A Preliminary Bibliography of Ethnobotanical Research in West Papua* (Indonesia), Part I: Publications 2000-2013 (Version 4, June 2014) Robin Hide [Visiting Fellow, Anthropology, CAP, The Australian National University. Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia] Email:
[email protected]
*‘West Papua’ here refers to the whole of western New Guinea – that is, the two Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua. Note: This Version (#4) replaces #3 (April 2014): it includes a further 34 references. Part II covers the period 1963-1999, and Part III publications before 1963. The bibliography is a work-in-progress draft only, and any corrections, suggestions or additions would be most welcome. Ethnobotany is understood here to include material on human knowledge and use of plants. I have excluded specifically technical works on modern agriculture and forestry unless they include relevant ‘ethnobotanical’ information. For Indonesian language titles without English translations, I have included very rough (Google Translate, edited) English versions in square brackets […]. I am grateful to many for sharing information and copies of papers, in particular Terry Hays, Freddy Pattiselanno, Manuel Boissière, Mike Cookson, Chris Ballard, Reinnard Cabuy, Carolyn Cook, Andi Mukhsia, Leslie Butt, Andrew McDonald, Wim Vink, Anton Ploeg, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Verena Agustini, Konstantina Kameubun, Wahyudi. N.B. Many of the theses and some of the journal articles from West Papua listed here are not available internationally and have not been viewed personally.
Abbas, B., Bintoro, M.H., Sudarsono, Memen, S., and Ehara, H. 2008. Keragaman Genetik Tanaman sagu Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) Genom Inti. [The genetic diversity of Sago in Indonesia based on simple sequence repeats (SSR) Genome Core]. Agrotek, 1(3). Abbas, B., Renwarin, Y., Bintoro, M.H., Sudarsono, Surahman, M., and Ehara, H. 2010. Genetic diversity of sago palm in Indonesia based on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) markers. Biodiversitas 11(3), 112-117. Abbas, B., Listyorini, F.H., and Martanto, E.A. 2011. Karakteristik Jamur Sagu (Volvariella sp.) Endemik Papua. [Characteristics of Sago Mushroom (Volvariella sp.) endemic to Papua]. Jurnal Natur Indonesia 13(2), 168-173. Abidondifu, Y.D. 2007. Pengetahuan lokal tentang Pemanfaatan Vegetasi mangrove Oleh Suku Mandender di Kampung Duai Distrik Numfor Timur. [Local knowledge about the use of mangrove vegetation by Mandender people in Duai village, East Numfor District]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Abidondifu, Y.D., Mahmud, and Nugroho, B. 2007. Pengetahuan Lokal Suku Mandender dalam Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Mangrove di Kampung Duai Biak Numfor. [Indigenous knowledge of Mandender people in using mangrove plants in Duai village of Biak Numfor]. Beccariana, 9(1), 5-17.
Aduari, D. 2012. Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pencari Masoi (Cryptocaria spp.) Di Distrik Yaur Kabupaten Nabire. [Socioeconomic Characteristics of People Finder Masoi (Cryptocaria spp.) In Yaur District, Nabire Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Aibekob, H.H. 2002. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan sebagai obat tradisional pada masyarakat suku Biak di desa Duai Kecamatan Numfor Timur kabupaten Biak. [The use of traditional herbal medicine in Biak culture in Duai village, East Numfor SubDistrict, Biak Regency]. Thesis, Manokwari, Fapertek Unipa. Aji, C.A. 2000. Pengetahuan lokal pembuatan perahu tradisional oleh Suku Biak di Kecamatan Warsa Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [Local knowledge of traditional boat building by the Biak tribe in Warsa District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Alhamid, H. 2004. Forests for the people? : indigenous forest management under decentralisation : a case study of the Rendani Protection Forest, Papua, Indonesia. PhD thesis, The Australian National University, xvii, 377 p. Ameng, B.G.N. 2006. Produktifitas dan Laju Dekomposisi Seresah Daun Arwob (Dodonae viscose, L. Jacq) serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesuburan Tanah. [The productivity and rate of leaf litter decomposition of Arwob (Dodonae viscose, L. Jacq) and its effect on soil fertility]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Anapi, A. 2005. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan hutan sebagai obat tradisional oleh masyarakat suku Wandamen di pulau Yoop kabupaten Teluk Wondama. [The use of forest plants as traditional medicines by tribal communities on Yoop Wandamen Island, Wondama Bay Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Anastasia 2007. Efektivitas Zodia (Evodia Suaveolens) Sebagai Penghalau Nyamuk Culex [The effectiveness of Zodia (Evodia suaveolens) as a blocker of Culex mosquitoes]. Thesis, Bandung, Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Andarek, E. 2008. Pemanfaatan jenis kayu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan petrahu tradisional oleh masyarakat kampung yensner distrik Waigeo timur kabupaten Raja Ampat. [The use of wood as a raw material for making traditional boats by Yensner villagers, East Waigeo District, Raja Ampat Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Anon 2000. Abstracts from the Biological Society of New Guinea: Annual Meeting held at Universitas Cenderawasih Jayapura Campus, Indonesia, September, 1999. Science in New Guinea, 25(1,2,3), 116-122. Argent, G. 2001. Contributions to the flora of Mount Jaya. VI. A new banana species, Musa johnsii (Musaceae) from New Guinea. The Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore, 53, 1–7. Argent, G. 2010. A New Species of Wild Banana Musa arfakiana (Musaceae) from Papua (Formerly Irian Jaya) of Indonesia. The Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore, 61(2), 243-248.
3 Arief, A.J., Darnaedi, D., Keim, A.P., and Purwanto, Y. 2007. Keanekaragaman flora pandan (Pandanaceae) di Pulau Waigeo, Kepulauan Raja Ampat, Propinsi Papua Barat [Diversity of Pandanus flora (Pandanaceae) in Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua Province]. In: Laporan Teknik Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI : Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) Tahun Anggaran 2007 (Buku 1), pp. 162-189. Arief, A.J., Purwanto, Y., and Susiarti, S. 2007. Pengetahuan etnoekologi masyarakat di Teluk Manyailibit, Pulau Waigeo, Kabupaten Raja Ampat, Papua Barat [Ethnoecological knowledge in the Gulf Manyailibit society, Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua]. In: Laporan Teknik Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI : Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) Tahun Anggaran 2007 (Buku 1), pp. 258-277. Arobaya, A.A.Y.S. and Pattiselanno, F. 2011. How useful plants to the indigenous community at the Mamberamo, Papua Indonesia? http://fpattiselanno.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/how-usefulplants-to-the-indigenous-community-at-the-mamberamo-papua-indonesia/ (accessed 19 April 2014) Arobaya, A.Y.S. and Pattiselanno, F. 2007. Ethnobotany of Dasigo Tribe of Mamberamo in Papua Etnobotani Suku Dasigo di Mamberamo, Papua. Beccariana 9(1), 1-4. Arobaya, A.Y.S. and Pattiselanno, F. 2007. Jenis Tanaman Berguna Bagi Suku Dani di Lembah Baliem, Papua. [The Useful Plants of Dani Ethnic Groups in the Baliem Valley of Papua]. Biota, XII (3), 192-95. Arobaya, A.Y.S. and Pattiselanno, F. 2010. Potensi Mangrove dan Manfaatnya Bagi Kelompok Etnik di Papua. [The Potential of Mangrove and Its Benefit to the Ethnic Groups in Papua]. Biota, 15(3). Aronggear, A.B. 2011. Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) Nabati Sebagai Bahan Makanan Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Papuma dan Natabui di Distrik Yapen Barat Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen. [Use of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for vegetable foods by the people of Papuma and Natabui villages, West Yapen District, Yapen Islands Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Ashari, M. 2000. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan sebagai obat tradisional pada masyarakat suku Moskona di desa Merdey kecamatan Merdey kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of plants for traditional medicine in Moskona tribal community in Merdey village, Merdey Distfict, Manokwari Regency]. Skripsi Sarjana Kehutanan [Forestry Undergraduate Thesis], Manokwari, Faperta Uncen. Asmarayani, R. and Sujadi, A. 2007. Keanekaragaman sirih (Piper spp.) di distrik Teluk Mayalibit, Pulau Waigeo, Raja Ampat. [Diversity of betel (Piper spp.) in the Mayalibit Gulf District, Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat]. In: Laporan Teknik Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran 2007, Buku 3. Bogor, Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, 1209 - 1217. Asmuruf, M. 2013. Keragaman Morfologi dan Anatomi Pandanaceae di Wasior Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. [Diversity in morphology and anatomy of Pandanaceae in Wasior, Wondama Bay Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Asmuruf, S.S. 2006. Teknik Memproduksi Nira Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) Secara Tradisional Oleh Suku Maibrat Di Kampung Gaya Baru, Bintuni. [Traditional productive techniques for Nira Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) used by the Maibrat tribe in Gaya Baru village, Bintuni]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
4 Astirin, O.P., Harini, M., and Handajani, N.S. 2009. The effect of crude extract of Pandanus conoideus Lamb. var. Yellow Fruit on apoptotic expression of the Breast Cancer Cell Line (T47D). Biodiversitas, 10(1), 44-48. Atbar, E.S. 2007. Tumbuhan Jamur Yang Dimanfaatkan Sebagai Bahan Makanan Oleh Masyarakat Di Distrik Manokwari. [Edible mushroom species in Manokwari District]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Atbar, E.S., Kilmaskossu, M.S.E., and Fatem, S.M. 2007. Pemanfaatan Jamur sebagai Bahan Makanan oleh Masyarakat Manokwari. [Mushrooms used as food by people in Manokwari]. Beccariana, 9(2), 67-72. Auri, Y.F.A. 2009. Analisis Vegetasi Mangrove dan Pemanfaatannya oleh Masyarakat Kampung Isenebuai Distrik Rumberpon Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. [Analysis of mangrove vegetation and use by the people of Isenebuai village, Rumberpon District, Wondama Bay Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Awandoi, I.D. 2005. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Secara Tradisional oleh Masyarakat Asli pulau Roon Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. [The traditional use of plants by the Indigenous people of Roon Island, Wondama Bay Regency], Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Ayatanoi, A.R. 2007. Pemanfaatan Vegetasi Mangrove Oleh Masyarakat sekitar Telaga Wasti Sowi IV Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of mangrove vegetation by people around Lake Vashti Sowi IV, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Ayomi, M. 2012. Jenis–Jenis Kayu yang Dimanfaatkan Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Perahu Tradisional oleh Masyarakat Kampung Ambumi Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. [The types of wood used for raw materials by traditional boat builders in Ambumi vilage, Wondama Bay Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Azis, S. 2011. Intensitas Pemanfaatan Kayu Badengan (Spathiostemon javensis Blume) Oleh Masyarakat Di Sekitar Hutan Pendidikan Anggori. [The intensity of harvesting the timber of Badengan (Spathiostemon javensis Blume) by people around the Anggori Research Forest]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Baker, W.J., and Dransfield, J., (with line drawings by Patricia K.R. Davies, Soejatmi Dransfield and Lucy T. Smith). 2006. Field Guide to the Palms of New Guinea. Richmond, Surrey, Kew Publishing, 108 p. Banka, R., Barfod, A., and Dowe, J.L. 2001. Field Guide to Palms in Papua New Guinea - with a multi-access key and notes on the genera. AAU Reports, 40. Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, 79 p. Barden, A., Anak, N.A., Mulliken, T., and Song, M. 2000. Heart of the matter: agarwood use and trade and CITES implementation for Aquilaria malaccensis, TRAFFIC Network. www.traffic.org/forestry-reports/traffic_pub_forestry7.pdf (accessed 19 April 2014) Barfod, A.S. 2000. A New Species of Licuala from New Guinea. Palms, 44(4), 198-201.
