JTI Clean Sky 2 – Memorandum of Understanding, synergie se strukturálními fondy Marcela Příhodová, vrchní ministerský rada, MPO Clean Sky 2 is program under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research And Innovation.
“Horizont 2020 - inteligentní, ekologická a integrovaná doprava 2017”
Prioritní osy OP PIK OP obsahuje čtyři věcně zaměřené prioritní osy Celková alokace OP PIK: 4, 331 mld. EUR, příspěvek ERDF PO 1
„Rozvoj výzkumu a vývoje pro inovace“
PO 2 „Rozvoj podnikání a konkurenceschopnosti malých a středních podniků“ PO 3 „Účinné nakládání energií, rozvoj energetické infrastruktury a obnovitelných zdrojů energie, podpora zavádění nových technologií v oblasti nakládání energií a druhotných surovin“
PO 4 „Rozvoj vysokorychlostních přístupových sítí k internetu a informačních a komunikačních technologií“
Programy podpory OP PIK PO1 Inovace Potenciál
PO2 Technologie Poradenství
Rizikový kapitál
PCP Partnerství znalostního transferu Spolupráce
Inovační vouchery Služby infrastruktury Proof of Concept
Obnovitelné zdroje energie Úspory energie
Vysokorychlostní internet
Smart grids I. Nízkouhlíkové technologie Úspory energie v SZT ICT a sdílené služby
Školicí střediska
Smart grids II.
Pozn.: Tučně označené programy podpory jsou již připraveny a byly schváleny vládou ČR
Memorandum of Understanding CS2
MoU CS2 – main key words • •
Strategic document for cooperation mainly in aeronautics industry Participants express their desire to establish procedures and working arrangements between their instruments and frameworks to accompany the aeronautics sector by promoting synergies and complementarities between the European funds managed by CSJU in the aeronautics research and the structural funds and investment funds Identify the complementary areas of support and procedures in support of the activities initiated and foreseen under the competences of CSJU and the activities covered by the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OPEIC ), particularly through the PA 1 ”Promotion of research and development for innovation" and additionally PA 3 "Efficient energy management, development of energy infrastructure and renewable energy sources, support for the introduction of new technologies in the management of energy and secondary raw materials" and PA 4 "Development of high-speed internet access networks and information and communications technologies„ Participants intend to jointly assess under the applicable regional framework the possible complementary activities related to innovative projects proposed by the economic or academic actors in the Czech Republic and evaluated by Clean Sky 2, in view of an industrial development in the region; The Czech Republic and CSJU express their intention to ensure a joint monitoring and followup of the present agreement during the first "pilot phase" (2016-2018) on the technical, legal and administrative mechanisms put in place under the present agreement.
Clean Sky 2 Programme set-up
Clean Sky 2 participation
Financing Up to 40% of EU funding available for CS2 Leaders At least 60% of EU funding open to competition: Up to 30% for Core Partners (becoming Members once selected) At least 30% for CfP (i.e. Partners as in CS) plus CfTs Meaning >1bn€ of EU funding in play, via open Calls • CS2 Particiation Industry, SMEs, Academia, and Research Organizations eligible both for participation as Core Partners or Partners. • • •
Participation may also take place via suitable Clusters / Consortia. 800 - 1000 Participants expected across all tiers of the industrial supply chain and “R&I Chain”, with large investment leverage effect
New Approach and Synergy OPEIC/CS2
New head of unit – H2020 support of projects close to OPEIC
Launch strategy – CS2/Seal of Excellence:
• ESIF support for developing capabilities/skills / infrastructures of a local entity in view of planned participation to future CS calls/OPEIC PA1Aplication, Innovation, Potential, Cooperation – Clusters, Technology platform,… • CSJU role is then to inform the Managing Authority of the expected Programme priorities/roadmap and content of future calls for Core Partners and Calls for Proposals with the appropriate level of accuracy = sign MoU CS2JU/MIT 2016 • MoU in conformity with Industry 4.0 was signed 29,March 2016 in Prague
The Clean Sky Programme Programme Structure and scope of activities Three Innovative Aircraft Demonstrator Platforms operating at vehicle level (IADPs): o Large Passenger Aircraft [LPA]; o Regional Aircraft [REG]; o Fast Rotorcraft [FRC]. Three Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITDs): o Airframe [AIR]; o Engines [ENG]; o Systems [SYS]. Two Transverse Activities (TAs): o Eco-Design [ECO]; o Small Air Transport [SAT]. The CS2 Technology Evaluator (TE2) Activities of the programme will go up to, and not beyond, TRL 6. They are considered to fall into the ‘Innovation actions’ category according to H2020 rules. Accordingly, they shall be funded at 70% of the eligible costs.
