Batch 4 : 14-15 April 2016 Pkl. 09:00-17:00, Fave Hotel Melawai
TUJUAN PELATIHAN 1. Mengetahui ragam tes psikologi yang dapat digunakan oleh non-psikolog 2. Memahami cara administrasi penggunaan tes psikologi sehingga dapat digunakan secara mandiri pasca pelatihan 3. Merancang dan memikili konsep penyusunan alat tes yang tepat untuk suatu kasus / job-desc tertentu 4. Memahami tehnik wawancara BEI dan terampil melakukannya 5. Menyusun profil psikologis kandidat
COACH & FACILITATOR Amelia Hirawan, Psi
Amelia Hirawan adalah seorang psikolog, master of NLP, penulis dan trainer dalam bidang pengelolaan SDM, pendidikan dan parenting. Beberapa buku yang telah ia terbitkan adalah Breastfeeding : a story about sharing, Art Is Fun! dan saat ini sedang dalam proses penyusunan naskahnya yang ke tiga mengenai FGD (Focus Group Discussion) yang digunakan untuk proses rekrutmen dan asesmen suatu perusahaan. Beberapa perusahaan yang telah menjadi clientnya a.l : Bank Mandiri, FIF Astra, RS Telogorejo, RS Dr Oen,PT Nestle, PT Djarum, PT Asaba, PT Cocacola Botling Indonesia, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, PT Semen Gresik, PT Indomarco, PT Pharos, Univeritas Satya Wacana, Ciputra Hotel, Santika Hotel, Bank Danamon Semarang, BCA Jateng, Citibank Semarang dll
MATERI PEMBAHASAN 1. Tes Psikologi untuk praktisi HR yang berlatar pendidikan non-Psikologi - Pengantar penggunaan tes psikologi di Indonesia. - Pembatasan penggunaan tes psikologi di kalangan tertentu. - Do’s and dont’s bagi para profesional bidang SDM terkait dengan penggunaan tes psikologi 2. Tes Intelegensi WPT ( Wonderlic Personality Test) - Pengenalan beberapa alat tes intelegensi - Tes intelegensi WPT yang dapat digunakan oleh non-psikolog - Administrasi, skoring, interpretasi singkat hasil tes 3. Tes Sikap Kerja (DISC Profile) - Pemahaman Konsep DISC Profile - Menyesuaikan perilaku kerja kandidat dengan profil pekerjaan 4. Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) - Pemahaman konsep BEI - Wawancara BEI untuk menggali Kompetensi Teknis : Pengetahuan, Pengalaman dan Keahlian - Wawancara BEI untuk menggali aspek Perilaku : Motivasi, Inisiatif, Adaptability , Relationship, Self Management, Organizational Values - Berbagai contoh-contoh pertanyaan wawancara BEI - STAR dalam wawancara BEI - Rating penilaian BEI 5. Pengamatan terhadap kandidat dalam proses wawancara BEI - Bahasa tubuh - Ekspresi wajah - Tarikan nafas - Tekanan suara - Respon terhadap pertanyaan - Kemampuan untuk memimpin 6. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) sebagai instrumen tes - Memilih bahan / topik FGD yang tepat - Mengobservasi proses FGD dan menganalisanya dalam sebuah profil psikologis seseorang - Penempatan seseorang berdasarkan proses FGD 7. Menyusun Profil Psikologis - Penggabungan beberapa hasil tes menjadi sebuah dinamika psikologis seseorang - Menuangkan profil psikologis dalam bentuk diagram ataupun deskripsi / uraian singkat
Training | Consulting | Assessment
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0813 214 40 395 2262D278
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Service Leadership is a Service Quality & Human Resource Consulting firm dedicated to creating sustainable high-performance organizations. We provide consulting & training to : • Create high-performance cultures that drive bottom-line results and reinforce your organization’s mission and values. • Develop leaders at all levels who can manage the business and inspire your employees. • Align employee self-interest, energy and talents with your organization’s strategy.
