Effective Delegation and Monitoring Skills for New Supervisor / Manager Jakarta 20 November 2015, Fave Hotel Melawai Pkl 08.00-16.00 wib
Latar Belakang Supervisor adalah level manajerial yang paling dekat dengan karyawan dan yang mengendalikan kegiatan operasional di lapangan. Untuk itu seorang supervisor perlu memahami pola pikir seorang leader yang efektif untuk mengelola pekerjaannya dengan optimal. Pada umumnya seorang Supervisor terpilih karena memiliki kemampuan teknis ( hard competencies) yang lebih baik dari rekan kerjanya. Namun sering dilupakan bahwa menjadi seorang leader yang efektif tidak hanya diperlukan kemampuan teknis semata , melainkan mutlak juga menguasai kemampuan menerjemahkan target di tingkat atas ke dalam target eksekusi mingguan, harian bahkan satuan jam serta melakukan pengendalian proses, dan memonitor pencapaian target tim dengan efektif.
Latar Belakang Salah satu kompetensi dasar yang harus dimiliki seorang supervsior adalah kemampuannya untuk mendelegasikan tugas dan target kepada anggota timnya serta memonitor proses pencapaian target . Dalam Pelatihan “ Delegation and Monitoring Skills for New Supervisor / Manager ” peserta akan mendapat pengetahuan Kepemimpinan dan Managerial agar mampu mengelola tim dengan efektif
Registrasi : Pin BB 2262D278 WA 081321440395 HP 08129766822 / 08128028352
Tujuan Setelah pelatihan Effective Delegation Skills for New Supervisor / Manager peserta diharapkan: 1. Memiliki paradigma baru sebagai Supervisor / Manager yang produktif
2. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dengan bawahan 3. Mampu mendelegasikan tugas kepada bawahan, memberikan bimbingan dan pengarahan dengan efektif
Registrasi : Pin BB 2262D278 WA 081321440395 HP 08129766822 / 08128028352
MATERI PELATIHAN ( 1 hari) 08.00-08.30 Registrasi 08.30-09.45 : Paradigma baru sebagai seorang Supervisor / Manager * Memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab baru sebagai seorang supervisor * Memahami KPI jabatan supervisor di perusahaan * Ragam kompetensi yang harus dimiliki seorang supervisor 09.45-10.00 : Rehat Kopi 10.00-11.30 : Pemahaman diri dan berkomunikasi asertif * Berkomunikasi assertif * Tips Do and Don’t dalam berkomunikasi dengan tim
11.30-13.30 : Makan siang / Sholat Jumat
Materi Pelatihan (1 hari) 13.30-16.00 : A. Mendelegasikan Tugas dengan Efektif * Manfaat Delegasi • Hambatan-hambatan dalam Delegasi • Kapan dan kepada siapa tugas didelegasikan • Langkah-langkah dalam delegasi : Menjelaskan Tugas, Menyampaikan informasi pekerjaan dengan jelas, Memastikan Pemahaman, Memberikan otoritas, informasi dan sumber daya pendukung, “Let go”, Support dan Monitor • • • •
B . Memonitor Pencapaian Tehnik memonitor pencapaian target Bagaimana menghindari “micromanagement” Tips dalam memimpin rapat dengan efektif
16.00 : Penutupan
Metodologi Methodology
Highly Interactive Discussion
Experiential Learning
Role Play + Feedback Session
Fasilitator Ir. Agustina Samara, CPHR,CLC. Senior Trainer / Consultant of Service Leadership. 20 years working experience in Multi National and Local Company for various roles : Human Capital Management, Business Performance & Reporting, Operations Management, Operational Excellence, Project Management , Call Center Management, Service Quality, Communications, Leadership, Learning & Development, Culture Building.
