Výstupní test anglický jazyk 9. ročník (práce účastníků série workshopů metodika testování AJ) I. GRAMATICKÉ STRUKTURY, SLOVESNÉ TVARY, PŘEDLOŽKY, ZÁJMENA 1) přítomný čas prostý A) Použijte přítomný čas prostý: 1. John __________ (work) in the garden every day. 2. Bob and Tom ________ (play) tennis on Mondays. 3. Julia _______ (like NOT) milk. B) Vytvořte otázky: 1. ________ Julia _______ (like) tea? 2. ________ your parents ________ (watch) TV? Překlad a větná stavba A) Přelož do angličtiny: 1. Bydlím v malém městě. 2. Já a můj bratr chodíme do školy. 3. Maminka nepracuje. 4. Můj tatínek a bratr řídí autobus. 5. Kde bydlíš ty? B) Odpověz na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Do you drink milk? 2. Does your friend eat hot dogs? C) Odpověz na otázky celou větou: 1. When do you get up? 2. Where do tigers live? 3. Where does the American president live? 2) Přítomný čas průběhový A) Použijte přítomný průběhový čas: 1. My mum ________ (read) a book at the moment. 2. My dad ________ (sit NOT) in the garden now.
3. Me and my friend _______ (listen to) the radio at the moment. B) Vytvoř otázku: What ________ you ________ (do) now? Where ________ your parents (go) at the moment? Překlad a větná vazba A) Přelož do angličtiny 1. Co teď vaříš? 2. Pavel dnes nepracuje. 3. Prší. (právě teď) 4. Kluci hrají fotbal. (teď) 5. Já teď nespím. B) Odpověz na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Are you writing a test? 2. Is your teacher wearing a jacket? C) Odpověz na otázky celou větou 1. What is your best friend doing at the moment? 2. What are you wearing? 3) minulý čas prostý A) Použijte minulý čas prostý: 1.Lucy ____________ (can) play tennis when she__________ (be) six years old. 2. We ___________(go) on holiday last week. 3. Bob ____________(be) in London yesterday. 4. I ____________(like not) the film I saw on Saturday evening. 5. Children __________(be not) at school two days ago. B) Vytvořte otázky: 1. __________ Phil__________ (watch) TV yesterday evening? 2. _________ (be) Judy in Paris in 1999? 3. _________ (be) you ill last month? 4. When _________ you __________ (break) your leg? Překlad a větná vazba A)Přelož do angličtiny: 1. Moji rodiče se potkali v roce 1991. 2. Já jsem se narodil v roce 1993. 3. Jane napsala dopis před dvěma dny.
4. Maminka včera nepracovala. 5. Přečetl jsi v létě nějakou knihu? B) Odpovězte na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Did you have any troubles on your holiday? 2. Were you at school last week? C) Odpověz na otázku celou větou: 1. Where were you yesterday afternoon? 2. What did you eat for lunch yesterday? 3. What time did you get up this morning? 4) minulý čas průběhový A)Použijte minulý čas průběhový: 1. I__________________(read) a magazine yesterday at 5 pm. 2. They_________________(watch) TV on Saturday afternoon. 3. It_________________(rain NOT) when we went out. B) Doplň do otázky správné tvary: 1. What __________you___________ (cook) when you cut your finger? 2. Why __________ the boy ____________ (cry)? Překlad a větná vazba A) Přelož do angličtiny v minulém čase průběhovém: 1. Děti zpívaly od 3 do 5 hodin. 2. Řídil tvůj tatínek auto v neděli dopoledne? 3. Včera v 8 hodin večer jsem nehrál počítačové hry. 4. Dělali jste si domácí úkoly od 6 do 7 hodin? B) Odpověz na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Was your English teacher sleeping 5 minutes ago? 2. Were you wearing jeans yesterday? C) Odpověz na otázky celou větou: 1. What were you doing yesterday at 7 pm? 2. Where were your friends going at 7.30 am? 3. What was your friend doing yesterday evening?
5) předpřítomný čas prostý A) Použijte předpřítomný čas: 1. My sister ___________________(see) the film 7 times. 2. We ___________ already ____________(be) to Italy and Spain. 3. Peter ______________________ (talk NOT) to the president yet. B) ) Doplň do otázky správné tvary: 1. _____________ you ever ___________ (play) golf? 2. _____________ Angela ____________ (write) a book? Překlad a větná vazba A) Přelož do angličtiny: 1. Jane právě našla malého psa. 2. Nikdy jsem nejedl sushi. 3. Oni bydlí v Sokolově 10 let. 4. Už jste viděli ten nový film? 5. Diana si ještě nekoupila nové tričko. B) Odpověz na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Have you ever met a famous person? 2. Has your friend seen a ghost? C) Odpověz na otázku celou větou: 1. What countries have you visited in your life? 2. How long have you had your mobile phone? 3. What sports have you ever played? 6) vyjadřování budoucnosti - will: A) Použij správný tvar slovesa (pomocí WILL) 1. I _____________ (help) you. 2. People ______________ (have NOT) money in the future. 3. I think, Laura _______________ (come NOT). B) Doplň do otázky správné tvary (pomocí WILL): 1. _________ any wild animals __________ (live) in the nature? 2. _________ you ___________(do) it for me, please?
