ANNALES Volume 90.
HUNGARICI pp. 5 - 1 6
In m e m ó r i á m D r . Ferenc Mihályi (1906-1997) L . PAPP
Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum H-]088 Budapest, Baross utca 13, Hungary F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I was born on the 6th of October 1906 in Budapest, more precisely in Ó b u d a , the north-western part of a young metropolis, formerly an independent city, where the German more than the Hungarian language was used even at that time. His father was a licenced victualler. He had two brothers and a younger sister. A l l the four children were highly educated, three of them at the university level. He graduated from the "Toldy Ferenc Főreáliskola", a well known secondary school of Budapest, and after years o f collecting butterflies, in 1924 he entered the Budapest University ( P á z m á n y Péter, later Eötvös Loránd University), Faculty of Science and Arts at Budapest, for the branch of natural history and geography. He completed studies in 1928 and graduated in 1929 as a secondary school teacher. He also obtained a diploma of "doctor rerum naturalis" there in 1936 (majoring in zoology, his thesis on the flight mus cles o f the house fly was published in 1935, see below).
Dr. FERENC MIHÁLYI at the age of 67
From 1928 to 1933 he served as an assistant for the Gipsy M o t h Laboratory at B u dapest, which was set up by the U.S. Department o f Agriculture in order to get, identify and export the parasitoids (mainly tachinid flies) for the control of that pest, which had been introduced from Europe. There were summers when 300,000 to 400,000 caterpillars were reared in the laboratory. F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I made all the rearings, packed the parasi toids (pupae, etc.) and kept the files of data. There are several species which were suc cessfully introduced into the U S A for the biological control of gipsy moth as a result o f that campaign. Unfortunately only a rather small part of the results was published. His masters, Drs P. B . D O W D E N and W . F. SELLERS made detailed yearly reports, but only some data were published in one or two papers. However, as he said repeatedly, in addi tion to a safe j o b and good salary, that j o b provided him a good possibility to learn labor atory methods and much in ecology. His six years with the Gipsy M o t h Laboratory was a turning point in his life. He took very much interest also in graphics and music (as for the latter, since his childhood), but those were the years when he decided to work lifelong as a scientist. His good abil ities in graphics were highly profitable later, when he produced most of the illustrations for his papers and books. Those were the years of a long and deep economic crisis in Hungary. His experience w i t h insects should have qualified him for a number o f jobs; contrarily, he did not get one. The Council of the Hungarian Jobless Graduates (Állástalan D i p l o m á s o k O r s z á g o s Bizottsága) nominated him for a position in the Department of Zoology of the Hungarian National Museum. That working place was in the Hungarian Biological Research I n stitute (Magyar Biológiai Kutatóintézet) at Tihany (Central West Hungary), whose De partment of Hydrobiology was attached to the Zoological Department ( H N M ) at that time. He worked there for three years (1934-36). He studied the anatomy and histology of insects and also the subject of his doctoral thesis was the microscopical structure o f the flight organs o f the house fly. His first scientific papers were published in those years. In the meantime, the Institute was reorganized. He was on the horns of a dilemma: should he remain on the staff of the Zoological Department o f the H N M , and i f so, he return to Budapest, or should he j o i n the body of the Hungarian Biological Research Institute, and stay henceforward in Tihany. Having had a family by that time with a flat in Tihany, he remained with the site and not with the institution. However, in 1936 he returned to Budapest (the reasons are not clear to me), where a job was offered to him in the National Public Health Institute in their Department of Parasitology. That Department was headed by F E R E N C L Ő R I N C Z , one of the classical authorities of Hungarian parasitology. They needed a dipterologist for their two projects: in the control of malaria {Plasmodium vivax malaria was endemic at Hungary in that time), and in the war against enteric (typhoid) fever. F E R E N C MIHÁLYI studied the vector mosquitoes (at that time they were named as "the varieties" of Anopheles maculipennis), their morphology, habits, and also the prevalence of malaria nationwide. He set up the first malaria study site at Letenye (SW Hungary). His other theme was a basic study of enteric (typhoid) fever, with particular emphasis on the dipterous vectors of its causative agents. He studied species composition and abundance of those muscoid flies which had been named as "synanthropic flies" even earlier.