5 Basna, N. 2006. Jenis-jenis Kayu Yang Dimanfaatkan Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Perahu Tradisional (Wiak) Oleh Masyarakat Suku Maibrat DiSekitar Danau Ayamaru Kabupaten Sorong Selatan. [Types of wood used as raw materials in building traditional boats (Wiak) by Maibrat people around Lake Ayamaru, South Sorong Regency]. Undergraduate thesis [Thesis As One Of The Requirements to Obtain A Bachelor of Forestry in Faculty of Forestry, University of Papua], Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Benu, N.M.H. 2013. Eksplorasi Jenis Tumbuhan Bergetah Merah Pada Kawasan Hutan Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja, Kabupaten Manokwari, Provinsi Papua Barat. [Survey of plants at Red Sap Forest Area, Table Mountain Nature Park, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province]. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Papua. Bless, J. 2011. Keragaman jenis rotan pada areal hutan distrik Ayamaru kabupaten Maybrat provinsi Papua Barat. [Rattan diversity in the forest area of Ayamaru District, Maybrat Regency, West Papua Province]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Boissière, M. 2002. The impact of drought and humanitarian aid on a Yali village in West Papua, Indonesia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 43(3), 293-309. Boissière, M. 2004. Techniques et pratiques de la chasse chez les Yali d'Irian Jaya (Papua). Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology, 1(1), 44-66. Boissière, M. 2009. How does migration affect ethnobotanical knowledge and social organisation in a West Papuan village? In: Heckler, S. ed. Landscape, Process and Power: Re-evaluating Traditional Environmental Knowledge. New York/Oxford, Berghahn Books, pp.183-204. Boissière, M., Heist, M.v., Sheil, D., Basuki, I., Frazier, S., Ginting, U., Wan, M., Hariadi, B., Hariyadi, H., Kristianto, H.D., Bemei, J., Haruway, R., Mahasiswa, E.R.C.M., H.Koibur, D.P., Watopa, Y., Rachman, I., and Liswanti, N. 2005. Pentingnya Sumberdaya Alam bagi Masyarakat Lokal di Daerah Aliran Sungai Mamberamo, Papua, dan Implikasinya bagi Konservasi. [Importance of Natural Resources for Local Communities in the Mamberamo River Basin, Papua, and Implications for Conservation]. Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology, 1(2), 76-95. Boissière, M. and Sassen, M. 2007. Mesurer l’importance de la biodiversité pour les sociétés forestières des pays du Sud. Une méthode d’investigation pluridisciplinaire. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 15(1), 23-32. Boissière, M., Liswanti, N., Padmanaba, M., Sheil, D., (With help from: Ismail A. Rachman, M.A.S., Meilinda Wan,, and Yoseph Watopa, H.Y., Yance Bemei, Untung Ginting and Yafeth Watori) 2007. People priorities and perceptions: Towards conservation partnership in Mamberamo. SMK Grafika Desa Putera, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research. Boissière, M., Sassen, M., Sheil, D., Heist, M.V., Jong, W.D., Cunliffe, R., Wan, M., Padmanaba, M., Liswanti, N., Basuki, I., Evans, K., Cronkleton, P., Lynam, T., Koponen, P., and Bairaktari, C. 2010. Researching local perspectives on biodiversity in tropical landscapes: Lessons from ten case studies. In: Lawrence, A.B. ed. Taking stock of nature: participatory biodiversity assessment for policy planning and practice. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, pp. 113-141. Bolly, D.H. 2006. Karakterisasi Jenis Bambu dan Pemanfaatannya Oleh Masyarakan Kampung Dembek Distrik Momi Kabupaten Manokwari. [Characterization and use of Bamboo by the people of Dembek village, Momi District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis. Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
Boma, A. 2008. Pemanfaatan Jenis-jenis Bambu Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Ayambori Pada Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of types of Bamboo by the people of Ayambori village in the area of Table Mountain Nature Park, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Bonay, Y.M.M. 2013. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional Masyarakat Oleh Masyarakat Suku Klabra Di Kampung Buk Distrik Klabot Kabupaten Sorong. [Use of plants in traditional medicine by Klabra people in Buk village, Klabot District, Sorong Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Bondo, A. 2005. Konsumsi Kayu Bakar di Distrik Numfor Barat Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [Firewood consumption in West Numfor District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Undergraduate thesis. Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Boomgaard, P. 2003. In the Shadow of Rice: Roots and Tubers in Indonesian History, 1500-1950. Agricultural History, 77(4), 582-610. Boseren, D. 2007. Tingkat Konsumsi Kayu Bakar Oleh Masyarakat di Kelurahan Amban Distrik Manokwari Barat Kabupaten Manokwari. [The level of firewood consumption in Amban Urban Community, West Manokwari District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Brink, M. and Escobin, R.P. ed. 2003. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 17: Fibre Plants. Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 456 p. BRIT 2010. BRIT's Program in New Guinea. http://www.brit.org/explore/newguinea (accessed September 24 2011) Brownson, D., Mabry, T., and Leslie, S. 2002. The cycad neurotoxic amino acid, ss-N-methylaminoL-alanine (BMAA), elevates intracellular calcium levels in dissociated rat brain cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 82(2-3), 159. Budi, M. and Paimin, F.R. 2004 or 5. Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam.). In: Anon., Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta, 3-26, 47-56, 67-68 Bunapa, M. 2010. Kajian ethnobotani Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L) dalam kehidupan masyarakat suku Mee di distrik Unito kabupaten Dogiyai. [An ethnobotanical study of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L) in the life of the Mee people in Unito District, Dogiyai Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Buntu, E. 2002. Tingkat kesukaan Burung Cenderawasih (Paradisaea sp) terhadap beberapa jenis pakan di Taman Burung dan Taman Anggrek Biak. [The preference of the Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea sp) for different kinds of food in the Bird and Orchid Parks in Biak]. Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Burok, H.G., Tanjung, R.H.R., and Warpur, M. 2009. Domestifikasi Anggrek di Distrik Merauke Kabupaten Merauke–Papua. [Cultivated orchids in Merauke District, Merauke Regency, Papua]. Jurnal Biologi Papua 1(1), 30-35.
