DCS5148 Introduction to Information Systems
Subject Objective : To introduce main concepts of information systems in business and management activities, and to highlight the importance of information systems in modern organizations. Students need to have information systems knowledge that is essential for creating successful, efficient and competitive firms.
Learning Outcomes : Differentiate the various types of information system (IS) used by the organization to aid decision making and activities at operations, tactical and strategic levels in order to achieve organization’s business objectives and competitive advantage. (Cognitive, Level 4)
Explain how Information System can assist management in making quality decision making. (Cognitive, Level 5)
Learning Outcomes : Summarize the steps required to design and build new information systems using the problem-solving process and also the benefits of a new system solution. (Cognitive, Level 2)
Discuss ethical, social and political issues raised by information systems. (Affective, Level 2)
Assessment : Items
Percentage Remarks
2 quizzes
Midterm Test
Date to be announce: tentatively, during Week 7) Topic : 1, 2 and 3
Project/Case Study
Simple take home exercises or in class exercises or online exercises.
Class Room Rules : Be early to class. Follow the proper dress code. No short pants, very short skirt, no sleeveless blouse of t-shirts. A spot check will be conducted at the start of the class. If you did not follow the proper dress code, you will be asked to leave the class room. You are expected to conduct yourselves at all times in a manner that does not disturb teaching or learning. Silent your mobile phones.
Class Room Rules : Required attendance to sit for Final Examination is 80% for both lectures and tutorial sessions. Failure to achieve the required percentage will result in the student being barred without any notice. Absences are counted from the first class meeting, and, at the decision of the lecturer, absences because of late registration may not be automatically excused. You are responsible for all the material presented and all announcements made on days you are absent. Be punctual in submitting all assignments/exercises/project/case studies based on the submission dates.
Class Room Rules : There will be NO “make-up” exam and quizzes. If you have a legitimate excuse for missing an exam or quiz, including illness, death in the family, accident, etc. will be given a make-up exam/quizzes or an excuse from taking the exam/quiz at the decision of the lecturer. You must notify the Lecturer that you will miss an exam or quiz. In all cases, you must present proof for missing the exam, e.g., a doctor's note, police report, etc., clearly stating the date AND times.
Learning Pyramid
Learning Pyramid
Suggestions to Help you with this Subject : Students are expected to attend punctually all class sessions and to participate actively in all class activities. Take good notes during class and practice solving problems and developing appropriate skills outside class. You should come prepared to class. Read your note. Minimally, read what is covered in lecture. Better yet, read each chapter completely while focusing on lecture topics. Pay close attention to tables, figures, and pictures that illustrate concepts and ideas.
Suggestions to Help you with this Subject : Study. Keep up (or ahead?). I do not expect that you will properly understand what is covered in a lecture at the end of that lecture. You will need to look your notes over, and THINK about things. Most importantly, do not expect to "learn" everything the weekend (or night!) before the exam. Use the technology and other learning resources that are made available to help you get better understanding on topics covered. If you need help, contact me. I have consultation hours set. I will return your emails. If necessary, I will make an appointment with you to help. Do not wait until it is too late.
Weekly Lecture Plan and Activities
Project Project Guidelines
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” Norman Vincent Peale
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill
“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” - Denis Waitley
Mindset Sebelum sang ayah menghembuskan nafas terakhir, dia memberi pesan kepada kedua anaknya : “Anakku, dua pesan penting yang ingin ayah sampaikan kepadamu untuk keberhasilan hidupmu” “Pertama : Jangan sesekali menagih hutang daripada sesiapa pun”
“Kedua : Jangan sesekali tubuhmu terkena terik matahari secara langsung”
Mindset 5 TAHUN BERLALU: Sang ibu menjenguk anak sulungnya dengan kedudukan perniagaannya yg sgt mendukacitakan. Si ibu pun bertanya “Wahai anak sulungku kenapa kedudukan perniagaanmu demikian?”. Si sulung menjawab : “Saya mengikuti pesan ayah bu… Saya dilarang menagih hutang drpd siapapun sehingga banyak hutang yang tidak dibayar dan lama² habislah modal saya.. Pesan yang kedua ayah melarang saya terkena sinar matahari secara langsung dan saya hanya hanya ada sebuah motorsikal, itulah sebabnya pergi dan pulang kerja saya selalu naik teksi”.
Kemudian sang ibu pergi ke tempat si bungsu yang keadaannya berbeda jauh. Si bungsu sukses menjalankan bperniagaannya. Sang ibu pun bertanya “Wahai anak bungsuku, hidupmu sedemikian beruntung, apa rahasianya…?” Si bungsu menjawab : “Ini karena saya mengikuti pesan ayah bu..
Pesan yang pertama saya dilarang menagih hutang kepada siapapun. Oleh karena itu saya tidak pernah memberikan hutang kepada siapapun sehingga modal saya tetap kukuh”. “Pesan kedua saya dilarang terkena sinar matahari secara langsung, maka dengan motorsikal yang saya ada saya selalu berangkat sebelum matahari terbit dan pulang setelah matahari terbenam, sehingga para pelanggan tahu kedai saya buka lebih awal dan tutup lebih lewat”.
Mindset Perhatikan.. Si Sulung dan Si Bungsu menerima pesan yang SAMA, namun masing² memiliki penafsiran dan sudut pandang atau MINDSET berbeda.
Mereka MELAKUKAN cara yang berbeda sehingga mendapatkan HASIL yang berbeda pula. Hati² lah dengan Mindset kita.. Mindset positif memberi hasil menakjubkan, sebaliknya mindset negatif memberikan hasil menghancurkan. The choice is yours..!