A World-Class Community of Proud and Outstanding Achievers
Lines of Inquiry :
States of matter
Engage confidently with the process of writing
Properties of matter
Use feedback from teachers and other students to improve their
How matter changes from one state to another
Publish written work, in handwritten form or in digital format Listening and Speaking :
Follow multi-step directions
Use language to explain, inquire and compare
Number :
Read and write digital and analogue time on 12 hour and 24
Change Attitudes :
hour clock
Find the duration of a time interval, starting and finishing
Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time given in hours, minutes and seconds
Skills: Research Skills (formulating questions, interpreting data &
Convert hours to minutes, and minutes to seconds
presenting research findings)
Estimate and measure: length in metres, centimetres and kilo-
Thinking Skills (Acquisition of knowledge, analysis & evalua-
Use the appropriate measures and their abbreviations: cm, m, g, kg
Formative Assessments: Poster about objects and properties and volume
Convert units into : metres to centimetres, metres to kilometres
Chart showing tools and metric units used for measuring
Add and subtract measurements in compound units
mass, length and volume
Solve word problems involving length, mass, volume and capac-
Report writing about an experiment
ity using addition and subtraction Understand the concept of perimeter (adding the sides of a
Summative Assessment: Demonstrate
changes of matter in experiment and written form Designed activities: Poster about objects and properties Chart showing tools and metric units used for measuring mass, length and volume Report writing about an experiment Reading Recognize and use the different parts of book, for example, title page, contents, index Wonder about texts and ask questions to try to understand what the author is saying to the reader
plane figure)
A World-Class Community of Proud and Outstanding Achievers
mengidentifikasi benda yang ada di lingkungan sekitar beserta fungsinya. Murid juga akan belajar mengidentifikasi wujud benda padat, cair, dan gas dan sifatnya, mengobservasi dan memahami perubahan bentuk pada benda, dan menjelaskan antara sifat bahan dan kegunaannya. Untuk tata bahasa, murid akan mempelajari kata sambung, tanda baca, dan teks prosedur. Tugas
Menuliskan tahap-tahap percobaan tentang
perubahan wujud benda dalam bahasa Indonesia. Bahan pembelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 3, Grasindo Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam kelas 2,3,4 SD, Grasindo
In Bahasa Indonesia as a Foreign Language, students will learn about vocabulary on states of matter and how matter changes from one state to another. The grammatical point in this unit is degree of comparison: comparative and superlative words. They will also review imperative words and giving suggestions or advice. Assessment task: Students will write a procedural text of their experiment on how matter changes from one state to another.
Sari Kata Bahasa Indonesia untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas Kamus Besar bahasa Indonesia, Balai Pustaka
During this term, students will learn the concept of basic games through modified games using fundamental skills, which provi de greater opportunities for students to hone their fundamental skills. Games can be divided into three broad categories namely: territorial, net/wall and striking and fielding games. It includes recognizing the challenges presented by games; the importance of manipulating space; the category of games identifying and developing appropriate skills and strategies, recognizing the impor tance of rules and how they define its nature, modifying existing and creating new games and teamwork. These aims equip the students with knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue and enjoy a physically active and healthy lifestyle through games and sports. The central idea for the independent programme of inquiry for this term is “Attacking and defending involving the use of space effectively.”
Learning outcomes : RESPONDING compare aspects of music from different times and places CREATING express themselves as individuals through musical composition ACTIVITIES Students will learn new songs which different for every class, focusing on the musical elements such as dynamic and tempo Students will practice together to form a class ensemble consist of recorder, violin, piano, glockenspiel and percussions to perform in front of the audience Students will arrange the sequence of the their song performance Assessment: Class Ensemble Performance
A World-Class Community of Proud and Outstanding Achievers
Religion Christian
“Lebih baik memberi daripada menerima” adalah topic bahasan siswa kelas 3, dimana mereka belajar artinya menjadi orang yang murah hati, yang selalu memberi dengan sukacita dan tanpa pamrih. Mereka juga belajar dari kisah persembahan seorang janda miskin, dimana dia memberi dari kekurangannya dan memberikan segala yang dia miliki untuk Tuhan. Janda ini menjadi seorang pemberi yang tulus dan dia memiliki keyakinan yang sungguh kepada Tuhan. Siswa harus belajar untuk menjadi pemberi yang penuh sukacita sebagai bukti kasih kepada Tuhan.
