1st International Nursing Conference
PROCEEDING BOOK “Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015”
SCHEDULE 1st INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE (INC) OCTOBER, 22nd–23rd 2014 Day 2nd , Thursday, October 22nd, 2014 (1st International Nursing Conference – Day 1st) TIME
Opening Ceremony Reading the Holy Qur‟an
Greeting‟st 1. Speech from SC 2. President AIPNEMA 3. Keynote Speech Major Bandung City - Beating the “Gong” - Photo Session
Coffee Break
Expert Panel Presentation 1. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy 2. Implementation of tanscultural nursing in academy and clinical setting: Thailand Perspective 3. AINEC–AIPNI
Reward‟s Announcement and Handover the Souvenir for SC, Speaker, and Moderator
Pray and Lunch
Poster exhibition
1. Moh. Afandi, S.Kep., Ners., MAN 2. H. Edy Soesanto, S.Kp., M.Kes. 3. Ridwan Kamil
- Prof. Junko - Prof. Khannitta, RN., PhD - Muhammad Hadi, SKM., M.Kep., Dr.(Cand.) Moderator: Kusman Ibrahim, S.Kp., MNS., Ph.D Secretary: Warsiti, M.Kep., Sp.Mat.
Ass. Prof. Dr. Somporn Rungruangkulkit Dr. Nichapatrphuttikhamin
Oral dan poster presentation 17.00–17.30
Joint research program: joint research team Report session Discussion Wrapping
Ass. Prof. Dr. Somporn Rungruangkulkit Dr. Nichapatrphuttikhamin
GALA DINNER 19.00–19.15 19.15–19.20 19.20–19.30 19.30–20.00 20.00–20.10 20.10–20.15 20.25–20.30 20.30–20.50 20.50–21.00 21.00–21.30 21.30–21.45 21.45–22.00
Traditional dance Opening Gala Dinner Greeting by the chairman of committees Dinner and acustickecapi suling Dance‟s performance Introducing participants by MC Acustic live music (fazah performance) Angklung Performance Organ Performance MOU / lembar joint research Traditional song Performance participants and Closing
Day 3rd , Wednesday, October 23rd , 2014 (1st International Nursing Conference – Day 2nd ) TIME
08.30–10.45 Opening dan Panel Expert 1. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinicalsetting: Taiwan Perspective 2. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinical setting: Malaysia Perspective 3. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinical setting: Indonesian Perspective Reward‟s Announcement and Handover the Souvenir for SC, speaker and moderator
- Dr. Paris - Prof. Zabidah, RN., PhD - Dr. Titi Moderator: Moh. Afandi, S.Kp, MAN Secretary: Angga W., S. Kep., Ners.
11.00–11.15 Closing 11.15–11.15 Pray and Lunch City Tour
Proceeding is published related to the activities that have been organized by The Association of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Nurse Education (AIPNEMA) in collaboration with Institute of Health Sciences „Aisyiyah Bandung (STIKes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung), that is an international seminar (first national nursing conference) as the Annual meeting of the Association of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Nurse Education (AIPNEMA) .
This international seminar will be held at Horizon Hotel Bandung on 22-23 October 2014. The theme of this international seminar is “Building Transtructural Nursing in Education and Practice to Facing ASEAN Community 2015”. This activity held in scientific forum includes of working paper presentation, discussion and poster. Seminar is conducted parallelly by using presentation and discussion method by researchers from domestic and foreign universities. It is expected to motivate lecturer to publish the result of research in proceeding or national and international journal.
We thank all of participants in this activity. We hope this proceeding give benefit for all readers.
Bandung, October 2014 H. Edy Soesanto, S.Kp., M.Kep President of AIPNEMA
Thanks to Allah S.W.T who has been giving us blessing and mercies. Let's say thank to Muhammad SAW as our own prophet. Because of his strugle now we are walking on the right way. As one of the efforts for
Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Nurse Education (AIPNEMA), Annual Meeting of AIPNEMA conducted annually. This year, STIKes Aisyiyah Bandung welcomes its occasion in Bandung city and we also like to thank you for the trust that given by AIPNEMA to organize these activities.
At this time Annual Meeting of AIPNEMA was held in conjunction with the First International Nursing Conference with the theme "Building Transtructural in Nursing Education and Practice to Facing the ASEAN Community 2015". It is our hope, that through these activities can contribute to the world of education, especially in the institutional environment of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah - 'Aisyiyah, in addition to strengthen the relationship among nursing institutions both within and outside the country.
Finally, we would like to thank all participants in this activity and we also apologize for any shortcomings that may occur during this activity.
Bandung, October 2014
Tia Setiawati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.An Chair of Institute of Health Sciences „Aisyiyah Bandung (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan „Aisyiyah Bandung)
Assalamu‟alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokaatuh.
Thanks to Alloh SWT who has been given us bleesing and mercies. Transcultural nursing is a theory based humanistic discipline, desaigned to serve individuals, organizations, communities, and societies. Human care/caring is defined within the context of culture. Culturally competent care can only occur when culture care values are known and serve as the foundation for meaningful care.
Collaboration between health care providers is needed to minimize the gap and improv health care services. In order to deliver better care to clients, nurses need to build interest. This cooperation will then give assurance in understanding clients and consideration of humanized care.
