Bandung Independent School
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APRIL 2016 AGENDA 22‐24 ‐ IISSAC Swimming 27 ‐ All Day Drama Rehearsal 28 ‐ PYP Exhibi on 28 ‐ Founda on Mee ng 29‐30 ‐ Musical Drama
This week: we will end Book Week with a celebra on of reading. We will end Book Week with a celebra on of reading. We will meet as usual in the auditorium at 2pm.
Next Week: Grade 3 will share their learning about Where We Are in Place and Time. Mr. Ashworth
Jl. Surya Sumantri No. 61, Bandung 40164, Indonesia e‐mail:
[email protected] Phone: +62 22 201 4995 ext. 100 Fax: +62 22 201 2688
FOUNDATION MEETING THURSDAY 28th APRIL 2016 Dear Voting Members of the BIS Community, The second Foundation Meeting of this school year will be held on April the 28th at 7pm in the BIS Auditorium. Board elections will take place during the meeting. Please refer to your email for further information. We look forward to seeing you all there. We would like to remind you that monthly Board Meeting Minutes are available on our portal. Please find attached (see your email) the minutes of the March Board meeting. Any questions, please contact Heloise Mouille :
[email protected] or phone :+62 812 14 67 76 81 Mr. Brookes and The Pembina Board of Directors
Dear Parents, We are proud to present our annual Musical Drama performance ‘Chilli Royale: the sauce awakens’. Place: BIS Auditorium Time: Friday 29 Apr. 6.30 pm; Sat. 30 April, 6.30 pm Cost: Rp 50.000 in advance; Rp 75,000 on the door Please contact our Cashier, Ibu Ayu if you would like to buy ckets. Tickets are available outside the library at lunch me and a er school. On the evening of the performances, snacks and light refreshments are served during the interval. These refreshments are usually donated by parents of the students involved in the Drama. If you wish to donate some snacks, please contact Ibu Tan in the front office. Thank you very much for your support. We look forward to seeing you at the show! Ms. Mary
JASIS SWIMMING CARNIVAL Where? Australian IS in Jakarta When? Saturday 21 May. Pak Deni will be taking students from BIS. Who for? Students from Grades 1 – 6; must be aged 7‐12. What? The groups will be split by ages and while one group is swimming other students will take part in fun games. Please tell Pak Deni or Pak Ridwan if you are interested in your child joining the carnival. The deadline for team entries to reach Australian IS is 29 April so we need to have student names by Thursday 28 April.
Ms. Mary
Yesterday we celebrated Earth Day! Secondary students went out into nature in different groups and visited: Ibu Rita’s Library, where they interacted with Ibu Rita’s students and enjoyed Lembang’s fresh air in a Nature Walk; The Lodge Earthbound Adventure, where students planted trees and gave back to nature; Ciater, where students walked in nature and visited the hot springs; and finally a Plas c Recycling Factory, where students learned about the process of recycling plas c. Our cloth bags will soon be here! ‘ They are now available for pre‐order at Rp. 35, 000. Climate Change, Time to Change! The Environmental Club; Annabel Ashworth & Elaine Pranadjaya
Dear EC3 – Grade 4 Parents, Grade 1 to Grade 5 students choose between Indonesian and Chinese for their addi onal language. I sent a le er home on Monday asking EC3 parents to choose the addi onal language that their child will study from August 2016, and asking EC3 ‐ Grade 4 parents to indicate whether their child will take an op onal a er school language class. I invite parents to a end anElementary AddiƟonal Languages InformaƟon Session on Monday 2 May 2016 at 8.15 am in Ibu Afi’s Indonesian room. Please come to this session if you have ques ons, or if you need help in deciding which language choice will be best for your child. I look forward to seeing many of you on 2 May. Ms. Mary
Week‐31 Thursday, 21st April 2016
IISSAC Swim Meet – 22 – 24 April at Mountainview IS, SalaƟga
Best of luck to our Swim Team this weekend. Please give them words of encouragement. The following students will proudly represent the school; Regina Bakewell, Angelina Prawirawidjaja, Natasha Walker, Kimberly Hibbert, Ciara Healy, Yi Jen Lin, Vivian Chieh, Clara Sastra, Jenny Healy, Kaitlyn Chieh, Rayya Subandar, Emma Girard, Gregory Ganiarta, Samuel Prawirawidjaja, Akhtar Subandar, Brian Chieh, Gilbert Sung, Russell Tjakralaksana, Carlston Sung, Duncan Siebert, Dimas Janssen, Remy Girard, Ikuro Obayashi.
IISSAC Basketball/Football training IISSAC Basketball training for boys and girls con nues on Mondays at 4.00 pm with Pak Gempar. IISSAC Football will be twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays star ng Wednesday 27 April.
