2009 Soal Sumatif 2 Saraf dan Jiwa Contributor: Arina DHP, Selvi N, M Anom W, Edwin W, Vito FJ, Rizky EPY, Bramantya W, Syeda T, Dita A, Ika J
1-‐3: man, 52 yo, admitted to ER with hemiparesis 1. Which clinical data could help to make the topical diagnosis (anatomic location) a. Dysartria b. Vomitus c. Headache d. Previous stroke history e. Previous cardiac disease Yang berguna untuk membantu identifikasi dimana letak lesi pada otak dari opsi di atas yang paling spesifik adalah dyarthria. Dysarthria bisa disebabkan adanya lesi di pusat bicara. Sedangkan opsi lainnya bersifat tidak spesifik. 2. Which additional data will help determining the etiology of this problem? a. Family stroke history à bisa meningkatkan risiko seseorang terkena stroke b. Patient’s consciousness à mengetahui ARAS intact atau tidak c. Development of hemiparesis in 4 days à bisa menunjukkan progresifitas penyakit d. Vomitus à muntah proyektil bisa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan TIK e. History of diplopia at the same time as hemiparesis à bisa menunjukkan letak lesi Seharusnya ada cerita yang melatarbelakangi soal diatas. Maaf salmon hanya bisa menjelaskan sampai sini saja. 3. If this patient had also right fascial palsy (central type) and right hypoglossal palsy, beside right hemiparesis,where was the most possible location of lesion? a. Motor cortex b. Internal capsule c. Mesencephalon d. Medulla oblongata e. Pons Paling sering terkena adalah nervus VII dan XII karena persarafannnya unilateral. Sedangkan yang lain bilateral. 4. Which of the followings is not considered important in establishing rapport with a psychiuatric patient? a. Putting the patient at ease b. Expressing compassion
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c. Evaluating the patient’s inside d. Showing expertism e. Showing domination à seharusnya psikiatrist tidak menunjukkan dominasi agar semakin banyak informasi yang dapat diungkapkan pasien. 5. Woman, 43 yo, with temporal hemianopia, which clinical data will help to determine the lesion location? a. History of hypertension b. History of DM c. History of amenorrhea d. History of prejectile vomitus à hubungannya peningkatan TIK e. History of catarac à lesi di mata, tidak berhubugan dengan temporal hemianopia Temporal hemianopia disebabkan oleh lesi di kiasma optikum. Lesi ini bisa karena ada tumor hipofisis yang menekan si kiasma optikum. Nah, manifestasi klinis lain dari tumor hipofisis adalah amenorrhea. Kenapa? Tumor hipofisis menyebabkan produksi prolaktin berlebih. Prolaktin menyebabkan amennorrhea dan galactorrhea. Sumber: duus 50 yo, with history of traffic accident. On initial examination: alertness (+), severe headache. 5 hours later, the consciousness was decreasing, defined as somnolence, right pupil 4mm, light reflex is brisk, left pupil 7mm, with no reaction to light. Brain scan showed an epidural hematome on temporal side. 6. What caused the deacreasing of consciousness in this patient? a. Mass effect caused by hematome à perdarahan epidural akan membentuk suatu masa yang menekan otak, menyebabkan herniasi hingga batang otak, menggangu ARAS b. Cerebral contusion à gegar otak karena trauma. c. Intraparenchymal hematome à epidural tidak sampai ke intraparenkim d. A+B True e. A+B+C True 7. What is the best terminology to describe decreasing consciousness phenomenon in this patient? a. Window period b. Lucide interval c. Precoma sign d. Impending coma e. Impending herrniation 8. What is the cause of this pupillary reflex? a. Occulomotor nerve hematome b. Brain herniation c. Increased intracranial pressure d. A+B True e. A+B+C True perdarahan epidural à peningkatan TIK à herniasi à menekan nervus okulomotor © FKUI 2011
9. Brainstem death sign: a. Bilateral babinsky sign à lesi UMN b. All physiologic reflexes disappear à lesi LMN c. Pupillary reflex showed midriasis and no response to light à mesensefalon d. Tachypneu breathing à batang otak e. Hyperreflex à lesi UMN 10. What is the value of good history taking? a. Lead the diagnosis b. Doctor-‐patient relationship c. Doctor-‐patient’s family relationship d. A+B True e. A+B+C True Dengan menggali history lebih dalam, maka diagnosis bisa lebih ditegakkan dengan tepat. Selain itu, hubungan dokter pasien keluarga lebih baik, compliance pasien lebih tinggi. 11. Mesencephalon will cause this sign: a. Of consciousness Keadaan sadar ditentukan oleh 2 komponen yaitu formasio retikularis dan hemisfer serebral.Formasio retikularis terletak di rostral midpons, midbrain (mesencephalon) dan
thalamus ke korteks serebri. Ini dinamakan ascending reticular activating system (ARAS).
