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STAAL vakblad over staal en staalconstructies
Bouwen met Staal 247 | jaargang 48 | oktober 2015 ISSN 0166-6363. Uitgever Marco Pauw. Redactie Paul van Deelen • Henk Orsel • Marco Pauw. Medewerkers Vincent Basler • Cor van Eldik. Redactieraad W. Borgstein, Tata Steel • ir. M.F.I. Braem, Croes • R.E.D. Brongers, Coatinc • ir. Y. van Diermen, Pieters Bouwtechniek • B. Dursin, Zinkinfo Benelux • ir. M. Horikx, Hogeschool van Amsterdam • ir. F. Maatje (voorzitter), Bouwen met Staal • ir. K. Oosterman, ZJA • ing. R. Roef, Construsoft • ing. J. Seinen, Rijkswaterstaat • mw. A. van Stiphout, Jack Muller • ing. J.G. Thibaudier MBA, SFN • ir. L.I. Vákár, Movares • ing. F.E. Vasquez, SNS • T.S. Wolvekamp MSc, BAM Infra Consult. Redactie en administratie Bouwen met Staal • Postbus 190, 2700 AD Zoetermeer • tel. (079) 3531277 • fax (079) 3531278 •
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Foto cover Hufton+Crow • www.huftonandcrow.com. Foto p. 2 Vincent Basler • www.vincentbasler.com. Foto p. 9 (Elise van Westenbrugge-Bilardie) Pieter de Swart • www.pieterdeswart.nl.
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© Bouwen met Staal 2015 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, in enigerlei vorm, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. 2 oktober 2015 | BOUWEN MET STAAL 247
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STAAL vakblad over staal en staalconstructies
04 | marktsignalen 4
De vier rollen van de staalhandelaar
Bigger spans by small steps 9
Elise #3
T. Buyle
Indrukken in de bouw 12
De trend en de (speel)bal W. Hoeckman
EN 1090 (1): staalhandel
EN 1090 (2): Controle en handhaving
Opsporing verzocht 32
Zwaar tillen aan het toetsniveau J.H. Reusink en K. Elmi Anaraki
‘We waren de Grote Onbekende’
BOUWEN MET STAAL 247 | oktober 2015
Interview Mike King, Principal Arup, Singapore
Bigger spans by small steps As a keynote speaker at the IASScongress (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures) in Amsterdam, August 17th till 20th, structural engineer Mike King (1968) talked his audience through the engineering of the Singapore National Stadium, the world’s largest free spanning dome structure. Behind the scenes King, currently Principal at Arup’s Singapore office, looked back on his earlier work and discussed the influence latest digital technologies have on today’s method of design, engineering and steel manufacturing.
Over his 21 years with Arup, King has specialized in long-span structures for major stadiums, airports, sports arenas and train stations. King worked in New York, London, Singapore and his native country Australia after graduating as a civil engineer at the University of Wollongong. His work includes one of the three bidding teams for the Olympic Stadium in Sydney, which tender wasn’t selected, the Bangkok Asian Games Stadium and the Toronto Airport, the latter being a design driven more by reducing commercial and program risk than creating an engineering marvel. King: ‘The structure itself isn’t that adventurous or complex, yet beautiful in its simplicity as well.’
Manchester Stadium Kings’ involvement with the Manchester Stadium for the 2002 Commonwealth games (athletics) stands out due to its early example of adaptability. Also known as the Etihad Stadium it was built in 1999 and subsequently converted into the City of Manchester Stadium for the sole purpose of soccer. A rectangular football pitch, an ellipse running track and all visitor areas were initially planned, so the stadium could permanently change into a football stadium. Three sides were made in 1999 and after the games the fourth side was built and an extra lower seating tier was actually dug in the ground, so the 41,000 seats
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Foto: Darren Soh
athletics arena was upgraded to 48,000 seats situated close to the pitch. In 2015 a third ring was added. Beijing Airport ‘Beijing’s Airport Terminal 3 by Foster + Partners is more distinctive for its building speed than its structure’, says King. ‘The Chinese government simply decided that the project had to be completed in 2008.’ Omitting any delays on building permits and working along 24/7 working shifts the gigantic building was actually finished earlier than calculated for start of the 2008 Olympic Games. Built to facilitate a capacity of 50 million passengers a year (by 2020) the roof is 3 km long and 1 km wide. The roof structure of 360,000 sq. m is a ‘Mero’-type steel space structure with cantilevers and cantilevering steel columns. All without bracing and movement joints. BOUWEN MET STAAL 247 | oktober 2015
King’s Cross Entrance Building Renowned for its modern intervention King’s personal favourite however is the diagrid-shell roofed new entrance building for London’s King’s Cross Station set against the historical 1852 train station building. Designed in 2003‘04 the project plan’s were put aside as too costly a project – until the 2012 Olympics came through – while meanwhile a poor temporarily construction from the 1970’s remained. By 2012 the project finally was finished within the same scheme, as part of the overall restoration of King’s Cross. From scratch the project was a necessary joint collaboration between the architect (John McAslan and Partners) and Arup’s engineers. King: ‘John and I designed it together to the most efficient form. I can see my own signature. It would have been different without me, of which I’m mostly proud of.’
With its single-span structure measuring 54 m from centre to circumference, and covering an area of basically three Olympic swimming pools, one of its achievements was overcoming a strictly limited number of foundation locations and avoiding loading the adjacent historic rail hall building. The ‘kind of reverse waterfall’ of white painted steel has 16 perimeter columns and is clad with 1,200 solid and 1,012 glass triangular panels. London Aquatics Centre Again for the London 2012 Olympics King’s work on Zaha Hadid’s London Aquatics Centre was altogether different. King: ‘The form which symbolises water in movement through symmetric arches, was already defined. The structure was subordinate and we filled in the blanks.’ The 160 m long and approximately 80 m wide 5