The objectives of this event are to identify evidence based best practice that promote trancultural nursing, demonstrate research based models or promoting culturally competence care, describe transcultural nursing partnerships that promote cultural competence, and apply transcultural nursing theories to local, national and international health care issues. The target of this event are the academics, the researchers, and nursing service practicioners.
STIKes Aisyiyah is very proud to present this event and hope that it will give a lot of benefits for all the participants. We would like to thank for the speaker for spending the time in order to give us a new knowledge and sharing the experience and also we would like to thank for all the participants for your presence and participations.
We also would like to give the highest appreciation and honour for the institutions and company for their support so that this event can be presented now.
The last but not least we wish that this event can be useful for all. Be enjoy in Bandung.
Bandung, October 2014 Nandang Jamiat Nugraha, S.Kp., M.Kep., Ns, Sp.Kep.Kom Chair of Organizing Committee INC
Implementation of Transcultural Nursing in academy and Clinical Setting: Malaysian Perspective This paper outlines the cross cultural insights that emerged concerning language, culture, and social context in respect of the issue of transcultural nursing in Malaysia. It highlights the cultural and religious safety in academy and clinical practices in the nursing curriculum and in the clinical setting. The nursing academy has to be mindful of creating a curriculum that is responsive to the diverse needs of the communities, while the clinicians are always conscious of the cultural diversity in the clients and communities they serves. Through obliging to this requirement the nurses felt the sense of cultural humility and an appreciation of the sources and values of their own culture. Thus the tensions inherent in a multicultural practice are minimized in the Malaysian health settings. The implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinical practice in the Malaysian perspectives will be discussed.
Brief CV: Zabidah Putit Associate Profesor Dr Zabidah Putit, is the Head of the Nursing Department, UNIMAS, Malaysia. She obtained her PhD from University of Bristol UK, MHSc (Hons) in New Zealand, BNSc (Hons) in UM, while midwifery and nursing in Nursing college, Kuching. She has been in nursing since 1983. Besides in Malaysia, she also has nursing experiences in Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital and teaching in the School of Policy studies, University of Bristol, UK in 2005 – 2008. Her research interests are domestic violence, behavioral sciences and nursing, and have been presenting her related research projects both nationally and internationally. AP Dr Zabidah is an author of five books;(1) Perempuan Di(Se)Balik dinding kaca, (2)Domestic Violence: Towards a better exit, (3) Sarawak Women Treading the path of post-independence years (4) Sarawak women in Politics and (5) Sarawak women in Volunteerism (Invited writer). Besides, her works has also been published in Journals. She reviewed manuscript for journals and books for publication. She has been external examiners of various nursing programme of higher education in Malaysia. She is currently the President of Malaysian Nursing Council, Public Institution of Higher Learning. Throughout her service, she received several awards. Beyond academia, AP Dr Zabidah is known to be actively engaged in the public community services and was recognized by the State government of Sarawak and thus was honored to be offered as member for Women and Family Council Sarawak since January 2011.
BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Junko Tashiro, RN, PHN, MW, MA, PhD Affiliation: Professor, Nursing in Health Care & Social Service, Global Health Nursing St. Luke‟s International University, Professor (1999-present) Specialty: Global Health Nursing (Public Health Nursing, Human Resource in Nursing) Research Area: Development of International Collaborative Working Model for Strengthening Community Nursing in Developing Countries. Development of Web-based Educational Program for International Collaboration to Improve Health for All. Service Learning at College or School of Nursing. Adolescent Health Focusing on Health Promoting Lifestyle Behaviors and Risk Behaviors in Japan. Education: Ph.D., Nursing Sciences, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1996 M.A., Sociology, Graduate College, Master Program, Rikkyo University (St. Paul University), Tokyo, Japan, 1975 B.S., Nursing, St. Luke‟s College of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan, 1972 Professional Experience: Professor, St. Luke‟s College of Nursing, teaching Nursing Research, Nursing Theory, and Global Health Nursing Doctoral and Master Students, 1999 to present. Associate Director of WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing in PHC at St. Luke‟s College of Nursing. Professor, College of Nursing and Medical Technology (Associate Degree Program), University of Tsukuba, 1996-1998, Teaching Fundamental Nursing, and Community Nursing. Associate Professor. St. Mary Junior College of Nursing, teaching Maternal and Child Health and Nursing, 1985-1991. Lecturer, College of Nursing and Medical Technology, University of Tsukuba, teaching Pediatric Nursing. 1980-1984. Head Nurse, Hospital, University of Tsukuba, 1975- 1980. Social Activity (Current): Board of Director (Associate Director), Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 2011-2013. Subject Editor of Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2011-present. Chair of Preparatory Committee for Council of National Representative (CNR) and International Council of Nurses (ICN) Conference in 2007. Board of Director, East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholar, 2002 - 2006. Representative of WPRO, Global Network, WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing & Midwifery 2002-2006. Director and Board of Director, St. Luke‟s Society of Nursing Research, 2002-2005.