12. Pons lesion will give this clinical sign a. Pinpoint pupil and no response to light b. Abduncens nerve palsy c. Occulomotor nerve palsy d. Hypoglossal nerve palsy e. Pupillary size arilsocoria
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Lesi pons: pinpoint Lesi pada midbrain: midposition dan fixed Lesi uncal: dilated, fixedd Lesi diensepalon: reaksi minim Tectal: large” fixed”, hippus 13. Monroe Kellie doctrine a. Growing mass lesion can be compensated by the displacement ofa volume of the CSF from the compartment b. Growing mass lesion will decrease the systolic blood bressure c. Increased CSF volume will be compensated by a decrease in brain parenchym volume d. In normal intracranial compartment the total volume of brain, CSF will change everyday e. None is true Sebenernya masih bingung nii. Kalo dari penjelasannya sii, monroe kellie doctrine adalah suatu doktrin dimana volum intrakranial dipertahankan tetap. Nah, isinya doctrine monroe kellie adlh sgb: Any increase in the volume of one component of the intracranial cavity causes : a decrease in the volume of other component an increase in pressure within the intracranial cavity, or a combination of the two kenapa milih a, karena di a diplacement volume dari csf itu sebagai mekanisme untuk menurunkan volum salah satu komponen, kenapa ga yang C, karena voum parenkim otak itu lebih sulit untuk berkurang volumnya.
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14. Which of the following statements is true regarding epilepsy? a. Physiologic seizure are benign type of epileptic seizure b. All seizures will cause permanent nerve damage c. Diazepam is a drug of choice for maintenance treatment of epilepsy d. Epileptic seizure is caused by hyperexitability of neuron e. Surgery is indicated for all generalized seizure 15. Man, 23 yo, lost his consciousness suddenly when watching tv and fell from his chair. Family reported that the patient’s uuper extremities were rigid and followed by jerking movement of all extremities. That event took place for approximately 3 minutes. He also bite his tongue during that event. What was happened to this patient? a. Tonic Clonic generalized seizure b. Myoclonic seizure c. Simple partial seizure d. Absence seizure e. Atonic seizure 16-‐18: Woman, 45 yo, complaining of pain and tingling sensation on her right thumb, index and middle fingers, and half of her ring finger. 16. Where is the most possible lesion? a. Ulnar nerve b. Median nerve c. Radial nerve d. Axillar nerve e. Musculocutaneous nerve
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Merah: n.radialis Kuning: n. Medianus Biru: n. Ulnaris 17. What is the diagnosis? a. Carpal Tunnel syndrome à disebabkan oleh kerusakan nervus medianus di dalam terowongan karpa. Pasien mengeluh nyeri dan paraestesia terutama pada malam hari. b. Syndrome 18. A patient in ER told the physician that over the past 2 weeks he has been hearing voices commanding him to kill his wife. This demonstrate: a. Disorder of thought content b. Disorder of thought form c. Disorder of perception d. Formal thought disorder e. Disorder of behavior 19. Electrical engineer, 34 yo, complained of guilty feelings over his divorce, he couldn’t concentrate and felt hopeless. Theres a subjective feelings of sadness and depression. He lost 25 pounds because of