Chapter 4 Data Analysis In this chapter, the result and analysis of exploratory and descriptive research will be explained clearly. The detailed explanation is shown below
IV.1. INTERVIEW IV.1.1 Objective This interview done as a mean to gets data in general about habit of readers and the decision of Pikiran Rakyat in determining number of pages at Pikiran Rakyat to facilitate the audience in permeating information and news presented. And done with question which detailed, for supporting exploratory method in this research, researcher compares it with another newspaper. So researcher earns soon finds phenomenon that is actually happened, lifts it becomes a problems, does observation and FGD then finds correct solution
IV.1.2 Methodologies Researcher chooses eight respondents based on classification of age determined and gives comparison between newspapers Pikiran Rakyat and Tribun jabar. Consideration selected is because both of newspaper has owned “Brand Awareness" in readers and advertiser eyes. Interview done is to know what kind of rubric does they very likes and gets more attention from them and advertisement effectively for the audience. Besides that, researcher does interview with the sides of Pikiran Rakyat represented by Editor in chief to know about their decision in determinations number of pages, position of news and advertisement quota given.
IV.1.3 Respondent Pikiran Rakyat readers based on respondent that is accurate with age between 20-55 years and Pikiran Rakyat Editor in chief 25
IV.1.4 Time June 4th-6th 2007 at 10.00 – 12.00 PM
IV.1.5 Insight Five of eight respondents interviewed have the same behavior to Pikiran Rakyat newspaper, that is reading newspaper from based on front page until hindmost pages, with average of time reads newspaper around 15-30 minutes. They also always pays attention to the advertisement in Pikiran Rakyat, The same behavior also seen from their way reads newspaper Pikiran Rakyat that is read the news from the top to bottom and when opening the pages they in advance reads pages at right side which none other than anomalous pages at newspaper. Besides that, they also more opting Pikiran Rakyat compared to another area in newspaper because besides more pages, information gotten also more believe by the audience. While three other respondents tells that they are more opting reads news at random based on level of importance they are at that day, however they is more paying attention to the advertisement and selective in reading news.
This thing also known by Pikiran Rakyat, that is by changing number of pages and form of their newspaper every year. Based on interview with Editor in Chief in Pikiran Rakyat, they always provide big advertisement space to the advertisers. Meanwhile space given by Pikiran Rakyat is position in centered to bottom so that division of news and advertisement doesn't collide head-on and facilitates the readers to permeate news and remembers available advertisement in Pikiran Rakyat.
IV.2 Observation IV.2.1.Objective Purpose of researcher does observation is to know and observes directly behavior of people in reading Pikiran Rakyat
IV.2.2 Method Method done is by the way of experience survey to five respondent in library of SBM ITB that is by seeing way of respondent to read, stripper they are in reading one pages and attention to advertisement which in the newspaper.
IV.2.3 Time Thursday and Friday 8 and 9 June 2007 at 07.00-09.00 WIB.
IV.2.4 Insight The insight which finding from observation done simply equal to result from depth interview done that is three of five respondents reads newspaper sequentially whereas two other consistently only reads certain rubric at Pikiran Rakyat newspaper like sport news, main topic and just advertisement rubric however they read and pays attention to rubric which they are read and keep information searched in book or their hand phone.
IV.3. FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION Date: 25 Junes - 1 July Time: 11.00-12.00 WIB Location: Pikiran Rakyat Editor in Chief Office Objective: To know how far consumer behavior when reading Koran, behavior of when reading advertisement and readers consistency to read Pikiran Rakyat in one weeks.
Participant: Ivan
IV.3.1 Methodology: FGD (Focus Group Discussion) is in random to expert respondent. It has tightly relationship with Pikiran Rakyat like Pikiran Rakyat officer, advertiser and audience which has subscribed to newspaper more than 1 year. Usage of discussion system with studying the thing related to behavior and their habit to newspapers Pikiran Rakyat. Besides that, respondent will be given newspaper every day to be read. Hereinafter researcher will observe behavior of expert this respondent when they read newspaper researcher will observe and notes sequence rubric read by respondent and counts respondent read time when they read every rubric.
Table and data below will explain about form of physical of Koran, vesting of advertisement space on display pages and classified pages, behavior of audience of newspaper when they reading and opens newspaper. Form of newspaper becoming attention the side of Pikiran Rakyat so that there will be alteration every year. At the moment, Classification format of newspaper is divided to become 2 part that is headline and supplement, kind of news about Topik Utama, Bandung Raya, Jawa Barat, Classified ads and Olahraga admission in part of Overseas temporary headline, Surat pembaca, Economic and Daily supplement entered into a part of supplement. Following is figure and table detail of pages in Pikiran Rakyat and behavior of audience when reading newspaper.
