WORKSHOP PENULISAN ARTIKEL UNTUK PUBLIKASI JURNAL INTERNASIONAL Devanto S. Pratomo Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis & Tim Peningkatan Publikasi International Karya Ilmiah Dosen (PPIKID) UB
Biodata Name • Occupation • Date of Birth • Specialization • email •Background Study •
: Devanto S. Pratomo : Academic Staff FEB-UB : Malang, 3/10/1976 : Labour Economics, Migration :
[email protected] : S1 (SE) FEB UB Economics Development,1998 S2 (MSi) UGM, Yogyakarta, 2001 S2 (MA) Georgia State, US, 2003 S3 (Ph.D) Lancaster University, UK, 2009
Key Publications 1. How does the Minimum Wage
Affect Employment Statuses of Youths?
Evidence of Indonesia Journal of Economic Studies 43(2), Emerald, 2016, SCOPUS (Q1) 2. Do Migrants Get Stuck in the Informal Sector? Findings of a Household Survey in Four Indonesian Cities Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (with Chris Manning), Taylor & Francis, 49(2) 2013, SCOPUS (Q2) 3. The Roles of Network of Migrants: The Case of Returned Migrants in East Java Journal of Interdiciplinary Economics, SAGE, 25(1/2) 2013, SCOPUS (Q4) 5. Does Minimum Wage Affect Hours Worked of Paid Employment in Indonesia? International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Publ, 41(5) 2014, SCOPUS (Q3)
Outline Pentingnya Publikasi Karya Ilmiah Tips dan Tricks Sederhana dalam Penulisan Plagiarisme Pilihan Publikasi Jurnal
Pentingnya Publikasi Karya Ilmiah
Jurnal Ilmiah
Dipublikasikan secara periodik Menyebarluaskan penelitian baru, temuan baru, metode baru Melalui peer-review process Sebuah platform untuk mendistribusikan pengetahuan (knowledge) (see: Noble Prize Winner)
Jurnal International (Dikti, 2014) Jurnal internasional adalah jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut: a. Karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan ditulis dengan memenuhi kaidah ilmiah dan etika keilmuan b. Memiliki ISSN c. Ditulis dengan menggunakan bahasa resmi PBB (Arab, Inggris, Perancis, Rusia, Spanyol dan Tiongkok) d. Memiliki terbitan versi online e. Dewan Redaksi (Editorial Board) adalah pakar di bidangnya paling sedikit berasal dari 4 (empat) negara.
Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi:
Jurnal internasional bereputasi adalah jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria jurnal internasional dengan kriteria tambahan (1) terindek pada Scopus dan/atau Web of Science (2) mempunyai faktor dampak (impact factor) dari ISI Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) atau Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)
Scopus bibliographical database yang berisi abstracts dan sitasi untuk jurnal ilmiah, berjumlah lebih dari 20,000 peer review journal (proceeding dan book chapter juga) dikelola oleh Elsevier. Scopus mengeluarkan Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)- Q1 (paling tinggi) dan Q4 (paling rendah). Q1 refers to articles in the top 25% of those ranked
Impact Factor (by Thomson Reuter)
The impact factor seringkali digunakan sebagai alat ukur seberapa pentingnya jurnal tersebut dalam bidangnya. Semakin tinggi impact factornya, maka semakin penting jurnal tersebut bagi ilmu pengetahuan. The impact factor dividing the number of current citations to articles published in the two previous years by the total number of articles published in the two previous years.
Setiap tahun dunia mempublikasikan lebih dari 2.5 juta artikel ilmiah (Scopus). Jumlah Publikasi Ilmiah (Jan 2017) 18000000 16000000
14000000 12000000 10000000 8000000 6000000 4000000
3749116 3447117 2454413
2000000 0
1998085 1902305 1579333 1308916
Scopus di Asia Tenggara 300000
258583 250000
223329 200000
Total 2016
57017 50000
Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (104) yang terekam di Scopus. Pembanding: Universiti Malaya 37573 (4344 pada 2016) 8000
Total 2016
1213 1000
1975 1445
528 IPB
1356 343 Undip
1244 280 Unpad
1123 104 CIFOR
Ada keterkaitan kuat antara produktivitas publikasi dengan kondisi ekonomi suatu negara . Publikasi pada Jurnal Internasional bereputasi merupakan salah satu tolok ukur daya saing bangsa .
