Gameful is a partly student project established with six students or employees and we simply started with an idea. We all had experience in game designing or game playing, so we thought well, we can maybe pass on this knowledge for companies and we knew that this was a huge business in America so we thought it might be a good idea. So we started with dealing with one project, it was a teahouse in Brno and there we proposed solution – gamified solution for this teahouse and I think it might be really successful. It´s simply you got a customer card, of course, you know it and then if you drink some teas or eat something you can see it on a web because they have an application on their iPad and you can see it on the web – what you have eaten, what you have drinked. And there is a story you can track it, you can unlock the levels based on what you had, what you spent there, how much time you spent there and people are really curious about the story and the levels and too they want to be the best simply. The key idea, the key theme of this project is the Alice in Wonderland because the teahouse is named Behind the Mirror and there is the theme of Alice so we took it and we managed to have it through all of the services in the teahouse so you can collect cards, you can find a secret book and read there the story and that many many things in there. So, to sum up, gamification is a part of your business, it can be a part of your business when you take the mechanics from games and put it into your service or product. And it makes people to be more engaged to a service, they are more loyal, they come more often, they stay more longer and definitely they spend more money. So, that´s the main idea, but it doesn´t mean that gamification must be only on websites or applications. It might be useful for a common life. You can use it in the part of your life when you don´t like something to do and actually make it really funny. For example, in Finland, there were the trash bins and people didn´t really throw anything in it. But the company put a speakers inside and it made sound like really really long well when you put something it and then a crash inside so the people took all the litter and start throwing it inside and looking inside if it´s really long or what is it exactly and the city was actually the cleanest in Finland. So, I think it´s really simple to do it in everyday life. So, gamification can be used in everyday life activities which you don´t really like. Like running. A company Nike had huge success with gamified application. When you buy their shoes, it connects to iPhone and when you run, it tracks your speed, it tracks your distance and when you come home you can reversely see it on the web, you can see what your friends been running, where your friends been running , you can plan your goals and you can achieve them and really helps you to keep running. So that´s one of the best monitised businesses and monitised gamification results and here is some funny application about running too. If you don´t like really to run you might want to run when zombies chase you. So there is an application for iPad or an iPhone, you can put it in your pocket and when you run you hear the zombies chasing you and there is a voice telling you where to go, how to run fast, how many are there behind you, so it might be really helpful for running because I will be scared. Eight months ago, my friends, students, had idea to pass on their knowledge of games. So they wanted to establish this Gameful company or project and start to work on something, really go and do something. So we had a chat with our friend who had the teahouse and we started making the solution for them. Meanwhile, after two months we applied for a place in acceleration programme named StarCube in Brno. And it was for this start of project. And it was to help us, to mentor us, to show us how to do business, how to monitise the main idea. So it was really helpful, we are glad too that we did it. It took three months and at the end there was a StarCube show when they announced the best three projects. We were the third actually and then when it ends we were offered a place in the innovation centre that was established here but they had some criteria we didn´t meet like having a fulltime manager, having to established the limited company so
we weren´t able to do that and we really don´t think it´s necessary for us right now. We are working in the evenings on this project so we can do it right now. But I think, anyway, it was very helpful for us. So now we are on our ways and we are working on project that we want to work on.
