakukan mengacu kepada standar yang ditentukan.
Proses PA dapat mencakup penilaian tiga dimensi dimensi, antara lain: personality traits, behavior, and work results or outcomes.
Proses PA dilakukan dengan prosedur yang menjamin validitas penilaian, sehingga setiap karyawan diperlakukan secara adil sesuai kinerja masingmasing dan sesuai standar atau kriteria penilaian yang ditentukan
Proses penilaian kinerja dikelola oleh manajemen organisasi/perusahaan sebagai sebuah sistem dengan desain yang spesifik. Desain sistem tersebut disusun untuk menjamin bahwa proses dan kegiatan penilaian dilaksanakan dengan benar dan adil. Dalam desain sistem PA itu tercakup hal-hal penting seperti: jadwal penilaian dan frekuensinya, keputusan tentang siapa menilai siapa, prosedur penilaian, sistem informasi PA dan basis data, dan kebijakan tentang penggunaan hasil atau informasi penilaian kinerja. Desain sistem PA (Burton, 1989: p 288) dibuat dan diterapkan dengan maksud untuk menyediakan informasi tentang tingkat pencapaian kinerja masing-masing karyawan atau tim kerja. Orientasi PA dapat bersifat judgmental/evaluative or developmental (penilaian atau pengembangan). Orientasi judgmental/evaluative membantu organisasi/perusahaan dalam mengukur kinerja karyawan sebagai dasar untuk mengendalikan dan mengatur pekerjaan. Sedangkan orientasi pengembangan dimaksudkan untuk fokus kepada perbaikan kinerja masing-masing karyawan di masa depan. Dari sebuah perspektif tertentu (Dessler, 1997: p 343), PA juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyajikan informasi yang diperlukan bagi promosi karir karyawan, khususnya jika dikaitkan dengan menajemen perencanaan karir dan pengembangannya. PA dapat juga dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang proses manajemen penggajian (kompensasi/remunerasi atau manajemen imbalan). Dalam perspektif umum atau menurut kepentingan strategis organisasi/perusahaan, PA memiliki nilai yang sangat penting, yaitu dengan PA tersebut komitmen organisasi/perusahaan terhadap tujuan pemberdayaan sumberdaya manusia dapat 4
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
diwujudkan (Schuller et al, 2006: p 410). Komitmen seperti itu biasanya dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam kebijakan organisasi/perusahaan yang menyangkut maksud dan tujuan PA. Dengan komitmen itu, maka karyawan mendapatkan kejelasan tentang arah serta cara mengelola dan meningkatkan kinerja mereka. Bahkan sejak awal karyawan dapat dilibatkan dalam proses perancangan pekerjaan (job design and job analysis). Sehingga, sejak awal pula pembagian pekerjaan dalam organisasi/ perusahaan sudah diarahkan untuk kepentingan manajemen terpadu dimana PA terkait dengan Perencanaan dan Penempatan Karyawan, dan terkait pula dengan Desain Sistem Kompensasi atau Penggajian. Nilai strategis PA tersebut di atas juga ditampakkan dalam penggunaan PA yang sangat beragam didalam manajemen organisasi/perusahaan sebagaimana digambarkan dibawah ini: The uses of Performance Appraisal (Wherter, 1996: 342):
Performance improvement Compensation adjustments Placement decisions Training and development needs Career planning and development Staffing process deficiencies Informational inaccuracies Job-design errors Equal employment opportunity External challenges Feedback to human resources
Produktivitas Organisasi/Perusahaan dan Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja PA sangat strategis bagi organisasi/perusahaan, khususnya dalam kaitan dengan kepentingan produktivitas yang diharapkan dari sumberdaya manusianya. Manajemen kinerja organisasi/perusahaan tergantung sepenuhnya pada produktivitas itu. Oleh karenanya, konsep tentang manajemen kinerja menjadi penting bagi perancangan dan pengelolaan PA. Bagaimanakah konsep manajemen kinerja itu berkaitan dengan produktivitas kinerja sumberdaya manusia? Berapa besar PA berperan merealisasikan kepentingan tersebut? Manajemen Kinerja atau Performance Management Performance management is “a process or set of processes for establishing shared understanding about what is to be achieved, and of managing and developing people in a way which increases the probability that it will be achieved in the short and longer term” (Armstrong, 1999: p 162 Vol 2). The concept of performance management as first emerged in the 1980s had defined performance management as the tools for overcoming the weaknesses of traditional performance appraisal practices. As a process, the performance management is essentially holistic. It is about improving both results and the quality of working relationship in an organization. The use of the process is to clarify about what people are expected to achieve and their priorities, 5
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
about what people to know they should be doing now and in the future to improve their performance and capabilities, and about what they can do individually and as team members to contribute to the achievement of team and organization goals. The process of performance management involves some important characteristics which (Armstrong, 1999: Vol 4, p 145-147): •
concern with how to manage the total performance of organization and how the efforts of managers and employees contribute to that performance achievement
integrate the process of organization activities in terms of integrating corporate, functional team and individual objectives and linked closely with other aspects of personnel management
is regarded as a natural process of day to day management, not imposed by top management