Others (Major one only): Expert of Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Pakistan Nursing Education Project, Cooperation of Mid-level Pediatric Nursing Education, 1988-1990, and its after care 2002. Short Term Expert of JICA for Kenya Medical Training College Project. Current Work (Publication) Tashiro,J.,Shinpuku,Y.,Naruse,K.,Maftuhah,& Matsutani,M.,(2012) Concept analysis of reflection in nursing professional development.,Japan. Journal of Nursing Science. Doi:10.111/j.1742-7942.2012.00222.x Kishi, R; McElmurry, B. J.; Vonderheid, S; Alfeld, S; McFarlin, B; Tashiro, J. (2010). Health care for women international 32:Japanese women‟s experiences from pregnancy through early postpartum period.,Routledge.,1,57-71 doi:10.1.1080/07399331003728634 Tashiro,J.,William Holzemer(Ed.) (2010). Chapter 7. Defining the research problem in improving health through nursing research. The International council for nurses; Wiley-blackwell.,69-76. Naruse, K.; Tashiro, J.; Sakyo, Y.; Ichikawa, W.; Karani, A. (2008). Stakeholders‟ perception of the desired Master‟s program for Kenya in community health nursing: Areas of competency. Areas of competency. Japan Journal of Nursing Science No.5. 61-67. Tashiro, J., Nagamatsu, Y., Omori, J. Hishinuma, M., Matsutani, M., Oikawa, I. & others. (2007). Webjyou deno herusu borantia gakusyu to borantia gakusei gakusyu shien puroguram kaihatu: kaihatukatei [Development of an e-learning program for the community and supporting student health volunteer: Process of the Development]. 11 109-115. Tashiro, J., Nagamatsu, Y. (2007). Syushikatei kokusaikangogaku kaikou no kei to gakubu ikkkan no ko-su tennkai. [Starting a Master Course and Consistent Development of Baccalaureate Course in International Nursing at St. Luke‟s College of Nursing]. ,3111-115 Tashiro, J., Nagamatsu, Y., Omori, J. Hishinuma, M., Matsutani, M., Oikawa, I. & others. (2007). Beikoku ni okeru sa-bisu ra-ningu no rinen to torikumi. [ Concept and implementation of service learning at the two universities- Report of Observation Surveys-. ,368-73 (Current Presentation ) Tashiro, J; Mafutuhah; Mizutani, M; Karuyadi; Matsutani, M. (2013) Strategies for stregthening Nursing and Midwifery percecived by stakeholders in Indonesia. At ICN 25 th Quadrennial Congress (C032c). May 18 -23, 2013, Melbourne, Australia. Mizutani, M.; Tashiro, J.; Mafutuhah. (2013). Perceived health, health concerns and health lifestyle of middle-aged Muslim farmers in a rural district of West Java, Indonesia- A pilot study. At 3rd World Academy of Nursing Science Conference. Oct, 16-18, 2013. At Soul, Korea
CURICULUM VITAE Nama Tempat/Tgl Lahir Alamat Rumah Email
: MUHAMMAD HADI : Lamongan, 1 Mei 1971 : Jl.Budi Mulia I RT.003/06, Pademangan Barat Jakarta Utara :
[email protected]
RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN; 1. SDN di Lamongan – Jawa Timur 2. SMPN di Lamongan – Jawa Timur 3. SMA N2 di Lamongan – Jawa Timur 4. AKPER RSIJ Jakarta 5. S1– Universitas Indonesia 6. S2 – Universitas Indonesia 7. S3 – Universitas Indonesia RIWAYAT PEKERJAAN: 1. Dekan FIK UMJ s.d. sekarang RIWAYAT ORGANISASI; 1. Ketua PPNI Jakarta Pusat 2001 s.d. 2012 2. Ketua Bidang Hukum dan Pemberdayaan Politik – Pimpinan Pusat Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia 2005 s.d. 2010 3. Wakil Ketua ICMI Jakarta Utara 2006 s.d. sekarang 4. Pengurus Pusat Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Muhammadiyah seluruh Indonesia 2007 s.d. sekarang 5. Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Ners Kardiovaskuler Indonesia 2006 s.d sekarang 6. Sekjend Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia (AIPNI) 2009 s.d. 2013 7. Task Force Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri PT Kesehatan (LAM PT Kes) 8. Asessor BAN PT s.d. sekarang 9. Ketua Bid Hukum Pengurus Himpunan Perawat Manager Indonesia 2013 s.d. sekarang 10. Ketua Umum AIPNI 2013-2017
Jakarta, 2013
Muhammad Hadi
I. Data Perorangan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Nama Jenis Kelamin Tempat, tanggal lahir NIP Agama Status Perkawinan Pendidikan Terakhir Kantor Pangkat / Golongan Alamat Kantor Telepon Faximile Email Web 11. Alamat rumah Nomor HP E-mail
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP. Perempuan Sukabumi, 7 Mei 1963 19630507 1990 02 2 001 Islam Menikah, satu orang putri S-3 (Doktor) SEAMEO SEAMOLEC Jakarta Pembina Tingkat 1/ Golongan IV b 021-21-7422184 021-7422276
[email protected] www.seamolec.org Jalan Perwira No. 3A Cianjur - Jawa Barat +62 87884782750
[email protected]
II. Riwayat Pendidikan No 1 2 3
Nama Pendidikan
Doktor (S-3) Magister Sarjana
Universitas Brawijaya Universitas Brawijaya IPB-Institut Pertanian Bogor
Ijasah/Tanda Lulus/ Tahun 2006 1996 1987
Tempat Malang Malang Bogor
III. Riwayat Pekerjaan No
Deputy Director
Atase Pendidikan
Nama Institusi SEAMEO SEAMOLEC Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Manila, Filipina
Tempat/Waktu/Pengalaman Jakarta, 2014-sekarang Manila-Filipina/ Desember 2010- September 2014 Indonesia-Filipina - Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Basic Education. - Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Higher Education - Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Vocational Education