7 Cabuy, R.L., Marwa, J., Manusawai, J., and Rahawarin, Y.Y. 2012. Non-woody plant species of Papuan Island forests, a sustainable source of food for the local communities. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 11(4), 586-592. Cabuy, R.L., Marwa, J., and Rahawarin, Y.Y. 2012. Utilization of non timber forest products vegetation as food-stuff sources in Papua, Indonesia. Proc Soc Indon Biodiv Intl Conf 1, 232-236. Cahyono, W.T. and Fatem, S.M. 2006. Pemanfaatan Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) oleh Masyarakat Sowi IV di Manokwari. [The use of Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) by Sowi IV people in Manokwari]. Beccariana, 8(2), 84-88. Cepeda, G.N. 2008. Daya Hambat Akway (Drimys piperita Hook F.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Escherichia coli. [The inhibitory power of Akway (Drimys piperita Hook F.) on the growth of Escherichia coli]. Agrotek, 1(3). Cepeda, G.N., Hutasoit, H., and Abraw, S. 2009. Daya Hambat Minyak Atsiri Kulit Kayu Masoi (Cryptocarya massoia (Oken) Kosterm) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Patogen. [The inhibitory power of the essential oil of Masoi Bark (Cryptocarya massoia (Oken) Kosterm) on the growth of bacterial pathogens]. Agrotek, 1(7). Cepeda, G.N., Santoso, B.B., Lisangan, M.M., and Silamba, I. 2010. Penapisan Fitokimia Akway (Drimys piperita Hook f.). [Phytochemical screening of Akway (Drimys piperita Hook f .)]. Agrotek, 1(8), 28-33. Compton, J.G.S. and Zich, F.A. 2002. Gryrinops ledermannii (Thymelaeaceae), being an agarwoodproducing species prompts call for further examination of taxonomic implications of the generic delimination between Aquilaria and Gyrinops. Flora Malesiana Bulletin, 13(1), 6165. Courtens, I. 2008. Restoring the Balance: Performing Healing in West Papua. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 241 Leiden, KITLV Press. Dahruddin, H. and Farida, W.R. 2003. Kondisi Habitat Dan Ketersediaan Tumbuhan Hutan Sebagai Pakan Bagi Kuskus Dan Oposum Layang Di Cagar Alam Biak Utara, Papua. [Habitat conditions and availability of forest plants for feed for Cuscus and Gliders, North Biak Nature Reserve, Papua]. In: Proyek pengkajian dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya hayati: laporan teknik. [Project assessment and utilization of biological resources: technical report], Institusi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, pp. 87-102. Dahruddin, H., Farida, W.R., and Rohman, A.S. 2005. Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Sumber Pakan dan Tempat Bersarang Kuskus (Famili Phalangeridae) di Cagar Alam Biak Utara, Papua [Plant species as food sources and nesting sites of Cuscus (Family Phalangeridae) in Northern Biak Nature Reserve, Papua]. Biodiversitas, 6(4), 253-258. Dampa, D. 2009. Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan Keluarga (Studi Kasus di Kota Manokwari). [Use of medicinal plants in order to improve family income (case study in Manokwari)]. Agrotek, 1(7). Darnaedi, D. 2005. Kebun Biologi Wamena dalam perspektif pengelolaan sumberdaya hayati Papua Judul Terjemahan Pengarang. [The Wamena Biological Gardens in the perspective of biological resource management in Papua]. In: Laporan sarasehan : sepuluh tahun pembangunan Kebun Biologi Wamena, Papua [Workshop Report: ten years of development of the Wamena Biolocal Gardens, Papua], Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, 17-28 p.
Daturatte, M. 2007. Jenis pakan burung beo di bagian utara kawasan cagar alam pegunungan Cyclop Jayapura. [Types of parrot food in the northern part of the Cyclops Mountain Nature Reserve, Jayapura]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Dedaida, G.K. 2007. Jenis-Jenis Palem Endemik Yang Dimanfaatkan sebagai Tanaman Hias Pada Kawasan Hutan Bariat Manilek Distrik Teminabuan Kabupaten Sorong Selatan. [Types of endemic palm which are used as ornamental plants in the Bariat Manilek Forest Area, Teminabuan District, South Sorong Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. de Fretes, Y., Rachman, I.A., and Wally, E. 2002. Appendix 11. Plant species grown in gardens and used by the Dabra community (Mamberamo Basin), Papua, Indonesia. In: Richards, S.J. and Suryadi, S. ed. A Biodiversity Assessment of Yongsu-Cyclops Mountains and the Southern Mamberamo Basin, Papua. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 25. Washington DC, Conservation International, Washington D.C., 127-128. Degey, S. 2011. Studi Tentang Penggunaan Kayu Pada Rumah Rakyat Di Kampung Unipo Distrik Siriwo Kabupaten Nabire. [Study of the use of wood in houses at Unipo Village, Siriwo District, Nabire Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Delima, F.Y. 2013. Pemanfaatan Pohon aren (Arenga pinnata) Oleh Masyarakat Saukorem Distrik Amberbaken Kabupaten Manokwari, di bawah bimbingan Bapak. [Use of palm trees (Arenga pinnata) by Saukorem Community, Amberbaken District, Manokwari Regency]. BA Forestry Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. . Desianto, B., Maturbongs, R.A., and Heatubun, C.D. 2002. Biodiversitas Palem pada Bagian Utara Kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops. [The diversity of palms in the northern Mount Cyclops Nature Reserve]. Beccariana, 4(1), 1-14. de Winter, W. and Amoroso, V.B. ed. 2003. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 15(2): Crytogams: Ferns and fern allies. Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 268 p. Dimara, L. and N.B.Yenusi, T. 2011. Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antioksidan Ekstrak Pigmen Klorofil Rumput Laut Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskal) J.Agardh [A test for antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Chlorophyll pigment extracted from Seaweed Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J.Agardh]. Jurnal Biologi Papua, 3(2), 53-58. Dimara, P.A. 2008. Indikator Masak Panen Pohon Inang Gaharu Berdasarkan Pengetahuan Lokal Masyarakat di Kabupaten Manokwari. [Indicator of maturity for harvesting Gaharu host tree (Eaglewood) based on the local knowledge of people in Manokwari Regency]. Beccariana, 10(1), 21-26. Dimomonmau, P.A. 2000. Eksplorasi jenis kuskus di Pulau Moor Kecamatan Napan Weinami Kabupaten Nabire. [A survey of the types of Cuscus on Moor Island in Napan Weinami District, Nabire Regency]. Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Cenderawasih. Djamilgo, N.S.R.B. 2006. Industri Kerajinan Rotan Di Kabupaten Nabire. [Rattan handicraft industry in Nabire Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Djoht, D.R. 2002. Ethnobotany medicine suku Orya. [Ethnobotany of Orya tribal medicine]. Cet. 1. Jayapura, Jurusan Antropologi, Universitas Cenderawasih, v, 162 p.
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18 Kilmaskossu, A., Pattiselanno, F., and Sadsoetoeboen, M.J. 2006. Habitat Persarangan dan Komposisi Botanis Bahan Penyusun Sarang Goura cristata (Aves: Columbidae) di Daerah Muara Kali Warmiseru dan Telaga Suandey Kaprus, Ransiki, Manokwari. [Nesting habitat and botanical composition of the nesting material of Goura cristata (Aves: Columbidae) in the region of the Warmiseru estuary and the Suandey Kaprus lagoon, Ransiki, Manokwari]. Beccariana, 8(2), 70-76. Kindewara, A.H.P. 2008. Pengetahuan Tradisional Masyarakat Kampung Yensei Distrik Idoor dalam Memanfaatkan Jenis-Jenis Kayu untuk Pembuatan Perahu Tradisional di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni. [Traditional knowledge of Yensie village, Idoor District, in using types of wood for traditional boat building in Bintuni Bay Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Kirihio, N.Y. 2007. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Nipah (Nypa fructicans Wurmb.) oleh Masyarakat Kampung Dembek Distrik Momi Waren Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of Nipa plants (Nypa fructicans Wurmb.) by Dembek Village people, Momi Waren District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Kocu, J. 2008. Jenis-jenis Perusak Dan Tingkat Kerusakan Pada Tiang Rumah Di Perkampungan Nelayan Remu Selatan Kota Madya Sorong. [Borer Types And Their Damage On Pole House In South Remu Fishing Village, Municipality Sorong]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Koji Tsuji, M., Ghazalli, N.F., Ariffin, Z., Nordin, M.S., Khaidizar, M.I., Dulloo, M.E., and Sebastian, L.S. 2011. Biological and Ethnobotanical Characteristics of Nipa Palm (Nypa fructicans Wurmb.): A Review. [Ciri-Ciri Biologi dan Etnobotani Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) Suatu Tinjauan]. Sains Malaysiana 40(12), 1407-1412. Koromari, B. 2012. Potensi Jenis - Jenis Pohon Yang Digunakan Untuk Pembuatan Alat Musik Tifa di Kampung Serewen Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen. [Potential species of trees used in making Tifa (drum) musical instruments in Serewen village, Yapen Islands Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Kotouki, J.G. 2006. Jenis Kayu Mangrove Yang Dimanfaatkan Sebagai Kayu Bakar Oleh Masyarakat Di Pulau Amutu Besar Distrik Babo Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni. [The types of Mangrove wood used as firewood by the people on Amutu Island, Babo District, Bintuni Bay Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Kurni, S. 2013. Teknik Pembuatan Perahu Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Rayori Distrik Kepulauan Aruri Kabupaten Supiori, Provinsi Papua. [The techniques of traditional boat building by the people of Rayori village, Aruri Islands District, Supiori Regency, Papua Province].Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Laby, L. 2005. Keadaan vegetasi tumbuhan paku (Pteridophyta) pada hutan Kamwolker Waena Kota Madya Jayapura. [The state of the fern vegetation (Pteridophyta) in the Kamwolker Waena Forest, Jayapura Municipality]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Langi, L.T., Wanggai, J., and Remetwa., H. 2005. Jenis-jenis bambu di daerah Sentani Barat Jayapura. [Varieties of bamboo in the region of West Sentani, Jayapura]. Info Hutan, II(2), 121-134.
