Jaka Sriyana
[email protected] (
Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, 28 Februari 2017
Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Motivation Publisher and Standalone Journal Performance: Indexing and Impact Factor/SJR Guidelines for Authors (GFA) and Submission Preparing Manuscript: a. Criteria of Manuscript b. Structure of Article c. Publication Ethic and Plagiarism d. Referencing System: Mendeley e. Language editing Conclusion: What leads to Acceptance? (Doa)
Motivation: Where to Submit our Manuscript? • The papers that easier to access are used more often
and therefore cited more often. • The journals with higher impact factors/SJR/h-index
are more relative important to the journals within its field. • How long articles in a journal continue to be cited after
publication? • The publisher and journal are not listed in Jeffrey Beall’s
Scholarly Open Access (Potential and Probably Predatory Journals) 3
Scimago (3800-Scopus indexed) =true ScienceDirect (583) n-access Springer (>200) Hindawi (175 Scopus) Wiley & Sons Oxford Press -
2. PUBLISHER AND STANDALONE JOURNAL Journal’s Publisher: Elsevier Taylor and Francis Roudletge Emerald Springer Inder Science Wiley Hindawi
Standalone Journal: IBTRA IRTI ISSF SEISRIC Others
Contoh Standalone Journal
3. Journal’s Performance: Index dan Impact Factor/SJR INDEXING Scopus ( Science Citation Index (SCI)/Thomson Reuter ISI index
( ; MEDLINE PubMed ( PubMed Central EMBASE ( CAS/Chemical Abstracts ( ANTE: Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering CSA / ASCE Civil Engineering Abstracts CSA Illustrata - TechnologyCSA Technology Research Database Earthquake Engineering Abstracts EBSCO Discovery Service
4. Guidelines for Authors (GFA) & Submission •
Artikel Ilmiah ditulis dengan berpegang pada kaidah kencana (golden rule); Berketepatan tinggi (Accurate), singkat dan padat (Brief), tak diragukan, tidak rancu dan tanpa penafsiran lain (Clear).
Ditelaah oleh pakar sebidang; Menjamin artikel dapat dimengerti, diterima dan digunakan oleh komunitas ilmiah.
Format Artikel Ilmiah • Penyampaian hasil-hasil temuan ilmiah kepada komunitas ilmiah akan lebih efektif jika dilakukan dengan cara yang seragam. • Cara yang seragam tersebut hadir dalam bentuk dan urutan yang disepakati oleh komunitas ilmiah sebagai scientific format. • Manfaat penyampaian dengan scientific format agar artikel ilmiah dapat dibaca dan disitasi oleh komunitas ilmiah dalam berbagai tingkatan.
Memahami GFA: Aims and scope
Substansi dan sistematika tulisan Maksimum halaman Referencing style Struktur abstrak Keywords Presentasi tabel dan grafik Grammar dan spelling Font dan style Spasi Dsb.
Example of author guidelines
Every journal has detailed notes and guidelines
5. Preparing Manuscript a. Important Criteria for Good Manuscript Originality
Significant advances in field of study
Appropriate methods & conclusions
Not against the ethical standards
Readability of the manuscript
Karakteristik Artikel Jurnal: •
Merupakan hasil riset (research paper) atau review terhadap suatu konsep (review paper) yang memberikan informasi tentang temuan terbaru (novelty);
Artikel ilmiah harus mampu memberikan kontribusi untuk pengembangan ilmu, bukan hanya berupa paparan ringkasan laporan hasil riset, deskripsi atas data/fenomena, atau opini penulis atas suatu fakta;
Artikel Jurnal ≠ Ringkasan Laporan Riset Artikel Jurnal = Output riset + pembahasan tentang kebaruannya, keunikannya, kebernilaiannya, perbedaanya dengan riset terkini, dan kontribusinya pada pengembangan ilmu.
b. Structure of Article (ISO:5966:1982) • Judul dan Abstrak (Title & Abstract) • Kata kunci (Keywords) • Pendahuluan (Introduction) Struktur • Metode (Methods)* IMRD • Hasil (Results) • Pembahasan (Discussion) • Kesimpulan (Conclusion) • Daftar Acuan (References) Lampiran (Appendices) jika ada Ucapan Terima Kasih (Acknowledgment) jika ada
Proporsi Artikel Ilmiah Format artikel ilmiah yang mengikuti pola IMRD ditulis dengan berbagai variasi dan penamaan yang dimodifikasi sesuai dengan tradisi bidang ilmunya dengan proporsi: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pendahuluan (Introduction) Metode (Method) Hasil (Results): Pembahasan (Discussion) Kesimpulan (Conclusion)
10 % 15% 35 % 35 % 5%
Urutan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Urutan dokumen laporan penelitian: 1. Judul
Urutan menulis artikel ilmiah: 1.
