Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
1.1 Background Perkembangan teknologi tidak bisa dipungkiri mengalami perubahan yang sangat signifikan. Hal ini bisa ditengarai oleh adanya banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan jasa piranti software dan Operating system untuk membangun system perusahaan mereka. Teknologi itu berdasarkan pada networking solution dan service lainnya untuk mempermudah system yang ada pada perusahaan terkait. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di atas, Toko Buku Togamas menggunakan Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition sebagai operating system. Pengunaan operating system ini begitu popluler di kalangan perusahaan sebelum adanya operating system yang lebih baru seperti Windows XP dan Windows Vista. Tujuan dari penggunaan operating system tiada lain untuk memudahkan proses kegiatan perusahaan. Untuk penjelasan yang lebih mendalam langkah-langkah apa saja yang ditempuh guna meningkatkan kinerja kegiatan perusahaan akan dijelaskan di bab selanjutnya.
1.2 Problem Formulation 1. How to install Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition? 2. How to make the server design of client-server in Togamas Bookstore? 3. How to make login, user profile, job every user and its permission? 4. How to make backup automatically and how to restore it? 5. How to make scheme security of NTFS and to perform share folder? 6. How to make scheme of setup audit and to make lock-out process?
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
1.3 Purpose Tujuan pembuatan makalah ini antara lain. 1.
To know how to install and implement Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.
To know the System Hardware requirement which is needed to configure Server-Client design in Togamas Bookstore.
To know how to make login, user profile, job every user and its permission.
To know how to make setup audit and to make lock-out process.
To make backup automatically and how to restore it
To make scheme security of NTFS and to perform share folder
1.4 Benefit The benefits of this project are: 1. Give knowledge to the readers about a configuration in Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition. 2. Give knowledge about advantages using Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.
1.5 Problem Boundaries The problem boundaries of this project only explain about how to configure client and server in Togamas Bookstore which uses Operating System Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition. And also the configurations, such as making user profile, login, job every user, permission, , setup audit, lock-out process, setup security using NTFS, folder sharing, using backup and restore. 1.6 Writing Systematic The writing systematic of this project is as like bellow. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Explain about background, problem formulation, purpose, benefit, problem boundaries, writing systematic, and time schedule. CHAPTER II ANALYSIS REQUIREMENT Explain about current setup and problem detail.
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
CHAPTER III DESIGN AND SCHEME Explain about envisioned system, such as CHAPTER IV IMPLEMENTATION Explain about installing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition, such as making user profile, login, job every user, permission, , setup audit, lock-out process, setup security using NTFS, folder sharing, using backup and restore. CHAPTER V CLOSING Explain about conclusion and suggestion
1.7 Time Schedule Table 1.1 Table of Time Schedule On July 2008 No. Steps
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
2.1 The Existing System Togamas Bookstore is one of the popular bookstores in Bandung; in the first development the owner of bookstore create the system which is so simple for handling the entire requirement. They used Windows 200 Server as the operating system, in other hand there was no a good maintenance such as backup, job and other security action for making a good bookstore corporation. Some other way, in Togamas bookstore at the first time, there is no branch company. They used workgroup for dividing the tasks from the manager, head staff, employee and other. Some job position has special right and its different right when other position performed the tasks.
2.2 Detail Problem The problem will appear when this situation is performed. Hardi as administrator has a duty to maintain all the tasks. Shortly he has to configure a new server and its security and other special right to special person has to be performed as soon as possible.
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
3.1 Envisioned Setup Design Now there are two branch companies which are located in the different place across Bandung. So the Togamas Bookstore Bandung as a central company and two other are located in Jakarta and Bogor as the branch company of Togamas Bookstore. To solve one of problem above he has already chosen Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition as Operating System. The installation only is not enough absolutely, so he write and analyze the problem to solve it step by step and the configuration will be showed as like bellow. 1. Explaining System Hardware requirements which is used by the Server – Client in Togamas Bookstore 2. Creating two partitions (C: and D:) and Installing Operating System, that is Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition from CD 3. Creating login for every users, creating five user profiles and user task and also creating permission of every user computers 4. Creating setup audit and lock-out in every computer client 5. Creating backup job and restore its backup in several time 6. Creating NTFS security or access permission for every folder which is already shared by other person
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
3.2 System Hardware Requirements Server and Clients HARDWARE
Pentium 4
120 GB
1 GB
Machine Details No. Of Partitions
OS dan Application (C:\)
29 GB
Data (D:\)
45 GB
Operation System Installed
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition
DVD/ CD – Drive
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
In the implementation phase we need to perform how to make all the problems which is explained in the second chapter. Here are the ways or step to completion phases. For completing the envisioned setup design we a needed action to complete the installation. In other hand, there some configurations as like showed bellow 4.1 Creating Design Partition and Logical Drive
4.2 Installing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition 1. Enter CD Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition into CD ROM. 2. Show the sentence Press any key to boot from CD. Pres any key. 3. Show Welcome to Setup click Enter to Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Licensee Agreement. 4. Press F8 to accept License Agreement 5. In the next screen it is about making partition in drive C. 6. In the next screen it make the size of partition that is 29000 MB and Pres Enter. 7. In the next screen you will format C with name dengan nama Local disk (C:) and Pres Enter. 8. In the next screen choose NTFS option that is Format the partition using NTFS file system and pres Enter 9. In the next screen appears loading format partition. 10. In the next screen configure the system of Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Setup. 11. Appear the screen of wizard welcome to Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition, then click next will showed Installing Device, click next to show Regional setting.