concern as much with team performance as individual performance
is a continuous process
focus on competence or capability requirements as well as the achievement objectives (inputs and outputs orientation)
concern with perfomance improvement and personal (developmental aspects of performance management)
may or may not be linked to a performance-related pay scheme
may or may not include performance ratings for some certain reasons
does not rely on elaborate forms or procedures
recognizes the need for the thorough training of managers and individuals, in the skills required to agree objectives, establish capability requirements, measure and review performance, provide and accept feedback and implement personal development plans
The overall aim of performance management is to establish a culture of continuous improvement among the people in the organizations. Its system can be used to communicate and reinforce the organization’s strategies, values and norms, and to integrate individual and corporate objectives (Armstrong, 1999: Vol 2, p 162). The specific aims of performance management are to: •
achieve sustainable improvements in the organizational performance
enable individuals to develop their abilities, increase their job satisfaction and achieve their full potential to their own benefit and the organization as a whole
develop constructive and open relationship between individuals and their managers in a process of continuing dialogue, which is linked to the work actually being done throughout the year
provide a framework for the agreement of objectives as expressed in targets and standards of performance, so that mutual understanding of these
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
objectives and the role of both managers and individuals have to play in achieving them, is increassed •
to enable individuals with their managers to: agree improvement plans and methods of implementing them, and jointly review training and development needs and agree how they should be satisfied
provide an opportunity for individuals to express their aspirations anc concerns about their work
provide a basis for rewarding people in relation to their contribution by financial and/or non-financial means – the former consisting of performance related pay, and the later including recognition of achievement and opportunities to take on more responsibility of enhance knowledge and skills. (Armstrong, 1999: Vol 2, p 163)
Elements of Performance Appraisal According to Dessler (1997: p 343), a PA contains three steps: define the job, appraise performance, and provide feedback. Those three steps also reflect the important elements of PA as follow: Define the job through analysis. Job Analysis is a process of collecting information about the jobs by which the organizations will define them for PA. Job analysis can provide organizations with comprehensive and accurate descriptions of the jobs that employees perform. The validity of PAS requires that PA be based on that kind of job descriptions (Burton, 1989: p 288). This is because of PA will measure what jobs (intended) to be measured. Moreover, job analysis, as a process of systematically gathering information about specific jobs, will produce important job design, job descriptions, job specifications and other specific information of jobs for PA (Dessler, 1997: p 344). The methods of job analysis include critical incident technique, functional job analysis, job or position inventories, and others (for further explanation, please link to Appendix 6 of cf. Burton, 1989: p 289). What to measure – Setting up performance standards. “Performance criteria reflect the dimensions against which the performance of an incumbent, a team, or a work unit is evaluated” (Shuler/Jackson, 2006: p 418). The performance criteria in PA reflect the standards of achievement by which the employees strive for in order to achieve the organization’s goals and strategy. Traditionally, organizations use three types of performance criteria or standards: personal traits, behaviors, and objective results or outcomes. Organizations may also set up performance criteria for PA with the use of competency approach. This kind of performance criteria is developed by job analyses that focus on competency factors. •
Personal traits/characteristics. The use of personal traits as performance criteria (trait-based criteria) focus on personal characteristic, such as loyalty, dependability, communication ability, and leadership (Schuler/Jackson, 2006: p 419). These criteria address what an employee, as a person is, not what he/she does or accomplishes on the job. The criteria may include, such as quality of work,
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
quantity of work, appearance, dependability, cooperation, initiative judgment, leadership responsibility, decision-making ability, creativity, etc (Martocchio, 2004: 105-115). The use of trait-based criteria may have disadvantages because of its poor reliability to measure. That kind of criteria does not provide PA with reliable indicators of actual job performance and rely more on subjective judgment of supervisor. •
Behaviors. The use of behaviors as performance standards (behavioral criteria) focus on the ways that jobs are performed by employees. Behavioral criteria are important for jobs that involve interpersonal contact such as customer service jobs and managerial jobs (Shuler, Jackson, 2006: p 419). This kind of behavioral criteria is useful for employee development, particularly when combined with performance feedback.