F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I was exceptionally successful in both themes. The papers pub lished partly alone, partly in co-authorship belong to the classical papers in these fields of dipterology. This is why I think that it is not necessary to mention their merits also here. Now we simply cannot understand why he did not get a permanent j o b in the National Public Health Institute (he was their employee between 1 9 3 6 and 1 9 3 8 ) . Finally, in 1 9 3 9 he got a job in the Beregszász State Secondary School (now Beregovo, Ukraine) as a deputy master. As a secondary j o b , he was employed at the local Malaria Station. He became well known to the local people as the "mosquito teacher". In his lime left free of teaching commitments, particularly so in summer, he surveyed the breeding sites of mosquitoes and studied blood samples of malaria patients in Beregszász and in its environs. The rate of infestation was much reduced after those two years he spent there. In 1 9 4 1 he got a permanent j o b in the State Secondary School at Újpest (at that time an independent city, now a big suburb of Budapest) and also a secondary job in the De partment o f Parasitology, National Public Health Institute. In his latter capacity, he wrote the first Hungarian book about the role o f insects as vectors of diseases ("Rovarok és be t e g s é g e k " ) co-authored by G Y Ö R G Y M A K A R A. The book was published in 1 9 4 4 (but printed as " 1 9 4 3 " ) . He surveyed also the breeding sites o f mosquitoes in the environs of Budapest. Unfortunately, the tuberculosis infection that he carried from his birthplace, for which he was being treated permanently with more or less success, seized upon him in those years, in all probability as a consequence o f all the loud talk in the classrooms. He spent a whole year in a T. B. sanatorium. After a false recovery, he returned to his secondary school to teach, and also to help rebuild the school after the Second W o r l d War. He taught kids and also older people in the evening classes. He was a fanatic teacher, and a very good teacher in biology, geo graphy and also in chemistry. But he had to pay a very stiff price for this passion. He had a relapse in T.B. that time an almost fatal one. He spent another year in a T. B. sanato rium, but fortunately, the compound para-amino-salicylic acid, invented at that time, pro vided him a complete and permanent recovery. He lost two lobes of his lungs through surgery, however, as he spent much time in nature in the following years, and lived such a disciplined life until his death, he was able to get rid of most of the consequences of that terrible disease. However, he had to give up teaching forever. He got a notice from the Ministry of Education to present an application for retirement. He was 4 3 at that time. Fortunately, w i t h the aid of the local trade union, he managed to get a transfer to the Department Zoology of the Hungarian Natural History Museum in 1 9 4 9 . There his first task was to make order in the Collection of Fishes, which was in a mess and covered by dirt as a consequence of the devastation caused by war (and of the former poor curatorial work). It took him a year to clean the specimens and to make order required for scientific studies in such a collection. Later he re-identified all the collection, made additional collectings in Hungary for fishes, but he was also allowed to continue his studies on mosquitoes. In the years o f 1 9 5 0 - 5 1 he was the leading personality of the team, which was set up by the Zoological Department, H N H M , and by the National Public Health Institute, in
order to study mosquito problems around Lake Balaton. The field work was mainly done by Á R P Á D SOÓS and F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I . Their work was rich in results, and later study sites were extended to the Danube inundation areas and also to other parts o f Hungary. On the 10th o f June 1952 Á R P Á D SOÓS was generous enough to offer h i m a change of position to the Collection o f Diptera (from that time Á R P Á D SOÓS was the curator of the Collection of Rhynchota). The Collection of Diptera was founded and curated from 1896 to his death in 1922 by K Á L M Á N K E R T É S Z , one of the founders of Hungarian ento mology (and also its Society). The collection he left to the followers was large and i n valuable (c. 250,000 specimens with c. 5,000 primary types; the former estimate must be a good one, the latter is much questionable). Unfortunately, his successor, Z O L T Á N SziL Á D Y performed poorly as a curator (officially from 1923 to 1936), and so K E R T É S Z ' S collection agonized slowly and got covered with dust. Á R P Á D SOÓS took over the curatorship around 1940 (he was an unpaid assistant in the Zoological Department between 1936 and 1940, but he worked mainly in the Department o f General Zoology of the B u dapest Un versify, where he was an unpaid assistant between 1935 and 1939). SOUS made the collection clean and set up all the named material into a fine museum order until about 1950. It was Á R P Á D SOÓS who managed to get and transfer the remains o f the col lection o f JÁNOS T H A L H A M M E R into the Hungarian Natural History Museum. F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I embarked on various scientific activities in the Collection o f Dip tera with much enthusiasm, particularly for the culicids and the species of Syrphidae in Hungary. He published the booklet for Culicidae in the series o f Fauna Hungáriáé in 1955. He gained the scientific degree "Candidate of Science" from the Hungarian Acade my of Sciences in 1955 for his thesis about the culicid mosquitoes of Hungary. In the days after the 4th o f November 1956, the Soviet artillery cannonaded Buda pest almost without any concrete aiming but to punish that wicked city. That was why also the building of the Zoological Department was hit by several shells, although there were no Hungarian fighters in or around. The building caught fire, including the collec tions in alcohol and it was burning for days. Among all the large and invaluable collec tions, four-fifth o f the Collection of Diptera and all its library were annihilated. The years after the big fire were the time of a heroic struggle for F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I to rebuild the collection. He and his assistant worked day and night collecting, selecting and mounting flies in all parts o f the country. Other workers of the Zoological Depart ment collected also flies in remarkable numbers; the donations the Department got from abroad were not high in numbers but vitally important as named materials for compari son. Although such a work to collect flies, to select them into families, etc. cannot be profitable in terms o f writing o f scientific papers, not much later he began to make good scientific papers and books. In 1963 the summary of his great work on Hungarian culi cids was published in a fine book (co-authored by M . S Z T A N K A Y - G U L Y Á S ) , he collected, reared and published also on fruit flies (Tephritidae). Later he studied the synanthropic flies intensively again. He made intensive collectings in 1959-1963 and he presented his thesis " M a g y a r o r s z á g szinantrop légyfaunájának taxonómiai és ökológiai vizsgálata" [Taxonomical and ecological investigations on the synanthropic dipterous fauna o f Hun-
gary.J in 1966. He got the degree of "Doctor of Biological Science" from the Hungarian Academy o f Sciences in 1967. He published the general introduction to the Diptera volumes in the Fauna Hungá riáé in 1972. He identified thousands of the calyptrate flies and set up large collections for the Carpathian Basin, beginning with the families Fanniidae and Muscidae. He pub lished the identification book for them in 1975. He retired for a pension by the end of 1974. His most productive period of scientific work was the next 12 years in retirement, when he continued working on the calyptrate flies. He identified the material of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae, later that o f the Tachinidae in the collection o f the Department o f Zoology. The identification books were published in 1979 and 1986 with nearly 1000 o f his original figures. In the meantime he also published papers on Diptera taxonomy, describing new taxa, identified and pub lished extensive materials collected in the Hungarian national parks. Unfortunately, his eyesight became much worse (amblyopia), partly as a consequence of working on figures. However, he kept social contact with the dipterists and other workers in the De partment o f Zoology. He participated in the First and Second International Congresses of Dipterology (Budapest 1986 and Bratislava 1990). In addition to his scientific activities, he was the editor of our Annales historiconaturales Musei nationales hungarici from 1963 to 1974. He made an excellent work as editor, bettering numerous papers year by year. He was active in many professional societies: Zoological Section of the Hungarian Biological Society (member from 1953, secretary from 1954 to 1957), Hungarian Society of Parasitologists and his most beloved Hungarian Entomological Society. In 1974 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the "Frivaldszky Memorial Plaquette" (he was a member of the Society for 47 years and a member o f its Board for decades). He passed away on the 26th o f January 1997. He was survived by his daughter and son, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A list each of the scientific publications, of the scientific lectures, of the Diptera taxa described by him and of the taxa (all are arthropods) which were named after F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I , are given below.