Indonesia-Palau Republic Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Education. Indonesia-Marshall Island Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Education Mengembangkan 268 (dua ratus enam puluh delapan) University to University Collaboration Mengembangkan 21 (dua puluh satu) Sister School Indonesia-Filipina Mengembangkan 100 Beasiswa Pemerintah Indonesia untuk Guru Madrasah Mindanao, Filipina Mengembangkan 500 Beasiswa Miskin untuk siswa WNI miskin di Mindanao, Filipina Menembangkan Indo-Phil Journal Mengembangan 2 (dua) SMP Terbuka di Mindanau, Filipina
5 6 7 8
9 10 11
Konsultan Program BERMUTU (Better Education through Reform Management Universal Teacher Upgrading) Kerjasama Bank DuniaPemerintah BelandaPemerintah Indonesia Manager of Indonesian German Institute di PPPPTK Pertanian Dekan Fakutas Sain Widyaiswara PPPTK Pertanian Cianjur Dekan Fakultas Pertanian Quality AssuranceDocument Coordinnator Marketing Manager Divisi Agribisnis Pembantu Dekan 1 Fakultas Pertanian Kepala Departemen Agronomi
World Bank dan Direktorat Bindiklat Jakarta
Mengembangkan Sekolah Indonesia General Santos, Mindanao, Filipina Jakarta 2009-2010 Mengembangkan CPD guru di 75 Kabupaten/Kota dan 16 Provinsi
PPPPTK Pertanian
Cianjur, 2008-2010
Universitas Suryakanca Cianjur PPPPTK Pertanian
Universitas Suryakancana PPPPTK Pertanian
PPPPTK Pertanian Universitas Suryakancana PPPPTK Pertanian
Cianjur, Jawa Barat 1990-2010 Cianjur 2005- 2014 Cianju 2002-2003 Cianjur 1999-2001 Cianjur 2001-2004 Cianjur 1996-1999
IV. Diklat, Kursus, Pelatihan Dalam dan Luar Negeri No
Jenis Pelatihan
4 5 6 7 8
Environmental policy, objectives targets and programs Identification environmental aspect Environmental Management Manual Communication and Plan ISO 14001 action plant ISO 14001 documentation Awareness ISO 14001 ISO Leadership
9 10 11 12
3-D-Microscopy TOT KTSP International Management Training Biotechnology Course
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Biotechnology Management Advanced Biotechnology Professional Training ISO 17025 Consultancy Skill Creative Decision Making Management Training
Management Training
Management Training
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Laboratory safety ISO 9001 :2000 Terampil Mengaudit Statistic Process Control Marketing Plan Bio-farming Pelatihan Instruktur AKTA
31 32 33 34
Bahasa Inggris Pra Pasca Fasilitator Nasional untuk ME Fasilitator Pengembangan Kur. SLTP Keterampilan Fasiltator Nasional untuk SLTP Keterampilan Fasilitator Kur. SLTP Micro Entreprise Training
2 3
35 36 37
Lama Pelatihan 2 hari
Jakarta Jakarta
2 hari 2 hari
2008 2008
Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta ISO leadership-Austria di Semarang Canada Jakarta Germany Martin Luther UniversityGermany InWent-Germany InWent-Germany Martin Luther University Germany
2 hari 2 hari 3 hari 1 hari 5 hari
2008 2008 2008 2008 2008
21 hari 6 hari 20 hari 3 bulan
2008 2005 2005 2005
4 hari 12 hari 5 hari 7 bulan 2 bulan 6 hari 6 hari 2 hari
2004 2004 2004 20032004 2004 2003 2003 2003
2 hari
2 hari
5 hari 14 hari 4 hari 3 hari 4 Hari 4 hari 2 bulan 5 bulan
Tempat Pelatihan
Jakarta Jakarta Thailand German Institute Bangkok Singapore German Institute Singapore Malaysia German Institute Kuala Lumpur Germany VEDCA VEDCA VEDCA Hotel Wijaya VEDCA PPPG Pertanian IKIP Jakarta
Tahun 2009
LIA Jakarta Univ. Brawijaya PPPG Pertanian PPPG Pertanian
5 bulan 3 bulan 1 minggu 10 hari
2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 1990 1990/ 1991 1992 1994 1996 1997
PPPG Pertanian
10 hari
Hotel Utami VTET Brunei Darussalam
7 hari 1 bulan
1997 1999
V. Tanda Penghargaan /Jasa No 1 2
Tanda kehormatan Cumlaude
Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 Tahun Lulusan Terbaik pertama di Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya Tahun 1996
VI. Kegiatan Lain a. Pengabdian Masyarakat No
Jenis Kegiatan
1 2
Sekretaris Aisyiyah Pembinaan Industri Pupuk Organik
3 3
Wakil ketua PD Aisyiyah Pembina Perhimpunan Pertanian Organic
Cianjur Singkawang-Kalimantan Barat Cianjur, Jawa Barat Cianjur, Jawa Barat
2007– 2009 2008-sekarang 1992-2006 1999
b. Seminar/Simposium No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Teaching Factory Usaha Kecil dan Manengah Success story Unit Produksi Bio-Product Prospek UKM di Jawa Barat Teaching Factory Unit Produksi SMK Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Pada Pendidikan Tinggi Sistim Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Asesmen Institusi untuk Lembaga Perguruan tinggi Business Plan IGI Management Training Balance Scored Card Management Facilities Sistem Audit padaPerguruan Tinggi Sistem Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Prospek Chitosan untuk Pelpis Benih Study Chitosan untuk “ Coating Fruit” Prospek Mycorhiza sebagai pengikat Unsur Fosfor Prospek Trochoderma sebagai dekomposer Pemenfaatan Gigaspora pada Gramineae Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia Fitopatologi Potensi dan Kendala Sistem Pertanian Organisk Pemanfaatan Mikoriza Pencegahan Efek Rumah Kaca Prospek Agribisnis pada Milenium ke Tiga Pemasaran Produk Agribisnis
