15 Summary and conclusions Every year, the Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases (Nederlands Centrum voor Beroepsziekten or NCvB) is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment to draw up an Alert Report outlining the trends of occupational diseases. The report is intended to supply information relevant to policy-making and the situation on the work floor. The Alert Report aims to provide an overview of the incidence of occupational diseases and the distribution within particular sectors and specific professions. Wherever possible, the report also shows the socio-demographic features relating to the distribution of occupational diseases, as well as details of various trends. Another function of the Alert Report is to issue warnings. The report alerts policy-makers and professionals in the area of Health & Safety to signals considered to be important by the NCvB, so that they can take the necessary measures. These signals may relate to the emergence of new diseases, for example, or to new risks or problem areas concerning the available healthcare for occupational diseases. The most important signals are listed at the end of this summary under the heading ‘Alerts’.
15.1 Report in brief Changing trends in occupational diseases
The total number of occupational diseases reported in the Netherlands last year is virtually unchanged. Some occupational diseases occur less frequently. Preventive measures have brought about a drop in the number of cases of latex allergy and chronic toxic encephalopathy. There has also been a reduction in the number of musculoskeletal disorders, which could be due to reduced physical exertion at work. However, the number of workrelated mental disorders is rising, partly as a result of people being faced with increased aggression and violence at work and a growing number of reorganisations. The effects of work and working conditions on reproduction are becoming clear. Knowledge and monitoring of occupational diseases will become a more important issue when occupational healthcare has been deregulated in the Netherlands. RSI on the decrease
The number of RSI cases reported since 2000 has almost halved. The exact reason for this is not yet clear. When dealing with back problems, modifying the work station appears to provide a more effective solution than the usual medical intervention. This can also result in substantial savings for companies. Increase in intimidation, bullying and violence causes psychological problems
The number of reported work-related mental disorders is rising. Pressure at work and stress related to reorganisations are important factors. The effects of increased intimidation, bullying and violence at work are also visible. Decreasing the pressure at work is an important factor included in a number of Health & Safety agreements. Fewer cases of latex allergy
The use of low-latex gloves in the healthcare sector has led to a drop in the incidence of latex allergy. Introducing a small number of measures could also reduce the incidence of occupational skin disorders caused by working with water and fluids in the healthcare and cleaning sectors. New causes of work-related asthma
Inhalation provocation tests make it possible to pinpoint the exact causes of work-related asthma. There are a number of recorded cases of workrelated asthma caused by the food additive Bisulphite. Inhaling certain pesticides or meat proteins is also known to cause work-related asthma. The fast development of nanotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry and surface treatment, for example, can result in exposure to ultra-fine particles. This can cause lung fibrosis or asthma. Particles of this kind can also be absorbed into the bloodstream via the lungs, resulting in systemic effects. Live noise source of deafness
It is well-known that machines, traffic and music can cause various degrees of deafness. Less is known about the effects of live noise, for example the noise produced by screaming pigs and shouting children. Long-term exposure to live noise as experienced in swimming pools, childcare centres and pig sties comprises a risk that would benefit from a hearing protection programme.
Anaesthetic gases constitute risk for operating theatre staff Even in relatively well-ventilated operating theatres, anaesthetic gases have been found to have an effect on the positional stability of the nurses working there. Exposure to laughing gas and other anaesthetic gases does not only form a risk to pregnant employees. This provides an extra incentive for cutting back the exposure. Reduced exposure to solvents in a number of trades led to a further drop in reported cases of chronic toxic encephalopathy in 2004. Better vaccination against occupational infectious diseases is needed
Vaccination is an effective way of preventing occupational diseases such as hepatitis B in high-risk jobs. Better vaccination policy would create a framework for achieving this. Close collaboration between the public health services and the occupational health services is important when coping with outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The employees helping to fight the new disease (for example by ‘clearing away´ infected livestock), are themselves at risk of becoming infected. Cancer in children caused by parents’ work?