In the list of the scientific publications below the titles are given also in English [in square brackets, following the original title], if there was only a Hungarian or other but not English title published. in the list of the scientific lectures, the occasion of his oral presentations are given also in English (the site is Budapest, i f not stated otherwise).
S C I E N T I F I C P U B L I C A T I O N S OF DR. FERENC M I H Á L Y I (74 works, based on his own list) M I H Á L Y I , P. ( 1 9 3 5 ) : Adatok a házi légy repülőszerveinek anatómiájához és mechanikájához. [Data to (lie knowledge of anatomy and mechanics of the flying organs of the house fly.] - Bölcsészdoktori ér tekezés. [PhD thesis.] A szerző kiadása, Budapest, pp. 17.
MIHÁLYI, F. (1935-36): Untersuchungen über Anatomie und Mechanik der Flugorgane an der Stubenfliege. [Studies on the anatomy and mechanics of the Hying organs of the house fly.] - Magyar Biol. Kui. Int. I. Oszt. Münk. 8: 106-1 19. MIHÁLYI, F. (1935-36): A Cladophora tömeges előfordulása a Balaton turzásaiban 1934-ben. [The mass occur rence of Cladophora in the offshore bars of the Lake Balaton in 1934.] - Magyar Biol. Kut. int. I. Oszt. Münk. S: 241-246. LŐRINCZ, F. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1937): Adatok a hazai malária- kérdés ismeretéhez. III. Tanulmány az Anopheles maculipennis varietások hazai előfordulására vonatkozólag. [Data to the knowledge of the malaria prob lem in Hungary. III. Studies on the occurrence of the varieties of Anopheles maculipennis in Hungary.] - Népegészségügy 1937 ( 15-20): 789-801. LŐRINCZ, F. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1937): Adatok a hazai malária- kérdés ismeretéhez. IV. Az Anopheles maculipen nis varietások szerepe a malária terjesztésében hazánkban. [Data to the knowledge of the malaria prob lem in Hungary. IV. Role of the varieties of Anopheles maculipennis in spreading malaria in Hungary.] - Népegészségügy 1937 (IS): 829-836. LŐRINCZ, F. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1938): Vizsgálatok a légy-kérdés egészségügyi vonatkozásairól Magyarországon. [Studies on the significance of flies for human health in Hungary.] - Álhitt. Köziem. 3 5 : 1-13. LŐRINCZ, F. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1938): Adatok a hazai malária-kérdés vizsgálatához (Anopheles maculipennis ta nulmányok). [Data for studies of the malaria problem in Hungary (Anopheles maculipennis studies.] Állatt. Közlem. 3 5 : 176-186. MIHÁLYI, F. (1939): A szúnyog elleni védekezés entomológiai előkészítése Hévizén. [Entomological arrange ments for the mosquito control at Hcviz.J - Allait. Köziem. 3 6 : 107-1 17. MIHÁLYI, F. (1939): 8. Az Anopheles maculipennis, a malária terjesztője hazánkban. [Anopheles maculipennis, the vector of malaria in Hungary.] - In: LŐRINCZ, F. (szcrk. [ed.]): A maláriáról (okáról, a betegségről és gyógyításáról, járványtanáról és az. ellen való védekezésről). Magyar Orvosi Könyvkiadó Társulat, Budapest, pp. 84-100. MIHÁLYI. F. (1941): A Balaton partvidék Culicidái. [Culicids on the shores of the lake Balaton.] - Magyar Biol. Kut. Int. Münk. 13: 168-174. MAKARA, G Y . & MIHÁLYI, F. ( 194[4.]): Rovarok és betegségek. [Insects and diseases.] - Budapest, "1943", 394 pp. MIHÁLYI, F. & SoÓS, Á . (1952): A csípőszúnyogok és a malária elleni küzdelem rovartani előkészítése a Bala ton partján. [Entomological arrangements for the mosquito and malaria control on the shores of the lake Balaton.] - M agy. Tud. Akad. Biol. Agi: Tud. Oszt. Közi. 3: 555-587. MIHÁLYI, F., Soós, Á . & SZTANKAY, M . (1952): Ökologie und Ethologie der Culiciden im Ufergebiete des Bala ton-Sees. [Ecology and ethology of culicids on the lake-shore areas of Balaton.] - Annls Biol. Univ. Hung. 1: 79-105. MIHÁLYI, F., Soós, Á . , SZTANKAY, M . & ZOLTAI. N. (1952): Préparatifs entomologiques pour la lutte contre les moustiques piqueurs et le paludisme sur les bords du las Balaton. I . [Entomological arrangements for the mosquito and malaria control on the shores of the lake Balaton. I.] - Acta biol. hung. 3: 333-364. MIHÁLYI, F. Sous, Á . SZTANKAY, Sz.-né & ZOLTAI, N. (1953): A Balaton-menti közösségek szúnyoghelyzete és a gyakorlati védekezés módjai. |The mosquito problems at the Balaton lake-shore villages and the prac tical measures of control.] -Magy. Tud. Akad Biol. Oszt. Közi. 2: 35-94. MIHÁLYI, F. Soós, Á . SZTANKAY-GULYÁS, M. & ZOLTAI, N. (1953): Préparatifs entomologiques pour la lutte contre les moustiques piqueurs et le paludisme sur les bords du lac Balaton. II. partie. Les moustiques piqueurs dans les localités et les procédés défensifs pratiques. [Entomological arrangements for the mos quito and malaria control on the shores of the lake Balaton. II. Mosquitoes at the different localities and the practical measures of control.] - Ada biol. hung. 4: I -68. MIHÁLYI, F. (1953): Bátorliget kétszárnyú-faunája. Diptera. [Dipterous fauna of Bátorliget.] - In: SzÉKESSY, V. (szerk. [ed.]): Bátorliget élővilága. [Natural history of Bátorliget.], Budapest, p. 318-324. MIHÁLYI, F. ( 1954): Előzetes vizsgálatok a dunai szúnyogkérdés megoldásához. [Preliminary studies for the sol ution of the mosquito problem along the river Danube.] - Állatt. Köziem. 4 4 : 81-85. MIHÁLYI, F. (1954): Revision der Süsswasserfische von Ungarn und der angrenzenden Gebieten in der Samm lung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums. [Revision of the fresh-water fishes of Hun gary and of the neighbouring areas in the Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum.] Annls hist.-nut. Mus. nain. hung. S. N. 5: 433-456.
