Pusat Statistik DIY, Propisi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam angka tahun 2003, 2004. Yogyakarta.
Baraona, E., Abittan, C. S., Dohmen, K., Moretti, M., Pozzato, G., Chayes, Z. W., Schaefer, C. and Lieber, C. S. (2001), Gender Differences in Pharmacokinetics of Alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25: 502–507 Beek, A.M.V., 1994. Menolong Penderita Alkoholisme dan Ketergantungan Lain. Pelkesi. Jakarta De Vasconcelos, J. N., C. E. Lopes, and F. P. De Franca. 2004. Continous Ethanol Production Using Yeast Immobilized on Sugar-Cane Stalks. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21 (03). hal. 357 – 365. Depkes RI (2004a), Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Sistem Surveilans Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular dan Penyakit Tidak Menular Terpadu, Ditjen PPM & PL, Jakarta. Depkes RI (2004b), Setiap hari 30 orang meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas, up date 07 April 2004, diakses tanggal 24 September 2013, Jakarta. Fardiaz, S. 1992. Mikrobiologi Pangan. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta Harris, O.J., Cause and Contributing Factors in Traffic Accident. 2002, available at ExpertPages.com Hidayat, A. N. 2003. Karya Ilmiah Produksi Alkohol. http://library.usu.ac.id/download/ft/tkimiahamidah.pdf. Tanggal akses 21 September 2013. Holder, Y., Peden, M., Krug, E., Lund, J., Gururaj, G., Kobusingye, O., Injury Surveilansce Guidelines, Center of Disease Control and Prevention and WHO. 2001, Atlanta.
V. and Daniel. 1991. The Industrial press Inc. New York
Hutaperi, Boy. 2007. Penyalahgunaan NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zar Adiktif) pada Pengendara Korban Mati Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Instalasi Kedokteran Forensik RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Idries, Abdul Mun’im, Sidhi, Santoso, Sutomo Slamet Iman. 1979. Ilmu Kedokteran Kehakiman. Universitas Indonesia Press: Jakarta Pusat. hal. 24 – 28 Kaplan, H.I. & Sadock B.J., 2000. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Seventh Edition. Volume I. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. USA. Kaplan, H.I. & Sadock B.J., 2007. Synopsis of Psychiatry. Tenth Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. USA. Kapp, C., WHO acts on road safety to reverse accident trends, The Lancet. 2003; 362: 1125. Kristanti et al. 1998. Perilaku Merokok dan Minum Alkohol pada Remaja di Propinsi Jawa Barat dan Bali 1995. Jurnal Epidemiologi Indonesia. Volume 2. Edisi 3. Jakarta Lidya, B. dan N. S. Djenar. 2000. Dasar Bioproses. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta Marik, P. E. 2010. Handbook of Evidence-Based Critical Care pp 625-630. Second Edition. Springer, New York. USA. McGee, K., Peden, M., Waxweiler, R., Sleet, D., Injury Surveillance; Short Report, Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 2003; Geneve National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (August 22, 2008). "The Emergency Response Safety and Health Database: Methanol". Tanggal akses 21 September 2013.
Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 74 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pengendalian Dan Pengawasan Minuman Beralkohol Sa’id, E. G. 1990. Teknologi Fermentasi. CV. Rajawali. Jakarta Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia (1993), Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia tentang prasarana dan lalu lintas jalan nomor 43, Jakarta. WHO,
The injury chart book; A graphical overview of the global burden of injuries, Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster World Health Organization, WHO, 2002a. Geneva.
WHO, World report on road traffic injury prevention, main messages and recommendations. 2004b. Geneva. WHO,
World report on road traffic injury prevention, World Health Organization, 2004c Geneva. Available at http://www.who.int
WHO, Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, World Health Organization, 2013. Available at http://www.who.int/gho/alcohol/en/index.html Wresniwiro, M. & Sumarnak, A.H., 1997. UU RI No. 5 th 1997 tentang Psikotropika Dilengkapi dengan Penjelasan. Bina Dharma Pemuda Printing. Jakarta.