There are new indications that the work carried out by parents can lead to a risk of cancer in their offspring. The precise factors responsible have not yet been identified. Asbestos is the foremost cause of occupational cancer. The epidemic of asbestos-related cancer in the Netherlands seems to have reached its peak. Pregnant employees work too hard for too long
Pregnant employees in psychologically or physically demanding jobs who work into advanced pregnancy run a higher risk of premature labour and giving birth to low-birth-weight babies. Modifications of the work situation could help prevent this. A clearer picture of the effects of toxic substances on workers’ offspring is emerging. Exposure to solvents in men before conception may cause serious damage to their offspring. Fine dust is cause of coronary and vascular disease
Lung disease is not the only risk involved in inhaling fine dust. It appears that fine dust, for example from diesel fumes, can be absorbed via the lungs into the bloodstream, where it can cause clotting disorders and coronary and vascular problems. Reorganisations and the stress they cause to employees also lead to an increased risk of death from coronary and vascular disease. Occupational diseases from the food industry
There is a high incidence of RSI in this branch due to the repetitive movements of work in for example, slaughter houses and sugar and chocolate processing plants. Health & Safety agreements are to improve the working conditions. Bakers’ asthma will be tackled by substantially reducing exposure to flour dust.
Alerts A A A Increase in violence and intimidation at work The number of people encountering violence and intimidation at work has increased over the past few years. Particularly people working in the public and service industries have to cope with aggressive or intimidating behaviour. Violence and intimidation can affect people’s performance and lead to health problems and sickness absence. Despite the fact that many employers have now formulated policy on violence and aggression, the psycho-social implications should be afforded a more prominent place on the agendas of both employers and employees. Health & Safety Services could also help by developing instruments to prevent violence and intimidation.
A A A Fine dust problems permeate through to the work floor The consequences of exposure to fine dust in the outside environment have recently been attracting a lot of attention. Technological developments, particular developments in the area of nanotechnology, mean that more focus also has to be put on the risks of exposure to fine dust in the working environment. The consequences involve not only lung disorders, but also damage to other organ systems. Risk assessment and risk management should therefore form an integral part of developments in the area of nanotechnology.
A A A Early restrictions on heavy workload for pregnant women There are indications that an accumulation of risk factors at work can increase the risk of premature labour and low-birth-weight babies. These risk factors include working in shifts, work that involves standing up, too much pressure at work, lifting heavy weights and excessive noise. Preventive measures to lighten the workload for pregnant women before the 24th week of pregnancy would lead to a reduction in premature births and low-birth-weight babies.
A A A Deafness resulting from live noise Alongside hearing problems caused by the noise from mechanical sources, live noise also appears to be an increasingly important risk factor. Swimming instructors, pig farmers, dog trainers and childcare staff are examples of high-risk groups. These live noise sources should be identified by means of a risk assessment, and a periodical occupational health examination would help to detect hearing damage at an early stage. Hearing protection devices or acoustic measures might also help to prevent this occupational disease.
A A A Incidents with injection needles can be prevented Incidents involving injection needles can have enormous implications for employees, including infection with serious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B or C. Incidents involving injection needles are still far too common in the Netherlands. They can be prevented by introducing targeted measures at work. Vaccination against hepatitis B is not yet offered to all people working in high-risk groups. Moreover, the correct preventive measures are not always taken after an incident with an injection needle has occurred.
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Verantwoording gebruikte cijfers
Dr. A.J. van der Beek
Nationale melding- en registratiesysteem
EMGO-Instituut, Vrije Universiteit medisch centrum,
Geaccepteerde meldingen
Er is een aantal meldingscriteria opgesteld waarin is vastgesteld waaraan een melding moet voldoen om
Mw. Drs. M. van Beukering
opgenomen te worden in het registratiesysteem. Een
Kema Arbo B.V., Arnhem
melding mag geen klacht, geen bedrijfsongeval zijn, diagnose moet ingevuld zijn en 1 van de vragen 3 t/m 5
Mw. Dr. B.M. Blatter
van het meldingsformulier moet minimaal beantwoord
Kwaliteit van Leven-Arbeid, Hoofddorp
zijn. In de gepresenteerde hoofdstukken worden alleen de geaccepteerde meldingen gebruikt voor de tabellen.