Annual growth of GDP per person (20002011)
10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0
0.0 -1.0 -2.0
Log of number of articles in journals (1996-2011)
Mengapa perlu publikasikan karya kita ?
Academic/Researcher Career (Pangkat dan Jabatan) Establish a name and Reputation (also good for University): Iklan Diri (dari topik penelitian dan sitasi) Knowledge dissemination: Publish or Perish Mengundang collaboration dengan peneliti lain “Semoga bukan hanya untuk syarat Wisuda” = Pertama dan Terakhir
Tips and Trick Sederhana dalam Penulisan: (untuk dapat bersaing dalam Publikasi Internasional)
Hampir semua jurnal memiliki struktur sama
Title (Cover Page) Abstract (and Keywords) Introduction/Background Literature Review (tidak harus tersendiri) Data and Methodology Results and Discussion Conclusions References
1. Novelty/Originality
Novelty adalah Harga Mati Keterbaruan atau Kontribusi terhadap Pengetahuan menjadi hal yang terpenting
Keterbaruan itu bisa dalam hal topik, metodologi, penggunaan data, wilayah, atau periode waktu (dengan karakteristik yang berbeda). Tujuannya adalah mengisi research gap dari penelitian terdahulu. Sampaikan secara eksplisit di dalam tulisan (biasanya di bagian introduction)
Beberapa contoh keterbaruan (1)
Compared to developed country studies, there has been very little empirical study on the effect of minimum wage in developing countries. Although there are some minimum wage studies of Latin American developing countries, Indonesian data show a unique characteristic, in that the minimum wage varies across provinces (Pratomo, 2011)
Beberapa contoh keterbaruan (2) This study contributes to the previous developing countries literature at least in two respects. First, compared to the existing developing countries literature, the sample selection corrections based on a multinomial logit for a potential selection bias from a non-random sample are taken into account as there is a potential problem relating to the appropriate specification in this hours worked estimation (Pratomo, 2014)
Beberapa contoh keterbaruan (3)
Despite the importance of the topic of this study for policy relevance, developing countries usually suffer from a scarcity of data particularly in the case of rural-urban migration. This study takes advantage of a longitudinal data source of Rural Urban Migration of Indonesia and China (RUMiCI) conducted by Australian National University (ANU) investigating the labour market activities and socioeconomic conditions of individuals who have migrated from rural to urban areas.
2. Literature review yang solid
Dari mana kita dapat menemukan novelty atau kekuatan tulisan? Dari banyak membaca literature atau penelitian terdahulu. Tunjukkan bahwa penulis “aware” terhadap literature-literature penting yang terkait dengan topik yang dibahas (efek psikologis). Tidak ada literature penting yang tidak/belum dibaca atau tercantum.
According to Keynesian economists, the fiscal expansion through an increase in government expenditure led to a better infrastructure, better health and education as a result of an increase in private investment. The reason is due to the fact that the government expenditure can reduce production costs and its consequences to the private investment. In other words, according to Keynesian, private investment becomes an important channel for the effectiveness of fiscal policy in promoting economic development (Ahmed and Miller, 2000; Ahmad and Qayyum, 2008; Hussain, et al., 2009). This argument is also in line with Narayan (2004) showing that government spending as a driving force for private investment which in turn drives the economic growth of the country. The positive role of government expenditure on private domestic investment is called the crowding-in effect. However, in practice, an increase in government expenditure is not always followed by the more intensive private investment. According to classical economists, an increase in government expenditure led to increase the interest rates and then decrease the private investment. This phenomenon is called the crowding out effect of government expenditure. In other words, the crowding out occurs when the expansionary fiscal policy caused rising in interest rates, thereby reducing private expenditure, especially investment (Dornbusch, Stainley and Startz, 2008). This process happens especially where public sector activities are financed through several loans that lead to an increase in market interest rates and the increase in the cost of capital to the private sector. As a result, an increasing in government expenditure over the cost or expense of private sector will have a negative impact on private investment (Hussain, Muhammad Akram and Lal, 2009). Some other empirical studies that support the crowding-out effect of government expenditure on private investment including Pradhan, Ratha and Sarma (1990), Ganelli (2003), Voss (2002), Narayan (2004), Kustepeli (2005), Basar and Temurlenk (2007), and Ang (2009).