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
12. In screen of regional setting, click next will showed personalize your software. 13. In personalize your software enter Name: Irfan, Organization: Togamas, click next to show product key. 14. In product key screen, enter product key in 25 digits, click next and will showed computer name and administrator password. 15. In here, enter Computer Name: TOGAMAS-EA49986, enter Password and Confirm Password: xxxxxx, click next. 16. Will show date and time setting, set the time in time zone in choose Jakarta, click next. 17. Will show network setting, choose typical setting option, and click next. 18. In screen workgroup or computer domain, choose No, this comp. is not on a network, and workgroup will be configured in default, click next and click finish
4.3 Creating Login, User Profile, User Task, and Its Permission in Table A. Creating Login 1. Right click in My Computer, then choose Manage to show Computer Management 2. In the Computer Management, choose Local Users and Groups 3. Right click users and choose New user 4. Will show New user type USER1 then, choose disable for User must change password at next logon, then click create 5. Still in Computer Management, make other user as same as steps above
B. User Profile 1. In the
Computer Management window, double click irfan to
show folder user
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
2. In irfan Properties dialog box, select tab Member Of click Add to display Select Group dialog box 3. In Select Group dialog box, select Administrator option from the first list box and the Add button. Then click OK. 4. Select the Profile tab. Type C:\irfan in the Local Path text box of the Home Folder section 5. Click Ok button, and close all open dialog boxes and windows
C. User Task
D. Permission Membuat security 1. Click kanan start pilih explore 2. Click drive D:\ buat folder dengan nama Rental video dan membuat document dengan nama Kumpulan DVD.xls 3. Click kanan folder Rental video lalu pilih properties 4. Ditampilan Rental video properties pilih security lalu add 5. Ditampilan select user, computer or group pilih nama user1 dan user2 6. Click user1 lalu chek list read and execute, read untuk allownya lalu chek list full control, modify, read, untuk deny demikian juga untuk user2
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
Setelah itu buat shared folder dengan langkah sebagai berikut: Setelah selai buat secruty pilih tab sharing Pilih option share this folder
Pilih permission untuk user yang di berikan shared folder
Klik OK
4.4 Creating Scheme Setup Audit and Lock-Out A. Setup Audit
B. Lock-Out 4.5 Creating Scheme Backup Job and Restore the Backup A. Backup Job B. Restore the Backup
4.6 Creating Scheme Security using NTFS and Share Folder
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
A. Scheme Security using NTFS B. Share Folder 4.1 Report Partition, Logical Drive and Operating System 4.2 Report of Creating Login, User Profile, User Task, and Its Permission in Table 4.3 Report Creating Scheme Audit, Event Viewer and Lock-Out 4.4 Report Security NTFS and Share Folder 4.5 Report Alert, Schedule Job (Backup), Restore, and Recovery Console
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
A. KESIMPULAN Window 2000 ini juga mendukung dalam pengaksesan printer jaringan, yang bermanfaat sekali bagi perusahaan yang besar sehingga mereka tidak perlu menggunakan banyak printer dalam perusahaan. Selain printer jaringan window 2000 juga mampu membuat BackUp secara berkala sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki, ini artinya proses pem-backup-an suatu data dapat berjalan secara otomatis tanpa perlu setiap karyawan membuat sendiri bakup-an datanya setiap hari. Selain hal-hal yang telah kami uraikan diatas masih banyak lagi keuntungan yang diberikan window 2000 dalam pemakainya dalam sebuah jaringan. Pengunaan windows 2000 sebagai client – server operating system memanglah sangat menguntungkan apalagi bila system file yang digunakan ialah NTFS. Berbagai fitur yang disediakan oleh operating system ini pun sangat bagus, sehingga rental Video Ezy memutuskan untuk memakai win2k professional edition sebagai basis client – servernya. B. SARAN Sebelum memakai window 2000 dalam jaringan and sebaiknya buat dulu sebuah perencanaan agar nantinya jaringan yang kita buat dapat berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang kita kehendaki, mungkin kami pun belum mengetahui sepenuhnya keuntungan dan kelebihan memakai window 2000 network ini, akan 12
Implementing Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition in Togamas Bookstore
tetapi perencanaan mengkonfigurasi suatu jaringan yang dipersiapkan sejak dini dapat merupakan sesuatu yang menguntungkan. Konfigurasi – konfigurasi yang telah dilakukan dapat berubah sewaktu – waktu bergantung pada kebutuhan jaringan di masa mendatang, jadi perubahaan pun harus dipertimbangkan dahulu sebelum dilakukan.
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