CERTIFICATE Number: HCA-CoC-0183 This certificate confirms that the procedure for the production or the trade of
Wood based panel products (Particleboards, MDF, OSB, Laminated flooring, Light weight boards) - Continues pressure laminats - Sawlogs Sawnwood - Profiled timber - Sawmill by products produced or traded by
Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. O G Holzwerkstoffe AT-6380 St Johann, Weiberndorf 20 at locations in
Austria, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Romania, Russia (Details to the locations are listed on the back side of the certificate) has undergone an initial inspection, is subject to a continuous surveillance and complies with the requirements of
9if Chain of Custody (PEFC) of Forest Based Products - Requirements in the relevant version Annex 4 of the technical document of the PEFC Council as long as the preconditions are fullfilled. Applied method; Percentage based method Physical separation This certificate is valid until: 31.12.2014 Date of first issuance: 22.06.2001 Vienna, 18.06.2012
m. Michael Gt)lser
Dr| Manrred Brandstatter
Aifthorised Signatory
He Jd of Certification Body
.Akkrsditierts Zertifijierungssvtfll^ der Osierreichischcn Gcselischaft tur HoUtorsc.hung H O L Z C E R T AUSTRIA, A ! 0 3 0 W i e r . Frani Griil-Str.^fU 7 ZVR 8 3 0 9 3 6 5 2 2 Tel. »43.1/796 6S 4S-0. Fa» •43-1/798 26 2J-S0. E-Mail hc.a(>holzce<-c.ai. Homepige www.holic«rt.it
Locations of the EGGER-Group concerning the certificate HC A-CoC-0183 from 18.06.2012
Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG AT-6380 St. Johann in Tirol, Weiberndorf 20 Werk AT-6300 Worgl, Fabriksweg 11 a Werk AT-3105 Unten-adlberg, Tiroler StraBe 16 EGGER Retail Products GmbH & Co.KG AT-6380 St. Johann in Tirol. Weiberndorf 20 Hackgut Logistik & Handel Gmbh Harmannstein 17 AT-3922 Groftschonau EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Brilon GmbH & Co. KG DE-59929 Brilon, Im Kissen 19 EGGER Sagewerk Brilon GmbH DE-59929 Brilon, Im Kissen 19 EGGER Retail Products GmbH & Co. KG DE-59929 Brilon, Im Kissen 19 EGGER Forst GmbH Im Kissen 19 DE-59929 Brilon EGGER Bevem GmbH & Co. KG DE-37639 Bevem, Fluttenweg 10 EGGER Beschichtungswerk Marienmunster GmbH & Co. KG DE-37696 Vorden - Marienmunster, Gewerbegebiet 4
United Kingdom:
EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Wismar GmbH & Co, KG DE-23970 Wismar. Am Haffeld 1 EGGER Elemente GmbH & Co. KG. Bunde DE-32257 Bunde, Daimlerstraae 34-40 EGGER Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG, Gifhorn DE-38518 Gifhorn, Im Weilandmoor 2 EGGER Panneaux & Decors SAS FR-88700 Ramberviilers, Z.l.de Blanchifontaine Werk FR-88700 Ramberviilers, Z.l.de Blanchifontaine Wert; FR-40370 Rion des Landes, Avenue d'Albret EGGER Floor Products France SAS FR-37010 Tours cedex,19 Rue Edouard Vaillant, BP 1001 EGGER (UK) Limited GB-Northumberland NE 46 4JS, Anick Grange Road. Hexham EGGER (Barony) Limited GB-Auchinleck, Scotland, KA18 2LL, Barony Road
EGGER Polska Sp. z o. o. PL-61-119 Poznan, ul. SW. Michala 43
SC EGGER ROMANIA SRL RO-725400 Radauti, Suceava, Str. Austriei 2 SC EGGER Energia S.R.L Str. Austriei 2, cam.2 (PO Box 38) RO-725400 Radauti. Jud. Suceave OOO "EGGER Drevprodukt" RU-155908 Shuya. Jushnoje Chaussee 1
—r-T" / • x «
[Pfeklad z anglickeho
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POTVRZENI Cislo: HCA-CoC-0183 Toto potvrzenf doklada, ze vyrobnf nebo obchodni postupy tykajici se
