CURRICULUM VITAE – BART H. H. GOLSTEYN (August 2015) Personal Citizenship Born Marital status Languages E-mail
Dutch May 7, 1976, Sittard, the Netherlands Married, one son (2012), one daughter (2013) Dutch (native), English (professional), Swedish (good), German (good)
[email protected]
Education 2004-2007
Ph.D. Economics (doctoraat), Maastricht University Dissertation: “The Ability to Invest in Human Capital” Advisors: Prof. dr. Lex Borghans and Prof. dr. Hans Heijke M.Sc. Economics (doctoraal), Maastricht University Thesis: “Labor Supply and Childcare in the Netherlands and Sweden” Advisor: Dr. Erik de Regt
Employment Since 2015 2007-2015 2000-2007
Senior Assistant Professor (UD1), Department of Economics, Maastricht University, tenured Assistant Professor (UD2), Department of Economics, Maastricht University, tenured Researcher, ROA, Maastricht University
International long term visits 2010-2013 2008 2006 1997-1998
Post-doctoral researcher at SOFI, Stockholm University (70%, 2.5 years) Post-doctoral researcher at IZA, Bonn (100%, 6 months) Visiting PhD student at IIES, Stockholm University (100%, 6 months) Visiting Bachelor student at Trinity College Dublin, Erasmus exchange program (100%, 1 year)
Fellowships Since 2008 Since 2008 Since 2007 Since 2007
GSBE, Graduate School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University NSI, Network Social Innovation, Maastricht University IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Maastricht University
Management and committees Since 2014 Since 2010 Since 2007 Since 2015 2015 Since 2013 Since 2010 2009 2002-2007
Managing a team of 7 researchers Supervising 4 PhD students [One finished] Coordinating courses at bachelor and master level, Maastricht University Member Education Team, Maastricht University [Responsible for coherency in master program] Member Capstone reformation committee, Maastricht University Member Board of Admissions Research Master students Maastricht University Member of 6 PhD assessment committees Organizer ROA/Applied Economics seminar series, Maastricht University (1 year) Member advice group “Leerlingen- en Studentenramingen,” Ministry of OCW
Research interests Preference parameters and personality traits, Education, Labor, Health
Grants and Awards 2014-2016 2013 2013 2012 2010-2013 2010 2010 2009-2010 2008 2007 2007 2004-2007 1997-1998
Education Inspectorate grant (50% of 1 fte) Network Social Innovation grant (€45,000) Education Inspectorate grant (€50,000) Nominee excellent young scholar award, GSBE, Maastricht University Tore Browaldh grant, Handelsbanken Research Foundation (70% of 1 fte, 2.5 years) Meteor grant (€25,000) Volkswagen Stiftung grant (with T. Dohmen, A. Falk, D. Huffman, U. Sunde) ROA post doc grant (50% of 1 fte, 2 years) Marie Curie grant (100% of 1 fte, 6 months) Meteor prize for most media attention (€6,000) (with L. Borghans, A. de Grip) Meteor small scale research grant (€4,000) ROA PhD grant (70% of 1 fte, 3 years) Erasmus scholarship (100%, 1 year)
Teaching Supervision 4 PhD theses Since 2014 Co-promotor: Sergio Parra-Cely, Stan Vermeulen, Annelore Verhagen 2010-2014 Co-promotor: Ulf Zölitz (graduated 2014, employed at IZA, Bonn) Since 2010 Member 6 PhD assessment committees: Ahmed Mohamed, Margriet van der Sluis, Jan Feld, Olga Skriabikova, Jan Sauermann, Treena Wu Supervision 12 Master theses Since 2007 Enrico Debiasi, Lynn Veld, André Hildmann, Erika Tandirau, Simon Barg, Veronne van der Meijs, Sissa Carlsson, Tessa Geelen, Nicolás Salamanca, Thomas van Onna, Johannes Heickmann, Tifanny Istamto Supervision Bachelor thesis 2014 Cécile Magnée Coordination and teaching Master level courses 2009-’15 Economic and Social Policy Research (earlier title: Evidence Based Social Policy) Course on econometric methods. On average 20 students. Responsibilities: coordination, lectures, and tutorials. 2009-’15 2008 2007-’09 2007 2006-’07
Management of Learning - Writing a master thesis (skills training) The Impact of Preferences, Social Norms and Noncognitive Skills on Economic Behavior Empirical Analysis, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Social Interaction, Maastricht University Business School Health Economics, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science, Maastricht
Coordination and teaching Bachelor level courses 2013-’15 Understanding Society Course on understanding society from an economic perspective. On average 130 students. Responsibilities: coordination, managing a team of 3 tutors, and giving lectures. 2009-’15 2009
