ABSTRAK Implementasi Manajemen Bisnis Islami Dalam Meningkatkan Etos Kerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Semesta Swalayan, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah) 2017 Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah Sebagai manusia yang hidup di dunia dan diutus menjadi khalifah fil ardh, Allah telah melengkapi serta memfasilitasi segala kebutuhan hidup baginya di dunia. Namun manusia masih harus bekerja dan berusaha agar bisa menikmatinya. Begitu juga dalam mengatur sumber daya manusia, seorang khalifah harusnya membawa manfaat dalam setiap aksi yang dikerjakannya. Islam memiliki ajaran dan batasan dalam segala jenis interaksi antar sesama manusia. Maka seorang muslim harusnya mengatur sumber daya alam serta sumber daya manusia menggunakan ajaran yang telah Islam ajarkan. Sehingga peran sebagai khalifah yang menjaga ketentraman di muka bumi dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan tidak menimbulkan kerusakan. Dalam hal ini, seorang bos sangat memerlukan manajemen yang Islami dalam bisnis nya guna meningkatkan kinerja karyawan sebagai sumber daya manusia dalam usaha bisnisnya. Berangkat dari latar belakang diatas, pada penelitian ini penulis ingin mengungkap fakta yang terjadi pada lapangan tentang adanya implementasi manajemen bisnis yang Islami dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja sumber daya manusia serta adanya wujud tolong menolong antar sesama manusia dalam usahanya meraih kesejahteraan hidup. Semesta Swalayan yang terletak di kota Temanggung Jawa Tengah merupakan sebuah supermarket modern yang dimiliki dan dikelola oleh seorang pengusaha muslim. Dalam keseharianya mengatur usaha, baginya hal itu merupakan salah satu wujud pengabdian kepada keluarga, masyarakat muslim dan juga lingkungan sekitarnya sebagai bentuk ibadah kepada sang Maha Kuasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang mendeskripsikan sistem manajemen Islami yang diterapkan oleh semesta swalayan serta implementasinya dalam upaya meningkatkan etos kerja karyawan. Data sekunder pada penelitian ini adalah landasan teori yang di dapat dari studi literatur pada penelitian dan jurnal sebelumnya juga tambahan buku-buku referensi yang memperkuat landasan teori yang akan dijadikan pengukur manajemen Islami. Adapun data primer merupakan fakta lapangan yang didapatkan dari adanya observasi, wawancara, dan juga pembagian kuisioner pada beberapa karyawan yang bekerja di semesta swalayan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan fakta bahwa manajemen bisnis di semesta swalayan merupakan manajemen yang Islami yang di implementasikan terhadap mengatur sumber daya manusia sehingga etos kerja serta individual karyawan meningkat dengan adanya manajemen Islami tersebut. implementasi manajemen islam dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan di Semesta Swalayan berawal dari meningkatkan disiplin beribadah setiap karyawan sehingga menjadi pendorong tumbuhnya rasa tanggungjawab terhadap pekerjaan yang dimilikinya. Pada akhirnya, penulis mengakui bahwa penelitian ini masih sangat jauh dari kata sempurna. Maka, penulis akan menerima dengan lapang dada segala kritikan dan saran bagi pembaca. Dan penulis berharap penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi objek yang diteliti, para pembaca, serta peneliti selanjutnya agar penelitian ini dapat berkembang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
ABSTRACT The Islamic Business Management Implementation In Improving Employees Performance (Case Study at Semesta Swalayan, Temanggung, Central of Java) 2017 Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah As a human living in the world and sent to be khalifah fil ardh, Allah has equipped and facilitated all the necessities of life for him in the worldly life. But people still have to work and try to be able to enjoy it. So also in managing human resources, a khalifah should bring benefits in every action he does. Islam has teachings and limits in all kinds of interactions among human beings. So a Muslim should organize natural resources and human resources using teaches of Islam. So the role as a caliph who keeps peace in the earth can be done well and does not cause damage in the earth. In this case, a boss is in need of Islamic management in his business to improve employee performance