3. Content Pembahasan: tulisan harus ringkas, padat, tetapi tetap harus lengkap dan jelas. Artinya (1) pembaca mengerti apa yang ditulis tanpa harus bertanya kepada penulisnya, dan (2) jika pembaca ingin menguji/melakukan penelitian yang serupa, dengan membaca artikel tersebut pembaca telah dapat melakukannya.
4. Judul : menarik, berbeda dengan judul yang sudah banyak kalau perlu agak bombastis/lebay.
Korenman, Sanders, and David Neumark. "Does marriage really make men more productive?." Journal of Human Resources (1991): 282-307. Chen, Jonathan. "Indonesia's presidential dilemma: can Jokowi avoid the accountability trap?." (2014). Filmer, Deon, and David L. Lindauer. "Does Indonesia Have a'Low Pay'Civil Service?." Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 37.2 (2001): 189205.
5. Extra Perhatian dalam Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris
Menulis Jurnal/Publikasi Ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah SKILL, yang harus/dapat dilatih A good paper does not come out perfect first time for anyone, so do not feel bad, and do not skimp on revisions! Syarat utama: Sediakan waktu yang cukup (terkadang harus sediakan waktu ekstra) dan juga kemuan yang keras untuk berlatih Ingat: The quality of the writing reflects the quality of the research
Karena keterbatasan kemampuan bahasa/waktu, banyak yang menggunakan translator/mesin Karena penulisan jurnal ilmiah international hanya sebagai tujuan jangka pendek: kelulusan, insentif dsb. Kelemahan: Tidak semua translator adalah baik, Bahasa Indonesia “tidak mudah” untuk diterjemahkan. Need to check and recheck.
More important: PROOFREADER!!! check your paper to catch and correct these and other common errors:
Kesalahan Umum
Penggunaan Google Translate classification of the RPR (-) and RPs (+), indicating pertumbuhhan buffalo are not prominent in the reference area (district) but the potential developed in the study area (district) There is a decrease in buffalo population in the five years since the population dropped 1,297 observations tail The data is collected in unlucky regency
Prosedur Umum
Draft an outline of your paper and discuss with coauthor/colleague Produce the first draft Start with a conference/seminar paper Decide on a journal paper which is relevant to your area of research Examine and study carefully a sample of journal papers, this will give you some insights into the expectations and standards for a refereed journal paper Pass paper to your colleagues for comments Submit paper – Remember: “Editor is the King” Etika Penulisan: Tidak mengirimkan manuscript ke lebih dari satu jurnal
Definisi •
Plagiat merupakan perbuatan secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam memperoleh atau mencoba memperoleh kredit atau nilai untuk suatu karya ilmiah, dengan mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya dan/atau karya ilmiah orang lain, tanpa menyatakan sumber secara tepat dan memadai (Permendiknas No 17 tahun 2010, Pasal 1 Ayat 1).
Plagiat terjadi apabila seseorang : (1) salah pengertian mengenai tatacara penulisan rujukan, misalnya: “yang penting sudah tertulis di daftar pustaka” atau “yang penting sudah diberi referensi”. Itu tidak selalu cukup! (2) Biasanya terlalu bergantung atas suatu sumber rujukan, (3) kemampuan menggunakan bahasa yang lemah, dan (4) kecerobohan dalam melakukan pencatatan.
