SLOVO A SLOVE SNOST Časopis pro otázky teorie a kultury jazyka založený v roce 1935 Pražským lingvistickým kroužkem ročník 71 číslo 3 A journal for the theory of language and language cultivation founded in 1935 by the Prague Linguistic Circle volume 71 number 3 Vedoucí redaktor/ Editor-in-Chief: Petr K a d e r k a Redaktorka anglických textů/ English Language Editor: Tamah S h e r m a n Výkonná redaktorka/ Editorial Assistant: Eva H a v l o v á Redakční rada/ Editorial Board: Tilman B e r g e r (Tübingen), Neil B e r m e l (Sheffield), Mirek Č e j k a (Brno), František D a n e š (Praha), Juraj D o l n í k (Bratislava), Jana H o f f m a n n o v á (Praha), Petr K a r l í k (Brno), Miroslav K o m á r e k (Olomouc), Alena M a c u r o v á (Praha), Olga M ü l l e r o v á (Praha), Jiří N e k v a p i l (Praha), Karel O l i v a (Praha), Patrick S é r i o t (Lausanne), Petr S g a l l (Praha), Ludmila U h l í ř o v á (Praha) Vydává Ústav pro jazyk český Akademie věd České republiky, veřejná výzkumná instituce Published by the Czech Language Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a public research institution Redakce/Address: Slovo a slovesnost, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic, tel. (+420) 225 391 441, e-mail <
[email protected]> Vychází čtyřikrát do roka/ Published quarterly Toto číslo vyšlo v srpnu 2010/ This issue was published in August 2010 SLOVO A SLOVESNOST je citováno v databázích Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography/ Bibliographie Linguistique, MLA International Bibliography, The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, CEJSH, Bibliografia Językoznawstwa Slawistycznego, Bibliografie české lingvistiky. SLOVO A SLOVESNOST is indexed/ abstracted in Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography/ Bibliographie Linguistique, MLA International Bibliography, The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, CEJSH, Bibliografia Językoznawstwa Slawistycznego [Slavic Linguistics Bibliography], Bibliografie české lingvistiky [Czech Linguistics Bibliography]. Elektronická verze časopisu SLOVO A SLOVESNOST je dostupná na internetové adrese/ The electronic version of SLOVO A SLOVESNOST is available at:
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Ivana Bozděchová: Teorie terminologie a kognitivní lingvistika: k pojetí kategorizace, definice a nominace............................................................ 163–175 Theory of terminology and cognitive linguistics: on categorization, definition and nomination Andreja Žele – Eva Sicherl: Valency and prepositions: Comparative and contrastive Slovene-English aspects ........................................................ 176–191 Vezljivost in predlogi: Primerjalni in kontrastivni slovensko-angleški vidik Kamila Mrázková: Řečnické otázky v televizních diskusních pořadech .... 192–214 Rhetorical questions in televized debates
Recenze/Book reviews Joshua A. Fishman: Do Not Leave Your Language Alone: The Hidden Status Agendas Within Corpus Planning in Language Policy (Jiří Nekvapil) .. 215–219 International Journal of the Sociology of Language 183: Small and Large Slavic Languages in Contact (Markus Giger).......................................... 220–227 Aleksandr D. Duličenko – Sven Gustavsson (eds.): Slavjanskije literaturnyje mikrojazyki i jazykovyje kontakty (Jiří Zeman)...................................... 227–231 Máša Bořkovcová: Romský etnolekt češtiny: případová studie (Tibor Pintér) 232–236
Kronika/Chronicles Zemřel český průkopník (nejen) korpusové lingvistiky (Eva Hajičová)...... 237–238 Významné životní jubileum Miroslava Komárka (Luboš Veselý) ................ 238–240
Teorie terminologie a kognitivní lingvistika: k pojetí kategorizace, definice a nominace IVANA BOZDĚCHOVÁ Theory of terminology and cognitive linguistics: on categorization, definition and nomination ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to outline, comment upon and illustrate some new subjects (prototypicality, cognitive models, etc.) which cognitive linguistics offers to the traditional theory of terminology and to the semantic analysis of specialized terms. The paper therefore deals with questions such as: What significance does cognitive information (reflecting a naïve, non-specialized view of the world) have for terms? How can such information be used in the study of categorization and conceptualization of the contents of terms? By making use of findings from both traditional lexicology and semantics and from the cognitive sciences, and by using medical terminology as its material, the paper presents the processes of direct and indirect nomination as they relate to terminologization and determinologization. A selection of terms and names relating to the human body, its parts and organs and to human health or diseases is used to confront the scientific and cognitive approaches. The theoretical starting point, concerning the task of corporeality in human cognition, is applied in the analysis of the different kinds of reflection of cognition in medical terminology. The processes of categorization and nominalization of objective reality are also considered as they are reflected in the onomasiological structures of terms. Key words: terminology, categorization, conceptualization, direct/indirect nomination, terminologization/determinologization, cognitive linguistics, onomasiological structure Klíčová slova: terminologie, kategorizace, konceptualizace, přímá/nepřímá nominace, terminologizace/determinologizace, kognitivní lingvistika, onomaziologická struktura