decreased appetite. Which is the most important issue? a. Psychiatric history b. Development history c. Family history d. e. Suicidal thought / suicidal potential (plans, means, history of attempts, etc) f. Prenatal history Psychiatric history terdiri dari: identifikasi data, keluhan utama, riwayat penyakit skrg, riwayat penyakit dahulu, riwayat keluarga,riwayat pribadi, riwayat seksual, fantasi dan nilai Developmental history terdiri dari: riwayat perkembangannya dari prenatal sampai dewasa dan tua. 20. Woman, tell that her television has been talking directly to her over the past months. This demonstrates: a. Disorder of thought content b. Disorder of thought form c. Disorder of perception d. Formal thought disorder e. Disorder of behavior 21. Woman, 58 yo, right hand was shaken since 1 year ago, become more intensive in the last 3 months. The shaking was more obvious when the patient moved her arm. These complains weren’t accompanied by other symptoms. Diagnosis? a. Parkinson disease à ditemukann rigiditas b. Essential temor
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c. Ataxia d. Stroke e. Athetosis Essential tumor lebih terlihat ketika dia digerakkan dan ini adalah gejala yang khas dan tidak disertai gejala lainnya. 22. Man, 52 yo, complain of slowered movement since 3 months ago, accompanied by shaking of the right hand, especially at nights. Hand tremor wasn’t driven. On PE: rigidity of right arm (+), hypomimia(+), arm swinging(+). Diagnosis? a. Parkinson disease b. Essential tremor c. Chorea huntington d. Balismus e. Athetosis Pasien di atas menderita Pariknson’s disease, manifestasi klinik dari penyakit tersebut adalah tremor istirahat, bradikinesia, rigidity, gangguan keseimbangan, hipomimia, ayunan tangan tidak simetris (salah satunya lebih lemah), dan lainnya. Sumber: http://www.mdguidelines.com/parkinsons-‐disease & http://news.psu.edu/story/153087/2011/12/13/increased-‐arm-‐swing-‐asymmetry-‐early-‐sign-‐parkinsons-‐ disease 23. Woman, 68 yo, complains of shaky hands, narrowed hand writing and somtimes dripping her saliva while reading quran. On gait exam: short of footsteps (+), handswings (-‐). The most responsible neurotransmitter? a. Acetylcholine b. Aspartate c. Dopamine d. GABA e. Glutamate
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Sumber: http://jeb.biologists.org/content/211/4/568.figures-‐only 24. Man, 61 yo, with a complaint of tremor in right hand since 2 months ago. Tremor was felt when hand wasn’t driven. 4 months ago suffered from a stroke with paralysis of right arm and leg. On PE: Rigidity in right wrist and resting tremor (+). Diagnosis? a. Parkinson disease b. Pakinsonism c. Essential tremor d. Intention tremor e. Ataxia Ingat saja TRAP (Tremor, Rigidity, Akinesia, Postural Instability) 25. Man, 52 yo, complaining of slower movement since 3 months ago, accompanied by shaking on the rigth hand. The rigth hand tremor was not driven. On PE: right arm rigidity (+), hypomimia (+), and arm swinging (-‐). Which part of the brain location is most likely to be responsible for the abnormality above? a. Basal Ganglia b. Corpus Callosum Pasien diatas menderita Parkinson Disease’s, berdasarkan kuliah obat penyakit parkinson, terdapat gangguaan keseimbangan neuro-‐humoral di ganglia basal, di traktus nigrostriatum dalam sisten ekstrapiramidal.