Překlad a větná vazba A) Přelož do angličtiny: 1. Myslím, že lidé budou cestovat na jiné planety. 2. Já budu bydlet ve velkém městě. 3. Betty bude učitelka. 4. Já nezapomenu! 5. Uděláš nějaké sendviče? B) Odpověz na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Will you help to save the nature? 2. Will your friends come to the party? C) Odpověz na otázky celou větou: 1. Where will you work when you grow up? 2. How many children will you have? 3. How will people travel in the future? 7) Vyjadřování budoucnosti – going to A) Použijte vazbu going to k vyjádření budoucnosti: 1. Dad ____________________________(have) fish and chips. 2. We _____________________________(meet) at the cinema this evening. 3. I _______________________________(do NOT) my homework this afternoon. B) Doplň do otázky správné tvary sloves: 1. What time __________ you ______________ (start) cleaning the room? 2. Where___________ Joe ________________(stay) during his holiday? Překlad a větná vazba A) Přelož do angličtiny: 1. Podívej, bude pršet. 2. Budu lékařem. 3. Hodlám se učit každý den. 4. Pozveš Johna na party? 5. Dnes večer se nebudu dívat na televizi. B) Odpověz na otázky krátkou odpovědí: 1. Is your Dad going to play cards with us? 2. Are you going to run every morning? C) Odpověz na otázky celou větou:
1. What are you going to do after school? 2. How many people is Paul going to invite to his birthday party? 3. When are you going to have lunch today? Kombinovaná cvičení Doplňte sloveso ve správném čase a tvaru: Přítomný čas prostý x přítomný čas průběhový Rozhodněte se, zda použijete přítomný čas prostý nebo přítomný čas průběhový 1. My little brother ________________(watch) television all the time. 2. I __________(get up) at six o´clock every day. 3. Don´t talk, I _______________(listen) to the news. 4. Simon __________________(like not) vegetables. 5. Why ___________ you ___________(wear) this jacket today? Minulý čas prostý x minulý čas průběhový 1. I ______________________ (dance) with a beautiful girl at 8 pm last Friday. 2. While Jill _____________(go) to the station she _______________(meet) her old friend. 3. George ______________(get up), ______________(have breakfast), and then __________ ______________(clean) his teeth. 4. While I ____________(do) my homework, my little brother ____________(play) with a car. 5. They ______________(come NOT) yesterday. Minulý čas prostý x předpřítomný čas 1. We _________________(know) each other since 1999. 2. Jim _______________(win) the competition in 2003. 3. I _________________(work) in Sokolov for three years . 4. ___________ you __________ (have) a party on your last birthday? 5. They __________________(be NOT) to Australia yet.
Modals: can, can´t, could, couldn´t, have to, must, mustn´t, needn´t (doplňte vhodné modální sloveso podle smyslu věty) You...............................smoke in this restaurant. It´s non-smoking. People in Great Britain...................................drive on the left side. John....................................swim when he was 1. Students................................... sleep later on Saturdays because they...................................... go to
school. I´m sorry, I ............................... speak English well.
Prepositions: in, on, at (doplňte předložku in, on, at) 1. My friend studies......................school. 2. The picture is.................the wall. 3. I will see you................Monday. 4. Let´s meet …........................the afternoon. 5. My birthday is...................March. 6. We decorate the tree..............................Christmas. 7. My sister goes skiing.......................... weekends. 8. Our teacher was born........................the 1st April. 9. He´s the best athlete............................the world. 10. What´s …............................TV tonight?
Adjectives, adverbs Doplň tvar přídavného jména nebo příslovce: This is a …..........................song (nice/nicely). The shark moves …...................... (quick/quickly). He is …..................... at English (good/well). Použij správný stupeň přídavného jména: He is as …................ as me. (old) Peter is the …........................... boy in the class. (clever) The book is …..............................than the film. (interesting)
Some, any, much, many, a lot of Doplňte správný výraz There aren´t …................. supermarkets in this town. How..........................are these oranges? They are 20 crowns a kilo. I can see …................... people in the square. How........................books does she have at home? Is there …...................milk in the fridge? I´m going to buy............................ new clothes.