Figure IV.1 Type of Main Topic and supplement
Advertising space in Pikiran Rakyat also become a notice for Pikiran Rakyat. In Display (news) page, the space that given by Pikiran Rakyat is a half below on the page and it must have a figure. In Classified pages the advertising space given in all of part of the pages, and we can post the display pages but it no more than 2.5x5 cm.
Figure IV.2 Advertising space and layout in classified pages and display pages
After identified space of an advertisement in Pikiran Rakyat, we will identified how about the readers sequential read the newspaper and how long they pay attention in reading one topic. From the table IV.3.1.1 in the next page, it can identify type of topic that the readers think it’s important and frequently read by them and are they pay attention to an advertisement in those pages.
Name Ivan
Wed Thu Fri Sat
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
Sat Mon Mon Tue
Topik Utama Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja Olahraga
Iklan Iklan Iklan Iklan
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
1 Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
Topik Utama Olahraga Suplemen Suplemen
Age 43
Tue Wed Thu Fri
Fri Sat Mon Mon
Mon Tue Wed Thu
Thu Fri Sat Mon
Day Mon Tue Wed
9 9 7 15
10 10 9 9
6 7 5 6
7 15 15 5
9 9 9 9
5 6 10 10
T 5 6 7
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Iklan Iklan Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Bandung Raya Suplemen Topik Utama Topik Utama
Suplemen Iklan Iklan Iklan
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
Berita Olahraga Berita Olahraga Berita Olahraga Berita Olahraga
2 Berita Olahraga Berita Olahraga Berita Olahraga
5 5 5 7
7 7 5 5
8 4 6 6
5 7 7 10
5 5 5 5
6 6 7 7
T 10 8 4
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Jawa Barat Topik Utama Olahraga Olahraga
Surat Pembaca Topik Utama Topik Utama Surat Pembaca
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Suplemen Suplemen Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja
3 Bandung Raya Suplemen Suplemen
3 1 1 1
2 2 1 3
2 2 2 2
1 2 3 3
2 3 3 3
5 5 10 10
T 8 4 10
Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga Topik Utama
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
4 Suplemen Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
Table IV.1 Focus Group Discussion Test
3 3 1 2
10 10 2 3
4 10 5 5
1 7 10 8
1 3 3 1
2 2 2 2
T 3 2 2
Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Lowongan Kerja
Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja Luar Negeri Luar Negeri
Luar Negeri Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Iklan Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
5 Luar negeri Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
3 1 1 1
2 2 1 3
2 2 2 2
2 3 3 3
3 2 3 2
2 2 2 2
T 1 2 2
Iklan Iklan Iklan Iklan
Olahraga Olahraga Iklan Iklan
Iklan Dalam Negeri Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
Bandung Raya Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Luar Negeri
Jawa barat Jawa barat Jawa barat Jawa barat
6 Jawa barat Jawa barat Jawa barat
3 2 2 3
5 6 3 2
2 2 2 2
2 3 3 1
3 2 3 2
2 3 1 2
T 3 1 2
Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Olahraga Olahraga
Olahraga Luar Negeri Iklan Iklan
Jawa Barat Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Luar Negeri
Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga
Iklan Iklan Iklan Iklan
Iklan Iklan Iklan
Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja Oiahraga
Sat Mon Mon
Bandung Raya Iklan Iklan Suplemen
Topik Utama Suplemen Iklan Suplemen
Suplemen Suplemen Suplemen Suplemen
Suplemen Suplemen Iklan Iklan
Tue Wed Thu Fri
Fri Sat Mon Mon
Mon Tue Wed Thu
Thu Fri Sat Mon
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama Suplemen
Mon Mon Tue Wed
Topik Utama Topik Utama Suplemen
Topik Utama Suplemen Topik Utama Topik Utama
Wed Thu Fri Sat
Mon Mon Tue
15 15 5
9 9 9 7
6 10 10 9
5 6 7 5
9 7 15 15
10 9 9 9
7 5 6 10
15 5 6
Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Iklan
Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
Topik Utama Topik Utama Lowongan Kerja Surat Pembaca
Berita Olahraga Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Lowongan kerja Lowongan kerja
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Surat Pembaca
Bandung Raya Topik Utama Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Topik Utama
7 7 10
5 5 5 5
6 7 7 5
10 8 4 6
5 5 7 7
7 5 5 5
4 6 6 7
7 10 8
Topik Utama Topik Utama Luar Negeri
Topik Utama Olahraga Topik Utama Topik Utama
Iklan Bandung Raya Surat Pembaca Bandung Raya
