5. Pemodelan Bisnis (Bagian 1) SIF15001 Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Agi Putra Kharisma, S.T., M.T. Genap 2014/2015
Desain slide ini dadaptasi dari University of San Fransisco
Unified Process
Pemodelan Bisnis
“Dilakukan sebelum menentukan kebutuhan sistem (system requirements)”
Pemodelan Bisnis
“an activity that supports the discovery of system requirements by helping the team perceive the wider business context where the future system will operate” (Wazlawick, 2014)
Pemodelan Bisnis
“Pada umumnya, artifak yang dihasilkan tidak terlalu detail”
Artifak yang dihasilkan
Artifak yang dihasilkan dapat berupa teks maupun diagram.
Artifak yang dihasilkan
Diagram yang umum digunakan adalah business use-case diagram dan business activity diagram. Selain itu, pada kasus tertentu dapat pula berupa state machine diagram.
Artifak yang dihasilkan
BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) juga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dari UML activity diagram.
Tujuan Pemodelan Bisnis (1/4)
1. Understand the structure and dynamics of the target organization in which the software will be used.
Tujuan Pemodelan Bisnis (2/4)
2. Understand the current problems of the target organization and identify potential improvements that can be obtained with the software..
Tujuan Pemodelan Bisnis (3/4)
3. Assure that clients, users, and the development team share a consistent understanding of the target organization.
Tujuan Pemodelan Bisnis (4/4)
4. Derive the requirements that will lead to the desired improvements..
Langkah pertama, membuat General View
The general view of the system or executive summary is a free format document, where the analyst may report the relevant items she discovered about the system after the initial interviews with the stakeholders. The document usually includes the scope declaration for the project. (Wazlawick, 2014)
General View
Berisi kurang lebih: • Laporan analis tentang sistem dari hasil wawancara awal dengan stakeholder. • Lingkup proyek • Main deliverable yang akan diterima klien • Acceptance criteria yang terukur (telah dikuantifikasi).
(Wazlawick, 2014)
Business Use Case
Business Use Case dibuat untuk memodelkan perusahaan. Bukan memodelkan sistem perangkat lunak.
The business use case model considers the entire company as a system, and the actors may be people, companies, or other
organizations that create business or maintain relationships with the business (Kroll and Kruchten, 2003).
Business Use Case
Business Use Case berisi proses bisnis dengan level abstraksi paling tinggi, sehingga jumlahnya relatif sedikit. Contoh proses bisnis: 1. Selling products 2. Conducting marketing 3. Providing services 4. Solving customer problems 5. ... dsb
Proses bisnis “selling products” dapat berisi banyak subproses, diantaranya: • registering customers, • offering products, • sending products, • applying discounts • ...dsb Sub-proses tersebut akan diidentifikasi pada system use cases, jika proses tersebut akan di-otomatisasi.
Contoh Notasi Business Use Case
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (1/7)
Tyner Blain, memiliki 7 best practices untuk penamaan use case.
1. Good use case names reflect user goals. Good
• Generate invoice • Cancel invoice • Pay invoice
• Access system • Open main window • Invoice
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (2/7)
2. Good use case names are as short as possible. Good
Not Good
• Collect late payment
• Collect late payment from customers that are past due
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (3/7)
3. Good use case names use meaningful verbs. Good
Not Good
• Separate ordered items for dispatch
• Process order
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (4/7)
4. Good use case names use active voice. Good
Not Good
Pay for order
The order is paid
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (5/7)
5. Good use case names use present tense. Good
Not Good
• New Account Was Created
Create New Account
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (6/7)
6. Good use case names do not identify the actor. Good
• Manager creates sales report
Create sales report
Praktek Terbaik Penamaan Use Case (7/7)
7. Good use case names are consistent. Good
• Produce reservations report • Produce sales report
• Generate sales report • Produce reservations report
• Generate reservations report • Generate sales report
Business Actors & Business Workers
1. Business Actors: People, organizations, or even systems that perform some activities belonging to the process, but which are not part of the target company. That is, they are not under company control. 2. Business Workers: People, organizations, or even systems that perform some activities belonging to the process and that are part of the target company. They could be the company’s employees, its departments, or even existing software systems belonging to the company.
Mengapa Jenis Aktor Dibedakan?
This differentiation is important because business actors usually cannot be automated, that is, they will not be replaced by computational systems. However, business workers roles can possibly be replaced by automatic systems (English, 2007).
Contoh Notasi Business Actor & Business Worker
(Wazlawick, 2014)
Contoh Business Use-Case Toko Buku Fiktif
(Wazlawick, 2014)
Peluang Otomatisasi
(Wazlawick, 2014)
Role vs Person
There is no one-to-one equivalence between a role and a person: a person may perform many roles and a role may be performed by many different people. (Wazlawick, 2014)
Versi Perbaikan Dari Diagram Sebelumnya Setelah Keputusan Otomatisasi Pada Role Clerk
Aktor dipecah menjadi dua karena hanya sebagian role-nya yang dapat diotomatisasi. (Wazlawick, 2014)