M I H Á L Y I . F.. Soós. Á . , SZTANKAY-GULYÁS, M . & ZOLTAI, N . (1954): L'envahissement des moustiques das les
zones d'inondation du Danube. [Mass occurrence of mosquitoes of the inundation zone of Danube.] Acta zool. hung. 1: 105-128. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1955): Aedes hungaricus n. sp. (Culicidae, Diptera). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natu. Innig. S.N. 6: 343-345. M I H Á L Y I , F., Soós, Á . , SZTANKAY-GILYÁS, M . & ZOLTAI, N . (1955): Recherches informatives sur l'envahisse ment des Moustiques des hautes regions de la Hongrie. Modes de la protection. [Studies on mass occur rence of mosquitoes of the higher altitude regions of Hungary. Modes of control.] - Annls hist.-no I. Mus. num. hung. S. /V. 6: 347-366. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1955): Igazi szúnyogok - Culicidae. - In: Magyarország Állatvilága, Fauna Hungáriáé. XV. 5. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 40 pp. M I H Á L Y I , F. SOÓS, Á . . SZTANKAY-GULYÁS, M . & ZOLTAI. N . (1955): Récherches informatives sur l'envahisse
ment des moustiques des regions plates de la Hongrie. [Studies on mass occurrence of mosquitoes of the lowlands of Hungary. | - Acta zool. hung. 2 : 245-262. M I H Á L Y I , F. & Z O L I M , N . (1955): Contributions to the occurrence of Culex pipiens moleslus in Hungary. Acta zool. hung. 2: 263-268. MARTINOVICII, V. & MIHÁLYI. F. ( 1958): Ökológiai és nevelési megfigyelések hazai Trypetidákon (Dipt.). [Eco logical and rearing observations on the trypetids of Hungary (Dipt.).] - Kertészeli Kutatóintézet Évköny ve 3: 105-109. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1959): Die tiergeographische Verteilung des Stechmückenfauna Ungarns. [Zoogeographical classification of the culicid mosquitoes of Hungary.) - Acta zool. hung. 4 : 393-403. BÁLÁS. G . A: MIHÁLYI. F. (1959): Adatok a fúrólegyek (Trype(idae) magyarországi tápnövényeinek ismereté hez. [Data to the knowledge of host plants of the fruit Hies (Trypetidae) in Hungary.] - Allan. Köziem. 47:45-53. MIHÁLYI, F. (1959): Revision der aus dem Kaipatenbecken stammenden Stechmücken der ungarischen Dip teren-Sammlungen. [Revision of the culicid mosquitoes of the Carpathian Basin in the collections in Hungary.] - Folia ent. hung. S. N . 12: 139-162. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1959): A revision of the Trypetids of the Carpathian Basin (Dipt.). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nam. hung. 51:339-362. M I H Á L Y I . F. (I960): Fúrólegyek - Trypetidae. - In: Magyarország Állatvilága. Fauna Hungáriáé. XV. 3. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest, 76 pp. M I H Á L Y I , F. (I960): Description of the larva of Ades (Ochlerotatus) hungaricus MIHÁLYI (Diptera, Culicidae). Acta zool. hung. 7:231-233. M I H Á L Y I , F. & SZTANKAV-GULYÁS. M . (1963): Magyarorsz.ág csípő szúnyogjai. [Culicidae of Hungary.| Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. 229 pp. + 82 plates. MIHÁLYI, F. (1963): A Musca larvipara Portsch. hazai előfordulásáról. [On the occurrence of Musca larvipara Portsch. in Hungary.]-Állati. Köziem. 50: 95-97. M I H Á L Y I , F. ( 1965): Rearing Hies from faeces and meat, infected under natural condition. - Acta zool. hung. I I : 153-164. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1965): Rearing flies from faeces and meal, infected under natural conditions. - 1'roc. XII. Int. Congr. Fnt. London. 1964: 779. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1965): Legyek kinevelése szabadba kitett székletből és húsból. |Rearing flies from faeces and meat, infected under natural conditions.] - Állati. Köziem. 52: 95-105. MIHÁLYI, F. ( 1965): Review of the Culex pipiens moleslus Forskat problem in Eastern Europe, with special ref erence to urbanization. In: Seminar on the ecology, biology and control of the Culex pipiens complex. World Health Organization Vector Control. 125. 65: 33-39. MIHÁLYI, F. (1966): Flies visiting fruit and meal in an open-air market in Budapest. - Acta zool. hung. 12: 331-337. MIHÁLYI, F. (1966): A synanthrop légykérdés mai állása Magyarországon. [The present state of the synan thropic fly problem in Hungary.] - A Magyar Paraz.itológusok Társasága és a Fejér megyei Tanács V. H. Mezőgazdasági osztálya állal rendezett ankéton elhangzott tudományos előadások. - Budapest. 17-24. MIHÁLYI. F. (1967): The danger-index of the synanthropic (lies. - Acta zool. hung. 13: 373-377. M I H Á L Y I . F. (1967): Separating the rural and urban synanthropic fly faunas. -Acta zool. hung. 13: 379-383.