Gameful je částečně studentský projekt založený šesti studenty nebo zaměstnanci, a začali jsme jednoduše s nápadem. Všichni jsme měli zkušenosti s vytvářením nebo hraním her, tak jsme si řekli dobrá, možná bychom mohli předat tuto znalost firmám. Věděli jsme, že v Americe je to obrovský byznys, tak jsme si řekli, že by to mohl být dobrý nápad. Tak jsme se začali zabývat jedním projektem, jednalo se o jednu čajovnu v Brně a zde jsme navrhli řešení – gamefikované řešení pro tuto čajovnu a myslím, že by to mohlo mít opravdu úspěch. Je to jednoduché – dostanete zákaznickou kartu, znáte to samozřejmě a pak když si dáte čaj nebo něco k jídlu, můžete to vidět na webu, protože mají aplikaci na iPadu a vy pak můžete vidět, co jste snědli a vypili. A existuje zde příběh, který můžete sledovat, můžete otevírat různé úrovně podle toho, co jste si dali, kolik jste toho utratili, kolik času jste tam strávili a lidé jsou opravdu zvědaví na ten příběh a na úrovně a jednoduše chtějí být nejlepší. Klíčový nápad, téma tohoto projektu je Alenka v říši divů, protože ta čajovna se jmenuje Za zrcadlem a je tu téma Alenky, takže jsme jej převzali a podařilo se nám dostat jej do všech služeb nabízených čajovnou, takže můžete sbírat karty, najít tajnou knihu a v ní číst ten příběh a spoustu dalších věcí. Takže abychom to shrnuli, gamefikace je částí vašeho byznysu, může být částí vašeho byznysu, když vezmete mechanismy používané v hrách a vložíte je do vaší služby nebo produktu. A to lidi do této služby více zapojuje, jsou věrnější, chodí častěji, zůstávají déle a samozřejmě utratí více peněz. Tak to je hlavní myšlenka, ale neznamená to, že gamefikace se používá jen v rámci webových stránek a aplikací. Může být užitečná i v běžném životě. Můžete ji používat v té oblasti vašeho života, kde vás něco nebaví dělat a vlastně z toho můžete udělat zábavu. Například ve Finsku měli odpadkové koše a lidé do nich nic neházeli. Ale firma dovnitř zabudovala reproduktory, takže po vhození něčeho to znělo jako hluboká studna a pak byl slyšet náraz. Takže lidé sbírali odpadky a házeli je dovnitř a dívali se tam, jestli je to opravdu hluboké nebo co to vlastně je a to město se stalo nejčistším ve Finsku. Takže myslím, že je opravdu jednoduché zapojit ji do běžného života. Gamefikace tedy může být používána v každodenních aktivitách, které nemáte rádi. Např. běhání. Firma Nike měla obrovský úspěch s gamefikovanou aplikací. Když si koupíte jejich boty, jsou propojeny s iPhonem a když běžíte, zaznamenává se vaše rychlost, uběhlá vzdálenost a když přijdete domů, můžete to zpětně vidět na webu, můžete vidět, jakou trasu uběhli vaši přátelé, kde běhali, můžete si naplánovat své cíle a dosahovat je a opravdu vás to pomáhá udržet u běhání. Jde o jeden z nejlepších zaznamenaných obchodů a výsledků gamefikace a existuje také další zábavná aplikace pro běhání. Když opravdu nemáte rádi běhání, možná vám bude do běhu, když vás budou pronásledovat zombie. Existuje aplikace pro iPad nebo iPhone, kterou si můžete vložit do kapsy a když běžíte, slyšíte, jak vás pronásledují zombie a hlas, který vám říká, kam běžet, jak rychle, kolik je jich za vámi, takže to může být opravdu užitečné pro běhání, aspoň já bych byla vyděšená. Před osmi měsíci mí přátelé, studenti, měli nápad uplatnit svou znalost her, takže chtěli založit firmu nebo projekt Gameful a začít na něčem pracovat, opravdu se do něčeho pustit. Promluvili jsme si s naším přítelem, který měl čajovnu, a začali jsme pro ně vytvářet řešení. Mezitím, po dvou měsících, jsme se přihlásili do akceleračního programu StarCube v Brně. Bylo to kvůli rozjetí projektu, kvůli tomu, aby nám pomohli, odborně nás vedli, aby nám ukázali, jak dělat byznys, jak sledovat hlavní myšlenku. Takže to bylo opravdu užitečné, jsme rádi, že jsme do toho šli. Trvalo to tři měsíce a bylo to ukončeno StarCube show, kde byly vyhlášeny tři nejlepší projekty. My jsme byli třetí a po skončení nám bylo nabídnuto místo v inovačním centru, které zde bylo založeno, ale měli některá kritéria, jež jsme nesplňovali, jako mít manažera na plný úvazek, mít založené s. r. o. Toho jsme nebyli schopní a nemyslíme si, že je to právě teď pro nás nutné. Pracujeme na projektu po večerech, takže to teď nemůžeme. Nicméně si myslím, že to pro nás bylo velmi užitečné. Nyní si to děláme po svém a pracujeme na projektu, na kterém pracovat chceme.
EXERCISE 1 Discuss and share your answers to the following questions: 1. Do you like playing games? Which ones? Describe your favourite game (i.e. digital, Internet, xbox, mobile, board games, arcade, language, etc.) 2. Have you ever heard about gamification? What does it mean to you? Are you interested in exploring the concept further? 3. Do you have any experience with smart phones, androids, xbox, iPhones, iPads, etc.? What are their advantages and disadvantages? 4. What do you use your mobile for (apart from talking)? What applications do you use in a mobile phone? What applications would you like to have available?