Topik Utama Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Topik Utama Topik Utama Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Topik Utama
Jawa Barat Bandung Raya Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Bandung Raya
5 3 3
3 3 3 5
5 10 10 2
8 4 10 5
3 10 2 3
10 2 3 3
10 5 5 10
1 8 4
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Dalam Negeri
Bandung Raya Topik Utama Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Topik Utama Topik Utama
Surat Pembaca Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Topik Utama Topik Utama
Dalam Negeri Olahraga Olahraga Bandung Raya
Dalam Negeri Jawa Barat Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri
Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Jawa Barat
1 1 3
3 3 1 1
2 2 2 1
3 2 2 2
3 1 8 3
10 2 3 3
10 5 5 10
3 8 4
Dalam negeri Dalam negeri Jawa Barat
Dalam negeri Dalam negeri Dalam negeri Dalam negeri
Surat Pembaca Lowongan Kerja Bandung Raya Oiahraga
Bandung Raya Iklan Surat Pembaca Iklan
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Lowongan Kerja Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Jawa Barat
Luar Negeri Iklan Luar Negeri Lowongan Kerja
Lowongan Kerja Luar Negeri Iklan
2 2 1
2 2 2 2
3 9 8 1
3 1 2 3
1 1 1 1
2 1 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 3 2
Iklan Iklan Bandung Raya
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Iklan Iklan
Olahraga Surat Pembaca Jawa Barat Iklan
Jawa Barat Surat Pembaca Suplemen Surat Pembaca
Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Olahraga Olahraga
Iklan Iklan Iklan Dalam Negeri
Iklan Surat Pembaca Iklan Iklan
Iklan Iklan Surat Pembaca
3 3 3
2 3 2 2
2 2 2 3
1 2 2 2
2 2 3 3
2 3 2 3
2 2 3 1
3 3 1
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Topik Utama
Iklan Bandung Raya Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Suplemen Olahraga Olahraga Jawa Barat
Surat Pembaca Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga
Iklan Iklan Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri
Surat Pembaca Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Iklan
Surat Pembaca Olahraga Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
Olahraga Olahraga Olahraga
Topik Utama Suplemen Olahraga Olahraga
Iklan Iklan
Tue Wed Thu Fri
Sat Mon
Oiahraga Oiahraga Oiahraga Topik Utama
Fri Sat Mon Mon
Oiahraga Oiahraga Oiahraga
Tue Wed Thu
15 15
9 9 9 7
6 10 10 9
6 7 5
Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja
Bandung Raya Olahraga Topik Utama Topik Utama
Iklan Iklan Iklan Bandung Raya
Iklan Iklan Iklan
7 7
5 5 5 5
6 7 7 5
8 4 6
Topik Utama Topik Utama
Jawa Barat Topik Utama Bandung Raya Suplemen
Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Jawa Barat
Luar Negeri Luar Negeri Luar Negeri
2 3
3 3 3 1
2 3 3 2
2 3 2
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
Oiahraga Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Oiahraga
Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri Dalam Negeri
2 2
2 2 2 2
3 9 8 1
1 2 3
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
Suplemen Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca Surat Pembaca
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Suplemen
Jawa Barat Jawa Barat Jawa Barat
1 2
1 2 2 3
1 1 1 3
3 3 1
Olahraga Olahraga
Surat Pembaca Iklan Iklan Iklan
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Surat Pembaca
Bandung Raya Bandung Raya Bandung Raya
3 3
2 3 2 2
3 1 2 3
1 2 2
Surat Pembaca Luar Negeri
Iklan Bandung Raya Luar Negeri Bandung Raya
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama Iklan
Topik Utama Topik Utama Topik Utama
IV.3.2 FGD Result Respondent usually pays attention to advertisement at Pikiran
Rakyat, however kind of advertisement paid attention is different according to requirement they are at that day. They also pay attention to advertisement at rubric which they
are read and get high intensity. Their characteristic in reading newspaper is based on fold, reads
from the top to downwards, when opening pages, respondent reads right overleaf formerly. Most of them don’t repeat reads news on the same day because
according to them reads news after 12.00 PM is an old fashion has, however respondent keeps and permeates information from the advertisement. Besides that they also saving and cuts advertisement which they to require. x
Average of respondent reads newspaper around 30 minutes
Most of participant reads sequentially newspaper from most page front to hindmost yard. Not necessarily posting an advertisement in anomalous yard on
news page however selecting at important rubrics like main topic, supplement, sport and bandung raya.
