We have a
great idea for you...
a fun and inspiring team fun games event that fits with your organization's initiative for innovation & creativity
What do we do?… We develop unique team-based events, experiences, programmes and solutions for our corporate clients. These may range from outrageous conference fun, to targeted and strategic initiatives that dovetail into a broader business plan. Whether a simple and fun example of teamwork at a conference is the issue at hand, or working to challenge and improve existing cultures and practices to achieve business outcomes, we aim to deliver.
What is our philosophy?… To work with integrity, innovation and effectiveness. Furthermore, we truly believe that it is people, and not systems alone that deliver genuine innovation and results within organisations. People do this far better in an environment that is conducive to genuine team working and process awareness. The flexibility that we have to design programmes from the purely fun end of the spectrum, to those that are carefully planned strategic interventions, is important. We believe in doing whatever it takes to get great results for our client.
How do we do it?… By using approaches that are carefully thought out and tailored to suit the needs of each client. Our methodologies may range from exciting and unique experiential challenges and events, to psychological and workshop based approaches. Delivery may take the form of spectacular themed team building events to project based and multi day programmes that address very specific business issues and dovetail into long term strategies. We address in unique ways the issues and challenges, both business and cultural, that people face at work.
What experience do we have?… We have been creating tailor made events and programmes for our clients since 2003. We are a solidly established company and are widely recognised leaders and pioneers in our field. We are highly specialised with professional and experienced people, a well-proven track record, and the depth of knowledge and experience to underpin our actions.
We have a
great idea for you...
a fun and inspiring team fun games event that fits with your organization's initiative for innovation & creativity
Where do we work?... Essentially anywhere in Bali / Indonesia . From home base Kebun Raya Bedugul to the beach or Hotel Area, we’ll be there for you!
Who do we work for?... Large National / International companies to small and medium sized organisations from all sectors of industry and business. Each client is unique, with some seeking memorable fun and others more business and outcome focused programmes. In fact, we don’t accept as clients all who approach us, as we have to feel that what we do will make a difference.
At what level do we work?... At all levels within an organisation. We can deliver events for the entire company from the shop floor to the Board of Directors, or design and deliver highly targeted programmes and events for specific business units and departments. We even bring companies and their clients together for amazing experiences. With cross-functional awareness becoming more of an issue, it is common to have integrated events for several business units and departments concurrently.
How will we work with you to deliver?... By listening to you and responding to your needs. We match our experience and ideas with your business objectives. We like to work in partnership with you to deliver, whether your goals are event based or setting out to tackle strategic business issues. We start afresh with each client and then work to develop an approach to suit specific needs.
Activities Opening / Ice Breaking - Sebagai pembuka acara yang akan membuat seluruh peserta termotivasi dan Fokus melalui energizer games yang di balut dalam suasana gembira di pandu oleh seorang motivator.
We have a
great idea for you...
a fun and inspiring team fun games event that fits with your organization's initiative for innovation & creativity
Leadership & Communication in problem solving games
Team Tower Building with Chopstick, Layer upon Layer, Web Crossing, Pots Pyramid, Robot Writer, Five Arrow Puzzle, Water Trap, Team Ballance, Team Racing : F1 Racing, Team Horse Racing, Team Board Racing.
Team Strategy Team Strategy, Coordination & Cooperation games
Layer upon Layer, Tower Building, Up & Down, Find Target, Take Out The Ball, Water Transfer, Raft Building, and much ore.....
We have a
Schedule Activities
great idea for you...
a fun and inspiring team fun games event that fits with your organization's initiative for innovation & creativity
08.00 08.00 - 08.40
: Down to Ice Breaking Area. : Introducing + Opening Motivation + Ice Breaking. - Spirit dari motivator ( Backsound : Lagu We Are Family + Get Ready For This. ) - Focus Games : Cross & Clap your Hand. Permainan ini menguji fokus tidaknya peserta. Pada saat tangan Fasilitator bergerak menyilang / Cross, seluruh peserta harus Clap/ tepuk tangan mereka. Mata mereka harus taam mengawasi gerakan tangan fasilitator. Sebab mereka harus terus bertepuk tangan sesuai irama Crossing tangan yang di lakukan oleh Fasilitator. - Make a Circle. Semua peserta membuat lingkaran dan bergerak memutar mengikuti intruksi dari fasilitator untuk membuat gerakan tertentu. Dan pada akhirnya mereka membentuk lingkaran kecil dengan anggota acak yang berjumlah sesuai dengan yang di perintahkan.( Pembagian Identitas Group berupa slayer warna warni untuk tiap groupnya ). - Defend & Attack Games. Sesuai namanya game ini adalah sebuah analogi bagaimana creativitas team melakukan pertahanan dan bagaimana pola serangnya. Setiap Group harus menyiapkan semacam yel-yel melalui talenta mereka masing-masing. Ada 2 Yel- yel yang harus mereka bangun. 1 yel-yel untuk melancarkan serangan, dan 1 yel- yel untuk menahan/ menolak serangan. Setiap menyerang mereka harus menunjuk group lawan mana yang mau di serang sambil berteriak Attttaaaack....di lanjutkan dengan yel-yelnya, sedangkan group yang di Attack harus melakukan perlawanan dengan meneriakkan Defffeeend...terlebih dahulu lalu lanjut dengan yel-yelnya. Kemudian selanjutnya dia Melakukan attack ke Group lainnya...
We have a
great idea for you...
a fun and inspiring team fun games event that fits with your organization's initiative for
08.40 - 09.00
: Mistery Message : Semua group secara serempak mereka akan di tugaskan membaca pesan mistery dari media yang sudah di siapkan. Kenapa mistery..karena mereka harus berusaha dalam waktu yang singkat membaca Games pertama mereka yang terdapat pada sebuah papan terbalik yang hanya bisa di baca melalui bantuan Cermin yang di letakan di bawah papan tersebut.
09.00 - 11.00
: Teamwork Fun Games Find Target, Team tower building, Water Trap, Water Transfer, Team Racing, Web Crossing,
11.00 - 11.20
: Debriefing , Clossing, rewards.
innovation & creativity