Nagykovácsi Campus Tel: 06 26 556 000, 06 26 556 090 Fax: 06 26 556 003 Website:
January 19, 2011
[email protected]
Wednesday Weekly
COMING ATTRACTION Jan 19 Jan 20-21 Jan 21 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 25 Jan 25 Feb 1 Feb 11 Feb 14
HS Arts Evening @ TBA HS Cabaret 6:30 p.m. ES Gr. 1-3 Assembly 2:15 p.m. MPR ES Gr. 4-5 Assembly 2:50 p.m. MPR HS Knowledge Bowl Exchange @ AISB Early Release Day, dismissal 12:30 p.m. All School Skate Party 2:00-5:00 p.m. PSA Board Meeting 1:00 p.m. MS Social (date has changed!) Semester Academic Awards Assembly (date has changed!)
Dear Parents, In this week’s message I would like to mention the following items: Traffic Organization and Campus Safety, Adult Enrichment Programs. Traffic Organization and Campus Safety I would like to take this opportunity to remind the community of a number of points that are intended to assure the safety of everyone using the parking areas on our campus: The speed limit on campus roads is 20 kilometers per hour at all times; Drivers, please watch out for children and parents who may come into vision from behind parked cars; At pick-up time, please do not double park your car and leave it for 15/20 minutes, thus blocking the exit of parents who have parked correctly. There is an overflow car park outside the school for such situations. If you can’t find an empty parking space, please park your car there; If asked by a school security guard to move a car causing an obstruction, please respond with courtesy. They are only doing their job. Finally, please note that the parking area opposite the entrance to the elementary building is reserved for school buses in the afternoons. Since school resumed in January there has been a growing number of parents parking in the bus bays and this has caused a major problem for bus parking and student movement onto buses, especially as some of these parents have wanted to try to drive their car through the students arriving at the bus bay! This is a major safety hazard! While the above may seem very logical and sensible, there have been sufficient examples over the last two weeks for me to feel the need to write to everyone to clearly state the school’s expectations. Our prime concern is the safety of everyone on campus. I am hoping that this message will be sufficient to raise our collective safety awareness and that the school does not have to take any further measures. Adult Enrichment Programs I would ask everyone to take note of the Adult Enrichment Program details in this Wednesday Weekly. We have extended the deadline until Wednesday, January 26 to allow parents a further opportunity to sign up for courses. If you have any queries on the matter, please contact Barbara Kezsmarki (Community Liasion Officer) (
[email protected]) for further information. Best wishes, Ray Holliday-Bersegeay
1 Deadline for the next Wednesday Weekly is 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan 20
Kedves Szülők, Az e heti üzenetben az alábbiakról szeretnék beszélni: Közlekedési szabályok és biztonság a campus területén, Külön programok szülőknek. Közlekedési szabályok és biztonság a campus területén Szeretném megragadni az alkalmat, hogy felhívjam a figyelmüket pár biztonsági intézkedésre a parkoló területén: A sebesség korlát a campuson 20 km/h; Kérem figyeljenek oda vezetés közben arra, hogy gyerekek és szülők váratlanul előtűnhetnek parkoló autók mögül; Mikor a gyerekekért jönnek, kérem ne parkoljanak szabályosan parkoló autók mögé, eltorlaszolva ezzel az utat. A kapun kívül vannak extra parkolóhelyek arra az esetre, ha a belső parkoló megtelik; Ha egy iskolai alkalmazott felszólítja önöket, hogy parkoljanak máshová, kérem tegyenek így, ők csak a munkájukat végzik. Kérem figyeljenek arra, hogy az Elementary School bejárattal szemben levő parkoló terület az iskolabuszoknak van fenntartva. Mióta újra kezdődött a tanítás a téli szünet után, egyre gyakrabban fordul elő, hogy szülők erre a területre parkolnak, fennakadást okozva ezzel a buszforgalomban, illetve a diákok közlekedésében. A fent említett gyakorlat igen egyértelműnek tűnik, mégis egyre gyakrabban történik olyasmi, ami miatt tájékoztatnom kell önöket az iskola elvárásairól e tekintetben. Mindenkori elsődleges szempontunk a biztonság. Külön programok szülőknek Kérem olvassák el a Wednesday Weekly-ben található részleteket a programokról. Meghosszabbítottuk a jelentkezési határidőt következő hét szerdáig. Ha bármi kérdésük van, kérem keressék Készmárki Barbarát
. Üdvözlettel, Ray Holliday-Bersegeay Iskolaigazgató
2 Deadline for the next Wednesday Weekly is 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan 20
Table of Contents - From the Community Liaison Officer - HS Cabaret - Blazers News - Blazer Booster Club Upcoming Events - Out and About - All School AISB Skate Party
3 Deadline for the next Wednesday Weekly is 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan 20