19 Lanoeroe, S. 2004. Pemanfaatan jenis tumbuhan berkayu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan perahu tradisional oleh masyarakat suku Yachai di kampung Muuin kabupaten Mappi. [Use of woody plant species as raw material for building traditional boats by the Yachai tribal people in Muuin village, Mappi Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Lanoeroe, S., Kesaulija, E.M., and Rahawarin, Y.Y. 2005. Pemanfaatan Jenis Tumbuhan Berkayu sebagai Bahan Baku Perahu Tradisional oleh Suku Yachai di Kabupaten Mappi. [The use of woody plants as raw material for traditional boats by Yachai people in Mappi Regency]. Biodiversitas, 6(3), 212-216. Latinis, D.K. 2000. The development of subsistence system models for Island Southeast Asia and Near Oceania: The nature and role of arboriculture and arboreal-based economies. World Archaeology, 32(1), 41-67. Lekitoo, K., Dimomonmau, P., and Rumawak, M. 2005. Jenis Tumbuhan Pakan Kuskus di Pulau Moor Kecamatan Napan Weinami Kabupaten Nabire. [The types of vegetation eaten by Cuscus at Moor Island, Napnn Weinami District, Nabire Regency]. Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam [Journal of Forest and Nature Conservation Research], II(5), 461-476. Lekitoo, K., Batorinding, E., Dimomonmau, P.A., Rumbiak, W.F., Heatubun, C.D., and Lekitoo, H.Y. 2012. Re-Diversifikasi pangan di Tanah Papua Bagian-1: Pemanfaatan Enam Jenis Tumbuhan Hutan Penghasil Buah sebagai Sumber Bahan Pangan di Tanah Papua. [Re-Diversification of food in the land of Papua Part-1 Utilization of Six Forest Product Fruits of Plants as Sources of Food in Papua]. Jakarta, Kementerian Kehutanan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan [Ministry of Forestry Research and Development Agency], xvi, 269 p. Lekitoo, K., Peday, H.F.Z., and Anggrianto, R. 2005. Deskripsi jenis-jenis bambu dan rotan pada kawasan hutan Kali Waramui Masni Kabupaten Manokwari. [Description of the kinds of bamboo and rattan in the region of Waramui River Forest, Masni District, Manokwari Regency]. Info Hutan, 2(2), 81-91. Lemmens, R.H.M.J. and Bunyapraphatsara, N. ed. 2001. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2. Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 664 p. Lemmens, R.H.M.J. and Bunyapraphatsara, N. ed. 2003. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (3): Medicinal and poisonous plants 3. Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 664 p. Lense, O.N. 2002. A study and catalogue of traditional medicinal plants from Manokwari Regency, West Papua, Indonesia, M.Sc. thesis, Townsville, James Cook University, xxii, 145 p. Lense, O. 2011. Biological screening of selected traditional medicinal plants species utilized by local people of Manokwari, West Papua Province Nusantara. Bioscience 3(3), 145-150. Lense, O. 2012. The wild plants used as traditional medicines by indigenous people of Manokwari, West Papua. Biodiversitas, 13(2), 98-106. Leonard, D., Wanggai, J., and Manusawai, J. 2003. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Dalam Ekosistem Mangrove Oleh Masyarakat Di Kampung Senebuay Distrik Rumberpon Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of plants in mangrove forest by local people in Senebuay Village, Rumberpon District, Manokwari Regency]. Beccariana 5(2), 97-108.
20 Lies, R., Tokede, M.J., and Maturbongs, R.A. 2000. Keragaman Jenis Rotan di Areal Hutan Dataran Rendah Siwi, Ransiki, Manokwari, Irian Jaya. [The diversity of rattan species in Siwi Lowland Forest area, Ransiki, Manokwari, Irian Jaya]. Beccariana 2(2), 54-64. Limbongan, J. 2007. Morfologi beberapa jenis sagu potensial di Papua. [Morphological characteristics of some sago palms from Papua (Indonesia)]. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 26(1), 16-24. Limbongan, J., Lakuy, H., and Louw, J. 2004. Program penelitian dan pengkajian sagu berwawasan agribisnis dan ketahanan pangan di Papua.[Program of research and study of sago for insights into agribusiness and food security in Papua]. In: Karafir, Y.P., Matanubun, H., Soenarto, Abdullah, Y., Nugroho, B., and Tokede, M.J. eds. Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Pendayagunaan Pangan Spesifik Lokal, Jayapura 2-4 Desember 2003. Kerja Sama Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Kabupaten Jayapura dengan Universitas Negeri Papua.[Proceedings of the National Workshop on Reforms Specific Local Food, Jayapura 2 to 4 December 2003. Cooperation Department of Agriculture and Horticulture Jayapura Papua State University. Jayapura, Papua, Kerjasama Universitas Negeri Papua dan Pemerintah Provinsi Papua, pp. 51-57. Liswanti, N. and Boissière, M. 2006. Keanekaragaman hayati menurut masyarakat Mamberano. [Biodiversity according to the Mamberano community]. Tropika Indonesia, 10(1), 14-16. Liwang , J., Sinaga, N.I., and Rahawarin, Y.Y. 2010. Pemanfaatan jenis kayu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan perahu tradisional di pulau Ambai, Papua. [The use of wood as a raw material for making traditional boats on Ambai Island, Papua]. Jurnal Tropika (Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang). Liwang, J.D. 2004. Status Populasi Jenis Kayu Perahu dan Pemanfaatannya di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Kampung Ambai I Distrik Angkaisera Kabupaten Yapen. [Numbers and functional types of wooden boats around Ambai Island village, Angkaisera District, Yapen Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Lolongan, H. 2006. Jenis-jenis Kayu yang Digunakan Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Perahu Tradisional oleh Masyarakat Pulau Mambor di Kabupaten Nabire. [Types of wood used as raw materials for traditional boat building by people on Mambor Island in Nabire Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Maay, M.F. 2003. Pemanfaatan bambu oleh masyarakat kampung Waren Distrik Waropen Bawah Kabupaten Yapen Waropen. [Use of bamboo by Waren villagers, Lower Waropen District, Yapen Waropen Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Mabel, A. 2013. Pemanfaatan Jenis-Jenis Kelapa Hutan (Pandanus spp.) Oleh Suku Yali Kampung Uwambo Distrik Abenaho Kabupaten Yalimo. [Utilization of kinds of Forest Palm (Pandanus spp.) by Yali tribe in Uwambo village, Abenaho District, Yalimo Regency]. Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Macap, H. 2013. Etnobotani Pangan Suku Matbat di Pulau Misool Kabupaten Raja Ampat Papua Barat. [Ethnobotany of food plants used by the Matbat tribe on Misool Island, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua]. Undergraduate thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University. Magal, H.N. 2002. Studi tumbuhan obat tradisional suku Amungme di desa Tsinga kecamatan Mimika Baru kabupaten Mimika. [A study of traditional medicinal plants by Amungme in Tsinga village, New Mimika District, Mimika Regency]. Thesis, Manokwari, Fapertek Unipa.
21 Mahmud 2011. Vegetasi Mangrove sebagai Bahan Makanan pada Empat Suku di Papua. [Mangrove vegetation used as food by four ethnic groups in Papua]. Biota, 16(1). Mambrasar, R. 2004. Eksplorasi Jenis Paku-Pakuan ( Pteridophyta ) di Pulau Yoopmios Pada Kawasan Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih Distrik Windesi Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. [Survey of the kinds of ferns (Pteridophyta) on Yoopmios Island in the Cenderawasih National Park Area, Windesi District, Wondama Bay Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Mamoribo, S., Arwam, C.Y.H., and Yusuf, A. 2003. Pemanfaatan Vegetasi Mangrove oleh Masyarakat Kampung Rayori di Distrik Supiori Selatan Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [The utilization of mangrove vegetation by the Rayori Villagers of South Supiori District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Beccariana 5(1), 43-51. Mandosir, M.M.J. 2005. Pengetahuan masyarakat suku Hatam dalam memanfaatkan hasil hutan non kayu sebagai bahan makanan dan konstruksi di kampung Waseki Pop distrik prafi kabupaten Manokwari. [Hatam tribal community knowledge in utilizing non-timber forest products for food and construction in Waseki Pop village, Prafi District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Maniagasi, A.P. 2008. Eksplorasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan hutan pantai Maruni di kabupaten Manokwari provinsi Papua Barat. [Survey of plant species in Maruni coastal forest in Manokwari Regency, West Papua province]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Manibuy, C. 2002. Dinamika pertumbuhan rumpun sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rotb.) di dusun Masiray kecamatan Bintuni kabupaten Manokwari. [Dynamics of growth in clumps of sago (Metroxylon sagu Rotb.) in Masiray village, Bintuni District, Manokwari Regency]. Thesis, Manokwari, Fahutan Unipa. Mansai, Y.Y. 2003. Pemanfaatan palem oleh etnik Randawaya di pulau Yapen. [The use of palms by the Randawaya tribe on Yapen Island]. Thesis, Manokwari, Fahutan Unipa. Mara, J.J. 2006. Profil Agroforestri Tradisional Di Distrik Manokwari Kabupaten Manokwari [Traditional agroforestry profiles in Manokwari District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Marisan, E.K. 2007. Aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak kasar saponin asal akar tuba (Derris elliptica). [The antibacterial activity of the crude extract saponin from tuba root (Derris elliptica)], Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Marty, M. 2006. Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Non Kayu Oleh Masyarakat Sowek Di Rayori Supiori Selatan Kabupaten Supiori. [The use of Non-Timber Forest Products by the Sowek people in South Supiori Rayori District, Supiori Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Marwa, J., Cabuy, R.L., and Tawer, A.Y. 2013. Potential and pattern of utilization of Renewable Energy sources from vegetation based on local Knowledge of Ireres tribe in Tambrauw, West Papua, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 12(3), 411-417. Maturbongs, A.R.D. 2004. Pemanfaatan Vegetasi Mangrove Di Kampung Bawei Distrik Numfor Timur Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [The use of Mangrove vegetation in Bawei village, Eastern District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
Maturbongs, R.A., Arobaya, A.Y.S., Heatubun, C.D., and Pugu, Y.R. 2000. Etnobotani Suku Tepin di pulau Salawati Kabupaten Dati II Sorong, Irian Jaya. [Ethnobotany of the Tepin tribe of Salawati Island, Dati II Sorong Regency, Irian Jaya]. Beccariana 2(2), 38-48. Maturbongs, R.A., Dransfield, J., and Baker, W. 2014. Calamus kebariensis (Arecaceae)—a new montane rattan from New Guinea. Phytotaxa 163(4), 235–238. Mawikere, N.L. 2009. Hubungan Genetika Antara Plasma Nutfah Kelapa Papua Berdasarkan Penanda RAPD. [Genetic relationship between Papuan coconut germplasm based on RAPD Markers]. Agrotek, 1(4). Mayor, S.F. 2008. Analisis Vegetasi Mangrove di Kampung Waisai Distrik Waigeo Selatan Kabupaten Raja Ampat. [Analysis of mangrove vegetation in Waisai village, South Waigeo District, Raja Ampat Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Mbaubedari, K.F. 2006. Identifikasi cendawan mikorhiza arbuskula (CMA) yang bersosiasi dengan Pometia pinnata asal Papua di Arboteum Fakultas kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. [Identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with Pometia pinnata from Papua in the Faculty of Forestry's Arboteum, Bogor Agricultural University]. Beccariana, 8(1). Menai, Y.I. 2009. Eksplorasi dan karakterisasi jamur sago Papua (Volvariella sp.) di kampung Warari Distrik Yapen Selatan kabupaten kepulauan Yapen provinsi Papua. [Investigation and characterization of Papuan sago mushrooms (Volvariella sp.) in Warari village of South Yapen District, Yapen Island Regency, Papua province]. Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Mennay, H.Y. 2006. Industri Kerajinan Rotan Di Kabupaten Jayawijaya. [Rattan Industries in Jayawijaya Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Midga, M. 2007. Pemanfaatan Bambu Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Warmarwai Distrik Tanah Rubuh Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of Bamboo by Warmarwai Village Community, Tanah Rubuh District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Milliken, W. 2002. Ethnobotany of the Yali of West Papua. Edinburgh, Royal Botanic Garden. Mita, D. 2007. Etnobatani suku Dani do distrik Kurulu kabupaten Jayawijaya. [Dani Ethnobotany in Kurulu District, Jayawijaya Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Moeljono, S. 2009. A taxonomic revision of the genus Popowia Endlicher (Annonaceae) in Malesia, PhD thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University. Momot, D.Y. 2008. Kearifan masyarakat suku tehit kampung Wehali dalam pembuatan rumah adat (Mbol sanggir) distrik teminabuan kabupaten Sorong Selatan. [Indigenous Tehit knowledge in constructing the traditional house (Mbol sanggir) at Wehali village, Teminabuan District, South Sorong Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Moore, M. and Rompies, K. 2005. The money trees, In: Sydney Morning Herald ‘Good weekend magazine’, January 8 2005.