Fraud and Crime in the Firm (skills training) Theories of Social Order
Other Teaching 2007 Lectures on STATA, SPSS, writing empirical papers
Presentations 64 presentations at conferences, workshops, and seminars: 2015
SER, Sociaal-Economische Raad Maastricht University, DUHR seminar Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium, discussant AEA, American Economic Association, Philadelphia SOFI, Swedish Institute for Social research, Stockholm, seminar Workshop “Competition and Education,” Ministry of Economic Affairs Workshop “Preferences and Personality,” Stirling, Scotland Netspar workshop: human capital and ageing, discussant SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, Cambridge MA CPB, Centraal Plan Bureau, The Hague, seminar University of Hamburg, seminar ESSLE, European Summer Symposium in Labour Economics, Buch am Ammersee Linnaeus University, Växjö (Sweden), seminar SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, Chicago AEA, American Economic Association, Denver IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor, Workshop: Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills SOFI, Swedish Institute for Social research, Stockholm, seminar IFAU Conference on Human Capital formation in Childhood and Adolescence, Stockholm EALE, European Association of Labour Economists, Cyprus Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena University of Chicago, 3rd Spencer Conference on individual differences and econ. behavior IFAU, Institute for Labor Market Policy Evaluation, Uppsala, seminar Freier Universität, Berlin SOFI, Swedish Institute for Social research, Stockholm, seminar SOLE/EALE, Society of Labor Econ./European Association of Labour Econ., London AEA, American Economic Association, San Francisco University of Chicago, 1st Spencer Conference on individual differences and econ. behavior University of Chicago, 2nd Spencer Conference on individual differences and econ. behavior IFS, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, seminar UCD, University College Dublin (Geary institute), seminar IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, seminar ESSLE, European Summer Symposium in Labour Economics, Buch am Ammersee ARP, Association for Research in Personality, Evanston, Illinois Conference on Non-Cognitive Skills, Konstanz Tilburg University, seminar AEA, American Economic Association, New Orleans EEA, European Economic Association, Milan SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, New York EALE, European Association of Labour Economists, Amsterdam ESSLE, European Summer Symposium in Labour Economics, Buch am Ammersee IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor, Behavioral Workshop, Bonn CPB, Centraal Plan Bureau, The Hague, seminar SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, Chicago IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, seminar Gymnasiumdag, seminar SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, Cambridge MA Nordic Summer Institute, Uppsala SOFI, Swedish Institute for Social research, Stockholm, seminar IIES, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm, seminar IIES, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm, seminar Cedefop, Thessaloniki, Greece
SOLE/EALE, Society of Labor Econ./European Association of Labour Econ., San Francisco NBER, National Bureau of Economic Research, Education Program, Cambridge MA NAKE, Netherlands Network of Economics, Amsterdam ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Maastricht, seminar SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, San Antonio EALE, European Association of Labour Economists, Lisbon ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Maastricht, seminar EALE, European Association of Labour Economists, Sevilla ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Human Capital workshop ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Maastricht, seminar Maastricht University, Department of Economics, seminar Arbeidsmarktonderzoekersdag, Antwerp ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Maastricht, seminar