Dear Parents, The registration deadline for the Adult Enrichment programs has been extended to Wednesday, Jan. 26th. Since the first week back at school was really busy for everyone, we want to provide you with a little extra time to take a look at the programs and find the right one for you. As a result, some of the courses will start a week late, but everyone will be notified in time. In order to ensure your place in a given course, please hand in your registration form along with your payment to Viktoria Filip in the Business Office, before the extended deadline. Please note, that registration forms without payment can not be accepted. Hope to see many of you at the different activities! Sincerely, Barbara Kezsmarki-Lavoie Communications Liaison Officer, AISB
January 20-21 6:30pm AISB Theatre Student: 2,000 HUF Adult: 3,000 HUF Student and Teacher Music, Theatre and Dance Performances w/Dinner All proceeds go to help flood victims in Pakistan. Tickets available in the School Cafes
Hey Sports Fans! Welcome back to the second half of the winter sports season. We have many exciting events planned for our Middle & High School sports teams, and are looking forward to continued success! Please check the Blazers Sports Moodle web page for the updated travel and hosting schedule for the winter season. Mark your calendars for these MAJOR hosting dates at AISB for the winter season: January 22 February 5 March 4-5 March 12
DVAC High Girls Basketball Festival (one-day event) Vienna Middle School Sports Exchange at AISB (one-day event) CEESA MS Boys Basketball Tournament DVAC MS Girls Basketball Tournament (one-day event)
Sports Schedule January 20 JV Girls Basketball vs. ICSB 15:30 at AISB JV Boys Basketball vs. ICSB 15:30 at AISB Varsity Girls Basketball vs. ICSB 16:30 at AISB Varsity Boys Basketball vs. ICSB 16:30 at AISB January 22 JV Boys Basketball at DVAC Festival - ICSB JVGirls Basketball at DVAC Festival - ICSB January 28-29 MS Boys A-side Basketball at Belgrade Friendly matches MS Boys B-team at DVAC Festival - Danube Intl. School (Vienna) MS Girls Basketball at DVAC Festival - Vienna Intl. School Varsity Boys at SCIS tournament - Zurich, Switzerland Varsity Girls at SCIS tournament - Munich, Germany February 4-5 SCIS MS Swim Meet - Warsaw, Poland SCIS HS Swim Meet - Athens, Greece
February 5 JV & Varsity Boys & Girls Basketball at AIS Vienna MS Boys & Girls Basketball vs. AIS Vienna, VIS, Belgrade &ICSB at AISB
The Winter Sports Season is here, and the AISB Blazer Booster Club invites you to come support AISB Athletics! The Blazer Booster Club will sell food and drinks to all athletes, coaches, and spectators on these days:
We need volunteers to assist with the upcoming events:
DVAC High School Girls Basketball Festival Saturday January 22, 2011 at AISB 9:00-16:30 Here's what you can do to help.... 1. Donate homemade brownies, muffins, cookies, or cupcakes. These are the items that the kids seem to enjoy the most. Fruits such as bananas, apples, & oranges are great as well! All donated food can be dropped off at the Athletic Director’s office in school on Fridays the day before the games. Or you can deliver it on Saturday morning when you bring your child. 2. Work a shift at the table. We expect all parents of participating athletes to work a 1-2 hour shift (or more). We are very grateful for any assistance from others! If you can help out, please send an email to : Melissa Lippmann: [email protected]
Thank you very much for your support!
OUT AND ABOUT This weekend, January 22 & 23 - New Year’s celebration for kids! What: Millenáris kicks off a kid-friendly New Year for kids with a huge event full of crafts, games, music and theater. Sew a rag doll, string beads and watch a basketweaving demonstration. Play games that show us how to protect our environment. Then watch a puppet show – Tom Thumb - in Hungarian, but very visual! At noon, there’ll be a “Chocolate Concert”, part of a series intended to get children acquainted with (and love) classical music. A flutist and a harpist will play Liszt and Mendelssohn. At 3 p.m. take a trip to Africa through music, and cap off the day with a kids’ concert by the wellknown folk band Ghymes. When: Saturday, January 22, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Where: Millenáris Park (behind Mammut Shopping Center) Website in English: In Hungarian:
- Opening of Liszt Year
What: 2011 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Franz Liszt, one of Hungary’s most famous composers. It is going to be celebrated worldwide and year ‘round with a variety of cultural events. The series of programs are being kicked off by a concert by Zoltán Kocsis and the Hungarian National Philharmonic at the Palace of the Arts. When: Saturday, January 22, 7:30 – 10:00 pm Where: Palace of the Arts, district 9, Komor Marcell u. 1. Websites in English: For Liszt Year: For Franz Liszt:
All School AISB Skate Party
Tuesday, January 25th 2:00pm - 5:00pm
WEST END ROOF TOP Váci út 1-3 PACKAGE A: ENTRY + HOT CHOCOLATE - 1,100 FT PACKAGE B: ENTRY + HOT CHOCOLATE + SKATE RENTAL ( for 3 hours) - 2,100 FT Tickets will be on sale from Jan. 14TH – 24TH in both Cafés Sponsored by the PSA