EXERCISE 2 Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? 1. The experience with game playing and designing helped the six students in creating their own company. 2. The students have chosen the theme of Alice in Wonderland for the teahouse because they loved this story. 3. Gamification is only used in business. 4. In Finland, there was a contest for the cleanest city. 5. Gamification can help us to overcome boring everyday life activities. 6. After having successfully completed the work for the tearoom, the Gameful team applied for participation in StarCube. 7. StarCube supported the six students in establishing their own company. 8. The Gameful team has established the limited company and accepted a place in the innovation centre.
EXERCISE 3 Listen and fill in the missing text. 1. Gameful is partly a student project established by six students or idea.
and we simply started with an
2. So we started to one project, it was a teahouse in Brno and there we gamified solution for this teahouse. 3. It´s simple - you got (have) a the web.
card and then if you drink some tea or eat something you can see it on a
4. We managed to have it in all the book and read the story.
in the
so you can collect cards, you can find a secret
5. It makes people more to a service, they are more loyal, they come more often, they stay longer and definitely they spend more money. 6. Eight months ago, my friends, students, had an idea to 7. So they wanted to
this Gameful
8. After two months we applied to
of games.
or project and start to work on something. acceleration programme named StarCube in Brno. It was to
the project. 9. They had some we didn´t meet like having a fulltime manager, having established the so we weren´t able to do that.
EXERCISE 4 Match the following English expressions with their Czech equivalent. 1. EMPLOYEE
PHRASE BOOK Use the vocabulary list above to develop questions you could ask the Manager in a mock interview. With a partner, take turns being the Manager. Role play asking and answering your questions. GAMIFICATION
The concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game applications to make them more fun (integrating game elements and game dynamics into non-game contexts).
A guide who is a trusted counselor or advisor. The personal name mentor originated in Greek mythology and has been adopted in English as a term meaning someone who passes wisdom on and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague.
An accelarating programme for startup companies or start-ups (newly created companies), see also
EXERCISE 5 ROLE PLAY 1. COMMUNICATIVE: What are your favourite applications? Make a list. Find a partner and share your lists. As a group of two, find another set of partners. Compare your lists together and rank the top applications you all identified in common. Share your rankings with the other groups. 2. SURVEY: As the group of 4 in the above question, find out which digital technologies you use. After you make your list, compare with another group of 4. As a group of 8, rank the findings in your lists and turn them into percentages. Develop a short description of your survey results reporting on your statistics and present them to the rest of the groups. As a whole group, develop one composite set of ranking and develop statistics for the whole class. - iPad - MP3 music player - android or smart phone - PC - tablet - smart TV - Games console - mobile phone - xBox 3. TEAMWORK: Work in small groups. Choose a task you consider boring from your everyday life. How could you make it more fun using gamification? As a group, brainstorm ideas and select the best one. Develop it as fully as possible as a creative idea to the rest of the class. Each group present your solution to the class. As a whole group, reflect upon the ideas and choose the gamification ideas you think might be the most successful. What would be the next steps you could take to realize it into an actual application?
EXERCISE 6 PRESENTATION Divide the class into several teams (one team is the jury, the other teams will present their projects). 1.
Task: You would like your project from Exercise 5 to take part in StarCube. Persuade the jury that they should choose your team’s idea. In a three minute presentation, answer the following questions: What service do you offer and why? Who is your team and what are their contributions? Where would it be offered and how would it be produced? Who would be your target group(s)? What kind of advertising would be appropriate? What are your anticipated costs?
2. After each group has presented, compare your ideas with your “competitors”. How do you think you did? The jury will decide which project will be accepted. What criteria will they use? After they announce the winner, discuss if you think their decision is fair. Does their decision match your assessment? Discuss.
Connect the words from A with the phrases in B. A
1. start
6. take
a. to a service
f. with an idea
2. propose
7. apply
b. a company
g. on the project
3. be engaged
8. meet
c. over the theme
h. in the programme
4. work
9. pass
d. a solution
i. for a job
5. establish
10. participate
e. on the knowledge
j. the criteria
Fill in the correct prepositions from the list. on
We adapted the application ___ Alice in Wonderland.
I´m leaving this job to start ___ my own business.
I am going to apply ___ a business loan.
We wanted to pass ___ this knowledge to others.
Choose the correct verb to complete the meaning of the sentence. Yesterday, we were too tired to cook. We ________last night. We just finished our task. The report _________ delivered tomorrow. I have never experienced so much turnover in a company before. It _______an unexpected consequence of job insecurity. I worked on it yesterday. Tomorrow, it ____________ six months since we first started working on the project. Have you ever seen so many new applications hit the market in one season at Christmas time? This year it _________ a Czech business record.
