bulk powders Zulfiayu Farmasetik dasar S1 farmasi ung, 2015
Definition administrated
in dosage quantities which are safe for the patient himself to measure Serbuk baik untuk pemakaian dalam maupun luar May be classified as oral powders, dentifrices, douche powders, dusting powders, insufflations and trituration
Jenis Dusting
powders Aerosols Dentifrices Antacids Laxatives Dietery nutrient supplements Douches
Cara mencampur Digunakan
kotak panci aluminium tertutup untuk emncampur serbuk, biasanya di dalamnya terdapat 3 bola besi yg bila kotak digerakkan akan bergerak dan mencampur serbuk.
Serbuk tabur (Pulveres adspersorii) Harus
bebas dari butiran aksar dan dimaksudkan untuk obat luar. Harus memenuhi syarat bebas Clostridium welchii dan Bacillus Anthracis. Cara sterilisasi dengn pemanasan kering pada suhu 150°C selama 1 jam. Tidak boleh digunakan untuk luka terbuka
Cara Pembuatan a. Serbuk tabur tanpa mengandung zat berlemak diayak dengan ayakan no.100 b. Serbuk tabur yang mengandung zat berlemak diayak dgn ayakan no.44 c. Seluruh serbuk harus terayak semuanya, yang tertinggal diayakan dihaluskan lagi sampai semuanya terayak
Cara Pembuatan Adeps
lanae, vaselinum, plumbi oxydi emplastrum ialah dengan melarutkan zat tersebut dalam aether atau aceton, lalu ditambahkan sebagain talk diaduk sampai aether atau aceton menguap, setelah itu ditambah bahan lain. Paraffinum liquidum dan oleum ricini dicampur dulu dgn sama banyaknya talk lalu ditambhakan sedikit demi sedikit dan aduk, sambil yang melekat pada dinding mortir dilepas dgn spatel atau ekrtas film dan diaduk
Cara Pembuatan Ichtyol
diencerkan dulu dgn aether cum spiritu lalu dikeringkan dgn talk, yaitu sambil diaduk dibiarkan aether cun spiritusnya menguap lalu ditambahkan sisa talk dan serbuk lainnya, sambil yg emlekat pada didnding mortir dilepaskan dgn spatel atau kertas film. Minyak aetheris dan formaldehid solutio dicampur terakhir dgn cara memasukkan zat tersebut dalam mortir lalu ditambahkan campuran serbuk yg telah diayak sedikit demi sedikit.
Oral powders Finely
devided powders or effervescent granules. Effervescent : granules or powders consisting ofsodium bicarbonate, a suitable organic or inorganic acid, and medical ingredients In the present of water, the acid and the abse react to liberate carbon dioxide, thereby producing an effervescence.
ingredients except the citric acid are dried and passed through a 60 sieve; the powders are thoroughly mixed and the freshly-powdered citric acid id added last. The mixturre is spread in a shallow dish or on a sheet of paper aand placed in a oven between 95 and 105 C without strirring until the powders become mosit and form a doughy mass. The mass is then granulated by passage through a 6 sieve and dried as before.
Dusting Powders External
use Must homogeneous and free from the potentialof causing local irritation Flow easily, spread uniformly, and cling to the skin on application Passes good covering capability, adsorptive and absorptive capability and capable of protecting the skin againtst chafing and irritation caused by friction, moisture, or chemical irritant.
Dentrifrices Powders
which are used to clean the
teeth Important to obtain the cleansing action chiefly by the detergent properties of the powder than through the use of harmful abrasives A very mild degree of abrasion is desirable and may be obtaint by the incorporation of finely precipitated calsium carbonates or hydrous dibasic calsium phospahate.
Powder Aerosols Dispensing
as aeraosols in pressurized.,”push button” containers As antiprespirant and deodorants, feminine hygineine sprays, body sprays, insufflations and dry lubricants. The environment is controlled so that the powders is not attacked by chemical, moissture, light, or other atmosphoric conditions. Powders dispensed under pressure deliver a homogeneous dose. And finally, the maintenance of sterility in a aerosol containers is no problem.