Upcoming events; Saturday 21 May; JASIS Swimming (Elementary students only) at Australian IS, Jakarta Please see Pak Deni for more informa on about this event. Thank you, Hector Aguilera; ECA Coordinator/IISSAC Coordinator
FOBIS NEWS Thank you to everyone who supported last Friday’s FoBIS Fundraiser for IISSAC Swim Team, and especially to the FoBIS commi ee made up of Mrs. Juani, Mrs. Bea, Mrs Kaoru and Ibu Shiella. Please look on the BIS Blog h p://‐interna onal‐school/bis‐ blog/?offset=1460955247482 to see photos of the fundraiser. Good luck to the IISSAC Swim Team who le for the tournament early this morning, and thank you to Mr. Hector and Pak Deni who are accompanying them. We look forward to hearing their news! Ms. Mary
CongratulaƟons to1) Juan Bosco who has been accepted into Loyola University in Seville Spain to study Mechanical Engineering and RoboƟcs. It is the perfect choice for Juan! 2) Cyrus Tanade has been accepted into another top University in Canada; the University of Toronto. He was awarded the “Faculty of Arts and Science Dean’s Excellence Admission Scholarship” valued at $10,000. University MaƩers: a) If any high school student is interested in enhancing leadership skills and exploring topics on applying to top US universi es and career mentoring in June/ July please let me know. The Centre for Asian Leadership appears to have some excellent programs that are conducted by teacher fellows from Harvard and Stanford Universi es. Please note: I am nearly finished mee ng with Gr 10 students and parents. Thank you to all those parents who a ended the mee ngs. We work as a team together! Jan Russell; University Placement Counselor
Bandung Independent School
Halaman 1
Jl. Surya Sumantri No. 61, Bandung 40164, Indonesia e‐mail:
[email protected] Phone: +62 22 201 4995 ext. 100 Fax: +62 22 201 2688
FOUNDATION MEETING KAMIS, 28 APRIL 2016 Minggu ini: kita akan mengakhiri Book Week dengan perayaan membaca. Kita akan mengakhiri Book Week dengan perayaan membaca. Kita akan bertemu seper biasa di auditorium pukul 14:00WIB.
Minggu depan: Grade 3 akan berbagi mengenai hal yang sudah mereka pelajari tentang Where We Are in Place and Time. Mr. Ashworth
Tempat: Australian IS, Jakarta Waktu: Sabtu, 21 Mei. Pak Deni akan berangkat bersama para siswa dari BIS. Peserta: Para siswa Grade 1 – 6; rentang usia 7‐12 tahun. Detail: Pembagian kelompok berdasarkan usia. Pada saat group bertanding renang, group lainnya akan ikut serta dalam berbagai fun game. Silakan hubungi Pak Deni atau Pak Ridwan jika anak Anda tertarik ikut carnival ini. Batas akhir penda aran team ke Australian IS adalah tanggal 29 April jadi kami memerlukan nama‐ nama peset pada hari Kamis, 28 april.
Komunitas BIS Anggota Voting yang Terhormat, Foundation Meeting Ke‐2 di tahun pelajaran 2015‐2016 ini akan diadakan tanggal 28 April, pukul 19:00WIB di Auditorium BIS. Board election diadakan pada saat Foundation Meeting. Silakan periksa email Anda untuk informasi lebih lengkap. Kami menunggu kedatangan Anda. Kami mengingatkan bahwa notulen Board mee ng sudah dipublikasikan di portal sekolah. Untuk informasi notulen Board Mee ng bulan Maret silakan lihat email Anda. Silakan menghubungi Heloise Mouille jika ada pertanyaan:
[email protected] atau telepon:+62 812 14 67 76 81. Mr. Brookes dan The Pembina Board of Directors
Ms. Mary
MUSICAL DRAMA PERRFORMANCE 29 & 30 APRIL 2016 Orang Tua Siswa yang Terhormat, Dengan bangga kami persembahkan even tahunan Musical Drama performance ‘Chilli Royale: the sauce awakens’. Tempat: Auditorium BIS Waktu: Jumat 29 April, 18:30WIB; Sabtu 30 April, 18:30WIB. Tiket: Rp 50.000,‐ in advance; Rp 75.000,‐ di tempat Silakan hubungi cashier, Ibu Ayu jika Anda mau beli ket. Tiket juga dijual di dekat Perpustakaan pada saat lunch me dan setelah sekolah. Di malam pertunjukkan, snack dan minuman ringan dijual selama waktu is rahat. Minuman ringan biasannya berasal dari donasi para orang tua siswa yang anak‐anak mereka terlibat dalam drama. Jika Anda bermaksud menyumbang snack, silakan hubungi Ibu Tan di front office. Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda. Kami tunggu kedatangan Anda!