Rata-Rata Baca 8 Topik Utama 6 Iklan Bandung Raya Olahraga 4 Jawa Barat Suplemen Dalam Negeri 2 Luar Negeri 0
Series1 6.3286 3.9571 2.4571 1.8429 0.8429 4.6286 3.6286 2.3429 Rubrik
Figure IV.3 Reading Average
Based on research tables which result of focus group discussion upper to be knowable that the rubric which getting more attention from the 33
audience of Pikiran Rakyat is Main Topic, Advertisement and Bandung Raya. Besides that, at the same rubric respondent also pays attention to available advertisement so the post of advertisement at the rubrics still very effective only in the case of response from audience, that is of all depends on requirement of respondent at that moment
IV. 4 Questionaire IV.4.1 Validity and Reliability The counting of validity is done by using Pearson formula and done to know the order of coefficients from every question, this thing done to know level of question concordance with cognition of respondent.
Validity: Pearson coefficient of correlation (Product Moment) Formula applied to finalize question of no 1: rxy
n ¦ X iYi (¦ X i )(¦ Yi ) 2
{n¦ X i (¦ X i ) 2 }{n ¦Yi (¦Y ) 2 }
n¦ X i Yi (¦ X i )(¦ Yi ) {n ¦ X i 2 ( ¦ X i )2 }{n ¦Yi 2 (¦ Yi )2 } 50(11556) - (188)(3054)
^50(730) - (188) `^50(188842) - (3054) ` 2
= 0.3161 So the validity coefficient for question of no 1 is 0.3161. Validity coefficient for countable another question can be done in the same way. Reliability: Alpha Cronbach Reliability coefficient formula for instrument of research which in the form of score is having scale ordinal measure, applied equation koefesien-Į ( Cronbach, 1951 )
D 34
2 ª k ºª ¦ S j º » 2 «¬ k 1»¼ «1 «¬ S x »¼
k = Banyaknya belahan tes.
Sx2 Si
Varians belahan j; j = 1,2, … k Varians skor test. ¦ ( X i X )2 ( n 1 )
item pertanyaan
pert1 pert2 pert3 pert4 pert5 pert6 pert7 pert8 pert9 pert10 pert11 pert12 pert13 pert14 pert15 pert16 pert17
0.4718 0.3935 0.5816 0.9045 0.5306 0.5404 0.5000 0.4996 0.7576 0.4771 0.3200 0.3514 0.9486 0.9388 0.8690 0.8249 0.6269
i 1
S2total = 47.0139 So the Reliability coefficient is: D
17 § 10.5363 · ¨1 ¸ = 0.8244 17 1 © 47.0139 ¹
If reliability coefficient has been calculated, hence to determine is tightly the relation of can be applied criterion Guilford (1956), that is: 1. Less than 0, 20
: a real Small relationship and can be disregarded
2. 0, 20 - < 0, 40
: Small relationship (not tightly)
3. 0, 40 - < 0, 70
: Relationship that is tightly enough
4. 0, 70 - < 0, 90
: Tightly relationship (reliable)
5. 0, 90 - < 1, 00
: a real tightly relationship (hardly reliable)
6. 1, 00
: Perfect relationship
COEFFICIENT VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY RECAPITULATION Validity dan reliability counting from every question: Table IV.2 Validity and Reliability
Koefisien Validitas
pert1 pert2 pert3 pert4 pert5 pert6 pert7 pert8 pert9 pert10 pert11 pert12 pert13 pert14 pert15 pert16 pert17
0.3161 0.4673 0.6877 0.5094 0.3465 0.5388 0.5262 0.4804 0.5744 0.4211 0.5455 0.3733 0.4984 0.6101 0.6038 0.6265 0.5663
valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid
Koefisien Keterangan Reliabilitas
Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .824
N of Items 17
Based on data upper to be knowable that questionnaire result propagated is reliable to answer, this thing is visible from result of chronbach alpha which upper of standard applied and reachs 0.824
IV.4.2 Respondent Profile Respondent of this questionnaire come from various characteristics. But they are loyal readers to Pikiran Rakyat and they live in Kotamadya Bandung.
