PT. Harum Dana Berjangka, yang merupakan sebuah perusahaan komisioner yang bergerak dibidang Stock Index Investment (Nikkei 225, Hangseng, Dow Jones, Kospi), Commodity Futures [ TOKYO RED BEAN (Kacang Merah), SOY BEAN (Kacang Kedelai), ROBUSTA COFFEE (Kopi Robusta), CORN FUTURES (Jagung Manis), ARABICA COFFEE ( Kopi Arabica), RAW SUGAR (Gula Putih), OSAKA RUBBER INDEX (Karet Olahan /Computerized) ], dan Forex (GBP, CHF, EUR, JPY, AUD). Kami telah mendapatkan Surat Persetujuan Anggota Bursa (SPAB) No. SPAB-072/bbj 05/04, dan telah memperoleh Ijin Usaha sebagai Pialang berjangka dari Departemen Perdagangan melalui keputusan Ketua Badan Pengawas Perdagangan melalui keputusan Ketua Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI/SI/XII/2004). Dan Dengan dukungan technologi informasi canggih serta staff manajemen yang handal, kami memfasilitasi transaksi ke Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) & Tokyo Grain Exchange ( TGE ) melalui Bursa Berjangka Jakarta ( BBJ ) untuk Commodity Futures.
Legal Aspect The Indonesian Derivatives No.42/BAPPEBTI/SI/PN.01/11/2003
Berperan Sebagai Penyalur Amanat Luar Negeri No.281/BAPPEBTI/SP/XII/2003 As the member of JFX / BBJ with Surat Persetujuan Anggota Bursa (SPAB) No.030/BBJ/10/00 Member of Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI) No.006/AK-KJBK/XII/2000
Pada kesempatan ini kami ingin mengajukan sebuah konsep kerjasama dalam hal pengembangan dana, sekaligus mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk ikut bergabung memanfaatkan peluang tersebut di perusahaan kami. Adapun keunggulan dalam perdagangan Derifative Invesment ini adalah Small Capital, minimum modal investasi relative kecil Two Ways Opportunities, dapat meraih keuntungan pada saat harga naik ataupun turun Potensi Return On Investment (ROI) yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan deposito dan investasi yang lainnya.
No Tax, tidak dikenakan pajak apapun (bebas pajak) Bussiness Analysis, keputusan trading berdasarkan atas analisis teknikal maupun fundamental Money Management Stop, resiko kerugian dalam setiap transaksi dapat diatasi sekecil mungkin Very Liquid, dana (equity dan profit) dapat ditarik sewaktu-waktu dengan aturan T+1 (penarikan hari ini besok cair)
Tersedia fasilitas informasi dana analisa teknikal yang lengkap dan cepat untuk melakukan analisis yaitu menggunakan Reuters Profesional Keamanan dana investor dijamin tegas dalam perjanjian nasabah atas dasar hukum yang berlaku Minimum Investment FX / IX = IDR 30,000,000,Commodity Futures = IDR 35,000,000,1 US$ = IDR 6000,-
(Aturan resmi dari Bappebti) Perkembangan investasi (laporan hasil transaksi) dapat dipantau secara langsung melalui statement yang dikeluarkan per-transaksi Prosedur investasi yang mudah dan cepat Data keuangan nasabah akan sangat confidential (tidak terdeteksi oleh pihak manapun) Market 24 jam Segregated Account PT. Harum dana Berjangka Bank Central Asia Jakarta - Sudirman Segregate Account : 035.311.0737 On line Trading
Spread 3 / 4 pips Meraih Penghargaan Industri Berjangka Terpatuh 2003 Trading Flexibility Open Position via DQ Close Position via Online Business Manager
Y!M: nyantaidulu +6221-93318161 +628568525068 PT. HARUMDANA BERJANGKA Cab. Menara Mulia, Floor 16 Suite 1608 Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11 Jakarta Selatan - Indonesia
Ph. +62 (21) 2520280 ext: 161 & 162 =============================================================== =============================================================== =============================================================== ===============================================================
sewa titik billboard iklan dijakarta kalau ada yg membutuhkan titik billboard dijakarta kami ada beberapa ... 1. Billboard Daerah HI JL. Pamekasan - Jakarta Pusat (Samping Germany Embassy) ukuran: 8m x 20m x 1muka (vertical) Masa tayang 1 tahun Rp 2,5M (Incl. Ijin & Produksi) 2. Billboard Daerah Sudirman (depan gedung ABDA) ukuran: 4m x 8m x 1muka (vertical) Masa tayang 1 tahun 3. Billboard Daerah Lapangan Banteng (Jl. Pos Utara) ukuran: 8m x 16m x 1muka (vertical) 4. Billboard Daerah Lapangan Banteng barat (depan tugu irian) ukuran: 10m x 20m x 1muka (horizontal) 5. JPO daerah Rasuna Said (depan Depkes) ukuran: 20m x 1,5m x 2muka (horizontal) 6. Billboard daerah pelataran parkir JaCC (Jakarta City Center) ukuran: 8m x 16m x 1muka (vertical) 7. Billboard daerah teluk betung jakpus (samping JaCC) ukuran: 10m x 20m x 2muka (vertical) 8. Billboard daerah kebon kacang (antara grand indonesia dan JaCC) ukuran: 10m x 20m x 2muka (vertical) 9. 2pcs Billboard daerah Gandaria jaksel ukuran: 10m x 20m x 3muka (vertical) 10. Billboard daerah Pondok Indah (depan PI) ukuran: 6m x 18m x 2muka (vertical) 11. Billboard daerah Pondok Indah (depan ex Go-Kart) ukuran: 6m x 18m x 2muka (vertical) 12. Billboard daerah sudirman (depan graha niaga) ukuran: 6m x 18m x 1muka (vertical) 13. Billboard daerah JL. H.R. Rasuna Said - Jakarta Pusat (Samping Four Season Hotel) 1.5 M x 18 M x 1 Muka Masa tayang 1 tahun 14. Billboard daerah JL. H.R. Rasuna Said - Jakarta Pusat (Samping Gedung Wisma Bakrie) (Ukuran 8 Meter X 16 meter x 1 muka) 15. Billboard daerah Jalan tol CIKAMPEK, Rest Area KM. 19 A (arah KELUAR), 4M x 8M x 1 sisi, backlite/horizontal, vinyl inkjet print