Prof.Dr. D.P. Bruynzeel Nederlands Kenniscentrum ArbeidsDermatosen-NECOD,
Diagnose indeling
Afdeling Dermatologie, Vrije Universiteit medisch
Voor de codering van diagnose wordt in het melding- en
centrum, Amsterdam
registratiesysteem gebruik gemaakt van de CAS-code (Classificatie voor Arbo en Sociale Verzekering). Binnen
Dr.Ir. A.J. Burdorf
deze CAS-codering wordt gebruik gemaakt van een
Instituut voor Maatschappelijke Gezondheidszorg,
indeling in aandoeningcategorieën. Voor de
Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Universiteit van Rotterdam
hoofdstukken houding- en bewegingsapparaat, huidaandoeningen, longaandoeningen, wordt afgeweken
Prof.Dr. F.J.H. van Dijk
van het indelingsprincipe van de CAS-codering. In de
Coronel Insituut, Academisch Medisch Centrum,
betreffende hoofdstukken wordt daarvan melding
Universiteit van Amsterdam
gemaakt. Voor infectieziekten is er geen categorieindeling binnen de CAS-codering. Hiervoor zijn alle
Prof.Dr.Ir. W.A. Dreschler
meldingen van 2004 bekeken en indien relevant
Afdeling Audiologie, Academisch Medisch Centrum,
toegekend aan de categorie infectieziekten. Op basis van
Universiteit van Amsterdam
deze indeling zijn de tabellen uit het betreffende hoofdstuk samengesteld.
Mw. Prof.Dr. M.H.W. Frings-Dresen Coronel Insituut, Academisch Medisch Centrum,
ArbeidsDermatosen Surveillance
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Bij dit peilstation wordt de datum van melding gehanteerd om het meldingsjaar te bepalen. Dit betekent
Mw. Dr.Ir. M. Hooiveld
dat het afsluiten van jaren niet aan het begin van een
Afdeling Epidemiologie en Biostatistiek,
volgend meldingsjaar kan. Hierdoor kan het aantal
UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen
meldingen per jaar dat in de verschillende Signaleringsrapporten en andere rapportages van het
Mw. Dr. I.L.D. Houtman
NECOD en het NCvB gebruikt wordt afwijken.
Kwaliteit van Leven-Arbeid, Hoofddorp
Beroepsbevolking Dr. J.J. van der Klink
Voor de cijfers van de beroepsbevolking per sector wordt
Netherlands School of Public and Occupational Health,
gebruik gemaakt van de database STATLINE van het CBS
(www.cbs.nl). Van de beroepsbevolking wordt alleen de categorie werknemers genomen, en niet de
Mw. Dr. M. Olff
zelfstandigen. Dit omdat de populatie van de Arbo-
Afdeling Psychotrauma, Academisch Medisch Centrum,
diensten die aan het NCvB melden hoofdzakelijk bestaat
Universiteit van Amsterdam
uit werknemers. Er zijn geen cijfers beschikbaar van de beroepsbevolking
Dr. J.F.P. Schellekens
van 2004, noch van 2003. Daardoor zijn voor bepaalde
Laboratorium voor Infectieziekten, Groningen
berekeningen in tabellen de cijfers uit 2002 gebruikt.