23 Muabuai, S.R. 2007. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Pada Tingkat Pohon Oleh Masyarakat Suku Meyakh di Kampung Kaironi Distrik Sidey Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of plants and trees by Meyakh community at Kaironi village, Sidey District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Müller, K. 2005. Keragaman hayati Tanah Papua. [The Biodiversity of Papua]. Jayapura, Kerjasama Universitas Negeri Papua [dan] Dinas Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, Provinsi Papua, xiv, 284 p. Muller, K. (2004-2006). The Biodiversity of Papua.URL: http://www.papua.wz.cz/bio2.htm http://www.papuaweb.org/dlib/up/muller-ngb/index.html (accessed 5 March 2014) Müller, K. and Omabak, Y. 2008. Amungme: Tradition and change in the highlands of Papua. Jakarta, Freeport Indonesia, 218 p. Mulyaningsih, T. and Yamada, I. 2007. Notes on Some Species of Agarwood in Nusa Tenggara, Celebes and West Papua. URL: sulawesi.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/final_reports2007/article/43tri.pdf·[12 Juli 2008], pp. 365-371. Mulyanto 2000. Eksplorasi varietas-varietas sagu (Metroxylon spp.) menurut masyarakat lokal di desa Wamesa Tengah Kecamatan Windesi Kabupaten Manokwari Propinsi Papua. [Survey of sago varieties (Metroxylon spp.) according to the local people in the villages of Central Wamesa, Windesi District, Manokwari Regency, Papua Province]. Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Cenderawasih. Munua, L.O. 2002. Pertumbuhan beberapa kultivar sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rotb.) asal kabupaten Yapen Waropen di kebun koleksi Maripi Manokwari. [The growth of some cultivars of sago (Metroxylon sagu Rotb.) originating from Yapen Waropen Regency in the Maripi garden collection at Manokwari]. Manokwari, Fahutan Unipa. Murdiyarso, D. 2009. REDD and biodiversity conservation: challenges and opportunities for the Mamberamo basin. In: International Biodiversity Conference Jayapura, 11-14 November 2009. http://ibcpapua.blogspot.com.au/2009/08/abstract-paper-ethnobotany-of-piper-spp.html (accessed 20 April 2014). Murtiningrum 2009. Ekstraksi minyak: studi pada beberapa daerah sentra Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus L.) di Papua. [Extraction of oil: studies of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus L.) in several central areas in Papua]. Agrotek, 1(7). Murtiningrum, Sarungallo, Z.L., and Mawikere, N.L. 2012. The exploration and diversity of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus L.) from Papua based on its physical characteristics and chemical composition. Biodiversitas, 13(3), 124-129. Mustamu, A.G. 2008. Kajian Tumbuhan Yang Dijual Di Pasar Borobudur, Sanggeng, Dan Wosi Di Kota Manokwari [A study of plants sold in the markets of Borobudur, Sanggeng, and Wosi in Manokwari]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Muyapa, M.K. 2000. Kajian etnobotani masyarakat suku Mee di desa Tuguwai kecamatan Aradide kabupaten Manokwari. [A study of the ethnobotany of Mee tribal communities in Tuguwai village, Aradide District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Faperta Uncen.
24 Nainggolan, D. 2001. Aspek ekologis kultivar buah merah panjang (Pandanus conoideus Lamk.) di daerah dataran rendah Manokwari. [Ecological aspects of the long Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lamk.) in lowland areas around Manokwari]. Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Nakoh, O., Bumbut, P.I., and Kilmaskossu, M.S.E. 2010. Forest vegetation as the cuscus feeding plants in Udopi Wosi Village Forest Complex, Manokwari District, Papua. TigerPaper, 37(2), 26-28. Nauw, T. 2012. Struktur vegetasi mangrove dan pemanfaatannya oleh masyarakat di teluk Youtefa kota Jayapura. [Mangrove vegetation structure and its use by the public at Youtefa Bay, Jayapura]. Undergraduate Diploma thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Nega, L.B., Wasaraka, A.R., and Heatubun, C.D. 2003. Eksplorasi Jenis Palem Pada Kawasan Hutan Dataran Rendah Bayeda Distrik Teluk Arguni. [Exploration of palm species in the lowland forest of Bayeda District, Arguni Bay]. Beccariana 5(2), 67-81. Ngutra, R.N. 2011. Identifikasi dan analisis ekonomi keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan sowang (Tumbuhan Endemik di Pegunungan Cycloops Kabupaten Jayapura Papua). [Identification and economic analysis of plant diversity Sowang (Endemic Plants in Mountains Cycloops Jayapura Papua). Thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University. Noya, J. 2013. Tumbuhan obat di hutan taman wisata alam gunung meja kabupaten Manokwari provinsi Papua Barat. [Medicinal plants in Table Mountain Forest Nature Park, Manokwari Regency,West Papua Province]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Nugroho, J.D. 2005. Matoa (Pometia Pinata Foster): Buah Lokal Papua dan Strategi Pengembangannya. [Matoa (Pometia Pinata Foster): Papuan local fruit and strategy for development]. Beccariana, 7(1), 48-55. Nugroho, J.H.B.A. 2005. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Berkayu Secara Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Suku Yei Di Kampung Toray Distrik Sota Kabupaten Merauke. [Traditional use of woody plants in the Yei Tribal Community in the village of Toray, Sota District, Merauke Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Numberi, M.L. 2009. Penelitian Senyawa Kimia Aktif Keben (Barringtonia asiatica Kurz) Sebagai Bahan Antiseptik (Obat Kumur). [Research into the active chemical compounds in Keben (Barringtonia asiatica Kurz) as antiseptic material (mouthwash)]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Nunaki, J.H. 2007. Analisis vegetasi dan pemanfaatannya oleh masyarakat Wondama di sekitar kawasan cagar alam pegunungan Wondiboy tanah Papua. [Analysis of vegetation and its use by the Wondama community around the Wondiboy Mountains Nature Reserve in Papua]. MSc thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University. Nusi, O.E. 2013. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan sebagai bahan makanan dan obat-obatan tradisional oleh masyarakat suku meyah di kampung Meyof, Waramui dan Wariki Distrik masni kabupaten Manokwari provinsi Papua. [The use of plants for food and traditional medicines by Meyah tribal people in Meyof village, Waramui and Wariki Masni Districts, Manokwari Regency, Papua Province]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
25 Oagay, J. 2013. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan sebagai Obat Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Suku Sougb di Kampung Warbiadi Distrik Oransbari Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of traditional medicinal plants by Sougb Tribal Community in Warbiadi village, Oransbari District, Manokwari Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Okomanop, F. 2009. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan palem Arecaceae oleh masyarakat suku Wambon Di kampung Persatuan Distrik Mandobo Kabupaten Boven Digoel. [The use of Arecaceae palms by the Wamboin tribal people in Persatuan village, Mandobo District, Boven Digoel Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Paembonan, R. 2003. Identifikasi Jenis Tumbuhan sebagai Ramuan Obat Tradisional oleh Masyarakat Suku Ekagi di Kampung Pugo Distrik Paniai Timur Kabupaten Paniai. [Identification of plants as remedies in the traditional medicine of Ekagi people in Pugo village, East Paniai District, Paniai Regency]. Skripsi Sarjana Kehutanan [Forestry Undergraduate thesis], Manokwari, Faperta Unipa, xi, 71p. Pahabol, J. 2013. Kontribusi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu terhadap Ekonomi Rumah Tangga dari Kegiatan Meramu dan Berburu pada Masyarakat Meyakh di Kampung Bremi Kabupaten Manokwari. [The contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products to the hunting and gathering household activities of the Meyakh community in Bremi village in Manokwari Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Paiki, F.A. 2008. Karakteristik Morfologi Bunga Beberapa Kultivar Talas (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott.) Asal Papua. [Characteristics of flower morphology of some taro cultivars (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) in Papua]. Beccariana, 10(1), 1-5. Paisei, E.K. 2009. Kajian Kimia Kayu Akway (Drymis sp.) Sebagai Afrodisiak Endemik Papua. [Phytochemistry of the wood of Akway (Drymis sp.), a Papuan species used as an aphrodisiac]. Agrotek, 1(6). Paisey, E.K. 2008. Kajian Morfologi dan Kimia Kayu Akway (Drymis sp) Sebagai Afrodisiak Endemik Papua [Study of the morphology and chemistry of the wood of Akway (Drymis sp.), a Papuan species used as an aphrodisiac]. MSc thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University, xvi, 146 p. Paliling, B.T. 2004. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan sebagai Obat Tradisonal oleh Masyarakat Suku Sougb di Kampung Sururey Distrik Sururey Kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of traditional medicinal plants by the Sougb Tribal Community in Sururey village, Sururey District, Manokwari Regency]. Skripsi Sarjana Kehutanan [Forestry Undergraduate thesis], Manokwari, Faperta UNIPA. Pamassangan, J. 2012. Pentingnya Lanskap Hutan dan Keragaman Tumbuhan Menurut Persepsi Masyarakat Adat Ibele Kabupaten Jayawijaya. [Importance of forest landscape and plant diversity in Ibele indigenous plant perception, Jayawijaya Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Pamungkas, J.T. 2013. Kepermanenan Bahan Pewarna Alami dari Distrik Kebar [The permanence of natural dyes in Kebar District]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Pananbe, H. 2005. Jenis-jenis Bambu Di Taman Wisata Alam Sorong. [Types of Bamboo in Sorong Nature Park]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
26 Paraibabo, J. 2011. Eksplorasi Jenis-Jenis Palem Di Pulau Gam Kabupaten Raja Ampat [Survey of the types of palm on Gam Island, Raja Ampat Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Parende, F.S. 2007. Eksplorasi jenis palem pada kawasan hutan alam kampung Sidey distrik Sidey kabupaten Manokwari. [A survey of palm species in the natural forest area of Sidey village, Sidey District, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Parinding, Z. 2007. Potensi dan Karakteristik Bio-ekologis Tumbuhan Myrmecodia spp. di Taman Nasional Wasur Merauke Papua. [Potential and Bio-ecological characteristics of the anthouse plant Myrmecodia spp. in Wasur National Park, Merauke, Papua]. MSc thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University, ix, 176 p. Pasapan, E.L. 2005. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan sebagai Obat Tradisional dan bahan Baku Benda Seni Budaya pad Etnik Moile di Kampung Anggra dan Simerbei Distrik Minyambouw kabupaten Manokwari. [The use of plants for traditional medicines and raw materials for cultural art objects by Moile people in Anggra and Simerbei villages, Minyambouw District, Manokwari Regency]. Skripsi Sarjana Kehutanan [Forestry Undergraduate thesis], Manokwari, Fahutan Unipa. Pattiselanno, F. and Arobaya, A.Y.S. 2013. Managing tropical forest for Indonesian Papuan’s livelihood. In: Brown, A.G., Wells, K.F., Parsons, M., and Kerruish, C.M. ed. Managing our forests into the 21st century : national conference proceedings, 7-11 April 2013, Canberra, Australia / The Institute of Forester of Australia, National Conference. Yarralumla ACT, The Institute of Foresters of Australia, pp. 219-227. Pawe, R.N.C. 2012. Potensi Penyebaran Tali Kuning (Arcangelisia flava) Di Hutan Pendidikan Anggori (Hutan Alam) Universitas Negeri Papua Manokwari. [Potential spread of Yellow Rope (Arcangelisia flava) in Anggori Research Forest (Natural Forest), State University of Papua]. Manokwari, Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Pawley, A., Attenborough, R., Golson, J., and Hide, R. ed. 2005. Papuan Pasts: cultural, linguistic and biological histories of the Papuan-speaking peoples. PL 572. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, xxiii + 817 p. Payokwa, P.L. 2010. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan Pawi (Dodonaea viscosa, (L) Jacq) oleh masyarakat suku Dani di kampung Yelikiba distrik Hubikossy kabupaten Jayawijaya. [The use of Pawi plant (Dodonaea viscosa, (L) Jacq) by Dani people in Yelikiba village, Hubikossy District, Jayawijaya Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Peday, H.F.Z. 2004. Analisis Vegetasi Jenis Komersil Di Kampung Ibele Distrik Hubikosi Kabupaten Jayawijaya Dalam Kawasan Penyangga Taman Nasional Lorentz. [Vegetation analysis of commercial trees in Ibele Village, Hubikosi District, Jayawijaya Regency, the buffer zone of Lorentz National Park]. Beccariana 6(1), 33-39. Peday, M.H. 2004. Aspek Demografi Jenis-jenis Rotan Pada Hutan Dataran Rendah Asai Kabupaten Manokwari. [Demographic aspects of types of Rattan in Asai Lowland Forest, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
27 Pekey, M.Y. 2011. Identifikasi Jenis–Jenis Kayu Pada Rumah Adat Yame Owa Suku Mee Distrik Paniai Timur (Enarotali) Kabupaten Paniai. [Identification of the kinds of wood used in the Yame Owa traditional house of the Mee tribe, East Paniai District Mee (Enarotali), Paniai Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Persoon, G.A. 2012. Le bois d’aloès, « le Bois des Dieux » La vie d’un arbre blessé Agarwood, “The wood of the Gods”. The life of a wounded tree. Revue d’ethnoécologie [En ligne], 1 | 2012, mis en ligne le 20 novembre 2012, consulté le 29 avril 2014., 1. Pical, J.M. 2013. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Sebagai Obat Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Isenebuai Distrik Rumberpon Kabupaten Teluk Wondama [The use of plants for traditional medicines by Isenebuai village, Rumberpon District, Wondama Bay Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Pickersgill, B. and Anderson, G.J. 2011. Charles Bixler Heiser Jr. October 5, 1920–June 11, 2010, A Biographical Memoir. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences. Ploeg, A. 2004. The German Eipo research project. Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 118, 35-79. Polhaupessy, N. 2007. Efektifitas ekstrak akar tuba (Derris elliptica Roxb) sebegai bahan pengawet kayu. [Effectiveness of tuba root extract (Derris elliptica Roxb) as a wood preservative]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Pratiwi, S. 2010. Analisis kandungan kimia Freycinetia marginata dan Freycinetia aculeatus asal Manokwari. [Analysis of the chemical constituents of Freycinetia marginata and Freycinetia aculeatus from Manokwari]. Undergraduate Diploma thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Prayitno, S.W.M. 2002. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan mangrove bagi kehidupan masyarakat suku Inanwatan di kabupaten Sorong. [The use of mangrove plants in the lives of the Inanwatan tribal community in Sorong Regency]. Thesis, Manokwari, Fahutan Unipa. Prayitno, S.W.M., Manusawai, J., and Witjaksono, W. 2002. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Mangrove bagi Kehidupan Masyarakat Suku Inanwatan di Kabupaten Sorong. [The use of mangrove plants in the lives of the Inanwatan tribal community in Sorong Regency]. Beccariana 4(2), 79-92. Priyono, S.H. 2008. Potensi antibakteria ekstraks dan fraksi Libo (Piper miniatum Bl.) [Antibacterial potential of extracts and fraction of Libo (Piper miniatum L.)]. Berita Biologi, 9(1), 99-104. PT. Freeport Indonesia. 2005. Studi Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat Masyarakat Kamoro di Dataran Rendah PT. Freeport Indonesia, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. [Ethnobotanical study of Kamoro medicinal plants in Lowland PT. Freeport Indonesia, Mimika Regency, Papua]. PT. Hatfindo Prima. Purwanto, Y. 2002. The Evaluation of the Cultural Significance of Plants in Ethnobotanical Study of Dani-Baliem, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Paper given at: International symposium on land management and biodiversity in Southeast Asia, Kuta, Bali, 18-20 September 2002. Sapporo Japan, Hokkaido University, Puslit Biologi-LIPI. (Not in published proceedings).