Co Facilitator Tohap Simanjuntak Managing Director Service Leadership Consulting Certified MBTI Practitioner, CPP International Singapore Certified DISC Trainer, DISC Indonesia – WILEY USA Certified Behavioral Analyst (CBA) , The Discovery Institute Singapore
Investasi Harga Khusus Program Akhir Tahun Pembayaran sebelum 10 November 2015 Rp 750.000 /peserta Pembayaran setelah 10 November 2015 Rp 900.000/peserta Biaya termasuk materi pelatihan, coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat Transfer ke : BCA 7600396913 Cabang Jatinegara a/n CV Prima Sinergi BCA 6300801704 Cabang Kelapa Gading a/n Tohap P Simanjuntak
Registrasi : Pin BB 2262D278 WA 081321440395 HP 08129766822 / 08128028352
Informasi SERVICE LEADERSHIP CONSULTING Gedung Multika Lt 4 JL. Mampang Prapatan Raya kav 71-73 Jakarta 12790 Telp : 021-797-5158, HP / SMS / WA 08129766822 (Tohap) , 08128028352 (Rina) Pin BB : 2262D278 Website : www.serviceleadership.web.id
Service Leadership
Service Leadership is a Service Quality and Human Resource Consulting firm dedicated to creating sustainable high-performance organizations. We provide consulting and training to: Create high-performance cultures that drive bottom-line results and reinforce your organization’s mission and values. Develop leaders at all levels who can manage the business and inspire your employees. Align employee self-interest, energy and talents with your organization’s strategy.
Program Training Service Leadership (Inhouse dan Publik) Leadership : Excellent Supervisory Skills Advanced Leadership Skills Coaching and Mentoring Assertive Communication Skills Problem Solving and Decision Making Time Management DISC Profile MBTI Team Building Handling Diificult People and Situation Service Excellence: Excellent Service Interaction Complaint is A Gift Service Crucial for Manager Strategic Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Program Training Service Leadership (Inhouse dan Publik) HRD Train The Trainer Training Need Analysis (TNA) High Impact Presentation Skills Strategic Compensation and Benefit Mastering Competency Design Model and Assessment Assessment Skills Employee Engagement KPI and Performance Management System Job Analysis and Job Evaluation Industrial Relation Talent Management Behavioral Event Interview Expanded DISC Myers Briggs Type of Indicators ( MBTI) Outsourcing Management UU Ketenagakerjaan
Consulting Services Service Quality Quality Customer Service is important for all functions start from front liners as representative of the company to back office as backbone to support all process to make sure service is delivered timely by frontlines. We assist Client to enhance organization service culture. Type of common consultation request such as : 1.Set up Service Standardization 2.Define Service Measurement 3.Implementation Service Monitoring 4.Set Up Service Assessment /Service Audit 5.Conduct Mystery Shoppers
Operational Excellence Identifying capacity and measure productivity is the key of operation management. We help to asses current operational issues and come up with recommendation and implementation. We assist client to run day to day operations in structure and effective way. Operation Excellence Consultation would be : 1.Define Capacity Planning 2.Design Operation Management Blue Print 3.Set Up Process Standardization 4.Conduct and implement Process Improvement 5.Set Up Call Center/Customer Care/Service Desk
Consulting Services Human Resources People are the most valuable assets an organization could have. Through employees, an organization can create a sustainable competitive advantage. Whether you are a new venture or an existing organization we at Service Leadership can help you organize, manage and develop your human resources more effectively. We provide the following HR consultation services: 1. Preparation of HR Policies, Procedures and HR Manuals/Handbooks 2. Setting up Organizational Structure and Authority Matrix based on a work flow analysis 3. Job Analysis and Job Design 4. Pay Structure/Compensation Plan 5. Recruiting and Selecting Procedures 6. Performance Measurement and Appraisal Programs.
Partial list of our client
Partial list of our client
Information Service Leadership Consulting Gedung Multika 4th Floor Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya 71-73 Jakarta 12790 Phone : 021-7975158 Mobile : 08129766822 , 08128028352 Pin BB 2262D278 WA 081321440395 E-mail :
[email protected] www.serviceleadership.web.id
Formulir Registrasi Effective Delegation and Monitoring Skills for New Supervisor / Manager Jakarta 20 November 2015, Jakarta, 08.00-16.00 wib 1. Nama : 2. Nama : 3. Nama : Perusahaan: Alamat : Telp : Contact Person :
Posisi : Posisi : Posisi :
Fax to : 0217975159
HP : 08128028352 ( Rina) / 021-7975158 ( Elly) Atau E-mail ke
[email protected]
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