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Semarang Cianjur Salatiga Cianjur Jakarta Jakarta Kopertis-Bandung
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005
Kopertis-Bandung Bandung Bandung
2005 2004 2003
Hotel Jayakarta Bandung TGI - Bangkok SGI- Singapura MGI- Kuala Lumpur Bandung Bandung Malang Malang Malang
2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001
Malang Malang PPPG Pertanian Cianjur Univ. Brawijaya Malang Univ. Brawijaya Malang Univ. Brawijaya Malang Univ. Brawijaya Malang Hotel Mulia Jakarta Hotel Atlit Jakarta
2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
c. Karya Ilmiah No
Topik/Judul Penelitian
1 2 3
Pendidikan Jarak Jauh-Flora sebagai sumber Belajar Pendidikan Jarak Jauh-Lahan sebagai Belajar Pertanian Organik
Cianjur Cianjur Cianjur
Implementasi KBK pada program studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Peluang Penerapan Sistem Mutu Internasional pada Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Suryakancana Implementasi KBK pada program studi Budidaya Pertanian Using Chitosan to Elicit Beta 1,3 Glucanase on Chili Fruit Khitosan Sebagai Bahan Pengendali Penyakit Antraknosa pada Buah Cabai Biorodenticide Production Study Pemanfaatan Chitosan untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk de Barry pada Buah Tomat Study Pemanfaatan Chitosan untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Buah pada Cabe Study Pemanfaatan Chitosan untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Buah pada Cabe Rawit Pengujian daya simpan benih okra Pengujian varietas benih okra
Cianjur dan Singkawang Cianjur dan Singkawang Cianjur dan Singkawang Pelabuhan Ratusukabumi Cianjur
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Tahun 2009 2009 2000sekarang 1996sekarang 1996sekarang 1996sekarang 2005 2004
Cianjur Balithor- Cipanas
2004 2003
Balithor- Cipanas
Balithor- Cipanas
PPPG Pertanian PPPG Pertania
1998 199
d. Organisasi Profesi No
Jenis Kegiatan
1 2
Association of Bio-agro-input in Indonesia (ABI) Indonesia German Institut
Jakarta Jakarta
International Bio-Pesticide Manufacturing Association
Perhimpunan Anggrek Indonesia
Perehimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia
Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia
Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia
Tahun 2008 2002sekarang 2005Sekarang 2000sekarang 1995Sekarang 1990sekarang 1987Sekarang 1987Sekarang
e. Kemampuan Berbahasa Asing No
Bahasa Asing yang dikuasai
1. 2
Inggris Jerman
Keterangan Aktif Pasif
Demikian Data Riwayat Hidup ini dibuat, untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
Cianjur, 7 Maret 2014 Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP.
Evidence Based on Nutrition Education as an Effective Nursing Intervention to Improve Nutritional Status of Children with Malnutrition Indarwati, Ferika ……………………………………………………....……………… Structure and Relations of Health Behavior for Middle-Aged Muslim Women with Hypertension in Rural West Java, Indonesia : A Pilot Study Mayumi Mizutani, Junko Tashiro, Maftuhah, Heri Sugiarto, Lily Yulaikhah, Riyanto Carbun ...……………………………………………………....………………
The Effect of Spiritual Quantum Touch to the Pain When Turning to the Left and Right Position in Post Surgery Patients at RSUD Serang 2014 Ani Haryani, F. Sri Susilaningsih, Aat Sriati …………………………………………
9 - 13
The Learning Model of Reproductive Health through a Peer Group with a Culture of Early Marriage in the Traditional Boarding School, Jember Awatiful Azza, Cipto Susilo ……………………………………………………....……
15 - 22
The Description of Component Antenatal Care Examination in the 3rd Trimester Pregnant Women in Public Health Center Wonosari I Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta Disa Grapella …………...……………………………………………………....………
The Influence of Psychoeducation toward Family’s Caring Ability and Schizophrenia Patient’s Independence Level in Pontianak Dewin Safitri, Wahyu Kirana, Sarwito Rachmad Barmawi …………...……………
29 - 32
Perception Differences between Nurse and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patient toward Spiritual Needs in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Hana Ariyani, Suryani, Aan Nuraeni …………...……………………………………
33 - 40
The Influence of Family Support on Hiv Patients’ Compliance to Take Therapy Program in VCT Clinic Kebumen State Hospital Herniyatun, Dita Try Ubaya Sakti, Sarwono …………...……………………………
41 - 45
The Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Therapy to the Assertive Communication Skill of the Nursing Practice Students to the Inpatients Nurses Ike Mardiati Agustin, Novy Helena CD, Ice Yulia Wardani …………...…………
47 - 55
The Key-Determinant Factors of Depression Level in Eldery Patients Shintha Silaswati, Muftadi, Rizqika Nurlis Manda Putri …………...……………
57 - 66
The Effect of Educative Blog About Diabetes Mellitus (DM) to Fasting Blood Glucose on Diabetic in Public Health Center Wirobrajan Maya, Erfin Firmawati …………...…………………………………………………….