M I H Á L Y I , F. (1967): Egy budapesti élelmiszerpiac légylátogatóinak vizsgálata. The fly visitors of a Budapest foodmarkel. - Egészségtudomány 11: 180-186. M I H Á L Y I . F. (1967): Seasonal distribution of the synanthropic flies in Hungary. - Annls hist.-not. Mus. natu. hung. 59:327-344. M I H Á L Y I . F. (1969): Kétszárnyúak. [Diptera.] - In: MÓCZÁR, L. (ed.): Állathatározó, II. köt. pp. 154-257. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1969): Some Trypetidae (Diptera) from Southern Spain. - Fjitoinologiske Meddclelscr 3 7 : 228-236. MIHÁLYI, F. (1970): Zoological research work for overcoming the endemics. - Abstracts of the lectures de livered at the 9th Hungarian Congress of Biology, Budapest 6-8 May, 1970. - Publications of the Demographic Research institute 32: 17. ARADI, M . P. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1970): Öt budapesti élelmiszerpiac légylátogatóinak időszakos vizsgálata. [Seaso nal investigations of flies visiting five food markets in Budapest.] - Budapesti Közegészségügy 2 (4): 103-110. ARADI, M . P. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1971): Seasonal investigations offlies visiting food markets in Budapest. - Acta zool. hung. 17: 1-10. DELY-DRASKOVITS, Á. & MIHÁLYI, F. (1972): Systematische und ökologische Untersuchungen an den in Ungarn als Schädlinge der Hutpilze auftretenden Fliegen. III. Anthomyiidae. Muscidae (Diptera). [Systematical and ecological investigations on fly pests of fungi in Hungary. III. Anthomyiidae, Muscidac (Diptera).] - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 64: 323-329. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1972): Kétszárnyúak - Diptera, általános bevezetés. [General introduction.] - In: Magyarország Állatvilága, fauna Hungáriáé, XIV. I. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 76 pp. MIHÁLYI, F. (1973): Zoological research work in the war against endemic diseases. - In: Advances in the biol ogy of human populations. Budapest, pp. 89-93. MIHÁLYI, F. (1973): Descriptions of two new Fanniinae species from Hungary (Muscidac, Diptera). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nam. hung. 65: 281-286. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1974): Description of Helina decipiens sp. n. and the misinterpreted H. moedlingensis Schnabl (Diptera: Muscidae). - Acta zool. hung. 2 0 : 159-163. MIHÁLYI. F. (1974): Description of Phaonia szelenyii sp. nov. found in Hungary (Diptera, Muscidac). - Folia eta. hung. S. N. 27: I 19-120. MIHÁLYI, F. (1975): Besehreibung vier neuer Sarcophagiden Arten aus Ungarn (Diptera). [Description of four new species of Sarcophagidae from Hungary.] - Acta zool. hung. 2 1 : 101-108. MIHÁLYI, F. ( 1975): Gymnodia pappi sp. n. from Hungary (Dipt. Muscidae). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 67:229-230. M I H Á L Y I . F. (1975): Igazi legyek - Muscidae. In: Magyarország Állalvilága. Fauna Hungáriáé, XV. 12. Akadé miai Kiadó, Budapest, 229 pp. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1976): Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 91. Beitrag. Diptera, Muscidae. [Results of the DEI Albania expedition in 1961. 91st paper: Diptera, Musci dae.] -Beitr. Eut. Berlin 20: 197-210. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1976): Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Pollenia R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae). - Acta zool. hung. 22: 327-333. MIHÁLYI, F. ( 1977): A new key for Hungarian Lucilia species (Diptera, Calliphoridae). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 25: 181-184. M I H Á L Y I , F. (1979): New and little known Sarcophagidae in the Carpathian Basin (Diptera). - Acta zool. hung. 25:159-167. MIHÁLYI, F. (1979): Fémeslegyek - Húslegyek, Calliphoridae - Sarcophagidae. - In: Magyarország Állatvilá ga, Fauna Hungáriáé. XV, 2. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 152 pp. MIHÁLYI, F. (1979): Beschreibung von Bellieria hortobagyiensis sp. n. aus Ungarn (Diptera, Sarcophagidae). [Description of Bellieria hortobagyiensis sp. n. from Hungary (Diptera, Sarcophagidae).|- Folia eni. hung. S. N. 3 2 : 171-172. MIHÁLYI, F. (1980): Ergebnisse tier Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 93. Beitrag. Diptera: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Rhinophoridae. [Results of the DEI Albania expedition in 1961. 93rd paper: Diptera. Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Rhinophoridae.] - Beitr. Eni. Berlin 3 0 (2): 333-341. MIHÁLYI. F. (1981): Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Rhinophoridae (Diptera) in the Hortobágy. - In: MAIIUNKA, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. I. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 237-241.