Hindu Pada unit ini siswa akan mempelajari tentang Lima Dharma dan Kewajiban-kewajiban mereka baik sebagai anak maupun sebagai seorang siswa. Siswa akan mempelajari topik kali ini melalui cerita dan penjelasan yang akan diberikan di kelas, diskusi bersama, mengisi lembar permata hidup, lembar permainan, dan lembar evaluasi, kemudian juga membuat kreativitas yang berkaitan dengan topik yang sedang dibahas. Tujuan dari pembelajaran topik ini yaitu agar siswa dapat memahami isi dari ke-Lima Dharma dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan juga dapat selalu sadar untuk memenuhi kewajiban mereka baik sebagai seorang anak maupun sebagai seorang siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Pada term ini kelas 3 Katolik akan mempelajari topiktopik tentang: Komuni kudus, Dosa dan Pertobatan. Misa Paskah akan dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 9 April 2013 pukul 14:30 di Indoor Playground Basement 1.
Islam Pada unit ini siswa muslim akan belajar tentang surat-surat pendek pilihan yaitu surat al-Lahab, surat an-Nashr dan surat al-kafirun. Siswa akan belajar sejarah sebab-sebab diturunkannya, serta isi surat tersebut. Tujuan dari materi ini yaitu agar siswa dapat melafalkan, hafal serta mengetahui kandungan yang terdapat dalam surat al-Lahab, surat an-Nashr dan surat al-kafirun.
Siswa akan mempelajari tentang Lima Dharma dan Kewajiban-kewajiban mereka baik sebagai anak maupun sebagai seorang siswa. Siswa akan mempelajari topik kali ini melalui cerita dan penjelasan yang akan diberikan di kelas, diskusi bersama, mengisi lembar permata hidup, lembar permainan, dan lembar evaluasi, kemudian juga membuat kreativitas yang berkaitan dengan topik yang sedang dibahas. Tujuan dari pembelajaran topik ini yaitu agar siswa dapat memahami isi dari ke-Lima Dharma dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan juga dapat selalu sadar untuk memenuhi kewajiban mereka baik sebagai seorang anak maupun sebagai seorang siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Visual Art How the World Works In Visual Art, the students will study the basic elements of art. They will apply what they have learnt in making an artwork and should meet the following criteria: Responding: Sharpen their power of observation. Identifiy the stages of their own and other’s creative procesess. Become an engaged and responsive audience for variety of art forms. Creating: Demonstrate control of tools, materials and processes.
In this unit, reading and oral practice are part of our focus. To strengthen one’s speaking skill, Grade 3 students will practice writing sentences by using a certain pattern, as well as learning how to express various languages all over the world, identifying people's nationality, and to describe their language ability in Chinese by applying their knowledge and vocabulary. For CSL, as part of UOI, we will arrange extra learning yǔ shuǐ xún huán
<<雨 水 循 环 >>-The
Show the awareness of the affective power of visual art Create artwork for a specific audience. From responding and creating experiences, the learners will learn and apply addictive sculpture technique using plaster-of-paris.
introduction to students about the three common states of existing objects and how the change happened within them.
A World-Class Community of Proud and Outstanding Achievers
Mikrobot visit Students make a potter’s wheel using lego blocks.
February 13, 2013
Where We Are In Place and Time “My Invention”
Grade 3 students presenting their invention as one of the formative tasks.
A World-Class Community of Proud and Outstanding Achievers