67 - 72
Self Regulation and Anxiety on Home Visit and Clinical Visit (A Cohort Study in Postpartum Mother) Giari Rahmilasari1, Avip Syaefullah, Vita Murniati Tarawan …………...………… 73 - 81
Positive Deviance in a Group of Children Nutritious Good Nutrition in Rural Poor Families in Banyu Biru and Kedunggudel Widodaren Ngawi East Java Yuli Isnaeni …………...……………………………………………………....…………
83 - 90
Oxytocin Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production of Postpartum Mother in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 Warsiti, Lilis Wijayanti …………...……………………………………………………
91 - 97
Motivation, Adaptation, and the Family Roles: A Qualitative Case Study of Chronic Renal Failure Tassyah Devina Rayani, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo, Nurlailatul Masruroh, Edi Purwanto …………...……………………………………………………....…………… 99 - 104
The Perceptions of Nurse Students to the Learning Environment University of Muhammadiyah Semarang Based on Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Tri Nurhidayati, Desy Ariyana, Fatkul Mubin …………...………………………… 105 - 111
Meaning of Spirituality in Patients with Stage III Cervical Cancer in Gynecology Inpatient Ward Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia Inggriane Puspita Dewi …………...……………………………………………………113 - 118
Range of Motion (ROM) Effect to Reduce of Pain and to Increase the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in Elderly with Mobilization Disorder Due to Rheumatic in Pasirgunung Selatan Depok City Nandang Jamiat …………...……………………………………………………....…… 119 - 123
Effect of Head Up and Supine Position of Hemodynamic Changes on Patients with Heart Failure in the High Care General Hospital Center Dr Hasan Sadikin, Bandung Popy Irawati …………...……………………………………………………....………… 125 - 130
The Association between Support, Coping Strategy, Family Burden, Health Status of Elderly and the Incident of Elderly Abuse Depok, West Java Etty Rekawati, Achir. Yani S. Hamid, Junaiti Sahar, Sudijanto Kamso, Widyatuti …………...……………………………………………………....…………… 131 - 139
Application of Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Handling Risk of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance on Post-Operative Children at BCH Ward of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Fauziah Rudhiati, Nani Nurhaeni, Siti Chodidjah …………...…………………… 141 - 145
Description Level Knowledge of Diet DM On DM Sufferer in Region Work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta Isra Nur Utari S. Potabuga, Erfin Firmawati …………...…………………………… 147 - 151
Acupuncture for Nausea Vomiting in Pregnancy Imtihanul Munjiah …………...……………………………………………………....… 153 - 158
The Difference in Oxygen Saturation Value (SpO2) with Suction Time in Patient with Endotracheal Tube in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin 2014 Solikin, Zaqyyah Huzaifah …………...…………………………………………………159 - 164
The Experience of Student Nurses in Communication During the Cross-Cultural Learning Program Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Reni Ilmiasih …………...…………………………………… 165 - 172
Factors Related to the Relapse Incident in Children with Acute Leukemia Limpoblastik at Pediatric Outpatient Unit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Jakarta 2014 Nyimas Heny Purwati, Lestari …………...……………………………………………173 - 177
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Pulmonary TB Close-Contacts in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Reynie P. Raya, Raspati Cundarani, Merrin Rutherford, Karen Hornby, Rovina Ruslami, Bachti Alisjahbana, Philip Hill, Dick Menzies, Ab. Schaap …………...……………………………………………………....………… 179 - 188
Gymnastics Effectiveness in Reducing Dismenorhea Adolesenct in Class XI Social Mojolaban 1 High School District Sukoharjo Datik Kurniawati, Sri Mintarsih …………...………………………………………… 189 - 194
Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Yani Trihandayani, Tri Wahyu Murni, Kusman Ibrahim …………...……………… 195 - 208
The Methods to Overcoming Malnutrition Problem in Bandarlampung Gunawan Irianto …………...……………………………………………………....…… 209 - 213
The Description of Self Care by Maternal Postpartum Do A Postnatal Care Aspects Sri Ayu Rahayu, Sri Sumaryani …………...………………………………………… 215 - 220
The Description of Smoking Dependence on Senior High School Students in Yogyakarta Ayu Purwasih, Sutantri …………...…………………………………………………… 221 - 227
The Relationship between Spiritual Care Knowledge with Nurse’s Attitude in Fulfilling the Clients Spiritual Needs at Rajawali Hospital Bandung Sajodin, Istianah, Ariandini D. …………...…………………………………………… 229 - 237
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Systematic Review Spiritualities and Spiritual Influence of Nursing Cancer Patients Triana Dewi Safariah …………...……………………………………………………. 241 - 247
Caring Experience the Mothers Who’s Premature Babies with Different Culture Dewi Mustikaningsih …………...……………………………………………………. 249 - 254
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Dimensions of Cultural Organizations that Influence Caring Behavior in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung Lutfi Fauzy Asriyanto, Puguh Widiyanto, Sodik Kamal …………...……………… 279 - 284
The Effectiveness of Hip Exercises to Decrease Low Back Pain in the Elderly in the Kalirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency Sigit Priyanto, Erfiana …………...…………………………………………………… 285 - 290
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ABSTRACT Introduction: Professional nurses view the humans as a whole including biopsychosocial and spiritual aspects. Clients with cervical cancer have physiological effects, psychological, social and spiritual. The purpose of this research is to gain a deep meaning of spirituality patients with stage III cervical cancer. Methods: This research is a qualitative research method case study, in which researchers are trying to determine the meaning of spirituality in patients with stage III cervical cancer. The total sample of eight people who come by purposive sampling technique. Result: The results of this study found six theme of spirituality stage III Cervical Cancer patients, namely 1) belief in the spiritual source, 2) how to meet spiritual needs, 3) the meaning of pain, 4) social support on patient spiritual, 5) the meaning giving and receiving affection, 6) hope and strength. Conclusions: The pain and suffering of the patients gave a spiritual experience, the meaning of God as a spiritual source, how to meet spiritual needs, the meaning of pain, the meaning of love and hope and strength can vary influenced by the patient’s previous life experiences and spiritual understanding of the patient. Besides pain also cause feelings of despair, so that social support in the spiritual power stage III Cancer Patients is urgently needed, that there is a deal with a sick patient and considered as a test or trial or regard the disease as a form of God’s injustice toward him. Keywords: cervical cancer, spirituality.