Governance and organization (CS2) European Parliament
Governing Board:
Annual discharge
16 industrial leaders + CS1 associates + CS2 Core Partners + EU Commission States Representatives Group
Scientific Committee
Joint Undertaking Executive Team
Technology evaluator
ITD: integrated Technology Demonstrator IADP: Integrated Aircraft Demonstration Platform
Technology platforms
R&I Process in Aviation
Clean Sky 2 Beneficiary and Core Partners from the Czech Republic Beneficiary and Core-Partners will contribute to the global management of the demonstrators and contribute financially with significant in-kind contributions. They will take on key roles in the programme area (ITD/IADP/TA) they join. Driessen Aerospace CZ Honeywell International
Honeywell International
EVEKTOR GE Aviation Czech
Honeywell International
Clean Sky 2 Beneficiary and Core Partners from the Czech Republic New members of Clean Sky 2 from the Czech Republic: 1. 2. 3. 4.
EVEKTOR spol. s r.o. GE Aviation Czech s.r.o. Honeywell International s.r.o. Driessen Aerospace CZ, s.r.o.
Beneficiary Core Partner Core Partner Core Partner
• Beneficiary/Core-Partners make substantial long-term commitments to the program, bringing key competences and technical contributions in line with its high-level objectives throughout its duration. • CS2 program run from 2014 to 2024.
CS2 Overall High-level Call Planning for 2016-2017
Clean Sky 2 Beneficiary and Core Partners from the Czech Republic Beneficiary and Core-Partners will: 1.
invite Partners to participate in specific topics and projects in the context of a well-defined limited commitment through Calls for Proposals. Partners will be selected in a transparent and competitive manner. A Partner can be a private or public organization (SME, research establishment, university or industry) who is eligible for participation under Horizon 2020. - opportunity for the Czech entities to be involved in CS2
propose complementary activities which fit into the CS2 Programme but are not funded from CS2. It is now allowed and encouraged to fund the complementary activities from ESIF. Complementary activities will be realized through individual projects by particular Core-Partner or a consortium (Core-Partner + SME, research establishment, university or industry) – new opportunity for the Czech entities to be involved in research and development activities with a “European dimension” which is a key factor for an accession the European aero supply chain.
Scenario proposed to Managing Authority PROPOSED SCENARIO: PARALLEL FUNDING •
Parallel funding is a scenario identified as the appropriate mechanisms for supporting of synergies between Clean Sky 2 & ESIF;
Parallel Research & Innovation activities, identified by the CS2 member as complementing the proposal:
going beyond the requirement, having a strategic content for the applicant and increasing the impact or the market take up;
discovering new ways for technology research, further improvements, higher TRL, complements for reaching a final market uptake.
The OPPIK/TRIO/TACR rules and processes will be adapted while keeping the CS2 Program/calls in conformity.
Komplementární Aktivity Žadatelé navrhují doprovodné činnosti a inovativní řešení, kde prokáží, že: -jsou v souladu s hlavními cíli a cíli programu; -představují zvýšení nebo zlepšení Innovative Aircraft Demonstrator Platforms (IADP) / Integrate Technology Demonstrators (ITD); -vedou k prokazatelné přidané hodnotě.
List of topics of complementary activities 2017 - 2022: • Advanced communication in Aerospace (Low-cost SATCOM radio, Speech recognition and its application, Pilot Status monitoring) • HW development - TouchScreen, Mechanical Subsystems, ECS, sensors, filters • Electronic engine control and diagnostic systems Control systems of electric and hybrid propulsion + Advanced electric and electronic control systems • Modular power AC/DC converters and power distribution systems (EPS) • Alternative/ suistanable power generation and energy harvesting systems • Improving turboprop engine efficiencies • Advanced Maintenance
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