SLOVO A SLOVE SNOST Časopis pro otázky teorie a kultury jazyka založený v roce 1935 Pražským lingvistickým kroužkem ročník 72 číslo 3 A journal for the theory of language and language cultivation founded in 1935 by the Prague Linguistic Circle volume 72 number 3 Vedoucí redaktor/ Editor-in-Chief: Petr K a d e r k a Redaktorka anglických textů/ English Language Editor: Tamah S h e r m a n Výkonná redaktorka/ Editorial Assistant: Eva H a v l o v á Redakční rada/ Editorial Board: Tilman B e r g e r (Tübingen), Neil B e r m e l (Sheffield), Mirek Č e j k a (Brno), František D a n e š (Praha), Juraj D o l n í k (Bratislava), Markus G i g e r (Basel), Jana H o f f m a n n o v á (Praha), Jana H o l š á n o v á (Lund), Petr K a r l í k (Brno), Miroslav K o m á r e k (Olomouc), Markéta L o p a t k o v á (Praha), Alena M a c u r o v á (Praha), Jiří N e k v a p i l (Praha), Karel O l i v a (Praha), Patrick S é r i o t (Lausanne), Petr Sg a l l (Praha), Ondřej S l á d e k (Brno), Ludmila U h l í ř o v á (Praha) Vydává Ústav pro jazyk český Akademie věd České republiky, veřejná výzkumná instituce Published by the Czech Language Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a public research institution Redakce/Address: Slovo a slovesnost, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic, tel. (+420) 225 391 441, e-mail <
[email protected]> Vychází čtyřikrát do roka/ Published quarterly Toto číslo vyšlo v srpnu 2011/ This issue was published in August 2011 SLOVO A SLOVESNOST je citováno v databázích Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography/ Bibliographie Linguistique, MLA International Bibliography, The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, CEJSH, Bibliografia Językoznawstwa Slawistycznego, Bibliografie české lingvistiky. SLOVO A SLOVESNOST is indexed/ abstracted in Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography/ Bibliographie Linguistique, MLA International Bibliography, The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, CEJSH, Bibliografia Językoznawstwa Slawistycznego [Slavic Linguistics Bibliography], Bibliografie české lingvistiky [Czech Linguistics Bibliography]. Elektronická verze časopisu SLOVO A SLOVESNOST je dostupná na internetové adrese/ The electronic version of SLOVO A SLOVESNOST is available at:
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Jarmila Panevová – Magda Ševčíková: Jak se počítají substantiva v češtině: poznámky ke kategorii čísla .................................................................... 163–176 How to count nouns in Czech: Remarks on the category of number Dominika Pospíšilová – Eva Filippová: Diskurzní ironie v českém jazykovém prostředí .................................................................................................... 177–195 Discourse irony in Czech
Rozhledy/Discussion Jiří Homoláč – Kamila Mrázková: Jazyková regulace jako věc dohody .... 196–222 Language regulation as a matter of agreement
Recenze/Book reviews Zbyněk Fišer: Překlad jako kreativní proces: Teorie a praxe funkcionalistického překládání (Zuzana Jettmarová) ...................................................... 223–229 Ka Man Aman Chiu: An Approach to Standardization: An Analysis of Chinese IT Technology Problems in Hong Kong (Ivana Bozděchová) ........ 229–234 George Lakoff: The Political Mind: Why You Can’t Understand 21st-Century American Politics with an 18th-Century Brain (Jan Huleja) .................. 235–238
Kronika/Chronicles Přemysl Hauser, slavista a bohemista (Ivo Martinec) .................................. 239–240
Slovo a slovesnost, 72, 2011
Jak se počítají substantiva v češtině: poznámky ke kategorii čísla JARMILA PANEVOVÁ – MAGDA ŠEVČÍKOVÁ How to count nouns in Czech: Remarks on the category of number ABSTRACT: The present contribution deals with the grammatical category of number in Czech nouns. On the basis of empirical investigation, we propose the introduction of a new semantic distinction within the forms of nouns, namely the distinction of a simple quantitative meaning versus a pair/group meaning. There are nouns in Czech that typically refer to a pair or to a (commonly encountered) group of entities, not merely to a large amount of these entities (e.g. ruce ‘arms’, vlasy ‘hair’, or sirky ‘matches’). These nouns are combined with set numerals rather than with the basic ones. In the paper, we argue that the above mentioned subcategorization is grammaticalized. A brief outline of the expressions of the pair/group meaning in Czech as compared to some other languages (German, English, Slavonic) is also provided. Key words: grammatical category of number, singular, plural, pair/group meaning, nouns, numerals Klíčová slova: gramatická kategorie čísla, singulár, plurál, souborovost, substantiva, číslovky
Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistiky MFF UK Malostranské náměstí 25, 118 00 Praha 1 <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Slovo a slovesnost, 72, 2011
Diskurzní ironie v českém jazykovém prostředí DOMINIKA POSPÍŠILOVÁ – EVA FILIPPOVÁ Discourse irony in Czech ABSTRACT: Discourse irony has recently served as a useful tool for studying the socio-cognitive and socio-communicative underpinnings of communication. Yet, the abundance of its usage across cultures makes the study of its occurrence in everyday discourse a worthwhile undertaking in its own right. The present study examines how Czech speakers (N=54) perceive irony in its different forms and identifies some linguistic characteristics of its usage in Czech. The findings point to important parallels between the usage of irony in Czech and Anglo-American discourse. However, the study also identifies important cultural specifics in the forms of irony gathered from our group of respondents. Respondents tended to mark linguistic categories carrying the core meaning as those likely stressed by an ironist. Consultations with two Czech language corpora failed to confirm that the meaning of irony rests on the emphasis placed on linguistic modifiers. Our findings lead to culture- and context-relevant conclusions about the overt reflective aspects of irony identified by Czech speakers. Key words: discourse/verbal/linguistic irony, Czech language, forms of irony, ironic intent, crosscultural parallels, cultural specifics, sarcasm, hyperbole Klíčová slova: diskurzní/verbální/jazyková ironie, čeština, formy ironie, ironický záměr, mezikulturní paralely, kulturní specifika, sarkasmus, hyperbola
Ústav českého jazyka a teorie komunikace FF UK nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Slovo a slovesnost, 72, 2011
Jiří Homoláč – Kamila Mrázková
Jazyková regulace jako věc dohody Language regulation as a matter of agreement ABSTRACT: This article, a review of Václav Cvrček’s book on language regulation and the Concept of Minimal Intervention (2008), focuses on four main issues. (1) For the most part, Cvrček deals with linguists’ intervention into language. He pays little attention to the intervention of individuals in real interactions. (2) In Cvrček’s opinion, linguists should not present the public with prescriptive codifications, but rather, with descriptive ones. However, there is a more important difference between a reference book, which is presented and/or perceived as an instruction for language behavior, and a hypothetically exhaustive description of a language or its varieties which is neither presented nor perceived as instructive. (3) The authors find the definitions of the concepts of “real” and “declarative” attitudes very problematic. (4) Language norms are wrongly equated with the declarative attitudes of speakers towards their language. However, language norms can be neither inferred solely from usage nor reduced to usage. Rather, they consist of language users’ awareness of the language and its usage, or a set of features of regularly used linguistic means and their combinations. Finally, the authors suggest several specific points which Czech linguists should agree upon before implementing possible regulatory changes into practice. Key words: Theory of Interventions, Concept of Minimal Intervention, literary/standard language, variety with high communicative functions, language usage, language norm, codification, corpus Klíčová slova: teorie intervence, koncept minimální intervence, spisovný jazyk, varieta s vyššími komunikačními funkcemi, úzus, norma, kodifikace, korpus
Jiří Homoláč Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Asahi-cho 3-11-1, 183-8534 Fuchu-shi, Japan <[email protected]> Kamila Mrázková Skaláků 2, 147 00 Praha 4 – Braník
Slovo a slovesnost, 72, 2011