as a human resource in his business endeavors. Departing from the background above, the aim of this research is the writer wants to reveal the facts that occur on the field about the implementation of Islamic business management in an effort to improve the performance of human resources and the form of help each other in their efforts to achieve prosperity of life in Semesta Swalayan. Semesta Swalayan which located in the town of Temanggung City Central of Java is a modern supermarket owned and managed by a Muslim businessman. In his daily set of business, for him it is one form of dedication to the family, Muslim community and also the surrounding environment as a form of worship to the Almighty Allah SWT. This research uses descriptive qualitative method that describes Islamic management system applied by Semesta Swalayan and its implementation in an effort to improve work performance of employees. Secondary data in this study is the theoretical basis that can be concluded from the study of literature on research and previous journals are also additional reference books that strengthen the theoretical basis to be used as a measure of Islamic management. The primary data is a field fact obtained from the observation, interviews, and also the distribution of questionnaires on some employees who work in Semesta Swalayan. This study resulted in the fact that business management in the Semesta Swalayan is an Islamic management that is implemented on managing human resources so that work ethic and individual employees increase with the Islamic management. Implementation of Islamic management on improving the performance of employees in the Semesta Swalayan starts from improving discipline to the worship of every employee so that it becomes the driver of the growing sense of responsibility towards the work they has. In the end, the writers acknowledge that this research is still very far from the perfection. So, the writers will accept with honest all criticism and suggestions from the reader. And the writer hopes this research can be useful for the object under study, the readers, as well as subsequent researchers for this research can develop better than ever.
To Honorable, Dean of Faculty Syari'ah University of Darussalam Gontor Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu'alaikum Wr, Wb I have to honour to present this thesis written by: Name : Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah Reg. Number : The Title : The Islamic Business Management Implementation On Improving Employees Performance (Case Study Semesta Swalayan Temanggung 2017) It has been processed and corrected to meet the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of licentiate in Islamic Economic in the Faculty of Syari'ah. There for we expect that the thesis can be examined soon. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr, Wb. Mantingan, 24 May 2017 Supervisor,
(Achmad Fajaruddin, M.A.)
CERTIFICATION The Faculty of syari'ah, Syari'ah University of Darussalam Gontor, Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo has received a thesis written by: Name : Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah Reg. Number : The Title : The Islamic Business Management Implementation On Improving Employees Performance (Case Study Semesta Swalayan Temanggung 2017) To meet the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Licentiate in Islamic economic in the Faculty of Syari'ah, for academic year 1437-1438/2016-2017.
Siman, 31 May 2017 Dean of Faculty of Syari'ah
(Imam Kamaluddin, Lc. M. Hum.)
DECISION OF THE TEAM The committee of the the team in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of licentiate in Faculty of Syari'ah University of Darussalam Gontor, Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo, declared that the thesis written by: Name : Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah Reg. Number : The Title : The Islamic Business Management Implementation On Improving Employees Performance (Case Study Semesta Swalayan Temanggung 2017) The committee has decided to grant him passed in this examination. Hence, he is eligible for the degree of licentiate of Islamic economic the Faculty of Syari'ah Mantingan, Ramadhan 5, 1438 May 31, 2017 Chairman of The Discussion
Secretary of The Discussion
Achmad Fajaruddin, M.A.
Arie Rachmat S, M.A.