EXERCISE 8 GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX TEST Proofread the following text. Correct as many mistakes as possible so that it can be read outloud smoothly without mistakes. Explain the rules why the change is necessary. Check with your teacher to understand the rules behind any mistakes you did not correct. Gameful is a partly student project established with six students or employees and we simply started with an idea. We all had experience in game designing or game playing, so we thought well, we can maybe pass on this knowledge for companies and we knew that this was a huge business in America so we thought it might be a good idea. So we started with dealing with one project, it was a teahouse in Brno and there we proposed solution – gamified solution for this teahouse and I think it might be really successful. It´s simply you got a customer card, of course, you know it and then if you drink some teas or eat something you can see it on a web because they have an application on their iPad and you can see it on the web – what you have eaten, what you have drinked. And there is a story you can track it, you can unlock the levels based on what you had, what you spent there, how much time you spent there and people are really curious about the story and the levels and too they want to be the best simply. The key idea, the key theme of this project is the Alice in Wonderland because the teahouse is named Behind the Mirror and there is the theme of Alice so we took it and we managed to have it through all of the services in the teahouse so you can collect cards, you can find a secret book and read there the story and that many many things in there. So, to sum up, gamification is a part of your business, it can be a part of your business when you take the mechanics from games and put it into your service or product. And it makes people to be more engaged to a service, they are more loyal, they come more often, they stay more longer and definitely they spend more money. So, that´s the main idea, but it doesn´t mean that gamification must be only on websites or applications. It might be useful for a common life. You can use it in the part of your life when you don´t like something to do and actually make it really funny. For example, in Finland, there were the trash bins and people didn´t really throw anything in it. But the company put a speakers inside and it made sound like really really long well when you put something it and then a crash inside so the people took all the litter and start throwing it inside and looking inside if it´s really long or what is it exactly and the city was actually the cleanest in Finland. So, I think it´s really simple to do it in everyday life. So, gamification can be used in everyday life activities which you don´t really like. Like running. A company Nike had huge success with gamified application. When you buy their shoes, it connects to iPhone and when you run, it tracks your speed, it tracks your distance and when you come home you can reversely see it on the web, you can see what your friends been running, where your friends been running , you can plan your goals and you can achieve them and really helps you to keep running. So that´s one of the best monitised businesses and monitised gamification results and here is some funny application about running too. If you don´t like really to run you might want to run when zombies chase you. So there is an application for iPad or an iPhone, you can put it in your pocket and when you run you hear the zombies chasing you and there is a voice telling you where to go, how to run fast, how many are there behind you, so it might be really helpful for running because I will be scared. Eight months ago, my friends, students, had idea to pass on their knowledge of games. So they wanted to establish this Gameful company or project and start to work on something, really go and do something. So we had a chat with our friend who had the teahouse and we started making the solution for them. Meanwhile, after two months we applied for a place in acceleration programme named StarCube in Brno. And it was for this start up projects. And it was to help us, to mentor us, to show us how to do business, how to monitise the main idea. So it was really helpful, we are glad too that we did it. It took three months and at the end there was a StarCube show when they announced the best three projects. We were the third actually and then when it ends we were offered a place in the innovation centre that was established here but they had some criteria we didn´t meet like having a fulltime manager, having to established the limited company so we weren´t able to do that and we really don´t think it´s necessary for us right now. We are working in the evenings on this project so we can do it right now. But I think, anyway, it was very helpful for us. So now we are on our ways and we are working on project that we want to work on.
EXERCISE 3 1. Gameful is partly a student project established by six students or employees and we simply started with an idea. 2. So we started to deal with one project, it was a teahouse in Brno and there we proposed a solution – gamified solution for this teahouse. 3. It´s simple - you got (have) a customer card and then if you drink some tea or eat something you can see it on a web. 4. We managed to have it in all the services in the teahouse so you can collect cards, you can find a secret book and read the story. 5. It makes people more engaged to a service, they are more loyal, they come more often, they stay longer and definitely they spend more money. 6. Eight months ago, my friends, students, had an idea to pass on their knowledge of games. 7. So they wanted to establish this Gameful company or project and start to work on something. 8. After two months we applied to participate in (an) acceleration programme named StarCube in Brno. It was to start up the project. 9. They had some criteria we didn´t meet like having a fulltime manager, (and) having established the limited company so we weren´t able to do that.