Introduction Cancer is a chronic and progressive disease, with the side effects of cancer treatment can cause physiological,psychological and spiritual effects. Physiological impact of emerging as pain , weakness , impaired skin integrity , nutrition less than the requirement , the risk of secondary infection often experienced by sufferers , anxiety reactions appeared that described the feelings of fear and guilt as a result of actions in the past , grieving , body image disturbance , as well as the issue of spiritual distress1 .
This study aims to explore the meaning of spirituality in patients who develop cervical cancer stage III Methods This research using the Methods of qualitative research to the type of case study , the researchers explore the spiritual meaning in the case of patients with stage III disease Cervical Cancer through in depht interview . Researchers are looking for a purposive sample ( non- probability ) . Called non probability because the study does not aim to generalize
The crisis in the face of chronic illness ,
the findings of the research . There is no standard criteria regarding how the number of
suffering and death can cause spiritual distress2 . The characteristics of spiritual distress
respondents to be interviewed , but the number is usually less than ten people1 The subject of
according to NANDA cited by Taylor , including one or more of the following signs : difficulty in
this research will be taken from patients with cervical cancer who were treated in the
defining the meaning of life and death , having trouble sleeping or nightmares , reveal the
gynecology ward ( 17 C ) RS DR . Hasan Sadikin . The number of informants were taken in this
values and beliefs conflict with his situation , inability to seek spiritual source and fulfillment
study was 8 people who meet the inclusion criteria for women with stage III cervical cancer
of their needs , seek spiritual help , ask about the meaning of pain and suffering , angry with
aged between 30 to 50 years , able to communicate and express their feelings and be
God , not sure of his religion , irregularities or mood disorders evidenced by crying , anger ,
willing to cooperate in this research .
withdrawal , suicide attempts , anxiety , feelings of helplessness or apathy3. People who suffer from chronic illnesses often suffer as a result of lifestyle changes they experienced . Feeling lonely in the face of these circumstances can be a thing that is a threat , causing fear , anxiety and despair . A person may be feeling lost his purpose in life and feel no longer useful4. Advanced cancer who require chronic long time in the treatment . Progress of treatment or
Results Characteristics of respondents in this study is 8 respondents consisted of women aged between 35 till 48 years old , all are married, Moslems , with 3 widows , the rest still have a husband . Experienced by respondents varied wedding , even one time there were 3 times . Highest educational background is a junior high school. The results showed some spiritual themes obtained based on in-depth interviews.