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26. Woman, 22 yo, complaining of weakness in both legs since 3 days ago. A week before she got diarrhea and fever. On PE: Lower limbs paraparesis, muscle tone: flaccid, patellar and babinski reflexes (-‐). Which is the most appropriate type of paralysis? a. UMN b. LMN c. Cortical paralysis d. Subcortical paralysis e. Pseudoparalysis
27. Man, 18 yo, with a back pain after falling from 3metres high, accompanied by weakness in both legs and tingling fom the navel to the bottom line. On PE the doctor found lower limb paraparesis, hypohypestesi thoracalis as high as 11th to lower dermatomes, increased patellar and achilles reflex, Babinski reflex was +/+. Where is the location of the lesion? a. Medulla Spinalis b. Paraspinal Muscle c. Dorsalis Radix d. Ventralis Radix e. Peripheral Nerves Kata kunci kasus di atas adalah peningkatan refleks, merujuk gambar di samping peningkatan refleks dapat terjadi jika terjadi lesi pada otak/medula spinalis. K. 23 Parases Motorik, no. 11
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28. Woman, 31 yo, with both legs often felt weak. The weakness was felt after they were moved and got better after resting. Eyelids were down especially in the afternoon or when reading for a long time. On PE, found weakness in both lower extremities, abnormality of muscle tone, patellar reflex +2/Babinski Reflex -‐/-‐. Where is the location of the abnormality? a. Dorsalis Radix Pasien mengalami paraparesis b. Neuromuscular Junction (kelamahan pada kedua tungkai bawah), c. Peripheral Nerve tonus otot yang abnormal, tidak ada d. Musle refleks patologis, refleks fisiologis dalam e. Medulla Spinalis batas normal. Yang khas adalah kelemahan itu dirasakan ketika berkegiatan dan melemah ketika istirahat. Hal ini merujuk kepada miastenia gravis J Miastenia gravis adalah kerusakan yang terjadi pada neuromuskular junction
29. Woman, 43 yo, with a pain in the wrist since a week ago, felt primarily at nights. On PE, wrist was painful especially when touched, found also atrophy of right pollicis abductor brevis muscle. Which peripheral nerve is mostly impaired? a. Nerve Ulnaris b. Nerve Medianus c. Nerve Radialis d. Nerve Axillaris e. Nerve Musculocutaneous Saraf yang mungkin terganggu adalah saraf medius yang menginervasi otot pollicis abductor brevis. Saraf Ulnaris
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Lengan Atas à fleksor karpi ulnaris, fleksor digitorum profundus. Tangan (dalam) à abduktor digitiminimi, opponens
Saraf Radialis
Saraf Aksilaris Saraf Muskulokutaneous
digitiminimi, fleksor digitiminimi brevis, adduktor polisis, fleksor polisis brevis, dorsal interossei, palmar interossei. Tangan (superfisial) à palmaris brevis Otot triceps brachii, otot anconeus, otot brachioradialis, otot extensor carpi radialis longus. (Dalam) à otot ekstensor carpi radialis brevis dan otot supinator *Seluruh otot ekstensor & abductor pollicis longus. Otot deltoid, otot teres minor, otot triceps brachii Otot coracobrachialis, otot brachialis, otot biceps brachii
30. Man, with a pain in the face on the right side since 2 weeks ago. Pain is very severe, appea suddenly and last only a few seconds. The attack is felt everyday with a frequency of more than 10 times, felt especially on the cheeks to the chin area. Which cranial nerve is most likely disturbed? a. Ophtalmicus branch from trigerminus nerve b. Maxillaris branch from trigerminus nerve c. Mandibularis branch from trigerminus nerve d. Facialis centralis nerve e. Facialis peripheral nerve Ramus Oftalmik à mempersarafi dahi, mata, meningen, sinus paranasal, dan sebagian mukosa hidung. Ramus maksilaris à mempersarafi rahang atas, gigi atas, bibir atas, pipi, palatum durum, sinus maksilaris, dan mukosa hidung. Ramus mandibularis à mempersarafi rahang bawah, gigi bawah, bibir bawah, dan sebagi kecil telinga. Cabang mandibularis bergabung dengan serabut motorik. (Tentir 2009) 31. Man, 62 yo, with mouth oblique since 2 hours ago. On PE obtained the right plica nasolabialis more horizontal, when he was asked to smile, the mouth attracted to the left, when asked to raise the eyebrows, the right eyebrow can be raised symmetrically. Which cranial nerve is most likely disturbed? a. Ophtalmicus branch from trigerminus nerve b. Maxillaris branch from trigerminus nerve c. Mandibularis branch from trigerminus nerve d. Facialis centralis nerve e. Facialis peripheral nerve
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Gangguan yang dapat kita kenali pada kasus diatas adalah PLIKA KANAN NASOLABIALIS yang lebih HORIZONTAL ketika tersenyum dan MULUT TERTARIK KE KIRI. Gangguan yang mungkin terjadi adalah pada saraf kranial fasialis.