The Team of Thesis Examination: 1st Examiner : Andi Triyawan, M. A. ( _____________ ) 2nd Examiner
: Arie Rachmat S, M. A. ( _____________ )
DECLARATION I am here by: Name Reg. Number Program of Study Faculty The Tittle
: Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah : : Islamic Economic : Syari’ah : The Islamic Business Management Implementation on Improving Employees Performance (Case Study “Semesta Swalayan” Temanggung 2017)
Declare sincerely that thesis originally belongs to my own work and not belongs to other research for different degree. Furthermore, this thesis is not work published before, except some parts with their original references. When, otherwise found that thesis is plagiarism, I am here ready to be cased academically. Gontor, 27 Sya’ban 1438 24 Mei 2017 I who declare
Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah
ِ يا أَيُّها الَّ ِذين آمنُوا ال تَأْ ُكلُوا أَموالَ ُكم ب ي نَ ُكم بِالْب اط ِل إِال َ َ َ ْ َْ ْ َ ْ َ َ ِ ٍ أَ ْن تَ ُكو َن تِجارًة عن تَر س ُك ْم إِ َّن اللَّهَ َكا َن َ اض م ْن ُك ْم َوال تَ ْقتُ لُوا أَنْ ُف َ َْ َ َ ِ ِ .يما ً ب ُك ْم َرح O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful. (An Nisa’:29)
ِ الدار ِ ِ َاآلخرةَ وال تَ ْنس ن ك ِم َن َ َيما آت َ َصيب َ َ َ َّ ُاك اللَّه َ َوابْتَ ِغ ف َ ِ َ ك وال تَب ِغ الْ َفس ِ الدنْيا وأ ِ األر ض إِ َّن ْ َ َ َح َس َن اللَّهُ إِلَْي ْ َحس ْن َك َما أ ْ َ َ ُّ ْ اد في َ ِِ .ين ُّ اللَّهَ ال يُ ِح َ ب ال ُْم ْفسد But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters. (Al Qashash: 77)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah the all Merciful, praise be to Him, Lord of the universe, to Allah belongs all that is in heavens and all that is on the earth. He is the Owner of life and death, because of Him we are alive and only to reserve Him long life and only to Him we are died. Peace and salutation to the prophet Muhammad SAW (Peace Upon Him), the best figure and admired by all Muslims, and his family, his companions, and entire followers. By the mercy, blessing and help from Allah the Almighty one, I could possible accomplish the writing of this humble thesis. Nothing I can do, except utterance thanks to everyone who has being a part with me in the writing of this thesis. To everyone who have given their hand when I need, who helped me in my requiring, to whose always awaken me and struggle me when I am sleepy and down. Thanks a lot for the support and spirits, and particularly thanks for my friends which have same spirit to motivate each other in writing each thesis. The honor is dedicated to the Head Master of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School of Gontor, they are K.H. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A., K.H. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, and K.H. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag., and all their helper whose have educated us with all educations in Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor. And for all Rectors of Darussalam University Gontor, They are Prof Dr. H. Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi M.A., Dr. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi, Setiawan Bin Lahuri M.A., Dr. Dihyatun Masqon, M.A. and for the whole lectures in
Darussalam University who have educate me in all courses I have till I can finish the writing of this research. And for the chief of the Faculty Economic and Management Mr. Khoirul Umam M.Ec, and for the chief of the Department of Islamic Economic Mr. Royyan Ramdhani Djayusman, M.A, thank you very much, may Allah bless you here and hereafter. Special thanks to the Honorable Mr. Achmad Fajaruddin, M.A. as my supervisor in writing this research. For sincerely dedicating his time and strength and for his guidance to shape this research, Allah will grant him and his family by peace and heaven. The great thanks for my parents, brother and sisters, my friends and everyone for support and pray during the writing of this research. May Allah grant us all a best reward here and hereafter, Amien. Gontor, 12 May 2017 The Writer
Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah
DEDICATION Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim… With the name of Allah, the great powerful God in my life, God who depend on Him everything, and without Him I can’t finish all my jobs and my works. I am Ahmad Zamzami Fakhrillah dedicated this writing for my beloved parents Alm Fakhrur Rozi and Qurrotun Ainiyah who always supported me and always strengthening me when I am in my weakness and never stop praying to Allah SWT for my success and for my brother and sisters success. And for my lovely sisters Fahdina Ilal Haqqi, and Khollishna Minal Balwa and my proudly little brother Rouhur Roihan Lil Muqorrobin who always help me by their pray to Allah SWT for our success both in worldly life and afterlife. For my best Family in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo especially for my graduation’s family “Dynamic Generation” who always supporting each other to finish each writing and go together to be graduated. For my teachers and my lectures for the motivations, guidance, Inspirations and everything they do for supporting me. And all of my Islamic brothers and sisters especially for who never forget to pray for my success and never stop supporting me when I am down and weak, thank you very much. May Allah grant and bless all of us and give best reward for every actions we done for Allah and put us in the faithful groups to the Jannah. Amiin yaa Rabbal Alamiin.