AFTER YOU WATCH EXERCISE 4 1H, 2B, 3K, 4M, 5A, 6J, 7D, 8G, 9L, 10I, 11O, 12P, 13F, 14Q, 15R, 16N, 17E, 18C
1f 2d 3a 4g 5b 6c 7i 8j 9e 10h
A. We adapted the application FROM Alice in Wonderland. B. I´m leaving this job to start UP my own business. C. I am going to apply FOR a business loan. D. We wanted to pass ON this knowledge to others.
Yesterday, we were too tired to cook. We ATE OUT last night. We just finished our task. The report WILL BE delivered tomorrow. I have never experienced so much turnover in a company before. It IS an unexpected consequence of job insecurity. I worked on it yesterday. Tomorrow, it WILL HAVE BEEN six months since we first started working on the project Have you ever seen so many new applications hit the market in one season at Christmas time? This year it WILL BE a Czech business record.
Gameful is a partly a student project established with six students or employees and we simply started with an idea. We all had experience in game designing or game playing, so we thought well, perhaps we can maybe pass on this knowledge on for companies. and We knew that this was a huge business in America so we thought it might be a good idea. So we started dealing with one project, it was a teahouse in Brno and there we proposed solution there – a gamified solution for this teahouse and I think thought it might be really successful. It´s Simply put, you got have a customer card, of course, you know it and then if you drink some teas or eat something you can see it on a webpage because they have an application on their iPad and you can see it on the web – i.e. what you have eaten, what you have drinked drank. And there is a story that you can track it, you can unlock the levels based on what you had, what you spent there, how much time you spent there and people are really curious about the story and the levels and too also they simply want to be the best simply. The key idea, or the key theme of this project is the Alice in Wonderland because the teahouse is named Behind the Mirror and so that is why there is the theme of Alice. so We took it on and we managed to have it through all of the services in the teahouse and now so you can collect cards, you can find a secret book and read there the story there and that many many other things in there. So, To sum it up, gamification is can be a part of your business, it can be a part of your business when you take the mechanics from games and put it into your service or product. And it makes people to be more engaged to in a service. they Customers are more loyal, they come more often, they stay more longer and they definitely they spend more money. So, That´s the main idea, but it doesn´t mean that gamification must be only on websites or applications. It might be useful for a everyday common life. You can could use it in the part of your life when where you don´t like something to do and actually make it really funny. For example, in Finland, there were the public trash bins and people didn´t really throw anything in it them. But the company put a speakers inside and it they made it sound like a really, really long well when you put something it inside and then a crash inside so the people took all the litter and start throwing it inside and looking inside to see if it´s really long or what is it exactly and the city was actually the cleanest in Finland. So, I think it´s really simple to do it gamification in everyday life. So, Gamification can be used in everyday life activities which you don´t really like - like running. A The NIKE company Nike had huge success with a gamified application. When you buy their shoes, it connects to your iPhone and when you run, it tracks your speed, it tracks your distance and when you come home reversely, you can reversely see it on the web, you can see what your friends have been running, where your friends have been running , you can plan your goals and you can achieve them. It and really helps you to keep running. So That´s one of the best monitised businesses and monitised gamification results. and There is some also a funny application about running, too. If you don´t like really to run you might want to run when zombies chase you. So, there is an application for iPad or an iPhone, which you can put it in your pocket and when you run you hear the zombies chasing you. and There is a voice telling you where to go, how to run fast, how many are there behind you, so it might be really helpful for running because I you will be scared. Eight months ago, my friends, fellow students, had an idea to pass on their knowledge of games. So they wanted to establish this Gameful company or project and start to work on something, really go and do something. So We had a chat with our friend who had the teahouse and we started making the
solution for them. Meanwhile, after two months we applied for a place in an acceleration programme named StarCube in Brno And it was for this start up projects. And It was to help us, to mentor us, to show us how to do business, and how to monitise the main idea. So it was really helpful, we are glad too that we did it. It took three months and at the end there was a StarCube show when they announced the best three projects. We were the third actually and then when it ended we were offered a place in the innovation centre that was established here. But they had some criteria we didn´t meet like such as having a fulltime manager, and having to have established the limited company. So we weren´t able to do that and but we really don´t think it´s necessary for us right now. We are working in the evenings on this project so and we can't do it right now. But I think, anyway, it was very helpful for us. So now we are on our ways and we are working on a project that we want to work on.