16. Billboard daerah Jalan tol CIKAMPEK, Rest Area KM. 19 A (arah MASUK), 4M x 8M x 1 sisi, backlite/horizontal, vinyl inkjet print 17. Billboard daerah Jalan tol JAGORAWI KM 34.4, sebelum Exit Bogor, 5M x 10M, 1sisi, Horizontal/frontline, Vinyl Inkjet Print 18. Billboard daerah Jalan tol JAGORAWI KM 39.450, sebelum exit Bogor, 7M X 21M, 1 sisi, Horizontal/fronline, Vinyl Inkjet Print 19. Billboard daerah Jl. Tracie Yogie, Depan Komplek Puri Sri wedari, arah cileungsi menuju tol jagorawi, cibubur junction, 6M X 12M, 1 sisi, backlite, single pole, Slast backlite, backlite vinyl hub: Y!M: nyantaidulu +6221-93318161 +628568525068 Beberapa titik yang sudah ada konstruksinya yaitu: 1. Jl. Pemekasan (Samping German Embassy) 2. Jl. Jend. Sudirman (Depan GD. ABDA) 3. Jl. Jend. Sudirman (Depan Pintu keluar Graha Niaga) Kami dapat membuat paket semua untuk anda, seperti: Design, perizinan, konstruksi, pemasangan, dan perawatan. Dapat juga hanya perizinan saja, atau hanya perijinan dan konstruksi, pemasangan, serta perawatan.
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Singapore Branch :
Jakarta Office :
44 Kallang Place
Mall Taman Palem
# 05-03 Four Star Building, Singapore – 339172
Kapuk Raya Outer Ring Road
GST Registration No. : 20-0505585-G
Cengkareng - 11730
Design Interior for Apartment, Residential, and Hotel
We are specialist in interior decoration and previously working on numerous building (Residential, Hotels, and Apartment) installation works.
We made fine quality supply fabric design with reasonable and competitive prices in the scope of interior.
We come to know that your company is developing some projects and we wish to introduce our products and the benefits to your company.
We would appreciate it if you can allow us an appointment to explained to you about our products.
We hope to hear from you soon. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any enquiry or question.
Thank you.
widyanto duta nugroho Y!M:nyantaidulu +6221-93318161 +628568525068 =============================================================== =============================================================== =============================================================== ===============================================================
Jual Apartemen Puri Gardenia luas 74,5 M2, listrik 3.000 watt, dengan specs 3 kamar, 1 kamar utama dengan kamar mandi dalam, includ. full furniture, siap pakai jadi, lantai 15, akses dekat dengan Hypermart dan carerefour belakang nya mall puri indah dan bersebelahan dengan Rumah sakit Puri Indah, Kembangan, jakarta barat Contact:
Y!M: nyantaidulu +6221-93318161 +628568525068
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OXY, DRINKING WATER Adalah air minum yang telah diaktifkan dengan menggunakan Sinar Alpha melalui proses Molecular Resonance e-Magnetic Technology (MReT), air minum yang mengandung Oksigen murni tinggi, serta air minum yang memiliki kandungan mineral An-Organik yang rendah. Air yang telah diaktifkan ini banyak membantu penderita : tekanan darah tinggi, stroke, trigeliserid, kolesterol, diabetes, kanker, abses, menghaluskan kulit, jerawat batu, menyehatkan rambut, migrain, pegal-pegal, ketegangan otot, impotensi diri, awet muda dan lain-lain. Testimony : ATURAN MINUM : MINUMLAH PADA SAAT PERUT KOSONG, karena penyerapan terjadi di usus halus dan bermanfaat untuk kesehatan akan dirasakan secara maksimal. Untuk pencegahan : Minum 1 botol pada pagi hari sebelum makan atau pada saat bangun tidur. Untuk pengobatan : Minumlah 1 botol pada pagi hari dan 1 botol pada sore hari sebelum makan atau sebelum tidur. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Terima kasih Info:
[email protected] |
Y!M: nyantaidulu | +6221-93318161 | +628568525068 Kesehatan adalah harta kita yang paling berharga Lebih baik menjaga kesehatan daripada mengobatinya OXY adalah salah satu cara menjaga harta kita yang paling berharga itu Mulailah sekarang jangan ditunda !!!