cure of cancer clients one of which is determined by the immune system. Where the immune system is affected by one’s spiritual condition5 . 114 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015
Meaning of Spirituality in Patients with Stage III Cervical Cancer in Gynecology Inpatient Ward Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia
Tabel 1. Respondents Spiritual Themes with Cervical Cancer Stage III
Spiritual Resources
The way to meet the spiritual needs
Meaning of pain and suffering
Meaning of Pain and Suffering
THEMES Source of Spiritual Psychological feeling towards Allah SWT that appears when first diagnosed with cancer Belief in Allah involvement in answering his prayer Perceptions of affection Allah SWT The habit of the respondents to improve the spiritual ( faith ) The influence of pain on the worship of the client as well as the feeling that accompanies Manner and purpose of prayer annoying thing at this time due to illness The habit of the respondents to improve the spiritual ( faith )
Spiritual source is Allah SWT Sad , frightened , grieving feeling unfairly
Believed that Allah SWT grant her prayer
1. Allah SWT loves His servant
2 Desperate to Allah SWT
Prayer, du’a and dzikr
Fixed obligations except during menstruation The influence of the ill client Not perform worship Worship and feelings that Feelings impure , dirty accompany Sense of sin How to: pray the prayer or dzikr Manner and purpose of prayer Purpose pray motivation to recover Fatigue Annoying thing at this time due Pain to illness Sleep disorders Rest It is normal people do to reduce Crying or screaming the suffering caused by illness Begging to end his suffering The scary thing from the current Fear of death Lonely state of the respondents Chalenge, Lessons from pain Feeling sick as a bad luck Angry Sad Feelings accompanying pain Guilty Shame Do not want to be a burden to Motivation to recover others , Responsibility for the The role taken by the husband , Changes in the role after feeling son or brother , feeling ill and accompanying embarrassed , sad , worthless 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014
Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014
Results How to meet the spiritual source and spiritual needs Spiritual source is a need for basic beliefs or basic trust , are useful to raise awareness of something higher than his power1 Source of spiritual respondents in this study is Allah SWT, according to the belief in Islam . Respondents spiritual source is not separated from the role of parents is crucial in a child’s spiritual development . Parents eighth respondents in this study are Muslims2. Hospital as part of the psychological impact of life issues such as sadness , anger , despair and fear . This is experienced by the eighth respondent , as the first reaction when diagnosed with the disease3. Spiritual feelings that accompany the psychological condition of the respondents experienced when it looks different . Six of the eight respondents perceive that God as the source of spiritual still gives his love even though he was in a state hospital . If further examination , it is not apart from the frequent ritual or religious messages that the respondents obtained either from family or
Meaning of pain and suffering All respondents claimed that before being diagnosed with cancer , have symptoms of vaginal discharge more than usual , while the perceived symptoms appear different time ranging from 4 months to 1.5 years before diagnosis appeared . Feelings of pain being felt as a result of bleeding often experience fatigue , so that the activity day - the day began to fail , this is where they feel the helplessness , so there is a feeling that accompanies illness such as anger , guilt and shame as a result of inability to express his helplessness . Other factors that influence the behavior of pain is pain threshold of the patient1 . Two people with the same disease stage III cervical cancer , has a different pain behavior, People will feel more pain and suffering of others while the other person does not feel pain . This is due to their different perceptions of pain . Pain behavior would be different result is that there is a deal with a sick patient and consider the trials of life as those that regard illness as a cause of suffering to be unfortunate fate . Feelings ( Suffering ) is located in the area
spiritual activities which respondents follow , in addition to coping strategies that respondents
of a person’s emotions , but when one is used to keep the religious message in his mind then
mechanism open to receive suggestions or advice from others . Of the eight respondents ,
he will perceive suffering as a test of life or something because the will of God as revealed
two responen stated that he was not loved by his Lord with life events or problems that
four respondents that pain is a difficult life .In contrast to one of the respondents who saw the
happened . These respondents had a bitter life events in his view is divorced by three husbands
suffering and pain as the fate of the poor , what respondents perceived by NANDA ( 2012) ,
because they can not give offspring while respondents lainny . Life experience is positive
belong to the spiritual pain ( spiritual pain) due to the loss of the meaning of the love of God ,
or negative can affect a person’s spirituality . The opposite is also influenced by how one
so that he was sick as a matter of understanding which makes an ugly fate.
defines a spiritual experience4 .
116 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015
Meaning of Spirituality in Patients with Stage III Cervical Cancer in Gynecology Inpatient Ward Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia
responsibilities in accordance with its role as
Social support Inability or limitations which is owned by a person with cancer will alter the stability of the family that has been running well1. A mother who
before the illness , but when the sick role is partly or entirely taken by the family as a form of affection ( affective ) against the respondent .
takes care of the usual role and take full responsibility for household affairs , when
Support that is moral and material can help boost the spirit of life which the respondent is
suffering from cancer with weakness due to frequent bleeding should share the role with his
one of the basic spiritual needs . One form of support is expected respondent is prayer , visit
family .
, entertainment as well as the place to share stories . This will run smoothly when supported
For families who have open communication among members of this role change will be easy to adjust , it can be seen from either the child or the family support that replaces the role of the mother’s husband when sick . Other basic needs is the need for the spiritual life of society is filled with religious values 2. From here we see that not every individual involved in the activity or active in the community , so when ill and had to undergo treatment , clients immediate neighborhood medical team and care services can be a great social support for these clients . Harmonious social life or religious nature of the shape of the respondents get community activities such as lectures , speeches , even posyandu . Basically, these activities provide spiritual support to the respondent through counsel , moral and spiritual needs of the respondents to distribute horizontally .
by good communication patterns between patients and families2.
Hope And Strength Respondent four perceive that God as the source of hope , if seen his background , the respondent is recitation activists who have moral sport tresponden more than others , so the message - often spiritual message he received from his sermons made him able to place as a source of spiritual strength and hope to recover. But for the majority of respondents perceive the support of the family that became the foundation for achieving strength and hope in continuing life . It is not independent of the need for enhanced spiritual that is horizontal , where harmony and harmony with fellow human beings to drive to believe that he deserves to struggle to get healing . Support expected respondents apart from family is from health care workers who become
Giving And Receiving Love One of the important functions of the family is the place to get warmth , support, love and acceptance . Through meeting the needs of the individual was able to have the ability to relate intimately with members of his family 1 . Expression of love and warmth shown by the fifth respondent to perform the duties and
immediate neighborhood of the respondents at the time of illness and treated . Empathy , mental and behavioral suport friendly and willing to respond to complaints - complaints respondents are therapeutic action in helping respondents to address and hopefully , settle the problems they face3.
1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014
Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014
Agustian AG. Rahasia sukses membangkitkan
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