2. Pendahuluan 3. Landasan Teori
4. Metode Penelitian
5. Hasil dan Pembahasan
6. Kesimpulan
7. Daftar Pustaka
6. 7.
Results and Discussion Conclusion Methods Introduction References Abstract Title
COMMENTS ON PAPER The paper relies on an interesting literature. The originality of this paper resides in the use of Indonesian data and the use of GARCH for the VaR estimation. Given the short sample size (yearly data from 1991 to 2014 – i.e. 24 observations) and despite the propensity to use the GARCH model in order to achieve a methodological breakthrough, we consider that a recalibration of the work of Adrogue (2005), which relies on simulations to find the VaR would be far more robust and reliable. The paper employs an interesting approach (realized by other authors previously) to investigate the fiscal risk in Indonesia. The reading generated the following comments: A better description of the data could be useful. The paragraph that we found there is rather misleading (seems like the authors do not wish to show the data source): o “This research uses the annual data from 1991 to 2014, which are collected from various sources. All the data series, except output gap and seigniorage, are taken from Indonesia’s annual Budget Report.” – some descriptive statistics would be useful to prove the existence of this data. Also for evaluation purposes we need a file with the data. The research question is quite straightforward. We do not think the use of the GARCH should be an objective in itself. Some arguments for that: o The GARCH model needs somewhere between 700 and 1000 observations for its proper estimation. Therefore, the findings are a bit surprising – a stronger argument for its need would be useful. o Are we sure that the data series that we analyze has the GARCH features? Is there evidence for strong second moment conditionality and large kurtosis in the data? Some GARCH tests would be useful. In the literature of financial markets, the logreturns exhibit a series of stilized facts that are suited for the GARCH and they are evidenced in many papers (Rama Cont 2001 would be an example). An investigation of the comparison between data with a GARCH and data without it would be necessary. o Given the length of the sample, the approach of Adrogue (2005) is the one that would be most suited – it relies on 10000 simulations of the data. o To show the usefulness of the GARCH model, a need for a presentation of the differences in the VaR obtained through simulations and the VaR obtained with any other model would be necessary – otherwise we do not know how reliable the results are (if a very good tool was found in the literatre, why should we use another one?) Why did you use the panel unit root tests? Are there panels in this analysis? Conclusion: The paper should be revised (enlarged) in terms of data and methodology to better reveal the analysis. Technical notes: 1. Please respond to each observation from the report emphasizing what revision are made accordingly. (A separate file) 2. Make the modification in revised file with Track changes or mark them with some color. 3. The graphs/figures should be checked in order to be visible in black and white (printed version of the journal) 4. The references must be complete (volume(issue), pages for articles and Publishing house for books. The reference style accepted is Harvard Style. Revise accordingly "For the authors"
c. Publication Ethic and Plagiarism
1. Plagiarism and self -plagiarism
2. Research Fraud: Fabrikasi dan Falsifikasi Data
4. Salami Slicing (Penggunaan data secara berulang pada dua artikel)
6. Double submission and publication
3. Memanfatkan data/informasi bukan dari sumber data
5. Inappropriate authorship (Ghost, Guest, and Gift authors), Ownership, and acknowledgement
7. Conflict interest Feb-17
Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism APA Manual Publication (2010:170): “Whereas plagiarism refers to the practice of claiming credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others, self-plagiarism refers to the practice of presenting one's own previously published work as though it were new”.
Some Ways Plagiarism Could Enter Your Essays Are1: Accidentally leaving a source that you mean to Paraphrasing a book or journal too closely Purchased an essay and now you want to be certain it’s really original Missing out punctuation in a citation 1
To Avoid Plagiarism :
Source: Suyanto, Salim , R., & Bloch, H. (2014) Which firms benefit from foreign direct investment? Empirical evidence fromI ndonesian manufacturing, Journal of Asian Economics ,33 ( August),16–29
d. Referencing System Ada dua cara utama dalam mengacu
pustaka yang disebutkan dalam teks: (1) Gaya Harvard (Author-date), dan (2) Gaya Vancouver (Author-number) Ada berbagai modifikasi model/sistem
pengacuan sebagai pengembangan dari kedua gaya tersebut, misal APA, IEEE, dll.
Referencing Softwares
Research Report
Sharing Article
e. Language Editing: Writing Effectively in English
Some Common Language Challenges Accuracy
Sentence structure
Sentence length
Verb tenses
The Essentials1 The essentials are content, organization, and
clarity. If a paper has excellent content, is well
organized, and is clear, it is likely to be accepted even if the English is so-so. If a paper has poor content, is badly organized, or
is unclear, it is likely to be rejected even if the English is excellent. 1Gastel,
B., (2013) “Authoraid Workshop on Writing and Publishing Journal Articles”, Texas A&M University , USA.