Referee Referee for 61 articles in the following journals: American Economic Review (3) Applied Economics (6) Business Research (2) Economic Inquiry (1) Economic Journal (2) Economics and Human Biology (8) Economics Bulletin (1) Economics of Education Review (3) Education Economics (2) Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2) International Journal of Manpower (1) IZA Journal of Labor Economics (1) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (1) Journal of Economic Psychology (5) Journal of Health Economics (3) Journal of Human Capital (1) Journal of Human Resources (1) Journal of Political Economy (1) Journal of Population Economics (3) Labour Economics (4) Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations (4) Management Science (1) PLOS ONE (2) Review of Economic Studies (1) Scandinavian Journal of Economics (1) Social Science and Medicine (1) Referee grant proposals: Medical Research Council (1) National Science Foundation (1)
Publications A total of 69 publications in (inter)national journals, newspaper articles, book chapters, and policy reports Main publications 13. “Risk Attitudes Across the Life Course” Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, Bart Golsteyn, David Huffman, Uwe Sunde Economic Journal, forthcoming in November 2015 12. “School Quality and the Development of Cognitive Skills between Age 4 and 6” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn, Ulf Zölitz Public Library of Science (PLOS) ONE 10(7), 2015: e0129700. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129700. 11. “Adolescent Time Preferences Predict Lifetime Outcomes” Bart Golsteyn, Hans Grönqvist and Lena Lindahl Economic Journal 124 (580), 2014, F739-F761 IZA Discussion Paper 7165; IFAU Working Paper 2013: 22; ROA Research Memorandum 2013/19 Media attention: Uppsala Dagbladet;1 Expressen;2 News item on Swedish TV3 Featured in: VOX (The Economic Fruits of Patience, 19 August 2014)4 10. “Gender Differences in Risk Aversion and Ambiguity Aversion” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn, James J. Heckman, Huub Meijers Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2-3), 2009, 649–658 NBER Working Paper 14713; IZA Discussion Paper 3985; ROA Research Memorandum 2009/5; UCD Geary Institute Working Paper 2009/03 Other publications in international peer reviewed journals 9. “Susceptibility to Default Options Across the Population” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 117, 2015, 369-379 IZA Discussion Paper 9180 8. “The Socioeconomic Patterning of Perceived Stress and Hair Cortisol in Dutch 10-12 Year Olds” Hans Bosma, Bart Golsteyn, Daniëlle Groffen, Trudie Schils, Tobias Stalder, Elena Syurina, Lex Borghans, Frans Feron International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, forthcoming 7. “Parental Preferences for Primary School Characteristics” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn, Ulf Zölitz B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Contributions) 15 (1), 2015, 85-117 IZA Discussion Paper 8371 6. “Gender Gaps in Primary School Achievement – A Decomposition into Endowments and Returns to IQ and Non-Cognitive Factors” Bart Golsteyn, Trudie Schils Economics of Education Review 41, 2014, 176-187 IZA Discussion Paper 8201; ROA Research Memorandum 2014/7 5. “Default Options and Training Participation” 1 3 r_multiline&action_object_map={%2210151746824042638%22%3A213076312206601}&action_type_map={%2210151746824042638%22%3A%22og.recommends %22}&action_ref_map 4 2
Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn Empirical Economics 46 (4), 2014, 1417-1428 IZA Discussion Paper 7214; ROA Research Memorandum 2013/2 4. “Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the United States” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (3), 2012, 436-456 IZA Discussion Paper 5386; ROA Research Memorandum 2011/1; Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics 11/2010 3. “Identification Problems in Personality Psychology” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn, James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries Personality and Individual Differences 51 (3), 2011, 315-320 NBER Working Paper 16917; IZA Discussion Paper 5605; ROA Research Memorandum 2011/4; Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics 5/2011 2. “Skill Transferability, Regret and Mobility” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn Applied Economics 39 (13), 2007, 1663-1677 IZA Discussion Paper 2021; ROA Research Memorandum 2006/2E 1. “Time Discounting and the Body Mass Index, Evidence from the Netherlands” Lex Borghans, Bart Golsteyn Economics and Human Biology 4 (1), 2006, 39-61 IZA Discussion Paper 1597; ROA Research Memorandum 2005/5E