IV.4.3 GENDER 36
Out of 255 questionnaires disseminated, knowable that most of Pikiran Rakyat respondents is men 179 respondents (70.2%) and woman 76 respondents (29.8%). Table IV.3. Gender Jenis Kelamin
Laki-laki Perempuan
Frequency 179
Percent 70.2
Valid Percent 70.2
Cumulative Percent 70.2
IV.4.4 OCCUPATION Most of Pikiran Rakyat respondent profession as public servant with frequency 95 respondents (37.4%). meanwhile respondent working as private sector officer to amount to 88 respondents (34.5%). Table IV.4 Occupation Pekerjaan
Mahasiswa Pegawai Negeri Pegawai swasta Wiraswasta Lainnya Total
Frequency 12 95 88 52 8 255
Percent 4.7 37.3 34.5 20.4 3.1 100.0
Valid Percent 4.7 37.3 34.5 20.4 3.1 100.0
Cumulative Percent 4.7 42.0 76.5 96.9 100.0
IV.4.5 AGE Based on quote sampling method, this questionnaire disseminated to 255 respondents and based on criteria of age sample and data from Pikiran Rakyat. Based on table upper to be knowable that most of Respondent of Koran Pikiran Rakyat is having age between 41-50 years with total 112 ( 43,9%). Then followed by respondent is having age 31-40 years 92 respondents or (36.1%).
Table IV.4.5 Age Usia
20-30 tahun 31-40 tahun 41-50 tahun > 51 tahun Total
Frequency 30 92 112 21 255
Percent 11.8 36.1 43.9 8.2 100.0
Valid Percent 11.8 36.1 43.9 8.2 100.0
Cumulative Percent 11.8 47.8 91.8 100.0
IV.4.6 Area of Residence Questionnaire area disseminated is Kotamadya Bandung. These things were doing to facilitate data collecting and reach which fairly not wide. Out of 3000 Readers of Pikiran Rakyat newspaper is taken 255 people who is representing target market of Pikiran Rakyat and purpose of this research.
IV.4.7Analysis of Demographics Based on the result of demographics data upper to be inferential that Most respondent of Pikiran Rakyat who live in area Kotamadya Bandung is men respondent is having age between 41-50 with works as Public servant. After known result of demographics hereinafter thing which will be checked is behavior of the readers of Pikiran Rakyat which they are read and their attention to the advertisement in Pikiran Rakyat.
IV.4.8 FREQUENCY analysis Frequency analysis were done to know perception of respondent and their behavior when they read newspaper and their attention to advertisement which during the time at Pikiran Rakyat.
Statement : Table IV.5.3.1 “Saya membaca koran setiap hari” pert1
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 4 13 89
Percent 1.6 5.1 34.9
Valid Percent 1.6 5.1 34.9
113 36 255
44.3 14.1 100.0
44.3 14.1 100.0
Cumulative Percent 1.6 6.7 41.6 85.9 100.0
113 respondents or around (44.3 %) agrees that every day they use opportunity intentionally themselves to read Pikiran Rakyat. While 89 respondents (34.9) express that they are not always reads Pikiran Rakyat every day although they subscribe to. Table IV.5.3.2 “Saya membeli koran untuk mengetahui informasi terbaru setiap harinya” pert2
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 1 8 55
Percent .4 3.1 21.6
Valid Percent .4 3.1 21.6
134 57 255
52.5 22.4 100.0
52.5 22.4 100.0
Cumulative Percent .4 3.5 25.1 77.6 100.0
134 respondents (52.5 %) agree that they buy a newspaper to know newest information every day. 55 other respondents (22.4%) even express agreeing that they buy Koran to know newest information every day. Table IV.5.3.3 “Membaca koran Pikiran Rakyat membuat saya lebih tahu informasi seputar Jawa Barat” pert3
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 5 25 88
Percent 2.0 9.8 34.5
Valid Percent 2.0 9.8 34.5
118 19 255
46.3 7.5 100.0
46.3 7.5 100.0
Cumulative Percent 2.0 11.8 46.3 92.5 100.0