28 Purwanto, Y. 2003. Studi etnoekologi masyarakat Dani-Baliem dan perubahan lingkungan di lembah Baliem, Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya.[Ethnoecological study of the Dani-Baliem society and environmental changes in the Baliem Valley, Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya]. Berita Biologi: jurnal ilmu-ilmu hayati (Edisi Khusus Kebun Biologi Wamena dan Biodiversitas Papua), 6(5), 661678. Purwanto, Y. 2004. Understanding traditional plant use and management: the Dani-Baliem perceptions of the plant diversity. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 1(1), 9-43. Purwanto, Y. 2008. Wen hipere, jardin de patates douces des Dani Baliem en Papouasie-Occidentale. In: Mollard, E. and Walter, A. ed. Agricultures singulières. Paris, IRD (Institut de recherché pour le developpement), pp. 297-300. Purwanto, Y. 2002. Gestion de la biodiversité: relations aux plantes et dynamiques végétales chez les Dani de la Vallée de la Baliem en Irian Jaya, Indonésie. Reinwardtia, 12(1), 1-94. Putra, R.S. 2003. Jenis-jenis Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional dan Pemanfaatannya Menurut Pengetahuan Lokal Masyarakat Suku Wamesa di Kampung Isenebuai Distrik Ransiki Kabupaten Manokwari. [Types of traditional medicinal plants and use of local knowledge by the Wamesa Tribal Community in Isenebuai village, Ransiki District, Manokwari Regency]. Skripsi Sarjana Kehutanan [Forestry Undergraduate thesis], Manokwari, Fahutan Unipa. Rahawarin, Y.Y. 2005. Eksplorasi Jenis Palem di Pulau Mioswaar, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama, Irian Jaya Barat (Papua). [Inventory of palm species on Mioswaar Island, Teluk Wondama Regency, West Irian Jaya (Papua)]. Biodiversitas, 6(2), 108-112. Rahmat, R. 2007. Eksplorasi Variasi Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) di Beberapa Distrik di Kabupaten Manokwari. [Survey of variation in Guava (Psidium guajava L.) in some districts in Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Ramanatha, R.V., Matthews, P.J., Eyzaguirre, P.B., and Hunter, D. ed. 2010. The Global Diversity of Taro: Ethnobotany and Conservation. Rome (Italy), Bioversity International. Ratang, F. 2004. Tingkat Pemanfaatan Buah Mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) Sebagai Bahan Makanan Oleh Masyarakat Sowek di Distrik Supiori Selatan Kabupaten Supiori. [Level of use of the mangrove fruit (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) for food by Sowek Community, Southern Supiori District, Supiori Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Raunsay, E.K. 2009. Biologi aimerei (Villebrunia rubescens Bl.) dan pemanfaatannya dalam pengobatan tradisional pada masyarakat kampung Karoaipi distrik Timur jauh kabupaten kepulauan Yapen. [The biology of Aimerei (Villebrunia rubescens Bl.) and its uses in traditional medicine in Karoaipi Society, Timur Jauh District, Yapen Island Regency]. Novae Guinea 1(1), 28-36. Raymu, A.A.D.E. 2007. Pemanfaatan jenis tumbuhan berkayu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan perahu tradisional oleh masyarakat kampung Masipawa Distrik Napan Kabupaten Nabire. [The use of woody plant species as raw material for traditional boat building by the Masipawa villagers, Napan District, Nabire Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Rembon, F.S., Pasolon, Y.B., and Yamamoto, Y. 2008. Characteristics of Seed and Germination of Wild-Type Sago "Manno" (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) Collected from Sago Palm Field around Lake Sentani near Jayapura, Indonesia. Sago Palm, 16(2), 79-84.
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30 Rumbino, A.A., Flassy, A.D., and Ihalauw, H.S. 2007. Misteri Burung Beracun (Pitohui dicrous) dari Pegunungan Arfak, Manokwari. [The mystery of the Poison Bird (Pitohui dicrous) from the Arfak Mountains, Manokwari]. Jurnal Natural, 6(1). Rumere, M. 2007. Jenis jenis Bambu dan Pemanfaatannya Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Amoi Distrik Warsa Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [The use of Bamboo in Amoi village, Warsa District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Rumadas, Y.K. 2012. Etnobotani Masyarakat Adat Byak Di Kampung Swaipak Distrik Swandiwe Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [Ethnobotany of the Byak people in Swaipak village, Swandiwe District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Runaweri, B.N. 2012. Analisa Vegetasi Permudaan Sner (Manilkara fasculata HJL) Pada Kawasan Hutan Kampung Mnurwar Distrik Oridek Kabupaten Biak Numfor [Analysis of the regrowth vegetation of Sner (Manilkara Fasculata HJL) in the Forest Area of Mnurwar village, Oridek District, Biak Numfor Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Runtuboi, Y. 2005. Pemanfaatan Kayu Sebagai Bahan Baku Komponen Bangunan Rumah Berlabuh Oleh Masyarakat Ansus Di Kabupaten Yapen Waropen. [The use of wood as raw material for building pile houses by Ansus People in Yapen Waropen Regency]. Beccariana, 7(2). Rusdi 2004. Pemanfaatan Jenis Kayu Sebagai Bahan Baku Perahu Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Kampung Maroway Distrik Demta Kabupaten Jayapura. [The use of wood as a raw material for traditional boat building by Maroway Village Community, Demta District, Jayapura Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Sada, J.T. and Tanjung, R.H.R. 2010. Keragaman Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional di Kampung Nansfori Distrik Supiori Utara, Kabupaten Supiori–Papua. [Traditional medicinal plant diversity in Nansfori village, North Supiori District, Supiori Regency, Papua]. Jurnal Biologi Papua, 2(2), 39-46. Sadsoeitoeboen, M.J. 2004. Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus, Lamk.) Dalam Kehidupan Suku Arfak di Kabupaten Manokwari. [Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus, Lamk.) In the Life of the Arfak tribe, Manokwari Regency] In: Karafir, Y.P., Matanubun, H., Soenarto, Abdullah, Y., Nugroho, B., and Tokede, M.J. eds. Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Pendayagunaan Pangan Spesifik Lokal, Jayapura 2-4 Desember 2003. Kerja Sama Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Kabupaten Jayapura dengan Universitas Negeri Papua. [Proceedings of the National Workshop on Reforms Specific Local Food, Jayapura 2 to 4 December 2003. Cooperation Department of Agriculture and Horticulture Jayapura Papua State University. Jayapura, Papua, Kerjasama Universitas Negeri Papua dan Pemerintah Provinsi Papua, pp. 155-160 Sadsoeitoeboen, M.J. and Kilmaskossu, A. 2007. Keanekaragaman, persebaran dan pemanfaatan pandanus di Papua. [The diversity, distribution and utilization of Pandanus in Papua]. Jurnal Natural, 6(1). Sadsoeitoeboen, M.J. and Kilmaskossu, A. 2007. Suatu Kajian Etno-biologi Pandanus di Papua [An ethno-biological study of Pandanus in Papua]. Beccariana, 9(1), 31-34.
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33 Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A Showy High Elevation Tree Species of Rhododendron Rhododendron culminicolum F. Mueller. Spesies Rhododendron Data ran Tinggi yang Indah Rhododendron culminicolum F. Mueller. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 4, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A Tall Shrub Species of Rhododendron Rhododendron correoides J.J. Smith. Sem.ak Rhododendron yang Tinggi Rhododendron correoides J.J. Smith. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 5, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A Medium to Tall Rhododendron Shrub with Potential for the Rehabilitation of Overburden - Rhododendron gaultherifolium J.J. Smith. Semak Rhododendron yang Potensial untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden Rhododendron gaultherifolium J.J. Smith. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 6, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A Large Elaeocarpus for Overburden Rehabilitation Elaeocarpus densiflorus Knuth. Elaeocarpus Besar untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden Elaeocarpus densiflorus Knuth. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 7, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A Mountain Myrtle for Overburden Rehabilitation Xanthomyrtus compacta (Ridley) Diels Myrtle Gunung untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden - Xanthomyrtus compacta (Ridley) Diels. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 8, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Nature's One-A-Day Birth Control Pills" Podocarpus brassii Pilger. "Pil Harian Alami Pengontro Kelahiran" Podocarpus brassii Pilger. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 9, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A Tall Straight Southern Conifer for Overburden Rehabilitation Dacrycarpus cinctus (Pilger) de Laubenfels Pohon Tinggi Daun larum dari Selatan untuk Rehabilitasi Batuan Penutup Dacrycarpus cinctus (Pilger) de Laubenfels. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 10, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. Farming a Nutritious Protein Source - Dacrycarpus compactus (Wasscher) de Laubenfels. Bercocok-tanam Sumber Nutrisi Protein Dacrycarpus compactus (Wasscher) de Laubenfels. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 11, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Protecting Your Piglets" Symplocos cochinchinensis (Loureiro) S. Moore var. orbicularis (Hemsley) Nooteboom "Melindungi Anak Babi Anda" Symplocos cochinchinensis (Loureiro) S. Moore var. orbicularis (Hemsley) Nooteboom. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 12, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. A High Elevation Tree Species with a Southern Connection Tasmannia piperita {Hooker) Miers. Spesies Pohon Dataran Tinggi dari Selatan Tasmannia piperita (Hooker) Miers. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 13, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "When Hunting, Let Them Come to You" Schefflera pagiophylla Harms. "Ketika Berburu, Biarkan Mereka Mendatangimu" Schefflera pagiophylla Harms. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 14, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. All-Weather Kindling for High Elevation Survival Styphelia suaveolens (Hooker) Warburg. Bahan Bakar Segala Cuaca untuk Bertahan di Dataran Tinggi Styphelia suaveolens (Hooker) Warburg. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 15, 1-4.
34 Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Curse on the Evil" - Coprosma brassii Merrill & Perry. "Sebuah Kutukan untuk Kejahatan" - Coprosma brassii Merrill & Perry. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 16, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A High Elevation Malaria Prophylactic"- Olearia velutina Koster. "Obat Malaria dari Data ran Tinggi" - Olearia velutina Koster. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 17 (17-18), 1-6. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Preventing Malaria Using A Mountain Tree Aster" Olearia lepidota Mattfeld. "Mencegah Malaria Dengan Pohon Aster Pegunungan" Olearia lepidota Mattfeld. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 18 (17-18), 7-12. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Traditional Treatment for Weaning a Child or Preventing Malaria" - Papuacalia versteegii (Mattfeld) Veldkamp "Cara Tradisional untuk Menyapih Anak atau untuk Mencegah Malaria"- Papuacalia versteegii (Mattfeld) Veldkamp. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 19 (19-20), 1-6. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Desperate for a Smoke - Try the Local Weed" Papuacalia carstenszensis (van Royan) Veldkamp "Ketagihan Merokok - Coba Perdu Lokal" Papuacalia carstenszensis (van Royan) Veldkamp. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 20 (19-20), 6-12. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Common and Widespread Tree for Overburden Rehabilitation" - Rapanea communis van Royen "Pohon yang Telah Umum dan Tersebar Luas untuk Rehabilitasi Timbunan Batuan Penutup"Rapanea communis van Royen. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 21, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Small to Medium Tree for Overburden Rehabilitation" Rapanea crenata van Royen "Pohon Berukuran Kecil Hingga Sedang untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden" - Rapanea crenata van Royen. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 22, 1-4 Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "An Attractive Rapanea Tree for Overburden Rehabilitation" - Rapanea papuana (Hemsley) Mez "Pohon Rapanea yang Atraktif untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden"- Rapanea papuana (Hemsley) Mez. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 23, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Pittosporum Species for Overburden Rehabilitation". "Spesies Pittosporum untuk Rehabilitasi Batuan Penutup''. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 24, 1-6. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Attractive High Elevation Small Trees and Shrubs with Potential for Overburden Rehabilitation" - Dimorphanthera F. Mueller "Pohon Kecil dan Perdu Data ran Tinggi yang Menarik dan Potensial untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden"- Dimorphanthera F. Mueller. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 25, 1-6 Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Prayer for a Safe Journey" Gaultheria Kalm ex Linaeus. "Mantera untuk Keselamatan dalam Perjalanan" Gaultheria Kalm ex Linaeus. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 26 (26-27), 1-6. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "New Guinea Mountain Raspberry for Overburden Rehabilitation"- Rubus diclinis F. Mueller. "Pohon Buah Berry Pegunungan New Guinea untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden"- Rubus diclinis F. Mueller. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 27 (26-27), 7-12.