Articles in Dutch journals 13. “Werk en Kennisontwikkeling”, with L. Borghans, A. de Grip, A. Nelen Economisch Statistische Berichten 94 (4567), 2009 12. “IQ-metingen hangen af van persoonlijkheid”, with L. Borghans Economisch Statistische Berichten 94 (2551), 2009 11. “Werkend Leren”, with L. Borghans, A. de Grip Economisch Statistische Berichten 92 (4509), 2007, 260-263 10. “De Kosten van Uitgesteld Leren”, with L. Borghans Kwartaalschrift Economie 3, 2006, 291-300 9. “Arbeidsmarktperspectief voor laagopgeleiden ongunstig”, with F. Cörvers, A. Dupuy, S. Dijksman, M. Hensen Economisch Statistische Berichten 89 (4445), 2004 8. “Perspectieven voor Schoolverlaters op de Arbeidsmarkt tot 2008”, with F. Cörvers, A. Dupuy, M. Hensen Arbeidsmarktjournaal 13, 2004 7. “Uit- en herintreders: wat beweegt ze?”, with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis SBA Berichten 9 (1), 2003 6. “Arbeidsmarktperspectieven voor schoolverlaters tot 2006: Tweedeling op de arbeidsmarkt blijft bestaan”, with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis, Ph. Marey OverWerk 12 (3), 2002, 112-114 5. “Tweedeling op de arbeidsmarkt houdt aan tot 2006”, with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis, Ph. Marey Arbeidsmarktjournaal 5, 2002, Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen 4. “Verlichtende arbeidsreserves”, with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis, Ph. Marey Index: feiten en cijfers over onze samenleving 8 (1), 2002, 2-3 3. “Te weinig kenniswerkers”, with Ph. Marey, B. Diephuis, A. Dupuy, S. Dijksman Economisch Statistische Berichten 87 (4368), 2002 2. “Knelpunten blijven, ondanks daling groei”, with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis, Ph. Marey Economisch Statistische Berichten 86, 2001, 966-968 1. “Werktijden vormen belemmering”, with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis SBA Berichten 7 (8), 2001, 6-7
Articles in Dutch newspapers 4. “Verplichte stage jongeren duur en onpraktisch”, with L. Borghans Trouw, 10 Feb, 2007 3. “Je kunt niemand tot werk verplichten. 10 redenen waarom sociale dienstplicht verkeerd uitpakt”, with L. Borghans NRC Handelsblad, 28 April, 2005 2. “Jong studeren geeft het hoogste rendement”, with L. Borghans Het Financieele Dagblad, 5 October, 2004 1. “Jonge student heeft later het hoogste rendement”, with L. Borghans NRC Handelsblad, 11 Sept, 2004 Book contributions 12. “Het meten van taken en vaardigheden” (with L. Borghans), in: Bas ter Weel en Suzanne Kok (eds.), De Nederlands Arbeidsmarkt in Taken – Eerste Bevindingen uit de Nederlandse Skills Survey, Centraal Plan Bureau, 2013 11. “The Importance of Information, Advice and Guidance over the Life-Cycle”, in: CEDEFOP (ed.), Modernising vocational education and training. Fourth report on vocational training research in Europe: background report. Luxembourg: Publication Office, 2008 (with Lex Borghans) 10. “Betekenis (in)formeel leren voor kennisontwikkeling van de beroepsbevolking”, in: Cees Doets, Wil van Esch en Anneke Westerhuis (eds.), Een brede verkenning van een leven lang leren, CINOP, ’s-Hertogenbosch, juli 2008, pp. 157-172 (with L. Borghans, A. de Grip) 9. “Opleidingsbereidheid en –deelname: beïnvloedende factoren”, in P. Schramade (Ed.), Handboek Effectief Opleiden, pp. 16.4-101- 16.4-1.16, ’s Gravenhage: Reed, 2007 (with L. Borghans, A. de Grip) 8. “Wat leert onderzoek ons over informeel leren?”, in P. Schramade (Ed.), Handboek Effectief Opleiden, pp. 8.6-1018.6-1.20, ’s Gravenhage: Reed, 2007 (with L. Borghans, A. de Grip) 7. “De ontwikkeling van aspiraties voor exacte beroepen”, in A. de Grip en W. Smits (Eds.), Technotopics II, Essays over onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt voor bètatechnici, 2007, ACC: ‘s Hertogenbosch (with L. Borghans) 6. “Werken of Leren en de ontwikkeling van menselijk kapitaal”, in: G. Evers en T. Wilthagen (Eds.), Arbeidsproductiviteit en Arbeidsmarktdynamiek, OSA, 2006 (with L. Borghans) 5. “De invloed van ervaringen met techniek op de studiekeuze van jongeren”, in A. de Grip en Ph. Marey (Eds.), Technotopics, Essays over onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt voor bètatechnici, 2006, Plantijn Caspari: Capelle a/d IJssel (with L. Borghans) 4. “De Kwaliteit van de Studiekeuze”, in ROA (2005), De Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep tot 2010, ROA, Maastricht (with L. Borghans) 3. “De Omvang, Ontwikkeling en Betekenis van Uitgesteld