Pusat Statistik DIY, Propisi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam angka tahun 2003, 2004. Yogyakarta.
Baraona, E., Abittan, C. S., Dohmen, K., Moretti, M., Pozzato, G., Chayes, Z. W., Schaefer, C. and Lieber, C. S. (2001), Gender Differences in Pharmacokinetics of Alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25: 502–507 Beek, A.M.V., 1994. Menolong Penderita Alkoholisme dan Ketergantungan Lain. Pelkesi. Jakarta De Vasconcelos, J. N., C. E. Lopes, and F. P. De Franca. 2004. Continous Ethanol Production Using Yeast Immobilized on Sugar-Cane Stalks. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21 (03). hal. 357 – 365. Depkes RI (2004a), Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Sistem Surveilans Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular dan Penyakit Tidak Menular Terpadu, Ditjen PPM & PL, Jakarta. Depkes RI (2004b), Setiap hari 30 orang meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas, up date 07 April 2004, diakses tanggal 24 September 2013, Jakarta. Fardiaz, S. 1992. Mikrobiologi Pangan. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta Harris, O.J., Cause and Contributing Factors in Traffic Accident. 2002, available at ExpertPages.com Hidayat, A. N. 2003. Karya Ilmiah Produksi Alkohol. http://library.usu.ac.id/download/ft/tkimiahamidah.pdf. Tanggal akses 21 September 2013. Holder, Y., Peden, M., Krug, E., Lund, J., Gururaj, G., Kobusingye, O., Injury Surveilansce Guidelines, Center of Disease Control and Prevention and WHO. 2001, Atlanta. Hunt, V. and Daniel. 1991. The Gasohol Handbook. Industrial press Inc. New York
Hutaperi, Boy. 2007. Penyalahgunaan NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zar Adiktif) pada Pengendara Korban Mati Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Instalasi Kedokteran Forensik RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Idries, Abdul Mun’im, Sidhi, Santoso, Sutomo Slamet Iman. 1979. Ilmu Kedokteran Kehakiman. Universitas Indonesia Press: Jakarta Pusat. hal. 24 – 28 Kaplan, H.I. & Sadock B.J., 2000. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Seventh Edition. Volume I. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. USA. Kaplan, H.I. & Sadock B.J., 2007. Synopsis of Psychiatry. Tenth Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. USA. Kapp, C., WHO acts on road safety to reverse accident trends, The Lancet. 2003; 362: 1125. Kristanti et al. 1998. Perilaku Merokok dan Minum Alkohol pada Remaja di Propinsi Jawa Barat dan Bali 1995. Jurnal Epidemiologi Indonesia. Volume 2. Edisi 3. Jakarta Lidya, B. dan N. S. Djenar. 2000. Dasar Bioproses. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta Marik, P. E. 2010. Handbook of Evidence-Based Critical Care pp 625-630. Second Edition. Springer, New York. USA. McGee, K., Peden, M., Waxweiler, R., Sleet, D., Injury Surveillance; Short Report, Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 2003; Geneve National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (August 22, 2008). "The Emergency Response Safety and Health Database: Methanol". Tanggal akses 21 September 2013. Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 74 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pengendalian Dan Pengawasan Minuman Beralkohol
Sa’id, E. G. 1990. Teknologi Fermentasi. CV. Rajawali. Jakarta Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia (1993), Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia tentang prasarana dan lalu lintas jalan nomor 43, Jakarta. WHO,
The injury chart book; A graphical overview of the global burden of injuries, Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster World Health Organization, WHO, 2002a. Geneva.
WHO, World report on road traffic injury prevention, main messages and recommendations. 2004b. Geneva. WHO, World report on road traffic injury prevention, World Health Organization, 2004c Geneva. Available at http://www.who.int WHO, Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, World Health Organization, 2013. Available at http://www.who.int/gho/alcohol/en/index.html Wresniwiro, M. & Sumarnak, A.H., 1997. UU RI No. 5 th 1997 tentang Psikotropika Dilengkapi dengan Penjelasan. Bina Dharma Pemuda Printing. Jakarta.