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Gymnázium, Šternberk, Horní nám. 5 CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.0390 0218 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT VY_32_INOVACE_HoP02 Mgr. Pavlína Horáčková, 15. 10. 2012 19. 10. 2012 Anglický jazyk 3.A Great Britain Prezentace Žáci si rozšíří geografické a kulturní znalosti o Spojeném království Velké Británie a Severního Irska. Zopakují si užití členů s geografickými názvy, vyzkouší si práci s cizojazyčnou mapou, vyhledají a zapamatují si turistická a historická centra státu.
Welcome to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2
Location Obr. 1
1. 2. 3.
Look into the map and describe the location of the UK. What is it surrounded by? (Grammar note: What do you have to be aware of when you are writing down the names of seas and oceans?) Based on your knowledge of Geography, can you describe the climate? 3 2 Obr.
Surface • Which islands belong to the UK? • What separates the UK and France? • Can you find the longest river? (Grammar note: What do you have to be aware of when you are writing down the names of rivers?) • Find other 3 rivers of the country. • Which of the following features are typical for the terrain of the country? mountain ranges highlands lowlands valleys • Can you find their examples? • What is the highest peak and where is it located?
Ben Nevis - 1,343 m - the highest Mountain of the UK - located in the Highlands of Scotland
Obr. 3
Obr. 4
The UK is the union of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, each has its own capital Can you find all capital cities? The UK is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean? The head of the country is the Queen. What is her name?
Obr. 5
What is the name of the current Prime Minister of the UK? The Queen is also the head of the Commonwealth of Nations. What does it mean? 6
The Commonwealth of Nations
Obr. 6 7
Union Jack – the official flag of the UK
Obr. 7
Union Jack is composed of three flags. Can you recognize them?
Obr. 8 9
Symbols of ENGLAND
St George Obr. 9
Tudor rose Obr. 10
Obr. 11
Symbols of SCOTLAND
St Andrew Obr. 12
Thistle Obr. 13 11
Obr. 14
Symbols of NORTHERN IRELAND St Patrick Obr. 15
Shamrock Obr. 16
Obr. 17
Symbols of WALES
St David Obr. 18
Obr. 21
Leek Obr. 19
Daffodil Obr. 20
Anthem: God Save the Queen! What if there is a King?
Currency: British Pound
Obr. 22
Official language: British English (RP) What does RP stand for? Can you find any other Names for British English? 14
Queen´s Role: • head of state • head of the armed forces • head of the Church of England • Represents the nation • Royal Garden Parties • Visits • Government Duties Obr. 22 15
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(obr. 1, 2) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 3) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 4) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 5) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 6) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 7) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 8) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 9) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 10) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 11) [[Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 12) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 13) Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 14)
[Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Saint_Patrick_(window).jpg> (obr. 15) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Oxalis_sp._leaves_-_20020616.jpg> (obr. 16) Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 17, výstřižek) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jesus_Chapel_St_David.jpg> (obr. 18)
[Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Leek.jpg> (obr. 19) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jonquils02_aug_2007.jpg> (dobr. 20) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 21) [Cit. 2012-10-15]. Dostupné pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: (obr. 22)