118 (46.3%) respondents answers that reading Pikiran Rakyat to make them is more knowingly news about West Java. While 88 respondents (345 %) other tells that they act is neutral. Table IV.5.3.4 “Koran Pikiran Rakyat mempunyai isi yang lebih berkualitas dibandingkan koran sejenis” pert4
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 1 38
Percent .4 14.9
Valid Percent .4 14.9
Cumulative Percent .4 15.3
85 111 20
33.3 43.5 7.8
33.3 43.5 7.8
48.6 92.2 100.0
111 respondents ( 435%) answers agreeing that Koran Pikiran Rakyat has content which more with quality is compared to another newspaper. 85 ( 333) other respondent acted is neutral as respects to the
Table IV.5.3.5 “Selain membaca Pikiran Rakyat saya juga membaca koran lainnya” pert5
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 2
Percent .8
Valid Percent .8
Cumulative Percent .8
11 55 148
4.3 21.6 58.0
4.3 21.6 58.0
5.1 26.7 84.7
39 255
15.3 100.0
15.3 100.0
148 respondents (58 %) answers agree that besides reads Pikiran Rakyat respondent also reads another newspaper. Table IV.5.3.6 “Saya cenderung tidak membaca semua rubrik ada di koran Pikiran Rakyat” pert6
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 2 15 81 133
Percent .8 5.9 31.8 52.2
Valid Percent .8 5.9 31.8 52.2
24 255
9.4 100.0
9.4 100.0
Cumulative Percent .8 6.7 38.4 90.6 100.0
133 respondent’s (52%) answers that they tend to not to read all rubrics at Pikiran Rakyat. another 81 respondent ( 31.8%) tell that sometimes they read all rubrics at Pikiran Rakyat. 40
Table IV.5.3.7 “Saya membaca koran secara berurutan dari halaman depan ke halaman belakang” pert7
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral
Frequency 3
Percent 1.2
Valid Percent 1.2
Cumulative Percent 1.2
24 86 123 19
9.4 33.7 48.2 7.5
9.4 33.7 48.2 7.5
10.6 44.3 92.5 100.0
Setuju Sangat setuju Total
123 respondents tell them to read sequentially newspaper from front yard to backyard. Another 86 respondents (33.7%) tell that they read depends on the situation on that time. Table IV.5.3.8 “Saya memperhatikan iklan yang terdapat di koran” pert8
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral
Frequency 2
Percent .8
Valid Percent .8
Cumulative Percent .8
14 85 132
5.5 33.3 51.8
5.5 33.3 51.8
6.3 39.6 91.4
22 255
8.6 100.0
8.6 100.0
Setuju Sangat setuju Total
132 respondents (51.8%) tell that they pay attention to advertisement which there is in newspaper. Table IV.5.3.9 “Iklan di koran membantu saya untuk mengetahui informasi yang saya butuhkan” pert9
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 19 81
Percent 7.5 31.8
Valid Percent 7.5 31.8
Cumulative Percent 7.5 39.2
88 57 10
34.5 22.4 3.9
34.5 22.4 3.9
73.7 96.1 100.0
88 respondents tell neutral and 81 tells disagree that an ad in newspaper assists them to know information required.
Table IV.5.3.10 “Saya memperhatikan iklan yang terdapat pada halaman biasa” pert10
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju
Frequency 2 16
Percent .8 6.3
Valid Percent .8 6.3
Cumulative Percent .8 7.1
62 148 27
24.3 58.0 10.6
24.3 58.0 10.6
31.4 89.4 100.0
Sangat setuju Total
148 respondents (58%) agree that they pay attention to advertisement found on ordinary page (news page).
Table IV.5.3.11 “Saya memperhatikan iklan pada halaman khusus iklan” pert11
Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 5 42 160
Percent 2.0 16.5 62.7
Valid Percent 2.0 16.5 62.7
48 255
18.8 100.0
18.8 100.0
Cumulative Percent 2.0 18.4 81.2 100.0
160 respondents (62.7%) tells that they pay attention to advertisement on classified advertisement page. Table IV.5.3.12 “Saya lebih menyukai iklan yang berwarna” pert12
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 2
Percent .8
Valid Percent .8
Cumulative Percent .8
14 66 145 28
5.5 25.9 56.9 11.0
5.5 25.9 56.9 11.0
6.3 32.2 89.0 100.0
145 respondents (56.9) tells agreeing that they prefers display ads Prefer advertisement having color.