Objective results or Outcomes criteria focus on what was accomplished or produced rather than on how it was accomplished or produced (Schuler/Jackson, 2006: p 420). The use of such this performance criteria has been useful for measuring the quantities of work accomplishment. However, the disadvantages of outcomes criteria have been criticized for missing the measures of results, which are difficult to quantify. Especially, the problems of outcomes criteria mostly reflect on how organizations may not care of work quality.
Competency approach or competency modeling has been considered as a specific approach to conducting a job analysis. When it is used for PA, then job analysis that are based on competency modeling will provide performance standard with factors of competencies to measure. Those factors include knowledge, skill, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform his/her jobs successfully (Schuler/Jackson, 2006: p 180). The use of competency approach or modeling in PA has advantages for “developing career paths and developmental or training experiences that enable employees to progress along those career paths” (Schuler/Jackson, 2006: p 181). It is important, therefore, that a competency model can provide a set of competencies that are necessary for successful job performance. In addition, the model must be able to develop performance standard for PA with the use of behavioral indicators that can be used to assess an individual’s proficiency on each competency (Schuler/Jackson, 2006: p 180).
How to appraise performance? Through measurements of performance, organizations appraise performance. The measurements are required to be valid, reliable, and effective or free of bias or no errors. The explanation of PA validity, reliability, and the effects of errors can be observed in details from Plumlee, Lynnette B et al. (1983: Unit 1-3), or please link to Synopsis of the book in Power Point Presentation at Appendix 7 oh IHRM Syllabus. Types of validity (the extent to which measurement adequately assesses allimportant aspects of job performance) in PA include content validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity (Burton, 1989: pp 289-291). The reliability is the extent to which the measurement system results are consistent in the agreement 8
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
of rater (either in a single rater or inter rater agreement). If the validity and reliability of PA get errors, then PA will not be effective, and its errors must be observed in its different types of ineffectiveness such as bias, restriction of range (leniency, central tendency, and severity), hallo errors, timing errors, etc. Common Problems of PA Common problems of PA must be observed carefully (Dessler, 197: p 344 Figure 10.2 and Wherter, 1996: pp 348-349) as follow: a. Lack of standards that require PA assure objective evaluation, and no place for subjective guess or feeling about performance; b. Irrelevant or subjective standards that need to establish standards by analyzing the job output to ensure that standard are job related; c. Unrealistic standards that require how the reasonable standards will be challenging and have the most potential to motivate; d. Poor measure of performance that need to set up the measurable standards, and the object ivy and comparison require the progress toward standards or accomplishment; e. Rater errors. These include rater bias or personal prejudice, halo effect, constant error, central tendency, leniency and strictness bias, cross-cultural biases, recency effect. f. Poor feedback to employee. Standards and/or ratings must be communicated to the employee in order to provide the performance evaluation to be effective. g. Negative communications. The evaluation process is hindered by communication of negative attitudes, such as inflexibility, defensiveness, and a non-developmental approach. h. Failure to apply evaluation data. The strategic supports of top management in providing feedback. PA or The measurement of employees’ performance must also be facilitated by organizations through the feasibilities of human resources management (HRM) policies. Such feasibilities will indicate the commitment of organizations in administering PA system as an integrated system, moving forward to accomplish the strategic changes and development of organizations (please link to Schuler/Jackson, 2006: p 409 Ex 10.1 Performance Management within an Integrated HRM System at Appendix 8 of IHRM Syllabus). Therefore, the strategic supports of top management is important, particularly to provide feedback to employees (Schuler/Jackson, 2006: pp 437-438).