Secara umum, seseorang melakukan plagiat karena: •
• •
Tidak tahu bahwa plagiarisme adalah tindak kejahatan akademik (Don’t know). Tahu bahwa plagiarisme adalah tindak ilegal, tapi tidak tahu bagaimana cara menghindarinya (Don’t know how). Tahu bahwa plagiarisme adalah tindak ilegal, tapi tidak peduli (nikmat, cara gratis mendapat nilai dan menjadi sarjana) (Don’t care) Managemen waktu yang buruk. Merasa yakin bahwa orang lain tak akan mendeteksi apa yang dilakukan.
Kita akan terhindar dari plagiarisme jika menyatakan secara jelas dan secara benar setiap saat kita menggunakan: – Ide, pendapat dan teori orang lain. – Mengutip (memberi tanda “....”) pada tulisan atau perkataan orang lain (kalimat langsung) dengan tetap menyebutkan sumber. – Melakukan paraphrase (menuliskan/mengucapkan ide orang lain dengan kalimat kita sendiri) dan tetap menyebutkan sumber.
• 1. 2.
Paraphrase: menulis ulang intisari dari sumber lain. Tidak perlu diberi tanda kutip, tapi wajib dibutkan sumbernya Teknik melakukan paraphrase menurut Knowles (2007): Baca dan baca lagi bacaan asli hingga anda mengerti. Ganti sebanyak mungkin kata dari bacaan asli dengan sinonim yang cocok. Ganti bentuk tata bahasa (misal: kalimat pasif menjadi kalimat aktif). Hindari menggunakan kata-kata yang sama dengan katakata pada bacaan asli, kecuali kata-kata yang tidak ada sinonim-nya (misal: unsur kimia, nama tempat, nama orang, penyakit, dll).
Self-Plagiarism (Autoplagiarism) Plagiat yang dilakukan dari tulisan kita sendiri. Kita seringkali ‘tergoda’ untuk tidak menuliskan referensi karena berasal dari tulisan kita sendiri Republishing the same paper published elsewhere without notifying the reader nor publisher (conference paper dengan ISSN dan Jurnal)
Potential S-P: Publishing a significant study as smaller studies to increase the number of publications misalnya dari 1 disertasi dibagi menjadi 2 atau 3 tulisan.
Pilihan Publikasi Journal
Issue: Speed of publication (Kecepatan) vs Quality Issue predator vs Scopus Indexed quickly, some fees, not hard vs hard, more time but free of charge
Tantangan: Balancing need to publish “quickly” vs. selecting a good journal to publish in
Quality Untuk memilih: Quality: Journal ranking Scopus Indexed and ranking (lihat SJR dan Q-number nya): dan Scopus – bibliographical database containing abstracts and citations for scientific journals maintained by Elsevier. 20,000 of 21,000 titles are peer reviewed journals
Predatory Publisher
Take your money, but add no value Very clever at presenting themselves as bona fide title sound impressive: “International Journal of......” “Global Review of.................” Check the status and standing of a journal
Check status dan standing
Apakah jumlah artikel tiap terbitan konsisten? Apakah artikel direview dengan baik dan benar? Apakah alamat fisik jurnal jelas? Apakah editorial board memiliki reputasi?
International Journal by Inul Daratista & Agnes Monica
Review Results
Accept: "Which almost nobody gets,“ ;-) Accept with revision: "Just make some minor changes." Revise and resubmit (major revision): "They're still interested in you!" Reject and resubmit: Though not as good as revise and resubmit, "they still want the paper!" Reject
Don't put off the revisions If you are invited to revise, "Do it, do it fast and don't delay".