32. Woman, 26yo, mouth oblique since 1 day ago, with a complain in tasting sense accompanied by disturbances and discomfort in the right ear. On PE: plica nasolabialis is more horizontal, when smiling the mouth was more retracted to the left, when asked to raise the eyebrows, the right eyebrow wasn’t raised. Which cranial nerve is most likely disturbed? a. Ophtalmicus branch from trigerminus nerve b. Maxillaris branch from trigerminus nerve c. Mandibularis branch from trigerminus nerve d. Faciali s centralis nerve e. Facialis peripheral nerve Pada kasus nomor 32 ini membicarakan tentang N.facialis (N. VII), sebagaimana kita tahu sebelumnya, wajah pada persarafan motoriknya terbagi menjadi dua; • •
Diatas mata à dipersarafi dua cabang nih teman-‐teman, baik dari hemisfer kanan dan hemisfer kiri Dibawah mata à dipersarafi satu cabang aja nih, yakni dari bagian kontralateral hemisfernya. Kalau pipi kanan yang mempersarafi hemisfer kiri, dan sebaliknya.
Paresis otot wajah terbagi jadi dua; (1) paresis sentral à lesinya UMN, penampakannya ga bisa senyum sebelah tetapi masih bisa angkat alis (2) paresis perifer à lesi LMN, gejala klinis baik alis sama bibirnya tidak bisa tersenyum guys! Untuk kasus diatas kata kuncinya “the right eyebrow wasn’t rised”, jelas sekali ini tipikal paresis UMN N.facialis. 33. Man, 62 yo, with a sudden disorganized talk. On PE: BPà140/90mmHg, HRà 96x/min, RRà20x /min. The patient could speak fluently but it could not be understood. The patient was unable to repeat the word and sentence. What is the best diagnosis? a. Depression disorder b. Memory disorder
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c. Motoric aphasia d. Sensoric aphasia e. Psychosis
Menurut kasus di atas: • Pasien lancar bicara à Fluent = Yes! • Tapi nggak bisa dimengerti à Comprehends = No! • Nggak bisa mengulang kata atau kalimat à Repeat = No! Tinggal dicocokin sama bagan aphasia di atas, berarti pasien menderita aphasia Wernicke (area broadman 22). Inget area Wrnicke itu area bicara sensoris, kalau Broca area bicara motoris. Kalau pasien mengalami lesi di area wernicke maka pasien tidak dapat memahami bahasa yang diterimanya baik dalam bentuk lisan atau tulis. Apa yang ingin kita katakan itu diformulasikan di area Wernicke lalu diteruskan ke area Broca. Walaupun mereka dapat berbicara dengan tata bahasa yang normal serta kecepatan dan intonasi yang benar, mereka tidak dapat menyampaikan / mengekspresikan apa yang mereka maksud dengan baik. Mereka berbicara dengan normal tapi menggunakan kata-‐kata yang random dan tidak berarti. 34. Man, 62 yo, with a sudden disorganized talk. On PE: BPà140/90mmHg, HRà 96x/min, RRà20x /min. The patient could speak fluently but it could not be understood. The patient was unable to repeat the word and sentence. Where was the lesion most likely to be found? a. Primary Motoric area b. Limbic system c. Brocha area (brodmann area 44)
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d. Occipital lobe e. Wernicke area (brodmann area 22) Lihat penjelasan nomor 33. 35. Man, 34yo, with a complain of difficulty in concentrating since 1 month ago, also in organizing, setting properties and making decisions. Where was the location of the abnormality most likely to be? a. temporal b. Occipital c. Parietal d. Frontal-‐sub-‐cortical e. Cerebellum Gangguan yang dialami pasien memang disebabkan oleh lesi pada lobus frontal subcortical yang memiliki fungsi eksekutif diantaranya; inisiasi, problem solving, planning, abstraction, psychomotor speed, set shifting, shifting of idea, fine psychomotor. 