MIHÁLYI, F. ( 1983): Culicidae, Trypetidae, Muscidae, Eginiidae, Hippoboscidae, Hypodermatidac and Tachinidae (Diptera) in the Hortobágy. - In: MAHUNKA, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. II. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 279-292. M I H Á L Y I , F. & Weinberg, M . (1984): New Tachinidac (Diptera) in the collection of the "Grigore Anlipa" Natu ral History Museum. - Travaux du Museum d'Histoire naturelle "(Irigore Anlipa" 2 5 : 435-444. MÉSZÁROS. Z . (ed.), Á D Á M . L . , BALÁZS, K. BENEDEK, M . I . CSIKAI, CS., DLLY-DRASKOVITS, Á., KOZÁR,
L Ő V E I , G., M A I I U N K A , S., MESZLÉNYI, A., M I H Á L Y I , F., M I H Á L Y I . K., NAGY, L . . O L Á H , B.. PAPP, .1., PAPP, L „ POLGÁR, L . , ZEINAB RADWAN, RÁCZ, V „ RONKAY, L . , SOI.YMOSI, P., Soós, Á„ SZABÓ, S „ SZABÓKY, Cs..
TÖRÖK. .1. (1984): Results of faunistical et floristical studies in Hungarian apple orchards (Apple Ecosys tem Research No. 26). - Acta phythopathol. hung. 1 8 (1-2): 91-176. MIHÁLYI, F. & TÓTH. S. ( 1985): A Barcsi borókás fürkészlégy faunája (Diptera, Tachinidac). Die RaupenfliegeFaune in der Barcser Wacholderheide, Ungarn (Diptera. Tachinidac). [Tachinid fauna of the juniperus heath al Barcs.] - Dunántúli Dolgozatok. Természettudományi sorozat 5: 163-169. MIHÁLYI, F. (1986): Fürkészlegyek. Ászkalegyek - Tachinidac, Rhinophoridae. In: Magyarország Állatvilága. Fauna Hungáriáé. X V . 14-15. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest. 425 pp. WHITE, I . M . & MIHÁLYI, F. (1987): Tephriiis dudichi Aczél (Diptera. Tephritidae), lectotype designation and diagnosis. - Folia ent. hung. 4 8 : 243-244. M I H Á L Y I . F. (1988): Rhinophoridae and Tachinidae in the Kiskunság National Park (Diptera). - In: MAHUNKA, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Kiskunság National Park. II. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 303-3 11. MIHÁLYI, F. (1993): Fanniidae, Muscidae. Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Tachinidae and Rhinophoridae from the Biikk National Park. - In: MAHUNKA, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Bükk National Park I. Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest, pp. 379-399.
Scientific lectures (oral presentations) MIHÁLYI, F.: Vizsgálatok a légy-kérdés egészségügyi vonatkozásairól Magyarországon. [Studies on the signific ance of Hies for human health in Hungary.] - Állattani Szakosztály ', 2 April 1937. MIHÁLYI, F.: Adatok a hazai malária-kérdés vizsgálatához. [Data for studies on the malaria problem in Hun gary.] - Állattani Szakosztály, 2 April 1937. MIHÁLYI. F.: Szúnyogvizsgálatok. [Studies on culicids.] - Magyar Hygienikusok és a Magyar Rovartani Társa ság" együttes ülése. [Joint session of the Hungarian Hygienists and the Hungarian Entomological So ciety.], 3 December 1938. MIHÁLYI, F.: A szúnyog elleni védekezés entomológiai előkészítése Hévízen. [Entomological arrangements for mosquito control.] - Állattani Szakosztály, 14 April 1939. MIHÁLYI, F.: Entomológiai bevezető, a szúnyogok anatómiája és biológiája. [Entomological introduction, the anatomy and biology of mosquitoes.] - Orvosi továbbképző tanfolyam malária tanfolyama. [The malaria course of medical extension courses.], 13-14 September 1937. MIHÁLYI, F.: A maláriaszúnyogokról. [On the malaria vector mosquitoes.] - Malária tanfolyam. [A malaria course.|. Ungvár, 1940. MIHÁLYI. F.: A beregszászi malária endémia leküzdéséről. [Combat malaria endemics in Beregszász.] - Bereg szászi orvosok tudományos ülései. [Scientific sessions of the Beregszász physicians.]. 1940. Soós, Á. & MIHÁLYI, F.: A csípőszúnyogok és a malária elleni küzdelem rovartani előkészítése a Balaton part ján. [Entomological arrangements for the mosquito and malaria control on the shores of the lake Bala ton.] - Akadémiai nagyhéten elhangzott előadás. [A lecture with the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.), 13 December 1951. MIHÁLYI. F.: Az Anopheles maculipennis és Culex pipiens rendszertani és ökológiai problémái. [Systematical and ecological problems of Anopheles maculipennis and Culex pipiens.] - Állattani Szakosztály, 28 No vember 1952. 1
* Section of Zoology, Hungarian Biological Society