Table IV.3.5.13“Saya lebih menyukai iklan display”
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 22 40 88
Percent 8.6 15.7 34.5
Valid Percent 8.6 15.7 34.5
91 14 255
35.7 5.5 100.0
35.7 5.5 100.0
Cumulative Percent 8.6 24.3 58.8 94.5 100.0
91 respondents (35.7) tell agreeing and 88 haves the character of neutral or at loose ends that they prefer an advertisement which having color. Table IV.3.5.14“Iklan yang berukuran besar memudahkan saya untuk membaca iklan tersebut” pert14
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 12 23
Percent 4.7 9.0
Valid Percent 4.7 9.0
95 98 27 255
37.3 38.4 10.6 100.0
37.3 38.4 10.6 100.0
Cumulative Percent 4.7 13.7 51.0 89.4 100.0
98 respondents tells agreeing and another 95 respondents haves the character of neutral that which is bigger size facilitate them to read the advertisement. Table IV.3.5.15 “Saya akan menghubungi pemasang iklan bila saya membutuhkan produk atau jasa tersebut” pert17
Sangat tidak setuju Tidak setuju Netral Setuju Sangat setuju Total
Frequency 2
Percent .8
Valid Percent .8
Cumulative Percent .8
10 55 146
3.9 21.6 57.3
3.9 21.6 57.3
4.7 26.3 83.5
42 255
16.5 100.0
16.5 100.0
146 respondents (57.3%) tell that they will call the advertiser when they need the advertiser product or service. IV.4.9 Analysis on Frequency Based on result of knowable Frequency Analysis that respondent has position which much the same to based on statement about newspaper usefulness (no 1-7). According to the data, respondent think that Pikiran Rakyat has enough usefulness for knowing information required by them especially for the news in West Java 43
area. Besides that, they still assuming that news and advertising space which given by Pikiran Rakyat still be better compared to another newspaper although respondent doesn't read all rubrics of the Pikiran Rakyat.
Meanwhile, similar comments come from respondent to statement about respondent response to the advertisement in newspaper. Their opinion is, they agree that the advertisement in newspaper Pikiran Rakyat draws their attention in each advertising layout that given by Pikiran Rakyat every day. Furthermore, respondent will call the advertiser when they need the advertiser product or service.
% of Total Count
% within VAR00006
Count % within VAR00001
% within VAR00006 % of Total
% within VAR00001
> 51
% within VAR00006 % of Total
% within VAR00001
23 9,8% 100,0%
1,7% 100,0%
,0% ,0%
1,7% 0
,0% 0 ,0% ,0%
3,6% 17,4%
,0% ,0%
,0% ,0%
41-50 Count
% within VAR00006 % of Total 39,1% 3,8%
4,3% 9
1,7% 0
31-40 Count % within VAR00001
% of Total
10 33,3%
4 13,3%
2,0% ,4%
8,5% 1
17,9% 40,8%
42,9% 8,9%
3,0% 21
7 23,3%
8,1% 20,9% 100,0% 100,0%
,0% ,0%
,0% 0
,0% ,0%
84,2% 6,8%
1,3% 16
3 10,0%
19,6% 100,0%
,0% ,0%
11,5% 0
24,1% 58,7%
37,0% 7,2%
,9% 17
2 6,7%
,0% 21
0 ,0%
21,3% 100,0%
4,0% ,9%
11,5% 2
24,1% 54,0%
42,0% 8,9%
VAR00001 * VAR00006 JenisCrosstabulation iklan yang disukai
10,6% 100,0%
,0% ,0%
8,5% 0
17,9% 80,0%
20,0% 2,1%
,0% 5
0 ,0%
8,1% 100,0%
5,3% ,4%
6,0% 1
12,5% 73,7%
,0% ,0%
1,7% 0
4 13,3%
Table IV.7.1 Correlation between age and type of advertisement which repondent like
% within VAR00001 % within VAR00006
21-30 Count
IV.4.10 Cross Tabs Analysis
100,0% 100,0%
1,7% 1,7%
47,7% 4
100,0% 47,7%
37,9% 37,9%
12,8% 89
30 100,0%
The analysis of the upper tables to be visible the behavior of respondent age to the advertisement type in newspaper Pikiran Rakyat. x
Most of respondent having age between 21-30 years to prefer advertisement type of cellular (33.3%) and vacation (23.3%)
Most of respondent having age 31-40 years to prefer advertisement type of investment like advertisement of home sales, car, land, stock, etc ( 23.6%) and advertisement about place of vacation or travel ( 23.6%)
Most of respondent having age 41-50 years to prefer advertisement type of investment like advertisement of home sales, car, land, stock, etc ( 24.1%) and advertisement of consumer goods and basic necessity of themselves ( 24.1%)
Most of respondent having age > 51 years fairly not pays attention to available advertisement in newspaper. They are more opting to read news only.