Dr. J.E. van Steenbergen Landelijk Coördinatiestructuur Infectieziektebestrijding, Utrecht
Internet adressen www.2mains.ch www.arbeidsinspectie.nl www.arbobondgenoten.nl www.arboconvenanten.szw.nl www.arbografimedia.nl www.arbo.nl www.arbozw.nl www.arbouw.nl www.asbestkaart.nl www.boneandjointdecade.org www.bbzfnv.nl www.cbs.nl www.cnv.net www.eurogip.fr www.europa.eu.int www.eurofound.eu.int www.europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat www.skb.nl www.occuphealth.fi www.osha.eu.int www.gr.nl www.hvbg.de www.hse.gov.uk www.vibrisks.soton.ac.uk www.rivm.nl/infectieziektenbulletin www.ilo.org www.goc.nl www.beroepsrisico.nl www.kvgo.nl www.cbo.nl www.lcr.nl www.infectieziekten.info www.minszw.nl www.minvws.nl www.hepatitis.nl www.rivm.nl/vtv/home/Kompas www.hoorstichting.nl www.hoortest.nl/hoortest.html www.beroepsziekten.nl www.necod.nl www.nkap.nl www.kenniscentrumakb.nl www.opgelucht-werken.nl www.overheid.nl www.nspoh.nl www.nuv.nl www.nvab.artsennet.nl www.orkestengehoor.nl www.psychischenwerk.nl www.rgo.nl www.rivm.nl www.servicepunt-grafimedia.nl www.ser.nl www.arbeid.tno.nl www.uwv.nl www.who.ch
2 mains Arbeidsinspectie Arbo- en milieusite FNV Bondgenoten Arboconvenanten Arbo Grafimedia Arbo Platform Nederland Arbo Kenniscentrum voor Zorg en Welzijn Arbouw Asbestkaart Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Bureau Beroepsziekten FNV Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek CNV BedrijvenBond Eurogip Europa: de portaalsite van de Europese Unie European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Eurostat: your key to European statistics Expertisecentrum voor Arbeid en Gezondheid Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Focal Point Gezondheidsraad Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften Health and Safety Executive HumanVibration.com Infectieziekten Bulletin International Labour Organization Kenniscentrum voor Onderwijs, Arbeidsmarkt en Training & Advies in de grafimediabranche Kennissysteem Bedrijfs- en Beroepsrisico’s Koninklijk Verbond van Grafische Ondernemingen Kwaliteitsinstituut voor de Gezondheidszorg CBO Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum Reizigersadvisering Landelijk Coördinatiestructuur Infectieziektebestrijding Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport Nationaal Hepatitis Centrum Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid Nationale Hoorstichting Nationale Hoortest Nederlands Centrum voor Beroepsziekten Nederlands Kenniscentrum ArbeidsDermatosen Nederlands Kenniscentrum Arbeid en Psyche Nederlands Kenniscentrum Arbeid en Klachten Bewegingsapparaat Nederlands Kenniscentrum Arbeid en Longaandoeningen Nederlandse Overheid Netherlands School of Public & Occupational Health Nederlands Uitgeversverbond Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arbeids- en Bedrijfsgeneeskunde Orkest en gehoor Psychisch & Werk Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu Servicepunt Grafimedia Sociaal-Economische Raad TNO Kwaliteit van Leven-Arbeid UWV World Health Organization
Nederlands Centrum voor Beroepsziekten Coronel Instituut
Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases Coronel Institute
Divisie Klinische Methoden en Public Health Academisch Medisch Centrum Universiteit van Amsterdam
Division Clinical Methods and Public Health Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam The Netherlands
Telefoon: (020) 566 53 87 Fax: (020) 566 92 88
[email protected] www.beroepsziekten.nl
Telephone: +31 (0)20 566 53 87 Fax: +31 (0)20 566 92 88
[email protected] www.occupationaldiseases.nl
© Nederlands Centrum voor Beroepsziekten, Amsterdam ’05 Foto omslag Photography Cover Digital Vision Druk Printing Drukkerij Mart.Spruijt bv Ontwerp Design Philip Stroomberg
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Nederlands Centrum voor Beroepsziekten Signaleringsrapport Beroepsziekten ’05
Het Nederlands Centrum voor Beroepsziekten stelt jaarlijks het Signaleringsrapport Beroepsziekten op in opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. Het rapport heeft als doel relevante informatie te bieden voor beleid en praktijk. Het Signaleringsrapport geeft een overzicht van het vóórkomen van beroepsziekten en de verspreiding binnen sectoren en beroepen. Waar mogelijk worden sociaal-demografische kenmerken van de verspreiding van beroepsziekten weergegeven. Ook worden trends beschreven. Het Signaleringsrapport heeft eveneens een alert functie. Het rapport geeft signalen waarvan het NCvB het belangrijk vindt dat beleidsmakers en professionals in de arbopraktijk ervan op de hoogte zijn, zodat ze in staat zijn erop in te spelen. De signalen kunnen bijvoorbeeld betrekking hebben op het optreden van nieuwe ziekten en nieuwe risico’s of op knelpunten in de zorg voor beroepsziekten.
Coronel Instituut Academisch Medisch Centrum Universiteit van Amsterdam
Signaleringsrapport Beroepsziekten ’05