Modul Pelatihan
Program Inhouse Training dan Kelas Publik Leadership • • • • •
Excellent Supervisory Skills Advanced Leadership Skills Coaching and Mentoring Assertive Communication Skills Problem Solving and Decision Making
• • • • •
Time Management DISC Profile MBTI Team Building Handling Diificult People and Situation
Service Excellence • Excellent Service Interaction • Complaint is A Gift • Service Crucial for Manager
• Strategic Customer Experience • Customer Satisfaction Measurement
HRD • • • • •
Train The Trainer Training Need Analysis (TNA) High Impact Presentation Skills Strategic Compensation and Benefit Mastering Competency Design Model and Assessment • Assessment Skills • Employee Engagement • KPI and Performance Management System
• • • • • • • •
Job Analysis and Job Evaluation Industrial Relation Talent Management Behavioral Event Interview Expanded DISC Myers Briggs Type of Indicators (MBTI) Outsourcing Management UU Ketenagakerjaan
Consulting Services Service Quality Quality Customer Service is important for all functions start from front liners as representative of the company to back office as backbone to support all process to make sure service is delivered timely by frontlines. We assist Client to enhance organization service culture.
Type of common consultation request such as : • Set up Service Standardization • Define Service Measurement • Implementation Service Monitoring • Set Up Service Assessment / Service Audit • Conduct Mystery Shoppers
Operational Excellence Identifying capacity and measure productivity is the key of operation management. We help to asses current operational issues and come up with recommendation and implementation. We assist client to run day to day operations in structure and effective way.
Operation Excellence Consultation would be : • Define Capacity Planning • Design Operation Management Blue Print • Set Up Process Standardization • Conduct & implement Process Improvement • Set Up Customer Care/Service Desk
Human Resources People are the most valuable assets an organization could have. Through employees, an organization can create a sustainable competitive advantage. Whether you are a new venture or an existing organization we at Service Leadership can help you organize, manage and develop your human resources more effectively.
We provide the following Human Resources consultation services : 1. Preparation of HR Policies, Procedures and HR Manuals/Handbooks 2. Setting up Organizational Structure & Authority Matrix based on a work flow analysis 3. Job Analysis and Job Design 4. Pay Structure/Compensation Plan 5. Recruiting and Selecting Procedures 6. Performance Measurement and Appraisal Programs.
Partial List Of Our Clients
Public Training Schedule 2016 Topic Handling Customer Complaint & Negotiation Skills for Frontliner Gathering : Managing Service Quality Compensation and Benefits Aspek Hukum Perjanjian Kerja, Pengupahan, PHK Tanpa Gejolak Leadership and Managerial Skills for New Supervisor Train The Trainer ( Batch 34) Assessment Center (Batch 3) :Psychological Test , MBTI, Behavioral Event Interview ( BEI), Leaderless Group Discussion, Intray Excercises, Case Analysis, Presentation, Reporting MBTI for Talent Management & Organizational DevelopmentBatch 16 Memimpin Tim Penjualan Menyusun Kurikulum Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Business Presentation Skills Coaching and Counselling Problem Solving and Decision Making Talent Management Business Values and Ethics Change Management Assertive and Comunication Skills Building Strong Corporate Culture PHK Tanpa Gejolak Continuous Improvement Behavioral Event Interview Merancang Kamus Kompetensi HR for Non HR Selling Skills and Negotiation Skills Finance for Non Finance
19 26 10-11 17-18 16-17 23-24 5,6,7 24 8-9 14-15 14-15 5-6 5-6 6-7 17 6-7 7 12-13 12-13 14 11-12 18-19 21 2-3 9-10
Investasi & Registrasi Full Fare 14-15 April 2016 : Rp 4.000.000,Early Bird Sebelum 20 Maret 2016 : Rp 3.500.000,Biaya termasuk makan siang, 2x coffee break, materi hardcopy pelatihan & sertifikat
Formulir Registrasi
PENGENALAN ALAT TEST PSIKOLOGI UNTUK HR (NON PSYCHOLOGIST) Batch : 14-15 April 2016 • 09:00-17:00 WIB • Fave Hotel Melawai Name
Training | Consulting | Assessment
Gedung Multika Lt 4 Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya 71-73 , Jakarta 12790 Phone : (021) 797 51 58
: 0813 214 40 395
Pin BB : 2262D278 For more information :
[email protected]
Or visit us at : Name
Fax : (021) 797 51 59
Payment Method Payment can be done by using the account number below : Bank BCA Cabang Jatinegara A/N : CV Prima Sinergi No Acc. : 7600396913 Please put note : [SEMINAR TITLE] and [YOUR COMPANY’S NAME] on the payment instruction.
Training | Consulting | Assessment