36. Man, 64 yo, with confusion and weakness on one side since 2 hours ago. The patient always turned to the side that wasn’t paralyzed. On PE, it was found that the patient didn’t recognize the part that should be seen fom the paralyzed part of the body & the side itself. Where was the location of abnormality most likely to be? a. Left hemisphere b. Right hemisphere c. Cerebellum d. Pons e. Fasciculus arcuatus Tanda-‐tanda neglect. Kalau pasien neglect sisi kiri, berarti lesi di hemisfer kanan. Kalau pasien neglect sisi kanan, berarti lesi di hemisfer kiri. 37. Modality of therapy that cues mental disorder patients by using a variety of psychological and social approaches: a. Behavioral therapy à b. Psychosocial therapy àterapi untuk menyembuhkan pasien gangguan jiwa dengan menggunakan berbagai pendekatan psikologi dan sosial c. Activity therapy group d. Supportive psychotherapy à mendukung fungsi ego pasien (memperbaiki dan memperkuat mekanisme mekanisme defense dan integrasi ego pasien) dan membuat pasien merasa lebih nyaman dengan situasi dan kondisinya e. Psychosocial rehabilitation à segala tindakan fisik, penyesuaian psikososial dan latihan vokasional sebagai usaha untuk memperoleh fungsi dan penyesuaian diri secara maksimal dan untuk mempersiapkan pasien secara fisik, mental, social, dan vokasional untuk suatu kehidupan penuh sesuai dengan kemampuan dan ketidakmampuannya
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38. 18 yo medical student met his supervisor because of academic problem. He told about the difficulty he found in adjusting with the academic environment in the faculty. He was afraid that he couldn’t pass the final exam. This student needs psychosocial therapy of: a. Counseling b. Behavior therapy c. Cognitive therapy d. Crisis intervention e. Supportive psychotherapy Menurut salmon, jawaban paling pas untuk pertanyaan ini ialah konseling. Konseling adalah hubungan antara dua orang (konselor dank lien) yang sifatnya saling membantu untuk menyelesaikan masalah tertentu. Konseling adalah proses kolaborasi untuk memberdayakan klien dalam menanggapi masalah kehidupan. Nah jadi si mahasiswa kedokteran ini punya masalah akademik dan lingkungannya, si konselor diharapkan dapat membantu klien melihat masalah dari berbagai aspek dan berusaha memberikan solusi. Klien ini tidak memperlihatkan masalah patologis jd belum perlu diberikan terapi-‐terapi lain. 39. Therapists role in supportive psychotherapy: a. Helping patients to cope with crisis situations b. Helping patients in defense mechanism c. Helping the patient get the insight of their mental condition à psikoterapi berorientasi tilikan d. Recognizing the unconscious processes that underlies the symptoms à psikoterapi berorientasi tilikan e. Educating the patyient how to build a new paradigm in thinking, feeling, and behavior. à psikoterapi reedukatif Tujuan dari psikoterapi suportif adalah mendukung fungsi ego pasien (memperbaiki dan memperkuat mekanisme defense dan integrasi ego pasien) dan membuat pasien merasa lebih nyaman dengan situasi dan kondisinya. 40. Mrs S, schziphrenia, hospitalized for 3 weeks, preferred to avoid social interaction, couldnt express her feelings appropriately, and had difficulty in understanding other people. Rehabilitation program that suits this patient is: a. Receptive skill à perhatian dan interpretasi terhadap petunjuk-‐petunjuk yang relevan, pengenalan emosi b. Vocational training à melatih keterampilan kerja, mencari kerja dan keterampilan berkompetisi c. Social skill training à melatih keterampilan asertif, dan hubungan interpersonal d. Expressive behavior à isi pembicaraan, fitur paralinguistic, perilaku nonverbal e. Cognitive skills training à melatihkan memecahkan masalah 41. Goal of Psychiatric rehabilitation a. Increasing self esteem
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b. c. d. e.
Interpersonal relationship skill Channelling patient to the community Distributing patient to the community Achieving physical and mental improvement as possible
42. Based on the goal of psychiatry, it is differentiated into: a. Brief and Long Term psychotherapy b. Individual, Couple, and Group Therapy c. Counseling, Supportive, and Crisis Intervention d. Behavior, Cognitive, and Psychodynamic psychotherapy e. Supportive Re-‐educative and Insight Oriented Psychotherapy
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