TABLE OF CONTENT Indonesian Abstract.............................................................. i English Abstract ................................................................... ii Letter to Dean....................................................................... iii Certification ......................................................................... iv Decision of Team ................................................................. v Declaration ........................................................................... vi Motto .................................................................................... vii Acknowledgement ................................................................ viii Dedication ............................................................................ x Table of Contents ................................................................. xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION................................ 1 A. Background of Study .................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation .................................................... 11 C. Purpose of Study .......................................................... 11 D. The Significance of Study ............................................ 12 E. Literature Review ......................................................... 13 F. Theoritical Framework ................................................. 21 G. Research Methodology ................................................. 24 1. Method Used in This Study .................................. 25 2. Research Design ................................................... 26 3. Source of Data ...................................................... 28 4. The Method of Collecting Data ............................ 30 5. Method of Data Analysis ...................................... 32 H. System of Study............................................................ 33 CHAPTER TWO: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK .... 37 A. Business Management in Islam .................................... 37 1. Tauhid and Worship ............................................. 40 2. Amanah, Justice, and Responsibility .................... 43 3. Wisdom, Ehsan, and Helping Each Other ............ 46 4. Halaalan Thayyiban .............................................. 50
5. Deliberation .......................................................... 52 Aims of Business Management in Islam ...................... 55 1. The Target Result: Profit Material and Non-Material Benefit ................................................................... 56 2. Growth .................................................................. 58 3. Sustainability ........................................................ 59 4. Blessing ................................................................. 63 C. Modern Market ............................................................. 63 D. Human Resources ......................................................... 66 1. Employees ............................................................. 69 2. Work’s Motivation and Improving Work’s Performance .......................................................... 71 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH RESULT .................. 75 A. Semesta Swalayan, Temanggung, Central of Java ....... 75 1. Background of Semesta Swalayan ........................ 75 2. Vision and Mission of Semesta Swalayan ............ 78 3. The Islamic Work Environment and Work Culture in Semesta Swalayan ................................................. 80 4. Structure Organization .......................................... 83 B. Islamic Business Management Application in Semesta Swalayan ....................................................................... 86 1. Tauhid and Worship Concept in Management Semesta Swalayan ................................................. 87 2. Amanah and Responsibility Concept in Management of Semesta Swalayan ............................................ 89 3. Wisdom and Justice Concept in Management of Semesta Swalayan ................................................. 93 4. Ehsan and Helping Concept in Management of Semesta Swalayan ................................................. 97 5. Halal Concept in Treasure Management of Semesta Swalayan ............................................................... 99 B.
Deliberation Concept in Management of Semesta Swalayan ............................................................... 103 C. Aims of Business Management in Semesta Swalayan . 104 1. The Target of Material Profits and Non-Material Benefits in Semesta Swalayan .............................. 104 2. The Aim of Growth in Semesta Swalayan ........... 105 3. The Sustainability of Benefits in Semesta Swalayan .............................................................................. 107 4. The Aim of Allah’s Blessing in Semesta Swalayan .............................................................................. 108 D. Implementation of Islamic Management Toward Human Resources in Semesta Swalayan................................... 108 CHAPTER FOUR: CLOSING ......................................... 117 A. Conclusion .................................................................... 117 B. Suggestion .................................................................... 119 C. Closing.......................................................................... 120 Bibliography ................................................................. 122 Attachment ................................................................... 127