Dfevenych panelovych vyrobku, (pficky, MDF desky, OSB desky, laminovane podlahy, odiehcene desky) - laminatovych desek CPL - pilafske kulatiny feziva - profilovaneho feziva - pilar'skych vyrobku vyrobenych nebo obchodovanych spolecnosti
Fritz Egger GmbH 8i Co. OG Holzwerkstoffe AT - 6380 St. Johann, Weiberndorf 20 V
Rakousku, Nemecku, Francii, Spojenem kralovstvi, Polsku, Rumunsku a v Rusku (Podrobnosti ohiedne jednotlivych mist najdete na zadni strane tohoto potvrzeni) prosly uvodni kontrolou a jsou pfedmetem neustaleho dohledu a splnuji pozadavky pro udeleni certifikatu
PEFC" Certifikace zpracovatelskeho (spotrebitelskeho) fetezce (PEFC) pro lesni vyrobky - pozadavky v prislusne verzi Priloha 4 k technickemu dokumentu Rady PEFC dokud a pokud budou pi'edpoklady pineny. Pouzita metoda: metoda zaiozena na procentech fyzicka separace Toto potvrzeni je platne do: 31.12. 2014 Datum vystaveni: 22. 06. 2001 Viden, 18.06. 2012 [kulatd pecet rakouskeho akreditacniho [podpis
Dr. Michael Golser zmocneny signataf
organu] [podpis
Dr. Manfred Brandstater Vedouci certifikacniho orgai
Rozmistenf [pobocek] skupiny EGGER vztahujici se k potvrzeni HCA-CoC-0183 z 18. 06. 2012 Rakousko:
Spojene kralovstvi:
Polsko: Rumunsko:
Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG At-6380 St. Johann in Tirol, Weiberndorf 20 Werk (di'lna) AT-6300 WorgI, Fabriksweg 11a Werk{d:lna) AT-3105 Unterradlberg, Tiroler Strasse 16 EGGER Retail Products GmbH & Co. KG At-6380 St. Johann in Tirol, Weiberndorf 20 Hackgut Ligistic & Handel GmbH Harmannstein 17 AT-3922 Grossschonau EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Brilon GmbH & Co. KG DE-599929 Brilon, Im Kissen 19 EGGER Sagewerk Brilon GmbH DE-59929 Brilon, Im Kissen 19 EGGER Retail Products GmbH & Co. KG DE-59929 Brilon, Im Kissen 19 EGGER Forst GmbH Im Kissen 19 DE-59929 Brilon EGGER Bevem GmbH & Co. KG DE-37639 Bevem, Fluttenweg 10 EGGER Beschichtungswerk Marienmunster GmbH & Co. KG DE-37696 Vorden - Marienmunster, Gewerbegebiet 4 EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Wismar GmbH & Co. KG DE-23970 Wismar, Am Haffeld 1 EGGER Elemente GmbH & Co. KG, Bunde DE-32257 Bunde, Daimlerstrasse 34-40 EGGER Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG, Gifhorn DE-38518 Gifhorn, Im Weilandmoor 2 EGGER Panneaux & Decors SAS FR-88700 Ramberviilers, Z.l. de Blanchifontaine Werk (dilna) FR-88700 Ramberviilers, Z.l. de Blanchifontaine Werk (di'lna) FR-40370 Rion des Landes, Avenue d'Albert EGGER Floor Products France SAS FR-37010 Tours cedex, 19 Rue Edouard Vaillant, BP 1001 EGGER (UK)Limited GB - Northumberland NE 46 4JS, Anick Grange Road, Hexham EGGER (Barony) Limited GB-Auchinleck, Scotland, KA 18 2LL, Barony Road EGGER Polska Sp. z o.o. PL-61-119 Poznan, ul. SW. Michala 43 SC EGGER ROMANIA SRL RO-725400 Radauti, Suceava, Str. Austriei 2 SC EGGER Energia S.R.L Str. Austriei 2, cam. 2 (PO Box 38) • RO-725400 Radauti, Jud. Suceava 0 0 0 „EGGER Drevprodukt" RU-155908 Shuya, Jushnoje Chaussee 1 [kulata pecet rakouskeho akreditacniho organu]
Tlumocnicka dolozka: Jako tlumocnice jazyka anglickeho, jmenovana rozhodnutim MSstskeho soudu v Praze ze dne 17. dubna 1997. Cj. Spr 680/97 stvrzuji, ze mnou provedeny pfeklad doslovne souhlasi s textem pfipojene listiny. Tlumocnicky likon je zapsan v deniku pod pof. c. .^.j^fd:^. V