Ústav českého jazyka a teorie komunikace FF UK nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1
Valency and prepositions: Comparative and contrastive Slovene-English aspects ANDREJA ŽELE – EVA SICHERL ABSTRACT: The present article aims to shed some light on the combinability of verbs, nouns and adjectives with prepositions – a phenomenon which is common both in Slovene and in English, but has not been extensively commented on by Slovene linguists. In Anglo-American linguistics, such combinations with prepositions are basically divided into two groups, which tend to be named differently by authors of different linguistic orientations. The article deals with valency and government-binding capacity of prepositions from the contrastive (Slovene-English) viewpoint. Prepositional collocations can be regarded as results of natural semantic- and structural-syntactic (valencyrelated) combining or binding of words, as mutual semantic and syntactic expectancy of words. While a lexicalized preposition is bound to the entire meaning of the multi-word unit (dictionary unit) it co-forms with the lexical word and its government, a non-lexicalized preposition is bound only to one sense of the dictionary unit. The differentiation between lexicalized and non-lexicalized prepositions in Slovene can be illustrated by delexical primary verbs. Key words: semantic- and structural-syntactic aspect of valency, combinability with prepositions, prepositional free morpheme, prepositional collocation, free combination
POVZETEK Vezljivost in predlogi: Primerjalni in kontrastivni slovensko-angleški vidik
V slovenščini kljub prevladujoči usmeritvi v neposrednejše tožilniško izražanje težnja po natančnosti in analitičnosti sporočanega hkrati vodi tudi k pogostejši predložnomorfemski uporabi glagolov. Kako glagolski pomen odloča o izbiri predložnega morfema kažejo npr. zgledi delati na projektu (povedkovo določilo) : govoriti za njega / govoriti o njem (obvezno določilo) : klestiti s šibo (neobvezno določilo). Prosti glagolski morfem je hkrati del glagolskega leksema in glagolske vezljivosti, ali pa izhaja vsaj iz enega pomena glagolskega leksema in izraža njegovo vezljivost; nevezljivi so vezavnodružljivi predložni morfemi. V anglo-ameriškem jezikoslovju obstaja delitev na proste predložne zveze in slovnične/predložne kolokacije v smislu vzajemnega pomensko-skladenjskega pričakovanja besed (ang. mutual expectancy of words). Tako npr. predložni morfem na poudari pomensko sestavino ‘pričakovanja’ v zvezah kot pripraviti se na, čakati na, upati na ipd.; v angleščini imamo podobnopomenske predložne kolokacije s for v primerih kot prepare for, wait for, hope for ipd. in še v nemščini z auf v primerih tipa sich vorbereiten auf, warten auf, hoffen auf ipd. Dejstvo je, da je ravno pri vezljivosti precej velika interferenca – govorci si vezljivosti v materinščini niti ne uzavestijo, zato vezljivostne vzorce prenesejo tudi v jezik prevoda.
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Novi Trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia <[email protected]>
Řečnické otázky v televizních diskusních pořadech KAMILA MRÁZKOVÁ Rhetorical questions in televized debates ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the usage of so-called rhetorical questions in Czech televised debates about politics or other public topics such as culture. The author considers a rhetorical question to be an utterance which has the form of an interrogative, but whose communicative function is that of a statement, or – to be more exact – a statement which contains some personal commitment of the speaker, i.e. an opinion, argument, accusation, reproach, self-defense, etc. As the understanding of an utterance as a rhetorical question depends on its context, mainly on the knowledge the communicative partners share, the analysis focuses on the features of the context which are relevant for communicants in deciding whether an utterance is a rhetorical question or a genuine one. The analysis reveals that the rhetorical question is a common device used by both the guests and the hosts of these programs, even though the strict observance of the media debates’ rules should exclude using it. Contrary to the commonly-held opinion, which is also reflected in much of the literature, the analysis shows that there could be answers to rhetorical questions in a dialogue, and, in fact, an answer could even be required by the dialogue participants. Key words: rhetorical question, communicative functions, media talk, conversation analysis, context Klíčová slova: řečnická otázka, komunikační funkce výpovědi, mediální dialog, konverzační analýza, kontext
Jasná I 11, 147 00 Praha 4 – Braník