Where to Publish
Good to seek advice from authors who have published previously Know the prestige and policy of the journal Ensure manuscript to match with journal requirements As a strategy try avoid journals that have a very high rejection rate Masalah Bahasa: Tips: Adakah penulis dari negara yang English=second language
Example of Good Journals
Elsevier Springer Wiley Taylor and Francis (*) Sage (*) Emerald (*) Inderscience (*) World Scientific
Example: JDS (Q1)
Dear Dr. Pratomo, I refer to your paper entitled "The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Employment in Indonesia: Regional Panel Data Analysis" which you submitted to the Journal of Development Studies, and regret to inform you that we are unable to publish the paper in its present form. The reports of three referees are provided below; although they see merit in what you are doing all recommend major revisions. The reports are quite detailed but a number of specific concerns arise more than once. Some of the concerns are sufficiently serious to merit rejection. However, as the issue is of interest and the literature (in general journals) is limited, we will give you an opportunity to resubmit if you can substantially revise the paper to address the concerns. The revisions required are substantial and involve a complete rewrite (you should get it proofed by an English-language reader before resubmitting), whilst addressing the data and econometric concerns may result in a substantially different paper
International Journal of Social Economics 41(5) – Emerald (Q2/Q3)
First Submit: 27/1/2013 1 Round 17/6/2013 Final Acceptance 17/7/2013 Terbit Mei 2014 Reviewer: 1 orang Monthly
Journal Economic Studies: Emerald (Q1) 1 Round: 4 Bulan
Additional Questions for Reviewer (IJSEC-Emerald)
Originality: Does the paper contain new and significant information adequate to justify publication?: Relationship to Literature: Does the paper demonstrate an adequate understanding of the relevant literature in the field and cite an appropriate range of literature sources? Is any significant work ignored?: Methodology: Is the paper's argument built on an appropriate base of theory, concepts, or other ideas? Has the research or equivalent intellectual work on which the paper is based been well designed? Are the methods employed appropriate?
Results: Are results presented clearly and analysed appropriately? Do the conclusions adequately tie together the other elements of the paper?: Implications for research, practice and/or society: Does the paper identify clearly any implications for research, practice and/or society? Does the paper bridge the gap between theory and practice? How can the research be used in practice (economic and commercial impact), in teaching, to influence public policy, in research (contributing to the body of knowledge)? What is the impact upon society (influencing public attitudes, affecting quality of life)? Are these implications consistent with the findings and conclusions of the paper?:
Quality of Communication: Does the paper clearly express its case, measured against the technical language of the field and the expected knowledge of the journal's readership? Has attention been paid to the clarity of expression and readability, such as sentence structure, jargon use, acronyms, etc.:
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 25 (1/2) 2013 (Q4) SAGE
Special Edition: Social Network and Economic Development Timely ! First Submission 31/8/2013 Acceptance and Major Comment: 9/10/2013
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 49 (2) 2013 - Taylor and Francis (Q2/Q3)
Proses: 3 tahun First Submit 25/8/2010 3 Reviewers (2 Round)
Final Acceptance 4/2/2013, Terbit: Agustus 13
Kendala: 2 penulis beda negara, kesibukan berbeda (1 thn stuck) 2 Round, reviewer berbeda Pergantian Editor – Style berbeda
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (Q3)
Journal of Applied Economic Science
Dear authors, The paper submitted to JAES could be publish in its next Issue, which will be release in November. For that, it is necessary to sent at this email address, to JAES redaction until 21th September, the paper according with JAES_MS_Word_Sample and also Copyright file attached at this message.
During the preparation of your manuscript for publication, the requirements listed below have arisen. Please attend to these requirements and return your article with your proof, until 21th September: - Your references should be written in according to the Numeric Style. Please omit the reference which is not used in your paper. We kindly ask you to assign the DOI to you references, where is the case. Example: Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Molleculary Cellule 12:255-260, S1097-2765(03)00225-9; - The manuscript file must be in MS Word format only (not PDF) and should be formatted ready for publication, using to Full Paper Template attached. - Do not use abbreviation in the title of the paper, also in the title of sections or sub-subsections; - Please double check title, author(s) names, affiliations, address, country and authors contact information, and references. - Please submit your double checked full paper and sign copyright form in the attachments.
Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research
Global Conference on Business and Social Science
Global Conference on Business and Social Science
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