35 Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Melanesian Mountain Raspberry for Overburden Rehabilitation" - Rubus ferdinandi-muelleri Focke. "Pohon Buah Berry Gunung dari Melanesian untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden" - Rubus ferdinandi-muelleri Focke. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 28, 1-4. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Lorentz's Mountain Raspberry for Overburden Rehabilitation" -Rubus lorentzianus Pulle. "Pohon Buah Berry Pegunungan Lorentz untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden"- Rubus lorentzianus Pulle. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 29, 14. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Scrambling Mountain Blackberry for Overburden Rehabilitation"- Rubus tsirivan Royen "Buah Berry Hitam untuk Rehabilitasi Overburden" - Rubus tsirivan Royan. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 30, 1-4 Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "Kloss's Low Aster Shrub" - Tetramo/opium klossii (Moore) Mattfeld. "Semak Aster Kloss Rendah" - Tetramolopium klossii (Moore) Mattfeld. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 31 (31-32), 1-6. Shea, G., Sarosa, W., and Zongganau, D. "A Multi-Purposed Southern Conifer" Podocarpus pilgeri Foxw.. "Konifer Serbaguna dari Dunia Selatan" Podocarpus pilgeri Foxw. Nemangkawi Research Note No. 32 (31-32), 7-12. Shea, G.A., Sarosa, W., and Uamang, P. 2006. Ethnobotany of subalpine and alpine plants on Mt. Jaya: Knowing our mine environment. Indonesia, P.T. Hatfindo Prima for Environmental Department, PT Freeport Indonesia, 38 p. Sheil, D., van Heist, M., Boissiere, M., Liswanti, N., Basuki, I., and Wan, M. 2004. Building Capacity for Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment in Papua: three phases of training and pilot assessments in the Mamberamo Basin A report based on work jointly undertaken in 2004 by the Center for International Forestry Research, Conservation International (Papua Program), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), 18 Papua-based Trainees, and the people of Papasena-I and Kwerba Villages. http://www.cifor.org/mla/download/publication/CIFOR%20MLA%20Papua%20Report.pdf (accessed 20 April 2014) Siburian, R.H.S. 2009. Keragaman Genetik Gyrinops verstegii asal Papua Berdasarkan RAPD dan Mikrosatelit. [Genetic diversity of Papuan Gyrinops verstegii based on RAPD and Microsatellite]. MSc Thesis, Bogor, Bogor Agriculture University. Sidjabat, S.N.J. 2000. Identifikasi jenis pohon yang kulitnya digunakan sebagai kanvas lukisan pada masyarakat Sentani kabupaten Jayapura. [Identification of the types of tree used for barkcloth painting by the Sentani people, Jayapura Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Faperta Uncen. Sihite, D.I.J., Ir. Obed N. Lense, M.S., Ir. Retno Suratri, M.S., Ir. Chandra Gustiar, M.S., and Sergius Kosamah, S. 2006. Bintuni Bay Nature Reserve Management Plan Irian Jaya; Barat Province 2006-2030, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Southeast Asia Center for Marine Protected Areas (SEACMPA). http://www.reefbase.org/resource_center/publication/pub_25170.aspx (accessed 20 April 2014). Simanjuntak, S. 2004. Jenis-Jenis Bambu dan Pemanfaatannya Oleh Penduduk Lokal Kampung Lobo Distrik Kaimana. [Bamboo types and their use by residents of Lobo village, Kaimana District]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
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44 Yafur, H.M. 2012. Aspek Ekologi dan Demografi Pohon Kayu Wangi (Flindersia pimentelliana F. v. Muell.) pada Plot Monitoring Flora Hutan Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Kabupaten Manokwari. [Aspects of the ecology and demography of fragrant Tree Wood (Flindersia pimentelliana F. v. Muell.) from flora monitoring plots in Table Mountain Forest Park Nature, Manokwari Regency]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua Yahya, H.M. and Wiryanta, B.T.W. 2006. Khasiat & manfaat buah merah : si emas merah dari Papua. [Efficacy and benefits of Red Fruit: the red gold of Papua]. Jakarta, AgroMedia, vi, 84 p. Yandeday, B. 2006. Pemanfaatan jenis tumbuhan mangrove oleh masyarakat klademak pantai di pulau panjang distrik Salawati kabupaten Sorong. [The use of mangrove plant species by the Klademak coastal people in Long Island, Salawati District, Sorong Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Yarangga, A., Rettob, B.B., and Barahima 2008. Tanggap Pertumbuhan Embrio Matoa (Pometia pinnata Forst.) pada media MS yang diperkaya dengan Air Kelapa dalam Kultur In-Vitro [The growth of Matoa embryo (Pometia pinnata Forst.) in MS Medium enriched with coconut milk]. Beccariana, 10(1), 6-15. Yensenem, B. 2010. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan sebagai Obat Tradisional oleh Masyarakat Suku Biak di Kampung Opiaref Distrik Oridek Kabupaten Biak Numfor. [The use of traditional medicinal plants by the Biak Tribal people in Opiaref village, Oridek District, Biak Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Yenusi, S.F. 2006. Asosiasi Rotan Calamus aruensis Becc. Dengan Pohon Inang Pada Kawasan Hutan Wisata Gunung Meja Kabupaten Manokwari. [Association of the Rattan Calamus aruensis Becc with host trees in Gunung Meja (Table Mountain) Forest Park, Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Yenusi, S.F., Arwam, C.Y.H., and Fatem, S. 2006. Asosiasi rotan Calamus aruensis Becc. dengan pohon inang pada kawasan hutan wisata Gunung Meja Kabupaten Manokwari. [Association of the rattan (Calamus aruensis Becc) with host trees in Gunung Meja Forest Park, Manokwari Regency]. Beccariana, 8(1). Yeny, I. 2007. Implikasi ketentuan adat dalam pemanfaatan hutan alam produksi di Papua. [The implication of traditional laws/conventions in forest management of Papua]. Info Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan 7(1), 29-43. Yeny, I., Lekitoo, K., Baharinawati, and Indow, N. 2006. Jenis-Jenis tumbuhan berkayu bermanfaat bagi suku Hatam di hutan Diklat Tuwanwouwi, Manokwari. [Woody plants used by the Hatam Tribe at Tuwanwouwi Training Forest, Manokwari]. Info Hutan, 3(2), 95-116. Yigibalom, J., Bumbut, P.I., and Mofu, H. 2007. Grevillea papuana sebagai Obat Tradisional Suku Lani di Jayawijaya. [Grevillea papuana as a traditional medicine of the Lani tribe in Jayawijaya]. Beccariana, 9(1), 27-30. Yogaswara, R. 2008. Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Air dan Metanol pada 15 Tumbuhan asal Kabupaten Manokwari. [Antioxidant activity of water extracts and methanol of 15 plants from Manokwari Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua.
45 Yumame, S. 2008. Teknik Pemanenan Gaharu Secara Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Suku Maibrat Distrik Aitinyo Kabupaten Sorong Selatan. [The Gaharu harvesting techniques of the traditional Maibrat Community, Aitinyo District, South Sorong Regency]. Undergraduate Diploma Thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Yuminarti, U., Tahoba, A.E.P., and Sariati, S. 2008. Manfaat sosial budaya dan ekonomi tanaman ‘WATI” (Piper methysticum Forst) bagi masyarakat suku Marind-Anim di kampung Urumb distrik Semangga Kabupaten Merauke. [Social, cultural and economic benefits of' 'Wati' (Piper methysticum Forst) for Marind-Anim people in Urumb village, Semangga District, Merauke Regency]. Agrotek, 1(2). Yumte, D. 2012. Teknik Pemanenan Gaharu Oleh Masyarakat Suku Sough Di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni Provinsi Papua Barat. [The techniques of harvesting Agarwood by the Sough tribe, Bintuni Bay Regency, West Papua Province]. Masters thesis, Manokwari, Universitas Negeri Papua. Zebua, L.I. nd. Etnobotani dan Keanekagaman Jenis Pandan di Cagar Alam Cyclops-Jayapura [Ethnobotany and diversity of Pandanus species in Cyclops Nature Reserve-Jayapura], 3197 UNIVERSITAS CENDERAWASIH LISYE IRIANA ZEBUA 0025066810 Penelitian Fundamental [Fundamental Research]. Zona, S. 2005. A Revision of Ptychococcus (Arecaceae). Systematic Botany, 30(3), 520-529. Zumbroich , T.J. 2011. To strengthen the teeth and harden the gums - Teeth blackening as medical practice in Asia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 9, 97113.