Phrasal verbs Vyberte vhodné frázové sloveso: get up, look for, look after, look at, look up, look down, be interested in, sit down, stand up, put on, switch on, switch off, get on, get off, wake up, fall off, fall down 1. Nurses in hospitals …................................. ill people. 2. I can´t …............................... my computer, I am afraid it´s broken. 3. Be careful! You could ….................................... the bike. 4. Please, could you tell me where I must …..................... the bus. 5. „..........................................., please. The teacher´s coming.“
There is/ There are Napiš, zda se následující věci nacházejí nebo nenacházejí ve vaší třídě. Použijte vazbu there is/there are – windows, blackboard, teacher, dogs, fridge 1)................................................................................................................................. 2)................................................................................................................................. 3)................................................................................................................................. 4)................................................................................................................................. 5).................................................................................................................................
Conditional clauses Přiřaď správné dokončení věty: If it rains
I would come to the party
I went out. I won´t go out. I wouldn´t go out. I didn´t go out if she called. if she will call. if she would call. if she calls.
Word order Vytvořte věty s použitím všech slov: /grandma, afternoon, why, visit, didn´t, your, you, yesterday, ?/ …................................................................................................................................. /before, comes, eight, to, never, my, friend, best, school, ./ ….................................................................................................................................
Zájmena a přivlastňovací pád Přeložte slovní spojení: 1. její sestra 2. s našimi 3. tento stůl 4. ve vaší škole 5. Petrova babička 6. tyto knihy 7. pro ně přáteli 8. o něm
Doplňte členy a/an/the do vět. Kde není člen potřeba, volné místo proškrtněte: There is……….. cup on the table. ………… cup is red. …..................Paris is.................interesting city. It is ….................capital of …........France. I like...................apples but I don´t like …..................apple juice. She is ….................youngest in her class. I live in.....................Czech Republic.
II. POROZUMĚNÍ TEXTU YOUNG AMERICANS My name is Sarah and I’m African American. I´m seventeen and I live in Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn is a part of New York. I was born and grew up in Chicago, but my family moved here three years ago because my father got a better job there. I’m in the 11th grade at Brooklyn High School. About 97% of the population is white there. Some people call it „Brooklyn’s whitest school.“ No wonder everyone looks at me! My best friend at school is Spanish, but I also have a good friend from Vietnam. Most of my other friends are black. I don’t think the problems between African Americans and white Americans are ever going to go away. I’m working hard at school because I want to become a doctor like my father. I’m Jose Rodriguez. I’m fifteen and I´m Mexican American. I come from Mexico City. That’s the capital city of Mexico. My family emigrated to USA, California, San Diego. We moved because of the drug war. I like reggae and I like flamengo. I eat hamburgers and tacos! There are about 600 kids in my ninth grade class at high school. I think our school is OK. This January I’m leaving San Diego. I’m going to Washington D.C. because I want to become a politician. One day, I plan to come back. There’s o lot I can do in San Diego. I’m Robert Badener and I’m Native American. I’m sixteen and I live in the Navajo reservation in Utah. How did I get my German name? In the 1940s my grandad Peter was touring Germany with a cowboy-and-Indian show. At the time, Navajo Indians had only first names. When the group wanted to come home, the Germans wouldn’t let them leave the country without a family name. Guess where the group was. In Baden. All Navajo boys love football. I’ve been playing since I was five. I want a good life for me and my people. I’m in the 10th grade and I’m trying to do well so I can go to college and play football professionally. My name is Simone Benito and I’m seventeen, I´m Italian American . I came to Washington D.C. from Rome, Italy three years ago. It wasn’t a shock for me because I had an idea of what life would be like. You see, we had grandparents here. The first few months were very difficult. I had to learn English again and I had to learn it fast! Some people thought my Italian-style English was cool, but for me it was important to understand everyone. Now I’m in the eleventh grade at high school and I’ve made a lot of friends. One day I hope I will have my own business. Maybe an Italian caffe! I miss my cousins, but life is good. I drink cappuccino and I also have a motorcycle. I would never have that back in Rome! Napište jména z textu: _________________ is the youngest of the four young people _________________ grew up in Europe. _________________ has friends from different cultures. _________________ is finishing high school this year.
Vyplňte tabulku podle textu: Name Age? Type of American? Home state? SARAH
Grade? Aims?
Mexican American 16
Professional football player 11th
Jsou tyto údaje pravdivé (T), nepravdivé (F) nebo na otázku neznáme odpověď (N)? Sarah goes to a school in Brooklyn High School, NY Jose wants to go to Miami when he´s older Robert´s mother comes from Germany Simone´s father has a café in Washington, D. C. Napište správně nepravdivé věty ze cvičení 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Odpovězte na otázky: Why does Sarah say, „No wonder everyone looks at me!“? Why did Jose´s family decide to leave their home town? Is „Badener“ Robert's real family name? Explain. What was hard for Simone at the beginning in Washington, DC.
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