MIHÁLYI, F.: Előzetes vizsgálatok a dunai szúnyogkérdés megoldásához. [Preliminary studies to the solution of the mosquito problem at the Danube] - Állattani Szakosztály, 25 March 1953. MIHÁLYI, F.: Nyers és szárított gombák kártevői. [Pests of (he raw and dried mushrooms] - A Magyar Bio lógiai Egyesület gombaszakértői munkaközösségének szakértői továbbképző tanfolyamán. [A lecture at the training course of the mycologist panel of the Hungarian Biological Federation.], 24 February 1954. M I H Á L Y I , F.: A csípőszúnyog helyzet. [The present state of mosquito control.] - Magyar Rovartani Társaság*, 16 May 1952. MIHÁLYI, F.: Erfolge und Misserfolge in der Steckmückenbekämpfung in Ungarn. [Success and ill-success in the mosquito control in Hungary.] - Csehszlovák Parazitológusok I . Konferenciája. [I Conference of the Czechoslovakia!! Parasitologists.], Prague, 8 October 1957. M I H Á L Y I , F., Soós, Á„ SZTANKAINÉ GULYÁS, M . & ZOLTAI, N.: A magyarországi szúnyoghelyzet ötévi felderítő
munka alapján. [The state of the mosquito control in Hungary based on five years of explorations.] Parazitológiai Konferencia a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián. [Parasitological conference at the Hun garian Academy of Sciences.], 18 September 1958. BÁLÁS, G. & MIHÁLYI, F.: Adatok a Trypetidák magyarországi tápnövényeinek ismeretéhez. [Data to the knowledge of host plants of the fruit flies (Trypetidae) in Hungary.] - Állattani Szakosztály, 5 Decem ber 1958. MARTINOVICH, V. & MIHÁLYI, F.: Ökológiai megfigyelések hazai Trypetidákon. [Ecological observations on fruit flies in Hungary.] - Magyar Rovartani Társaság, 20 February 1959. MIHÁLYI, F.: Új Musca faj hazánkban. [A species of Musca new to Hungary.] - Állattani Szakosztály, 4 May 1962. M I H Á L Y I , F.: A Dunakanyar és környékének állatvilága. [The Fauna of the Danube Bend and its environs] - A Dunakanyar Intéző Bizollságának Tudományos és Egészségügyi Szakbizottsága Vácrátóton a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Botanikai Kutatóintézetében tartott ülése. [Scientific session of the Scientific and Public Health Committee of the Danube Bend Executive Committee held in the Botanical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.], 27 April 1962. MIHÁLYI, F.: A hazai szinantróp légyvizsgálatok főbb eredményei. [Main results of studies on the synantropic Hies in Hungary.] - Magyar Rovartani Társaság, 19 April 1963. M I H Á L Y I , F.: Rearing Hies on faeces and meat laid with eggs under natural conditions. - Xllth International Congress of Entomology, Section 12. London, 10 July 1964. MIHÁLYI, F.: Review of the Culex pipiens molestus Forskal problem in Eastern Europe with special reference to urbanization. - A Világegészségiigyi Szervezet (WHO) Culex pipiens complex témájú szemináriuma. IA WHO seminar on the Culex pipiens complex.], Geneva, 31 August 1964. M I H Á L Y I , F.: Synanthrop legyek kinevelése. [Rearing of synantropic flies.] - Állattani Szakosztály, 13 Novem ber 1964. M I H Á L Y I , F.: A synanthrop légykérdés mai állása Magyarországon. [The present state of the problems of synan thropic flies in Hungary.] - A Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága és a Fejér megyei Tanács V. B. Mez őgazdasági Osztályának közös entomológiai ankétja. [A joint entomological session of the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists and of the Agricultural Section of the E.C. of the Council of Fejér County], Székesfehérvár, 10 July 1966. MIHÁLYI, F.: Alap- és alkalmazott kutatás az Állattár tematikájában (az Állattár munkájának, főleg gyakorlati irányú kutatásainak ismertetése és a budapesti piacok légylátogatóinak vizsgálati eredményei. [Basic and applied research in the scientific activities of the Department of Zoology (a review of the activities of the Department of Zoology, particularly about their applied research, and the results of the investiga tions on the fly visitors of food markets in Budapest).] - A Természettudományi Múzeum felszabadulá sunk 25 éves jubileuma alkalmával és a Lenin centennárium jegyében tartott ünnepi ülése a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum épületében. [Special session of the Natural History Museum on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hungary's Liberation and of the Lenin centenary, in the building of the Hungarian National Museum.], 23 March 1970. ARADI, M . P. & MIHÁLYI, F.: Öt budapesti élelmiszerpiac légylátogatói. [Fly visitors of five food markets in Bu dapest.] - Magyar Rovartani Társaság, 17 April 1970.