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Rumah meruya Jual Rmh 2lt,Lsb.168x2lt.,Lst.225,6Kt,1rKtr,gudang, Grs 3mbil,BbsBanjir,2200watt,Menghadap keBarat, Lt.Keramik,SHMilik,Tmn MeruyaIlir,Mrya Utara,JktBrt,sgt strtgis hub: Y!M: nyantaidulu 6221-93318161 628568525068 Detail:,5454.0.html =============================================================== =============================================================== =============================================================== ===============================================================
Dijual Tanah+Bangunan di Jl. Margonda Raya 545, Beji, Depok, Jawa Barat Total Luas Tanah: 2345m2 Luas Bangunan Utama: 155,25m2 -2 Lantai, 4 K. Tidur (1 K. Utama), 4 K. Mandi (1 K. Mandi Utama), R. Tamu, R. Makan, R. Keluarga, Dapur, Garasi Listrik: 2200 VA Air Bersih: Air Tanah - Jet Pump Luas Bangunan Paviliun: 60m2 -2 Lantai, 2 Kamar Tidur, Dapur, Kamar Mandi, Gudang Bangunan Rangka: 612m2 -2 Lantai Harga: Rp.2.789.000/m2 (nego) - Tanah termasuk seluruh bangunan Hubungi:
Y!M: nyantaidulu +6221-93318161 +628568525068
=============================================================== =============================================================== =============================================================== =============================================================== Sektor Properti merupakan trend investasi saat ini yang sangat menggiurkan.Siapapun bisa kalau yakin dan take action. Ingat pesan Pak Tung Desem waringin -NO ACTION = NOTHING HAPPEN-ACTION = MIRACLE HAPPENACTION !!! ACTION !!! ACTION Peluang kini menghampiri ANda : || Jual rumah Pejaten Barat Pasar Minggu jakarta Lt. 723m2 | Lb. (2 Lantai) 375m2 | 5 Kamar tidur | 3 kamar mandi + 2 storage room | Garage 4 cars | 2 kamar pembantu | 1 upstairs storage room. | 5.000 watt| Phone lines : 6 available| Basic furnished | Sertifikat hak milik Contact:
Y!M: nyantaidulu +6221-93318161 +628568525068 Detail: Gambar: Peta Daerah Rumah
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Properties for sale | house for sale on | at | in Sentul City Bogor 16810 Indonesia Mudah-mudahan ada yang berminat hub: Serious buyer kindly contact:
+6221-933 18161 +62856 852 5068 Y!M: nyantaidulu As a Company that is focused on building an independent and integrated residential housing resort, the Company has constructed some infrastructure and other unique facilities to attract and retain consumers, such as: * South Sentul Toll access, the location of the independent Sentul City can be directly accessed from the jagorawi Toll both Jakarta and Bogor. * The Company has first class macro utilities infrastructure such as the water pipe from Bogor Regency (PDAM) to Sentul City as back up to the Water Treatment Plan. * Sentul City is a recreation and residential area with a mountain view which benefits from the fact that 65% of its area is open area, offering panorama of 5 mountains, protected forest of Pancar Mountain, waterfall, rice field and clean air. Completed by the sport facilities such as golf court, polo court and others. * Another indication that the project is attractive can be seen by the number of prospective customers that visited the project site during the holiday season and at weekends which over the last two years have increased more than 100.000 people visited the site per year. And it still increased following the opening of Bellanova Mall especially the hypermarket.Since the opening of the Hypermarket at beginning of july 2006 and enhancement of the recreation area, Sentul City has become an alternative tourism destination in Jabodetabek. Sentul City also gives additional value to its customers such as * The hill scenery is attractive to customers who enjoys a mountanious environment * Location that is free from pollution, offering clean air that becomes a major advantage for home owners / prospective buyers * The land site which located 500 m above sea level provides comfort to home owners that this area is flood free. As a part of the stage I Development, to date we have built 6.232 home units and land blocks, and developed a first class infrastruture and facilities, covering a total area of 800 ha, from our total acquired area of 2,700 ha, there for, there is a plenty of land that can be built on and expanded by Sentul and / or investors to create a location that not only used
for housing but also could be expanded for commercial purposes such as malls, hotels, business districts, officess, hospitals, school, training facilities and others.
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* Widyanto Duta Nugroho (PAL seventeen) * * <10.150 membership> let's chat with me: ** Y!M : nyantaidulu ** Hotmail : nyantaidulu ** Google talk : widyanto ** A O L : nyantaidulu ** ICQ : 299648948 ** : nyantaidulu ** : nyantaidulu ** JabberPlanet : widyanto ** WAP : ----------------------------------------------------------------------