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
Appraisal Techniques/Methods Learning Objectives: Recognize and explain/describe Appraisal Techniques/Methods – How to conduct PA with the aid of a predetermined and formal techniques/methods? PA techniques/methods can be grouped into individual evaluations, comparative evaluations, and multiple rater comparative evaluations (Burton, 1989: pp 291-294) as follow: Individual Evaluations in PA measure employees’ performance individually. The evaluations are challenged by the restriction of range and the inability to distinguish variable levels of performance. The following techniques/methods may apply to that kind of challenges: •
Graphic rating scales are techniques/methods that use one global measure of performance or multiple measure of performance. Certain points are arranged as best possible measures that represent the performance level of the employees. Rater simply checks the point on the scale of points.
Checklist is the methods/techniques that provide the lists of employees’ performance. The checklists require rater to check those lists that are most descriptive of employees’ performance.
Essays are the methods/techniques that provide rater with opportunities to write essays describing employee performances, which need to measure.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) are techniques/methods that use graphic rating scales with statements of employee performances. The statements are to characterize or “anchor” various points on the scale.
Forced Choices are methods/techniques that provide rater with a list of performance statements solicited from job knowledge experts.
Management by Objectives are typical methods/techniques that use the predetermined goals of employees’ performance to measure the achievements in the future.
Comparative Evaluations in PA is a group of techniques/methods in PA, which provides rater with opportunities to compare two or more employees in appraisal processes. In general, these methods/techniques were developed to reduce the central tendency errors. They also protect PA from error problems such as restriction of range and hallo effects. The comparative evaluations include the following: • Ranking Method requires tat all employees in the same job classification be ranked in order of their performance. This method use only one global criterion of performance. The rater reflects on the performance of the employees and begins to assign them rankings. • Forced Distribution Method requires the rater to assign employees to categories based on their performance but limits the percentage of employees that can be placed in any one category. Then organizations that
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
use this method determine the number of categories and the permissible percentage of employees in each category. • Paired Comparison is a set of methods that requires the comparison of all employees two at a time on one global performance criterion. First, the evaluator identifies the better performer in each possible pair of employees. Then, the evaluator may develop a list similar to the results of the straight ranking method. Multiple Rater Comparative Evaluation can be observed from a system that uses a comparative procedure and more than one rater. This kind of system is the objective judgment quotient or OJQ evaluation. Then, some of them (five to eight participants), including their supervisor, evaluate all those employees. In this method, multiple raters evaluate the employees and calculate the results in accordance with certain procedures. Who does the appraisal? How is the information of PA used? (Burton, 1989: p 295) Learning Objectives: “Examine and discuss the responsibility of PA administration and the uses of PA information” Who does the appraisal? In most PA techniques/methods, the supervisor is the primary evaluator. Today, the evaluators can use 360’ sources of evaluation, which suggest that the employees can be evaluated by four different sources of evaluation (supervisor, co-workers, self-appraisals, and customers). How is the information used? The end-product of PA is information. This information can be used for feedback to employees, bases for decisions of reward system (in job evaluation processes), inputs for training and development, and Human Resources Planning. PRACTICES OF PA DESIGN: Learning Objectives: Practical exercises on the following important tasks for PA: •
How to do job analysis,
How to create performance standards,
How to observe the validation procedure of PA,
How to assess employees’ PA process, report the result of PA, and
How to give feedback to employees.
Introduction Module: Overview on Performance Appraisal
KEPUSTAKAAN: BUKU TEKS WAJIB DAN BACAAN LAINNYA Buku Teks Wajib Burton, Gene E. 1989. Organizational Behavior, Instructor’s Manual. Houghton Mifflin Company Boston. Dessler, Gary. 1997. Human Resources Management. Prentice-Hall Inc. New Jersey. Plumlee, Lynnette B et al. 1983. Improving Performance Evaluation Procedures, A Content Validation Guide. AMACOM. New York. Schuller, Randall S. and Susan E. Jackson. 2006. Human Resources Management, International Perspectives. Thomson-South Western, USA. Handouts dan Materi Pendukung lain-lain dimuat pada kontak online lewat email peserta atau website Http:// untuk matakuliah Desain Sistem Penilaian Kinerja (DSPK) Bacaan lain-lain Armstrong, Michael. 1999. Human Resource Management, Strategy and Action. In The Art of HRD Volume 2. Crest Publishing House, New Delhi. Armstrong, Michael. 1999. Managing People, A Practical Guide for Line Managers. In The Art of HRD Volume 4. Crest Publishing House, New Delhi.