% of Total
% within VAR00004
Count % within VAR00001
% within VAR00004 % of Total
% within VAR00001
% of Total 4 Count
% within VAR00004
3 Count % within VAR00001
% of Total
% within VAR00001 % within VAR00004
2 Count
% within VAR00004 % of Total
1 Count % within VAR00001
20,0% 100,0% 20,0%
34,5% 100,0% 34,5%
2,7% 51
4,7% 88
7 33,3% 13,7%
12 57,1% 13,6%
41,2% 8,2%
33,0% 42,0% 14,5%
7,5% 21
12,9% 37
2,4% 19 20,7%
13,3% 7,8%
20,0% 6,8% 33 35,9%
1 6
,0% ,0%
100,0% 5,5%
,8% 14
9,5% 14,3%
57,1% 3,1%
1,6% 8
4 4,3%
3 9
100,0% 26,3%
,0% 67
,0% ,0%
50,7% 13,3%
9,4% 34
24 26,1%
30,0% 13,4%
VAR00001 * VAR00004 Crosstabulation
100,0% 7,8%
,0% 20
,0% ,0%
35,0% 2,7%
3,1% 7
8 8,7%
16,7% 25,0%
7 4
100,0% 1,6%
,0% 4
,0% ,0%
,0% ,0%
,0% 0
0 ,0%
13,3% 100,0%
9 2
100,0% 4,3%
,0% 11
,0% ,0%
45,5% 2,0%
1,6% 5
4 4,3%
6,7% 18,2%
Table IV.7.2Correlation between age with rubric which get more attention than the other
100,0% 100,0%
8,2% 255
100,0% 8,2%
43,9% 43,9%
36,1% 112
92 100,0%
100,0% 11,8%
From the data upper we can see the relationship about respondent age with rubric that is at longest read by the respondent. x
Respondent is having age 21-30 years to tend to reads classified advertisement pages (30%) and main topic (20%). This thing is because of because respondent at the age of the more paying attention to their life style like advertisement of cellular and place of vacation. Besides when reading news they only read important news and draws attention they only.
Respondent is having age 31-40 years to tend to reads main topic pages, classified advertisement pages and Bandung Raya pages. This thing is because respondent at the age of this chooses and pays attention to important news and news in area of around them, as well as they pay attention to advertisement leading to business and investment on page special advertisement.
Respondent is having age 41-50 years to tend to has the same habit with respondent is having age 31-40. This thing is caused by at the age of like this they are pay attention for their individual life compared to social life.
Respondent is having age 41-50 years to tend to only reads important news and news at area they are just because usually they fairly not fully pays attention to classified advertisement again.
IV.4.11 Analysis of Cross Tabulation The result from cross tabulation is the same with Maslow Hierarchy of needs that older respondent has higher needs hierarchy of respondent. Like for the respondent having age between 21-30 years old give pays more attention to cellular and vacation advertisement. It cause they still finding the physiological needs for their lifestyle but for the people between 31-50 years old the pays more attention for investment ads, consumer goods, etc for their social. ego and self actualization needs.
But, they have same opinion with a kind of rubric that they read longer than another topic. They pay more attention to Main Topic, 48
because it’s easier to read, more important for them and more famous news than the other. IV.5.5 Overall Analysis From the exploratory research and distribution of questionnaire, it can be identified that the readers of Pikiran Rakyat not reads all contain of newspaper everyday although they buy the newspaper. They just read the news based on their needs and read the same topic everyday. Different kinds of respondent have different needs. It’s influencing by their social, lifestyle or information needs.
The respondents that follow FGD, interviewed and fill in the questionnaire is expert respondent or the respondent that knowing the type, contains and advertising space in Pikiran Rakyat. Most of the respondent has same behavior when they read and open Pikiran Rakyat pages. They also have same opinion that they pay attention to the advertising in newspaper. They read any kind of advertising both in display (news) pages or in classified pages, but they get clearly information from the display pages, on classified page they will find the phone number and call the advertiser. So advertiser can post an ad everywhere they want with clearly information of type of product and themselves.
An advertisement in Pikiran Rakyat gives information about respondent needs. And respondent will doing a buying decision process and AIDA model in pervade the information that given by the advertiser. They will choose an ad that they feel appropriate with their needs, commonly they call the advertiser, keep the information and search the alternative of their needs. Respondent also doing a post purchase evaluation by used that product again or choose another product and if the readers dissatisfied with an ads the can post it to Surat Pembaca. So Pikiran rakyat will accommodate all the readers’ needs and want.