leren”, in: ROA (2003), De Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep tot 2008, ROA, Maastricht (with L. Borghans) 2. “Het Onbenutte Arbeidspotentieel”, in: ROA (2001), De Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep tot 2006, ROA, Maastricht (with F. Cörvers) 1. “Participatiebeslissingen van vrouwen tijdens een recessie en een hausse”; in: G. Vandenbroucke (ed.), Arbeidsmarktonderzoekersdag Verslagboek 2001, WAV Dossier, Leuven, pp. 349-363 (with F. Cörvers) Reports 27. “Waarom groeit leven lang leren in Nederland niet sterker ondanks de vele adviezen erover?”, Onderzoek in opdracht van de Onderwijsraad, 2012 26. “Vooronderzoek Experiment Studiekeuzebegeleiding”, Ministerie van OCW 2009 (with L. Borghans, F. Cörvers, T. Dohmen, E. van der Holst) 25. “De Invloed van Maatschappelijke Ontwikkelingen op de Inrichting van Onderwijs”, Ministerie van OCW, 2009 (with L. Borghans, T. Dohmen) 24. Methodik Arbeitsmarktprognoses und –indikatoren 2005-2010 (with F. Cörvers, A. Dupuy, S. Dijksman, B. Kriechel. R. Montizaan) 23. “Leren op het Werk: Ontwikkelingen en Consequenties voor Productiviteit en Mobiliteit, ECBO, 2009 (with L. Borghans, A. de Grip, A. Nelen)
22. “Voorlichting en Begeleiding bij de Studie- en Beroepskeuze en de Rol van Arbeidsmarktinformatie”, RWI, 2008 (with L. Borghans, J. Coenen, T. Huijgen, I. Sieben) 21. “Meer Werken is Meer Leren: De Determinanten van Kennisontwikkeling”, CINOP, Den Bosch, 2006 (with L. Borghans, A. de Grip) Awarded Maastricht University prize for most media attention 20. “Methodiek Arbeidsmarktprognoses en -indicatoren 2005-2010”, ROA, 2006 (with F. Cörvers, S. Dijksman, A. Dupuy, B. Kriechel, R. Montizaan) 19. “De Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep tot 2010”, ROA, 2005 18. “De Gelderse Arbeidsmarkt 2003-2008”, ROA, 2005 (with L. Borghans, F. Cörvers, M. Hensen) 17. “De Overijsselse Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep 2003-2008”, ROA, 2005 (with L. Borghans, H. Heijke, M. Hensen, B. Kriechel) 16. “Verwachte Arbeidsmarktinstroom Technisch Opgeleiden in CORUS-Regio, 2003-2008”, ROA, 2005 (A. de Grip) 15. “De keuze voor de Lerarenopleiding en het Lerarenberoep”, SBO, Den Haag, 2005 (with L. Borghans) 14. “Arbeidsmarkt Monitor Chemische Sector”, ROA, 2005 (with F. Cörvers) 13. “De Limburgse Arbeidsmarkt 2003-2008”, ROA, 2003 (with H. v. Camp, W. Derks, G. v. Grootheest, J. Nieuweboer) 12. “De Nederlandse Lucht- en Ruimtevaart: Een uitdaging voor (Jonge) Werkzoekenden? ” ROA, 2003 (with L. Borghans, H. Heijke) 11. “Methodiek Arbeidsmarktprognoses en -indicatoren 2003-2008”, ROA, 2003 (with L. Borghans, F. Cörvers, S. Dijksman, A. Dupuy, M. Hensen) 10. “De Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep tot 2008”, ROA, 2003 9. “De Overijselse Arbeidsmarkt, 2001-2006”, ROA, 2003 (L. Borghans, F. Cörvers, M. Hensen, B. Kriechel) 8. “De Gelderse Arbeidsmarkt, 2001-2006”, ROA, 2003 (with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis, P. van Eijs, M. Hensen) 7. “De Invloed van Voortijdige Schooluitval op de Instroomprognoses van Schoolverlaters op de Arbeidsmarkt”, ROA, 2003 (with F. Cörvers) 6. “De Arbeidsmarkt voor Kenniswerkers”, ROA, 2002 (Ph. Marey, B. Diephuis, S. Dijksman, A. Dupuy) 5. “Het Onbenutte Arbeidspotentieel van Apothekersassistenten voor de Openbare Apotheek”, ROA, 2002 (with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis) 4. “De Limburgse Arbeidsmarkt 2001-2006”, ROA, 2002 (with B. Diephuis, A. de Grip) 3. “De Limburgse Arbeidsmarkt 2001-2006, Statistische Bijlage”, ROA, Maastricht, 2002 (with B. Diephuis, A. de Grip) 2. “Methodiek Arbeidsmarktprognoses en -indicatoren 2001-2006”, ROA, 2002 (with F. Cörvers, B. Diephuis, S. Dijksman, M. Hensen, Ph. Marey) 1. “De Arbeidsmarkt naar Opleiding en Beroep tot 2006”, ROA, 2001 Working papers 4. “Time Preferences and Criminal Behavior” with David Åkerlund, Hans Grönqvist, Lena Lindahl Under review IZA Discussion Paper 8168 Featured in: The Economist (12 July, 2014, p. 60)5; VOX (The Economic Fruits of Patience, 19 August 2014)6 3. “Does Expert Advice Improve Educational Choice?” with Lex Borghans, Anders Stenberg Under review IZA Discussion Paper 7649 Featured in: IZA Newsroom (28 Oct, 2013)7 2. “Earnings over the Life Course: General versus Vocational Education” with Anders Stenberg Under review 1. “IQ, Achievement and Personality” with Lex Borghans, James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries 5 7 6