Hungarian Entomological Society
MIHÁLYI, F.: Zoológiai kutatómunka a népbetegségek legyőzésére. [Zoological research for/in the control of en demics.] - A Magyar Biológiai Társaság IX. Biológiai Vándorgyűlése a Magyar Tudományos Akadé mián. [IXth Congress of the Hungarian Biological Society at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.], 6 May 1970. ARADI, M . P. & MIHÁLYI, F.: Öt budapesti élelmiszerpiac legyeinek évszakos vizsgálata. [Seasonal investiga tions on the flies of five food markets in Budapest.] - Országos Közegészségügyi Intézet tudományos ülése. [Scientific session of the Hungarian Public Health Institute.], 3 November 1970.
Diptera taxa described by F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I
(Taxonomic status [ i f changed] in brackets)* Aedes hungaricus M I H Á L Y I , 1955: Annls hist.-naî. Mus. natn. hung. S.N. 6: 343 (Culicidae). Hennigomyia MlHÁLYl, 1973: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nam. hung. 65: 2 8 1 (Fanniidae). Type-species: H. aenigmatica M I H Á L Y I , 1973: I.e.: 2 8 2 (original designation). [A junior subjective synonym of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830.] Hennigomyia aenigmatica M I H Á L Y I , 1973: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 65: 2 8 2 (Fanniidae). [A junior subjective synonym of Fannia armata (Meigen, 1826).] Fannia argentea MIHÁLYI, 1973: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 65: 2 8 4 (Fanniidae). [A junior subjective synonym of Fannia krimensis Ringdahl, 1934.] Helina decipiens M I H Á L Y I , 1974: Acta zool. hung. 20: 160 (Muscidae). Phaonia szelenyii M I H Á L Y I , 1974: Folia ent hung. S.N. 27: 119 (Muscidae). Pandelleana kaszabi M I H Á L Y I , 1975: Acta zool. hung. 21: 101 (Sarcophagidae). Agriella incerta M I H Á L Y I , 1975: Acta zool. hung. 21: 102 (Sarcophagidae). Heteronychia (H.) povolnyi M I H Á L Y I , 1975: Acta zool. hung. 21: 104 (Sarcophagidae). [A junior subjective synonym of IT. ancilla (Rondani, 1865).] Heteronychia (H.) rohdendorfiana M I H Á L Y I , 1975: Acta zool. hung. 21: 106 (Sarcophagidae). Gymnodia pappi M I H Á L Y I , 1975: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 67: 2 2 9 (Muscidae). [Brontaea pappi ( M I H Á L Y I , 1975).] Macronychia vervesi M I H Á L Y I , 1979: Acta zool. hung. 25: 1160 (Sarcophagidae). [A junior subjec tive synonym of M. (M.) lemariei Jacentkovsky, 1941.] Miltogrammidium (Pseudomiltogramma) microchaetosum M I H Á L Y I , 1979: Acta zool. hung. 25: 161 (Sarcophagidae). Miltogrammidium (Pseudomiltogramma) moczari M I H Á L Y I , 1979: Acta zool. hung. 25: 162 (Sarco phagidae). Bellieria hortobagyensis M I H Á L Y I , 1979: Folia ent hung. S.N. 32 ( 2 ) : 171 (Sarcophagidae). [Helicophagella hortobagyensis ( M I H Á L Y I , 1 9 7 9 ) . ]
Arthropod taxa named after F E R E N C M I H Á L Y I (Taxonomic status [ i f changed] in brackets) 1. Schizostege decussata D E N N I S et S C H I F F E R M Ü L L E R forma mihalyii S Z E N T - I V Á N Y I ,
1948: Alföldi Tud. Int. Évk. Szeged 1 : 344. (Lepidoptera) (as Mihályit.) [An infrasubspecific name without taxonomic relevance.]
Of the 1 4 species 1 0 are still valid.
2. Rubiconia intermedia WOLFF ab. mihalyii HALÁSZFY, 1959: Fauna hung. 46. 17 (2): 57. (Heteroptera) (as Mihalyii.) [An infrasubspecific name without taxonomic relevance.) 3. Paraliodrosophila mihalyii W H E E L E R . 1963: Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 58: 60. (Drosophilidae. Diptera.) 4. Scutacarus mihalyii MAHUNKA, 1968: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 60: 261-263. (Acari, Prostigmata.) 5. Baeopterogyna mihalyii M A T I L E , 1973: Cahiers des Naturalistes N. P. 29: 87-88. (Mycetophilidae, Diptera.) 6. Apanteles mihalyii J. P A Î T . 1973: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 63: 296-297. (Braconidae. Hymenoptera.) 7. Coniosternttm mihalyii Si FN ER, 1975: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nam. hung. 67: 225-226. (Scatophagidae, Diptera.) 8. Sarcophaga mihalyiana LEHRER, 1976: Annotates zool.-bot. Bratisi. 115: 5. (Sarcophagidae, Diptera.) [A junior subjective synonym olW. baranoffi Rohdendorf, 1937.) 9. Angiometopa mihalyii ROHDENDORF et VERVES, 1978: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 70: 247. (Sarcophagidae, Diptera.) 10. Lyciella mihalyii L. PAPP. 1978: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 70: 223-224. (Lauxaniidae. Diptera.) 1 1. Gymnochiromyia mihalyii Soós, 1979: Acta zool. hung. 25: 413. (Chyromyidae, Diptera.) 12. Sulcomesiiius mihalyii M Ó C Z Á R , 1982: Acta zool. hung. 28: 337-345. (Mesitiidae, Hymenop tera.)