Orang Tua EC3 – Grade 4 yang Terhormat, Para siswa Grade 1 sampai 5 harus memilih Bahasa Indonesia dan Cina sebagai addi onal language. Saya sudah mengirimkan surat pada hari Senin yang isisnya meminta supaya para orang tua siswa EC3 mengisi pilihan addi onal language untuk anak mereka yang akan belajar di tahun ajaran baru mulai Agustus 2016, dan meminta para orang tua EC3 ‐ Grade 4 untuk menentukanapakah anak‐anak mereka akan mengambil opsi a er school language class. Saya mengundang orang tua siswa untuk hadir pada Elementary AddiƟonal Languages InformaƟon Session hari Senin, 2 Mei 2016 mulai pukul 08:15WIB di ruang Bahasa Indonesia Ibu Afi. Silakan datang pada sesi tersebut jika Anda punya pertanyaan, atau juka Anda perlu bantuan dalam membuat keputusan memilih kelas bahasa yang terbaik untuk anak Anda. Saya menunggu kedatangan Anda pada tanggal 2 Mei. Ms. Mary
Ms. Mary
Terima kasih kepada semua yang telah mendukung FoBIS Fundraiser for IISSAC Swim Team jumat lalu, dan terutama kepada FoBIS commi ee yang terdiri dari Mrs. Juani, Mrs. Bea, Mrs Kaoru dan Ibu Shiella. Silakan lihat BIS Blog h p:// bandung‐interna onal‐school/bis‐blog/? offset=1460955247482 untuk melihat foto‐fotonya. Semoga sukses untuk IISSAC Swim Team yang sudah berangkat menuju turnamen tadi pagi, dan terima kasih kepada Mr. Hector dan Pak Deni yang mendampingi mereka. Kami menunggu kabar dari mereka!
Ms. Mary
—————————— Kemarin kita sudah merayakan Hari Bumi! Siswa secondary berada di luar kampus yang terbagi kedalam beberapa kelompok: Ibu Rita’s Library, dimana mereka berinteraksi dengan para siswa Ibu Rita dan menikma udara Lembang yang segar; The Lodge Earthbound Adventure, dimana siswa menanam pohon; Ciater, dimana para siswa melakukan perjalanan di alam dan mengunjungi sumber air panas; dan terakhir kunjungan ke tempat daur ulang plas k dimana para siswa belajar proses daur ulang plas k. Tas kain akan segera dijual! Tersedia harga pemesanan Rp. 35.000,‐. Climate Change, Time to Change! The Environmental Club; Annabel Ashworth & Elaine Pranadjaya
Minggu Ke‐31 Kamis, 21 April 2016
IISSAC Swim Meet – 22 – 24 April di Mountainview IS, SalaƟga
Semoga beruntung untuk Team Renang BIS akhir pekan ini. Silakan sebarkan kalimat ini untuk memberi semangat kepada mereka. Para siswa berikut ini dengan bangga akan mewakili BIS; Regina Bakewell, Angelina Prawirawidjaja, Natasha Walker, Kimberly Hibbert, Ciara Healy, Yi Jen Lin, Vivian Chieh, Clara Sastra, Jenny Healy, Kaitlyn Chieh, Rayya Subandar, Emma Girard, Gregory Ganiarta, Samuel Prawirawidjaja, Akhtar Subandar, Brian Chieh, Gilbert Sung, Russell Tjakralaksana, Carlston Sung, Duncan Siebert, Dimas Janssen, Remy Girard, Ikuro Obayashi.
LaƟhan IISSAC Basketball/Football La han IISSAC Basketball untuk team putra dan putri dilanjutkan pada se ap hari Senin mulai pukul 16:00WIB dengan pela h Pak Gempar. La han IISSAC Football akan diadakan dua kali seminggu se ap hari Rabu dan Jumat mulai hari Rabu, 27 April.
Upcoming events; Sabtu, 21 Mei; JASIS Swimming (hanya untuk siswa Elementary) di Australian IS, Jakarta Silakan menghubungi Pak Deni untuk informasi mengenai even ini. Terima kasih, Hector Aguilera; ECA Coordinator/IISSAC Coordinator
Selamat kepada: 1) Juan Bosco yang diterima di Loyola University di Seville, Spain pada program studi Mechanical Engineering and RoboƟcs. Ini adalah pilihan yang sempurna untuk Juan! 2) Cyrus Tanade juga diterima di universitas bergengsi lainnya di Kanada; University of Toronto. Cyrus mendapatkan penghargaan “Faculty of Arts and Science Dean’s Excellence Admission Scholarship” dalam bentuk beasiswa senilai $10.000,‐ University MaƩers: a) Jika ada siswa high school yang tertarik dengan leadership skills dan memahami topic‐topic yang berhubungan dengan menda ar ke universitas top yang ada di Amerika dan tertarik dengan career mentoring di bulan Juni/ Juli silakan menghubungi saya. Centre for Asian Leadership memiliki program ‐program is mewa yang dibawakan oleh para guru dari universitas Harvard dan Stanford. Please note: Saya hampir menyelesaikan rangkaian pertemuan siswa‐siswi Gr. 10 dan orang tua mereka. Terima kasih kepada para orang tua yang sudah menghadiri pertemuan. Kami bekerja sama sebagai team! Jan Russell; University Placement Counselor ——————————